Norm of the North: Family Vacation (2020)

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Norm of the North: Family Vacation (2020)

Post by bunniefuu »

King Norm, Ruler of the North,
Titan of the Tundra,

Potentate of the Pole,
the Sultan of Snow!

That's all I got.


Wake up, you royal heinie!

I need food!

Have you thought about fishing?

Fishing? Hello! I'm a caribou!

I forage.
Lichens, sedges, shrubs.

The good stuff. The green stuff.
Do you even care?

Of course I caribou.
I mean I care about you.

You look skinny, Mickey.
You been working out?

Skin... What...

Whoa, what got into him?

Not food.

Try paying a little
more attention, Norm.

The crown never rests.


It could be my family!

Your family will have to wait
until you're done

- with your kingly duties.
- Oh, when is that?

After you've heard
the last complaint

from your subjects.

The snow is too soft!

- Uh-huh.
- The salmon are not running!


And can I call you
Mr. Poopy Pants from now on?

Uh-huh, definitely.



Uh... hi?

King Norm, I come before you
to ask your approval

so I can partake in the
Jubilee festivities this year.

- And you are...
- I'm Tiny.

No, you're not.
You're huge!

That's my name.
It's ironic.


I'm part of the North too,

and I want to be part
of the Jubilee.

Of course.
Uh, it makes sense, but...

But, well,
how can I put this politely?

It's just that you're a...

I'm a?

Well, you're a k*ller... whale.

Everyone's kinda scared of you.


Who's scared of me?

Hmm. It's my family!


Where are you going?

Um, family.

What? Wait!
Your crown!


Oh, I hate Mondays.

Game on, kids.

Chase? Maria? Quinn? Yoo-hoo.

Ha! Gotcha!




I've got you now!

No fair!

Oh! Oh! Oh!

I wonder who that might be.


Hey, hey! Whoa!

Catch me if you can!



Come to papa bear!

That's cheating!

You don't win until you catch
every last one of us!


I win.

He fell for it!


Get him, kids!

Oh! Oh, it's on now!

I mean business.

Do you?

Uh, it's not
what it looks like.

No. It's worse!

You're the King of the North,

The King!

When you placed that crown
on your head,

you took an oath.

Your subjects need you!

And instead,
you cavort and frolic?

Let's go!

Not again.

- Come on, Dad. Please?
- Just five more minutes.

Sorry, kids. Duty calls.

I won't be too long this time.

We've heard that before.

I got a little
more work to do,

but I promise,
when I get home tonight,

we'll play a game
of Snow Blast, huh?

Come on, what do you say?
You can't pass up Snow Blast!


- You promise?
- I promise.

When have I ever broken
a promise?

Since you've been King,
all the time.

Well, not anymore.
I decree it.

Tonight we will have
the greatest game

of Snow Blast in history!

You're on!

Be careful what you wish for,

for I am Norm,
King of the Snow Blast!

Oh, grow up.

Hello, folks!

This year's Jubilee
promises to be

the biggest and best ever

as the new
King of the North, Norm,

takes his place
in the pantheon of the greats.

Once again,

you're right on point there,

Definitely in the panth-y...

Whatever you just said there,

That's what it is.

This all seems a bit much to me.

Norm, this is the most important
duty you will perform!

The King of the North
needs to place his crown

on the apex of the tower

at the precise moment
of the Jubilee,

guaranteeing peace
and abundance

for the coming winter.

That's just silly superstition.

Silly super...

This is tradition,
the way of the North.

It dates back thousands of years
to the North's first King,

Ragmar the First,
Olaf the Pungent,

even Herman the Meek,

all fulfilled their kingly duty.

This is our history.

This is your duty,

and we've got a lot
of preparations to get ready

for the Jubilee
and not a lot of time.

Oh, heavens to polar bear.

I know, Socrates. I know.
There are things to be done.

And, hey,
your list doesn't look so...


Now, I'll tell ya, Rick,
these are the very moments

that define a king.

Does Norm have what it takes
to protect the North?

Will he be able to lead
his team to victory?

Nope, probably not there, Jim.

Norm needs to realize
that there's no "I" in "team."

But there is one
in "hippopotamus."

