A Mermaid's Tale (2017)

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A Mermaid's Tale (2017)

Post by bunniefuu »

A great poet once said
that all the secrets of the oceans

can be found in just one drop of water.

Now, I don't know if that's true or not,

but I do know that the ocean
holds more than just a few secrets.

And, one summer, I discovered one
that would change my life... forever.

Your mom and I used to come here all the time.

- Really?
- I...

Your mom loved the central coast.

She would come stare at the water for hours and hours.

Your mom only met your grandpa once.

And I can tell you he liked her
a lot more than he liked me, that's for sure.

What about Grandma? Did they get along?

Your mom never met your grandmother.

Heck, I never met your grandmother.

Like never, ever?
Or you just don't remember?

You know? I asked your grandfather about her, but...

He didn't like to talk about her much.

Listen, Ry...

I know this move is gonna be tough for you.

You know? Leaving your friends,

leaving your school...

I get that.

You know?
As grumpy as your grandfather is,...

we're the only family he's got.

He needs us right now,
as much as he would hate to admit that.

I'm gonna miss San Diego too.

But... you're gonna love Santa Carla.

I promise.

No, you are not singing opera right now.

Santa Carla, Santa Carla.

Please, stop.


Okay, don't text and drive. Ever.

When you're older,
do not text and drive, you understand?

Ninety-nine cartons of milk on the wall
Ninety-nine cartons of milk

- If one of those ... cartons ...
- If you take down ...

- I don't know that part.
- Pass it around ...

How do you not know this song? Yet, you know opera.

We used to sing it with beer,

but you're not quite legal yet,
Ry, so we wouldn't be doing that.


Check it out. Santa Carla.

Gorgeous, huh?

- How far to his house?
- Almost there.

Yo! Jay!


Hey, man!

What happened to you?

You know, I've been meaning
to come back sooner.

I just got super busy...

- No, I mean, you got old.
- Very funny.

- Very funny.
- I like, I like this guy.

You know, you're not a spring chicken yourself.

Oh, come on. I think I make
middle-age look pretty good.

You must be Ryan.
I've heard good things.

Really? Where?

but, you know...
your, your old man and me

we get to talk when
we're out in the ocean.

That is when he feels like talking.

Well, where is he? Is he up in the house?

No, he's... right where he always is.

- Working on the engine.
- Oh, man.

He just got out of the hospital.
He's supposed to be resting.

Yeah, well, maybe he'll listen to you.

- Hey, I'll let you go.
- Alright, buddy. Be good.

- Pretty sweet.
- Bye, sweetheart.

- Bye.
- Good meeting you.

Jay! Did you get all those traps off loaded yet?

Hey, Pop!

Still taking it easy, I see.

What day is it?

What... What day is it?
What day is it?

- Tuesday?
- It's Tuesday.

You're early.

Yeah, sorry about that.

Traffic... was light.

I see the old girl
is still sea worthy.

Speaking of old girls,
you remember Ryan.

Last time you saw her,
she was barely walking or talking.

She does much the latter anymore.


Well, I'll expect you'll want to know
where to put your stuff.

It's good to see you.

Yeah, that's... that's your room right there.


Well, it's beautiful.

I really like the color.

Needed a fresh coat of paint anyway.

This mural is so pretty.

A friend of mine did that.

Well, I really like it.


Settle in.

What's the matter? You don't like your fish?

My guess I'm just not that hungry.

It's just I don't blame you.
It's not local.

That didn't come from the ocean.

Bring them in frozen from some farm somewhere.

You know? I just got under the point

where you can't put any fresh
food on your table anymore.

It's like... No.

I can't even remember the last time
that I caught anything edible around here.

Dad. Dad, Dad, Dad, listen.
About that...

I think you should listen to your doctors

and take a little break from fishing.

Just... Just for a little while.

I think you should take it easy.

- Take it easy?
- Take it easy.

- For a little while.
- Mhm.

Okay, you know?

And hey, why don't you let me...
try my luck at it?

- Alright? While you...
- You?

Yeah, alright?
While you rest up and get well.

I thought you were here to help me.

Well, I, I, I am.
We, we are... here to help you. Yeah.

Well then, help me already.

I mean, you've been here minutes
and already you're telling me what to do.

- That kind of help I don't need!
- Alright.

Dad, listen.
You gotta rest up a little bit.

Yeah, I can take it easy...
when I'm dead.

Well, if you keep at this pace, you will be.

You know what my doctor said?
He said take aspirin.

I got aspirin.

We put out first thing in the morning.

I suggest that you get some rest,... my son.

You do not have to finish that.

Well, I have a feeling I'd
better get used to it.


Hey, Dad.

Oh, the old man doesn't whip out the
paint brush for just anyone.

