01x07 - Rookie School

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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01x07 - Rookie School

Post by bunniefuu »

[Opening theme song]

♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge
of surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be all right

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here


"Rookie school"

[Man] where is she, vincent?

There she is!

Get her!

[Action music playing]



Get her! Now!

Get her.

[Eddie] gina,
this is on the list.

I can water the plants.

I know, that's okay.

It's just one less thing
you'll have to do, okay?

Oh. Did I put turn off
the studio lights on that list?

Yes, number 23 and 24,
radio and lights.

Right below turn off stove

And lock the windows
when you leave.


Okay, how about feed the dog?

You don't have a dog.

You're right.

Honey, what are you doing
with your tennis racquets?

They have seven tennis courts.

No! This is going to be
a romantic weekend.

I don't want you hot and sweaty.

I thought that was exactly
what you wanted.


Gina, relax.
We have plenty of time.

No. We want to arrive by one,
be nice and comfy by, three.

What's the rush?

Reservations for a mud bath.

Mud bath?

Nothing like a good cake of mud.

Makes your skin
ten years younger.

[Both] bye!

[Gina] you're tickling me.

Welcome to lifeguard tryouts.

Remember the ocean is not
your backyard swimming pool.

It's dangerous
and it's very unpredictable.

Last year it was savage
and ever-changing.

The year before that, it was
torturous and unforgiving.

The rules are very simple.

Swim straight out to that buoy,

Turn left around it,
swim parallel to the shore,

Swim to the other buoy,

Turn around that buoy
and come straight back here.

The first 25 people back
on the sand are in...

In for a grueling
training program.

Good luck to all of you.

You forgot the part
about walking on red-hot coals

And wrestling sharks.

I'm getting there. Thank you.

Who's he kidding?
A thousand meters is nothing.

I'm glad you think so.

Because any of you
who don't cut it today,

Will be swimming
twice that distance,

Every morning
until rookie school

Rolls around next year.

That's moving, inspirational.

You still got it, coach.

It worked for you.

I'm still having nightmares.

Mitch, I want you
to meet jeff dalander,

My best student
and your next top rookie.

Jeff, how are you doing?

He's a real softie, isn't he?

It's all right.

When I win my gold medal,
I'll have him to thank.

I see your lack of
self-confidence has rubbed off.

Good luck.

What are you doing here?

Preparing to waste six days
of my life in your little games.

I don't see a g*n to your head.

Funny, I do.

Come on!
Your beef isn't with me,

It's with the club.

They asked if I thought
they'd be better off

With a county
certified lifeguard,

And I innocently said yes.

You wanna control every grain
of sand on the beach,

Including the club's.

No. I want qualified lifeguards
on the beach.

You'd better leave
your attitude right here,

Or I'll boot you
out of the program

Before you even start.

All entrants
to the starting line.

The qualifying swim
is about to begin.

All entrants
to the starting line.

To the mark.


[People screaming]






[Cars honking]


[Man] we're almost there.
Less than a hundred.

Let's keep it up!

[Sirens wailing]

[Thorpe] heads up!
The first one is coming in.

[Man] congratulations.

Very impressive.

You dogged it, dalander.

I was first!

Out there maybe, not with me.

-[Man] way to go!
-[Man] not bad.

You made it!

Nice job.

What do I need this for, mitch?

Please, tell me!

[Man] good swim. Nice work.

At least
he hasn't lost his charm.

Good time.

Way to go!

-Looking good.
-You beat it, all right!


Whoa! Don't forget this!

It's always good to see
a woman in the first rank.

Way to go.

Welcome to rookie school.

Rookie what?

Are you all right?

Yeah, I'm fine.

I'll walk you up
to head-quarters.

You can rest there, okay?

Come on.

I'll get that.

bed & breakfast

Two hours? What do you expect
us to do for two hours?

We have a beautiful pool.

What about tennis? We have
seven professional clay courts.

I don't want to play tennis.

I want our room.

When I telephoned yesterday
I was promised

We could check in
as soon as we arrived.

Who did you speak to?

His name? I don't know his name.

I need to have a relationship
with your reservation's person

In order to get a room
around here?


We can't check
in for another two hours.

Three hours.

That's it.
Let's go to another hotel.

Excuse me.

Gina, slow down.

It's a great hotel.
We love it here.

Let's just relax.

What difference
is a couple of hours

Gonna make
in the scheme of life?

You've been saying that

Ever since I pushed you
out of bed this morning.

What's going on?
Are you getting cold feet?

No. It's just that...

