Adventures of Rufus: The Fantastic Pet (2020)

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Adventures of Rufus: The Fantastic Pet (2020)

Post by bunniefuu »

- Stop it!
- You're in my space!

Hey, hey hey!

You guys
just got here.

You two are gonna have a
lot more fun this weekend

if you learn
to get along.


You're gonna turn
your brains to mush.

Well, there's nothing
to do and I'm bored.

How about
reading a book?

No, thanks.

All right, that's it.

Give 'em here.
Here we go, hand them over.

You can do without your
phones for one night.

You'll get them back
in the morning.

So what are we
gonna do all night?

Why don't we just
enjoy each other's company?

I remember
when I was a boy...

my grandfather
used to tell me

the most amazing stories...

and I really
miss those days.

What else
was there to do?


Well, I suppose
you're not interested

in the true story of the
mansion with the secret doorway.

What's the story about?

Well, it's got heroes
and villains,

and adventure,
and... magic...

But you guys probably don't
wanna hear about all that.

"It all started
on a beautiful sunny day.

The mansion sat
on many acres,

like a small castle in the
middle of its own kingdom."

Rufus, hide.
She's coming.

You're not getting away
this time.

- Give me the book.
- Yeah.

How about no?

I've grown just as powerful
as you, Abbott.

More evil? Definitely.
Just as powerful? We'll see.

Give up this fight.

Can't you see I'm trying
to save our world?

Our world isn't
worth saving.

Every world
is worth saving.

Oh, just give me
the book, Abbott!

Is this what you want?
Then go and get it!




Get out of here.


Cengail imperio!


Where's the amulet?

How dare he
bind my powers?



Is anybody here?

Wait a minute.
You're telling me

that there's secret portals
in someone's mansion

and there was
a wizard battle?

Exactly as I said.

And a raccoon
came through it.

- Not a raccoon!
- Then what was it?

- Probably just a dog.
- Not a raccoon, or a dog.

Do you want me to read
you the story or not?

We're sorry.
I wanna know what it was.

You'll find out
soon enough,

just like Scott
and Emily did.

Who were they?

"Scott's grandmother owned the
mansion, you see.

And one fateful day,

Scott and Emily became
part of the tale."

Emily, you have
the most beautiful smile.

- Thank you!
- Don't you think so, Scott?

- Mom...
- Just saying.

Why didn't you tell me
they were here?

All right, Mom.
We literally just got here.

Look at you!

You're as tall
as your mother.

- Hi, Grandma.
- Clara.

- Hi, Mom.
- Mmm.

Listen, do you have time
for tea before your flight?

Good, good.

She has been waiting
for over an hour...

for you.

Edgar, take their things

I'll take care
of that.

Scott! How lovely
to see you again.

- And...
- Emily.

Edgar, Lilith,

Nice to see you again.
It's been a while.

It's Blade now.

- What?
- I go by Blade.

It's mysterious
and strong.

Don't you think?


Norman, Edgar and I
will be here for you

should there be
anything you need.

This house is amazing!

When I was little, this place felt so...
big and scary.

Oh, no.

It's still just
as scary at night.

Especially since your grandma
locked some of the rooms

and won't let anybody
in them.

And every night I hear sounds
coming from the same room.

What do you
think it is?

- Scott?
- I don't know.

I think it's a body.

A dead body.

How is a dead body
making noises?

Come on, let's go.

What are you
doing, Edgar?

I was just giving them
a hard time.

Yes, well, let's not
have them snooping around

where they don't belong.

Get back to work or I'll
have you digging ditches.

I want this one
over there.

- Scott!
- What's up?

I saw something
up there.

That dude needs
a vacation.

No, not Edgar.
I saw something else.

Uh, can't hear you.
Music's too loud.

worth selling?

sh**t, I can't
see anything.

We better get back before the old
bat notices that we're missing.

Which one?

I don't know.

Hey! What's up?

What are you doing here?

I had to wait for
everyone to go to bed.

Emily, we're not
little kids anymore.

- You're gonna get me in trouble.
- Relax!

- You're not leaving, are you?
- No.

Are you going
to the school dance?

I was thinking
about asking Megan.

Megan. Why her?

