Down on the Farm (2017)

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Down on the Farm (2017)

Post by bunniefuu »

[Music playing]

[Animals barking, bleating]

every now and then,

An animal is born with
a really special quality.

A rare trait that sets him
apart from all the others.

Wherever there is trouble,

Whenever there is
someone in need,

Where danger lurks
and mysteries abound...

There is oink,
the flying pig!

Hey, oink, oink,
is that really you?

The famous flying pig?

How many flying pigs
do you know?

'course it's you.

Heard there was a porker
of a problem,

A pig sty of a mystery, a hog
of a dilemma that needs solving.

Indeed there is.

Hey to you,
little squirrel.

No, no, no.
Not hey as in hello.

I mean, hay, the kind
of farm animals eat.

It's all over the grapevine.

Or should I say the corn fields?

All the animals are talking
about it, yelling about it.

Farmer joe's hay's
gone missing

And everybody is wondering
what happened to it.

Missing hay, you say?

Last night a big ol' bale
of hay disappeared.

Farmer joe is so mad.

He said he might have
to cut food rations

For all the farm animals.

I'm sure nobody's none
too pleased about that.

Say, do squirrels
like you eat hay?

Sure do.
It's delicious.

But I eat lots of other things,

Nut seeds, insects, mushrooms,
fruit... Even tree bark.

And of course
I love a good acorn.

- Tree bark?
- Tree bark, indeed.

Well, I guess I've heard

Of stranger things
animals will eat,

But let's go back
to the missing hay.

This mystery sounds just up
my alley. Any suspects?

It's gotta be one of them
farm animals for sure.

But farmer joe
don't know who.

No one's talking about it.

Too many suspects
and not enough clues.

I tell you, oink. Only you can
get to the bottom of this.

We need your help.

this farm drama has everything.

Intrigue, crime, mystery,

And a farm full of suspects.

I'm off to investigate.

I will find the culprit

Or my name isn't
oink the flying pig.

- Wait.
- What is it, slinky?

I'm in a hurry to get
this crime solved.

I was told
to give you a clue.

A clue?

I love clues.

Big ears. I heard
the hay thief has big ears.

Hmm... Lots of animals
have big years.

I don't have big ears.

But I'll tell you who does.

I'd go see them first.

Thanks and goodbye, slinky.

I'm off to discover the
whereabouts of the missing hay.

Aye-ho, aye-ho,
all helping hands on deck.

Oink, the flying pig is on
a mystery solving adventure.


Zooks. I think slinky, the
squirrel, is up to something.

I'd better follow oink, the flying pig.
He needs my help.

[Goat bleats]

[Music playing]


Oink, I didn't hear
you coming.

Hoot, hoot, that's
because I'm a farm owl.

My feathers are especially
designed for silent flight.

My wings are a unique
shape and size

Which allows me
to sneak up on prey.

That's why I'm known
as the perfect hunter.

I sure hope you didn't come
to eat me, my friend.

- [Gasping]
- hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo!

I don't eat pigs.
I eat small mammals.

I am what it's called

Which means I hunt at night.

But now it's day.

And I'm not here to eat.
I'm here to help.

I heard about farmer joe's
missing hay.

news travels fast.

Owls don't have
very good eyesight,

But we make up for it
by having excellent hearing.

Nothing happens
for miles around here

Without me hearing
about it first.

Great. I can use your help.

I think this missing hay
is going to be

A very hard mystery
to solve.

Do you have any clues?
Any suspects?

Slinky, the squirrel said
he heard the thief had big ears.

He said to talk to the donkeys.

The donkeys?

Could be hearsay.

You know how squirrels
can be sometimes.

What do you know
about squirrels, boink?

Squirrels are very intelligent
and are also very cagey.

Did you know that they bury
their food to throw off thieves?

They're actually part
of the rodent family.

Slinky is a boy squirrel,
and he's called a boar.

Girls squirrels are called sows.

- Just like pigs.
- That's right.

Well, we must
investigate every clue.

You're an animal expert
with a degree in farmology.

Totally correct.

Not a coincidence
they call me a barn owl.

I live in the upper story of the cutest
little red barn on the posey farm.

And I've had time to learn
everything there is to know

About farm animals.

I'm lucky to have you with me.
What do you know about donkeys?

I know donkeys are related
to horses and zebras

And they have very long ears.

Do they like to eat hay?

They most certainly do.

But they also eat
other grains and grasses.

Slinky thinks donkeys
are suspicious creatures.

Always laughing, "hee-ha,
hee-ha." [Laughing]

That's called braying.

Did you know a male donkey
is called a jack?

A girl donkey is called
a jenny.

And a young donkey
is called a foal.

The same as a horse.

Yes, the donkey is a member
of the horse family.

Like horses,
they're very hard workers.

They were domesticated
over , years ago.

What does domesticated mean?

It refers to an animal
tamed by people

To keep as a pet
or to work on a farm.

There's a donkey now.

[Donkey brays]

hee-ha, hee-ha!

A flying pig?

I've seen a lot of things
in my life, but gosh darn!

A flapping pig porker.

That's me.

Oink the flying pig.
But I don't just fly.

I use my brain to solve

You don't say.

Where were you last night?


Oh, let's see.

I was right here on the farm.

Where else would I be?

Over by the barn eating hay?

I do love to munch
a bunch of hay.

But truth be told,
I like straw even better.

Aren't they the same?


No, not at all.

Straw is quite dry.

A by-product composed
of plants,

Like oats, wheat, and barley.

Hay is green, moister,

And composed of legumes like
alfalfa, clover, and grasses.

that's one smart owl.

But why are you asking
all these questions?

Someone stole
farmer joe's hay.

Oh, you don't say.

Wait a sec.

I did hear somethin' 'bout that.
Let me think.

Oh yeah, i... I heard
the thief had hooves.


You have hooves.

So do you.

Here's a riddle:

What has four hooves
and loves hay?

Your cousin, the horse?

Hee-ah. Gosh, darn!
Smartest owl I ever did see.

That's the answer... Horses.

Yep, that's who you
should be talking to.

Horses, you say.

I'm on my way.
But... Don't go anywhere.

I might need
to question you again.

Zooks. Buzzing around,
I buzz-see,

And I buzz something fishy.

[Music playing]

What can you tell me
about horses?

I know horses have been living
on farms for a long time.

