Once I Was a Beehive (2015)

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Once I Was a Beehive (2015)

Post by bunniefuu »

Look at the view right here.

Are you seeing this?

Are you looking?

Are you looking at your phone,

or are you looking
at the outside?

Why don't you take
a look out the window,

I want you to take
an eye photo.

An eye photo? Okay.

You know how to do that, right,

you just use your eyes.


They're right up there,
right in front of your face,

you can't miss them.

You're ridiculous.

My goodness, I love it up here.


You know you do.

My gosh, this was
a fantastic idea.

Whose idea was this
to come camping?

Lane, was that you?

Yours, it was yours,
you're the genius.

Was that me,
it's a good idea, probably me.

You are a nerd.

Are you seeing all this?

Do you need to trade spots
with your mom?

Well, she looks like

she's really enjoying
this view.

Maybe we better give her
a moment.

All right, Laney, what big party are
you missing out on this weekend?

I mean, it's not a big deal,

it's just
the battle of the bands.

Something that I've been waiting for
probably for the entire summer.

Trick question, sorry, honey.

Thought you would've seen
that coming.

When you're with the ones
you love,

you're never missing out
because you're...

exactly where
you're supposed to be

with the ones
you're supposed to be with?

How did you know
I was gonna say that?

Okay, dad, I get it.

What am I think now?

A cheeseburger, wrong.

but are we supposed to listen

to smooth jazz the entire time?

Here, I'll turn it off.

Oh, it's only stuck,
I'm turning up.

Stop it.

I can't, I'm filling numb
with joy and jazz.

Yeah? Joy and jazz?

It's happening to you,
isn't it?

Even your mom is taken to it.

It's taking her
to a happy place.

My dad always was quite
the believer,

and he wasn't afraid
to let people know.

Don't get me wrong,

he wasn't in your face about it

like those crazies
with the homemade signs,

but some other people
could tell.

They sensed a strength in him

that they couldn't
put a finger on.

Friends that were struggling
or questioning

were just drawn to him.

He didn't take them
to church, though.

He'd take them camping.

He believed that there was
no crisis of faith

that couldn't be cured
by a week up in god's country.

He did his best to make me
a believer, too.

It's not like
I'm a militant atheist

or that I hate nature
or anything,

but spending
every first weekend

of every month in the woods

with my parents
wasn't exactly my idea

of living the teenage dream.

I can't keep up with you,

you're going too fast.

Oh, sorry,

forget about the fun size legs.

How about a toddler pace?
Does that work for you?

Never heard you complain
about my legs before.



I have to be on a boat today,
I don't wanna be sick.

Sorry, honey,
we should save that

kind of talk for the love tent.

Dad, you guys are being
so gross right now.

Oh, so would you prefer
love shack?

Think she likes that.

- Whoop.
- Dad.

I need to finish that.

I'm sure it won't hurt
to keep...

Tyson in suspense.

You know the rules, Laney,
out here we unplug.



Can't believe you still wear
a Fanny pack.

It's actually
really embarrassing.

What are you talking about?

These are cool again, all the
hippers are wearing them.

They're called hipsters,
dad, and I promise

you are not one of them.

So, is Tyson a hipster?

I don't wanna talk about
this anymore.


I'm not gonna always be here
to do this for you.

You'll do it on your own
one day.

Not today.

All right.

We are free.

We are free.

Free from the shackles
of society.

Hold on, hold on, hold on.

Okay, we're over it.


This is boat safety
rule number one, okay,

don't ever do this...

With a boat full of people,
all right?

He was right.

Nothing I could've been doing

was ever as important

as that time we spent together.

If only
I could've learned that lesson

a bit sooner.

We had seven months
from when they found the tumor

until we had to say goodbye.

The most beautiful

and yet most painful months
of my life.

Nothing can prepare you
for that.

There's no way to know
how or what

you're supposed to do or feel.

You're just lost.

But throughout all the pain
and the confusion,

he never wavered.

He never doubted his faith.

He left this world confident
that his cancer, his death,

was all a part
of a bigger plan.

I wish I could say the same.

I want to thank everyone

for coming
to our rehearsal dinner.

If you're still hungry,
grab seconds.

Harold's paying for it.

Tristan Samuelson
was your typical mormon guy.

Whatever that meant.

I'll never forget the moment

that this amazing woman
was catapulted into my life.

She met him in a support group

for people
who had lost a spouse

to cancer.

She was supposed to get help,
not get married.

So that I could see
this incredible person

right in front of me.

The woman I want to have
by my side from here on out.

Starting tomorrow
at : pm sharp.

That doesn't mean : , Gary.
We will start without you.

So, with that,

let's raise
our champagne glasses,

or our sparkling water glasses

if you're with
the Samuelson clan.

All I could think about
was how my dad would feel

knowing how fast
she was just moving on.

You shouldn't be drinking that.

Champagne has up to
a % alcohol level.

Well, I'm not mormon, so...

Doesn't matter
what religion you are,

you're only .

Underage drinking
is a misdemeanor

punishable with fines
up to $ ,

and six months imprisonment.

And who says I'm not ?

My uncle.

Who's your uncle?

The really smiley guy
who's about to marry your mom.

So, what did my uncle Tristan
tell you about me?

He actually didn't mention you.

But don't feel bad, I've only
known him for like two months.

Actually been seven months,

two weeks,
and just over four days,

but I appreciate the hyperbole.

You seem to know a lot
about me.

What's your story?

I'm Phoebe Valentine
and this is my dog, roxie.

I didn't know
you could bring a dog

to a rehearsal dinner.

Oh, Roxie's a service animal,

so she's allowed anywhere.

Aren't you, roxie? Yes you are.

She's so tiny, what kind of
service could she possibly do?

I have something
called anxiety,

have you heard of it?

Yeah, I have.

It's a very general term,

but I have lots
of different manifestations

of anxiety,

so it makes it easier
to keep under one umbrella.

You can just take her
wherever you want to?


That's awesome.

Has its peaks and valleys.

I mean,
the entire seventh grade

thinks I'm crazy,
but I get to bring my dog

to social studies,
so what are you gonna do?

You know, I don't blame you
for hiding out in here.

These people give me
anxiety too.

Oh, no, I love
all these people actually.

I came in here in case
there's an earthquake.

You're kidding, right?

I wish I was,
but there's been a spike

in tectonic activity lately

and I doubt a building this old

has been retrofit
to seismic code.

If the big one hits,

this closet
is the safest place to be

in the entire building.

Everyone else will be crushed
like grapes.

Good to know.

Phoebe, can you come
and join us?

Oh, hi, I didn't know
you were in here.

Oh, hi, mom, this is Lane,
my new cousin, kinda.

Well, almost
my new kinda cousin

after tomorrow.

I'm Holly,
Tristan is my brother.


Your mom is so amazing,

we've been dying
to get to know you, too.

Thank you.

Phoebe, can you come
and get some dessert

'cause we're gonna go
pretty soon.

I doubt I could enjoy dessert

knowing the ceiling
could cave in on us

at any moment.

Mmmm, it's Crème Brûlée.

I'll risk it.

Thanks for being
so sweet to her

and talking to her and...

she did all the talking.

Well I hope
you can get used to it

because there's gonna be
a lot of it

for the next three weeks.

What do you mean?

It's two o'clock
in the morning, Lane.

If you're gonna blow off
your curfew

you could at least tell me
where you were.

- I forgot.
- You forgot?

Kinda like how you
forgot to tell me

you were gonna ship me off with a
bunch of strangers for three weeks.

We meant to tell you
about it sooner,

but things just got crazy

and we just
finalized everything

with Holly today.

I'm sorry.

We thought it would be
a great opportunity

to get to know your new cuz.

She's not my cuz.

And I'm not spending
my whole summer

with these people
that I don't even know

while you two go cruise
the mediterranean for forever.

It's days, Lane.

Twenty-three including travel.

Who cares?
It's still freakin' forever.

I mean, who goes on a cruise
for that long, anyway?

We got a k*ller group on
for it.

We know it's a long timeline.

That's why we thought
it would be safer

if someone was
watching out for you.

Mom, this is insane.

I'm years old,
I don't need a babysitter.

Can I just stay here
and take care of myself?


Maybe she's right, babe.
Maybe we just...

sweetie, your mother and I
don't feel comfortable

with you being here
without supervision.

Well maybe I don't
"feel comfortable"

with you marrying my mom.


I know this is hard for you.