Right you are, Rick.
For once, right you are.

That's for sure.


Snow Blast it.

- You promise?
- I promise.

When have I ever
broken a promise?

tonight's gonna be a blast!

Tonight's gonna rule!

I'm gonna crush all of you!

I'm sorry, honey.
I'm gonna make it up.

Of course you will, dear.

I remember that.
We had so much fun that spring.

It was the best vacation ever.

We should do it again!

I mean,
after the festival, obviously.

And then I have to tour
the West Floe,

and oh, yeah, I got...
I gotta do something

about that herring farm.

We're never going on
a family vacation again, are we?

♪ I'm a little teapot ♪

♪ Short and stout

♪ Here is my handle

♪ Here is my...

Jubilee... No.

Daddy loves you.

You love Daddy? Yeah?

I'm the King of the Snow Blast!

Good morning, everyone!


Look, about last night, I...

There you are!
Come on! You're needed!

But I haven't even
had breakfast.

Later. Let's go.

What's the emergency?

There's no time to waste!

are behind schedule.

Where's your crown?

Fish on a stick! One second.


You lost the crown?

No, I didn't lose it.

I'm just questioning the whole
concept of object permanence.

It was there, now it's gone.

Science. Go figure.

This is a disaster, Norm!

Everything okay, honey?

Uh, yeah.
Everything's fine, dear.

Perfect. Never better.
Livin' the dream.

I told you, Norm.
The crown isn't just a symbol!

I know. It's a responsibility.

Apparently, you don't know!

Without the crown,
the Jubilee festival

can't be completed.

We're gonna be cursed
by an endless winter.

What? That story,
it's just a superstition.

It's decreed!

If the King of the North
doesn't crown the ice tower

during the Jubilee festival,

an endless winter
will fall upon the North.

It's our history, Norm.

That's science.

Oh, well, in that case...


What is going on?

I lost a contact lens.

You don't wear contact lenses.

Oh. You're right.

What a relief! Mystery solved!

Well, look at the time.
I gotta go do king stuff.

Yes. What... What he said.


Hey, what's this?

Those tracks...

Don't look at me like that.

You can't keep running away
from your duties, Norm.

You're wasting time!

Hey, Tiny! What's up, my whale?

- Can I ask you a question?
- I don't know, can you?

May I? I may.
I mean, it's really important.

These ski tracks,
you didn't, perhaps,

see who made them?

Even if I did,
why should I tell you, bear?

What? No, I'm not just a bear.
I'm Norm, King of the North.

Norm, where's your crown?

Huh? See?

I'm having it cleaned.

Look, Tiny,
you don't remember seeing

anything suspicious
about last night, do you?


Do I remember?

Yeah. Suspicious?
Weird? Bizarre?

Oh, I do remember something!

Great! What?

I remember

you not inviting me and my pod
to the Jubilee festival!

Something about us
being "k*ller whales."

I meant that as a compliment.

You know,
you're a "k*ller", whale.


darn those misplaced modifiers.

- Ask me nicely.
- Please.

- Nicer.
- Pretty please?

- Nicer.
- Pretty please?

With sugar and lemmings on top?

Yeesh. That's kinda gross.

Please tell me,
did you see anything?

Well, I do remember
a strange ship.

What kind of ship?

It's all so hazy.
It might've been a dream.

Oh, let me check my Sonar Chat.

- Sonar Chat?
- It's an app.

Whales invented it,
and they never fail

to brag about it.

I was right!

There was a ship
entirely made out of ice.

The strangest ship
you'll ever see.


It's headed towards China,

and it has this symbol on it.

I believe it belongs
to the city of Harbin.

- In China?
- China.

- China?
- Am I saying it wrong?


I've been to China.
It's a long way from here.

Well, you better get going then.

Nobody must know you're gone.

What am I gonna tell
Elizabeth and the kids?

- Nothing.
- I can't lie to my family.

Well, it's not lying
if you don't say anything.

I guess so.

But still, Harbin?
And I can't tell my family.

We're going to Harbin?

Where's Harbin?

Wow! Dad's taking us
on a vacation!

He's trying to make it up to us.

In Harbin, China!

