01x10 - Shelter Me

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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01x10 - Shelter Me

Post by bunniefuu »

[Opening theme song]

♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge
of surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be all right

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here


"Shelter me"



[Newscaster] what started
as a tropical depression

Several days ago,
off the hawaiian island,

Has finally reached
the coast of california.

The storm came ashore
just north of san clemente,

And has beach communities
in los angeles county

Preparing for what could be

The worst we've seen
in eight years.

These pictures
are a graphic reminder

Of the millions
of dollars of damage done

When that storm caught
the southland off-guard.

This time, authorities are busy evacuating people

From hermosa beach
all the way north to malibu.


Who was that on the phone?

My mother.

She has another prospective
client for me to meet

When we go up next week.

Anything interesting?

A friend of hers wants me
to draw up a new will,

about cutting out his wife.

Why's he want to do that?

He claims
she's trying to k*ll him

By cooking with too much salt.

The weather is gonna be bad.
We're really gonna get it.

You know,
we could go someplace else,

And see your parents
another time.

Gina. Let's not have
this conversation again.

My mother already knows we went
to new york last spring

To see your folks.


She keeps a little scorecard
on her refrigerator.

If we go to see your parents
more than my parents,

She'll hit me
with that favoritism thing.

And I'll never hear
the end of it.

That's the craziest thing
I've ever heard.

We've been over this
a hundred times.

We're going to san francisco.

Just once, I'd love to see
you do something

That was not planned out.

Do something spontaneous!

You wanna see
something spontaneous?


Watch this.


Garner to baywatch. Come in.

[Mitch] go ahead, garner.

I hope you're snug
as a bug down there.

Yeah, don't worry about me.

I'll be out there shortly.

How's the evacuation going?

We're taking
some of the homeless,

And everybody else with no place
to go, down to the shelters.

I've got a nice
hot cup of coffee

Waiting for you here.


I'm gonna check
under the pier and I'll be in.

Oh, and garner?
Try and keep your feet dry.

I wouldn't want you
catching a cold.

Yes, mom.

You guys take off.

If I find anybody else,

I'll take them
to lifeguard headquarters.

Okay, right.


Anybody down here?
We got a storm coming in.

[Frank] it's a cop.

Come on now, I'm just gonna
get you outta the bad weather.

Hey! Come on out!

[Suspenseful music]

[Shot fire]

[Shot fire]


Oh, no! You, jerk!

You had to go and k*ll a cop?

What was I gonna do?
He recognized us.

You don't know that!

He was just looking for bums.

No. Uh-uh.

I saw the look in his eyes.
He recognized us.

Every cop in this city's
looking for us.

Maybe he'll wash ashore
in hawaii someday.

I am not going back to jail.
Not again.

Let's get out of here.

[Voices from the tv]

No, consuelo.

[Soap opera in spanish]

Not the pig farmer.

He's not good for you.

[Telephone ringing]

[Telephone ringing]


Mr. Dietz?


Mitch bucannon.

Listen, is my roof gonna
be alright in this storm?

What roof?

[Whooping laughing]

I'm sorry. I'm kidding.

As long as we get it down
before the rain hits,

You don't got nothing
to worry about.


Great. Ah...

Will you call me
if there's a problem?

Absolutely right.

Alright. I gotta go.

[Hangs up the telephone]


and slightly smaller waves

Up from santa monica
and will rogers beach.

But checking zuma
and broad beach,

Surf is expected to be
in the four to six foot range.

So wax down your sticks
and pack up your woodies.

This is captain don thorpe...

This is captain don thorpe
speaking for the kbla's...

Surf report.

[Clears throat]

Oh... Sorry, sir.

I didn't mean to sneak
up on you like that.

As a matter of fact, I had
no idea you were still here.

I was just on my way out.

All right. How was it?

Super! Great. I mean...

What exactly were you doing?

I'm practicing for an audition

I have to take at kbla.

They called down here to see
if anybody was interested

In trying out for a new
radio spot they are doing

With the daily surf conditions.

You'll be a hard man to beat.


I figure with my qualifications,

And incredible charisma,

I might have a pretty good shot.

Why not? Wish me luck.


-Hello, craig.

What're you doing here?

Where you going?

I'm gonna take a final patrol.
Make sure the beaches are empty.

I'll navigate.



[Radio] all units...

You wanna tell me about it?

Tell you about what?