You're turning this incredible
romantic weekend into--

Into what?

The indianapolis 500.

A lot of pressure to perform.

We went to the doctor's,
we know the odds.

If you don't get pregnant
this weekend,

I don't want you disappointed.



I love you.

I'm a romantic, mr. Pomeroy.

Nice race.


I'm trevor cole.

Jeff dalander.

Think you're pretty hot stuff,
don't you?

Top of the class.


We'll see about that.

[Eddie] where are your clothes?

It's actually kind of funny.

I barely get to town in time
for the tryouts and get robbed.

So where you from?


You came all the way out here

Just to be an l.a.
County lifeguard?


I mean, no.

Me too!

Yeah! I'm from philly.
Day before spring tryouts.

Sounds like we are a lot alike.


You live around here?

Yeah. A block from the beach.

It's great.

How about you?

Where are you staying?

You do have a place to stay,
don't you?

Not without money.

I don't have credit cards.

You do now.

At least, until monday.

In separate rooms.


You're welcome.

You look cold here.
Let me get some sweats.

I'll be right back. All right?

Yeah. Thanks.

Special rule.

All rookies have to have
a partner of the opposite sex

For the duration of training.

I'm trevor. Trevor cole.

Amy laederach. Nice to meet you,

But I've already got a partner.

That's right. And he doesn't
have a silly accent.


Good luck.

Don't believe a word he says.

Let's get out of here. I know
a great place to grab a pizza.

Terrific. I'm starved.

Whatever you've got to say,
say quick.

I promised to take
hobie to dinner.

I got a line on that car
that was all shot up.

It belongs to one howard ganza.

I should know howard ganza?

Not unless you're looking
for somebody

To move your narcotics,

Bribe public officials,
or slit your wife's throat.

Sounds charming.

A real low-life mobster type.

He's got a rap sheet
four pages long.

He's about as mean as they come.

None of those guys
are on the nice side, are they?

This one's real bad, mitch.

He k*lled his own brother
over a busted drug deal.

Man, I'd hate to be
the poor sucker

He's chasing right now.

[Eddie] here we are.

You live here?

Yeah. I have a room in the back.

This belongs
to some friends of mine.

I'm just house sitting
for the weekend.



Can I get you
something to drink?

Oh, no. Thanks.

Oh! Thanks for the sweats.


I'm kinda tired.


Yeah, me too.

Oh, I'm sorry.

My friends' bedroom
is around the corner.

You can sleep in there.

They won't mind?

No. It's cool.

What if I get up in the middle
of the night and steal you?

Then I get a problem.


Well, goodnight, then.

Yeah. Goodnight.


import export company

my favorite sports car...

Bang, bang, bang.

...shot to bits.

Which I wouldn't mind,

If there was a matching
body in the morgue.

I got a line on her, mr. Ganza.

Yeah? Good for you!

Now wrap it around her toe,

And put a little
white tag on it.

Okay, what about--

Don't worry about anything else!
Just do your job, okay?

Yes, sir.

And, vincent,
if she's with another guy...

Ganza imports

Bury him too.

[Craig] I could be
a good father.

-[Gina] uh-huh.
-I think I'd be good.

-I know I will.

Don't you think so?



I don't hate grandma.

Who are you talking to?

Ethel is a nice name, mom.

It's a nice name for grandma,
not for my little girl.

I thought we were incommunicado.

We are.

No, craig didn't
put me up to this.

Craig loves grandma,
and so do i.

We just hate her name.

It was supposed to be a secret.

It is!

Listen, I have to go.

No! No, please don't call me
here in the morning, okay?

Look, I'll call you
when I get home.

Yes, goodbye.

Wait. I mean,
let's invite her to join us.

Let's invite the whole family.
I could use the pressure.

Craig, it was only my mom.

Nobody else even knows
we are here.

Maybe we should've
invited the press.

Let everybody participate
in the suspense.

Will they make
a baby or won't they?



You're having second thoughts,
aren't you?

Second thoughts, third thoughts.

I'm kind of scared.

Me too.


Hey, amy!


You better hurry
or you're gonna be late!

Especially since we might
be going out for coffee first.

Yes, I'm desperate!

That address book's my ticket
out of here.

Okay, okay.

Overnight. I'll hang tight.

Send it to amy laederach,
care of baywatch headquarters,

Pacific coast highway, la.

Yes, I know my name.
Just do it, sis, please.

Come on, hey.

[Switching on and off]

Come on.

I found it in the closet.

I hope you don't mind,

Until I get some new clothes
of my own.

