Bling (2016)

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Bling (2016)

Post by bunniefuu »



Oh! Yah!


Sam O'Malley!
(panting and groaning)

Show me what's in your hand!

I told you, it's a... secret.

Well, I don't like secrets.

Sue, it's time for your riding lessons.

- Be right there!
- Ugh! - Hey!!

You don't do what I say,
then I'll have to use...

- Don't!
- ...extreme measures.

Sue Widdington,
what are you doing, young lady?

Sam has something in his hand
and I wanna know what it is. Ah!

Stop it!

Sam, will you please just
show her what's in your hand?

But I don't want to.

Then I'm not gonna stop!

Fine, fine, I give up.

Hand it over!


(celestial music)

Is that a soda-can lid?

Oh... no.

It's a wedding ring.


Sam wants you to marry him.

No, I don't.

It's just a soda-can lid, like you said.

Oh, good.

Because Sue is a special girl.

Remember, if you want
to marry a Widdington,

you have to be a great man.

And great men only give great rings.


* A shimmer under starlight *

* And the future shines so bright *

* So oh oh *


* There's a sparkle in your eyes *

* Dancing under the moonlight *

* And you know it's right it's right *

* You know oh oh *

* Years go by *

* It's our time *

* Together a promise forever *

* I'm ready to say I do *

* Vow to you *

* Oh I will *

* That I will care *

Sue O'Malley.


Mrs. Sue O'Malley!



* Say I do ooh ooh *

* Ooh ooh ooh *


* There's an image in my mind *

* Clear as an evening sky *

* When you say yes
and I'm finally whole *

* Oh oh *

Sue Widdington...

...will you marry me?

No!!! Ow!

Your days are numbered, Baron von Bacon.

You'll defeat me when pigs fly!!

Kit, Wilmer, please!

I mean, save it for the show.

I'm trying to practice here.

You practice your lines more
than we do - and we're actors.

We're not actors, we're superheroes.

We're actors who pretend
to be superheroes, remember?

Yeah, Okar's got point.


Sam, why would you make
a robot that farts?

Guys, I'm asking for a moment
to prepare.

You're always preparing and never doing.

You... you're just robots.

What do you know about love?

Love shmove.
You're just too scared

to propose to your girlfriend.

Nn-no, I'm not.

It's... it's just...
it has to be right...

with a great ring,
at the perfect moment,

with just the right amount of magic.


Duh! We can do anything!
We're superheroes.

Yeah, who knows magic better
than fake superheroes?

(grunting and exclamations)
(all): Heroes!


I'm tired of that racket, O'Malley!

I told you to get rid of those robots!

Hey, shhh. Back window, now!



It is time to stock up
on chocolates and roses,

because Valentine's Day
is right around the corner!

(kids): Get a diamond!
Get a diamond!

- Wow, she's so hot!
- Everyone's celebrating

the most romantic time of the year...

Excuse me.

...with our annual Valentine's
Day Parade, of course!

Tell that special someone
exactly how you feel.

- Hey! Watch it, buddy.
- I'm sorry. Hey, guys, look.

Even give them a nice piece
of jewelry to go with it.

It's Sue.

Because only the brave succeed
in matters of the heart.

This is Sue Widdington.
That's my girlfriend. Prrt!

Yeah, right. Ha-ha!
Like she'd date a guy

that hangs out with these super-zeroes.

I'm bad!

It's pronounced superheroes,
spaghetti arms!

Come on. We're late.

What are we doing here?

Sue's expecting something big
on Valentine's Day.

(background chatter)


That's what I need to get Sue.

The Century Diamond is not for sale!


You might, however,
be interested in this.

A classic design featuring
a high-quality stone.


The only thing hiiiigh
about that ring is the price!

To a woman, the quality of the ring

represents the quality of the man!

Do you sell... lollipop rings?

Mm. Humph!

For those on a budget,
we have other selections.


I want this one.

- (all): What?!
- That is an excellent choice!

What, are you crazy?
You can't afford that ring.

Of course he's crazy.
He's in love.

First you lose your mind...

...then you lose your shirt.

Today is either gonna be the beginning

or the end of my life.


The Century Diamond... is not for sale!

Run! It's Oscar!

(maniacal laughter)

Oh, you don't think
Katherine would be upset

that I stole it, do you?

You are the greatest
super villain to ever live.

What does she expect?
(Oscar cackling)

This is very true, Viktor.


(maniacal laughter)

This is the happiest day of my life!

Oh-ho! I'm so happy somebody pinch me.

I think I peed.

Ma'am, this way.


I'm here to see the mayor!

(alarm ringing)

- Freeze, you two!
- Stop right there!

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
I'm a former super villain.

I'm a nice guy now.
It's the new me. See?


* Here we go *

* Dancing to and fro *

* Four three two one *

* Time for us to have some fun *



Oh, itchy trigger fingers.