We're all just trying
to figure it out.

But I think with Patience,

and if we focus
on the good in each other,

over time, I think

we'll be able
to build something together,

something new.

Stop trying to fix everything.


My dad is gone
and you will never fix that.

I think I should go.

Please stay.

I think it's best that I leave.

See you tomorrow?

I'm sorry.


So, did I ruin everything?

I don't know.

He hasn't text me back yet.

He said he loves me

and he's sorry
for overstepping his bounds.

Are you sure he didn't say
he hates my bratty guts?

He's not allowed.
I birthed those bratty guts.

Are you gonna be okay
with this?


I mean, it's only three weeks

and I'm gonna have the car,

Well, yeah,
but I mean with tomorrow.

The wedding entrusted in me.

Honestly, I don't know, mom.

It's been really hard.

I know it has, sweetie.

Do you think you could
just give it your very best?

I promise I'll try.

Can I sleep in here tonight?


I said I would try.

What did that mean?

Try to replace the memories
of my father

with something new?

Try to not imagine every day

what life would be like
if he was still here?

But I knew I had to.

For her at least.

Here they come.

I didn't cry
like I thought I would

at the wedding.

Something gave me
the strength to deal

with all the fear I had
surrounding that day.

I could by my mom's smile
that she was truly happy

and it felt good.

I was actually feeling okay,

like somehow I could find
the strength to deal

with all this.

And then she left.

And I pretty much lost it.

Suddenly it was real.

In my head it finally clicked.

My mom was gone,

taken away
by a cheesy mormon dude

with perfect teeth,

and I was left at the mercy
of strangers.

I wanted to run away,

but my legs
wouldn't listen to me.

Everything was disconnected.

All I could do was sob
like a newborn.

And like a newborn,

I literally cried myself
to sleep.

But the last thought
that went through

my mind before I faded away
was one of hope.

The hope that somehow, someway,

this was all a horrible dream

and it would all go away
in the morning when I woke up.

I had no such luck.

Here it is.

There's a table of contents
in the front.

It's annotated
and there are footnotes.

I know you've only been
my counselor for a week,

but I feel like
I can trust you implicitly,

so don't pull any punches.

I have no ego attached to this,

so whatever you say,
I will not be offended.

Does anything jump out

that doesn't
quite work logistically

or otherwise?

What about doctrinally,
does everything seem sound?

I'm sure it all checks out.

It's really good, Carrie, it...

It's almost too good.

I know, right?

Oh, I'm so glad you think so.

This is gonna be
the most uplifting camp

these girls have ever been to

thanks to this dynamic duo
right here.

More like you
and sister Rockwell,

I'm just happy to help.

Did you guys work out
your little disagreement?

Oh yes, Nedra and I
had an amazing talk

and we really feel like
this plan

realizes all of her goals
as the camp director

as well as ours
as a young woman's presidency.

We really came together
on this year's trial of faith.

I think it's gonna be
our best one yet.

Good morning,
well, afternoon technically.

It's : .
You slept just over hours.

You're suffering from
mild-to-moderate dehydration.

You lost a lot of fluid
last night.

Here, I brought a backup.

Thanks, but can I
actually just get

some cereal right now,
I'm kinda starving.


Hi, I'm Carrie Carrington,
I don't believe we've met.

Oh, this is

my brother's stepdaughter,

She's staying with us
for a few weeks.

Oh, will you be
joining us for camp?

Oh, no,
she's staying here with Ben.

Oh, you don't wanna stay here

with boring old Ben,
come with us.

The mountains are so beautiful
this time of year,

the weather's perfect.

I mean, wouldn't you
rather come along?

Um, I...

think she'd rather
have some cereal.

Of course.

But if you change your mind,

the offer's still on the table.

You didn't tell me you had
a non-member staying with you.

How exciting.

Did I make her feel
welcome enough?

Sister Carrington's
really nice,

but she can be
a little intense.

Is she like a nun or something?

Oh, no, we call everyone

brother or sister
in our church.

I think that's why
some people think we're amish.

They do?

They think a lot of things.

We have got to get her to come,

I'll take care
of all the paperwork.

It'll be no big deal.
I can do it.

I'm not gonna push this.

She's been through
a lot lately,

and I don't wanna force her

into a high-pressure situation
like this.

More like highly uplifting
and highly entertaining.

Camp could be exactly what
she needs.

So, what's that camp thing
she was talking about?

Once every year,
all the girls from our church

get together and go camping
for a week.

They plan it
for like a year in advance.

This is the first year
I'm old enough to go.

You excited?

Okay, all right, I trust you.

But it'd be so great
for the trial of faith

this year
if we had even numbers.

Oh, and then we could do

the parable of the ten virgins.

Even if she does come,
we still wouldn't have enough.

What do you mean?

- I'm not going.
- Why not?

Let me see,
bears, cougars, coyotes,

forest fires,
moose, yeah, moose.

Poison Ivy,
poison oak, poisonous snakes,

wolverines for starters.

She's your daughter,

you have to put your foot down.

It's not that simple.

Until she's ,
it's very simple.

Mainly just because

I don't really fit in
with the other girls.

They don't talk to me
like you do.

How do I talk to you?

Just normal,

like you're
actually interested.

None of them really like me.

I'm the youngest one,
the only beehive.


Oh, we call all

the first-year campers

Why do they call them beehives?

Why don't they just
call them bees?

I've been saying that
for years.

Can I talk to her?

Maybe if it comes
from her leader

and not her mom.
Yeah, but I don't think

it's gonna make any difference.
Okay, Phoebe, sweetheart.

Lane, could you please
excuse us for a second?


Thank you.

Phoebe, what's this
I hear about you

not coming to camp?

The girls need you,
you're the only beehive.

Your mom needs your help,
I need your sweet spirit.

We're gonna have so much fun,
you have to come.

Of course I would love
for you to come, sweetie,

but I want it to be
your choice.

But it won't be
the same without you.

Come on, just give it a shot.

Just for me?

What if I come
to the bee's nest with you?

I mean, what if I come
be a bee in the hive...

what if I come
to camp with you?

Will that change your mind?

I'm gonna start packing.

Looks like my work here
is done.

I will see you both
bright and early

Tuesday morning, okay?

You are gonna get along
with the girls so well.

Oh, and I can't wait for you
to meet my Bree.

Okay, toodle-loo.

You really
don't have to do this.

It's okay. I want to.

I mean, it might be good for me

to get up in the mountains.

Thank you.

I just hope I'm not messing up

like, the mormon vibe
or whatever.

No, not at all.

I'm not gonna be totally
weirded out by anything, am I?

This was it.

I was done for.

They were bringing me
to a compound

to be married off
and hidden forever.

I was sure of it.

The most diabolical part

was somehow they made it
my decision to go.

Bring it home.

How did they do it?

Carrie Carrington,
the mastermind, that's how.

You can't tell me
that's her real name.

Sounded like the leader
of the care bears

or the alter ego
of a Christian superhero.

Turned out her superpower
was endless amounts of energy

without a single cup of coffee.

What are
the young woman's values?

Faith, divine nature,
individual worth,

choice and accountability,

good work,
integrity, and virtue.

All right, girls,
I love the mountains.

Let's really belt it out
for the first years.


Bree was the spawn of Carrie.

Equal in enthusiasm and energy.

She was the president
of the girls her age

and she wouldn't go
five minutes

without reminding me.

She was usually flanked
by her Bestie Paige,

one of those genetic
lottery winners.

The kind who would school you
in lacrosse on purpose,

and then steal your boyfriend
in ap chem on accident.

Then there's Charlotte.

We all know girls
who are boy crazy,

but when it comes to guys,

this one was criminally insane.



Let's do mormon boy.

If there's one thing mormons

love more than making up
ridiculous songs,

it's making up
ridiculous names.

Hence the Anderson sisters.

Mykelle, myleka, and Makenna.

It's like their parents
were playing scrabble

and had to use
the same seven letters

to make seven different names.

Yup, there were four other
m-initialed Anderson siblings

I hadn't met.
I know a mormon boy-

mindy was your typical
attention hog.

The girl's constantly
doing accents

and impressions,
and she wasn't bad either.

I guess when you live in
a community of conformity,

you have to find creative ways
to express yourself.

Good for her.

Hannah's parents
said she had to go

to camp or she couldn't
get her driver's license,

so she decided to bite
the b*llet and bring

her brooding angst
along with her.

