Scooby-Doo! Shaggy's Showdown (2017)

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Scooby-Doo! Shaggy's Showdown (2017)

Post by bunniefuu »







Kyle would you quit...


The flaming J!


It's Dapper Jack!
It's Dapper Jack!





(LAUGHS) Come on, over here!

Y'all say "Cowboy!"


The travel guide was right.

Sorghum City is
a rootin'-tootin' good time.

MAN : Hey! Who's this guy?
MAN : Looks like a real cowboy.

Momma, who's that?

Oh, look, honey.

They're putting on some sort of show.

Best vacation ever!


Worst vacation ever!



Let's run!



* Yeah! *


- * Yeah! *

* Don't stop, ride on *



* Don't stop, ride on *

* Yeah! *


* Scooby-Dooby
Dooby-Dooby-Doo! *

* Don't stop, ride on *

* Got my saddle and my stirrups *

* Got my bridle and my reins *

* Halter bits and harnesses *

- * Horse blood in my veins *

* Got everything a cowboy
could ever need, of course *

* But I ain't got no horse *

Like, singing makes me hungry.

Everything makes you hungry, Shaggy.

Yeah, everything.

It's true! Even eating
makes me hungry.

Oh, come on.
I know there's gotta be

some Scooby Snacks in here somewhere.

Scooby Snacks?

You'll be able to eat soon enough.

We'll be in Sorghum City
in a few minutes.

Hey! Thanks for inviting us
along to your cousin's place.

You said she found you
one some genealogy website?


Yep, and she was so eager
to get to know me,

she invited me to her dude ranch.

Like, with guests.


I think this is our exit.

Let me check!

I've got the dude ranch's
site up on my tablet.

It looks like a nice...

Oh, no!


This is terrible!

Look at this!
They used El Kabong font!

The whole website is El Kabong!

What is it?
A "Lost kitten" flier?

Using El Kabong is like putting salt
in someone's eyes!

In everyone's eyes!

We've had this talk before Velma.

A healthy person does not
get this upset about fonts.


Found one!



One, two, three...

That is not how rock-paper-scissors
works and you know it!




It looks like this dude ranch
has some fun activities.

Roping, riding, even river rafting.

Those are all words
you can pronounce, Scooby!

Roping, riding, river rafting,

And there's a barn dance.

I have the perfect outfit.

This should be fun as long as my horse
allergy doesn't act up too much.

I hope my medication works.

Look! Now entering
Sorghum City.

One more time!


Please not one more time.

* Ridin' along the trail
Nothin' but cow tails in my sight *

Where are we supposed to turn?

I don't know.

Was that B street or...

Can we just ask directions?

Why am I the only one who ever
wants to just ask directions?

I'll ask!

Like, I speak cowboy!


Howdy, partner!

- Why, can you tell me where I can find...

(SCREAMS) He's back!

Pardon me, ma'am.


- Howdy!

Must be something wrong with my accent.

Partner, part-ner,

Part, partner, par, partner, par...

Howdy, partner! Huh.
It all sound good to me.

We're looking for
the Crazy Q dude ranch.

Uh, well, what you want to do is,

make a left turn there
at Elm and then...

- (NORMAL VOICE) I don't get it! No one will talk to me.


Why am I so scary?

Maybe it's the hat. Come on.


Come on, Shaggy.

No! Everybody screams
when they see me.

I'm staying right here!

He'll come out when he's hungry enough.

- Definitely.
- SHAGGY: Nope, I'm never coming out!

Is this Shaggy's cousin's house?

DAPHNE: Looks like
it's seen better days.


- What?
- I smell...



Oh, hello there!

I'm Midge Gunderson,
this is my husband Andy.


Andy Gunderson, Gunderson Tanning Salon
and Lawn Mower Repair.

Here's my card.


Oh, bless you, you got allergies, hon?

I always carry some allergy pills,

and antacids and aspirin.
Oh, is this a cat toy?

We don't have a cat!

I'm just waiting for them to kick in.

- I...
- Oh, this is my daughter, Debbie.

It's Desdemona now.

How many times
do I have to tell you? Ugh!

And my son, Buddy.

* Howdy y'all, I'm Buddy G *

* At the Crazy Q with my family! *

Oh, my gosh, it's Buddy G!


That kid with all the videos?

- Oh, that's our Buddy.

Singer, rapper, interweb sensation.

Buddy's performing at the rodeo,

but we're also having a little vacation

so Buddy can get away
from all the pressure of...

(WHISPERS) Celebrity!

You'd be surprised how crazy
his fans can get.

Oh, my gosh!

I just have to get your autograph.

- Um, here, just sign this!

Mmm. Usually they're
a little younger.



Buddy is really excited to be here

and finally have a chance
to ride a horse.

- Right, Buddy?


(WHISPERS) He really loves horses.
He just has some issues.

Do you think people can't hear
you when you do that?

Don't mind her, she just wants attention

now that her brother is famous.

Everyone can hear you!


There's just something
I don't trust about horses.

They're like giant rabbits
wearing tap shoes.

Only the tap shoes are for stomping.


This is Dave and David.

No, I'm David, he's Dave.

They're big-shot
television producers.

Seriously? So loud!


Oh, and this is Carol and Sharon.

They're sisters.

Nice to meet you!

Water, Sharon?


It's vinegar. Oh, you got me.
You got me good that time, Carol.

You totally got me!