Oh, so you're saying he's
not always this cheery?

No, you caught him on a good day.

- What are all these?
- Mom's.

- Yeah.
- Ah, The Fisher King.

You know what it's about?

Oh, you have to read it.

You know what? Reading's
not really my thing.

Why don't you give me
the clip notes version?

I can't do that, but
how about I give you the plot?

It's about a wounded ruler

whose kingdom slowly but surely
is becoming a baring wasteland.

And since he can no longer
leave the castle to fish,

his son has to fill the shoes.

Are you messing with me?

No, oddly enough.

What happens at the end?

Well, I can't tell you that.
No spoilers.

You just have to read it to find out.

Oh, man. When did your mom
inscribe this to you?

Oh, uh,... the hospital.

About a week before...

And no one's here.

"There's a café around the corner.
Food, have fun, be home by : ."

I miss you, mom.

It's okay, it's okay!

I got you, I got you!

I... I got you!

- My gosh! Come here, it's okay!
- Thank you.

It's okay, it's okay. Wait!
Stop! Wait! No, stop!

Come back, stop, I can help you!

My necklace!
No, no, no, no! Wait!

No! Where did it go?

Hey. So, how do you
like our little town?

It's alright, I guess.

You alright?

Dad, I lost my locket today.

What? Where?

Down at the docks. I don't...
I don't even know what happened.

The docks? That's no place
for a girl your age.

- It's too dangerous out there.
- Your grandfather's right, kiddo.

What's the big deal anyways?

It's just water, and it's not like
I don't know how to swim, Dad.

No. Still the same, you should only
go down there

- if you're with your grandfather or I, okay?
- Yeah.


Alright, why don't you go wash up.
Dinner's almost ready.

Take this.

Put that on the plate, but don't...

- It's hot!
- Ah.

- Hey, Dad.
- Yeah?

Why would someone set a net at the docks?

- They wouldn't.
- They would.

If you wanna catch something big.

Oh, Dad, please, don't go on about this.

- Go on about what?
- Trust me, you don't wanna know.

There's a reason why there
ain't anymore fish around here.

Oh, Dad, come on.

Let's not fill her head with
crazy fishermen tales, okay?

Fine, let me ask you then:

How many fish did we catch today?

None is how many, and you know why.

- Don't say it.
- Mermaids.

- He said it. Ok, look...
- Mermaids.

Dad, listen... it's the dolphins.

It's the seals, okay?
It's... it's not the mermaids.

No, I know, I know.
But it's both, okay?

I know you think
I'm just a crazy old man,

but I know. But I know.


- Mhm.
- Yeah.

Dad, she's .

I don't need you filling
her head with your tall tales

of mermaids or sirens or vampires
or God knows what.

What would you know about them?

I mean, you left here years ago
when the going got tough.

- You ain't been here.
- Yeah, well, we're here now.

Okay? And don't ask me...

No, you can't hide her
from the truth forever.

I can't, I won't.

Ryan? You alright in there?

Ryan? Are you okay?

I'm just taking a bath.

Yeah, well, you've been there for a while.

I just wanted to make sure.

I'm fine, Dad.
Really, I'm okay.

- Thanks.
- Ok.



Okay, it has to be here somewhere.


Is someone there?

If you're the girl I saw yesterday,

I... I won't hurt you.
I promise!

I just wanna be your friend.

I am crazy.

I must be.

Absolutely crazy.

I think this is yours.

Oh my gosh!

I thought I lost it.

Wait. Didn't, didn't you have a... a tail?

You can't walk with a tail.

Well, thank you.
So, so much.

Thank you for helping me yesterday.

- Of course. So, you're a mer...
- Coral.

My name is Coral.

Oh, I'm Ryan.

- It's called a handshake.
- Oh.


I have to go.
My mom's calling me.

I don't hear anything.

Close your eyes and listen.

Coral. Coral. Coral.
Coral. Coral!

It's beautiful.


- One more thing...
- Yeah?

Don't tell anyone about what you saw.

You promise?

I promise, but what did I see?

You do have a tail!

Coral, wait! Come back!

There's so many things I wanna ask you!


How was your day?

It was great.
Just... rode my bike around town.

Oh, well, you... found your locket,
so that is something.

Yes. That is something.
That is definitely something.

And it is the funniest something.

It turns out it was right here the whole time,
and I didn't do anything.

Fine, fine, fine.
You got me.

It was down at the lower docks
where I knew it was.

So, so should I punish you for lying to me
or for disobeying my orders?

Dad, you can not punish me more.

This whole situation is punishment enough.

Alright. Fine.

But no more lying and no more going down
to those docks unsupervised, okay?

- Deal.
- Deal?

- Deal.
- Deal?