How do I look?

You look fabulous.

A little overdressed
for headquarters.


Rookie school.

I forgot all about it.

You forgot?

How could you forget
about rookie school?

You're a rookie! That's what
you came out here for.

[Coffee machine hissing]

Coffee is ready.

How did you sleep last night?

Not very well.

That makes two of us.



Welcome to rookie school.

Our swim yesterday
was fun and games.

Now comes the hard part.

[Rock music playing]

♪ We gotta roll
with the punches ♪

♪ We gotta move with the times

♪ We gotta find

♪ What we're missing

♪ We gotta prove
we're still alive ♪

♪ There's no limit to

♪ What we can do

♪ We're comin' for you

♪ We're comin' for you

♪ We gotta use the adrenaline

♪ We gotta see
with our own eyes ♪

♪ We gotta taste

♪ Our own medicine

♪ We gotta know

♪ There's still time

♪ There's no limit to

♪ What we can do

♪ We're comin' for you

♪ We're comin' for you

♪ We gotta flow
with the moment ♪

♪ We gotta reach
through the flame ♪

♪ We gotta roll
in like thunder ♪

♪ We gotta blow them all away

♪ There's no limit to

♪ What we can do

♪ We're comin' for you

♪ We're comin' for you

♪ There's no limit to

♪ What we can do

♪ We're comin' for you

♪ We're comin' for you



Not a weight lifter, are you?

Just wake me for the next event.

Come on, trevor. Shake it off.


What's your problem?

You really want
to hear me say it, eh?

It's called exhaustion.

That went out with leather
football helmets.

Haven't you beard the miracles
of modern science?

Coach coglin's miracle elixir.


Keep them, I've got more.

No, thanks, mate. Bad news.

You gonna narc on me?

It's your body.

You want to wreck it,
that's your business.

No smoking

How are the private lessons

Don't be mean. Eddie's sweet.

He's done a lot for me.

Lucky you.

How come I get the feeling
you don't want to be here

Any more than I do?

[Mitch] all right, everybody up!

In the water. Five laps swim.

Five laps around the buoy
and back.

Let's go!

[People screaming]

[Loading w*apon]

[Silenced shot]





[Girl] my leg!

Okay. Take it easy.


Get an ambulance now!

Okay. Okay.


What happened?

I don't know.

She's been shot.


It's all right.

Find anything?

No. Not a trace.

Who the hell would want
to sh**t a rookie lifeguard?

You got me.

Do me a favor. Pull the plug,
until we comb the area.

I'm tempted to cancel
the program completely.

You won't have to go that far,
starting tomorrow,

We'll post a few men
on the sand, keep an eye out.

Talk to you later.

Yeah. Thanks.

Amy! Are you here?



[Sighs] I've been looking
all over for you.

I know you must've been scared,

But you shouldn't have
left like that.

I was going to steal you blind.


I came back here
to take everything I could sell

And get out of town.

I should have done it.

I shouldn't have stayed.

What's going on?

I've got to think.
I've got to clear my head.

Wait a minute, amy. Hey.


I can handle it. Don't get

I'm already mixed up.

If I can make it to tomorrow,
I got the cash and the passport.

-I'll go to brazil.
-Stop it!

What the hell is going on?
Talk to me!

Let's just say I had a spat
with my boyfriend.

So he's trying to sh**t you?

That's the kind of guy he is.

He kills people.

And he wants to k*ll me.

If he finds us together,
he'll want to k*ll you, too.


Because he's brutal,
and jealous...

And I know enough
to put him away.

Then do it!
The phone's right over there.

Yeah, right.

I'll show you
how to call the cops. Do it!

And what? Spend the rest
of my life running?

Seems like you're gonna
be doing that, anyway.

Why would you get mixed up

With a guy like this
to begin with?

[Sighs] we met about a year ago,
at a party.

He said he was an importer.

Importing what?

What do you think?

I didn't know.
I didn't know for months.

Until a couple of fbi guys
showed up with a search warrant.

Too bad
they didn't find anything.

Why didn't you leave then?

I tried.

He threatened to k*ll me.

He's been threatening
ever since.

And you couldn't take any more,

So you decided to make
a break for it.

And ended up in the middle
of rookie school.

I kindda cheated.

[Laughs] I kinda figured.

Sorry, eddie.

You know...

You can't hide out here forever.

How about until tomorrow?

My sister sent me a package.

It's my insurance that he won't
try to k*ll me again.

It'll be at lifeguard
headquarters in the morning

Then I can get out of la.
Go anywhere I want.

