01x09 - The Cretin of the Shallows

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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01x09 - The Cretin of the Shallows

Post by bunniefuu »

[Beginning theme music]

-♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge of
surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be all right

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

[Suspenseful music]

[Suspenseful music continues]

-Lost enough sleep
because of you two.

It's over.

No mercy.


You're dead.

E2, g4,

Queen takes king.

Checkmate tsumi, my friend.

[Radio frequency]

[Man] I congratulate
you victor.


- You are the true victor

Or maybe it was luck.

It's still early.

Let's play another game.



Are you afraid you'll lose?

Victor, are you there?

[Suspenseful music continues]

- Victor?


- Victor?

[Suspenseful music]

[Suspenseful music continues]

[Suspenseful music continues]

-Eddie, I got to have more to
go on than "the guy was big."

-How about, he packs a
wallop like mike tyson?

-Here's a cup of herb tea maybe
that will make you feel better.

-Listen, garner, the guy
came out of nowhere.

I saw his face for a second
before he punched me.

It was grotesque man.

His face was painted
like a dead guy.



-Why don't you let me take
you to the hospital

And get that checked out?

-This isn't from the fight.

It's my wisdom teeth,
they're at the back,

They have to come out.

-You were on night shift with
a mouth full of bad teeth?

Look, I don't want you going
on duty until they're out.

-Come on, mitch!

-I know a great oral surgeon,

His name is caleb.

He is a 20 year recurrent.

I'll tell him that
you're a rookie,

I'm sure he'll
squeeze you right in.

-Caleb, isn't that
the clumsy lifeguard

With hands like cement blocks?

-Yeah but you should see
him on a surf ski,

Like lightening.

-How is he a dentist?

-Oh, he's fast and painless.

-Yeah, well he's fast anyway.


-[Knocking] eddie,
please unlock this door

Or we're going to be late.

-I'm not going.

-Don't make me resort
to senseless v*olence

Because I don't want to.

-I'm not going.

-You're going to make me
break down this door.

-I don't like knives, gina,

And needles, and doctors.

They lie to you.

They tell you this is
going to sting a little bit

And then, they gorge your
eyes out with a hot poker.

I have a very low
threshold for pain.

Let me put it to you
another way. I hate pain.

It bums me out.

-This isn't working.
-He won't come out.

-Please talk to him.
-Eddie, you got to come out.

-That's very effective.

-Eddie, I've known
cal for years.

He's good. He's very good.

-At what? Surf skiing?

-[Laughs] no, mitch was
just having fun with you.

Caleb yanked at-- extracted
my wisdom teeth years ago.

He uses a little gas,
you have sweet dreams,

You wake up, it's over.

Eddie, this is nothing compared
to what you went through

At rookie school.

It'll be a piece of cake.

It'll be over with
before you know it.



-Gina, will you stay with me?

-Yes, I won't let you go
till it's over.

-All right.

-Ah, oh!

-I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

[Hastings] the ocean and the
beaches are the lifeblood

Of southern california.

They not only provide
entertainment for our residents,

They attract millions
of tourists as well.

I'm well aware that attracting
tourism is good for business,

But we must not cater
to the almighty dollar.

We must protect the rights
of the homeless and the hungry.

Captain thorpe, I'd like
to extend my sincere thanks

To you and your people
for helping us

In our battle
to keep our beaches,

The natural resources
we must protect and treasure.

-Senator hastings, thank you
very much for those kind words.

And we do appreciate you
taking time of your schedule

To come out here and
help cheer us all on.

-My pleasure.

-He makes me sick.

Look at that suit, that hair.

How did he get elected?

-That suit, that hair.

-You will be at the hotel
opening next week?

-Oh, yes.

-Oh, come on! Dawson lost
the election. You didn't.

-I worked hard for dawson

Because he's the
best man for the job.

-Ladies and gentlemen,
thank you.

I appreciate you coming
out on such short notice.

Senator, this way.

Senator hastings,
my lieutenant, mitch bucannon.


-And this is craig pomeroy.

-Oh, yes, member of the
current lifeguards, lawyer,

Loyal campaign worker
for the opposition.

-How is dawson?


-I heard rumors he took
losing the election hard.

Man dropped out of politics and
opened a dry cleaning business.

-No, he didn't
drop out, senator.

He's just waiting
for the next election.

-Good, at least he will have
clean clothes while he waits.

[Laughs] I'd like to ask
your opinion, captain,

On our food collection
bins for the beaches.

-Oh, I think that's
a wonderful option...