I don't know,
she seems... nice.

You don't even know her.
She doesn't know you exist.

Who are you going with?

I don't know, might just...
stay at home.

- I'll play you.
- You're on!

- Player 2 wins!
- Come on!


Scott, I heard

You're still here?
What time is it?

I don't know.
I heard some weird noises.

Maybe it's just Dracula
going out for a bite.

I'm serious.

Look, this house
is just old.

- Don't let it get to you.
- Let's go check it out.

All right, fine!

But then you're going home
and I'm going to bed.

You heard it that time?

It's locked.

It's coming
from that way.

Stop it! You scared me!

Don't frighten
your sister, Peter.

It's okay
to be scared, though.

I get scared myself
at times.

Without fear,
there can be no courage.

Now, let's see,
where was I?

Oh, yes.

"Emily and Scott
burst into the room."

What are you guys
doing in here?

It's the middle
of the night.

We couldn't sleep,
so we just wanted to come in and...


You should go on
back to bed now.

We apologize
for waking you.

That was close.

- Be quiet, Norman.
- I told you it's Blade!

- Make me!
- Ugh! Stop it, you two.

It's getting really hard
to take stuff from this house

without being noticed.

No, we need to find out
what's in there.

There's nothing in there
of any value.

I checked it years ago.

Just remember...

if you find any jewelry,
show it to me first.


- I don't trust them.
- Me either, especially Lilith.

There's something about
the way she looks at us.

It will be fine.
It's just an old house, remember?

- It's probably just a mouse.
- Yeah...

Just a mouse.


Wait! It's okay!

- What's going on in there?
- I don't know! I'm not in there!


- What is that thing?
- I don't know.

We're not gonna hurt you.

That's it.
Come on out.

It's so cute.

What the...

Be careful!


I wanna see.
I wanna look.

There's some kind
of creature in there.

But I can't get
a good look at it.

I'm Emily.

- This is my friend...
- Scott.

You can talk?!

Of course I can!

I'm not a common raccoon
digging in the trash.

Ahem. My name is Rufus.
Pleased to finally meet you.

How do you know
my name?

Your grandfather talked
about you all the time.

How long have you
been here?

Hmm. A few years now.

Does my grandma know?

No. After your grandfather
died, I kept hidden.

- I wanna look!
- Hush, Norman!

I told you
it's Blade now.

Nice to meet you, Blade.
I'm Toilet Paper.

- Where did you come from?
- Are you an alien?

Hm. I don't think so.

I come from the land
of Alainn,

a magical world in a
kingdom parallel to yours.

Cool! I'd like
to see it.

Oh! You would have
loved it when it was lush.

Flowers of every color
you can imagine,

and rolling fields of
shimmering fairywing grass.

Fairywing grass.
Sounds beautiful.

Oh, it was.

But sadly,
it's all gone.

- What happened?
- We didn't take care of our world.

There's a darkness
that covers the land.

It's become dry and grey.

My world is dying.

I wanna see!
Let me see!

Come on!


You came here
to escape?

No, no, not to escape.

Our Queen sent us here
on a quest to save my world

and stop its extinction.

But of course,
we were followed here

- by an evil witch...
- Wait. You said "we."

Oh, Abbott,
the Queen's head wizard.

We got separated when he was
fighting the sorceress Lilith.

No way!

Did that thing just say
Lilith is an evil sorceress?

If Lilith is a sorceress,

I really am toilet paper.

I can still
be Blade, right?

I knew there was someting
not right about her.

She's no threat.
Abbott's last spell bound her powers.

Wizards? Magic doorways?
Lilith, a sorceress?

- This is crazy!
- Scott, open your eyes.

This is real.

You said Alainn is dying,

and you've been here
for years.

How do you know
your world still exists?

It does. Traveling
between worlds

distorts time somehow.
I don't understand it completely.

This is the door
between worlds.

- There's nothing here.
- See? I told you. Crazy.

There's something
there all right.

You just need to have
the key.

This is Abbott's amulet.

With it, certain doorways
can lead to anywhere.

Abbott is trapped
somewhere behind that one.

- Just a closet.
- Trust me, it's a lot more than a closet.