I'd feel really bad
if they ever found out.

They won't find out,

and the bigger question is,
how are you going to get there?


I've gotta go see a moose
about an ice floe.

And how about, uh,
my sister just had cubs!

Oh, she knows
I don't have a sister.

You sly bear, you.

Sly? Me? What?

I know what you're up to.

- You do?
- Yeah, we heard everything!

Everything? Uh...

- I don't know what to say.
- Me, neither.

Did you really think
you could plan

a surprise vacation
to Harbin, China

without telling us?

Vaca... What?

You rock, Dad!

Dad! Dad! Dad!
Dad! Dad! Dad!

- Dad! Dad! Dad!
- Surprise!

Dad! Dad! Dad!
Dad! Dad! Dad!


It's no luxury liner,

but it looks like
it'll hold Norm...

and his family?

No use hiding it anymore,

They found out about
the surprise vacation

that I planned on purpose.

- What?
- Ta-da!



This is funny because it's not.

Yeah, just go with it.

What's the worst
that can happen?

We're doomed.

Well, here's a wrinkle
in the old Jubilee game plan.

If King Norm doesn't place
his crown on top of the tower

by the official
beginning of winter,

chaos will ensue.

We're talkin' about the end
of the North as we know it.

You're talking about polar bears
eating polar bears?

Lemmings eating lemmings?

A muskrat eating,
like, a muskox?

Yes, Rick.

We're talking about an endless
winter of disaster.


Get your nasty foot
away from my face.

Well, if Quinn
would move his elbow.

- Stop kicking! Quinn?
- It wasn't me.

- Chase?
- He's lying!

What is going on out here?

Family photo op!

I borrowed this from Vera
for our new family portrait.

Come on, kids.
Everyone in.


Everyone say, "Harbin!"




Sorry, it's just, uh...

I'll be back.

- Honey?
- Be right down.

Huh? You dirty,
dastardly, despicable...

- Dear!
- What are you doing, Norm?

Oh, you know,
looking for the perfect sunset.

For the picture.

I just want the light
to be perfect.

Aw, you do care!

Of course I do, honey.
I'm a bear that cares.

Bearing is caring, right?

Okay. Places, everyone.

Hey, Elizabeth,
mind if I set the shot?

Of course not.

What's wrong, dear?

Nothing. It's just
the composition is all wrong.

The background, the lighting.
This just won't do.

Crew, this is your captain,
port to bow.

I mean, starboard to aft.

I mean, turn this tub around!
Lemmings, abort! Abort!

Norm, the background is fine.

A little to the left.

Too far.
No, a little to the right.


Everyone say...



Dad, where's the water?

How are we gonna get to land?

I don't know. Guys, guys,
it's just an inconvenience.

I've got this.


Hey, buddy!

How's the vacation
going so far?

It's very, uh, ice.

Uh, don't you mean very "nice"?

No, I mean very "ice."

Oh, dear!
I'm on my way.

Wakey wakey,
eggs and bakey!

Welcome to Harbin!

This looks amazing!

See? You give your Dad lemons
and he makes vacation-ade!

Wow! Whoa!

That's mega cool!

Wait! Hold up.
Let's stay together.

- I got Maria.
- I'm on Chase.

You guys vacation hardcore.


Excuse me.
Pardon me.





Uh, Maria, what are you doing?

The Watusi!

What are you doing?

Oh, oh! I don't know.
These beats are taking me over.

Watch yourself.

Back it up, back it up.

Oh, sorry about your foot.

♪ Let's do it! ♪

♪ Let's do it now!

♪ Let's do it!

Watch out! Watch out!
Watch out! Watch out!

Watch out!
There it is!

- ♪ Let's shake it
- ♪ Hey!

♪ Shake it, shake it

♪ Work it, work it
Gotta work it now ♪

♪ Shake it, shake it,
shake it ♪

♪ You know ya wanna

♪ Shake it, shake it

♪ Let's do it

♪ Oh, let's work it now

Watch me go!
Watch me go!

♪ Let's do it

♪ Let's do it now

Face it, Maria.

Your old man's still got
the moves.




Are you okay?

I'm fine.


Those tracks.

- He's here!
- Who's here?