She claimed to only listen
to obscure bands

or rock legends,
but I definitely saw

some d on her playlist.

But I didn't blame her.

Even one direction is better
than those camp songs.

Wake up.

Last chance
to use the bathroom.

Next time
it'll be in the toolies.

Is this where we're meeting
Nedra and the bishop?

Yup, and you are on box duty.


Okay, ladies, we are entering
the unplugged portion

of the journey.

Kindly place all cell phones,

iPods, iPads,
androids, etcetera,

in the box.

I'm just gonna send
one last text.

Aw, Jared,
tell your jv football team

I'm gonna miss them so much,

The beauty of mass text.

Is that everything, Hannah?

Any more?

That's it, I promise.

I guarantee the Internet
will still be here

when you get back.

You okay?

Hope our craziness
isn't too much for you.

I'm fine.


I kept saying I was fine.

I wasn't fine.

If the drive up here
was this bizarre,

how much stranger could it get?

Here comes leather and chains.

Sister Rockwell, bishop Rudd,

I didn't know you two
were coming up together.

Oh, actually,
I blew a radiator belt

up around Jacob's bend
and luckily

sister Rockwell saw me
with the hood up

and offered to give me a lift.

Would've beat you here,
but bishop

had to stop
and toss his cookies

at mile marker .

Guess he had trouble
with the curves.

Hey, I want you both to meet
my step-niece Lane.

She was nice enough to come up

with Phoebe for the week.

Lane, it's nice to meet you.

You, too.



Glad to have you in the ranks.

That's a fine-looking
Fanny pack.

Mark of a real camper.

Too bad
you're not one of my yds,

probably know more than
most of these divas.

Be kind, sister Rockwell.

I am being kind.

They want to be divas,

that's all the rage these days.

Just like that bay-ons lady.

What are yds?

Youth camp leaders.
Bree and Paige this year.

Good luck.

Hello, my little divas.

- Hey, sister Rockwell.
- Hey, sister Rockwell.

Glad you could make it,

I was worried you were
gonna go awol on us.

You don't have
that little rat of a dog

with you, I hope.

That thing is cute,
but it sure hasn't earned

the rank of a real dog
if you ask me.

Well, lookie here,

if it isn't the famed bike g*ng

heck's angels.

Glad you made it in one piece.

Are you kidding?

This is the safest thing
on the road.

I wouldn't trade it
for any of those

four-wheel sardine cans.

Speaking of which,

you wouldn't happen
to have room

for one more

in this sardine can, would you?

No, sorry bishop,
no room at the inn.

We are having quite
the sing-a-long in here

and it is the party wagon,
so I am sure

that nobody wants
to give up a seat.

I'll do it. I'll trade you.

You sure?

I'm not sure
that sister Rockwell

feels comfortable riding
with a minor, sorry.

As long as she wears a helmet.

- Saddle up.
- Um...

It's okay.

why don't you ride up front

and I'll sit
in the back with Phoebe.

No complaints here.

All right,
next stop spring lake.

It's real nice of you
to help Phoebe,

but you don't have to do this.

Last chance.

Give the word
and I'll turn this hog

around and I'll take you
back to town.

I already came this far.

I might as well
just give it a shot.


Now, listen up,

you're very close
to the ground,

so you're gonna feel
the vibrations.

Don't be embarrassed if you
let out a few air biscuits.

It's natural, let it happen.

Now, hold on tight

and lean with the curves, baby.

Our dear heavenly father,
we are

so thankful to be here
at girl's camp.

We are thankful that we arrived

safely and we are
so thankful for

this beautiful campsite.

Please bless us
that we will be safe

and keep our hearts open.

Bless us to have
a spiritual experience

and to grow closer
as young women.

And let us be able to enjoy
the beauty that surrounds us.

We are so thankful
for our leaders

and their time
and dedication and preparation

that they have put
into making this

such a special experience
for us.

And we ask these things

in the name
of Jesus Christ, amen.

All right,
you beautiful pipsqueaks,

listen up.

If you were expecting
this year to be

a relaxing week of Kumbaya,
you can forget it.

Sister sergeant major
Nedra Rockwell

doesn't believe in easy.

This is girl's camp,
not club med.

Now, don't worry,
there'll be plenty of time

for the touchy feely stuff,
and that's important.

Sister Carrington
has prepared quite

the spiritual journey
for y'all,

but as far as the wilderness
survival portion goes,

you're in my world.

we've prepared three tents,

one for the beehives,

the Maya maids,
and the laurels.

You're to assemble
your tents in

your respective ranks
and return and report.

You can solicit help
from the other groups

if needed,
but no adults, capiche?


Now, before I turn you loose,

I'm going to turn the time over

to sister Carrington
for some foofy stuff.

Thank you, sister Rockwell.

Thank you, sister Rockwell.

I have something special
for you,

but if you want it, you're going
to have to really dig deep.

Well, go on.


Come on, girls.

How far down did you put it?

Only one way to find out.

Okay, come on.

What do you think it is?

I hope it's lunch,
I'm starving.

How can you be starving,
we literally just ate.

I don't know, maybe I
have a higher metabolism.

What's that supposed to mean?

Ladies, please,
we're almost there.

Maybe it's a dead,
decaying body.

Like of some old prospector
named Wally Pickleshoes

who died while searching
for the motherload.

It's not a dead body.

Just a little bit deeper.

Dig it, dig it up, dig it up.


What could it be?

Open it, open it.

There's one for each of you.

These are your golden rules
for camp this year.

Each day's theme and schedule

is outlined is great detail.

I've also included the entire
camp manual as well as all

of your
certification requirements.

Everything you need
to complete this journey.

Well, what are all these pages

stuck together in the back?

Thank you for asking,

The sealed portion
of the tablets

is for your own
personal journaling.

Simply remove
the thick rubber bands

at each end and it will reveal

blank pages that you can use
to record your thoughts

and feelings and experiences
while here at camp.

Okay, bishop,
is there anything that

you'd like to add
before we kick

this camp into full gear?


these sisters have dedicated

countless hours
to making sure that

you have a good time up here
and that

you really feel the spirit.

You're in good hands.

I'm gonna make myself
pretty scarce around here.

I got my pup tent,
I got the hunger games

on audiobook,
so I can finally find out

what all the buzz is about.

So, I'll be around
if you need me,

but this week
is really about you,

so have a good time.

Thank you, bishop.


How old are these teepees?

Sister Rockwell said
she used them

at her girl's camp.

More like Custer's last stand.

Why couldn't we stay somewhere

with cabins like last year?

The instructions are so old
you can't even read them.

Who cares about
the instructions,

okay, we'll figure it out.

Besides, if we hurry, we can get in
some lake time before dinner, so...

Okay, let's do this.

Yeah, that.

Are you sure
this is a good idea?

They've never done this before.

They'll never learn
if we baby them.

Yeah, but...

Carrie, we agreed
to do this Nedra's way,

let's just see how they do.

Yeah. And just grab, like...

We have to be precise
in what to.

I think this goes
to the bottom of that.

Well that doesn't
seem like that to me.

It looks like a top piece.

Hmm. Home sweet home.

Is anyone else disturbed

by the plethora
of leftover poles and fabric?

I'm sure it's just extra.

Yeah, like we could build

a whole extra teepee with them.

Do you guys need any help?

Oh, no, I think we're fine.

Do you need help
with the rain cap, though?

I can help you guys,
it's kinda tricky.

Oh, no, it's okay,
it, like, never rains up here,

so we should be fine.

It's probably better if...

you know what,
we'll be by the lake.

Come meet us
when you're ready, bye.

Ooh, I call first canoe.

I call second with Bree.

Wait, Paige and Bree,
wait for me.

First canoe sounds fun.


You can go with them
if you want to,

I can probably
just handle this by myself.

Are you kidding,
I wanna see what

this actually is supposed
to look like.

Okay, help me
with the canvas then.


Hannah, myleka.

Girls, no. No, stop.

Life's about taking risks,

You're only living once.

Sit down in the canoe.

You sit down in the canoe.

What are you doing?

Oh, I like to put the tarp
on the inside of the tent.

It's a little trick
my dad taught me,

it'll keep us dry.

The other girls didn't do it.

I know.

Why don't you go grab the bags,

I'm gonna finish this up.

Oh, sure.

Don't tell anyone.
I snuck her on the ark.

Dogs aren't allowed here,
what are you doing?

Roxie's a service animal,
she's allowed anywhere.