[Wry laugh] okay.

Gina thinks everything I do has
to be perfectly laid out.

She thinks I'm not capable
of doing anything spontaneously.

You're not.

Oh, come on.


Craig, it's no big deal.

It's just that some people
have a deep seeded,

Psychological need
to always be in control.

You function better when you
have everything planned out.

Have you been watching donahue,
or something?

You always take sausage
and mushrooms on your pizza,

You always leave dodger games
after one out in the eighth,

You get your hair cut
every three weeks,

And I bet you lay
your clothes out

Every night
before you go to bed.

Ha! I don't lay my clothes
out before I go to bed!

Every night.

It's no big deal.

So you're predictable.

Come on.
Let's check the restrooms.

About time you guys got here.

You didn't think we'd rest
until we found you, henry?

You boys are too good to me.

I hope you got something
to eat back there.

Yeah. Come on, henry.

Hey, you can wait the storm out
at headquarters.

We'll be alright.

This place floods.
You'll have to come with us.

Come on. These boys will
take good care of us.

Thanks. We appreciate it.

Are you nuts?
We can't go with them!

They're a couple of lifeguards.

What can they do?

[Elevator arriving]

Let me help you with that.

We got it.


This is kind of a neat idea.

I've never been
to a hurricane party.

Well I know this isn't
officially a hurricane,

But I figure we might
not get another chance.

Besides, I love a good storm.

I love a good party.

You're both gonna
love these movies.


The three stooges,
laurel and hardy

Tweety and sylvester?

What? I love tweety
and sylvester.

So does craig.

Where is craig, anyway?

I think he went
in to headquarters.


We kind of had a little
fight this morning.

What about?

I mean--

You know the dumb part?

We weren't fighting
about anything.

You don't have to go on, gina.

No. It's no big deal.

When you get married, you'll
understand that every so often,

You have to fight.

It's like a requirement.

I can't wait.

The dumbest thing

S you find the stupidest
things to argue about,

Even if you're not really mad
at the other person.

I think it has something
to do with making up.

Where you going?

[Door closing]

Married people
can be really weird.

Oh, I don't know.

You're not married
and you're really weird.

Ow! What--


Everybody off the beach?

I hope so.

I just brought in three more in.

One of them has
a cut on his face.

Wanna take a look at it?


Hey, mitch. Hobie called.

Everything all right?

Yeah. Call him at home.
He said it was important.


[Dietz] take it easy on you.

[Telephone ringing]

Hello? Hi, dad.

Hey hobe, what's up?

Everyone got sent home from
school because of the storm.

Everything all right?

It depends.

Depends on what?

Depends on what home
owner's liability means.

What happened?

Some guy fell off the roof.

They're taking him
to the hospital for x-rays.

Did they finish getting
the roof down?

Not completely,
but we got it under control.

Alright, I'll get home
as soon as I can,

But this storm might hold me up.

It's getting bad out there.

Okay, bye.

I'll go get more.

You think
you should call your mom?

Why? She'd just make me go home.

The wind was blowing so hard,

I wasn't even sure
where I was going.

This storm came in so fast,

I guess we were lucky
to get out of it.

I've seen it get
pretty bad out there.

Yeah? How long
you been doing this?

I started lifeguarding
in high school.

I never knew they made
such pretty ones.

[Suspenseful music]




Baywatch headquarter

[Frank] d*ck.

Get in here.


I don't like this.

What's not to like?

We hang here until after
the storm, then we split.

I don't know, not after
what happened this morning--


Look, no one has any reason
to suspect anything.

We just got caught in the storm,
like the rest of these folks.

But what if that cop--

[Whispering] shut up!

He is dead.

All we gotta do is play it cool.



Come on.

That was my mom on the phone.

She's gonna pick me up
after the storm.

That is, if you don't mind
me waiting it out with you.

Mind? No, that'll be just fine.

What if the roof blows off?

No chance.

How do you know?

The workman said he laid down
his best tarp up there.

He personally guaranteed me
we have nothing to worry about.

That's reassuring.

What do you--

What were you gonna say?

No, go ahead.

I was just gonna say
maybe I should...

Get up and check the place out.

See if all the windows
are secure and everything.

I think maybe
I'll go in the kitchen and...

Make some coffee.



On a day like this,

There's nothing like a good,
strong cup of coffee.

[Shower running]

[Suspenseful music]

[Steps approaching]

[Suspenseful music intensifies]

[Gina] rattail!