Who... Me! I'm here.

You're funny, Dad.

I'm a laugh a minute.
Where's my off button?

Come on.
Let's get you back to Mom.


Check this out, Mom!

Thank you.
Thank you. Yeah.

Oh, no autographs, please.

That's beautiful, but let's go.
We're supposed to stay together.

Come one, come all.
Before your very eyes,

Harbin's largest collection
of rarities!

You, my friend.
You! Yes, you.

I got pandas and snow tigers
and monkeys of every kind,

all belonging to Harbin's
noble history.

This is the real deal, kid.
The deal that's real.

One hundred percent seal.

Ooh. What's that?

Uh, shell-oculars.

Made from genuine 100 percent
pure plastic.

Oh, man.

Let me guess. Pete?

- No, I'm Repete.
- And I'm Pete.

No, we're kidding.

- I'm Pete.
- And I'm Repete.

Oh, man.
Every time.

Oh, you've gotta love
those twins.

- I'll take it!
- That'll be 20 cubes.

I don't have any money
on me right now.


But my dad is King of the North,
I mean, he's good for it.

King of the North? Yeah.

And I'm the Dragon of the East.


I was born at night,
but I wasn't born last night.

Give me that.

There you are!

Norm! Watch where you're going.
You hurt them.

Oh, dear.
Are you two all right?

They're fine.

What am I going to do
with you two?


What are you doing
out of your workshop?

Making sure my Frostbite 3000
is operational.

Master Fu, you are amazing!

Good to see you, sir.

Good to see you all.

Sorry I haven't been out more.

I've been... busy.

It's okay, Mister Fu, sir.

You honor us with your presence.

Welcome to Harbin.

I am Fu, Harbin designer,
inventor, architect and father.

You're him?
I mean, he's you?

You're the one
who designed this entire city?

Every single thing you see.

Oh, that's mega cool!

I gotta say, I love your work.

Can I have
your autograph?

Kids, come on.

He's a designer,
but your old man is a king.

I thought so.

You're Norm,
the King of the North!

- Guilty as charged.
- Told ya.

What brings you to Harbin?

A long overdue family vacation.

Just before
the Northern Jubilee?


It's never the wrong time
for family fun, huh?

Are you staying for the weekend?

My birthday is coming up,
and I would be honored

to have you join me.

What? No!

Dad, we thought it was just
gonna be the three of us

- for your birthday this year.
- Thanks for the offer,

but we won't be staying
that long.

We all have to get back
to the North for the Jubilee.

- Phew!
- I understand.

Well then,
it would be my honor

to at least invite all of you
for dinner tonight.

- We can't.
- We'd love to.

- Oh.
- I can't.

It'll be our pleasure.

We'll be there.


Now, if you'll excuse me,
I must return to my work.

What do you mean, you can't?

We're on a family vacation.

I know.

Uh, look, I have plans.
Things to do, people to see.

I'll explain later.

Look! It's snowing!



Hmm. Hmm?


Thank you, Fu.
Dinner was delicious.

You're too kind.



So pretty!

Look at all those trophies.

- You must be so proud.
- Oh, yeah.

Skiing was my favorite thing
to do with my family.

Why did you stop?

Well, Harbin takes up
all of my time.

Cities don't build themselves,
you know.

Who knows?

Maybe if our father was made
a king like your father,

he'd have the time
to take ski vacations

- with his family again.
- And watch me win?

Uh, yeah, right.
He never beats me.

So, by never,
you mean all the time?

- I own him.
- In your dreams!

Boys, please.

- Sorry.
- Yeah. Sorry.

- I'm more sorry!
- Nuh-uh! I'm more sorry!

You guys
are really lucky.

- You have no idea.
- As if!

Oh, you're serious?

Come, now.

I've had the guest room
prepared for you.

What was that?

Why, that's just
the Slide to the Heavens.

It goes right through
the main hall.


Oh, man. I hate stairs.


Fu stole my crown!



That's half.

That's just bad architecture.


Oh, man!

Oh, no.

- Yello?
- Norm?

You've reached
Norm's summer home.

Some are home, some are not.

Leave a message at the beep.

Two days, Norm!
We've only got two days left!