I wish I knew
how to use this.

- It has writing I can't read.
- Here, let me see it.

Your grandfather
wanted to help me,

but he was too ill.

He said if anyone could help,
it'd be you, Scott.

He said you had his spirit and the
strength for a quest like this.

Well, I don't know
who he was talking about.

- That's not me.
- You might surprise yourself, Scott.

Please, help me
find Abbott.

I don't know...

He can't do it
alone, Scott.

Otherwise, he'd be
home by now.

I just... don't know
if I can do it.

It doesn't have to be just you.
You've got me.

Hold on
for a minute.

You're making this all up.

Sarah might believe you,
but I don't.

I don't think Grandad
would lie to us.

Never have.
Never will.

"Rufus' world
had a chance to be saved,

but Scott didn't know if he had
the courage for such a quest."

So what did he do?

What would you do?

I'd do it.
No question.

If your grandpa
was standing right here,

would you tell him "no"?

He wanted to help Rufus
and he couldn't.

You can.


Okay. We're in.

Oh, thank you!
Thank you!

Not too loud!

- You don't wanna wake grandma!
- Sorry.

They're gonna
help that thing!

We better tell


I know what this is.
It's Latin.

"Quod ostium sit in mente
dico aperta."

- Can you translate it?
- Give me a second.

This is "say open."

And this means "in the
brain" or "in the mind."

Something isn't right.

In the mind...

In the mind...
in the mind...

A door! The door
is in the mind!

what does that mean?

Rufus... did Abbott
go in someone's brain?

Don't be silly.
He'd never fit.

Guys! What does
the brain do?

It thinks!

Just picture the place you wanna
go and ask the door to open.

Think of where Abbott is.

I'm thinking
the forest,

where Abbott is trapped.


Where is he?

He wouldn't have gone
too far from the door.

- Abbott!
- Abbott!

We've come
to rescue you!

It's me!
It's Rufus!

- Where are they?
- They were just here.

The big rat said
something about an amulet.

They found the amulet?

I don't know,
I couldn't see everything.

It is not easy
listening through a wall!

Uh... we did hear them say
you were a sorceress, though.

Is that true?

Maybe it is.

So maybe you should
go find them...

before I turn you both
into mice!


Oh! Oh!

The end. What do you
want to do now?

What?! Best ending ever!

Very funny, Grandad.
Keep going.

Okay, you got me.

"Scott and Emily
were alone in the forest,

wondering if they would ever
see their new friend again."


Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Hey, hey, hey, no!
No, no! No!

No! No! Whoa!

Ah! Ah! Ah!

Maybe you should try
something else!

Okay, fair enough! Uh...

Ah, here we go! And...


I can't believe
that worked!


Are you okay?


I'm fine.

May I introduce the queen
of Alainn's head wizard,

the great Sir Abbott?

How exciting!
Where is he?

Oh, boy! Lilith must've
really scrambled your brains.

You're Abbott!
The Great Wizard!

Me? Abbott?

Well, the name
does sound familiar.

Explains why
I can do this.

- Whoa!
- Unfortunately,

it's the only magic
I can remember.

Ah, this is bad.

- What's wrong?
- We're gonna need Abbott

back to his old self again.


Come on. Let's head
back to the mansion.

You know, I was
in a mansion once.

Terrible experience.
Wouldn't recommend it to anyone.

Unreasonably windy.
Also I remember it being extremely dusty.

It's morning?

I remember
this place.

Um... where's
your spellbook?

Yes! My spellbook!

Passed down from wizard
to wizard for a thousand years!

It contains spells to conjure
wonders beyond your imagination.

And if it ever fell
into the wrong hands,

it could end this universe
as we know it!

You're forgetting
the most important thing.

The book contains the spell
to create the magic dust

that will heal our world!

- Where is it, Abbott?
- I couldn't let Lilith have it,

so I sent it to the only place
I could think of at the time.

The National Library,
for some reason.


- What are we waiting for? Let's go.
- Don't be foolish!

You can't get to the library through
that door! We have to find another door.

That one's attached
to the forest.

But I... smell food!

And I'm not going anywhere
until I get a decent meal!

Oh! I can't stomach
another squirrel.