I said deal.
Hey, Dad.


Quick question, uh...

Did you ever stop to think that
maybe, just maybe,

Grandpa isn't so crazy?

Come on, Ry, you are too old to believe
that sort of stuff.

Grandpa believes.

Yeah, well, Grandpa
is a crazy old man, okay?

Mermaids are his obsession.

There has to be some element
of truth to our myths.

Don't you think?
I mean, there has to be.

You're more like your mother than you know.

And you're too clever for your own good.

Hey, what do you say we go out
to dinner, just you and I?

I don't know about you, but I am sick
and tired of fish and vegetables.

I can't do it anymore. I can't.

- Trust me, me too.
- Alright, come on.

That sounds amazing.
I'll be down in .

Thanks, guys, for coming in.

- Thanks.
- Have a great night.

We're, we're not too late, are we?

Only about years.

Jenna, wow.
Has it been that long?

- Hi.
- You look great.

Please, come in.
Sit down.

- Hi!
- Hi!

Aren't you just the prettiest thing.

- Thanks.
- What's your name?

- Ryan.
- Ryan.

She gets her looks from her mom.

- Yes, clearly.
- And, uh... and her brains too.

Wow, she sounds like quite a woman.

She was. She... she passed away.

I am so sorry, Matt.

Yeah, it's alright.
It's been a little while now.

Well, it's really nice to meet you, Ryan.

- Yeah, you too.
- I'm Jenna.

I'm an old friend of your father's.

Anyway, I'm gonna leave you guys alone

- with the menus for a couple of minutes.
- Okay.

So,... you know what you want?

What am I thinking?
What am I thinking right now?

I am thinking. I am thinking that you and her
used to be a lot more than just old friends.

That's what I'm thinking right now.

Alright, have I told you lately

that you're too clever for your own good?

Oh, there is no way you are getting
off the hook that easy.

- I need details.
- Just pick something to eat.

Okay? Just pick something
because she's coming back.

- Pick something.
- She's too fast, I'm not ready.

- Please, pick something. Shut up.
- Anything? Okay, okay.

- Hi!
- Hi.

So, what can I get you?

I would like a strawberry cupcake
and a vanilla milkshake, please.

- Is it okay?
- For dinner? No. No.

Daddy, you said anything.

You know what? We will have two of those.

Two cupcakes and milkshakes coming right up.

Okay, she's gone again.
So, details now, details later?

Shut up. Shut up.

- So, how was it?
- So good.

Without a doubt, the best meal
I've had since we've gotten here.


When did you guys get in town?

We got back a few days ago.

How long are you staying?

My dad is sort of having some health problems,
so we're here indefinitely.

Oh, I'm sorry about your dad.

But I hope I get to see more of you guys around.

You can count on it.

That wasn't awkward at all, right?

- So, before Mom, you and Jenna were...
- Close. Yeah.

And what exactly happened there?

I mean, Dad, why did you leave?

- Well, you are really curious.
- Yeah, I am.

Look, I just had to get out of this place, okay?

I had to try something new.

And you're sure this doesn't have anything to do

with the fact that Grandpa believes

mermaids are driving the fish out of the water?

Grandpa believes a lot of things.

And think about it,
nobody's ever agreed with him.

No wonder he's so cold and grumpy.

Well, he used to be not so grumpy.

What happened?

Look, all this mermaid business didn't help,

but this town was thriving once.

Things dried up. Everything went South.

The fish left, people left but,
not your grandfather.

He stuck it out through thick and thin.

Look... I know he seems like
the grumpiest guy in the world...

- Yeah, yeah, he does.
- But he does love you,

and I can tell that he
sees your grandma in you.




- Come on, kiddo. Up!
- Really?

Grandpa, it is in the morning.

Because in this family,
we earn our keep. Come on.

- Alright, buddy.
- Thanks.

Alright, we'll be back by dinner.

- Have fun.
- Yeah, loads of fun.

Don't worry about it, we'll be good.


Look, see these holes right here? Alright?

Even if there was fish to catch,
we're not catching them with these.

So, I need you to go to
that storage bin right there,

find some lines
so we can patch these up, okay?

- Got it.
- Okay. Alright.

- Ryan!
- Coral?

What are you doing here?

I wanted to see you again.

I felt bad about leaving
so fast the other day.

But if somebody sees you?

Don't worry.

I've cut holes in all the nets around here.

That oughta keep them busy for a while.

"That'll keep them busy for a while." Sure.

So that's what you were doing the other day.


Hey, Ryan!
You find that line yet?

Just a second, Jay!
I'll be back in a minute!

Wait, you're...
you're one of them?


Jay is just my dad's friend
who needed help and I'm...

Your father is a fisherman?

