01x22 - The Curse of the Buddy Buddy Temple

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Sonic Boom". November 8, 2014 - October 4, 2017.*
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Sonic and friends Tails, Knuckles, Amy and Sticks tries to ward off the evil plans of Dr. Eggman who is taking over the world.
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01x22 - The Curse of the Buddy Buddy Temple

Post by bunniefuu »


Dr Eggman,
why did you call us here?

All will be revealed
in due time, my friends.

We're still waiting
on one more arrival.

But I have a noon shift
at Meh Burger.

If I'm late, I'll never get
that raise to minimum wage.

[all] Yeah, yeah.

Fine, fine, we'll get started.

In this room
I've gathered a rogues' gallery

of the most vile, nefarious,
repugnalevolent evildoers...

Repugnalevolent? Is that a word?

It didn't need to be until we
had this much evil in one room.

Anyway, you're here because
we all have something in common.

A love of fine cheeses?

Well, yes, but besides that
we all share a mutual enemy.

Sonic the Hedgehog
and his rodent friends.

We must stop them
before they destroy us all.

Thanks for helping me build
my Bjornvaalden bookcase

from that foreign
build-your-own furniture store.

-That's it?
-They fit a lot in one box.

Whoa! Ugh!

These are some fine cheeses.

But where are the crackers?

I wanted everything
to be perfect.

Keep calm, everyone.

I'll send Orbot out to
the store. Oh! Crisis averted.

[male voice] So this is why
you called me here.


Shadow the Hedgehog!

Hey, everybody, look.
Shadow's here.

I knew those embossed
invitations would impress.

-Who's he?
-Only the second most popular character

in the whole canon.

Let me get you a chair,
Mr Shadow.

Ugh! Ohh!

I prefer to stand.

Of course. You rogue, you!
I like standing too.

Everyone, on your feet.

[all groan]

Where were we? I'll just
start at the beginning.

There are no words,
just pictures.

Just like the novel I'm writing.

Good plot, but the characters
are all over the place.

And so,
with my superior leadership

and your blind loyalty,

we'll finally be rid
of those meddling muskrats.

Hey, how come
you're calling the sh*ts?

I'm the best villain here.

I spent more time in the pen
than all of you combined.

That just proves you're the best
at getting caught.

What we need
is an educated fellow.

An organised leader

who knows how to keep
hotheads like you under control

and can maintain
parliamentary procedure.

Objection. Anyone can learn
parliamentary procedure.

Point of order.

"Objection" is courtroom terminology,

-not parliamentary.

As anyone
with even a cursory knowledge

of the sci-fi classic
"Battleforce Galaxian" knows,

our leader should be
a young, inexperienced teenager

who's destined for glory.

Lest you want to repeat
Admiral Glork's mistakes.

You're losing focus!

Remember, I'm the one
who called this meeting.

And great job, by the way.

Who picked out this stemware?
It's barely worth stealing.

[all arguing]

Come on, Eggman,
get it together.

I know what this group needs.

Time for
some team-building exercises.

Fall backward into your buddy's
arms and let them catch you.

This is called a "trust fall".


My fault. Should have given you
a heads-up. That was on me.

You never know what's going
to happen on the b*ttlefield,

so it's important
to think on your feet.

This is a game I used to play

with my old improv troupe,
the Gigglesnorts.

It's called "Zip-Zap-Zop".

We pass around
an imaginary ball,

saying "Zip", "Zap" or "Zop"
as we go.

I'll start. Zip.


Uh, that's to you, Shadow.

You want to zap that one
over to Dave?

Maybe zap that bad boy
back to me, huh? No?

-He "pffted" it.

We'll count that. Great job.

Silence, fool.

[all gasp]

I've suffered your presence
long enough.

No, no, don't go.
We're not done bonding yet.

We were gonna roast wieners
and play flashlight tag.

We're making history here.

This collection of villains
has never been assembled before.

I see no villains.

Just some fools whose
only ability is wasting time.

-That's something, isn't it?
-No. Not really.


How do we tell the difference
between Side A and Side C?

Side A should have
one more L-bracket.

-You mean T-bracket, right?

Tails, so help me,
if you've been confusing

L-brackets and T-brackets
this whole time...

Who used all the D-screws?

All I have left are J-knobs,
which are worthless.

And has anyone seen
Back Panel G?

Uh, I think I found it.

Uggh! Ohh!

Great. Now we have to go back
and exchange the whole thing.

Come on, let's pack it up.

No fair! Sonic always beats me.

With Shadow on our squad,
we had a real chance.

He's so cool and edgy.

If standing in the corner while
everyone has fun makes you cool,

I must have been the coolest
guy at my junior prom.

And we all know that's not true,
so I say nuts to Shadow.

He's not a team player
like the rest of us.

With Dr Eggman's
superior leadership skills

and our blind loyalty,

we can do whatever
we set our evil minds to.

Aww! Was that a callback
to my earlier speech?

You guys...

All right, team, gather round.
Here's the plan.

We've got
a brand-new Bjornvaalden.

Let's just build it here.

Then when we mess up
we can get yet another one.

Great idea, Sonic.

That's why I'm the leader.

Now let's dominate
this cheap piece of furniture...

to the best
of our limited ability.

We're out of parts
and instructions.

I think we're done.

Great work, team.

Did somebody call
for a dramatic entrance?

Tails, get an aerial survey.
We'll take him out from here.


Bogey on my tail.
Gonna try and shake him.

He stole my purse!
My baby... pictures.

An ambush!

Knuckles, that one's all you.

Your team is stretched a bit
thin, you periwinkle pipsqueak.

I can take you one on one
any day, Egghead.

Who said anything
about one on one?

You've got to be kidding me.

It's working.
The plan's actually working!

Over here,
you oversized can opener!


Call off your g*ons or
I'll smash you into next week.

I'm busy next week.

I mean, I could reschedule,
but I've...


Even with all this help
you still couldn't defeat Sonic.

It's happening! Shadow
has joined Team Eggman!

I'm geeking out here!

Need any help, Shadow?

OK, you got this one.

Ooh, that just missed you.
Allow me to...

OK, just tag me in
when you're ready.

Out of the way, you buffoon.

Excuse me. I'm with Shadow.

Hey, we worked all day on that.

Your shoddy craftsmanship brings
shame on all hedgehog-kind.

And for that, you shall perish.

We did it! Sonic was defeated
by Team Eggman.

-Victory selfie!

You fool! I had him
just where I wanted him.

Sorry. That one's on me, Shadow.
Forgot to turn off the flash.

Pic looks great,
if it's any consolation.


How can a guy destroy his foes
with dolts like you around?

We'll fight again soon, Sonic,
but next time... on my terms.

[all] Yeah!

Great job, everybody.

We may not be able
to build a bookcase

but we sure as heck
can clobber some creeps.

Speaking of which...

Now, guys,
let's not point fingers

about who's to blame
for this little scuffle.

Ohh! Ow! Hey!

What a swell adventure.

I sure hope
there's more next year.

Just think of all the hundreds
more stories to be told

using the same eight characters
and four locations.

The possibilities are limitless.

To be on the safe side, we could
start an internet petition.
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