- No offense, Rufus.
- None taken.

I'll go get us
something to eat.

Emily, make sure
he stays here.

Yeah, no.
We're gonna stay here.

- He's gonna bring us some food.
- Oh...

There's nothing to do here.
I've read all these books.

You know...

I think... it's starting
to come back to me.

Oh, great. If Lilith
doesn't k*ll us,

he just might.

Good morning.

I already ate breakfast.
I thought I'd let you sleep in.

- Thanks.
- Did you sleep well?

Yeah. I'm fine.

So, what do you and Emily
have planned for today?

I think we're gonna go
to the library.

I was just about
to head to her house.

Her parents are going to drive
us, if that's okay with you.

Oh, it's fine, dear.

I have a meeting with the local
ladies' flower club,

so I'll be gone
most of the day myself.

- So have fun.
- We will. You too.

So, the experiment
goes horribly wrong,

we have to shave
all of Rufus' fur off,

and he looks sort of
like a wrinkly old man

or a hot dog with wrinkles.
It was-it was hilarious.

Ah. Food! Oh,
and you've got grapes!

Oh, I missed grapes.
I love grapes. Mwah!

Did you see Lilith?

- No.
- Mwah!

- We need to go. Now.
- Wait.

People at the library are going
to flip when they see you.

Here. This should work.

Uh, no. No.

No way. No way!

Sorry, Rufus.

We're gonna need you
to hide in here.


Hmm. How degrading.

You are one hairy baby!

This is perfect.

You know, I almost forgot
how aggravating you can be.

I am never
gonna forget this.


Get me out
of this thing!

I barely fit in here.

Abbott, I want out of here.

You gotta be quiet,

What's going on out there?
I can't see anything.

- Shh!
- Seriously?

Abbott, she just
shushed me.

- That's enough out of you.
- Hey!

Oh, what a darling carriage!
Let me take a look at the angel.

Beat it, lady.



Do you have to hit
every... single... step?

Aww, is somebody cranky?
Do you need your bottle?

Don't make me
hop out of here.

Quiet, Rufus.
Babies don't talk.

Here we are.

Now let's see.

M for "magic."
S for "spell book ."

C for "cookbook?"

- Cookbook?
- Yes.

I have a secret recipe for the most
delicious chocolate chip cookies

you've ever had.

Those must be
some really good cookies.

They are, and let's
put it this way.

If that recipe ever fell
into the wrong hands,

it could send humanity

back into the Dark Ages.

Oh, I remember! Ha!

It's in the Great Reading Room!


- Sorry! Sorry.
- Shh!

So what we're looking for
is old, leathery, magical,

and sort of book-shaped.

My Grandpa used to
read this to me as kid.

Master Tolkien.

One of the great record
keepers of our time.

You know my grandfather was actually
at the Battle of the Five Armies?

What?! The things
he wrote about are real?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Some stories are true.

Big whoop.
Let's move on.

Hold on.

Do you know
what this means?

Unicorns and fairies
could be real!

Oh! And dragons!
Giants and ogres!

And all kinds of things
that could eat you!

I think you guys
are missing the point.

Do you want to find out
what happens next or not?

Rufus and Abbott are going
to find the book! I know it.

Let's find out.

What about this?
No. Good book.

Now what?

Just a slight delay,
Rufus, and shh.

Guys. I see it.

I see the book.

How are we
going to get it?

They're gonna catch us.

I got this.

You guys get the book.

Well, follow me.

Grab Rufus.


Excuse me.
Someone's drawing in the books.

I don't know the title, but one of
them has "first edition" printed on it.

- Where?
- The back table.

Watch this.
This takes skill.

I guess I'm not as good as I thought.
Hmm... All right.

The doors are locked!
We're trapped!

Run for the door!

- Get the amulet, Scott!
- We are going to jail.

Sorry. Sorry.
Oh, no...

Oh, you've got
to be kidding me!


Come on! Let's get back
to the house!

Where's Abbott?

Got it!

All right.
Hold on, Rufus.

- Ramming speed!
- What?


Sorry, boyos.


Oh, how I've missed you,
old friend. Mwah!

Ow, ow, ow,

ow, ow, ow, ow.