If it gets out
that you've lost your crown,

everyone's gonna freak out!


Calm down!

Yes, the crown has gone missing,

but Norm is doing everything
in his power to fix it.

So... keep calm...

...and Jubilee on.

Norm has lost the crown.

The Jubilee is approaching
and our very existence

is now at risk.

Things are definitely curdling

in the old butter mill
of disaster there, Jim.

Huh? Norm?

Get out of here.

Uh, where's your father?

- No idea.
- No clue.

Guys, I think your dad
is in trouble.

Dad? In trouble?

- Shocker.
- He's probably still working.

Yeah. "The crown never rests."

No, Dad always comes home.

If he's not here,
it means trouble.

Mission improbable. Find Dad.

- Booyah!
- Quinn, you take the fair.

Maria, you take the ski slope.

- Chase...
- I'm on the rides!

Operation Dad Retrieval is a go!

First rule of Dad,
he is always probably

where you least expect him
to be.

Dad would never ski!

Dad would never
ride a roller coaster.

Where's the last place
Dad should be?

That's probably where he is.

I got nothing.

Where could he possibly be?

Huh? Hmm.

Hey, Pete. Talk to me, bro.

- Hello? Who is this?
- Shh.

Let me out!

Lemmings! Thank heaven!
It's a trap door.

The trigger is one
of the trophies,

which I'm pretty sure
half of them are fake.

I mean, come on.
No one's that good at anything.

Have you seen
a big huggable polar bear

about yay big and answers
to the name of "Dad?"

Only some of the time.
Mostly, he's just "King."

Uh, I don't know.

He's not even in the nap caves.
He loves naps and caves.

Now I'm really concerned.

Where's Chase?

What? Nervous eating.

Wait a minute.
Maybe Fu can help.

What in the Northern Lights
are you doing?

Get down from there.
Have you gone mad?

You can't just destroy
Fu's home.

We're his guests here!

- Elizabeth! Is that you?
- Norm?

- Dad?
- Norm, where are you?

Behind the trap door!

What are you doing in there?

Well, I'm trapped.

Of course!

Getting trapped
in a secret room

is the last place
you'd expect Dad to be.

Was it not obvious to everyone
that it was a trap statue?

Oh, hang on.

I'm just gonna suck it in.

Oh, I missed you all so much!

Oh, I thought I'd never
see you guys again.

I'm so happy.
I'm so relieved.

- I'm so...
- Not telling us

what's really going on.

Uh, what are you implying?

Enough of that, Norm.

You've been acting
weird since day one.

What are you hiding?

You won't think the same of me
if I tell you.

There's nothing
you can't tell us.

- Right, kids?
- Right!

Well, the truth is...

You did what?

- I should've known. Classic Dad.
- What are you talking about?

This trip was never
about spending time with us.

It was about you
and that stupid crown.

No! Well, yes.

Well, it wasn't at first,
but it is now.

You know that you're all
that matters to me.

- Are we?
- Of course you are,

but if I don't retrieve
the crown

before the beginning of winter
at the Jubilee tomorrow,

an endless winter
will fall upon the North

and I'll be known
as the worst king ever.

That's not the only thing
you'll be known as.

Quinn, stop.

No, he's right.

I haven't been
the best dad recently.

Recently? Try ever since
you became king!


No, Quinn. Come on.

Come back!

I heard yelling and...
Dear heavens, my awards!

What have you done
to my beautiful trophies?

Your trophies?

What have you done
with my crown?

And what in the world
is that room?

Oh, don't give me that.

I'm on to you, Fu.

All these fake awards
mean nothing

without the one true trophy,
my crown.

I don't have any idea
what you're talking about.

Oh, yeah?

Then how do you explain...


Dear heavens.

- I've been robbed.
- Oh, don't play dumb.

I know you stole my crown, Fu.

The skis...

the mask, the gloves...

the frost-pedo,
everything points to you.

On my honor,
I didn't take your crown.

- See? My key is gone!
- Huh?

The only people that know
where I keep it are me and my...

The twins!

There! Tracks!

They're good kids.

I don't know why
they'd do such a thing.

Excuse me.
I'm so ashamed.