Well, my grandpa too actually.
Well, they all are.

- But...
- But the fishermen hunt my kind!

Well, not my family.

Or Jay either.
He's sweet, I swear.

And he's not gonna hurt you.

Are they sweet like you?

Ryan! The line!


Okay, look. I have to go
"fix" these nets,

but I promise I won't do a very good job.

And I should be done soon,

so, can you meet me at the lower dock?

- Sounds good.
- Okay.

- Okay.
- I'll see you in a while.



What in the world is taking you so long?

I have been looking everywhere

and I just can not seem to find it.

- Really?
- Mhm.

Wow, you must have been looking real hard.

Ah... You meant inside the green thingy.

You knucklehead.
Think fast.

- All good.
- Come on.




- That is absolutely amazing.
- It is?

Are you kidding?

People would freak if they knew you could do that.

And they look just like real legs.

They are real legs, silly.

- What did you expect?
- Okay, I don't know,

but certainly not this.

How do you do that?

My people have always had the
power to shift from sea to land.

So long as we're not out of the water

- for too long that is.
- What happens?

Then we can't go back.

So, what now?

I don't know. I've never had
a human friend before.

What do humans do?

I'll show you, come on.

- You sure?
- Of course, yeah!

Yeah, you'll love it.
I promise, come on.

If you say so.

So, what's it like?

Out there?

Like home.

You know? I think my grandpa
feels that way too.

I don't know, just... more at
home than on the water.

But he's getting old now,

so we moved back here
to try to keep him on dry land.

Well, as much as possible anyways.

How's that going so far?

Not too great actually.

- Do you like it?
- What?

- Living on land?
- I don't know.

I guess I didn't really thought about it.

I've never seen very much of land.

Tell you what.

I'll show you some of my world.

And I'll show you some of mine!


- Here, I'm coming.
- Come on in, Ryan.


- This is absolutely crazy!
- It's perfect.


So, like, you can breathe under water?

- No. We're not fish, silly.
- Oh.

Think of us like dolphins.
We come up for air.

We can just hold our breath for a really long time.

Oh, wow.

Yeah, I guess that would make sense.

My dad can hold his breath
for a really long time too.

That's why he got to free diving
when he was younger.

Yeah, apparently, I can hold
my breath for pretty long too.


One of these days, we'll have
to find out just how long.

Yeah, I'd like that!

You know? Your family seems to
have an affinity for the water.

Maybe you're not such landlubbers after all.

Ow! Ow!

- What's wrong?
- Something... something stung me!

It's just a jellyfish!

That's easy for you to say!


Get on land.


Ow, I'm hurt so bad!

Hurt so bad, ow!


What are you doing?

I can fix it.

Trust me.

How did you do that?

Did anyone ever tell you
you ask a lot of questions?

Yeah. All the time, actually.

I don't know, it's just an energy

my people have always had.

The power to heal.

Are you okay?

Yeah, I'm just... just tired.

It takes a lot out of us to
heal another living thing.

Yeah, I can imagine.

Maybe that's enough for the visitor
exchange program for one day?

Two days?

Yeah, gotta head out to deeper waters.

But... what about Ryan?

I can't just leave her alone for two days.

Why not?
She's perfectly capable.

I left you longer when
you were about her age.

Yeah, I... I know.

Look... Dad, I, I can't do that,

She's... she's just a kid.

Okay, bring her with.

It's about time she learned how to fish anyway.

Do her some good.

Yeah, I'm sure she'll love it;
seeing as how much she loves eating fish.

Hey, you do what you want, okay?

But I'm heading out first thing
in the morning, with you or without you.

Hey, hi.

Hi, Matt. Wow.

I don't see you for years
and now visits in days.

You must really like the milkshake.

I do... I, I love your milkshakes.

- I mean,...
- Coffee?

Yes. Coffee.

Um, but also hey...

I also have a huge favor to ask you.


Jenna, I really, really apprecite this.

- Thank you.
- Don't worry.

- We girls know how to have fun.
- Yeah.

Alright. And you just behave yourself, okay?

Well, that's not necessarily fun, Dad.

Thank you.


You know, you're really
just adding to the list of things

that you have to make up for, right?

Please. I'm in enough trouble as it is.

Just don't get me into anymore.

- Be safe. Catch a big one.
- Bye, Dad.

Yeah, I got it.


So, big plans for today?

I'm gonna go meet a friend
and hang out at the beach.

Cool. Well, when you're done,
if you guys want to come back,

I'll teach you how to make
my world famous cupcakes.

- Sweet.
- That's the idea.

Okay, so what do you want to see today?


Okay, well, that's kind
of a tall order, but

how about we start with this dress?

Human clothes!

I think it should fit.

- Okay.
- Come on!