I don't feel so good.

- What is that?
- What are you looking at?!

Rufus, we don't have
time for this. Come on!

- Hey!
- Open!

You gotta check that book out
before you leave!

Actually, thank you so much
for keeping it safe,

but you should really consider
upgrading your security.

What were you thinking?

What? We got the book,
didn't we?

So, I guess you can go home
and save your world.

Not yet. The book's
just the beginning.

Most of the elements we need
for the spell are in your world,

which is why we are here
in the first place.

What elements?

It's why I need the book.
Can't remember.

Let's see here.
We have...

Transformations, curses,

summoning dragons.

Love potions?

Oh, no, no.

Ah. Here we are.

The spell
to heal my world!

What? It's important
and simple.

We only need
four elements...

The bone of a dinosaur,

the bark of a
thousand-year-old olive tree,

and some volcanic stone.

Wait. But you said four.

That's only three.

Well, we... already have
the fourth element.

What is it?

Well, it's...
it's a... it's a...

the blood of a beast.

- I'm sorry, what?
- I said it's...

it's the blood
of a beast.

We still
can't understand you.

Oh, fine! It's
the blood of a beast!

Oh, I see.
The beast is me.

When were you planning
on telling me?

Right after you
s*ab me in the back?

Oh, Rufus.
You're my dearest and oldest friend.

And you are no beast...

but you are covered in fur,
so technically you are.

Oh, come on.

It's only a drop.
It won't even hurt.

Fine. If it's
to save our world.

But if a spell ever
requires wizard blood,

you're in trouble!

See? That's the spirit,
old friend.

All right, who's ready
to save the world?


We're not going to break
into a museum, are we?

I don't want to steal
a dinosaur bone.

We don't have to.
We can just go straight to the source.

There's an undiscovered
archaeological dig site.

We just may have
to dig a bit.


Give it to me!


- It's mine!
- Why don't you go get your own book?

Abbott, your book!

What happened?

Oh, no!

Don't worry.

She didn't get
the healing spell.

Oh, no, this is bad,
really bad.

What's wrong?

It's the other pages.

I can't remember
what's on them.

Well. Come on, then.

You got the book.

- You got the book!
- Only half.

I need the whole thing.

Why do you need
that stupid book for anyway?

Is it worth a lot of money?

It's worth more than everything
in this house combined.

Maybe fully intact.

But half an old book
ain't worth nothing.

If you have that book,
you can do magic, right?

- What are you talking about?
- Hear me out.

Lilith, if you get
the whole book,

you could you turn stuff
into gold, right?

My dear, simple man.

If I had the rest
of this book,

I could turn anything
into, well...


Help me find it

and we'll all be rich
beyond our wildest dreams.

Hey. Where you going?

I'm going to get
my powers back.

You two idiots wait here.
Guard the door.

They'll be back soon enough
with the rest of my book.

- We can't dig all this up.
- We won't have to.

We'll make what we need
come to us.

Now, stand back.

Think he knows
what he's doing?

Oh, come, now!
Have a little faith.

Prehistoric bones
buried deep,

reveal thyselves
at my feet.

Advocabit simul
dinosaurum ossium!

I don't think it worked.

Well, let me look
at the spell book.

Ah. See?
I'm a little rusty.

I said "bones"
and not bone.

- Abbott...
- I seem to have said

"together" rather than alone.
Those words are so similar.

Abbott! Look!


Maybe it's... nice?

Not nice! Not nice! Run!

Come on!
Come and get me!



Run! Get out of here!


- Are you hurt?
- Thanks for saving me.

Aw, how sweet.

- Oh, no.
- I totally saw that coming.


If you're so smart,
then what happens next?

Rufus just got eaten again!

Grandad will tell us
if you stop interrupting.

"It was going to take
powerful magic to save Rufus.

Unfortunately, Abbott wasn't
quite the wizard he used to be."

A little help would be nice!

Come on, Abbott!

What are you doing?!

Gah! I'm trying
my best here, Rufus!

Ha... oh! Oh!

Run! Run, Rufus, run!

Open! Run, run, run, run!

Oh... oh...

Uh, where are you going?