I'll be out of your life.

I promise.

Who says I want you
out of my life?

[Distant screaming and laughing]

Could our marriage be
any better than it is? No.

And why?

Because we respect and admire
each other as people that's why.

Did we jump into having kids
like eileen and ted? No.

And why?

Because we knew our relationship
had to be really solid

Before bringing another person
into this world.

-[Man moaning]
-[woman] oh, yes, yes.

That's what makes
this weekend so perfect to me.

We waited until everything
was just right.

[Woman] lou, I'm gonna faint!

I'm gonna faint?

Everything was just right,
except your choice of hotel.

I know that guy behind the desk
did it on purpose.

We wanted a romantic weekend,
he gave us animal house.

Honey, they'll stop soon.

You said that two hours ago!



Wait-- craig!

[Woman screaming]

[Couple laughing]

Hey, lou!



I thought it was teenagers,
college kids at best.

But no, it's some middle aged

Balding guy
and his little woman.

Ah... Sorry, buddy.

Do you have kids?

What? Having kids gives you
the right to ruin my weekend?

[Lou] we have kids.

[Woman] three girls, two boys.

This is our first weekend away
from home

In nearly five...


[Woman] six years.

Look, we'll keep it down.


It's okay.

Sorry I bothered you.

He kept her busy, all right.

Five kids...

First weekend in six years.

It's them, not us.

Chained to the house...

They'll be in my paints,
my brushes.


We have a great relationship,

Maybe we should just
go to sleep.


[Amy] you know those times
you'd like to put in a bottle

And keep forever?

I guess. I never thought
of it that way.

This is one of them.

Yes, it is.

Mmm. I wish
I didn't have to leave.

I wish I could just stay here
and be safe.

You're safe.

[Man] come on, guys! Dig! Dig!

What's going on?

I've got them doing
a 500 meter run-swim-run.

How are they doing out there?

Not bad.

Either of you seen eddie today?

No, I haven't seen him
since yesterday.

Maybe he picked up something.




Call it in!

Lincoln 108 to kmf 295.

Medical emergency
in front of tower 19!

[Gasping] help me.

Hold on!

What happened?

He grabbed his chest
and went down.

Get the pulse.

Yeah, he's breathing.

Possible cardiac arrest.

Get the resuscitator.

[Man] he passed out.

And the back board!

Did we enjoy our stay?

Oh, yes, we did.

It was memorable.

It was our pleasure serving you.

Please keep us in mind
for your vacation needs.

Excuse us. We wanna check out.

Was there something wrong
with your room?

It was fine.

If we hurry, we can just make
the first flight out.

[Craig] hey, lou!



I thought this was
your big escape.

It was our youngest, valerie.

She fell on her face.

That's terrible!

No, it's wonderful!

We hate ourselves
for missing it.

It's a moment
you can't get back.

You wanted to see her fall?

We wanted to see her first step.

It's okay, honey,
we'll be there for the second.

[Bell ringing]

We want a room.

How's the kid?

Lot better in shape
than in story.

He's in stable condition.

It's strange, though.

An 18 year-old kid,
in top shape,

Has a heart attack.

Lot of heart trouble
going around these days.

Looks like howard ganza's
got his share.

Who's that?

It's catherine baker,
ganza's girlfriend.

We lifted her prints off
the steering wheel

Of that car we found
all shot to hell.

First sign
of a relationship in trouble.

If I see her,
should I detain her?

No, I think you ought to duck.

Wait a minute.

Garner, I know this girl.
She's a rookie lifeguard.

A rookie lifeguard who was
in the water yesterday?

Yeah. She's buddy-buddy
with eddie.

As a matter of fact,
neither one showed up

For the training session
this morning.

Come on, eddie. Coffee's on.

I'm coming.

You know what time it is?



You know what that means?

You missed rookie school
and workouts.

It's okay.

I'm thinking about dropping out.

That's okay with me.

[Door slamming]

What a sweet scene.


How does it feel to be back
in my arms again, baby?

[Shauni] no sign
of eddie anywhere?

No. The loft was empty.

It doesn't mean
anything bad happened.

Doesn't mean it hasn't.

The police put out an apb.

The best they can do.

I never liked that girl.

Take it easy. I'll let you
know if anything happens.


What's up?

I need to talk to you
about jeff.

Pretty shocking, huh?

A young kid like that
having a heart attack.

If I knew something like that
was gonna happen before...

What are you talking about?

He was taking steroids.


He showed me,
and offered me some.