I thought we outlawed
those in mazatlan?

Oh, no, señor, we're not
in mazatlan anymore.


You brat!

What're you doing down here?

-Give me my towel.

It was a stupid thing
to fight about.

No, it wasn't.

I gave the whole thing
a lot of thought.

-You have?
-Yes, I have.

No more plans,
no more schedules,

No more predictability.

[Rock music playing]

Okay, your turn.

[Man] good luck, man.

Peterson, right?

[Clears his throat]

Excuse me. Are you like
a bus driver, or something?

[Door opening]

-Captain thorpe.

You here for the audition?

Yes, that's right.

We might be here a while.

The road is blocked.

The police aren't
letting anybody put.

k*ller accent man.

"God save the queen," right?

I didn't know any
of the other guards

Would be trying out for this.

Yeah, I noticed you didn't
exactly spread the word

When the station called
headquarters asking for people.

Scared of a little competition?

I'm gonna tell you something,

And it's only
because you're a neophyte,

The lowest rookie on my beach.

I'm here because I'm the most
qualified person for the job.

That's a good one.

You really look like you're part

Of today's surfing scene.

I could barely pick you out
from the rest of this pack.

[Suspenseful music]



Come in. Anybody.

Officer in trouble.

Can you read me? Come in!

Come in.

[Ominous music]

[Ominous music intensifies]


I'm sorry if I scared you.

It's all right.
I just didn't hear you come in.

This place is amazing.

I never would have guessed
so much goes on in here.

It's a bigger job
than most people realize.

All the trucks
and equipment you guys have.

And a kitchen!

Man, it's really something.


You know, I really appreciate

You taking care
of my face like that.

It's no problem.

What were you doing out
in this weather, anyway?

Like I said earlier,

The storm hit awful fast,
kinda caught us off-guard.


Well, I see you.

Yeah, see you.

What's going on?

She suspects something, d*ck.

[Newscaster] southern
california's really taking

This storm on the chin.


The national weather service
has upgraded it

To a tropical storm

With winds gusting to 69 continues to batter the coast.

We're reporting a section
of the pacific coast highway,

South of malibu
are closed due to flooding.

So what's with this weather,

What do you mean?

I mean, whatever happened
to it never rains

In southern california?


That song was written
by the chamber of commerce.

[Music playing]

You know,

We used to get weather
like this back in philly,

Except it was a lot colder
and it'd last for weeks.

I think it's kinda romantic.

What's romantic about the rain?

I don't know.

I guess it reminds me
of dave williams.

Dave williams?


He was my first boyfriend
back in fourth grade.

I remember he came over
one day and it was raining.

And my mom had just gone
to the grocery store,

And we were home alone in the
den, watching the munsters.

That is romantic.

Shut up.

Anyway, I knew
he really liked me

Because he would write me
notes all the time in class

And I knew he wanted to kiss me.

Did you let him?

Every time he was about to try,

He would start sweating
and hyperventilating.

So, finally, I kissed him.

And how'd he take that?

I don't know.

We were, like, an item
for a couple weeks

And then he dumped me
for k.c. Mulligan.


What about you?

I -- I don't remember.

Everybody remembers
their first kiss.

Now, come on. Let's hear it.

Come on!

I was maybe, what? Thirteen.

Late bloomer.

[Laughing] yeah, yeah.

I guess I was kinda
like your friend dave.

Except the thought of kissing
a girl didn't make me throw up.

Susie depinho.


I had it all planned out.

As soon as the train went
into the 10th street tunnel,

I'll make my move.



And I chickened out.

But I did get that kiss.

Yep. Down on the wharf,

In front of all the old
schooner ships.

You're right.

It is something
you never forget.

[Romantic music playing]

[Romantic music continues]

Okay. I talked jill
into coming to the party.

Did you talk
to eddie and shauni?

Phones are out.


Let me check
the downstairs line.

Maybe it's just that
cranky old switchboard.


[Low voice] operator.


I can barely hear you.
There's lot of static.

Can I help you?

This is the baywatch
lifeguard headquarters--

[Muffled screaming]

[Muffled screaming]


Gonna call the cops, huh, baby?

Gonna call the cops?
Don't think so!




Back off, pal.


No, you back off, pal.

All right. Just take it easy.

Everybody better take it easy.

Okay. Now,
every stay real relaxed

And no one's gonna
get hurt, okay?