What do you mean,
where am I going?

We've got to go get
the olive tree bark.

What about Scott
and Emily?

What about them?

They're not here.

You're right.
They're not here.

Don't just stand there.

We've gotta go find them!

Hey! Aren't you
forgetting something?

I am not
gonna ask you guys again!

Give me the book!

You already checked us.
We obviously don't have it.

Don't get smart
with me, girl.

I have a feeling everything
is smart compared to you.

I oughta...

Leave her alone!

That's enough.
Where's the book?

Why do you want it
so badly?

Ah, so Lilith can use it
to make us wealthy.

Oh! Hey, Edgar.

Why should we
give it to her?

What if we keep the book

and turn stuff into gold
for ourselves?

We don't need her.

That might be
the most intelligent thing

I've ever heard you say.

Thank you very much.

We could get the book
and we could be gone

before Lilith ever knows
what happened.

Yeah! Hey, Edgar.

What are you going
to turn into gold first?

I'm gonna get
a solid gold knife

with "Blade" etched
right into it.

No, no, you're thinking
too small. It's too small.

A solid gold car!

Now you're thinking.

A solid gold car?

Wouldn't the weight
blow out the tires?

He's got a point.

No. The tires are
solid gold too.

Solid gold tires!

Sorry, mates.

Don't have time for this.

- Hi.
- Rufus!

- You're alive!
- Barely. No thanks to him.

I'm not sure I've ever
been eaten alive

twice in one day before.

First of all, the alligator
didn't swallow you.

Secondly, the T-Rex
didn't have a stomach.

So technically,
you have not been eaten at all today.

Thanks for saving us.

Rufus was going to leave
you guys behind.

Wait. What?
I never said that!

You totally did. Now let's get
out of here before they wake up.

Oh, right!

Scott, can you put that
in your backpack for me?


All right!

Next stop, olive tree.

Hopefully it's easier than
getting the dinosaur bone.

Ah. Well.
It is and it isn't.

But it's in a park.

That doesn't
sound so bad.

Well, it's not
entirely true.

Actually, it's in a
mysterious, magical forest.

Plus, it will be very
dangerous, lots of predators.

But! The entrance
is in a park.


Potentious regresium!

Ugh! We almost had 'em!

And then they got away.

Oh, man!
This is nasty.

What is this?

It's a potion to get
my powers back.

Did it work?

Well, let's see.

Oh, yes.
It certainly did.

Much better.

Oh, no! She got
her powers back.

Now it's really
gonna get exciting!

Okay, settle down, Peter.

Yeah, I want to hear
what happens.

"They needed two more items
to perform the healing spell."

Hey! Pick that up!

Don't just leave
your trash lying around.

And why should I
listen to you?

Give me that plank
with wheels.


Whoa, dude!
That's sick!

That's nothing.

Whoa! He's all right.

You think that's amazing,
watch this.


Hey, man.
What is that?

I am not a "that."
I'll have you know

I am a respected member
of the kingdom of Alainn.

I'm the sidekick to the head
wizard Abbott over there.

See this knife?
The Queen gave this to me.

For slaying an ogre.

My grandfather fought
in the Battle of Five Armies.

We're going
to a Renaissance Fair.

Cool, man.
I love the outfits.

Hey, if this is
for a costume contest,

I mean, little dude
got it in the bag.

Yeah, he does.
Yeah, he does.

Where am I?

Hey, well,
good luck.

Oh! Hey!

Stay safe.

That was nice of you.

Oh, I was having second
thoughts about that spell.


I could've just as easily
blown off their heads.

The entrance
to the magical forest

should be somewhere
around here.

Orducia Resermos!

Ah. This reminds me of home.
I'll scout ahead.

Abbott, what exactly
happened to your world?

Could it happen here?

Yes. Yes, it can.

My world used to be
a lot like yours.

But my people
grew careless...


And what was once
beautiful and green

became dark and desolate.

You're gonna
fix it, right?

I'm gonna try.

But you need to take care
of your world.

Don't let it get so bad that
magic's the only way to fix it,

because I might
not be around.

It can start with you.

Oh! We're close!

Hey! Rufus
just found the tree.