Jay! Take over.

Keep going uphill.

So, what do we go for?

We're not out here to fish at all, are we?

You know what, Jay?
Turn the boat around.

- We're going home!
- You're not in charge here!

You wanna know why there's
no more fish in this bay?

Because you and all your greedy fishermen
friends fished this place bone-dry!

Oh, you think you're so smart, huh?

You've got all the answers?
Well, you don't know anything!

Just wait! You'll find out.

You'll find out.

What do you think?
Does it look okay?

Okay? Are you kidding?

It looks better on you than it does on me.

This is so fun.

I've never tried on clothes like these before.

I think I just figured out what we'll do today.




What's "shopping"?

More and more clothes!

Let's go.

How about this one?

- Are you sure?
- Of course. It would be great on you.

- You really think so?
- Definitely.

- Okay, I'll try it.
- Please!

- ... real at all.
- No.

- It doesn't even look real.
- There's no way that's real.

That's a cool kind of family photo.

So, do you have brothers or sisters?

- No, I'm an only child.
- Me too.

My father and grandfather were both
taken by the sea a long time ago.

Around the time I was born.

- I'm really sorry, Coral.
- That's life, I guess.

Now it's just my mother, and grandmother,
and the rest of our people.

I lost my mom...

about years ago.

I get it.

I believe that wherever our loved ones
go after they die,

they can still see us.

Me too.

- I like the green hair on this one.
- I love that.

Is that what you think we do?

Sit on a rock, brushing our hair all day?

Actually, most people don't
even think you exist, but...

- Oh.
- How does it not get tangled?

- Teach me your ways.
- Yeah, it gets tangled.

So, do you have any legends about us?

Well... I wouldn't call
them legends exactly.

Why don't we listen to some of your music,

- or any games, or anything?
- Tell me.

My people aren't exactly
allowed to interact with humans.

In fact, it's...
strictly forbidden.


That's just the way it's been for centuries.

My grandmother always warned me that
humans can be selfish and cruel.

But not you, Ryan.

In fact, if they only got to know you,
maybe they'd change their minds.

Then why can't we do that?
Why can't you take me there

and we can show them that our people can co-exist

and not only co-exist, but be friends.

I want that but that's just it, Ryan.

If I bring you there,...

they might not let us be friends anymore.

They're gonna find out sooner or later anyways.

I feel like it's better to try
before they ground you, or...

Is that different under water?

- Do they have different punishment rules?
- A little bit.

Can we?

Can we try?

Look, okay...
say we were to do this.

How would you get to the island?

Your dad could maybe do it as a free diver,

but... But you'd have to hold
your breath for a really long time.

Like, how long?

Like, really long.

Practice can make you perfect.

Just over minutes!

That's really good, Ryan!
Well, for a human anyway.

I can do better. I know I can.
Can we go again?


This oughta do it.

- What's that?
- It's called a wetsuit.

Scuba divers and surfers use them.

Why do you need a suit to get wet?

It keeps you warm, silly.

You really think you'll need it?

Let's just say you and I have
very different concepts of

of what constitutes cold water.

Can I help you girls with anything?

- I'm good.
- Hi.


- I'm... I'm Zack.
- I'm Coral.

- Oh, duh. Hi.
- It's a handshake.

Hi. I'm Ryan.

I'm gonna be over here looking at things.

Okay, if you want to try on that wetsuit,
there is a changing room right there.

Even better.


you new around town?

I mean, I haven't really seen you around before.

My family's been here for years.

I guess I don't get out much,
but that's been changing lately.

Okay, right on. That's cool.

Anyway, there's this beach barbecue thing

and you should totally come.

You and your friends.

Yeah, I guess we'll be there.

- We'll... we'll be there.
- Yeah? Okay.

- Awesome.
- Awesome.

Well, if you need anything else,

- just let me know.
- Okay.

- See you around ...
- See you.

It's good.
It's... It's all fine.

- I'll see you.
- See you.

Oh my God! I've never talked
to a human boy before!

You like him, don't you?

- Stop it!
- What?

There's no kissing in the sea?
No merboys?

You know what?
Why don't you try this thing on already.

- We're gonna start our trial or what?
- Changing the subject.

Definitely like him.
And hold your horses.

- Hey, Ryan.
- Yes?

What's a beach barbecue, by the way?

They're not gonna hurt the beach, are they?



You ready for this?


Then, follow me.

Hey, wait up!


Hey. Where's your friend?

I thought we were gonna make cupcakes?

Oh, she had to go home.


I'm still up for it though.


Come on.

Come on!

Little light reading?


Hey, you don't...

You don't believe all this stuff, do you?

I don't know, man.

I never used to.

But you see things when you're out in the ocean.