Come on.

Are you out of your feeble mind?

What are we gonna do?

Maybe you should've
thought of that

Before you pulled your g*n.

let's just get out of here.

We gotta wait
till after the storm.

You know what your problem is?
You don't think.

You're the same stupid --

Shut up! I do think.
I always think.

That one recognizes us.
That one recognizes--

Okay. Shut up.

Excuse me.

I just wanna know
what's going on here.

Is this some sorta
stick-up or something?

Yeah. That's right.

We couldn't decide
whether to rob a bank

Or a lifeguard station,
you sand-for-brains.

Now, stay there and shut up.

Make sure all the doors
down here are locked

And we'll move
everybody upstairs.

We should try and reach
garner on the radio.

I talked to him this morning.

He said he'd stop
by after his patrol.

Maybe there's
some way we can reach

Or tip him off we got a problem.

Okay. We're all locked in now.

Okay, everybody. We're gonna
wait this out upstairs.

Come on. Move it!

Cover them.



[Trying to open the door]

[Shot fire]

[Shot fire]

Hey, what the hell is that?

Somebody's trying to call
in from one of the towers.

Okay. Well, answer it.
Get rid of it.

Come on. Now.


Mitch, this is garner.

What are you doing out there?

I need help. Somebody fired me
under the pier.

You gotta be the only
lifeguard crazy enough

To work a tower today.

Are they there?


Yeah. The place
is all locked up.

Why don't you just go home
and get some rest, huh?

Mitch, be careful.

If they are who I think
they are, they were doing time

On a m*rder rap
at terminal island.

One of them shot me.

[Disconnecting call]

Who was it?

One of my guards.

If you're lying,
you're the first one I k*ll.

It was garner
that called in from the tower.

Does he have any idea
what's going on down here?

Yeah. He's got a real good idea.

He says one of these guys
shot him.


These characters
are real bad news.

They're the two that escaped

From terminal island
at long beach.

Thanks for the sweats.

You're welcome.

Days like these you just
have to put on your comfies.

Yeah. I know what you mean.

-What's wrong?

Oh. Nothing's wrong.

You just--

You look really great
in my sweats.


I wonder where craig
and gina are?

I don't know, but I'm starving,

Enough for gina's goat dip.

Well, I'll fix you something.


Okay. If you're volunteering.

Let's see.

Grilled cheese and tomato soup.

-I think I can handle that.

It's kinda like you
and your comfies.

To me, a day like this
calls soup and sandwiches.

That's cute.

How about some music?

Sure. Anything in particular?

Something soft.


[Soft rock music playing]

You know...

That kiss kinda surprised me.

I guess it kinda
surprised me, too.

[Soft rock music playing]

♪ Oh, oh, yeah

♪ Oh

♪ We have known
our greatest pride ♪

♪ But you said it
before my eyes ♪

♪ I dream of you and me

♪ Take on the road
to make you see ♪

♪ Just one kiss
and I cannot resist ♪

♪ And now you have my heart

♪ Just one kiss to find
a love like this ♪

♪ And we'll never part

♪ Just one kiss is all it took

♪ Uh

♪ Oh, oh

♪ Oh, baby

♪ Eh, eh

♪ Just one kiss

I think it's a big mistake,
us waiting around here.

The highway's flooded.

Soon as we leave,
they'll radio the cops.

We could take one
of them with us.

This guy is
really giving me the creeps.

Don't pay attention.

Honey, he's staring at me.

[Terror music from tv]

Why is that,
that in monster movies,

They always do weird
things with their eyebrows?

What do you mean?

You know?

How about when they know the
monster's hiding in the attic,

But they go up there anyways?

That's so fake!

All they have to do
it get out of the house.


You know, this storm reminds
me of the watermelon baby.

So let's hear it.

Okay. But I'm warning you,

It's not pretty.

The watermelon baby
lived in this old, scary,

Broken down,
house out in the woods.

His mother kept him
locked up in a root cellar.

How come?

Because he was half animal
and half human.

Anyways, during a storm,

You could hear
the watermelon baby howling.


He hated thunder.

So, finally, during one storm,
it got so bad.

His mother couldn't stand
listening to him anymore,

So she ran out into the rain
and unlocked the cellar door

Then what?

Then after all those years
of being fed

Nothing but watermelon,

He was waiting for her.

He k*lled her?