No, it could be
really dangerous for her,

there's a lot of wild animals
out here,

what if she gets out?

I'm so sorry, I didn't know.
Don't tell anyone, please?

It's okay,
I'm not gonna tell anybody.

She's here now,
we're gonna just

have to deal with it.

Keep her in the tent
as much as we can,

only let her out
when we have to, okay?

If she barks, it's over.

She does not bark, like, ever.

Let's hope so.

Camp invitational.

Okay, put her in the carrier.

This will be
our little secret, okay?


You don't ever
even complete all the things

that you need to complete,

so you don't even
get the charms.

That doesn't matter.

It Doe... it matters
if you wanna look like this.

Repent, yee, repent, yee.

The flood is coming.

God is watching you.


And behold,
the people were filled

with wickedness
and mocked his teachings.

And the lord saw
that the people

would not listen to Noah,

so he told Noah
that they must be destroyed.

But the lord found favor
with Noah

and told him to build an ark.

And in order
to preserve the beauty

and nature of the earth,

the lord commanded Noah
to bring in animals

of every kind into the boat.

And every kind onto the boat,

and they all came together
in the ark as one family.

Now remember this
as you face this

year's trial of faith.

Which we are totally gonna pass

with perfection this year,
right girls?

It's like the main activity
of camp.

I've never done one,
but imagine

a Sunday school lesson taught
by Indiana Jones.

Each of you
are as unique and beautiful

as the many animals on the ark,

so we've put you into twos

and you're going to choose
a spirit animal

and then discuss why
you chose that animal.

We've provided
some craft materials for you,

just some basic paints
and construction paper,

nothing special,
so let's get to work.

Can't we both win?

Just pick, fang or horns?


Something that's,
like, admired.

Yeah, like,
the most important animal.

And, like,
maybe, like, cute hair.

No, leave it,.

Everyone's being so boring.

We've gotta come up
with something more original.

animals were so last year.

- Mindy.
- Sorry.

- Be careful.
- It's washable.

- Don't move.
- It's cold.

You don't wanna look like
a raccoon.


We should do something
endangered like

narwhals, beluga whales,
condors, what do you think?

It's up to you, I don't...

- rawr.
- Rawr.

All right, so we chose lions

because they're super fast,
they're really strong,

and they just protect
everybody else.

Not like
we're rulers over you, well,

oh, I mean, we kinda are,

but not in like
a dictator-type way,

just more of a natural leader and
protector-type way, you know?

Yeah, for sure.

So, I wanted to be lone wolf

because they do
whatever they want

and they're not afraid
of anything,

but mykelle
just loves bunny rabbits

or whatever, so we chose...


Because they love to run free

and they're also funny
and clever

and they have big families.

Just like me.
Hannah made this have fangs.

We are the rock giants.

You know, from the gnome movie
which, like, nobody saw?

Well, anyway, we thought
they were totally sweet

and we, like, really wish that
they had survived the flood.

And even though my parents say

the movie is sacrilegious,
I don't care

because Shem,
and Ham, and Japheth

were so hot in it,
like, I was tots

jealous of Hermione.

We chose dogs
because they're loving,

and they can sense danger

and warn others.

But also because
they're super cute,

but our dad won't let us
have one.

We chose an endangered species,

galapagos giant tortoises.

We chose them
because they're wise,

they live to a very old age,

and even though
it may take them awhile,

they always get
where they wanna go.

And no matter how far
they travel,

they're never far from home.

All right,
what do you say we sing

one more song
before we hit the hay, okay?

Good night ladies, let us know

if you need anything.

All right,
we start at like, : A.M.

Mykelle, mykelle,

I mean,
just a little bit longer.

So, would you rather
marry a man

that you know was
a serial k*ller,

kills every day, but he's
still, like, a good guy,

like you love him,

or would you rather marry a man

that all he ever says
is mahna mahna?

You ever heard about
mantis shrimp?


So, they're like
these shrimp that

live way, way down
at the bottom of the ocean

like, thousands of feet under...


...And they can get up
to like, a foot long.

The glacier's so cool
because it was

like this big block of ice
and it's with

the mountain
and you have to hike

up pretty far up,
but once you get up there...

how far?

I think it's like five miles.

Okay, but, like,

if I asked him what
he wanted for breakfast

in the morning,
would he say mahna mahna?


Trust me on this.

Hannah, do you want mykelle to brush
your hair, you have a little...

no, I don't brush my hair.


- Do you wanna put roxie away?
- Okay.

I'll get the light.

All right, girls.

Good night, love you all.

He always says mahna mahna.

Like mahna mahna?

Mahna... you gotta choose.

Okay, I choose
the serial k*ller.

Good choice.

If Aspen gets hurt,
like, it sh**t out

different aspens
from its roots.

And they just keep growing
and if they get hurt,

they sh**t out, like,
ten or more

and so they're, like,
the largest living organisms

on the earth
and the largest one

is acres down in Utah.

And it's the biggest thing,
like, living thing on earth.



- Hmm.
- Oh, oh. Did you know that if you chop off

the top of a pineapple,
like, the leaf part,

and you plant it, then it grows

another pineapple on top of it.



Is that rain?

"It, like,
never rains up here."


It'll probably just blow over.

We did the tarp trick,
we should be fine.

You think the others are okay?

Is the teepee leaking?

Probably because
we didn't put the rain cap on.

Look how much rain comes in
when I push in the sides!

Stop pushing
the sides, mykelle.

We are gonna die!

We're gonna be
struck by lightning

and we are gonna die!

Forget about lightning,
we're gonna drown!

This is the end!

Come on, it can't be that bad.

Sister Rockwell!

Katniss drew back her bow,

swiftly and mercilessly,
sending an arrow

deep into the heart...


No, no, no.
They're gonna see roxie.

We have to let them in.

Oh, my gosh,
thank you guys so much.

You saved our lives.

You think the laurels are okay?


In here!


Close it, close it!

Oh, my gosh.

Guys, can you keep a secret?


I've always heard the saying

no good deed goes unpunished.

This was the first time I really
understood what it meant.

I only logged a total
of about minutes of sleep

that night.

Stop moving.

But at least we were dry.

Thanks for the tip, dad.

Thanks a lot.

Well, lookie here.

A little nest of estrogen.
What happened to my teepees?

Sister Rockwell,
we tried to wake you.

The storm was crazy.

It just collapsed
both of our teepees.

That's odd, this teepee seemed

to endure the very same storm and
it's still standing like the alamo.

Well, maybe we missed
a few steps in the setup.

Lane and Phoebe
seemed to figure it out.

Even used the Campbell
interlining technique.

What's wrong?

Too proud to take a hint
from the first years?

All right, sister Rockwell,
let's just calm down, okay,

'cause I'm sure
that the girls didn't mean...

calm down?

You're not the one whose gear

is spread all over
god's fine creation.

Okie dokie.

I need to give myself
a little bit of time-out.

Is everything okay?


Just need to cool the engine.

I have a system and it works.

Girls, why don't
we go get some breakfast

and we'll give
sister Rockwell some space.

Sorry for losing my cool.

After all, it's just equipment.

Just heirloom teepees

from my first year
at girl's camp.

Well, do you want us
to help you?

No need.

You girls have a big hike
ahead of you,

you better fuel up.

You sure
you don't want any help?

I'm fine. It's my fault.

I should have helped them
in the first place.

But you'll have to go
on the hike without me.

This will take
the better part of the day

to dry everything out.

Our yds have it covered.

I hope that works out for you.

Six miles?

My certification says
I only need to do five.

Well, then I guess
you gotta go that extra mile.

Lucky us.

Hey, don't blame me,
it was your ycl's idea.

They seemed to think
you were up for the challenge.

That's before we had
to pack ten girls

into one tent during a monsoon.

Yeah, while our leaders
ignored our cries for help.

We agreed to forgive
each other, all right?

We were all partly responsible
for what happened last night.

- Except for me and Lane.
- Phoebe.

It's true,
we're the only ones that

took the time to do
our tents correctly.

That's enough, Phoebe.

I don't want to ruin it,

but I do have
a special surprise

for you at the top of the hike.

If it's the feeling
of satisfaction

and accomplishment,
I'm not interested.

You'll have to see.

Outta here, you horse fly.

Find a horse, why don't you?

I think he already has.

You little brat.

What is the deal, ladies?

All right guys,
come on, circle up.

We have been here
less than hours

and you're already
at each other's throats.