They were domesticated
over , years ago.

Like their donkey cousins.


But farmers love
horses even more.

They sit on their backs
and ride them.

It's a lot faster than
walking around the farm.

Makes a whole lot of sense.

Horses also work on the farm.

They plough fields
and pull wagons.

And because they're old timers
they're quite friendly.

Do you know what they call
a male horse?

A stallion.

A female horse
is called a mare.

And see the little one,
he's called the colt.

Or sometimes
you can call it a foal.

That gets confusing.

There's a lot
to learn about horses.

I know horses are very social.

Oh, yes, they live together
in groups of three to twenty.

A group of horses
is called a herd.

Ah-ha! Horses.
That's a lot of mouths to feed.

Hey, boink,
maybe that's a clue.

Maybe they took the hay.

Did you know they can run
at four different speeds?

That's a lot of options.

They're called gaits.

That's a fancy word.

Tell me more about these gaits.

When a horse is moving slowly,
it's called walking.

Easy enough, right?

When they pick up speed,
it's called a trot.

A little faster,
that's called a canter.

And the name for a horse's
fastest speed, a gallop.

[Horse whinnies]

Hello, there, I'm oink,
the flying pig.

I'm jenny, the flying horse.

I heard you were looking for me
so I came to meet you up here.

Oh, isn't that nice of you?

I'd say so.

I was in the middle
of my meal, too.

But anything to meet
the famous oink.

Meal? You don't say.

Well, horses are herbivores.

Which means out food
comes from plants.

But we also love treats.

Like apples and yams
and other sweet things.

All this talk of food
is making me hungry.

We need to solve
this mystery fast.

Did you say a mystery?

I love a good mystery.

I'm investigating the mystery
of the missing hay.


Any suspects?
Any clues?

You don't think we horses had
anything to do with it, do ya?

Do you like hay?

- I love it.
- A-ha!

And with so many horses
in your herd,

Did you take
farmer joe's hay?

Neigh! No!

Couldn't be me. I was in
my stall when it happened.

Farmer joe puts me
to bed before sun down.

That's right. Horses sleep
in a barn on a farm.

Sometimes they even sleep
standing up.

You sleep standing up?

You have big eyes.

Did you see anything?

We're looking for an animal
with big ears and hooves

That loves to eat hay.

I didn't see anything,
but I have a clue.

Neigh, all good mysteries
have lots of clues.

Yes, I'd love another clue.

I heard the hay thief
had horns.

Two horns to be exact.

Horns, you say.

Now, if I were looking for a
hay thief, I'd go see the goats.

They have hooves,

Two horns,
and some of them dairy goats

Have mighty big floppy ears.

Goats, you say.

That is correct.

Goats eat cloves, rope,
bark, you name it.

They'll eat anything
that can run away.

And I'll give you
another clue.

Whoever took that bale of hay
eats a lot.

That's a mighty big bunch of hay.

The horse has a point.

Round bales of hay can weigh
anywhere from to , pounds.

That is a lot of food.


Okay, okay.

No need to neigh.

I'm off to find
that bale of hay.

But don't go anywhere. I might
need to talk to you again.

I'll see you guys around.


I'm off to the farm.

A pile of delicious
apples awaits.

We're getting a lot
of suspects, boink,

But not much closer to
discovering who stole that hay.

[Music playing]

Hmm, what do you know
about goats?

I know the goat was one
of the first animals

To be domesticated by people
over , years ago.

That's longer than horses.

Yes, they've been living
amongst people

, Years longer than horses.

, Years is a long time.

It is. Did you know more
people in the world

Drank goat milk than
any other animal?

I've never had goat milk.
What does it taste like?

Ah... It depends on
what the goat eats.

If the goat eats onions
or garlic,

The flavor is different
than if it eats turnips.

And if you think
there's only one type of goat,

You'd be wrong.

There are more than
different kinds of goats.

What kind of goats live on
farmer joe's farms?

Dairy goats, for one.
Goats are very sociable animals

And will get depressed
if they don't have any friends.

If someone has pet goats,

They usually keep them
in small groups or pairs.

What's a group of goats called?

- A trip.
- A trip? [Gasping]

Now, that is a trip.

Here are some funny facts.

A female goat
is called a nanny.

Male bucks are called
bucks or billies.

A baby goat is called a kid.

people call their children kids.

[Oinking] wait, so was
billy the kid a goat?

Ha-hoo! Ha-hoo!

Now that would be a trip.

Billy the kid was a famous
outlaw in the old west.

But I do happen to know a kid
named billy the goat.

Billy the kid.
Kid is billy the goat.


And unlike humans, kid goats
take their first steps

Within minutes of being born.

And momma goats don't recognize
their kids by sight.

Instead, each kid goat
has a unique smell

And makes distinct
sounds called a bleat.

Like pigs.
We have many sounds, too.

We even have our own language.

Piglish. Pigs can squeal,
snort, oink, or grunt. [Oink]

Woo-hoo! Woo-hoo!

Here's another fun fact.

Goats' eye pupils
are rectangular.

What a funny shape
for a pupil.

It is. But that gives them
vision up to degrees.

So they don't have to turn
their heads like humans,

Who can only see degrees.

Unlike humans, goats also
have great night vision.

Hmm, night vision, you say?

That would come in mighty handy
to steal that bale of hay.

Look, there's a trip
of goats right now.

Let's find billy the goat
and see what he knows.

[Music playing]

Are you billy the goat?

Who's asking?

Oink the flying pig.

Ha-ha, pigs can't fly.

This one can.
He is a special pig.

And you must be
a special goat.

You have big floppy ears.

I'm a regular old dairy goat.

So tell me, why's
a flying pig visiting me?

I'm investigating farmer joe's
missing hay.

Missing hay, you say.

I don't like to hear about
missing hay.

I instead, like to hear
about non-missing hay

Being eaten by me.

What's that a burp?

Ah-ha! [Oinking]

Are you burping because you just
ate farmer joe's bale of hay?

Don't be ridiculous.
We goats burp a lot

Because we are what's called
ruminant animals.

We have rumens.

What's a rumen?

The rumen is the first
part of my stomach.

Everyone knows that.

That's right.

The rumen breaks down
cellulose in plants

And acts
as a fermentation vat.

Fermentation produces gas,

And this gas escapes
a goat's body

In the form
of many loud burps.

How many stomachs do you have?