Oh, yeah,
I got you. I got you back!

I totally got you!



Oh, no! I think that one
is getting ready to attack us.

Howdy, Crazy Q guests!

Never mind Buckstitch.

He can't hurt you
from behind that fence.

But stay away from that critter.

He's the meanest, nastiest
varmint in these here parts.

They call him Buckstitch,
because when he bucks you off,

they have to stitch you back together.

By the way, I'm Larry.

- And this is Kyle.

Ugh. Hi.

Howdy-ho, little lady!

Happy to be here at the Crazy Q?


And a special howdy
to you, little filly.

And a howdy-hi-ho
right back at you, pilgrim.

I also say hello.


Okay, buddy, calm down.

Kyle and I will be helping you out
during your stay here at the Crazy Q.

Q stands for cowboy.

Uh, not really.

And now that everyone's here, I reckon
we can all have ourselves some lunch.




It's the ghost!

A ghost?

I'm not a ghost.

I can fix that.

No, he's really not a ghost.

- He's a person.
- Yeah.

You should smell his sweat socks.


Well, sorry about that.

Well, he looks just like that ghost
that was here last night.


No, I'm not talking to you.

I'm not saying you look like a ghost.

I would never say that about you.

So, that's why everyone was screaming
when they saw you, Shaggy.

Like, they all thought I was a ghost!

A little tanning will help with that.

Yes, it makes you look much more
alive and attractive.




Hang on a second,
you must be Norville Rogers.

Call me Shaggy.

It's just amazing.
Come on with me.

Tawny's gotta see this.


(GASPS) It's unbelievable.




You look exactly like him.

Like, like who?

Dapper Jack Rogers.

Our ancestor and the greatest outlaw
these parts have ever seen.

- Ruh-roh.

Whoa, you look just like him, Shaggy.

It could be you on Halloween.

Oh, I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself.

I'm Tawny Rogers, your third
cousin, twice removed.

(CHUCKLES) Like, thank you
for the invitation, cuz.

Oh, heck.

Just an opportunity
to get to know a relative.

Excuse me, did someone say something
about a ghost earlier?

Yeah, that guy threatened
to turn me into one.

Uh, I said I was sorry.

The ghost of Dapper Jack
has been terrorizing the town.

The place seemed practically deserted.

Yeah. A lot of businesses
have closed down already.

I would think having a ghost in
a ghost town would help business.

Well, not this one.

He's terrifying, and he sh**t
green flames and he...

He smells fairly bad.

Like, how come nobody in my family

ever mentioned this famous relative?

Probably because he's mostly famous
for having been a violent g*n slinger.

So evil, his ghost has come back
to terrorize the whole town.


Well, looks like we've got
another mystery on our hands.

Oh, man.

I can't believe my most famous
ancestor was an outlaw.

What if it's in my blood?
What if I go bad? (GASPS)

That time at first grade,
where I stole the cookie.

This totally explains it!
I'm bad to the bone!

Settle down, Shaggy.

Rafe, can you tell us more
about Dapper Jack?

The tourists always want to hear
stories about Dapper Jack.


Dapper Jack Rogers was about
the orneriest guss this town had ever seen.


He terrorized Sorghum City

- along with his giant ferocious dog Atlas.

- They were cattle thieves,

- bank robbers.

They stole from everyone,

- from old ladies to orphans,

- from farmers,

- to school marms.

He cheated at cards, robbed the poor box

and returned his library books late!


Jack was always a sl*ve to fashion.

Legend has it, he once shot a man for
wearing white shoes after Labor Day.

In short, he was the foulest,

vilest, low-down, dirtiest no-account
human being to ever walk the Earth!

And consequently,
quite a tourist attraction.

Did anyone else picture
Scooby-Doo as the dog?

- Uh-huh.
- You bet.

- I pictured him with a mustache.
- Hmm.

Yep, Dapper Jack made this
town miserable for years

until Sheriff Rufus Carmichael
finally took care of it.

Carmichael wrote a book about it

that was pretty popular
a hundred or so years ago.

His tales of Dapper Jack

were what brought the tourists
here in the first place.

Now they come to hear the legend.

And also because of
the Crazy Q's fancy website.

Did you see it?
Made it myself.

- Pretty darn professional, huh?
- (ANGRILY) Yeah.

Nice font.

Yup, I purely love that El Kabong.


Well, guess I better see
to our other guests.

Nice to meet you all!

Hey, thanks for coming out.

I'm looking forward to
getting to know you, cousin.

Yeah. Kind of a bummer our ancestor
was such a jerk though, huh?

These are just the stories
they tell tourists, Shaggy.

We'll have to dig up more information
about Dapper Jack while we're here.

You're welcome to try.

But I've been hearing
all about him all my life.

And I ain't heard nothing good yet.

Now, who's ready for some...

Lunch, lunch, lunch, lunch.

Lunch, lunch, lunch, lunch.

Now, how do they know I was
going to say lunch?

They're pretty much psychic
when it comes to food.




My tummy is growling.

Like, shouldn't there be
a room service menu?

Not real... Fancy.

Hmm. If the ghost
shows up tonight,

should I go with the nylon net or silk?

Yeah, the nylon is stronger,
but silk is more transparent,

thus, more difficult to see.

Now, the Net Master

with the double reinforced
weave is a good choice.

But it's more of an autumn net,

good for a wild game
and the occasional Sasquatch.