Things you can't always explain.

Come on. I think you've
been out here too long.

Yeah, maybe.

Or maybe there's more to life than we know.
The ocean's a big part of that.

Ryan said the same thing.

Smart kid.

A little oil...

- There we go.
- Ready.

- You can dump that in. Aha.
- Straight in the middle?

Very good. Mix it up a little bit.

Right. Now pour this water
in while you're mixing.

- Stir, stir.
- Just keep going. Very good.

And then just add a...

pinch of salt in to bring out the flavor.

Are you still with me, sweetie?

Oh, yeah, sorry.
I just fazed for a minute.

Thinking about your dad and your grandpa?

I'm sure they're fine.
They know what they're doing.

No, it's... it's not them.

Your new friend?

Sort of.

Hey, Jenna.

Can I ask you something?


But promise you won't laugh.

I cross my heart.

Have you ever seen a... mermaid?

A mermaid, you say?

Yeah,... really sounds crazy.



Just... maybe once I did.
A very long time ago.

Really? What do you remember?

Well, I was... about your age,

and I was swimming in the secluded cove of
Morro Beach.

It's not far from here.

I used to love to dive,
as deep as I could go,

just explore the exotic ocean world out there.

And that's when I saw her.

This beautiful woman with hair like anything
I've ever seen before.

Way beneath the surface.

And then, as quickly as
she appeared, she was gone.


It was probably just some
childhood fantasy, I guess.

- An illusion.
- It wasn't an illusion, Jenna.

Mermaids are real.

- Hey.
- Hey.

I was just writing you a note.
Are you hungry?

There's cupcakes in the fridge.
They turned out very well.

Just do me a favor and don't tell your dad

that you ate cupcakes for breakfast, okay?

And since we are doing this
whole "keeping secrets" thing,

can our little chat about "you know what"
be one of those?

My lips are sealed.

Good because I don't really think
my dad needs to know about that one either.

- Big plans for the day?
- Actually, yes.

Coral and I are gonna head down to the beach.

Coral. Is that your new friend?


Alright. Have fun.

Just don't swim too far from the shore.

I will do my best.

Keep walking.

- Hey, Zack!
- Ryan, what are you doing?

Hey, Coral.
Are you all doing anything today?

Because I can like,...

You know? I'll just see you around.

You did great yesterday, but today,
we're gonna stay under even longer.

You ready?

I don't actually have to wait
minutes after eating, do I?

That's just a myth.

Well, so were you until a few days ago.

- Come on, this'll be fun.
- Okay, okay.

Where are we, Coral?

We're at the outskirts of the island.

There. Just a little while longer.
You're gonna love it, I promise.

We made it.


This place is deserted.

What is this?
Why did you bring me here?

This is my people's greatest secret.

Hidden away from humanity
in plain sight for centuries.


Your hand has so many powers!

What have you done, Coral?

Mother, I wanted you to meet my friend.

- My very best friend: Ryan.
- Hi!

You know better than to
bring a human here.

It goes against our most
ancient and sacred laws.

But we can co-exist with humans.
She's the proof.

She's been showing me their ways
and I've been showing her ours.

This proves nothing except that
you have put us in grave danger.

- She may bring others.
- No, she would never do that.

I promise. She can be trusted.

I wouldn't do anything to hurt you
and I would never tell anyone.

I promise.

Our entire survival
depends on your kind

believing us to be nothing
more than myths.

You wouldn't want to jeopardize that,
now would you, Ryan?

I would never.

Then, you may be able to...

Stay here.

I shouldn't have come here.

I've gotten you in trouble.

It's not me I'm worried about.

Thaleia wants to see you.

Both of you.

- So, who's Thaleia?
- Our queen.

And my grandmother.

- Your grandmother's the queen?
- Shh.

That is so cool.

Wow. This is amazing.

This is amazing.

Tell her what I told your mom.

No. You mustn't speak in here
unless you're spoken to first.


Come closer, child.

Not you, Coral.


How did you come to be here, child?

Coral showed me the way.

But how?

You did not come by boat.

We swam from the mainland.

You have been exposed to our world.

Your knowledge of our existence
has put my people in danger.

- I mean no harm, Your...
- It's not her fault.

- I was the one who too...
- Silence.

What's done is done.

For this, you can never go back.

We can be together.

No. No, I would miss my family.

- I can't...
- I'm sorry, child.

But to protect my people, it must be so.

Don't you want to be together?

I do, but...
But not like this.

I need my family, Coral,

just like you need yours,
and... and my dad

- and my grandfather...
- Your family does not deserve you!

- Her grandfather...
- No.

He's the fisherman you warned us about.

She cannot be allowed to return.

Is this true, child?

Come closer.


You look like him.