Shouldn't play with g*ns.

Good morning, darling.



Here I am, Katherine, my love!

I have come to save you

from the doldrums of singlehood!

- Oscar.
- Huh?

I really don't have time
for this right now.


Time? Oh, yes, time.

Hmm, now why does that ring
a bell with me?

Oh, yes, that's right.

It's time to look at the sky!!


(dramatic music)

Oscar, call them off!

(Oscar laughing)
Only if you agree to marry me!

This is madness!!

Of course it is!
I'm madly in love! Huh?!

Oscar, stop the missiles and we'll...

- Uh...?

I am not a man of talk, Katherine.

- Ah!
- I'm a man of action!


I love you!


Take a picture.


- Gorgeous.
- Ugh.

Oh, yes of course,

you may cry now if you really want.

But I'm waiting for your answer!

Guards! Detain these criminals

until the police get here
to arrest them!


(Oscar giggling)

Is it a crime to want to make you happy?

Oh, but I am very happy...
because you're gonna be in jail!

Are you out of your mind?!

You can hurt Katherine!
(Viktor sighing)

(exclamations and grunting)

So this went pretty well,
don't you think? Right?

We'll talk later, then? Oh!

- They're getting away!
- Call me.



Katherine! Oh, oh, oh!
I love you!!!

Mr. Glump is coming!

Mr. Glump is coming!
Hurry! Hurry!

Alright, everybody,

let's make this an awesome rehearsal

and really impress Mr. Glump.

Okay, Ox,

you're the bad guy,
and you want the princess,

who is on top of the roof,

to come down and marry you.

Uh-huh, uh-huh.

Uh, what's my motivation for all this?

Simple. You want her
to marry you, real bad.


So I have a deep-seated need
for love and affection.

(princess gagging)

Oh, oh, and the princess' name?

It's Sue.
Just like my girlfriend, Sue,

who'll be sitting right there.


Sam's going to propose to her
during the show!

Oh! When will I meet
the love of my life?

Come on, Zang, you're a monk.

And, guys, this is gonna be so awesome!

This time,
don't demolish the stage, okay?

- Uh, what did he say?
- I don't know.

Isn't it obvious?
We save the princess.

And D to the E,

demolish anything
that stands in our way!

(snorting and sniffing)

Mr. Glump is here!

(all): Heroes!

(triumphant music)



- Mr. Glump, we are ready.
- This better work, O'Malley.

But I tell you, it's not gonna work.

And I'm putting Pirate Jack in charge.

- Well...
- Arrr!

Don't worry, Mr. Glump.

This show is gonna be the biggest draw

at the park on Valentine's Day.

- (koala): I love you! I love you!
- We'll see about that.

- It's show time!
- Whoo-hoo!


Oh, no!

(all): Heroes!!!

Get your filthy hands off her,

you overgrown bucket of bolts!

You insolent fools!

No one defies the Ox King.
Uh, demolish them.

(all): Demolish!!


Guys! Settle down.
You're destroying the stage!

- Ah!
- Ugh!


Who knew Valentine's Day
could be so much fun!

I know! Check it!!





Oh, my gosh! Oh!

Step aside.

(groaning and farting)



- Stop!!!
- No!


You will get fired

and get turned into soda machines!

Yah! Ah!

(screaming, then giggling)

- Oh!
- Wow!

Hey, knucklehead, what are you doing?

Shhh. I don't want Sue
to ask about the show.

Hey, how's it going?

I'm here to report
on the Valentine's Day Parade.

We're the final stop.

And I'm inviting you
as my personal guest.

Huh? Huh?!

O... kay.

Is that you, Sam?

I'm not Sam. I'm a Mini-taur.

Snuggle bear.

Oh, my gosh, you're Sue Widdington,

the hottest young reporter
on the Channel News.


Can I get your autograph, please?


- (all): Please?
- Fine.

But first you have to tell me

about your big Valentine's Day show.

(all): Aw...

Yeah, yeah. Uh, oh...

I mean... What?

Yeah, Sam.

Tell her all about the show.

Yeah, yeah, of course
I'll tell her about the show.

I mean... it's... it's a surprise.

I know one thing...
This will be a Valentine's Day

you will never forget.

Oh, I'm so excited!

Yeah, yeah.

I need help.

Ow! You're supposed to be fixing me!

You know, I asked you guys
for one simple favour...

To help me propose to Sue.

And you couldn't even do that!

You guys had to go demolish the stage!

So it's my fault.

Now we're all on trash duty.
What a good time.

This is so humiliating.
I mean... Oh!


Now we're a bunch of superheroes
without a show.

That's like a newspaper without news.

- Or break without dance.
- Or hot without dog.

Now how am I gonna propose to Sue?