Where did he get them?

Your old mate,
the swimming coach.


I blew it.
I should have said something.

I turned him down,
I should've turn him in.

I didn't want
to look like a bad sport.

Pretty damned stupid reason.

Yeah! I agree.


Now jeff's lying
in a hospital bed.


I want to resign
from the program.

That'd be
pretty bloody stupid, too.

Resignation not accepted.

Funny. I expected you to say yes

Before I finished the sentence.

I don't think you and I are ever

Gonna see eye to eye
on anything.

But what you just did,
coming here and telling me,

Took a lot of guts.

I respect that.


[Howard] that's good, cry.

Keep on crying, it gets
the adrenaline pumping.

That way she'll be conscious
if I smack her around.

[Cry laugh] you used to love me.

Yeah, well, you of all people
should know how that passes.

Give me my book!

I don't have it, okay?

You have to believe that.

You got the hots
for this guy, don't you?


I see it in your eyes.

They gave you away two days ago

And they give you away now.

Help me out here, vince.

Vince always knows what to do
in situations like this,

And his eyes never
give him away.

k*ll him unless I hear what
I want by the count of five.

One, two, three--


I mailed it to my sister.

I had her send it
to lifeguard headquarters.

Don't k*ll him.

Get it
from lifeguard headquarters.

[Mitch] yeah, I understand.

Hey, coach. Morning. Sit down.

Yeah. Count on it.

Been to the hospital yet?

I thought I'd swing
by this afternoon.

He's a good kid. Good athlete.

It's a real shame.

I had high hopes for him.

There are other good ones
on the team.

I'm sure once
you work with them,

You'll bring them up to speed.

Yeah. They don't call me
a taskmaster for nothing.

[Laughs] yeah, you'll just
pass out a few more pills

And have them all swimming
like hell in no time.

I'm sorry.
What did you just say?

I talked to one
of the other rookies,

And I just got off the phone
with the hospital.

Jeff was using steroids
and you were supplying them.

Anything for a win,
right, coach?

You gotta understand something.

You gotta understand!

You're out of business.

You're no longer
a coach or a lifeguard.

You can't do this to me!

I already have.

Your athletic director's
on his way to the hospital.

He wants you to have a little
conference with jeff's family.

Oh, yeah! The police
are looking for you too.

I thought you were my friend.

Get out of my headquarters.

Yeah, I've got it right here.

[Amy] come to the marina.

Don't tell anyone,
it's embarrassing.

Don't worry, we've all run
out of gas before.

I'll bring you money
in 20 minutes.

[Hangs phone]

Oh, lieutenant...

I just got a phone call
from amy laederach.

Where is she?

At a boat house in the marina.

She wants me to meet her
there alone with this.

Did she say anything
about eddie?

No. What's he got
to do with that?

I'll explain on the way.

We'll call garner
from the truck.

Turn around, lover boy.

It's a good thing
we're gonna k*ll this kid too.

He wouldn't want to live
without you anyway, babe.


We're here, garner.

Where are you?

On my way, mitch. Sit tight.

[Opening handcuffs]

Get the book!

Be real convincing, okay?

Go ahead.

Here comes amy.

How are you doing?

This what you wanted?


See you around.

[Mitch] just keep calm.
Good job there.


[Trevor] shouldn't we wait
for garner?

There's no time.

Let's get them on the boat.

Gonna dump us at sea, huh?

I haven't decided, yet.

Sure you have.


-Come on!


Bye, sweetheart.


[Howard] she's going down, pal.

I got you, it's okay.


[Sirens wailing]

Wipe that smile off your face.

There are still a few slots
in rookie school open

I could talk to the captain,
you know, pull a few strings.

What you're talking about?
You know I hate the water.

This is your fault.

Next time,
call me before you go out

Chasing crooks, all right?



You'll never keep that promise.

Of course I won't.

We county lifeguards
are men of action.

Aren't we?

Make yourself at home.


I'll send these clothes back
when I get...

Get wherever I'm going.

Don't worry about it.

Just bring them with you
next time I see you.

There isn't going
to be a next time.

New name,
new social security number.

New city. New everything.

Can't let the bad guys get me.

I'm going to miss you, eddie.

I'm gonna miss you too.

You can come hide out
with me any time.

[Elevator moving]


-Hey, guys.

This is amy.

Hi. Nice to meet you.

I have an outfit just like that.

Oh, well, actually--

Sorry. We can't talk.
We need some privacy.

The weekend isn't over
until tomorrow.

[Ending music]
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