So beautiful.

You... you know him?


A long time ago.

- Before...
- Before?

Before his heart was broken...
and he became enheartened to the sea.

And because of that, we have kept
the fish away from these waters.

To protect the ebb and flo of
nature and its delicate balance.

He and his people have overfished these waters.

Taken, not replenished.

Please, don't take me away from my family.

Do not cry, young one.

All will be well.

You will take the girl with you back to her home.

And if she betrays her word?

She won't.
Will you, child?

I promise.
With all my heart.

You are never to return here again

nor even speak of our existence.

It is forbidden for humans
and merfolk to mingle.

Now go.

Ryan! Ryan!

I can't believe I'm losing my best friend.

We may be forbidden from being friends,

but you will always be my sister.

Coral, this means a lot to me.

There's one part of me
that will always be with you.

Good-bye, Coral.

Ahead! Dolphins!

Where there's dolphins, there's mermaids!

Jay, come here!
Take over!

- Get ready to toss the nets.
- No, no, no, Dad. No.

I'm not gonna let you do it.

- Just toss the nets!
- Dad, you're acting crazy.

It's not happening. No!

Okay, okay, I'll do it myself.

- Now get out of the way.
- Dad, stop.

Dad! Dad!

Jay, call the coast guard now!

Dad, just take it easy, okay?

Oh, man.


Good luck, young one.

Finish putting the cash in the office
and just lock everything up for me?

Ryan, honey, where have you been?

Oh my God!
I've been looking everywhere for you.

Sorry, I was...
just swimming with Coral.

What's wrong?

It's your grandfather, honey.

There's been an accident.

Let's go.

Are you gonna be alright if I step away for a while?

- Yeah.
- Ok.

So, I'm just gonna go lock up the café
and I'll be back soon, okay?


Your dad will be here in about minutes.

Don't go.

Don't leave me.




Where am I?

It's... it's okay.
You're in the hospital.


You... you passed out, Grandpa.

No, you need to rest.

- No!
- You need to...

You need to rest!

That necklace.

Where did you get that?

It's just something I bought
while I was shopping.

No, no, no.

No, we both know that's not true.

You've seen them, haven't you?

Yes, you know.

Do you know where they are?

Grandpa, I... I can't.

I made a promise...

- You don't understand.
- Then, help me to.

It was a long, long time ago.

I was a young man.

Back then, fish would practically leap off
the lines and into the boat.

One day, I caught something big.

At first, I thought it was a dolphín,

but as I reeled it in,
I saw exactly what I caught.

A mermaid.

I was immediately struck by her beauty.

It was as if all the colors
of the ocean were in her eyes.

I was in love.

We both were.

We agreed... we had to keep
our love a secret.

I was a fisherman.
Their worst kind of enemy.

If people knew that mermaids were real,

they would destroy them.

So I promised to keep their secret.

For a time, we were happy.

I wanted nothing more than to
be with her for the rest of my life.

But it wasn't meant to be.

Her father had found out about us

and forbid me to see me
because she was to marry another.

She told me she was also heir to her throne,

that she couldn't betray her people.

I pleaded with her to come back.

I returned to the beach every day,
where we met,

hoping and praying that she'd come back to me.

And she never did.

She never came back.

Days turned to weeks,
weeks then turned to months

and... love turned to anger.

So, I fished.

I set lines,
laid traps, fish,

scouring, looking for any
sign of her or her people.

And I never saw her again.

I never saw any of them.
They just... disappeared.

Then, late, one stormy night,

I found a baby at my door.

A son.

She gave me a son.


How could she have loved me?
How could she have abandoned me?

Abandoned him.

I have to know why, Ryan.

You have to tell me where they are.

Jay, cast off the bow line!

- Art, what are you doing?
- Come on, move aside.

Come on, move aside, Jay.

Yeah, I can't let you do it.

You're in no condition to go back out there.

I appreciate your concern.
Now get out of the way!

- Come on.
- I already tried...

Look, it's my boat, alright?

You either stay on or you get off.

Either way, I'm going.

Alright, fine.
But I'm going with you.

That's my Jay-Jay.

Is the life raft still on board?

- Yeah, of course. Why?
- Good.

Come on, cast off the bow line!



Santa Carla Hospital.

Art Love's room, please?

Okay, it appears Mr. Love
has checked himself out.

Checked himself out?
That... That's impossible.

I'm sorry, but our record
show that he checked out

with his granddaughter
about half an hour ago.

Okay. Alright, thank you very much.
Thank you.

Hey, I'm almost back to the hospital.

- How's your father?
- He's gone.

- Gone?
- He checked himself out.

- Ryan's with him.
- Where do you think they went?

My guess is the dock.

You don't think he'd come back out, do you?