(GASPS) Of course,
the Amaz-a-net

has come out with a new model
that I'm dying to try out!

Yeah, but I haven't had a chance
to do any clinical trials.


Like, when is second dinner?

Yeah, second dinner?

We just ate.

Let me make this clear to you.

We are never not going to be hungry.

Sometimes we start lunch
before we finish breakfast,

and, as a matter of fact,

we've put more all-you-can-eat
buffets out a business than E. Coli.

- ALL: Huh?


Time for an Amaz-a-net
field test.

No, no, no, no. Net Master .
Net Master .




(GASPS) No, not the face.




Aw, I should've gone
with the Amaz-a-net.




He's after us, Scoob.


You can't chase me!
I'm a relative!


Like, "Moo."











He's got me! (WHIMPERS)

Let me go! I'm cowarding!

The girls.

Like, can't we wait and help
them after the ghost is gone?


Okay, okay!








Let's go get him.

But we just got rid of him!

Like, where did he go?

Hang on, where's Fred?

I am very disappointed in you,
Net Master .


Good night.

Good night.

Shaggy? Scooby?
Are you guys going to bed?

Like, we'll take the first watch.

Suit yourselves. Good night.




Rise and shine, good morning!


Well, why is it still dark?


Thanks, buddy.

You're welcome.

Quit fooling around, guys,

we've got some detective work to do.

Count me out!

I've had enough ghosts
and not enough sleeping!


- Should I say it?
- Say it.



What's the hold up?
Let's get going!

Yeah, get going!

Velma and I will go talk to Tawny
to see what we can find out.

And we'll talk to eggs and see
what we can bacon!


This is way too much food!

Most of our guests left
because of the ghost.

The recipe is for a hundred people.

I only know how to follow the recipe.

Howdy, breakfast! (CHUCKLES)

Can't you divide by five?

I'm a cook!
Not a mathematologist!

- Look, all this food is gonna go to waste!



Like, can we have seconds?

Yeah, seconds?

The three of you ate all of that food?


I tried to take a piece
of bacon, but he bit me.

You should really train your dog.

Not the dog.

Like, man I tried to warn you not to get
too close to the food when I'm eating.

You heard the guests.

Whip up another batch!


Do I need to divide by anything?


Like great cooking.

Actually, can you multiply?

Business has been bad in Sorghum
City for quite a spell.

But since that ghost showed
up, it's gotten even worse.

We saw a lot of boarded
up shops in town...


I think the allergy medicine
is starting to wear off.

Yeah, some company called
Black Rattler Management

has been buying up all the failed
businesses at bargain rates.

They've offered to buy
the ranch, but I've...

Well, I've lived here my whole life.

I just...

I can't leave, I...


We'll get to the bottom
of this ghost thing.

It'll be okay.

You know, you might be able to find
out more about Dapper Jack in town.


Also, it might be good to get
Velma away from the,


Horses! You can say it!

I'm not allergic
to the word "Horses!"

Horses, horses!


Oh, my gosh! (SIGHS)

I think I am allergic to it.






So, what are you fellas gonna do today?

- We...
- We're gonna rent canoes.

I don't know, Midge,
there's rapids on that river.

It's okay, it says...

If you stay to the right, it's safe.

Just don't go to the left at the fork.

Well, I haven't left anything
on my fork yet!


Oh, sh**t!

Did you hear that? When I said I
haven't left anything on the fork yet?

I hear it, Dad.

Classic me!

You know, quiet time could be nice too!

- We should have more quiet time!

Ugh! How can you stand them?

Having a million fans helps.

Oh, there's that stagecoach.

We might take a ride on that.
That looks like fun.

Morning Crazy Q guests!

Mind if Kyle and I
join you for breakfast?

(CHUCKLES) Right after we do our
morning workout, of course.

- Oh, wow!
- Look at that!


I could do that. I just don't
wanna do it right now.

Let's get a move on, Kyle.

We got some shoeing
to do after breakfast.

Well, hold on there, I ain't
even started my catfish.

Well, quit your jawing and eat then.

- My shoeing finger is feelin' itchy.

Say, fellows, I know a thing or two about
shoeing. Mind if I join you later?

Huh. You don't say?
Are you fast?

Fast? (SCOFFS) I'll say.
Fastest shoer in the West.

We could use a hand.
Meet us out by the barn later.

Sounds great. That stake
isn't gonna know what hit it.

I was the horseshoe pitching
champ of Camp Little Moose,

I'll teach these cowhands
a thing or two.

(MUFFLED) Can't talk. Food.

Any idea what we're looking for?

- Clues.
- Great.

So I'll see if I can find
anything clue-shaped then.

Come on, Scoob, let's see
what you can sniff out.

Yeah, yeah, clues.


Hey, there, little pony.


How did you get out?

There, there, little pony.
It's okay.

Come with old Zeke. I'll
take you back to the barn.

Whoa, there, partner. Scooby's not a
horse, he's a pedigreed Great Dane.

Yeah, pedigreed!

This is a dog? (SCOFFS)

Why should I listen to
a talking tree anyway?

Uh, what?

It's a joke, son. It's because
of my nearsightedness.

Sorry about your dog.

Here you go, little pony.

Uh, thanks, but I already had breakfast.

Consarn it!

Can you point me in the general
direction of the stables?

Much obliged.

Look, I found some powder in the grass.