(rock music)



Huh? Huh?! Oh! Oh!

(alarm sounding)
Ah! Oh, that stings!

Ooh, Mamma. Ma...

Ah! Oh, no! Ah!



Why is this so hard?!
(Viktor sighing)

Sir, because you changed the code.

Huh? I did?



I just don't get it, Viktor!

Why is she mad at me?

Was it too many balloons?



Why do you care so much
about this woman?!

Is love that important?

What do you know about love?

You're just like the evil Tin Man.

Well, that's how you built me, sir.

Then use that evil mind of yours

to take my game to the next level!

She needs an offer she can't refuse!

Something big!

Something threatening!



Oh... that's it!

Ah! The Valentine's Day Parade!

Of course. It's perfect!

Broken glass, broken robots,
and broken hearts

mark super villain Oscar's
return to form.

This man is deranged,
he is armed and dangerous,

and any information
on his possible whereabouts

should be reported
to the authorities immediately.

All I can say is,
too little, too late, Oscar.

This is Sue Widdington.
Back to you.

Are you okay, though?
He didn't hurt you, did he?

Ah, I'm fine. I'm fine.

But... I've got some big news for you.

(phone ringing)


Hey, Sam.
Um, can I call you later?

I'm kinda with my Aunt Katherine
right now.

Hold for one second, honey.

She's with her Aunt Katherine.

- So what, cuz?
- What do you mean, what?

Her Aunt Katherine hates me.
Soda machine!

I like soda, but I don't wanna
be a soda machine!


Babe, is she giving you the ugly face?


You're not funny.

Listen, I just wanna know
if you're free tonight.

Tonight? Hmm...


I don't know.
It's been a long day.

I dunno, I'm kind of beat.

- Oh, no, she's tired.
- (all): Oh!

Come on, just meet me at the
Ferris wheel tonight at : .

I have a huge surprise for you.

Oh, really?

Honey, is that... is that a yes?

Okay, I'm gonna be there.


Mm-hmm. I talked to my friend
this morning.

I told him you'd be perfect for the job.

Network anchor?! Oh, my gosh!
Oh, my gosh! Oh, I'm so excited!

You deserve it, kiddo.
(Sue laughing)

Wh... Wait. London?

What's the problem?

Ugh, it's just...
I was just thinking about Sam.

Then there's really not much
to think about, is there?

What's that supposed to mean?

This is a once-in-a-lifetime

and Sam is a child
who lives with robots!

Aunt Katherine, he's not a child!

Come on, Sue, you're a Widdington.

He's a mechanic at RoboWorld.

But I don't care about all that.

When I'm around Sam, I feel relaxed.

I feel so good.
He makes me laugh.

But he has no plans for his future.

He's always making plans!
They just...

they just never go his way.

But he says he got
a big surprise for me tonight.

Well, I bet it's a big joke.
And it ends in disaster.

As usual.

Ugh! You're impossible!

- Don't forget to wear a helmet!
- Argh!

Sam is a loser, right?

A guy who lives with robots
can't be all that bad! Ha-ha!

Alright, guys, so here's the plan.

Ox is gonna lead her down
to the Ferris wheel.

Then, Zang, you put her on the carriage

and send her to the top,

at which point I fly over to Sue,

while Kit, Okra and Wilmer
ride the roller-coaster.

Then, Wilmer, look at me.
Stay... Eye contact.

You are gonna sh**t
the Mini-taurs into the sky,

igniting into a huge display
of fireworks.

And that... that will
spell out the words.

Then I climb onto the carriage,

present her with the ring...
she says yes.


And we live happily ever after.

Any questions?

Yeah... Do we really need
all off this stuff?

Okay, no questions.

Let's get started.


* There's a glitter to this night *

* A shimmer under starlight *


* And the future shines so bright *

* So oh oh oh *


* There's a sparkle in your eyes *

Wow, this is amazing!

* And you know it's right it's right *

Be the man, be the man, be the best man!

* Years go by *

That's our cue!

Now we ride!

Ah... it's working just like I planned.

(engine sputtering)

Ah! The ring! Oh!







(Mini-taurs cheering)

Why are you standing next me?

I don't know.
(all giggling)


Argh, Sam!!


It's show time!!

- Wilmer!!
- Don't worry!







(all): Oh. Oh!

(lively musical version
of the Wedding March)

Ew! Oh, dear. Ugh.

(dramatic music)

Hey, isn't she the reporter
on Channel News?

Yeah. She's also
about to become the star

of the best YouTube video clip
I've ever uploaded!

Huh? Sue!


Sue! Wait, wait. Sue! Sue!


Sue, you have no idea how sorry I am.

So this is your huge surprise?! Ugh!

No, no, absolutely not.
I don't know what happened.

What? Honey.
(Sue gasping)

- Ah...
- That is a...

that is a mistake.