Then he ran out into the woods
and was never seen again.

Supposedly, during a bad storm,

You can still hear him howling
out in the woods at night.

[Wind howling]

You're just trying to scare me.

Is it working?



Don't worry.
It's only the power.

There. See?

There's nothing to worry about.

Could-- could you...

Hold me?

Just for a minute.


The emergency generator
will keep us lit for a while.

I wouldn't tax it too much,

Just in case.

Get up.

Come on, I'm not gonna hurt you.

Hey, what are you doing?

Hey, I'm gonna take
a look downstairs!

These boys won't give you
any problems

As long as I have a little
collateral with me,

Now will you, boys?

I'll go with you.

Oh, thank you.

But you're
not even my second choice.

Sit down. Sit down.

Double-dare me, lifeboy.
You know I'll do it.


Come on. Up, up, up. Let's go.

Up. Come one, sweetheart.

Why don't we go
for a little walk here, huh?

Right this way.

[Loud crash]

-Get down!


[Glass smashing]

Hold on.

[Shot fire]

[Gina] craig!


[Mitch] don't sh**t!

Don't sh**t

I'm telling you, frank.
Just be cool, okay?



Shh. How does that feel?


You are in big trouble, mister.

What did I do?

Could've gotten yourself k*lled,
that's what you did.

Ah. Gina...

He wasn't gonna drag you
downstairs for a nice stroll

Through the locker room.


I love you.

We're gonna get out of this.

[Rock music playing]

[Thorpe] how'd it go?

They loved me.

Said I was just the sort
of colorful personality

That they're looking for.

So, what kind of stuff
did they ask you?

Strangely enough, because this
is surf report, mostly surfing.

But I guess you can
skip over that part.

Oh, I know a thing or two
about riding a wave, trevor.

Although, I don't usually waste
my time with the kind of mush

We've got here
in santa monica bay.

Where do you waste your time?

Away, sunset beach.

Two weeks every winter.

I used to compete there.

Hell, I competed everywhere,
even your own australia.



The last time was
the gold coast, 1968.

Only three of us made it

To the final round
of competition.

I lost out to
a local named midget--

Midget farrelly?


You're kidding me.

You remember him?


Remember him? He was my idol.

I'd nearly break my neck

Trying to pull
of some of his maneuvers.

[Laughing] he was amazing.

I had no idea you were--

Hip? Cool?

Full of it.

Don't listen to him, man.

Earlier he told me
he was lifeguard.



[Generator's engine working]

[Engine dies out]

What the hell's going on?

The generator's run out of gas.

There's more in the garage.

Shut up.

[d*ck] hey, hey.


You know how to deal with this?

Look, why don't we
just go down there--

Was I talking to you?

How about it?

Yeah. Sure.

You're coming with me.

Anybody get out of line,
you sh**t them.

Wait a minute. Give me that.

The generator's in a shed,
outside the garage.

Okay. Go on.


[Thumping and groaning]



d*ck? Everything all right?

What's going on here?

You tell me.

He's got one of my people
with him.

Come here. Bring that light
with you. Come on!

Give me that light.

Hold up.

Anybody moves an inch,

By the time I get back,

I will waste him.

Go. Go.


Go on.

You okay?

You okay?

d*ck, quit playing around.


-You all right?

The santa monica pier, long-time landmark of that town,

Seems to have weathered
the storm pretty well.

We're getting reports, though,

That the redondo pier
wasn't so lucky.

[Car horn]

That's my mom.

Listen, hobie.
Thanks for everything.

You gotta go?

Yeah. My parents
are probably freaking.

You know how they can be?

Yeah. Sure.

I guess that verbal guarantee
the workman gave you

Wasn't good for much.

Yeah. Well, I'm sure
my dad's gonna have

A couple choice words
with that guy.

[Car horn]

Well, see ya.

Alex, wait.

Being with you today was great.

I think you're great.

I think you're great, too.

Call me?

Rock music playing on radio]

[Radio host] we've got a new
surf reporter at the station

And says we should have quite
a swell for the next few days.

[Thorpe] that's right. And it'll be plenty dangerous,

So I don't wanna see
any surfers out

Until the waves
have calmed down.

Hey, man.
What are you talking about?

Lifeguard's gonna be busy enough without having to babysit

A bunch of hotdogging airheads

That don't know enough
to keep out of storm waves.

Who let that guy in here?

[Ending music]
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