Fu, wait!

What in the world
happened back there?


Oh, no.

Don't cry.

- It's okay.
- We all have bad days.

And your crying
is making me sad too.

I forgive you.
It's all good.

I mean, kids can do
some crazy things.

Take Chase.

He once ate
an entire wedding cake

and he wasn't even invited
to the wedding.

It's not that.

I just feel so much pressure
to make my twins proud.

That's really why I work
so hard on Harbin.

That they would be proud
of their father.

But you're such a big,
strong tiger.

They even built a statue
just for you.

That was just the twins
trying to cheer me up.

They deserve better than me.

Being a dad is hard,

especially when you have
an entire city counting on you.

So are my kids.

Trust me, your kids love you...

even if they don't know
the real trouble

they're causing.

I need your help, Fu.

The North is counting on me
to return with the crown,

like, yesterday.

Do you know where
they might have it?

Follow me.

- We got your text.
- Thanks for coming.

Always, Dad. We're a family.

Yeah, we are.


There's only one place
where my twins

could be hiding your crown.

Nothing is gonna stop us now!

Nothing except maybe
that icy ascent.

I guess it could be worse.
It could be snowing.

It's worse than worse.
I can't do this.

You can do this, Dad.
You're King of the North.

Even more than that,
you're my dad.

Our dad!

The king of our family.

I can do this!

You're kidding me, right?

What? It was such
a nice family moment.

I mean, you could climb
the side of this peak

or we could just go inside.

Good idea.

What is this place?

This was our old family home.

I built this place
a long time ago

to protect my family
from danger.

- It's booby-trapped.
- Huh?

Only the twins and I know
where all the traps are.

Okay, then.

After you.

Just follow my every step
and we'll be completely...!

Okay, so the first step's
a doozy.

I better do this alone.

No way, Dad.
We want in on the fun.

- You guys are with me?
- This is a family affair.

After you, Dad.


Heavens to polar bear.

We're not gonna be ready
in time!

Everything is in place
for a great Jubilee

except for Norm and the crown.

I'll tell ya, Rick,

it's all about
how badly Norm wants it.

Does he have what it takes?

He'll have to give 110 percent.

Maybe even 111, Jim.

It's gut check time, Rick.

And you know
that that Norm there,

he's got a real gut.

Any ideas?

- Over there.
- This way!

That way!

I've got something.
This way!

Are you sure?

One way to find out.

Pete, Repete,
this is your father, Fu.

Pete, Repete,
this is your father, Fu.

This is your father, Fu.

Nice try, Quinn,
but they're never gonna fall

- for something like...
- Dad? Is that you?

You were saying?


Oh, no!

Snow Blast!



Yeah, woo! Yeah!

Dad, over here!

Dad, are you okay?

Maybe we should go out
and find him?

I'll go first.

No way!

I'll go first.

No, I will.

As if! I got this.


Who's there?

Come out of hiding,
whoever you really are.

It's me, Norm,
King of the North.


Come to papa bear.

Oh, yeah.
That feels good.

Uh, you...

- I'm sorry.
- I'm more sorry.

We're both sorry.

We didn't mean to cause
so many problems.

We just thought if we could give
our father

a surprise crown
for his birthday

and let him know
how much we love him,

he might feel a little more,
I don't know...


It's okay. I'm not mad at you.

You just wanted
to help your father

feel better about himself.

But trust me,
a crown does not make a king.

Family does.

That's all that truly matters.

I'm so sorry I've been
such a workaholic.

I love you guys so much.

- We love you too, Dad.
- We love you too, Dad.

Just tell me how I can repay
you, Norm, and I will.


Aw, heck, I just love everybody.

Come on! Come here.
Come here, you guys.

Get over here!

All right. Everyone in.

It's picture time.

Whatever it is, it can wait.

This is an emergency, Norm!

This can't wait!

The Jubilee's already begun!

And the Jubilee festival
has begun.

The pomp, the circumstance.

And I am pumped for the pomp.

Still no sign of Norm
or the crown, Rick.

And that does not
bode well there, Jim.

It's bad to the bone.

A cold, hard, hungry
winter looms.