I mean, first of all, who's Mary?

Aunt Katherine was right.

You are nothing but a child!



Wow, you created a disaster!

You better get yourself a lawyer.

Great. It's over.

Valentine's Day is tomorrow
and I have no time to prepare.

Yo, you crashed blimp, dude.

Whoa. Wait.
I was trying to save Sue's ring.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

I'm so tired of talking about that ring.

You got a good ring now.

You know what? You're right.

I do have a great ring.

Guys, saddle up.

It's time to start planning
another proposal.

* Oh yeah *

* It's all for you *
I've got a big plan

* That's what I do *
* 'Cause I'm a great man *

* I say yeah yeah yeah *
* Oh yeah I got a big plan *

* Come on say yeah yeah yeah *

* I'm a great great man *

* I'm hot I'm cool I make the rules *

* You know I'm in the know *

* I like big things big rings
with all this bling that glow *

* What you mean *

* My heart buys things
you never seen before *

* Like ching-ching
ching-a-ching-ching ching *

* I told you so *

* It's all for you *
* I got a big big plan *

* It's what I do *
* 'Cause I'm a great great man *

* Say yeah yeah yeah *

* I got a big big plan *
* Come on say yeah yeah *

This is all for you, Sue.

My darling, Katherine,

I am now forced to use the ultimate key

to unlock your heart.

Psst. Viktor. Hmm?



So either you accept this ring,

my precious dove,

or my great Oscar robot will lay waste

to your beloved city!

(maniacal laughter)

I don't believe you'll do it.

- What?!
- I think... Oops.

I think you're bluffing,

because you're a coward.


What?! I am not a coward!

Take the ring, take the ring,
just say yes!

But, Master, uh...
is this how you treat a lady?

Oh, right.

Uh... so... Katherine,

you're willing to risk putting
the whole city in danger?


You don't have the guts.

Ew. You're so good
at being disgusting, Viktor.

It's Katherine to youuuu.

Alright, darling,
now I'm going to let you know

the reason you should take this ring.

It better be a good one.

Because this ring
has the power to destroy

every w*apon that I've designed!

Did you just say...


every w*apon?!

Viktor? Viktor...

uh, uh, stop it.


Ah! Ow! Oh, oh! Ooh, ooh!

Yep! Including you, Viktor.

Wh-what happened?

(sighing, then laughing)

Oh. Mm... ah!

Head size identified.

Security system activated.


Ah! You know, I never liked this job.

Man, you are not even doing
anything, you lazy lizard.

When are we gonna be heroes again?

Today... is the day.

- O'Malley!
- Huh?!

- O'...Malley?!
- Yeah, Mr. Glump.

I told you to fix
the ATM machine a half-hour ago.

If people can't get money,
they can't spend money! Okay?

Sorry. Right away, Mr. Glump.
(phone ringing)

What is so hard about this?

- Hey, there's my girl.
- What?!

- I mean boss. My boss.
- Who saw this coming?

Hey, baby, I'm so sorry
about that surprise last night.

- You don't have to apologize.
- Fix it!!

- Okey-dokey.
- Huh?

I have a surprise for you, too.

Well, hey,
I got another one for you too.

No! You have a lot to do!

I'll come to see you
at the theme park tonight.

Baby, I wouldn't miss this
for the world. You know that.

Oh, and babe, I just... I want to say...

I love you. What... did you say?

Uh, I mean I love my job!

I mean... the job is what I love.

Well, I hope you enjoy it
while it lasts, because, uh...

very soon, you're getting fired!

- Sorry.
- I hate you.

(excited screaming)

(spy music)

Loading completed.

Self-assembly is now available.


I love being an evil genius!

- Dad! Look!
- What now?

- Oh, oh, oh!
- They're just clowns.

Come on, son.
Go away.

Secret w*apon... Check!

Ring... Check!

Moi... Check!
(mirror breaking)

Oh, everything's perfect, Viktor!

We should... Huh?

Huh? Hmm.

Ahem. Let's go, Viktor.

- Doh!
- What?


Hey, guys!

Is he talking to us?

- I believe he is, sir.
- Guys!

Walk faster!

We're in big trouble if we get caught!

- Hey, guys!
- He's still following us, sir.

Ah! Run for it, Viktor!

Run, run, run!!

Oh! Ah!

What?! What do you want?!

Guy, you... you left money in the ATM.


Oh, jeez.
I dropped Sue's ring.

Huh? Wait a second.

That's my ring! Gah!


It's Sue's ring!

- No, that's my ring!
- It's not your ring!

What? Huh?

Whoa, whoa, whoa. You're Oscar!
(people screaming)

The super villain.
Sir, let me handle this.

Get him out of here.
Ooh! My ring!

My ring!! Oh, no!


Is love that important?

Oh, no.