What a ridiculous question.

One, of course.

One stomach with
four compartments.

but not very helpful.

But I am helpful.

If you're looking for animals
that eat a whole lot of hay,

Talk to the sheep.

Sheep eat hay?

I believe they prefer clover
and other pasture plants.

But when that's not available,
they'll happily eat hay.

But do they have big ears?
Do they have horns?

Who said anything about horns?

Jenny horse said
the hay thief had horns.

I heard the hay thief

Was a ruminant
with a big wooly body.

A big wooly body?

[Bleating] the sheep. They'll
know about that missing hay.

And you gotta find it

'Cause the last time
farmer joe had to ration hay,

Me and my goat family ate
farmer joe's clothes.

They was delicious.

But farmer joe's wife
was mighty mad.

You can count on me
billy, the goat.

I'm a great sleuth.

A pig crime solver.

I won't let you down.

I am getting more and more

This mystery is getting
very confusing, boink.

Yes, it is.

But you'll solve it,
oink, I know you will.

What do you know
about sheep?

I believe there's over one
billion of them in the world.

One of them has
to know something.

A billion?

It would take forever
to talk to a billion sheep.

Don't worry. They don't
all live on this farm.

Sheep are everywhere.

People find them soft
and cuddly.

They even love their wool,
which is called fleece.

One sheep can produce up to
pounds of wool every year.

That's a lot of sweaters.

Sheep are known
as gentle creatures.

They're sweet, calm animals

They stay close to each other.

They live in large groups
for company and protection.

- Groups of sheep are called...
- Flocks, right? [Oinking]

I know something
about sheep myself.

Did you know a flock of sheep
is sometimes called a mob?

That doesn't sound
very friendly.

Did you know a sheep is called a
lamb until it's one year of age?

If the lamb grows into a male
adult, it's called a ram.

A female is called a ewe.

Ewes are very caring moms.

They can recognize the call of
their lamb from many miles away.

And sheep make
the best friends.

They are friendly with other
sheep, people, dogs, any animal.

They're very loyal.

Oh, look, there's one of my
friends. Bertha the sheep.

[Sheep bleats]

Boink, how are you?

It's not like you
to be out in daylight.

Are you enjoying
this beautiful day?

I am. I'm here with my friend
oink the flying pig.

We're investigating the mystery
of the missing hay.

[Bleats] everyone at the
farm is talking about that.

They say a pig is leading
the investigation.

Good to meet you.

I see you have hooves.

Yes, I do.

I heard you are a pig
with super intelligence.

Sheep are very
intelligent, too.

We can solve problems at the
level of a three year-old child.

Then maybe you can help.

Have you seen
anybody suspicious

Around farmer joe's
bale of hay?

I did see a human
of the small variety

Leaning against a bale of hay

With some kind of
topping on his head.

Like chocolate fudge?

Whipped cream?

I'm no swine nutritionist,

But it sounds like
someone may be hungry.

I can offer you a carrot.

Sheep eat carrots?

The farmer gives them
to me for treats.

I'll take a rain check
on the carrot.

But if you have some
chocolate pudding

I can help myself to...

Sorry, none of that.

That's quite all right.

Maybe you can help us solve
this crime mystery.

Can you tell us anything more

About this human
with the head topping?

I have good eye sight, but not
the best depth perception.

However, I do have
a deep sense of smell.

And I know the little human
was a new face on the farm

Because sheep have excellent
memories for faces.

What a great skill.

If you wanna know more
about the little human,

I'd go see the chickens.

They're always clucking
about them.


[Buzzing] bertha the sheep
offering oink a carrot.

[Buzzing] why did she
have a carrot to give?

Wasn't she hungry enough
to keep it for herself?

Could it be she's full of hay?


This bee is buzz-spicious.

Bertha, the sheep said chickens
are always clucking about humans.

How long ago were chickens
domesticated, boink?

Chickens were domesticated
about , years ago.

There are now more chickens
on earth than people.

There are lots and lots of
different kinds of chickens too.

One kind called silkies
has five toes on each foot.

- Just like people.
- That's right.

But a female chicken isn't
called a miss or a lady.

She's called a hen.

And a male chicken
is called a rooster.

What are their babies called?

Chicks. And there's lots
of chicks on the farm,

'Cause one hen can lay
more than eggs in a year.

That's a lot of eggs.

Question: what makes a hen
decide to lay eggs?

Answer: the amount of light
she's exposed to.

Sounds like they're
very smart animals.

They're not only smart.

They make excellent teachers.

Mother hens teach their babies

To recognize colors and shapes
of foods which are good to eat

And conversely
those which are not.

How does she do that?

Mother hen starts
her lessons very early

When the chicks
are still in the egg.

They talk to their chick
before they even hatch.

Like pre-pre-school?
But do they have a good memory?

Will they be able to tell us

Whether they have seen a new
human face around the farm?

Yes, chickens
have a great memory.

They can distinguish between over
different faces of people or animals.

That's amazing.

People think that they're just
silly creatures that lay eggs.

But you know the most amazing
thing about chickens,

Their ancestors were
the mighty dinosaurs.

Wow, dinosaurs?

I'm glad they're not
that big anymore.

There's one of them now.


Ah, rita, the hen, it's you.
Nice of you to join us.

I'm oink, the flying pig.

I'm investigating the mystery
of the missing hay.

Bertha the sheep thought
you could help me.


What is she saying?

She's speaking chicken.

Did you know chickens
have their own language?

Each sound they make means
something specific.

Just like the human language.

- I don't speak chicken.
- [Clucking]

I do.
A little.

I am semi-fluent
in over animal tongues.

Rita was just offering us
a salty candy.

A salty candy?
You mean a sweet candy.

No, chickens can't
taste sweetness,

But they can taste saltiness.

Uh, [oinking]
maybe next time, rita.

Salty candy... Ew!

Cluck, cluck, cluck,

I heard you are looking
for farmer joe's hay.

Can you help us?

I came to tell ya there was
a boy near the bale of hay.

He was sitting on it.

Yes, bertha the sheep
saw him, too.

Did he have a topper
on his head?

A topper? Cluck, cluck.
Do you mean a hat?

Humans wear head toppers

To protect their fragile heads
from the sun.

They put little caps right on
top of that stuff they call...


I've seen head toppers
in all shapes and sizes.

Very interesting.