Get off the ground!
It's dirty! Hurry up.

They almost kissed!

I think I'm going
to be sick.

It's not as bad
as you think, Peter.

I think it's romantic.

Ah, to be young
and in love.

Nothing seems impossible.

One day you'll find out.

I don't think so.

Love is a wonderful thing,

and to give it to someone?

There's just
nothing like it.

It's like the way
that I love you two.

"Emily followed her heart,

and she knew deep inside
that Scott felt the same way.

But for the moment,

they had other things
to worry about."

And here we are.

That looks like a
thousand-year-old tree to me.

You just need a piece of bark, right?
I can get it.

It's not gonna be
that simple.

What we need is sun-kissed bark
from the top of the tree.

Somebody's gonna have
to climb for it.

Nope. Nope. I'm out.

You know
I don't do heights.


I thought
you came here to help.

Help, yes.
Die, no.

All right. Fine.

But when I tell this
story to my children,

it's going to be
more epic.

the brave. No!

Rufus, the Great Protector
of the Kingdom!

I need to learn
how to say no.

You can do it, Rufus!

Ha ha! I got it.

Yeah! Let's go, Rufus!

- Whoa!
- Rufus!

Do something!


Wait! You might hit him!

Whoa! Whoa!

- Put me down!
- Put me down!

Oh, come on, come on,
come on.


Help me!


Owl maorga, le do thoil
titim mo chara.

What did you say to him?


Oh. But hey!

I remembered
how to speak owl!

Did you know
that owls

don't have a word for "owl"
in their own language?

I almost died, and that's
what you have to say?

You should be happy.
I just saved your life.

Happy is not exactly
the word I'd use.

Rufus, you're my oldest
and dearest friend.

You know I love you.

Well, the feeling's mutual.

I love you too, Rufus.

And I return my love
to you, my lady.

Yeah. And...

I like you too, Rufus.

Ahem. Okay.

Really? It's not hard to tell
someone you love them, Scott.

- What?
- Never mind.

Ah... to be young
and clueless.

Oh, and if anybody cares,
I got the...

Ugh, never mind.



All we need is
a little volcanic stone

and we're home free!

Volcanic stone?
How fun.

- Lilith!
- How do you plan

on getting
to a volcano...

so quickly?
Oh, yes.



We need to make
a run for it.

Don't underestimate me,

You can't bind
my powers forever.

- What's wrong with her?
- Seem like someone's had

a little Restoration of Magical
Powers brew. Nasty stuff.

Though I never understood
why it needed a dirty sock.


Get a room.


This is incredible.

Where are we?

We are at the edge
of the world.

Too close. if you ask me.

"No one said a word,

as they stood
in amazement and wonder.

They were at the edge of one of
the most desolate places on earth.

All they had to do was collect
a volcanic rock, and with it,

they would be one step
closer to healing Alainn."

Well, that doesn't
sound too hard.

Harder than you think,
but they have each other.

Rufus is my favorite.

He's strong and loyal
and courageous.

I don't think the others
have done too badly.

Emily figured out
how to use the amulet.

Abbott has saved everyone
many times,

especially Rufus.

- Mm.
- What about Scott?

He saved Emily from that
dinosaur skeleton thing.

Don't care.
Rufus is the best.

In the end, it's going to take
all of them working together

to save Rufus' world.

What are you doing?

We're running
out of time.

Whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa. "We?"

We're simple thieves.

Plus, you said you were
gonna make us rich.

Yeah, we're tired
of getting zapped.

So, why don't you let us know
how it works for you?

'Cause we're done.

Oh, you're done
all right.

Oh, Edgar.
Blade, dear.

See? She knows
it's Blade.

Whose side are you on?

Rodentia transformulus.

That was too easy.

Hey. We got it.


Let's go home.


You've nowhere
to run, Abbott.

Give me what I want
and I'll let you live.

The other half of the book,
if you please.

Give it to me

or I'll just take it
from your dead hands.

You know what?

I would love
to see you try.


You're bringing a knife
to a wizard battle?

She's got a point.

We're rooting
for you, buddy!

You are not the wizard
you once were, Abbott.

I think I'm doing
pretty good.