Oh, man. Sam, what happened?

That robot,
h-h-he just stole Sue's ring!

Sounds like somebody needs some heroes!

Let's do this, fellas!

Yo, who are these guys anyway?
I don't know.

These guys are working
for Oscar, though.

- Oh, boy.
- You think we can take 'em?

No choice.
That's just the way I like it!

Oh, my God!

(tires squealing)

Sir, we are being followed.

It's that meddlesome boy.

Lose him.

Watch out!

Whoa, that was close.

- Turn!!!
- Yeah, okay!

(tires squealing)

Don't stop.

Ah! Oh!

It's raining hotdogs!
Huh? Oh!

Oh, no!
What do we do?!

- Brakes!
- Wh-wh-what?!




Thank you.

Ah... Don't judge.

- Ha-ha, you made it!
- What? I did?!

(tires squealing)

Dude, you're losing them!!

- Yo, take the shortcut!
- Oh... okay.

(tires squealing)

Hold on!

Pursuit has been terminated.

Oh, that's more like it.

Yo man, Sam, you're the shizzle.

(Sam laughing)
Yeah, I know, right?

Ah! Look out!

- Whoa!
- Ah...

No hands!

Ooh! Oh!

Oh! Oooh!

I've been framed.

You're going down!

What was that?!

(soft classical music)

Lose them.



Stop screaming!

Give me back that ring!
Give me back the ring!

(sharp scratching)

Argh!! Do something!

* A million miles high *

I hate that song!

This little piggy got smoked!


- Can I scream now?
- I'm flying!!

No, you're falling, Dinkleberry!

I gotcha!

Pursuit terminated.


Nice... catch.

Hey, there he is!

Hold on!!!


Huh? What the...?

Ah, you meat head.
What is this all about?

Yo, you got something
that belongs to Sam.

You mean my master's ring?

No, that's Sue's ring!

I don't... think so!

Um... yeah, this doesn't look good.

Oh, let's just pretend
we're doing our hero show, guys!

Oh, yeah.

Well, come and get it! Ha!

You like it?! Ha!





- Yah!
- Oh!


Sue's ring!

- What the...?!
- Ah!! Whoa!

Take that, you slab of bacon!
(speaking Japanese)

- Ah!
- Don't look down.

Don't look down!
Don't look down!

Ah!! Don't look down!
Don't look down!


Don't touch the ring!

Don't listen to him, Sam!
He's the bad guy!

Well, if this is how it's gonna be,

then say goodbye to the kiddies!

Oh, no. That's not good.


- Kit, the kids!
- I know! Ha-ya!





(kid): Thank you, monkey!

- Run, kit, run!
- What?


Oh, it's slipping!


(kids screaming)

(kids screaming)

Okra, make a bubble bridge!

(kids screaming)

(all): Heroes!

Thank you very much.


I guess I can scratch
"fake hero" off my resume.

- Oh, yeah!
- Whoo-hoo!

(cheering and applause)

Sam. We lost them.

Don't worry. See?

(kids cheering)

When we are together,
nothing is impossible.

- My man.
- Look!

That's the X- bio-fuel.

It's made in Düsseldorf.
Hey, Wilmer, can you trace that?

- Not a problem.
- Thank you!


Viktor! Oh, Viktor!

My poor Viktor!
Are you hurt?

My dear, sweet robot!

Hmm? Uh... Hmm?

You are truly my only friend, Viktor.

(romantic music)

(music fading)


Give me the ring.



There it is!

(Viktor groaning)
Sir, my knee. Help.

We all have needs, Viktor.
But with this ring,

soon I will have everything I need!





Ah! Oh!



- Ugh!
- Go get 'em, boy!

(sniffing and snorting)


Wilmer, what's the code?

The nose knows.

Thirty-six... ... !



Pfft. Robots.

* Dun-dun dun-dun-dun
dun-dun-dun-dun *

Mission very possible.

Okra. James Okra.



* Da da da *

Seriously, guys?


Uh, Sam?


I can just smell the stink of bad guys.


Someone's coming!

Hide! Hide!

Not good, not good! Oh!

- Get outta here.
- Oh. Mm! Hmm?

Oh, Viktor.
Viktor, Viktor, Viktor!

I can't stand his attitude!

Oh, after I marry Katherine,
I'm going to melt him down

to a little teapot.



Ah, Viktor!!! Ah!



(epic music)

That's Sue's ring!

Then let's go get it.

(buzzer ringing)

So... plan B?

- Someone has to go in there.
- But who?

Oh, right. Me.

You want me to do it.
Yeah, okay.

Thanks for your help.


Be careful, Sam.
Don't touch the floor.

Don't touch the wall.
Don't touch the th-thing.

Don't touch the thing there.
Will you be quiet?

I got it! Maybe not.
Almost got it.

May.. No.