Have you forgotten
why we're here?

I think we need
an appreciation break.

That's right, spread out,
minutes solo time.

You can relax,
journal, whatever,

but I just want you
to enjoy yourselves

and appreciate
the beauty surrounding you.

Is this our special reward?

Oh, ladies, hi,
hope you're enjoying

your hike this fine morning.

Looks like you survived
the storm.

Yeah, we got a big soggy,
but we're fine.

Good to know.

You know, we have a station

just two miles up this path
if you need anything.

I do need to warn you,
there have been

some reports of bears around,
so just be careful.

- Of course.
- And if you do come across a black bear,

do not play dead
'cause it will eat you.

That's crazy.

Wait, what do you do?

With a black bear you actually

stand your ground,

make yourself look bigger
and make loud noise.

What about grizzlies?

With grizzlies

you actually
do wanna play dead.

You're gonna wanna cuddle up
in fetal position,

hold your neck like this.

It does take guts, but it's
the best chance you got.

As long as you keep
your food tied up

or in a vehicle, you should be fine.

Well we will be
heading on our way

and leave you ladies on yours.

Yes, on our way.


- Bye.
- - Bye.

See ya.

- You guys are ridiculous.
- Phoebe.

Especially you, mom.

I'm telling dad you have
a crush on the park ranger.

I was being polite.

Let's go already.

They were like Greek gods.

Can I journal about them
for minutes?

Was I really flirting?

No, please,
you were only being polite.


I've been to spring lake
at least a dozen times,

but I have never seen a hot
forest ranger, let alone two.

They usually have
disgusting mustaches

and are really nerdy,
but these guys?


Maybe all the praying
and spiritual devotionals

were paying off.

They sure give us
a little pep in our step.

We could've hiked twice as far
as we planned to that day.

Come to think of it,
I think we did.

Okay, that's really weird.

Does this log
look familiar to anyone?

Don't be silly, it's a log.

They all look the same.

You know,
I'm sure it's just right

up around this bend.

Yeah, let's keep going,
come on.

All right, come on,
let's do it.

- You all right?
- Yeah, I'm okay, come on.


All right, that's definitely
the same tree.

Oh, my gosh, I told you

we've just been going
around in circles.

No, that's impossible, Hannah,

okay, I mean, it's, the glacier
should be right there.

Maybe it melted.

We could always go back
and ask the rangers.

I give up, okay,
this map is so stupid.

We've been hiking for hours, we haven't
gotten anywhere, I'm going back.

Oh, no you're not,
I have a special surprise

for everybody when we reach
the top, remember?

We don't care about
the surprise, mom.

Well, then you better
start caring, all right,

'cause I didn't lug
this all the way

up the mountain for nothing,
so you turn

your spoiled little butt around

and start looking
for the glacier.

What's wrong, Makenna?

We don't say
b-u-t-t in our family.

Well, we do in mine.

Okay, let's just take a look
at the map again.

Be my guest.

Look, I think you
just had the map

oriented wrong
'cause that way's north

and so the glacier
must be that way.

Okay, well then
where's the trail?

It can be really tricky
to find,

but I'm sure
if we go that direction

we'll find a trail marker.

Come on.

See? Trail marker.

Huzzah. Great work, Lane.

Your last name
isn't grylls per chance?

She's our secret w*apon.

Don't just rush off,
I have a surprise, remember?

I'm not stupid, you know.

I never said you were.

I get it, you're new,

you know, you wanna try
and impress people,

but you don't have
to make other people

look dumb in the process.

I'm not trying
to impress anyone.

It kinda seems like you are.

I mean, just be yourself,
you know?

People like you better
that way.

I'm just saying.

For the record, if you've heard

that mormon girls
are perfect little angels

that are never catty
or manipulative,

you're dead wrong.

I'm just saying.

How dare she claim
I was making her look stupid.

She was doing
a fine job of that

on her own.

I shouldn't have let it
get to me so bad,

but hey,
I'm no perfect angel myself.

I'm so sorry,
I didn't mean to hit you

in the face,
I was just messing around.

I'm sure it was
just an accident.

Of course it was an accident,

that's what happens
when you horse around

like the boy scouts,
and that goes for everyone.

Okay, just take this tissue
and hold it

to your nose
until the bleeding stops,

all right?

Maybe I can lighten the mood

with what I have in my pack.

Find a clean patch of snow
and fill up these cups.


It's time...


Snow cones!

I cannot believe you carried

those all the way up here.

Good thing I did, we need a morale
boost bad, myself included.

Plus up here,

a little sugar goes a long way.

Oh, I got four more flavors.


Wait 'till you taste
pina colada.

So good.

We have a lot of flavors
to choose from.

Pina colada.

- Cheers.
- - All right, here.

I don't know if I want

tiger's blood or Bree's blood.

Hilarious, mindy.


Exactly what
I was going for, thanks.

Hey, girls, what do we say
to sister Carrington?

Thank you, sister Carrington.

You're welcome, but as you eat

I want you
to think of something.

How did I come to share
this delicious treat?

Well, it took
a little planning,

sacrifice, creativity,

and a little help
from mother nature,

but in the end,
oh how sweet the reward.

Now, look at the bottom
of your cups.

Don't show anyone,
but if you remove the tape

it will reveal the name
of your secret sister.

We're in the middle of nowhere,

how are we supposed
to buy each other gifts?

You can't, no one's buying
secret sister gifts this year.

You're gonna have to
use a little planning,

creativity, sacrifice,

a little help
from mother nature.

Find it, make it,
write it, whatever,

but it has to come from you
and it should mean something.

- Mom.
- I didn't say it would be easy.

I only said it
would be worth it.

I still don't know if Carrie

assigned Bree
as my secret sister

on purpose or if it was
just bad Karma

for busting her nose
with an ice ball.

But either way,

I wasn't looking forward to it.

That was no secret.

Welcome home, weary travelers.

I was starting
to worry about ya,

I almost sent up smoke signals.

Got the tents all dried
and you'll find

your clothes on the line.

Sort them out yourselves,
I'm not your mother.

You're turning in already,
what's the deal?

We're just gonna take,
like, a tiny nap, okay?

Who takes a nap at : P.M.?

It's been a long day.

I don't remember naptime
in the golden schedule.

It's okay, let 'em rest a bit,

I'll just shuffle some things
around later.

As long as you're okay with it,

but they still have
their dinner duties tonight.

I'll wake 'em up in a bit.

In that case, I'm gonna go take

hammock duty for a little bit.


You know, come to think of it,
I'm just gonna lay

the seat back in the Van and just
rest my eyes for a little bit.


More time for whittling.

What's wrong,
you're not sleepy?

I can't sleep
when it's light out.

You got a knife?

You'd think
after all these years

I'd be a better whittler.

I think that's
the best looking carved mule

I've seen.

Trust me, I've seen a lot.

I'm just messing around.

Messing around?

Please, years
and I've never seen

anyone your age
whittle like that.

What are you working on?

This is a faith key.

I make it for all the girls.

This one's for you.

Or it will be
when I'm finished with it.

What's a faith key?

It's a little something
to remind you

that faith is the key
to solve any problem.

Big or small,
it all starts with faith.

Can't solve everything.

Sure it can, just not always

exactly in the way
you want it to.

You sound like my dad.

He was a good man, wasn't he?

How do you know?

Holly thought we should
be aware of the situation.

Great, so now everyone knows?

Just Carrie and I
and Phoebe of course.

Are you upset that she told us?

I just don't see how
it's anybody's business.

She wanted us to know so that

we could be more caring,

more sensitive
to how you're feeling.

Why would you guys care?

I'm not even part
of your church.

We don't care.

We don't care
that you're not a member.

If you're with us,
you're family,

and we'll try
to treat you as such.

Do you know where this is from?

- No.
- Vietnam.

I got it
on my second tour there.

Most people don't know that

there were women
on the front lines,

but we were there.

Most of us were nurses.

We were...

So close to the fighting
that when

the battle ended
they'd bring us

all of the wounded no matter

what side they were on.

One of the questions
we were asked

was well
what did you do when...

You had a Vietcong soldier.

I'd say same thing
we did with one of our own.

That was given to me
by a Vietcong soldier

who was on the wrong end
of a grenade.

They brought him to us
in pieces,

but the good lord helped us
put him back together.

I'll never forget
the look of gratitude

in his eyes
when he gave it to me.

This reminds me that god
doesn't care about sides.