Some sort of tiny crystals.

Like, what could that be?

I don't know, some kind of fertilizer?

Maybe Tawny would know what it is.

Looks like boric acid.
We use it as a pesticide.

- I don't know why it would have been where you found it.

That's right peculiar.

Do you know anyone who has a
grudge against you or the ranch?

Oh, I sure hope not.

We're struggling enough as it is.

I've worried about losing
the ranch for a long time.

It's the only home I've ever known.

This ghost is just the last straw.

Well, don't worry.
We'll take care of it.

I'm not afraid of any ghost,
right, Scoob?

Yeah, me neither.



I got you, I got you good!

You totally got me.
You got me good!


And I'll get you both a mop
and some cleaning rags

so you can clean up that paint.

She totally got us.

Hey, aren't you the cook?

Well, I'm also the stagecoach driver.


Sorry about that. I just wish
there was something I could do.

If only Dapper Jack hadn't been so evil,

maybe people wouldn't be so afraid now.

Hogwash! The whole tourist trade is
built around the legend of Dapper Jack,

but that's all it is.
A legend.

It's all a bunch of stories,
none of it's true. None of it.

Take it from someone
who knows the truth.

Do you know you're brushing a fence?

(GROANS) No good talking tree.

What kind of museum sells bait?

One that's near fishing
and wants to make money?

Well, yeah, it is a tourist town.
Come on.

Actually, why don't you see what you
can learn about Dapper Jack in there,

and I'll ask some
of the local merchants.

You want that outfit, don't you?

It's so cute!

- All right, fine. Just don't take too long.


Hello. Oh, hi. Um,
I had some questions.

$ , look all you want.

Flash photography's okay, but no video.

Well, here's my money, but I'm
curious about Dapper Jack.

Dapper Jack was the foulest,
vilest, low-down,

dirtiest no-account human
being ever to walk the Earth

and you will find many

fascinating artifacts of his
life and times presented herein.

$ . Flash photography's okay,
but no video.

No, I got that. I'm just wondering
if you can tell me more about him.

Lady, this is what we got.

You pay the money, you look
at the stuff, that's it.

Come on, there must be
more to the museum than that.

Yes, there's bait.

Night crawlers or red worms.


Howdy, partners!

Well, howdy, ma'am!

Exhibit's $ , look all you want.

Flash photography and video are okay.

You told me no video.


I was wondering if you could tell
me any more about Dapper Jack.

You know, besides
all that tourist stuff.

I don't know much myself, ma'am,

but you could look around
in the back if you like.

There's some stuff didn't
make it into the exhibit.

Why, thank you kindly.

You're right welcome.


Man, look at that.
That ain't gonna heal right.

I give up. This place is
messier than Shaggy's closet.

There's nothing interesting here.


Hold that thought.
Look at this.

Rufus Carmichael's diary.

That's the sheriff who
caught Dapper Jack.

Reading that should shed a little
light onto Shaggy's ancestor.


Someone broke into it.

Yeah, it looks like
they used bolt cutters.

It's gone. They stole the diary.

Someone's really going to some effort
to keep Dapper Jack's past a mystery.

Let's see if our new buddy
knows anything.

Someone stole
the sheriff's diary? Huh.

I didn't even know we had that.

I really focus more on the bait
side of things. We got minnows now.

Bass really go for minnows.

Any idea who could have taken it?

Just about anyone. I don't even
lock the place up anymore.

I'm fixing to sell out to
that Black Rattler company

that's been buying up the town,

and they'll probably just
throw all this old junk out.

Now, can I interest you two
nice ladies in some leeches?


I couldn't get a thing out of
that clerk until you showed up.

Oh, forget that guy. Let's just
dress up and have some fun.

It's like going undercover.

No way! Nothing could ever
get me to dress like that.

Challenge accepted.

(SCOFFS) I knew I shouldn't
have said that.

You're darn tootin' you shouldn't have.

We're here for the shoeing.

We'll get to that in a bit, city boys.

First it's time for some
of that good old-fashioned

roping and riding
you paid good money for.

We didn't pay anything.

Great, well, then, we don't
have to be nice to you.


Saddle up.

I don't know if I can do this.

I haven't really been
around horses much.

Just watch what the ranch hands do.

I'm sure we'll pick it up quick enough.






Ah! Whoa!

Ow, ow, ow, ow!






Whoa! This guy's a natural.

I gotta tell you, city boy,

you're better at this stuff than I am.

Well, thanks, partner.



Everything about this place
is so gross and bourgeoisie.

Like, what exactly does
"bourge-wa-zoo-zoo" mean?

It means I don't like it. Ugh!

I'm dark and serious.

I got that.

Oh, come on, Buddy, just try it.

Huh? Mmm.

I thought you liked horses.

I like horses in general.

I just don't like specific horses.

I mean, why would they need metal shoes
if they weren't gonna stomp on people.

Give me one good reason.

Oh, son, these horses wouldn't hurt ya.

They're very well-trained.
Anybody could ride 'em.

Yeah, anybody.





Hey, check this out.

Wow, look at that.

Hey! Wow, I cannot believe this.





Wow, all right.

Wow, nice.


He's looking at me like I'm a bug.
He's gonna stomp me!


Well, maybe we try this again later.


You ready for the shoeing, city boy?

I sure am, where's the stake?

Steak? sh**t.

If you can shoe a horse, you can
have all the steaks you want...