Oh... What?

Sam, hurry!!


Ah! I made it!

(all): Sam!!


Argh!! You worthless robot!

Get me back my ring!

Prepare combat robots!

They will pay for this with their lives.





The TL- military-series walk ball.

How cool is this!

- Welcome.
- Awesome.

Here... we... go.


- Sam, Where are ya?!
- Whoo-wee! That's a big ring!

Wait a second.
That's not Sam's ring.

Who cares whose ring it is?
Let's just give it to Sam!

- But that's not right, yo!
- Oh, give it to Sam!



- Wo-cha!
- Yah!

- Wo-cha!
- Ah!

- Okra, what's wrong with you?
- Ah!

Nothing's wrong!
It's Oscar's ring, right?

- Yeah, so?
- So Oscar's a super villain.

He probably stole the thing
in the first place.

Stealing is stealing!
It's always wrong!

Uh, guys?

Little help?

(both): Whoa!





(evil laughter)

Give me the ring, or...

- Take it!
- (both): What are you doing?!

Fools. What the...?




The ring!!




Oh, jeez!

(alarm sounding)


I'm coming, guys!



It's good to see you guys!

Kit, if we give Sam the ring,

Sue will definitely say yes
to his proposal,

and then we'll get to keep our show.

And we'll save the day!
I say give him the ring.

But it's wrong!

Hey, I just wanna hear Sue
say yes to Sam's proposal.

That's all.

(brakes screeching)

You know, I couldn't ask
for better cyborg friends.


What happened?

- Ugh!
- Oh, my!

Wilmer? What?
Ugh! What the...?





- Give me the ring!
- Whoa! Oh! Oh.


Huh? Huh?

Ah...!!! Oh!


(triumphant music)

Those are my friends.

Friends? Impressive!!


Ah! Ah!

Sam! Wait. Is that really Sam?

- Oh, Sam.
- Yeah, it's me. Sam O'Malley.

Give me back that ring!

I won't!
(both groaning)

- Give it!
- Never!

Ah! Ah!! Ah!


You can run, but you can't hide!

Finally a way out.
We gotta get to that ladder.

Alright, guys, let's go home.

Let me go.


Oh, I almost forgot the ring.

Ah! Ow!

How could I forget Sue's ring?

(evil laughter)

I almost feel sorry for you... zeroes.

It's pronounced heroes!

Get the ladder, Sam.

- Okay.
- (all): Heroes!


Look alive... ladies.

Guys, let's get out of here.

Oh, no, no, no!

- Huh?
- Ah-ah-ah.


Oh, no!

(all): Sam!

I don't know what to do.
There is no way out!

Wilmer! Ah!



Sam, get outta here!
We're gonna take care of Viktor.

But I can't leave you guys behind. Ugh!

Now go!
Valentine's Day is almost over!

Don't worry about us!


Um... you've got the ring,

now go get the girl!

And no matter what happens...
propose to her!

Don't worry.
And be careful out there.

I need grooms for my wedding.


(evil laughter)


Ah! Ah! Ah!!!


You're on my naughty list, Sammy boy.

Did you get my ring back?

Just as you ordered, sir.

Ooh! Give that to me!

So finally...

we can begin the operation.

(maniacal laughter)



Open the hatch!

(rock music)

(maniacal laughter)

What a magnificent moment!

Robots, deploy your flags!


Let's go to the theme park!

(maniacal laughter)

We better tell Sam, man.

These kids are gonna D to the E
to the demolish everything.

Can you find him?

- The nose knows.
- (both): Oh!

(dramatic music)

Are they part of the parade?!

Guys, stay alive
and I will bring your show back.

* Shimmer under starlight *

* And the future shines so bright *

Just pop the question!

Pop the question.

Pop the question.

Pop the question!!

Pop the question.

It's been years now.
How long do I have to wait?!

* And you know
it's right it's right oh oh *

* Oh oh *

* Years go by *

* It's our time *

* Together *

* A promise forever *

* I'm ready to say I do *

* I will say *

* Vow to you *
Oh I will say

* That I will care *

* And I'll share my heart *

* Just say I do ooh ooh *

* Ooh ooh ooh *

Are you alright?

I'm fine. Thank you.

(excited chatter)

Listen, Sue, I've been meaning
to ask you something.

What is it, Sam?

(Sue gasping)




Oh, my gosh.

(crowd exclaiming)

Look at the size of that ring!

I... I...

Wait, wait, wait.
What's wrong, Sam?

What's wrong?
Is something the matter?


I can't do this.
I'm sorry, but this isn't right.

(all gasping)
(man): What did he say?


I mean, if that's how
you really feel about it.

Look... I'm leaving the city
after my broadcast today.

Leaving? Where?

Ugh. I accepted a job offer
with a network in London. Okay?


But... that's so far away.