-What a phony.

-What's wrong with
collecting food for the poor?

-The kind of poor he represents,
have expense accounts.

[Greg] ooh!

[Shauni] ever consider
knee pads?

-Knee pads are for wimps.

Real men don't wear knee pads.

Be gentle, okay.

-I wouldn't do anything
to hurt you.

-Really! No, I mean,
of course you wouldn't.

[Shauni] I wish
you'd be more careful,

Today it's your knee, yesterday
you scrapped up your back.

You have to start watching
where you're going.

Hey jill!


-You spend more time here
than you do on the beach.

-Yeah, well, you know,
I like the view.

-Keep it dry, okay?


-Keep it dry on the beach.


-Bye, shauni.

-See you.


-You got to talk to him, shauni.

-Okay, so he's got
a little crush on me.

There's nothing wrong with that.

When I was his age,
I had plenty of crushes too.

I still do.

-I'm not talking
simple crush here.

I'm talking raging,
out of control hormones.

I mean the guy is cutting
and scraping himself

Just so that he can come
here and have you fix him up.

You got to talk to him.

Otherwise, it's just
going to get worse.


Why did she do it, huh?

-Why did who do what?

-Why did she go
to the hamburger stand?

-I don't know, eddie,
maybe she was hungry.

-She lied to her daddy.

She was supposed
to go to the library.

I mean, that's what she
told her old man now.

-Are you okay?

-I'd really love to have
a t-bird one day...

Or a corvette!

Hell, I'd love to have a car.

-Hey, you're sweating.
-It's hot.

-You know what always made
me feel better as a kid?

-Soup! What's your favorite?

Do you like chicken noodle,
chicken with rice?

-Ooh! Ahh!

-Just name it, eddie.

I'll take good care of you.

Just tell me what you want.

Plenty of rest and
you need soup, eddie.

You need it real bad.

I know, I'll make what
my mom used to make me

When I was a kid and I
wasn't feeling very well.

I am really very good at this.

I will put the roses back
in your cheeks in no time.

I promise you, eddie,

You will be feeling better
before you even know it.

Don't worry about a thing,
I'm on the case.

You'll be just fine now.

I'll be right back


[Anderson] senator hastings
wants this opening

To go without a hitch.

And look at this place,
it's a disaster.

[Candance] yes, mr. Anderson.

-I paid shwietzer good money

For first class workmanship.

Am I right?

-Yes, mr. Anderson.

-I know you're not a
professional, candace.

But tell me, does this look like
first class workmanship to you?

-No, mr. Anderson.
-You're exactly right.

It's not first class,
it's not even second class.

This is no class.

The men who did this job
should be reported.

No, I take it back. They're
probably not even licensed.

They should be deported,
kicked out of the country.

Call shwietzer.


-Not now, candace,
in the morning.

You've been moody all night.

-I have not.

-Not true. I know your moods.

-Well, when are you going
to give me a raise?

-That's why you're upset? I pay
for your car, your apartment...

-You promised.

-I know. You'll get it.


Call shwietzer five sharp.

If she hangs up, call back.

Tell her I want what I paid for.

Tell her if I refuse to
accept anything less than...

-Less than what?




[News reporter] when pressed
for details about the m*rder,

Officials on the scene
refused to comment.

Arnold anderson, the contractor of the santa monica shores hotel

Is survived by his wife
and their three children.

We now go to our
onsite reporter,

Who is with
mr. Anderson's secretary,

An eye witness to the m*rder.

They were inspecting the hotel before it's opening

When mr. Anderson was k*lled.

- We were just talking

And there was this monster
standing behind him.

- Monster?

- He was very ugly.

You know, white faced,

Looked kind of like
a skeleton or something.

- A skeleton?

- Yeah.

-How could I have done it?

- How did you get away?

- I don't know. I fainted.

-Fainted, that's a good one.

-You don't believe her?

-Do you?

-Look at her.
She's young, pretty.

I mean, he's old.

[Craig] do you know what
the word "affair" means?

[Gina] yes, I know what
the word "affair" means.

Gosh, it doesn't mean
you have any proof.


Do you know what happens when
a married person has an affair?

I'll tell you what happens.

Somebody ends up
with a broken face

Or they end up dead.

-[Glass smashing] ow!

Oh, oh, oh.

-Eddie, what are you doing
with your foot in the sink?

-It's nothing. No biggie.

I just burned my foot when
I dropped the coffee pot.

-Are you okay?
-Yeah, I'm fine really.

-You're not fine,
you're a disaster.