With baked potatoes and collard
greens and spicy cornbread,

and fried chicken,
basically anything you want.

- What?
- Here you go.

- Get to it.

Wait, hold the phone.
You want me to...



What's going on?

Some goofball's trying to shoe a horse.

Oh, sorry. I mean, your friend's
trying to shoe a horse,

and he's a goofball.


Fred, what are you doing?

Shoeing this horse, obviously.



So, did you guys
find anything out today?

Yeah, besides what "shoe a horse" means?

Yeah, besides that.

Well, we...

The fiery J.



That green fire could spread
to the rest of Tawny's ranch.

We better put it out.

Quick, before the fire spreads.



Sit, sit!




Take it easy, buddy.
Take it easy.


It... It's working, Scoob.
It's working.

So, Scoob, you can talk to horses?

I guess.

Well, I'll be... I've never
seen nothing like that.

You're a born horseman, cousin.

Are you guys okay?

Yeah, we're fine.


I think I sprained my ankle
a little, if anyone cares.

Well, what have we got.

Not much in the way of suspects.

Yeah, Tawny and Rafe both stand to lose
their ranch, so they seem pretty unlikely.

Maybe it's one of those jokey
sisters pulling a prank.

This seems a little elaborate for them.

What about that Gunderson girl?

She seems pretty unhappy to be here.

Maybe she's trying to scare her
parents so they can go back home.



Hey, Velma, we found this.

- Tawny says it's boric acid.
- Mmm-hmm.

You think it could be
connected to the ghost?

Let me show you something.

What about that Black Rattler
Management company?

- They're buying an awful lot of local real estate.
- So?

So, I don't know if
anyone else has noticed,

but about % of the ghosts we run into

wind up having something
to do with real estate.

Okay, check this out.

Boric acid burns green.

Maybe the ghost is using it for the
green flames he sh**t out of his g*ns.

Dude, that's awesome!


Like, can we blow up some other stuff?

So, no then? It's a no?

You're right about that Black
Rattler Management company, Daphne.

I'm going to have to do a little
internet research on them.

What about Dave and David?
What are they up to?

The producers?
Maybe they're here to...

No, I mean what are
they up to right now?

Totally suspicious.

Should we follow 'em?

I say yes.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

It's going to be dark soon
and there's a ghost around.

Fine, we'll go and you can stay here all alone
in a place where the ghost appeared last.

All righty. Let's find out
what they're up to.



What the heck could they be doing here?

What's that case that he's carrying?

Is it a g*n?

I think it is.

Come on, man, move.

We can't see.

Scooch over. Can I just...


Like, don't sh**t.


No, don't sh**t.
Just put down the...

Tripod? (CHUCKLES)

We thought it was a...

- Shaggy!
- Shaggy!


Are you okay?

Of course not! Help!


I can't hold on.





Like, nice catch, Scoob.



- We're okay.
- We're okay.


ALL: No!


- We're okay.
- We're okay.

ALL: Yes!

- Oh...

ALL: No!




- We're okay.
- We're okay.


Thank goodness.

So you thought we had something
to do with the ghost?

Sorry, it was just...

You were coming out here to this isolated

We were just taking some pictures.

We're scouting locations
for our next movie.

Ooh, a movie?

About the nefarious Dapper Jack

and the heroic Sheriff Carmichael.

Man, if you make a movie,

everyone's gonna know
about my jerk ancestor.

We feel like it's time for
a big blockbuster Western.

All the science fiction and
superhero and zombie movies

have really run their course.

But just in case, we're going
to make Dapper Jack,

a super-powered alien
zombie robot,

from the future.

Also, Sheriff Carmichael might have a
rapping monkey that grants wishes.

Best... Movie... Ever.

You know, if you want to find
out about Dapper Jack,

you're in the wrong place.

Yeah, you should really
check out his grave.

It's right down the road.

(CHUCKLES) Oh, like we're going to go
check out a ghost's grave in the dark.

- SHAGGY: Right.


We are going to do that, aren't we?




Calm down, you two.


What's there to be scared about?

We're just by my ancestor's grave

at night, in an area he's been haunting!

And the snack bar.
It's... It's closed!



Oh, that's where they rent the canoes.

You'd never get me
on one of those things.

- They're death traps.



Come on, let's take a closer look.

Guys, wait up.

Ew! What's this eerie
green mist?

Kind of suspicious, if you ask me.

Like, this place
is giving me the creeps.

Hey, there it is.

The grave of Dapper Jack.


Huh? Look!


"Evil lives on."



I knew this was a bad idea!


Well, the horse isn't a ghost.

Wait! Can you be allergic
to ghosts?



This way!

SHAGGY: Yikes!




DAPHNE: The canoe!

I told you, I'm never
getting in one of those.

Then stay here with the ghost.

I'm getting in! Scooch...

Come on, Scoob!






We can make it to that fork.

He can't follow us
if we stick to the right.


Look out!


I think we're heading into the rapids.





Why is it getting so much louder?


ALL: Waterfall!

Maybe we can lasso that tree!

Shaggy, you can do it!

I don't know.
I guess I can try.

If you can't lasso that tree,
we're all dead.

But no pressure.


Here goes nothing.






- Huh?
- Huh?


(SIGHS) Told you.
These things are death traps.


So hot... Too far...

Never gonna... Make it.

FRED: Would you quit
being so dramatic?