Well, I guess there's no use
waiting for something

that's never gonna happen, right?!


Argh! Have a good life, Sam!

(woman): Oh, no!

Sue, please.

(man sobbing)

It must feel good, sir,
to be a super villain again!

Ah... it does bring back fond memories.

But it's only temporary.

Of course. The wedding.

* Today is the happiest day *

* Of my life *

With all due respect, sir,

why would you want to give up
everything for Katherine?

I'm not giving up anything for her.

Actually, quite the opposite.

Everything I have is because of her.

I don't understand.

I've loved Katherine
for a very long time.

It's because of her that...

I became the man I am today.

She told me to stay away from her,

that I'd never measure up
to her standards.

So I had to love her from afar.

She was so beautiful.

Remember, if you want
to marry a Widdington,

you have to be a great man.

And great men only give great rings.

I'll show you, Katherine!

I will become... a great man!

(evil laughter)

So the only reason
you became a super villain

was to impress Katherine?!

That's right.

So it's all thanks to her
that you even exist.

And with this ring,
she can make you not exist!


Master, wake up!
Your sole purpose in life

is to bring the world to its knees.

To live and breathe
the code of villainy!

Oh! Viktor, you're scaring me.

And now you want to give up everything?!

I don't want that.
I want you to lead me again

on some diabolical adventure
of destruction and mayhem!

I want my Oscar back!

Driver, driver, stop the car!

Get... out!!
Ex-excuse me, what?

You're jo-joking, right?

Get out!!!

I can't believe this.


After all I've done for you!!




Who do we have here?

Naughty, naughty.


Mm... Mm!



Son of a...!

We really should stop meeting like this!

Here... take it.


I can't... I can't believe my luck.

Ah! What was that for?

For giving me
the greatest gift in the world.

Oh, my God!!


(sirens wailing)

I'll see you later, boy.




* It's all for you *
I've got a big plan

* That's what I do *

* 'Cause I'm a great man *

Alright, Sue, I've got three minutes

before I have to give a big speech.

So let's do this interview fast.

Yeah. Sure.

You okay?

Couldn't be better.

Well, Mayor, it looks like
the Valentine's Day parade

is turning out to be a big success.

Indeed it is, Sue.

And I just want to thank everyone...

Katherine, my love!

Well, not everyone.

Security, stop him!

Katherine, please!

Can't you listen to me just this once?

Oh, please.
And why should I do that?

Because you'll regret it if you don't!

What are you talking about, Oscar?

I'm talking about this!
(crazed laughter)

What?! What the...?!

This isn't my ring. Huh?
Argh! Security!!

B-b-but, Katherine. Please!

Viktor, you brought me the wrong ring!

Oh, I'm sorry.

You mean...

this ring?

(exclamations and screaming)

(epic music)

What are you up to this time?

If you don't accept my ring,

the great Oscar robot
will destroy the city!

(maniacal laughter)

Viktor, give me the ring.
Ah! Oh!

Oh! Viktor, are you crazy?!

Wh-what do you think you're doing?

I'm doing what you built me to do, sir.

I'm being evil.

You moron!
Give that back to me

before I melt you down for scrap metal!

First, let me polish it for you.

Ah! What are you doing?!


I guess diamonds are n forever.

My ring! My ring!!!

(evil laughter)

Attention, citizens. From now on,

Valentine's Day will be known

as the day that I, Viktor,

destroyed your city forever!!

(maniacal laughter)


Fire! Fire! Fire!!!

(maniacal laughter)

Oscar, you tell me right now.

How do we stop that thing?!

Ah... it was supposed
to be a beautiful celebration.


The robot, Oscar!
How do we turn it off?!

You can't turn it off.
Viktor smashed the ring!

B-b-but if you stop Viktor,
you can stop the robot!

Because they're connected to
the same motion-control system!

Follow me. I got an idea.

Sue! Where are you going?!

(maniacal laughter)



(kids cheering)

Jack, start rolling!

(man): Breaking news!
Chaos erupts at the theme park!

Channel 's own Sue Widdington
is live at the scene!

- Sue?
- Just minutes ago, a...

a... a giant robot burst onto the scene!

He's destroying everything in his path!

If this is not stop soon... Ah!!

...the whole city may be in jeopardy!

- Sue, look out!
- Ah!!

Is there no one out there
who can stop this madness?!

Please, somebody!!

How long do I have to wait?

Great men only give great rings.

No, Katherine, it's not about the ring.

It's about me.


(Sue): Alright, everyone,
we have just learned

that Oscar's second-in-command, Viktor,

is... he is operating the robot

using some sort
of motion-control system!

Oh, no! Oh, no!

The robot's heading for the city!

Millions of lives could be at stake!

This is horrible!
Somebody, please!

Ah! It looks like no one can stop it!