We're all his children.

We should treat each other
as brothers and sisters.

So, I guess
that means I shouldn't have

chucked a snowball
at Bree's face today.

- On purpose?
- No, I...

Kind of.

Bet it was a sight.

Blood just went...

Dang, I missed all the drama.

Well I don't know how
you can make that right,

but I have an idea
where you can start.

Now, according
to the golden doohickey,

Bree is supposed to be
on dinner duty tonight.

Maybe you could switch.

I don't know.

She's already accused me

of trying
to impressed everybody.

That'll probably
just make it worse.

She's a -year-old girl,
so no promises,

but my guess is she'll be
too hungry to complain.

I hope they like it.
It's a family recipe.

Well if it tastes half
as good as it smells,

you'll be camp queen
by sundown.

Is that a real thing?

No, and don't mention it
to sister Carrington,

she has enough ideas.

Now, for the moment of truth.

Please tell me
this isn't a dream.

Just like clockwork.


Wake up. I think we overslept.

Oh, boy,
looks like I got a visit

from the snooze fairy.

Oh, will you look at that,

everything's set up.

- Can I have some?
- Yeah, sure.

Oh, this is delicious.

Oh, I'm so proud of my Bree

for sticking to the schedule
without me reminding.

Where is she,
I wanna kiss the cook.

Sorry, sorry, sorry, so sorry.

I don't know what happened,
I'll start cooking right away.

I guess we're not
following the schedule?

You guys were asleep
and I thought

I could just
switch your nights.

You could've woken me up
and asked.

It's okay, just take her night.

It's not okay, it was my night,

I was supposed to do it.

Bree, honey,
why don't you come and get

some food, I think you
might be a little hungry.

I'm not hungry, mom.

I just, I don't understand

why nobody cares
about following

the golden rules.

I mean,
we have a schedule and people

are just doing
other people's jobs

and everything, it's just...

She's right, we shouldn't break

the golden rules
by helping people out.

Whatever, mindy,
you know what I mean.

I'm just, I'm just trying to be

the best ycl that I can be

and apparently
I'm like the worst one ever.

Bree, don't say that.

No, you're not, Bree.

I was only kidding, it was a...

Bree, honey.

What did I tell you?

I made no promises,
but it ain't over yet.

Here's your olive branch,
my dear.

I was gonna make
chicken parm...

I just prepared for it.

I just wanted to say I'm sorry.

I know I should've asked you,

I just felt really bad
about earlier

and I wanted to let you sleep.

Anyway, I hope you like it.

It's a family recipe, and if
anything, it fills a hole.


You're welcome.

There's a story in the Bible

where esau trades
his entire birthright

to his brother Jacob
for a bowl of soup.

My dad swore it must have
been bread bowl chili.

Done right,
it's the single most

satisfying meal on the planet.

Oh, my gosh, it's so good.

I know, right?

It's like there are little bits

of Harry styles in there.

That is disgusting.

Nom, nom, nom, nom, nom.


He claimed that wars have been

fought and peace has been made

over our family recipe.

Good thing, too.
'Cause I needed a win.

Thanks dad.

For real this time.

One more time.

One more time.

Jesus style.

Roxie, shh, shh,
be quiet, be quiet.

Oh, you gotta be kidding me.

I don't know what you got going on
over there, but I don't like it.

See ya, roxie.

Oh, no.

Come on, fess up.

Last chance, here I come.

What's going on here, ladies?

Phoebe, honey,

do you have something
to tell us?

Sorry to scare you,
it was just me and myleka.

May I ask why
you're barking like a dog

in the middle of the night?

We couldn't sleep,
so we all decided

we would try to make the noises

of our spirit animals.

You all decided this?

Yeah, we thought that it would
help us reconnect with each other.

I don't hear any tortoises.

Um, tortoises
are completely silent,

they only make noises
when they're mating.

Okay, I've heard enough.

I know you guys are bonding

in some strange girly way,

and I think that's great,

but could you please
just save it until sun up?

- Sure, yeah, totally.
- Wonderful.

I'll see you in the morning.

I am really proud of you girls.

Makenna and myleka,
wow, you guys

freaked me out,
you sounded just like roxie.

That's crazy.

Good night.

- Good night.
- Night.

Good night.

I thought you said
they didn't like you.

I'm as surprised as you are.

Are you kidding me?

What's wrong, we're just
being our spirit animals.

Spirit animals? Really, mom?

What kind of animal was that?

That's my cougar.

It sounded more like
an angry gerbil.

Well this gerbil wants you guys

to wake up, it's the long-awaited
day, the trial of faith.

Hurry, up and at 'em, girls.

- Come on.
- I'm up. Let's do this.

I have never lost
the trial of faith

and I'm not about
to do it now, so get up.

Bree, wait, don't we have
a service project first?

She's right, and I have
a doozy lined up for you.

Can we please just sleep
for half an hour

or longer, it is so early.

No, the rangers are coming
in a half hour,

if you want to have food
in your belly

before we leave,
you better get going.

I don't know what
all the fuss is about.

They're just gonna get
dirty anyway.

Oh, it's just nice
to look presentable, you know?

for your ranger boyfriends,

- mom.
- Phoebe.

Oh, there you are, bishop.

I was getting worried
about you.

Sorry, sorry.

I just finished book two.
So addicting, right?

That katniss is so resilient.

Here are the coordinates
to the ark,

the instructions precisely.

This is kinda the capstone
of the entire theme,

so we have to get everything
just right.

- I won't let you down.
- Okay, we should be there

sometime this evening.

Thank you so much.


All right, let's move, come on.

Well, well, well, may I say you

ladies look lovely
this morning.

You really do,
and I'm sorry we're late.

That's on us, ranger hobie here

thought he saw
a yellow-billed cuckoo

on the way up here, so we had
to stop and investigate.

Turns out I'm the cuckoo. It was just
a mockingbird up to his old tricks.

- Yeah.
- I'm not surprised, yellow-billed cuckoos

are rarely found this far west.

Wow, lookie here,
not only is she cute,

but she's got a brain
in her head.

she's got some muscles

on the ol' armskis

'cause we got a lot
of fences to mend.

Will ranger Craig
or ranger Jeff be joining us?

No, sorry,
you're stuck with us,

but word on the trail is
we're pretty cool, too.

Where did they go?

They got sent
on a special mission.

- Yeah.
- Really?

During the flash flood
a bevy of otter pups

got separated from mama otter.

So, they're out there
just working around the clock

trying to get
that family reunited.

Do they need any help?

I don't think they do.

But good news,
we need a lot of help.

So, what do you say
we all get this party started?

Break it down.

Where do we start?

Glad you asked.

We're gonna take
all the decayed logs,

pop 'em off this fence and load
them up over by the truck.

Once that's done-serino,
we're gonna put

the new ones

on where
the old ones once were.

Yup, just...

We got a lot of
work after that too,

it's gonna be lots
of work all day 'round.

I'm totally
telling dad that you

have a crush on a park ranger.

Please stop talking.

It's probably better

we didn't see ranger Craig
and Jeff again.

They probably
wouldn't have lived up

to the images of perfection
we'd created in our minds.

The new guys were nice and really
helpful, mustaches and all.

It didn't take long
for Charlotte

to find them cute in a way.

They were still boys after all.

There was something special
about that morning

that had nothing
to do with the rangers.

It was the first time
that everyone

was together
and everyone was having fun.

It was hard work, but we built

something awesome together.

Best of all,
there was no drama.

Until we got back to camp.

We gotta hurry up,

'cause I need a snack.

I know, I'm hungry too.

Is this a prank?

No, it was a bear.

A bear?

We have to go tell
the leaders, come on.







What happened to it?

Oh, my god.

Stay together,
the bear still may be near.

Is everyone here?

Where's Phoebe?

She was just here,
she was just with us.



Roxie's gone.

We left roxie at home.

Phoebe snuck her on the ark.

We've been hiding her,
I'm so sorry,

I should have told you.

We have to go after her.

Holly, wait!

You stay here
and you stay together!

Holly, wait.

Let's say a prayer, come on.

Dear heavenly father,
please bless

that we'll be able
to find Phoebe.


Please protect her
from the bear.

Please keep roxie safe. Roxie!

We ask these things in the name

of Jesus Christ, amen.


- She went this way.
- How do you know?

The tracks go
in this direction,

they went the wrong way.

Wait, we're supposed
to stay here.

We have to go after her.