Also, the road is that way.

I'm so relieved to find you.

I was up all night worried sick.

We were okay. Don't feel bad.

After we got away from the
ghost, we were just fine.

Well, once we got past those rapids.

And the waterfall.

Yeah, no sweat.

Oh, my. You guys could've died and
it would've been all my fault.

I'm the one who brought you here.

Hey, don't worry.

You just did it so we could
get to know each other.


You're right, cuz.

By the way,
I own the canoe rental place.

So, last night's canoe
with the tax and resort fee

comes to $ .

ALL: Huh?

Cash, check or credit?

Thanks for the ride.

See you back at the ranch.

Wait, I want to go check out that grave.

Let me grab my bag.


Guys, I found something.

What have you got?

- VELMA: Wait till you see this.
- Huh?

It's UV powder.

Look! Someone used this to make those
glowing words on the headstone last night.

- And look what Scooby found.

FRED: Speakers.


That's where
the sounds were coming from.

Someone sure went to
a lot of trouble to scare us.

Yeah, well, it worked.

Like, I don't care
if the ghost is real or not.

It almost k*lled us.

We're going to have to
be careful going forward.

Really careful.

Are you setting up for the barn dance?

Uh-huh. After tonight's rodeo.

Oh, can I help?

Sure thing.
There's some stuff in the box.

I could use all the help I can get.

Hey, aren't you the stagecoach driver?

I'm also an interior designer.

Wait a second.
Is this UV powder?

Uh-huh. We use it to make
the decorations light up.

See, like that.

Pretty, huh?

This is the same powder
we found on the grave.

Who had access to these decorations?

Just about anyone.
It's been sitting in the barn.

(SNIFFLING) The barn.

I'm going to miss the barn.

What do you mean?

I'm going to have to sell out
to Black Rattler Management.

I'm pretty sure Rafe will too.

We have mortgage payment
coming up and I...

I don't have the $ , .

Hold the phone.
Don't sell the place yet.

Shaggy can get you that money.

$ , -prize for bronco riding?

Bronco riding?
Isn't that dangerous?


Scooby can talk to the horse
before you ride it.

Like Buckstitch.
It'll be easy.

Oh, yeah.


You better get ready.
The rodeo is tonight.

Wait... A night rodeo?

Like, what if the ghost shows up?

We'll be ready if he does.

I have an idea.


ANNOUNCER: Welcome to
Sorghum City's Annual Rodeo.

And tonight we're gonna see

one brave, confident,
bronco-riding cowboy

win a $ , grand prize.

Do I look confident to you?




Maybe it'll soak in from the outside.

Ladies and gentlemen,
cowboys and cowgals,

welcome the rodeo's special guest,

Buddy G!


Wait, you mean the sisters are...

Buddy's backup dancers.

They're really good.

* I traveled across the Great Plains *

* And the rocky mountaintops *

- Oh, my God. There he is.
- Oh, he's so cute!

Buddy G! He's so awesome!

* ...In the good old West
and now I have this feeling *

* I got to get it off my chest *

* I wanna live life like a cowboy *

* The city life has been
no good for me *

* I wanna live life like a cowboy *

* Riding into the setting sun
and living free *


* Wake up at the crack of dawn
and set off down the trail *

* No posts to make or pics
to take or checking my email *

* Just roping cattle running
steer and living off the land *

* It's hard to check my phone
when there's a lasso in my hand *

* I wanna live life like a cowboy *

* 'Cause cowboy living
is the life for me *

* I wanna live life like a cowboy *

* Riding into the setting sun
and living free *

* Campfire crackling in the night *

* Stars shining in the sky so bright *

* My six-string is singing
a lazy midnight tune *

* I'm done with sitting
in my living room *

* I wanna live life like a cowboy *

* Finally it is plain to see *

* I wanna live life like a cowboy *

* Riding into the setting sun
and living free *

* I wanna live life like a cowboy *

* On this I can guarantee *

* I wanna live life like a cowboy *

* Riding into the setting sun
and living free *

* I wanna live life like a cowboy *

* 'Cause cowboy living
is the life for me *

* I wanna live life like a cowboy *

* Riding into the setting sun
and living free *


Buddy G, you're the coolest.

Can I get your autograph?


Do you wanna ride in the procession
with the other riders, Buddy?

I'm sure they'd love to have you.

No! I... I can't.

Come on, Scoob, I'm up soon.

You've got to talk
to the horse I'll be riding.

Whoa, there, horsey!

What? I'm not a horse.

Here's your bridle, horsey.




Put it on.

Hey, I've got an idea of how
I can join the procession.

Can I ride him? He looks nice.

I bet he wouldn't stomp a fly.

Sure thing, little girl.

Let me help you.

I'm not a... Never mind.

Tell your mama to buy you
some prettier dresses.

Maybe a nice bow for your hair.

Uh... Okay... I guess,
Giddy up, little doggy.


Hey, there, son...

Are you going to be able
to handle that horse?

Like, yeah, my dog's gonna talk
to the horse and calm him down.

Uh... Uh-huh...

Maybe we should be getting you
some safety gear to put on.

Plenty of time.






This is great!

Maybe I'm not such a wimp after all.

Yeah, you're not a wimp.





- BUDDY: Hi, guys!


Look at me. Yee-haw!

Look, honey, that's Buddy on that horse.

I'm proud of you, son.

- Huh. That's actually pretty cool.