This definitely seems
to be a clue worth pursuing.

But I still need
to ask you this.

Do you eat hay?

Me? Oh, no.

I might pick a seed or two
off the top of the hay

If I'm bored, but it's certainly
not my favorite food.

I see, what about hooves?

Do you have hooves?

Cluck! Don't be ridiculous.

Chickens have, well,
chicken feet with claws.

Guess that rules you out
as a suspect.

That's for sure,

If a pile of worms
ever goes missing,

You come and see me then.

But hay, no way.

Cluck, cluck.

But I might have a clue for you.

A clue?

I love clues.

I saw a little human
walk off towards the hogs.

And you can trust me on that.

I have great eyesight.

I don't miss a thing.

This mystery is getting
more and more complicated.

Maybe my cousin, nog the hog
can help us solve it.

Well, oink the flying pig,

I certainly don't have to tell
you about pigs and hogs

That live on a farm.

you sure don't, boink.

It's my turn to teach you.

I can tell you that pigs are
highly intelligent animals.

They can be taught tricks and
walk on a leash just like a dog.

Pigs are cool.

Some people
even keep us as pets.

There are so many stories about
pigs that saved human lives.

Why, one of my closest
relatives named who

Once pulled her owner
out of a muddy bog.

Another pig relative
of mine, priscilla,

Saved a young boy
from drowning.

You are mighty
impressive animals.

Tell me more.

Pigs live in close-knit
groups called sounders.

Sounders are formed by one male,
many females and their young.

A baby pig is called a piglet
and his momma is called a sow.

And daddy pig is called a boar.

What else can you tell me?

Wild pigs can give birth to
as many as babies at once.

That's one busy mom.

Domestic pigs have
funny-looking curly tails,

But wild pigs have
straight tails.

Pigs have an excellent
sense of smell.

You see the large round disk of
cartilage at the tip of my nose?

My snout is connected to muscle
that gives it extra flexibility

And strength
for sniffing around.

That's why I am so good
at sniffing out the truth.

Pigs are omnivores which means
we eat both plants and meat.

So you can offer me
any type of healthy treat

And I will happily accept.

Like a carrot.

Yes, well, [laughing]

I do prefer a whole apple pie
to a carrot...

But a carrot will do.

Like all the farm animals,
I do love to eat.

What's the difference between
you and your cousin, the hog?

Mmm, not much, really.

Mainly size and age,
but, like all animals,

When you start looking
into specifics,

You could fill
a swine dictionary.

There are words referring
to our size or maturity:

There are pigs, hogs,
boars, sows,

Wieners, feeders, shoats,
gilts, farrows, pigs.

Not to mention we have
our very own language, piglish.

Nog, you're looking
nice and muddy.

Just keeping cool.

Some people think we roll around in
the mud because we're dirty animals

Who don't like to be clean.

Anybody who knows anything

Knows pigs are very clean.

We don't even like to go to the
bathroom where we sleep or eat.

We only roll around
in the mud to keep cool

Because we do not have sweat
glands. Who doesn't know that?

You're here to ask me
about the missing hay?


I'm proud of you, cousin.

Everybody knows pigs are curious
and insightful and smart.

Not to toot our own trumpets,

But we are the fourth smartest
animals on the planet

After humans, primates,
and dolphins.

And owls.

Of course you, boink,
and my cousin oink

Are the smartest of all.

Your reputation as crime solvers

Is known throughout
the animal kingdom.


Mmm, I didn't quite
understand that conversation.

What are you two
talking about?

We're talking piglish.

Each oink grunt and squeal
has its own meaning.

For example, a short grunt
a longer growl and a loud roar

Will warn my pig friends
of approaching danger.




[Music playing]

I didn't understand
all that piglish.

Did nog the hog
have another clue?

He did give me another clue.

He said he saw
farmer joe's dog, tobias,

Sleeping by the bale of hay
right before it disappeared.

Hoot, I might not know
a lot of piglish,

But I do know
a lot about dogs.

I know dogs bark
and make a fuss

When anyone goes near
their human.

That's right.

Humans and dogs have been
friends for a long time.

Over , years.

Now that's
a lasting friendship.

That's why they're called
men's best friend.

And like us birds, there are
hundreds of different breeds.

Let's see: there are bloodhounds,
chihuahuas, collies,

Golden retrievers,
german shepherds, rottweilers,

Bulldogs, yorkshires, poodles,
akitas, bichon frise,

Terriers, chow-chows,

Oh, I could go on and on.

Don't some dogs work
on the farm as well?

Sure, dog breeds
are divided into classes

Such as sporting, hound,
working, terrier,

Toy, non-sporting
and herding.

Dogs help humans do things
including hunting,

Farm work and security,

As well as assisting
those with disabilities.

Did you know that there's a
dog-shaped building in new zealand?

They must really love
pups down there.

All fun facts, boink,

But they don't help
us get any closer

To find out who stole
farmer joe's hay.

Well, dogs also have
an amazing sense of smell.

If anyone can tell us
about what happened to the hay

It's farmer joe's dog, tobias.


Oink the pig
and boink the barn owl.

I could smell you coming
a mile away.

Nice of you to come meet us.

No problem.

I like visitors.
It's such a hot day today.

Don't you find?

I'm panting and sweating,
panting and sweating.

Sweating? You look mighty dry
for someone who is sweating.

Oh, that's because,
unlike pigs and humans,

Who sweat from everywhere,

We only sweat through
the pads of our paws.

I see.
That's all?

How do you stay cool
in this weather

If you can only sweat
through the pads of your paws?

Well, that's because we also
pant to cool ourselves off.

That's a lot of panting.

Oh, that's nothing.

We're different
in other ways, too.

For instance,
how many eyelids do I have?

Take a guess.

I don't know.

One? Two?


An upper eyelid, a lower eyelid,
and a third eyelid.

This third eyelid
is called a haw

And helps keep my eye
moist and protected.

That's truly remarkable.

But tell me, have you heard
about the stolen hay?

[Growling] of course. [Growling]
that's all anyone is talking about.

I can tell you I was sleeping
right by the bale of hay.

It smelled fresh
and delicious.

Ah-ha, so delicious
you had to eat it?

don't be ridiculous.

Dogs don't eat hay.

We are carnivores.

But I can tell you
there was a boy sitting there.

He was wearing a hat.

And, I believe,
eating a sandwich.