Try spending two years in the
forest, in your underwear,

eating squirrels
and see how you fare.

- No offense.
- None taken.

Let's see how well you hold up
against your own magic!

Born from the deep
and liquid fire,

I command the dark
and terrible...

dragon fire!

Did... did you just rhyme
fire with fire?

You wrote it.

she's right. I did.

Ho! That is a lot scarier
in person!

Why do you have a spell
for an evil dragon?

It seemed like
a good idea at the time!

And what time was that?

I was going
through a phase!

My, aren't you scary.

Burn them!


No... No....

No! The amulet!

Looks like we're all
stuck in this realm now.


Whoa! Oh!




I can finally
get out of this dump.

I remember who I am.

I remember everything.

I'm Abbott,

the Great Wizard of Alainn,

Keeper of the Book of Spells,

Traveler Between Worlds!

And about to be
Slayer of Dragons!


You've wasted
enough of my time.

Give it to me! Now!

You are so fired when my
grandma hears about this!

She can't fire me,
'cause I quit!



What? I don't want
to hear anymore.

Don't you want to hear
how it ends?

Nope. I'm done.

Yeah, this story's terrible.

The story isn't done yet.

A lot can happen
in a few pages.

I guess, but Rufus
can't be dead.



You can't destroy me!

This is for Rufus.

No! No!



Don't be sad.

The magic dust doesn't only have
the power to heal our world.

But I will need the elements
from your backpack, Scott.

And my spell book,
if you don't mind.

Blood of the beast
and ancient bone,

olive bark
and volcanic stone.

From the past
and living old,

grant the power,
new life take hold!

It only takes a few grains.

It's not working.

Give it a second.


What did I miss?

Did we win?

We did. We won.

Scott, help me out
with this.

Thank you.

Now. We need to go.

Thank you both.

We could have never completed
our quest without you.

And our kingdom is forever
in your debt,

as are we.

Will we ever
see you again?

Some day.

You never know what our
futures may have in store.

Take care
of each other.

We will.

And try to do a better job
of taking care of your world.

Hey, Rufus.

I know I'm hard on you.

And, honestly,
I'm hard to deal with.

But you're the only
true friend I've ever had.

And I care
a great deal for you.

Now, come on,
Great Protector of the Kingdom.

And don't you forget it.


Ho! Really? You two?

I would've never
saw that coming.

I just came back
for my spell book.

Rufus! Did you know
this was going on?

Have you two seen Lilith
or Edgar or Norman?


I set this whole table
by myself.

So, how was your day?

Did you learn anything
at the library?

Yes, lots.
We only have one planet

and we have
to take care of it.

His grandfather always said
knowledge opens doors.

We went into
the locked room upstairs.

I told you not to go
into that room, Scott.

I'm sorry,
but Rufus and Abbott

needed our help
to save their world.

Rufus and Abbott?

They came from another world through
the magical doorway in the attic.

We helped them make a magic dust
to keep their world from dying.

Stop it. I don't want
to hear any more about Rufus.

Your grandfather would
tell me stories about him.

I don't know
how you found out about it.

The last year,
with your grandfather's illness,

was very difficult.

I don't think
he knew the difference

between reality
and make-believe sometimes.

- Grandma...
- This isn't funny.

We're telling the truth.

Look! It's real!

It's real, Scott?

It's all real?

There's magic
in this world too.

What magic?


It's the way Scott is
looking at you right now.

His grandfather
looked at me that way

every day of his life.

I still remember
the first time.

That's when I knew
how much he loved me

and how much I loved him.

Cherish every day.

Having you two here

reminds me of what it's like
to be alive and loved.


It's the most powerful magic
I've ever seen.

So... Emily.

You got a date
for the dance?

- Rufus?
- You're going to the dance with Rufus?

Scott! Emily!

Did you forget something?
Is the magic dust working?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.
That was a month ago now.

The kingdom needs
your help once more.

What do we need to do?

- They did it!
- I would love to see real magic.

Time for bed.
It's getting late.

Oh, come on,

What about Rufus?
He needs their help.

And that's a story for another night.
Come on.

- You promise?
- Yes, I promise.

- Good night.
- Good night, grandpa.

Good night.
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