Now sit up here and let
gina take care of you.

I got a meeting.

And don't give her a hard time

Or you're going to answer to me.

-I'll get the butter.

-No. No butter, please.

-Ice. Ice works better.

-Ice works better.

Okay. Oh, wait a minute,
I'm not finished yet.

-I'm in pain. I need to rest.

-Did you take your pain pills?

-Okay. I'll be in to
check on you later.

-I'm fine.

[Hastings] you bet I have.

The heinous m*rder

Of a respected citizen
of our community

Is not the kind of publicity
that I want for our beaches.

[Man] come on, move it in now.

-Woman: okay, get closer.

-There's no doubt about it.

That guy's going
to make my life hell.

-Worse than that!

Wealthy contractor,
m*rder on the beach...

A politician like hastings
is already turning this

Into a three ring circus.

-Any leads?

-Besides a secretary
with a bad memory

And a steak knife
with no prints?

-What about the
other night, garner?

The guy eddie
knocked heads with.

-Because they both said
that the suspect was ugly?

-There's a quote for your
notebook, suspect is ugly.

-Yeah, that could be
either one of you guys.

I'll see you later.


-What's up?

-Get out!


-Okay. Okay.


[Rock music playing]

-♪ Tu-tu-ra-tu-tu-tu-tu

♪ Tu-tu-ra-tu-tu-tu-tu

♪ She's my obsession

♪ And I'm gonna make her care

♪ Crave her attention

♪ Then she kills
me with that stare ♪

♪ She's a show stopper

♪ Show stopper

♪ Chart topper

♪ Chart topper

♪ I love her
and it feels so good ♪

♪ She's a show stopper

♪ Show stopper

♪ Mouth dropper

♪ Mouth dropper

♪ I love her and it feels

♪ It feels so good

♪ Tu-tu-ra-tu-tu-tu-tu

♪ Tu-tu-ra-tu-tu-tu-tu

♪ Too optimistic

♪ And I'm never giving up

♪ Never giving up

♪ I know my persistence ♪

♪ Will someday be enough

♪ Someday be enough

♪ She's a show stopper

♪ Show stopper

♪ Chart topper

♪ Chart topper

♪ I love her and
it feels so good ♪

♪ She's a show stopper

♪ Show stopper

[Hastings] mary, mary, relax.

-Victor has gone.
No word, no trace.

How can you be so calm?


Listen, victor was
on his boat, right?

Anything can happen at sea.
It's a big ocean

-Don't toy with me, thom.

-You calm yourself. I have my
people looking for victor now.

Mary, I don't mean to hurt you,

But it's my bet that victor
took his money and left.


-He wouldn't do that.
He loves me.

Anderson was m*rder*d.
I could be next.

-I've taken precautions.


Because if garth did it,
he'd be after you too.

[Mitch] the empty boat
that washed ashore

On the beach of zuma

Belonged to a victor polson,

As a result, captain thorpe

Wants the 24-hour shift doubled.

-Oh, man.

-What about weapons, lieutenant?


-Yeah, we're going to need
more than our good looks

To defend ourselves
out there tonight.

-Newman, we're not policemen.

We're just an extra set
of eyes on the beach.

If you see something
irregular out there,

Please, just call it in.

Make sure your radios
work before you leave.

I want you in constant
communication with headquarters.

And I will see you
in the morning for coffee.

-Mitch, hey! You got
an assignment for me?

-Yeah, yeah. You sure you okay?

-Yeah, I am.


Okay. You're in unit 16.

-Okay, with whom?

Craig, you're with eddie.

-Umm, mitch, maybe I can partner
with newman or something?


-Ready to rock and roll?

-You bet. Yeah. Yeah.

[Ominous music]

[Craig] tim ryder. You know him?

[Eddie] yeah.

-What about his wife donna?

-Never met her.

[Craig] great gal. It's a
shame they're breaking up.

It's funny. You see a couple
and they seem so in love.

They're happy together.

Well, I guess looks
can be deceiving.

[Man] hey, mary!

-Hi, joe. How are you?

-Nice to see you.

-Yeah, I spent a couple of hours
with tim the other night.

Talked till I was hoarse,
but he didn't want to hear it.

I mean, I can't blame the guy.

You find out your wife's
having an affair...


-Come on. Good boy.

Hey, boy! Come on.

Come on.

[Suspenseful music]

-I mean, what kind of guy would
do that with a friend's wife?

You drive.

[Craig] eddie, let's go.


-Come on, boy.

-[Dog barks]


-[Distant barking]
-hit the spot, would you?