Roast beef on rye.

If your eyes were closed and
you were sleeping, as you say,

How do you know what
the boy was eating?

[Growling] even if my eyes were
closed, my nostrils were not.

Dogs have a remarkable
sense of smell.

, To , times more
powerful than that of humans.

And look at my nose,
you see how wet it is?

Well, that wetness is also
essential in determining

What direction
a smell is coming from.

For instance,
I can tell you

That you just
came from the hogs.

And before that
you saw the chickens.

Before that the sheep,
and before that...


What else can you tell us?

I can tell you
what I heard, too.

Do you know I have more
than muscles in my ears?

A human only
has six muscles

And can only move
their ears slightly.

But when my ears perk up,

I can move them
in the direction of a sound.

That's how I know the boy walked
first towards the pig pen,

Then in that direction,
towards the main house.

Farmer joe called him
to do his chores.

Earlier when I was in the house
having breakfast with the family

I heard farmer joe
call him his nephew.

What is that?
Do they eat hay?

Ever seen a human eat hay?

I've seen them
sleep on hay.

In fact, I've taken
a nap next to them.

Hmm. Quite comfortable hay,
[giggling] why once...

We're kind of in a hurry.
We have a mystery to solve.

of course.

As I was saying,
I believe farmer joe

Called the small human
his nephew.

A nephew.
Farmer joe's relative?

what's a relative?

Part of a human's family.

His sister's son
to be exact.

I so love clues!

It's what helps me
solve a mystery.

I have one more clue
to give you.

When I woke up,

Quite late that afternoon,

The missing bale of hay
was still there.

I followed the boy to
the house to have dinner.

That makes me hungry.

What did you have for dinner?

A delicious bowl
of crunchy nibbles.

I'd love some of that.

It was so good.

I ate it all and fell asleep
in front of farmer joe's feet.

That sounds so nice...
But how is that a clue?

You said you had a clue.

Let me finish.

A while later, I woke up when farmer
joe and his wife went upstairs to bed.

As I followed them,
they said goodnight to the boy,

And I smelled
the strongest scent of milk.

- Milk?
- Yes. I smelled milk.

Delicious smell... [Laughing]
impossible to forget.

Milk? I'm thirsty.

I would love some of that milk,

But how is that a clue?

Boys drink milk. Maybe he drank
some milk before bed.

Ah-ha! But along with
the scent of milk,

I smelled cows and cats.

Cows and cats?

Cows make milk
and cats drink it.

Oh... I see.

What about hay?
Did you smell hay?

'Course I smelled hay.

But that has nothing
to do with it.


My advice...
Go see the cats.

They're crafty and sly

And stick their nose
into everything.

Nothing happens on this farm
without them knowing it.

Oh, I can tell you,

Whatever happened,
it definitely involved the cats.

They're always watching,
listening, calculating,

Always causing trouble
around the farm

And they love milk.

Do they eat hay?

They might not eat it, but they
sleep on it and play with it.

I'm sure the cats have something
to do with the missing hay.


Where can I find the cats?

Can they catch you, boink?

Nothing can catch a barn owl.

Don't worry about me, oink.

I'm much too big
for a cat to eat.

And way too smart.

But I bet you know
some fun facts about cats.

Cats, ha,
don't get me started.

I do know a lot about cats.

An ancient african legend says
the first cat was created

When god caused
a lion to sneeze.

And two kittens
just up and flew out.

How intriguing!
What else?

Did you know
that cats beat dogs

As the most popular pet
in the united states?

Not pigs or birds?

No, it's hard to believe,

But there are
about million pet cats.

The most popular being
the persian cat.

Followed by the maine co*n
and the siamese cat.

Cats are known
to be pretty cool fellows.

How cool?

Cats are so cool.

They were considered
sacred in ancient egypt.

How cool are cats?

Well, they're so cool they sometimes can
go into politics. [Giggling] that's right.

I heard of a cat that has been mayor
of a town in alaska for years.

And in , a cat ran
for mayor of mexico city.

And abraham lincoln... He kept
four cats in the white house.

That is amazing.

What else can you tell me?

Cats have whiskers
that they can use to detect

If they can fit
through a space.

Cats make about one hundred
different sounds,

Dogs make only about ten.

Did you know adult cats meow
to communicate with humans?

So, next time kitty meows,
humans should listen up.

She's trying
to tell them something.

Strange, but true.

Female cats are
usually right pawed

While male cats
are left pawed.

How big do cats get?

the biggest cat today

Is a wild cat
known as a siberian tiger.

They can grow more
than feet long.

About the size
of a small car.

And weigh up
to pounds.

But you won't find one
of those on farmer joe's farm.

Farm cats are small and weigh
only about eight to pounds.

Although I did read
an article once that

A cat that
weighed pounds...


- Hello there, cat!
- You can call me small?

Heard you were looking
for the missing hay.

You can't solve mysteries
without the help of a cat.

No, siree.
[Laughing] so here I am.

What can you tell us?

The dog smelled milk.

The dog... You mean tobias,
farmer joe's dog?

What did he say?

We were asking him
about the missing hay.

He said he smelled
cats and milk.

You drink milk?

Do you eat hay?

Have you ever taken a close look
at a cat's tongue?

Can't say I have.

Well, my tongue is so rough.
The middle of my tongue

Is covered in backward
pointing spines.

- Sounds sharp.
- It is.

You know what
these spines are for?

Surely not for eating hay.

I tell you. They're used for
breaking off and reaping meat.

That's what for.
See? We are meat eaters.

Not hay eaters.

Just like the mighty tigers.
Their tongues have spines, too.

But tell me about the hay.

What do you know?

You know,
cats are very observant.

Nothing happens around the farm
without me finding out about it.

So you know who stole the hay?

it has to have happened

When I was chasing one of the farm mice.
Pesky creatures, mice.

Do mice eat hay?

meow. Mice eat anything.

But on the farm, they like
to eat farmer joe's props.

They love to eat
corn and oats.

They like to nibble
on farmer joe's garden carrots,

Which makes
farmer joe's wife very mad.

They even like to dig up
our heirloom purple potatoes.

Do they have hooves?

- Of course not.
- Big ears?

For their size, some of them
have very big funny ears.

Mice are small creatures.

I don't think they could eat
more than a small pile of hay.

Time to go get some human
treats now. [Giggling]

But I do have a clue.