Oh, it's gonna be a real down
and dirty humdinger

if Norm doesn't get back here
with that crown.

We have to go back, now!

Slow down!

Fong, I need you to pick us up
and fly us to the North A.S.A.P.

No can do, Norm.

We're right outside!
What do you mean, "No can do"?

Bad weather's brewing.

The helicopter can't fly
in those conditions.

Sorry, Norm.

Some king I turned out to be.

I've cursed winter.


We have a foolproof way
to get you back home.

- Right, twins?
- Piece of cake, Dad.

If anything can make it
through the storm,

it's my ice ship.

Take it, and good luck.

You know, you guys should come
and visit sometime.

I mean, in daylight
when we can actually see you.

You guys gonna be okay?

We're gonna be more than okay.

I feel like a king.

What do you say
we hit the slopes, boys?


Things are getting
really cold, really fast.

Oh, where are you, Norm?

It's too powerful!

What a strange ship.


Everyone's expecting
an awe-inspiring performance

from our orca-stra.

Let's give them
something to remember!

We're not gonna make it!
It's too late. I failed.

Everybody hold on!


How did you know
where we were?

Sonar Chat.

Full speed ahead!

It's go time, Jim!

Here it is!


- Winter...
- Has...


Where is Norm?

I thought you said
he was gonna be back by now.

Yeah, with the crown!

I did. He is.

I think.

We want Norm!
We want Norm!

We want Norm! We want Norm!
We want Norm! We want Norm!

- Yeah, uh...
- We want Norm!

This is going to be awkward.

We're cursed, aren't we?

We're gonna take that as a yes.

The North is doomed!

Not so fast!

The King of the North is here!

With his family!

Always my luck.

You can still do it, Norm!
Crown the tower!

Do it! Do it! Do it!
Do it! Do it! Do it!

Do it! Do it! Do it!
Do it! Do it! Do it...


Winter is here!

You did it, Norm!
You saved the North!

No, Socrates. We did it.
All of us. Together.

I hope you've learned
your lesson

about never losing
the crown again.

I learned a more
important lesson.

Life is all about balance.

- Are you okay?
- Never better.

What did I just say
about not letting the crown

out of your sight?

Let it sit there for a bit
where everyone can see it.

Right now, it's family time.

Come here.


- Get a cave!
- Gross.

That was the best vacation ever!

Where's the music?
Let's keep this party going!

♪ I'm a little teapot
Short and stout ♪

♪ Here is my handle
Here is my spout ♪

♪ When I get all steamed up
Hear me shout ♪

♪ Tip me over
And pour me out ♪

♪ Let's do it

♪ Oh, yeah

- ♪ You know ya wanna
- ♪ Dance

♪ Shake it, shake it

♪ Shake it, shake it

♪ Work it, work it

Should we do one more?
The perfect shot?

I think we already have it.

♪ Let's do it

♪ Oh

♪ Let's do it now

♪ Let's do it

♪ Ooh, let's do it now

- ♪ You know you wanna
- ♪ Dance

♪ Hey

♪ Hey, hey

- ♪ Let's do it
- ♪ Hey, hey

- ♪ You know you wanna
- ♪ Dance

♪ Hey

♪ Let's do it

♪ Woo

♪ Let's do it

Too slow!

You can't just cut the line.

Did I cut the line?
Do any of you mind?

They don't seem to mind.

♪ Hey, hey

♪ Let's do it


♪ Let's do it now

♪ Let's do it

♪ Oh, yeah

- ♪ You know you wanna
- ♪ Dance

♪ Shake it, shake it, hey ♪

You lost the crown?

- ♪ You know you wanna
- ♪ Dance

♪ Let's do it

♪ Ooh, hey

♪ Hey, hey

Game on, kids.

You'll never catch me!

Hey, who's that?
Chase? Maria? Quinn?

♪ Let's do it

Oh! Oh!

Where did you go?

♪ Oh, yeah


♪ Shake it, shake it, hey

♪ Shake it, shake it C

Are we having fun yet?

Are we having fun yet?

You guys vacation hardcore.

If you can even call it that.

Yep. That's how we vacation,
hardcore to the max.

A cray-cation, as in crazy,
as in...

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