-[Distant barking]


[Distant barking]

[Distant barking]

[Elevator moving]

-I'm beat.
-Me too.


What are you still doing up?

-I couldn't sleep.

I saw you guys on the news.

-Yeah, there were
reporters everywhere.

-And police.

We spent the last hour and
a half talking with garner.

-This is creepy,
a psycho on the loose.

Are you guys okay?

-It's not the best night
I could ever remember.

-The woman who was k*lled,
who was she?

-Mary porter. She was a nurse.

-Unemployed, member
of the beach club,

Condo by the water,
rolls-royce, she was loaded.

-Maybe I should go
to nursing school.

-Yeah, I know the whole
thing's bizarre.

You know, I was thinking
about her. I mean, the thing--

Well, the thing is in
garner's ballpark now.

I got to go to bed.

-[Clears his throat]

-Tonight must have been rough.

-Yeah, give me
day patrol anytime.

-Well, whatever it's worth,
you looked great on the news.

Goodnight, eddie.


-Mitch, mitch.

-You got a minute?

-Sure, what's up?

-[Sighs] you know, this is--

Look, I got this friend, and
he's in a little trouble and...

-Oh! Go ahead kramer,
I didn't mean to interrupt.

-Yeah, sure, okay. Umm.

Alright, this friend... Um,

He has a friend and
his friend has a wife.

But she's more than just
a wife to a friend of a friend.

My friend's friend's wife
is also a friend to my friend.

Only something happened,

And now they're more
than just friends.

And my friend doesn't know
what to do about his friend--

The husband. You know,
my friend's friend's wife.

If you know what I mean.

-I haven't a clue.

-Neither do i.

[Thorpe] uh, the chief
is waiting for us, mitch.

-Hey, where were
you this morning?


-What time did you get up?


-We didn't get
to sleep until 2:00.

You got something on your mind?

Let's talk about it.


[Laughs] no. No.

-Okay, let's not.

So, did gina tell you
about the grand opening

At the santa monica
shores hotel?


-Tonight! She's got
her heart set on going,

And I've got my heart
set on you taking her.


Why do you want me to take her?

-I got to work and I hate
to dance. She loves to dance.

So what do you say?

What do you say?

What are you afraid
of something?

-[Laughs] afraid?

Of course, I'm not afraid.


-Take her? I'd love
to take, really.

-She's good, huh?

-You were sick,
she fixed you right up.

-Yeah. I'll see you.


[Pop rock music playing]

♪ Someone put a spell on me

♪ I just can't believe

♪ Nothing's what
it seems to be ♪

♪ You put a spell on me

♪ I think I'm in a trance

♪ And there's no chance

♪ To make it to the end

♪ You're everywhere I turn

♪ Can't seem to get
you out of my head ♪

♪ Now things are
getting strange ♪

♪ My mind can't seem
to rearrange ♪

♪ The thoughts inside my brain

♪ Are making me so crazy

♪ Someone put a spell on me

♪ I just can't believe

♪ Nothing's what
it seems to be ♪

♪ You put a spell on me

♪ A fever coming over me

♪ 'Cause you put a spell on me

♪ Nothing's what
it seems to be ♪

-Waiter: here's your plate.


-No problem.

-Living the life of luxury, huh?

-There's plenty of cokes,
plenty of busboys

Just nobody to cook for.

Come have a bite,
it's on the club.

-Oh, no, thanks! I just ate.

-At least have an orange juice.

It's pretty dead around here.

-Yeah, it's pretty
dead everywhere.

No surfers, no swimmers,
no joggers.

-Just a lunatic
looking for victims.

The one last night was
a member of the club.

-Yeah, I know. Sorry.

-So, the police
have been here yet?


It kind of surprises me.

Friend of mary porter.

-Are you sure about that?


I saw the two of them
together yesterday.

You'd think a state senator

Would raise hell about
that sort of thing.

-You'd think so.


[Shauni] hi.

-Pretty quiet, huh?

-It'll pick up later,
like it always does.

-I think I'll take a workout
before I start. Do you mind?

-No. They sure don't
need two of us today.

They don't even need one of us.


-I'll take a turn
when you get back.


-Patricia. Beth.
-Hi, mitch.

[Garner] why are you getting
involved in this anyway?

-Civic duty.
-Forget your civic duty.

I catch bad guys,
you save lives.

-Let me finish, okay?

-Finish, I got to
get out of here.

-Trevor saw hastings at the
beach club with mary porter.

-So, what?