You go, squirt!


Oh, thanks, fellas.
I feel safer already.

Think he needs more help?


As our procession exits,

let's welcome our first bronco rider,

Norville Rogers!


Hey, Scoob!

Let's give a big hand for him.

Did you talk to the horse?

Oh. Hi, Shaggy!

Great. Thanks, bud.


Look at Scooby showing off.



If Scooby's been out there
the whole time...

He hasn't talked to Shaggy's bronco yet.

Jinkies! Shaggy is done for.

Shaggy! No!


VELMA: Don't do it!

Let's show him our support.

(GASPS) Shaggy,
wait for me. Shaggy!

FRED: Shaggy!

- No!
- Don't do it!

(CHUCKLES) Look at them, cheering me on.

Like, it's great to have
such good friends.

You know what we call this horse?


The Widow Maker.




No! Calm Down!

Look out! Oh, dear!


Nice kitty.


Like, settle down, Widow Maker!

Easy! Easy, boy!

So if Scooby
didn't talk to that horse...

Yep. He's really doing it.


- Hmm. Heh.
- Hmm. Hey!

I knew you could do it, cousin!


No! Okay!


Yes, that a boy!

Thank you!

- ANNOUNCER: Let's hear it for Norville Rogers.

Way to go!





Look at that! What is that?


The flaming J!


Come on!

You know what to do.

- Yes.
- Got it.


Come and get it.

Right this way.


What are you waiting for?

Yeah, come on.






I've got you, Daphne.




I actually did it.

Way to go, Freddy!




Those cattle are going to figure
a way out of there quick.

We better get out of here.

The cattle are headed for
Tawny and the Gundersons.

We've gotta help them.

SHAGGY: Yee-haw!

Coma on, Scoob!

VELMA: Look at Shaggy!

He's riding like an old pro.

Let's help him.


They're gaining on us.

- Oh, no!

Not now, you hunk of junk.

Come on! (GRUNTING)

Like, come on, Scoob,

talk some sense into those cattle.





- (MOOS)
- Yikes!


I tried. He's bull-headed.

We're going to get stampeded!

Hey, you two,

we somehow have to divert
the attention of the stampede.



Wow! Velma's sneezes
are spooking the cattle.

- DAPHNE: Great job, Velma, keep it up.

Like I have a choice.



Oh, this is great. We can get
the cattle back to the arena.



Let's get it done quick
before my nose falls off.

Phew! Thank goodness.

I don't think we would have
lasted much longer out there.

Now to put a little water
on that engine.




That was some riding, Shaggy,
you were amazing.

Yeah, great job, Shaggy.

Oh, I didn't do anything.

Scooby talked to the horse.

Uh... No, I didn't.

You didn't... (GULPS)

So... (WHIMPERS) That means...

You did that all by yourself, partner.


Wow! That's amazing.

Now, if you'll excuse me,

I need to brain stop work.
Now fall down.


Hey, Rafe, do you know
what started that stampede?

Well, something sure spooked them.

Don't worry about that now. You
just head on back to the barn

and take care of that dance.

I've got things covered here.

Oh, thanks, Rafe.

- You're a life-saver.

Oh, yeah.

And for the greatest bronco
riding this cowboy has ever seen,

the grand prize goes to Norville Rogers!





You got me.

Oh, yeah. I got you.

- Like here you go, cuz.

This should save the ranch.

I... I don't know
if I ought to accept this.

You risked your life to help me.

All in a day's work, ma'am.

Thank you so much, Shaggy.


Group hug. (CHUCKLES)



Aren't you the interior designer?

I'm also a DJ.

I can't believe you conned me
into wearing this outfit.

How could it get any worse?

Thank you for so succinctly
answering my question, Daphne.

Stick with the plan.
Besides, you look super cute.

Hello, ladies.

Happy to see me?


Yes, but probably not for
the reason you're thinking of.

- Grab him before he gets away!
- Huh?

Hey, how did you know it was...


I mean, how come you think it was me?

We knew you might escape from that net.

But as a back-up,
it was covered in UV powder.

Enough powder to be sure that
some would rub off on you.

We just had to wait for the culprit
to step under the black light

and he'd light up like a Christmas tree.

Yeah, like, you stepped right into it.

Yeah. Right into it.

You can't prove anything!

What you got, a little UV powder?

You got nothing!


Holy cow!

I can't believe it.
You caught the ghost.

Not exactly.

There had to be someone else involved.

Right. Someone else must have
started that stampede.

Maybe we can find some clues
in Kyle's room.

Tawny, do you have a key?


These fireworks link Kyle, to
all the Flaming J's in the sky.

But that doesn't explain
who his accomplice was.

Shaggy, how come you guys
aren't looking?

It's gonna eat us.

Don't be ridiculous, it's stuffed.

I was stuffed at lunch,
but I still ate more.

Maybe there's more to this
bear head than meets the eye.

Is that a hidden compartment?


Look, here are the g*ns Kyle used
to sh**t the boric acid fire.

And here's the cowboy hat he wore.

See? This projected the skull
face, and the face of Dapper Jack

on to this veil he pulled down
over his face.

Quite ingenious, really.


If by ingenious, you mean so scary
that I almost lost my appetite,

then you're right.

Hold on. I think there's
something else there too.

Check it out! Sheriff
Rufus Carmichael's diary.

(GASPS) And what's this?