That's exactly what I think.

Look, there's a tracker on the boat, okay?

I'm gonna try and access it so
it can tell us where they are, alright?

- I'll meet you there.
- Okay, I will be right there.

Okay, yeah.

Alright, well, I contacted the coast guard.


- Any news?
- No, the boat's gone.

I tried calling Jay,
but he isn't picking up.

There's only about hours
of day light left.

I swear, if... If anything happens
to Ryan, I will never forgive myself.

She's gonna be fine.

She's strong just like her father.

- Hey, Art.
- Yeah?

- What's our heading?
- Due west, towards the channels.

The channels? Why?

They're headed to the channel islands.

- Come on, let's go.
- Okay.

- She made it back okay?
- Yes.


I know her friendship means
a great deal to you...

but your heart will heal in time.

I'm going for a swim.

The fisherman!
I have to warn the others!

What's that?

Up ahead... What is that?

Hey! Over there! Look over there!

It's a mermaid!

It's a mermaid.
It's a mermaid!

It's caught in the net!

It's Coral!


- Please!
- It's all my fault.

- Go, go!
- Please!

- Coral!
- Look at him, look at him.

Get the hook off! Get it all of it!

- Get her out of that thing!
- Coral!

- Oh my God...
- Come on.

- This is all my fault.
- Please. Coral.

- Good job, good job.
- Coral, breathe.

Coral, please, breathe.

Coral, don't you die on me!

Breathe, breathe!

Get the net off. Get the net off.

Come on, breathe, Coral!

Coral, you can't.


No, no, no.

Don't worry.
We're not gonna hurt you.

- Hey.
- We're not gonna hurt you.

Ryan. Ryan, you saved me.

I don't... I don't know.

Maybe I... Maybe I had some of
your power left in me

from when you healed me the other day,
but I didn't do anything.

This had nothing to do with me.

Its power was inside you all along, Ryan.

Hang in there, buddy.


- It's fine. It's fine.
- Hey! Grandpa!

Coral, give me your hand!

We're not strong enough, Ryan.
We can't do it alone.

The island. We have to get
him to the island!

Jay, just trust us!
Please, go! Go!

Stay with us, Grandpa.

Come on, buddy. Hang in there, buddy.
We're doing good!

- Help!
- Breathe, buddy. You're doing good.

Grandpa, please.
Please, don't leave me.

I'm sorry, this is all my fault.

I'm sorry, this is all my fault.

I brought you here.
We shouldn't have left.

Coral. Coral, where is everyone?
Why aren't they coming?

They're afraid.


Please! Please, help him! He's gonna die!

- Daddy, he's sick!
- You crazy old man.

What were you thinking?

I'm sorry.

Just take it easy, Pop, alright?
Just... Just take it easy!

Look, they can help him.

I know they're here and they have to.

- Everyone just come out, please!
- Sweetie, there's nobody here.

There's nothing anybody can do
until the coast guard gets here.

Coral, can... can you please try?

I'll do what I can.

Stay with us, Pop.

I can't. His condition is too grave.

I'm so sorry, Ryan.

Please, somebody!

What the...?



Hello, my love.

- Am I dead?
- No, no. You're very much alive.

I missed you so much.

- I was so angry.
- Shh.

None of that matters now.

What? Would someone like to tell me what...?

What I just watched?

They're mermaids.

Yeah, right. Of course.

And I'm sorry.

I'm sorry for breaking my
promise not to come back.

- I didn't know what to do and...
- I'm not.

What a good man you've become.

Why do I...?
Why do I feel like we've met before?

Because I've always been there watching.

From the sea...

in your dreams.

You're my son, Matthew.

Tonight signifies a new beginning.

A bridge between our worlds...
and theirs.

This signifies our bond of trust...

and of family.

Let the sea breathe new life into this valley.

That the fish flow through its waters.

How long do you think they've been down there?
All night?

I guess they had a lot of catching up to do.

Love is love no matter how old you are.


Hey, whoa, whoa, where do you
think you guys are going?

Where do you think we're going?

Alright, well, just be careful, okay?

I'll take good care of her,... Uncle Matt.

Have fun!

Oh, man, it's gonna take some getting used to.

It's how a lot of things are.

Life's a journey.

The fish did return to Santa Carla,

and my dad and granddad each
began new chapters in their lives.

And me?
Well, my dad was right all along.

I grew to love my new home.

In the end of that magical summer,

I learned that the ocean wasn't
just a place of mystery,

wonder, and secrets.

I learned that it was a teacher.

And if you listen hard enough,
you learn about love and forgiveness.

And in the end,

maybe that's the most important lesson of all.

- Hey, Coral!
- Yeah?

- Friends forever?
- Family forever.
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