I'm going with her.



Come here, girl!







Roxie, come on, girl!




Roxie, roxie!



Oh, please, no.




I'm so sorry.

I'm so sorry.


Phoebe, oh,
we were so worried about you.

I'm so glad you're okay,
let's get you back to camp.

Come on, let's get you back.


Everything's gonna be okay,
I promise,

okay, it's going to be
all right.

It's going to be okay.

Stop telling her
everything's gonna be okay.

Her dog is dead,
that's not okay.

Maybe she's still alive.
Let's just say a prayer...

you already said a prayer
and it didn't work.


Just leave us alone

and let us deal with this
right now.

Praying is not gonna help.

Look, I'm sorry,
I didn't mean to offend you,

I just...

What do we do? What do we do?

Phoebe, that's a grizzly bear,

not a black bear, right?

It's a grizzly bear,
I'm pretty sure.

What can we do?
Do you remember what to do?

Play dead and cover your neck.

Okay, I think she's right.

Wait, are you sure?

Get down.

For some people,
praying comes naturally.

For others,
they have to be sniffed

by an -pound
grizzly bear before

they realize its importance.

We probably sat there
in the fetal position

for a good minutes
before we dare

look up and see
if the bear had really gone.

A good part of me
didn't wanna move at all.

I knew the moment we did

Phoebe would have
to be reminded of her pain

and I couldn't stand
to see her that way.

Well, it looks like
Cain's about six miles east

- by now.
- How can you be sure?

Well, we tag all the bears
for research purposes

and when we need to find them
we turn on the ol' GPS.


We'll keep an eye on him.

You guys should be okay
to stay here

as long as
you keep your food tied up.

And if you have any candy,
you "must-stash" it away.

that's how I remember.

That's very nice of you sir,

but I think it would better
if we packed out early.

Okay, well let us know
if we can do anything for you,

we're here for you
and mother nature.

- Thank you.
- All right, thanks.

You heard it, ladies.

Tear it down,
or what's left of it.


This is all my fault,

I'm the one
that left the syrup out

like an idiot.

Don't punish the girls
because of my carelessness.

No, it's my fault, he probably
smelled dog food, too.

Phoebe didn't know any better.

There's no need
to play the blame game.

We're a team, a unit.

We're all responsible
for our failure here.

Come on,
we're burning daylight.

All right, I'll call the bishop
and tell him to head down.

Okay, just hold on.

I have been reciting
the young woman's values

my whole life
and I don't remember

quitting be one of them.

Do you remember the one
that's integrity?

Or how about choice
and accountability?

Yeah, that's just it.

I mean,
how can we be accountable

if we just give up?

Look, I know that we messed up.

We lied about roxie,

we haven't been
treating each other

the way that we should,

but how
can we make things right

if we just go home?

We have so many more
amazing things

that we need to do here

and I don't know
about you guys,

but I desperately need
a trial of faith right now.

So, please just forgive us
for messing up

and give us a chance
to make it right.

Well, girls,
your president has spoken.

Is that what you want?
Another chance?

How about you, Phoebe-ster?

I wanna go home.

She's hurt enough, girls.
Let's go.

I know exactly
how you feel right now.

Your stomach's
all clenched and...

Your head feels like it
will never stop pounding.

Your heart...

Feels like it's just gone.

It's the scariest feeling
in the whole entire world.

And you feel like
it's never ever gonna go away.

And in a way
it wouldn't feel right

if it did.

But I promise you that roxie

doesn't want you
to feel this way.

If she were here right now,
she'd run right up to you,

she'd lick your face, and
she'd tell you she loves you.

Tell you it's okay for you
to try and be happy again.

She'd want you to look around
at all these people

who love you.

And who are here for you

and who wanna help you
through this.

If you wanna go home, we'll go.

Okay? Just say the word
and we're outta here.

But if you wanna try and stay

and fight through this

We are all here for you.

What do you say?

I want to try.

For roxie.

You all set for this?

Finalized everything
with the bishop this morning.

Okay, you asked for it.

Time for the trial of faith.

If you can complete the trial
as a group

before sundown,
then you've earned the right

to stay, if not,

then it's sayonara,

Is that fair?




This year's trial of faith

is a quest to reach Noah's ark.

Will you be fit
to enter the ark,

or will you be washed away?

You must complete
this task together

using only
the supplies provided

in the backpack
in front of you,

the holy Bible,
and your knowledge

of the golden rulebooks.

Prepare to be tried both
spiritually and temporally.

Mom, we love you,
but can we just

please have
the first instruction?

- Oh, yeah.
- Okay.

And behold,
as the daughters of Noah

did journey to the ark,

they were struck with a plague.

The first trial
and already a plague, come on.

Behold, even their
leaders Bree and Paige

became ill with fever.


Phoebe was struck lame.

And Lane fell to the earth
as if she were dead.

Ugh, I wanted that one.

Those who were spared did say

unto one another
let us bring them

to the fount of pure water

that they may drink
and be cleansed.

The spring?

Dibs on Phoebe.

Mykelle. Just breathe.

You're good.



Pretty quick start.

And a first aid certification.

Pound it.

- Let's not do that again.
- No.

- Go, go, go, go, go.
- I'm hurrying.

I can go a little faster,

One, two, one, two,
one, two, one, two.

Guys, come on.

Hurry up, we're almost there.

Easy for you to say,
you're not carrying a moose.


Oh, uh, a very cute moose.

Mykelle, mindy,
just go on without us,

go get the next clue, okay?

Yes, Bree.

Fast, fast,
right around the bend.

Go, go.

We got once chance
to make this right.

Oh, my gosh, so much pressure.

Why do you need that?

Trust me.

Bible time.

Come on, come on, we gotta go,
gotta go, gotta go.

She's gonna be
so happy we found this.

Mindy, you're going so fast.

Depart ye, depart ye,
go ye out from fence,

touch no unclean thing.

Go ye out of the midst of her.

Be ye clean that bear
the vessel of the lord.

What does that mean?

It's Isaiah,
no one knows what that means.

Vessel of the lord.

Like his blood vessels?

The vase, that's the vessel,
it must be dirty.

We have to purify the vase.

We need a fire.

Okay, those of you
who have use of their legs

grab wood, twigs,
and pine needles.

Also, we're gonna need eight to
ten stones for a fire circle.

No, Lane, you can't help until

we cure your plague.

- Remember?
- Right, sorry.

Hey guys, I don't see
any matches in here,

but I did find this really cool

monocle and ol' timer mustache.

Bigger, hurry, bigger.

We've made a huge mistake.

Don't watch it, Makenna!

Keep your eyes shut.

- Hurry.
- I had to cool it

so it wouldn't
burn your face, Bree.

Come on, come on, come on.

- Nice to be alive again.
- Good to have you back.

So what now,
where's the next clue?

Was there another clue
back there?

No, Bree.

Well, maybe the trial's over
and we just won.

Hey, cheers, we did it.

What's that?

More Isaiah, great.

Isaiah, Isaiah, Isaiah.

Isaiah : .

Okay, it will break in pieces

like pottery, shattered so
mercilessly that among its pieces

not a fragment will be
found for taking coals

from a hearth or scooping
water out of a cistern.

Oh, come on, that one was

pretty straightforward

Guys, look!

All right, girls,
keep your bibles handy.

This is the marker,
we start from here.

Okay, first direction,
northeast degrees.

Okay, how many pieces?

The number of days
the flood lasted

times the days
it took to create the earth

divided by the width
of the ark in cubits.

- .
- That was fast, are you sure?

Yeah, times is ,

minus cubits wide
is, like, .

Good job, Charlotte.

What can I say?
The guys like smart chicks.

Not to be painfully ironic,
but it's actually .

Uh, Phoebe,
I just did the math.

God created earth in six days,

he rested on the seventh one, so
times is minus is .

Technically, she's right.

You were almost there, though.

It's okay, guys like
almost smart girls too.

You ready?

One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight.

, , , , .

Nice marker, mom.

Okay, second direction.

degrees northwest.

Okay, how many paces?

The length of the ark in cubits

plus Noah's age
at the time of the flood

divided by Goliath's height
in feet.

Easy, give or take.

cubits long
plus is .

Goliath was roughly
nine feet tall,

so it's not exact,
but it's about .

Where did you get nine feet?

Mine says he was six cubits
and a span.

a cubit's millimeters

or inches
and so that would be

. meters or / feet tall.