-She's all over the morning
news, stabbed to death,

But just a few hours after
she was last seen with him.

Can I go now, counselor?

-How can you call
this coincidence?

Especially when he's
being so quiet about it?

-How do you put up with him?

-When he's talking about
thom hastings, you don't.

-He's in this thing
up to his neck.

-He doesn't like the guy.
-He's scum.

-He calls him names.

-These two killings
aren't random.

-He accuses him
of all sorts of things.

-m*rder is a little much.

-Yeah, m*rder is a little much.

-Hastings accepted
campaign contributions

From arnold anderson, who was
k*lled outside the hotel.

-Quarter of a million dollars.
-How do you know that?

-Public record.

-Okay, I checked public
records this morning,

But that means hastings
knew both victims.

-There goes your
coincidence theory.

-And here goes the
old beach cop downtown.

-You are not going to do
anything about any of this?

-Of course, I am. I am going
to pass this information

Along to the task force

And I want you to butt out.

-Okay. Fine. No problem.

-I mean it now.


-All right.

-I need to use your phone.
-Who you gonna call?

-County nursing association,

To find out what they
know about mary porter.

-Be my guest.

[Ominous music]


-Hey garner!

-How'd I know you'd show up?

-You don't have to like it,

But I have taken
an interest in this case.

-I don't like it,
and you're late anyway.

They took the body
away an hour ago.

Victor polson. He's been
dead a couple of days.

-Yeah, he's a building
inspector for the city.

I know all about him.

I made a few phone calls
after you radioed his name in.

-Then you also know we're not
ready to connect this m*rder

To the other two.

-You're not going to call this
one another coincidence too?

-Why not?

-Garner, garner. You've been
drinking your mouthwash again.

-You just love to
irritate me, don't you?

-Victor polson was
the building inspector

For the santa monica
shores hotel.

-He what?

-I knew that would
get your attention.

Something about that hotel
is looking more and more

Like the root of all evil.

-Or a lot of very bad luck.

The contractor who built it,
the guy who inspected it.

-Maybe even the woman who
owned the land originally.

Nadine dickenson. She died
suddenly a couple of years ago.

Right after she refused to sell.

-Hmm, nice work!

Still irritated with me?

-You damn right!

-Where you going?

-To write another police report

Titled, lifeguard to the rescue.

-There you go.
I like the sound of that.

-I bet you do.

-Watch your feet.

[Closes car's door]

-I saw your little
admirer on the beach

With a set of golf clubs.

-On the beach?

-He was practicing
his sand sh*ts.

Or so he says.

He wouldn't stop so I had
to confiscate his golf balls.

Did you talk to him?

-No. But he hasn't hurt himself
and I haven't seen him all day.

I'm telling you he's harmless.

[Hitting a ball]



-Okay, I'll talk to him.

What do you think you're doing?


-Not on the beach.

-I'm gearing up for the masters.

Hey, have you ever played?

Come here. This is a great
game. Just hold this.

-Greg, will you let go of me?

We have to talk.

-Well, you bet. Tonight?

-No, I'll pick you up.

-No, I don't want you
to pick me up.

-Good, 'cause actually I don't
have my driver's license yet.

-We have to talk about this.

-Let's save the talk
for dinner, okay?

I don't want to like run
out of conversation, you know.

-We have to talk about you
not bothering me anymore.

-Bothering you? You know,
I kind of thought--

-Listen, I like you.

-Great! Because, you know,
I like you too.

Whoo! For a second there,

I thought you were going
to say something awful,

Something that would just
like tear my insides out.

-You have to stay away from me.

No more golf balls, no more cuts
and bruises, no more visits.

It might hurt you now, but it
will be better in the long run.

You'll see.

-Are you serious? I mean...

You want me
to just like go away?

-Completely and unconditionally.

I'm sorry.

-Your word is my command.

I'm outta here.

Hey, shauni.

Do you think that you could--?

Just one brief
first and last kiss?

You don't know how much
this will mean to me.

Come on, I'm begging you.

And then I swear, I will
leave you alone forever.


Ha-ha, you suckers.

I told you I'd get
her to kiss me.

I don't know why you doubt me.

Now, come on, let's see it.

-Hi, greg!

-Hi, jill!

-Double or nothing.

-You got yourself a deal, bud.

[Knocking on the door]

[Gina] eddie? What's going on?

Open up!

-Yeah, yeah.

-You're not dressed?

-Yes, I am.

-No, not exactly.

Shores hotel, grand opening, big
party tonight, you're my date.

Button me up.