It's a business card for
Black Rattler Management.

The company that's been
buying up the town.

Guys, I know who's behind all of this.

We gotta get back to the barn dance.

Well, I finally finished driving
them cattle back into their pens.

Did I miss anything?

VELMA: Excuse me, hi.



Hi, everyone.

We found Sheriff Carmichael's diary,

and the story of Dapper Jack
turns out to be a lot different

than the one that's told to tourists.

Listen to this.

"The people of Sorghum City may
love that fool, Jack Rogers,

"or 'Dapper Jack', as they call him.

"They think he's kind.

"They think he's warm hearted.

"They think he's generous,

"always willing to lend a hand.

"But if life has taught me anything,

"it is that anything one man has,

"another man may take.

"And I mean to take this town's love

from the so-called
Dapper Jack."

Yes, Sheriff Carmichael
wanted everyone to love him

the way they loved Dapper Jack.

So he framed him for cattle rustling.

He turned the whole town against him.

Here he says he had
trouble catching Jack

because of his amazing
abilities on horseback.

Which as you've all seen his descendant,
Shaggy, inherited from him.

Does he say anything about not
being able to grow a full beard?

'Cause I definitely inherited
that from someone.

Now, listen to this.

May th, .

"Finally caught Dapper Jack
by Minschel Pike.

"He was a fast draw,

"but a poor shot.

"As it turns out, Jack Rogers was more
useful dead than he ever was alive.

"I can commit all manner of crimes

"and blame Dapper Jack,
the great outlaw.

"The whole town curses his name.

"One day, I will simply
disappear for a week or so

"and return with the tale
of tracking down

"and ending Dapper Jack.

"I will be remembered forever as a hero,

while Jack Rogers' name goes
down in the annals of infamy."

Well, clearly, this sheriff was
a byproduct of bad parenting.

Just as Sheriff Carmichael used
Dapper Jack to steal from the town,

someone else is now using Dapper
Jack's ghost to steal from the town.

And that someone is... Rafe!




Why, that's just plain...


After him!

Howdy, partner.

Nice roping, Scooby-Doo.

It was you?

But why?


I lined up a deal with a
company that builds resorts.

They offered millions
for the Sorghum City area.

But why would you pretend to be a ghost?

The company wanted to theme the resort
around Dapper Jack, the outlaw.

So I came up with a fake ghost.

It would build up interest
in the outlaw stories.

And, it would scare people off,

so I could buy their land
through my company,

Black Rattler Management.

How did you know it was me?

Simple, you said you built the
dude ranch's website yourself,

and you used El Kabong font.

No professional would use that font.

No one with any taste
or self-respect would...

Easy there, Velma.

Anyway, I saw the font again

on the Black Rattler Management
business card we found.

There can't possibly be two people in
the world who would use that font.

I mean, look at it!

I still like it.

The moral of this story is,

never use El Kabong.


You'll never take me.

I'll be out of the country
before morning.

$ , will get me a long way.

Adios, muchachos.


Someone get him!

Oh, I'll lose the ranch if I
don't get that $ , back.


- Hi-ho, Scooby!

Buddy, come back!
It's too dangerous!

They're gonna need some help.

There ain't but one horse here
fast enough to catch that coach,

and that's...


I'll save you, Scoob. Hiya!

He's gonna have a hard time
finding them in this darkness.

Like, I can't even see them.


This oughta help him.

Oh, wow! Thanks, fellas.

Come on, Buckstitch.

This one's for Dapper Jack.


We gotta stop him from getting away.

You try to get the money, I'll
see if I can get to the horses.






There you are.
I can see you now.

And I can see you.


This was a terrible idea.

- I don't miss twice.
- (g*n COCKING)


(LAUGHS) Nice save, Scoob.

You can't stop me.

I don't have to.


(LAUGHS) Howdy, partner.

You're not gonna get too far
without these guys.

Happy trails, cowboy.

Oh... Horse feathers.



(SIGHS) Huh?

I'm sorry, Dapper Jack.

I'm sorry. Oh...

You know, Scoob,

I don't really mind being
mistaken for Dapper Jack now.



I would have gotten away with it

if it hadn't been
for those meddling kids.

And their nosey horse.

Not a horse.

But a pretty good dog.


So, here we are again.

I can't thank you enough.

I mean, all of you.

But especially you, cuz.

Like, it's too bad all the tourists

think our ancestor was a desperado.

They won't anymore, Shaggy.

From now on, I'm telling everyone
the true story of Dapper Jack.

Aren't you afraid that'll hurt business?

Everybody likes
the Dapper Jack outlaw story.

Come on!

The story of Rufus Carmichael,

the outlaw-slash-criminal
mastermind, is way better.

The only story I wanna know is

why I can't grow a decent
beard like Dapper Jack.

I've got more hair on my toes
than I do on my chin.


TMI, cuz.


ALL: Bye!

TAWNY: Bye, cousin!

BUDDY: Thanks, Scooby!

Like, man, I sure am glad we were
able to clear Dapper Jack's name

I like knowing my ancestor
was one of the good guys.



Did you see that, Scooby Doo?

- No.
- Good.

Me neither.





* Yeah! *


* Yeah! *

* Don't stop, ride on *

* Don't stop, ride on *

* Yeah! *


* Scooby-Dooby
Dooby-Dooby-Doo! *

* Don't stop, ride on *

* Yeah! *
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