I love clues!

The day the hay went missing,
I heard a lot of quacking.

Quacking? [Quacking]
like in ducks?

When ducks are noisy,
they're up to something.

I was going to
check it out myself,

But... Then I saw a mouse.

See you later, fellas.

Ducks don't have hooves
or big ears,

But they might have seen

to the pond we go.



Me thinks the cat
was not telling the truth.

He was sleeping on hay,
on hay, all the day.

Me thinks the cat
has more to say.

Well, it's true.
Ducks don't have hooves.

They have webbed feet.

And they don't have
big floppy ears.

Their ears are holes
on either side of their head

Covered by feathers.

And they don't have horns.

They're not wooly.

Do they like to eat hay?

It's not their favorite food,
but I believe they do.

Listen to all that quacking.

Not all ducks quack.

The wood duck
doesn't quack.

He squeals.

Like me.

Pigs squeal and grunt.

What do you call
a baby duck?

A duckling.

An adult male duck
is called a drake.

An adult female duck
is called a hen or a duck.

And a group of ducks can be
called a raft, team or paddling.

What? Those are very silly words
to describe a group of ducks.

Who comes up with all these
terms anyway?

Scientists do.

Confusing but fun, right?

Here's some
more facts about ducks.

Ducklings are able
to walk and leave the nest

Just a few hours
after hatching.

That's right, they're ready
to look for a place to swim.

They're very brave
little fellows.


Ahoy there!

I'm oink the flying pig.

And this is my know-it-all pal,
boink, the owl.

I'm muck the duck.
What can I do for you, oink?

I'm investigating farmer joe's
missing hay.

I've heard it's something
you like to eat.

Quack, quack. I might nibble on
grass and hay when I'm bored

Or quack when
there's nothing else to eat,

But it's not
my favorite treat. Quack.

See, just like you
pigs and humans,

Us ducks are omnivorous.

It means we eat grass
and aquatic plants,

But also insects, seeds, fruits, fish,
crabs, and other types of food.

But hay, well, hay is not
very exciting food, you see.

With so many options,

Why would I care about hay?

Hmm... Maybe you needed material
to build a little boat

To go fishing for crabs.

A boat? Ha!
Quack, quack, quack!

What would I need a boat for?
My dear oink,

What you see in front of you is
a magnificent swimming machine.

I spend most of
my day in the water.

No need for a boat.

Water is my element.

Look at these webbed feet.

These webbed feet cause me
to waddle on land, sure,

But in the water,
[laughing] I'm king.

Webbed feet, you say.

Quack. My webbed feet act like
paddles when I'm in the water.

I can be in the water all year.
Even in the winter. No problem.

That's because my feet have
no nerves or blood vessels.

Did you know that my feet
cannot feel cold

Even if I swim in icy cold
water? Can your hooves do that?

Maybe you used the hay

To make yourself
a little waterproof suit.

Quack, quack, quack.
Don't make me laugh, silly pig.

I possess waterproof feathers.

There's a special waxy coating

That I spread through
my feathers during preening.

What's this preening?

All birds with feathers
do it.

Preening is when a bird
cleans its feathers.

I preen, too.

But my feathers are special.

They're so waterproof that even
when I dive under water,

My downy under layer of feathers
will stay completely dry.

These feathers keep me toasty
warm no matter the weather.

Who needs your hay?

[Oinking] I guess ducks
have no use for hay.

So why were you quacking so loud
on the day the hay went missing?

What day was that? Oh yeah,
never mind, I remember.

- I was quacking at the frogs.
- The frogs?

Frogs are very noisy amphibians
with very long tongues

That live on the other side
of the pond in the greasy marsh.

They were croaking rather
loudly so I quacked back.

What's an amphibian?

An amphibian refers to
a group of cold-blooded animals

Like frogs, toads,
and salamanders.

Do they eat hay?

Quack, quack.
They might not eat hay,

But they have really big eyes
that see everything.

They move upward and forward and
sideways all of the same time.

If you wanna solve the mystery
of the missing hay,

I'd go see those jumping
frogs right away.

What do you know
about frogs, boink?

I know frogs can live
on both land and water.

But they need to live near water
or they'll dry out.

I know they soak water
through their skin.

Muck the duck, said they have
really long tongues.

Don't they use them
to drink water?

No, their tongues are different
than most animals.

Their tongues are sticky
and muscular

And located in the front
part of their mouth.

They can whip out their tongues
really fast and far

To catch insects like flies,
mosquitoes, moths and dragonflies.

That is interesting.

What else do you
know about frogs?

Frogs are carnivores,

Which means
they like to eat meat.

They also have powerful
back legs and webbed feet.

- Like the ducks.
- That's right.

Frogs also use their powerful
legs to jump very high.

Another fact: many frogs
lay eggs in water.

Their eggs hatch into
what is called tadpoles,

Which look more
like fish than frogs.

A group of frogs
is called an army.

An army? Are we flying
into an ambush?

Hoot! I don't think so.

But frogs
will see us coming.

They have excellent eyesight,
and they never close their eyes.

Even when they're sleeping?

Hoot! That's right!

Their eyes are always open so
they might have seen something

That will help us solve
the mystery of the missing hay.

They also have eardrums
behind their eyes

And have a very good
sense of hearing.

So maybe they heard something
and can give us another clue.

Good day, little frog!
I'm oink the flying pig.

Oh, yes,
I heard you were coming.

Those gossiping quacking ducks
think we can't understand them,

But we hear everything they say.

You are looking for a suspect
who has big ears, two horns,

- Hooves, wooly body...
- That's right!

Do you have another clue?

I have the best clue of all.

You see, I've been
listening closely

To all the animals talking
to you since you arrived,

And I learned that some of these
clues, my sleuth flying pig,

- Are red herrings.
- Red what?

A red herring is a false clue
that is meant to be misleading

- To prevent you from solving the mystery.
- [Ribbit]

Oh, no. So the animal
that stole the hay

Might not have hooves
or horns or big wooly bodies?

That's right, little pig.
Listen to what I say.

Why would i, a frog, want
to steal farmer joe's hay?

Croak, ribbit.
Croak, ribbit.

Some animals are trying
to fool you today.

Hoot! Oh, my, francis frog!
I think you're right.

Thank you so much
for your keen insight.

You see, my friend,
if I were trying to find

Who stole the hay,
I'd talk to the llamas.