(maniacal laughter)

Oh, this is so fun!




Eliminated. Naughty, naughty.


Sue, let's go.
We gotta get outta here.

I can handle this, hon. Wait!

Hmm. Wait?!


(straining, then yelping)

Argh! I'm done waiting, Sam!

It's been years!

Okay, I deserved that.

I should've ask you before.
You're right. But...

- But what?!
- I wanted it to be great.

You know? Huh?

Sue, look out!!!



I know this isn't the best time,

but this might be the last
chance I ever get to say this.

I know I've messed up every time
I've tried to ask you.

But... I was I was afraid.

(crowd exclaiming)

I was nervous.

I always thought I needed
to give you some...

huge, dramatic proposal
with some huge ring.

But that's not gonna happen,
because that's not me.




I love you more than life itself.

So... I guess...

I guess there's nothing else
to say but...

Sue Widdington...

That is just so... pathetic!

...will you...


Ah!!! Sam!! Ah!

Ugh, not again!!


All this love is making me...


From now on we celebrate
St. Victor's Day -

with total destruction for everyone!!

Hey, guys.

Good to have you back, Sam.

- Push, Sam, push!
- What?

Pitiful creatures.


Huh? Huh?



(all): Shhh.

You guys are alive!

Ah! I don't want to die!

I'm too young to die!

Where are you?

Come out, come out, wherever you are.


Listen, I think I know how to save Sue.

But I'm gonna need your help.

Guys! Stick to the plan!!


(maniacal laughter)

Look! How's that for true love?

Your true love is running away.

That's the truth of love!



(all): Heroes!


Hey, guys, this way!!!

(robot roaring)



What's that?

(all): Yippee! Yap!

I really... hate... marriage!

What's the matter?
Let 'er rip.

I'm nervous!

What disgusting creatures!


Guys, hurry up!

Just think "greasy hot dog."


Wow, this is so gross!

Alright, Kit, it's comin' in hot!


That's nasty!

Warning. Warning.
Contaminants detected.

Initiating cleanse protocol alpha.


Good job, heroes!

I can do this. I'm the man.


Sam, look behind you!

Oh! Quick!
The motion-control system!

It controls the giant robot!

Not a big deal over here.
I got this.





Be a little spider monkey, climb up.

Come on, spider monkeys
climb faster than that.



Oh, Sam!!

Leaving so soon?

Oh!!! No, Sam!!

- Sue, take the wheel!
- No, Sam! What about you?

Don't worry.
I'll follow behind.

No!!! Sam!!

(maniacal laughter)

I take apart robots like you
for breakfast.

Huh?! Oh, yeah?!

Well, I smash humans like you for lunch!

Oh, like this?

What? Oh!

- That's kinda weird, right?
- Very weird.

Stop it!! Wah!



Fireworks! Yay!!

I love you, Sue.

I don't think so.


Now out of my way!



Nothing can stop me now!

(maniacal laughter)

- (heroes): Sam!!
- (all): Oh, no!

(Katherine gasping)

(soft music)

(triumphant music)



I love you. I love you.

(sirens wailing)


Guards, arrest that man.

- No, no, no, no, no!
- Don't move.

No! No!
Let me go, let me go!

Katherine, I became a great man
just for you.

No, Oscar... you became a great villain.

But I was ready to give up my villainy,

if only you'd agree to marry me.

You... your real problem

is that you don't know what love is.

And you do?

Alright, let's go.

Call me! Okay?!

Katherine, I love you!


Sam O'Malley,
I never thought I'd say this,

but... you are a great man.

Wow. Thank you.

O'Malley, you really did it this time.

My park is totally destroyed!

(crowd exclaiming)
It's wrecked!

It's hero time, Sam.
Do the right thing.




Baby, there's something in this hand.

Do you want to know what it is?

I've been wanting to ask
this question for years.


Sue Widdington...

will you marry me?


(soft music)

(laughing softly)





(crowd cheering)

Ah... it'll never last.
Tell you that!

Oh, you wanna bet on that, cousin?!

Awesome! Yippee!



All of you, out.

Now. This boat's taken.



What's this?

Oh, that? Pfft.

That's just something
they found in the debris.

Really? Hmm.

Ah, it has my name on it.


I love you so much.

* A promise forever *

* I'm ready to say I do *

* I will say *
Vow to you

* Oh I will say *
That I will care

* And I'll share my heart with you *

* Just say I do *
I will say

* And I will too *
Oh I can't wait

* This is our fate *

* Oh I can't wait to say I do *

* Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh *

* Yeah *

* Fall for me *

* Believe that'll you mean everything *

* Oh I will *
To me

* Believe *
I do believe

* That I am ready to...

* Say I do *
I will say

* And I will too *
Oh I can't wait

* This is our fate *

* Oh I can't wait *

* To say I do **

(soft music)

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