Eddie, we're going to be late.

-Six years. Right.

And how much was she making?


I've got him now.

-Don't tell me, thom hastings.

-Victor polson.

-Aha, excuse me,
I really want to get home

So I can finish these reports.

-You know who the coast guard
said reported polson missing?

-Wild guess, thom hastings?

-Mary porter.

-Mary porter?

You know, if two people were
working on these reports--

-I did some checking.

Mary porter, according to
the county nursing association,

Spent the last six years
working for one employer.

And do you know who
that employer was?

-Got it! Thom hastings.

-Nadine dickenson.

-Nadine dickenson?

-Nadine dickenson was
on welfare all that time.

There's no way she could
afford to pay mary porter

Enough to buy that
condo and that car.

You coming?



[Sighs] where?

-3985 Ocean avenue,
nadine dickenson's house.

It's time to confront
the real villain in all this.

-Nadine dickenson?
-No, thom hastings.

Nadine dickenson
died two years ago.

-Oh. Thom hastings.

Well, what makes you think
thom hastings is a real villain?

-3985 Ocean avenue is where
they just happened to build

The santa monica shores hotel.

Explains a lot, doesn't it?

[Suspenseful music]

[Craig] all right, all right.
Now, for the last time,

Nadine dickenson won't sell.

So, arnold anderson pays
a building inspector

To condemn her house.

[Party's murmur and music]

[Man] hello, senator.

-Good to see you.
Glad you could make it today.

[Craig] so, nadine dickenson
fights the condemnation order.

Somebody slips her nurse
a couple of extra bucks

To put arsenic in her orange
juice and nadine is history.

[Mitch] what does thom hastings
have to do with all of this?

-That's what we're
going to find out.

-And-- and what were we doing?

-We were making love.
That's what we were doing.

-We need to talk, right now.


[Party's murmur]

-Just calm down.
You got me really confused.

-You're confused?

-Hey, honey.
-Hi! What are you doing here?

-Long story.
-Nice studs.

-Yeah, you look good too.

-Listen, craig, we were just
talking. Right, gina?

-Ignore him.
He's just losing his mind.

-Play it cool.
-I'm the king of cool.

-All right, you promised me.


-Listen, there's been a
really big misunderstanding.

-You bet there's been
a misunderstanding.

Gina, look I can't
handle this anymore.

[Man] thank you very much.

-Well, what a surprise.

No one's drowned
in the fruit punch yet,

But I'm glad you're
here just in case.

-Three people you used
to build this hotel are dead.

And that's a pretty funny
coincidence, don't you think?

So, what kind of dirt
did they have on you, scum?

-Scum? That's playing it cool.

-I bet they can't close
the cash register around here

With prying your fingers out.

-You've dived into too
many sand bars, pomeroy.

And if you don't
watch your mouth,

You'll be in the dry cleaning
business yourself real soon.

-Face it, you're going down.

-In your dreams.

-Look out!



[Gina] eddie, eddie!


-Craig, help me!

-He's got gina.



[Mitch] craig,
I'm right behind you.

[Craig] gina!







-[Gina gasps]


[Gina] craig!


[Gina] craig!

[Craig] jump away from the boat!

-No! No!


-Okay, it's all right.
It's okay.

It's okay.



-Okay now.

Easy. Easy.

-I love you.

[Garner] take him away.
-Policeman: yes, sir.

-Are you telling me
this weirdo in the make-up

Is nadine dickenson's son?

-Yeah, son and only
surviving heir.

-Which means he would have
inherited his mother's house?

-Yeah, beach front
property worth millions.

-I guess he didn't like the way
hastings and his associates

Were doing their business.

-Or disposing off his mother.

-I remember putting
an ice pack on your face

And rubbing your back.

No, the rest of it
is very fuzzy to me,

But if you say so.

-You think I dreamt
the whole thing?

-Oh no! Of course, not.

You took a lot of pain K*llers.

-Oh, jeez!

-It never happened, eddie.

-Don't tell me.

-It never happened, I swear.

-But I remember it.

-I don't.

-This is really embarrassing.

-I think it's sweet.

I can't wait to tell craig.

-No. No, please don't.

-I'm teasing you.

I'm teasing you. I am.

-It will be our secret.
I'll keep it with me forever.


-You got a great imagination,

And I'm really glad
you don't sleep walk.

-Crawling through sewers,

Jumping off of peers into
disgusting polluted sludge...


You guys just can't get enough
of the wet stuff, can you?

[Loud laugh]

[Ending theme plays]
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