They have hooves, wooly bodies
and they eat hay all day.

What do you know
about llamas, boink?

Llamas were domesticated
about , years ago.

An adult llama can weigh
from to pounds.

That means they eat
a lot of hay.

Yes, llamas have one stomach
with three compartments

Which they like to fill with
grass, grain, and lots of hay.

Like horses,
they are gentle animals,

And they like to eat apples
and carrots as treats.

A male llama is called a sire,
a female llama is called a dam,

And a baby is called a cria.

A group of llamas
is called a herd.

I've heard that word before.

Like sheep, llamas have
beautiful wooly coats.

[Squealing] so a wooly coat
could be a clue.

Yes, it could.

Llamas are very intelligent
and loyal

And can carry heavy loads
on their backs.

They talk to each other
by moving their ears and tails.

They make a low soft sound
like a person humming.

I can't wait to meet them.

Ah, señores,
let me introduce myself.

I am lupe the llama.
And you are?

Oink, the flying pig.

And this is boink,
the wise old barn owl.


You are here to ask me questions
about farmer joe's missing hay.

Hmm? Hmm?

That is correct.

Hmm... Did you know that we
llamas make the best guards?

Farmers like us.

Because we protect cows,

Sheep and other farm animals
from predators.

That sounds important.

Can you tell us anything
about the missing hay?

Hmm, I will not lie.
If there is hay, I will eat it.

Us llamas can eat
many pounds of food a day,

- And we only need a little bit of water to wash it down.
- Like camels?

Si, señor, pig, llamas are
related to camels.

But we don't have humps
on our back,

Which makes
us prettier, no?

Hmm, but now
I will tell you a clue.

I will tell you of animals

That are always stealing from
other animals on the farm.

That's a good clue.

- If it's true...
- Oh, this I can tell you. It's very, very true.

Wild rabbits eat grass
and hay, just like you,

But because they are wild,

Farmer joe doesn't feed
it to them,

So they hop around stealing
portions from everyone's pen.

I will go see
these wild rabbits,

But don't go anywhere. I might
need to talk to you again.

Hmm, señor pig, do not fear,

I will not go anywhere
because I like it here.

Zooks, lookie see.

That hidden pile over there
looks like hay to me.

What do you think, boink?

Do you think a group
of wild rabbits

Could steal
farmer joe's bale of hay?

One rabbit? Two rabbits?
Of course not.

Those little fellows couldn't
steal a big bale of hay.

But there are a lot of
rabbits in the world.

Well, I've read over million human
families have rabbits as pets.

Good thing most of them are smart
enough to be litter-trained.

Don't tell the cat.

But why do humans
like rabbits so much?


I think it's because humans
find them irresistible.

One of the cutest things
rabbits do is the binky.

When they're happy, they will
jump and twist in the air.

Like me? Oh, my, boink,
can they fly?

Never heard
of a flying rabbit, but...

Then again, I never
heard of a flying pig.

Rabbits are very social.

They love to live in groups
called a herd.

Wait, they live in herds, too?

Hoot! Yes.

As we've learned, many animals
live in herds, oink.

Herds of wild rabbits can be
found in meadows, woods,

Forests, grasslands,
deserts and wetlands.

The swamp rabbit lives
near water. It can swim.

Other rabbits live
in underground burrows.

A group of rabbit burrows
known as a warren.

What is a female rabbit called?

- A doe.
- Like a deer?

Exactly. And like a deer,
a male rabbit is called a buck.

Words can be so confusing.

Wanna be more confused?

A young rabbit is called
a kit or sometimes a kitten.

[Laughing] [oinking] a kitten?
Does the cat know that?

I always thought
they were just called

Cute little furry cuddly
bunny rabbits. [Laughing]

Rabbits are not always furry.

In fact, little baby rabbits
are born with their eyes closed

And not a lick of fur,

So they depend on momma
rabbit for their survival.

Looks like a lot of them
live down there by that barn.

Rabbits produce
very quickly.

On average,
a wild momma rabbit

Will have five babies
per litter

And over five
litters per season.

And a rabbit's breeding season
is eight months out of the year.

So that's a lot
of little bunnies.

That's a lot of hay
to be eaten.

[Bunny laughs]

Oh, look.
A flying pig.

Hello there!

I'm oink the pig.

And I'm sunny the bunny.

What can I do
for you, oink?

I'm investigating the mystery
of farmer joe's missing hay.

Ah, hay!

I love hay!

Ah-ha! Did you take
farm joe's hay?

I heard the hay was
taken during the day,

And rabbits are crepuscular.
So it couldn't have been me.

What does that mean?

It means we are most active
at dawn and dusk,

And that's also when
we prefer to eat.

Ah! Actually,
sunny the bunny,

I have calculated that the stolen hay
went missing just around that time.

Really? Well, I don't deny
that I love hay,

But I also love grass,
clover, and wildflowers.

I also eat a lot
of chewy foods.

That's because of my teeth.

Your teeth?

Yes, my teeth never
stop growing.

I need chewy treats

So I can keep the growth
of my teeth in check.

I love to chew,

But all that chewing
makes me thirsty.

Did you know us rabbits
drink a lot of water?

Good thing you live
close to a pond.

It is. A four-pound rabbit
like me will drink as much water

As a -pound dog.
Can you believe it?

Well, if that's all,
I'll go back to my grooming.


Rabbits don't groom, do they?

Oh, yes, we do.

We groom just like cats.

So if you don't mind,
I'll resume my grooming.

I do mind.

I think you're telling me
everything about yourself

Except whether you did or did
not take the stolen hay.

If I were looking
for a bale of missing hay,

I'd talk to the farm animal
who eats the most.

Who would that be,
little rabbit?

A cow, of course.
They are herbivore like me

That eats more hay
than all of my herd combined.

I will go see the cows,
but don't go anywhere.

I might want to talk
to you again.

[Bunny laughs]

Ba-zooks! Buzz, I think oink
is finally beginning to see.

Oh, we're going
to visit the cows.

I love cows. Because of cows,
we have ice cream.

Ice cream comes from milk
and milk comes from cows.

That's right, oink.
Cows give us milk.

But did you know that cows
are very emotional?

What do you mean, boink?

Like people,
cows form close relationships

And choose to spend
much of their time

With a few
favorite friends.