A span's like this big.

there are common conversions,

everyone should know them.

I think you're actually
smarter than siri.

Come on, guys,
let's keep moving.

All right,
one, two, three, four,

five, six, seven, eight...

Guys? Look at the sun.

We're running out of time,
we have to hurry.

I know, I know,
this is the last one.

Number of days the flood water

prevailed on the land
times how high

the water rose in cubits
divided by

the number of lepers
that did not return

to thank Jesus.

Plus the number of sheep
the good Shepherd left behind

when he went to find the one,
minus the one

he went to save,
times the number of cattle

in pharaoh's dream,

minus the age of methuselah
when Noah was born.

Come on, Phoebe!

Guys, I'm not gonna do it,

I'm not gonna be able
to finish this one.

No, no, Phoebe,
you can't give up now.


I refuse to even think
another second about it.

Why, Phoebe?

'Cause I see the ark.

Oh, my gosh, okay,
there has to be a way in.

Is there a note or something?

Girls, look to the sides.

Is there anything left
in the backpack we can use?

Just the stuff we already used.

Oh, and this stupid faith key that
sister Rockwell's always making us.

Oh, my gosh, you guys, we have to
find a way, okay, we're so close.

I know how we're gonna get in.

- How?
- Faith.

It's the key.

Okay, are you just
making fun of us,

like, I honestly can't tell.

No, literally, the faith key,

that's how we get into the ark.

Look for a keyhole.

We already looked everywhere,

we're not gonna find anything.

Look harder, Hannah,
okay, we have to find it.

Keyhole, keyhole,
keyhole, keyhole.

I see it.

Hold this, hold this.

Give me the key.

Enter, my little animals.

You did it, Lane.

Duck you heads.

It was the key.

You did it.

You survived the flood.

What flood?


I think that's as far
as she's gonna go.

It's just not as epic

as I pictured in my mind,
you know?

Still wish you were
on that boat with them?

You know, it's funny,

I spent countless months
building that ark

and trying
to make everything perfect

and worrying that it wasn't
all gonna come together,

and then something
magical happens like this,

you know,
that they all come together.

And it just...

It helps me realize that...

It wasn't about me
or the binder or the ark

or any of that,
it's just all about them.

So, as much
as I'd love to be on that

boat right now,
I'm okay just cheering

them on from the sidelines,
you know?

At least we tried.

All right, ladies,
let's take this party up top.

This is tots beautiful.

Great job, ladies.

- Good job.
- We're so proud!

- We love you.
- I love you.

It was a really good try.

I'm proud of y'all.

No place I'd rather be
than on this ark

with all my little animals.

I wish roxie was here.

I'm sorry, sweetie.

She was a great dog.

I know I teased you
about her size,

but she was as brave
as could be.

I bet she gave that bear
a run for his money.

Phoebe, even though she's gone,

she'll always be with you.

I feel like
she might be here right now.

Watching us.

She is here.

Do you feel her, too?

No, she's actually right there.

Hey, you missing somebody?

Roxie, is she okay?


She was pretty scared
when she found me,

but she's in one piece.

If someone had told me
a week before

that I'd soon be
floating in a lake

on Noah's ark,
I'd have told them

they could jump in
that proverbial lake.

But when it was real
and happening,

I didn't wish I was
anywhere else.

Because in that moment,
I was exactly

where I was supposed to be

with the ones
I was supposed to be with.

- Uh-oh.
- Woo.

We spent the rest of camp

strictly according
to the golden rulebook.

We sharpened our camp skills,

as best as we could at least.

Passed off
all our certifications.

I think this one's okay.

Without major incident.

Yeah, definitely not poisonous.

Appreciated a lot of nature.

Maybe too much nature.

And had plenty of devotionals.

The parable of the ten virgins

has great meaning in our day.

Five of your lanterns have oil

and five do not.

With only minimal distraction.

Mine has oil.

I even found some time
to do some journaling,

but you already knew that,
huh, dad?

Aww, did you
wrap this yourself?

- So cute. -
- And even though I was stressed about it,

Bree really liked
her secret sister present

I made.

Thank you.

You're so sweet.

My gift wasn't too bad either.


Led zeppelin was too long, so.
Thank you.

The last night
they did something

they call a testimony meeting.

It sounds like
something lawyers

would do before a trial,
but it's not.

Basically anyone
who wants to can get up

and share their thoughts or
feelings about life, god, or...

Whatever they wanted, really.

This is my last summer here.

You didn't have to go
if you didn't want to.

Only if you felt like it.

To witness this kind of love.

It was nice to hear
their different perspectives.

When I could understand them.

They were sweet,
but for the most part

it didn't have
the same effect on me

like it did the others.

Until Phoebe had to open
her big mouth.

You all know that
I'm a pretty scared person.

I relate with over %
of the phobias on Wikipedia.

When I'm scared,
only a few things

can actually calm me down.

Like my dad, my mom, and roxie.

I know Roxie's just a dog,
but she's my best friend.

When I lost her,
I was as scared

and sad as I've ever been.

Then, when I saw her again,

I was so happy, so grateful,

that I forgot how much it hurt

to lose her in the first place.

I'm pretty sure
that's how heaven's gonna be.

Lane, if it hurt this bad
to lose roxie,

it must have been a thousand times
worse when you lost your dad.

And I promise you

that when you see him again
in heaven,

he will hold you in his arms

and all that pain and heartache

will be washed away
in an instant.

I think Jesus suffered
the worst heartache of all

'cause he loved all of us
and wanted to make

a way for us to be
with the ones we love again.

I know in my heart
that god is real.

That we are his children
and he loves us.

I say this
in Jesus' name, amen.


Thank you, girls,
for sharing your testimonies.

Well if everyone's gone
that wanted a chance to speak,

then we'll go ahead
and say the closing prayer.


Can I say something?

Of course.

I just...

I want to thank you all for
allowing me to be apart of this.

I want to thank
sister Carrington

for pressuring me into it.

But seriously,
I really, really needed this.

I wanna thank sister Rockwell
for helping keep me here.

I was just about ready
to beg you

to take me back home
that day in the sidecar,

but something about
her leather jacket

and her chaps told me
I should probably ride it out.

Holly, if your brother
has even half

of the sincerity
and kindness that you do,

my mom is a very,
very lucky lady.

Phoebe, you are so smart.

You've taught me
more random facts

than I can probably
ever remember in my lifetime,

but what you said just now...

I will never ever forget.

I still don't know what
I believe in,

or if I'm even ready to try

and figure all that out
for myself,

but I wanna thank you all
for bringing me closer

to a place where I can start.

If there is one thing
I know for sure,

it's that there's something
very, very special

about all of you.

You're all really,
really good christians.

And the world is a better place

because of you.



Thank you, Lane.

Now, do I have any volunteers
for a closing prayer?

I'll say it.


I know I already went,

but I just have something else
that I need to say.

I feel like this past year

we've really been struggling
as a group.

You know,
we've been clique-ish,

we have been fighting over
the stupidest things

and just have not been treating
each other the way we should.

And I feel like
that's mostly my fault.

Before I came to camp,
I said a prayer

and I asked heavenly father
to help me find the strength

as Laurel president
to be the type of leader

that I needed to be to help us
come together as a group.

And I feel like the answer
to that prayer was you, Lane.

Your unselfish
and loving example

towards Phoebe
and your acceptance

of all of us showed me the type

of young woman
that I want to be.

So, I appreciate you saying that we
all helped you, but the truth is...

You helped us so much more.
So, thank you.

Come here.



Okay, now
can we say the prayer?

It wouldn't have been right

to end camp without finishing

the last item
on the golden schedule.

The final talent show.

All right, listen up,

Welcome to girl's camp.

It felt good to laugh
after crying so much.

I even prepared
a little something.

Instead of complaining about

how old and cheesy
your camp songs were,

I decided to write a new cheesy
song for you guys to learn.

This is my first time
singing it

in front of anybody,
so be nice.

When camp was over,

I knew I wouldn't see
most of those girls anymore.

But that song would keep

their faces in my mind forever.

When I got home,
mom asked me how it went.

It was hard to explain.

It wasn't at all what
I expected,

but it was exactly what
I expected.

It wasn't scary,
but somehow it was terrifying.

It wasn't that fun,

but looking back
it was a blast.

It was what it was and if you weren't
there you just couldn't know.

No matter what
happens in my life,

I will look back
and be proud to say

that once I was a beehive.
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