And just like people,
they can hold grudges for years

And may dislike certain cows
while they like others better.

- I didn't know that.
- Yes.

Cows are very gentle
and friendly.

And they love to live
together in groups or herds.

A baby cow is called a calf.

Mother cows love
their babies so much.

If they stray, they'll walk
for miles to find their calf.

If that calf grows up into
a male, that's called a bull.

I've heard bulls can be
very protective.

Yes, here's some funny
facts about cows.

Did you know that you can lead a
cow upstairs but not downstairs?

That is funny. [Laughing]
[oinking] why is that?

Because cows' knees can't bend
properly to walk downstairs.

So if you invite a cow over,

Make sure you have
a big elevator.

[Cow moos]

Boink, is that
the missing hay?


Hello there,
little flying pig.

We've been expecting you.


You knew I was coming?

I might be color blind, unable
to see the colors red or green,

But did you know that I have almost
-degree panoramic vision?

That's right. It's not easy
to sneak up on a cow.


Well, I'm oink
the flying pig.

And I'm here on a mission.

I'm investigating the mystery
of the missing hay.

I'm daisy the cow,
and I'm sacred.

So be careful
how you talk to me.

You're... Sacred?

Cows are sacred in india.

Meaning they're treated
very special.

But this is not india.

It's farmer joe's farm.

In india,
we're considered so sacred

There are even special

That honor only cows.

On certain days,

We're washed and decorated
with colorful costumes

And honored by humans
in beautiful temples.

Really? I don't think pigs
have a day like that.

Nor do barn owls.

That's because cows can produce
eight gallons of milk per day.


It is. Milk is one of
america's favorite beverages.

An average american

Will drink more than gallons
of milk in a year.

I'll tell you.
Humans love my milk.

Besides, from my milk, you
can make many other products,

Like cheese, yogurt,
and even ice cream.

I love ice cream!

I understand you are a very
special animal, daisy the cow,

But I am investigating
the mystery of the missing hay,

And you are eating
a lot of hay as we speak.

Oh, this?
[Clearing throat]

This is my lunch.

I always eat hay.

Why, I eat lots
of hay every day.

Still, that is a lot
of hay you're eating.

This is nothin' for a cow.

You see,
I have four stomachs.


Technically, you have one large
stomach with four chambers.

You are a ruminant animal.

Like billy the goat.

Yes, my stomach helps me
break down all the hay I eat.

Hmm... Wait a minute,
what kind of feet do you have?

Well, if you must know,
I have hooves.

And two horns.

I have two horns,
a four-compartment stomach,

And four hooves.

So what of it?

And you have
sort of big ears.

My ears are not big.

And you do smell of delicious milk
like tobias, the dog, told me.

But you aren't very wooly...

That could be a red herring.

Are you trying to keep me
from solving this mystery?

Maybe some of the clues
are red herrings,

But most of the clues point
to you, daisy, the cow.

- Me? So "moo" of it?
- What's that?

Is that hay?

Zoinks, oink has finally
solved the mystery.

This is definitely
a pile of hay,

And it's now where farmer joe
usually piles the hay.

It's hidden here.


You caught me,
little pig.

This is the missing hay.
But it wasn't me.

It was farmer joe's nephew.


You admit it!

[Oink] we did it! We
found the missing hay!

Now you, daisy, the cow,
must return it right away.


Can't return it.

Why ever not?

Because I already ate...
Most of it.

You see, it's already gone
right through me.

Down my four stomachs, down
to my hooves, up to my horns,

Through all my cow grooves,
and best of all,

To my delicious milk that's
gonna be used to make ice cream

For farmer joe and his ilk.

Don't be mad, farmer joe's
nephew didn't steal the hay.

He was sittin' on the big ole
pile of hay, thinking,

"What I really want on this hot,
summer day is some ice cream."

He saw me chewing
the hay and said,

"Hey, daisy, if I give you
some more of this hay,

Will you produce
more milk today?"

So I said, "of course!"

And he said, "I'm sure my
uncle farmer joe won't mind

If I just borrow this pile
of hay for you to eat.

As long as we chum it
into ice cream tomorrow."

Oink, ice cream.
I do love ice cream.

Then don't be mad.

Tell farmer joe I'll give him
and his family lots of milk.

Lots of milk to make all
the ice cream they want.

And there will be enough
for the farm animals to enjoy...

Including you.



Me thinks oink found all
the missing hay. [Buzzing]

Ba-zooks, this mystery
really was fun.

But I must go pollinate.
My work here is done.

That's it, boink.
We saved the day.

We helped solve the mystery
of the missing hay.

You are indeed a very special
pig sleuth.

An amazing swine detective.

And you are the smartest
barn owl in the world.

Together we can solve
any mystery.

All this flying around
and mystery solving

Is making me very hungry.
[Laughing] [oinking]

Of that I can agree.

I'm off to my tree to find
some food for i, too, am hungry.

See you next time, oink.

[Pig oinks]

wherever there is trouble,

Whenever there
is someone in need,

Where danger lurks
and mysteries abound,

There is oink
the flying pig!

♪ I was just sitting
up in my tree ♪

♪ In my tree,
in my tree ♪

♪ I saw a beautiful face
was looking up at me ♪

♪ Up at me ♪

♪ Oh, she had a cute smile,
so I asked her name ♪

♪ Asked her name,
asked her name ♪

♪ When we got to talkin'
said she felt the same ♪

♪ Said she felt the same,
said she felt the same ♪

♪ Oh, every time
I see her, I do my thing ♪

Subtitles by explosiveskull

♪ I know she...
Where she wants to be ♪

♪ She wants to be,
it's where she wants to be ♪

♪ She's cooking up some chicken
with a jug of tea ♪

♪ A jug of tea,
a jug of tea... ♪

♪ Oh, I never thought I'd fall
for the girl next door ♪

♪ I never thought I'd fall
for the girl next door ♪

♪ Oh, every time
I see her, I do my thing ♪

♪ Every time
I see her, I do my thing ♪

♪ Oh, every time
I see her, I do my thing ♪

♪ Oh, I never thought I'd fall
for the girl next door ♪

♪ I never thought I'd fall
for the girl next door ♪

♪ Oh, every time
I see her, I do my thing ♪

♪ Every time
I see her, I do my thing ♪

♪ Oh, every time
I see her, I do my thing ♪

[Music continues]
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