Molly Moon and the Incredible Book of Hypnotism (2015)

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Molly Moon and the Incredible Book of Hypnotism (2015)

Post by bunniefuu »

[Music playing]

[Thunder crashing]

MOLLY: This is
Hardwick House Orphanage.

I've lived here all my life.

That's grumpy Edna, the cook.

That's nice Mrs. Trinklebury.

She looks after the little ones
and lives in the village.

And the handyman...

Oh, I forgot.

Miss Adderstone fired him.

She runs the orphanage.

She's horrible.

We live by Adderstone's rules,

No singing, no sweets, no TV...

[Thunder continues]

No fun.

That's me.

Well, actually, no, it isn't.

Miss Adderstone
doesn't even like us reading.

It's why I'm hiding
in the laundry room.

That's me, Molly Moon.

Come on, Molly.

And that's my friend, Rocky.

Midnight feast.

[Dog barks, growls]

Hush, hush,
silly Petula.
Mummy's back.


Ketchup sandwich.

[Children chattering]
Not so loud.

Adderstone will hear.

[Children chattering]


GIRL: I love ketchup!

What is going on here?

Out of bed after curfew?

from the kitchen?

in the boys' dormitory?

You thought
it was bad before...

It was me,
Miss Adderstone.

It was my idea.

Molly Moon,

The rotten bad apple.

I might have guessed.

Toilet cleaning duty
all week.

And all of you,
P.M. curfew

And fish soup
three times a day.

It's so disgusting.

There's an eyeball
in mine.

It's staring at me.

Come on, Ruby.
It's not that bad.

Smells horrible.

I don't even
like fish!

Do we have to eat this,
Mrs. Trinklebury?

I'm gonna vomit.

Thanks to Bog-Eyes,

We're on curfew and
vomit soup all week.

Yeah, Bog-Eyes.

Don't you be rude
about my food!

I put a nice piece
of mackerel in there.

One of you
should find it.

I can't do this.

Are you
gonna eat that?

Molly, what's that?

Talent contest.

You should enter.

You're brilliant.

Not a chance, loser boy.

That money is ours.

Nobody leaves.
BOTH: Shut the front door!

Gonna bring you
to your knees.

£ !

That's enough, you lot!

I'd buy
loads of sweets.

Little ones,
it's time for a nap.

Come on. Let's go.
Do I have to?

Bye, Jinx.
Bye-bye, Molly.

Bye-bye, fish soup.
Bye, Jinx.

Bye, Ruby.

[Chatter continues]

Your boyfriend
won't enter the contest.
He's scared.

He's not my boyfriend!
He's my friend!

And he's the only one
you'll ever have, weirdo.

No wonder your parents
dumped you here.

No one dumped me!

Yeah, right,

I'm not a reject!
Who told you that?

Everyone knows it.

You better shut up
before I make you shut up!


What on Earth
is going on?


And what is this?

Talent contest?

How dare you bring
this nonsense in here

And cause
this commotion?

Your punishment obviously
wasn't enough, Moon.

Dishwashing duty all week.

Don't ever think that you
can get the better of me,

Because I will come down
on you like a ton of bricks!

that's enough bubbles.

Let me give you a hand.

Thanks, but I can
do this on my own.

Miss Moon...

♪ Put on
a happier face ♪


You're smiling.

Ooh! Heh heh!

♪ You know we're gonna
get out of this place ♪

♪ It's true

♪ Bullies are
just such a waste ♪

♪ Of space

You know, you really should
enter the talent contest.

I... I can't sing in front
of other people.


You sing to me
all the time.

That's different.

In front of strangers,

I go all like jelly.

I can't do it.

I'll do it
with you.

You will?

Neither of you
are going anywhere!

The only way
you can leave

Is to get adopted,
and I can't imagine

in their right minds
wanting you!

Now finish
the washing up!


Good night, Molly.

What's the matter?

They said I was a reject,

That nobody wanted me.

Oh, Molly,
don't listen to them.

Come here.

Your parents
loved you very much.

They died.

They didn't dump me.

You were
very special to them,

And you still are
to all of us.

Now you need to get to bed.

You got a cross-country run

Go on.

Just believe in yourself,

Run with me, Molly.

I'm not a reject.

Come on, Molly.

Why don't you just try?

Don't start
on me, Rocky.

I hate this place!

Don't forget practice!
: !

[Guitar playing]

♪ Believe in myself

♪ Believe in myself

♪ I am like no one else

♪ If they could see
for themselves ♪

♪ I'm so far off

♪ Believe in myself

♪ Believe in myself

♪ Twisted eyes on the shelf

♪ If they could see
for themselves ♪

♪ I'm so far off

♪ From where you are...

It's all right for you,
Davina Nuttel.

I wish I was you.

[Song continues]

[Song ends]

These are due back
on the th.

Thank you very much.

I'll see you soon.

Hello, Molly.

It's in the usual place.

Thanks, Miss.

[Ball thumping]

Where are you, Molly?


An Ancient Art Explained"

By Dr. H. Logan, .

I know it very well,

But as I said,
we've been unable
to locate it.

Now listen.
I reserved that book.

I can only...
I came all the way from London.

Professor, please.

I've been looking
for that book

For a very long time.

I ask you to keep
your voice down, please.

The only surviving copy
is here in this library.

Find it!

That's your job,
isn't it?!

Professor, please.

What sort of incompetent
librarian are you?

Right. Find it myself.

Hs. Hs. Hs.

Ah, here. Hamsters.

Hairdressing. Hippies.

Hypnotism. Here we go.

"History of Hypnotism."

"Helpful tips
on Hypnotism."

Somebody's borrowed it,

And it hasn't been
properly booked out.

Nobody has borrowed it,

I could only assume
it's lost.

[Fading] I don't know
what to tell you...

[Music playing]

"You are about
to depart on
an incredible journey"

Or the week after.
I need it now!

Professor, I'm afraid it
may very well be lost.

I suggest you find it.

Otherwise, Briersville
will be looking for
a new librarian.

[Book thumps]

Perhaps I was a little
too hasty, Professor.
Let me look again.

That's it!
That's the book!

Hey, wait!

[Door thumps]

You, come back!

That is not
the sort of dress

You should be wearing
to a funeral.

[Professor grunts]

To mind
my own business!

You! You!

Where does
this road lead?

"Hypnotism is an ancient art."

"It has been used
since the earliest times"

"To dissolve fear and pain,"

"To change peoples' lives."

"An experienced hypnotist
will find"

"That hypnotism can be achieved
with a simple glare of the eyes."

"Only a few will have
the true gift."

"To find out whether
you have this talent,

"Try to put yourself
into a trance.

"All you need is
a looking glass

So you can stare
into your eyes."

"Stare hard.

"When you feel
as if you are floating,

"Your mind is in a trance.

Focus completely
on your reflection."

[Petula barking]

Quiet, Petula!

Why do you have to be
so mean all the time?




Petula, no.

"Think of the animal
you are going to hypnotize.

Find its voice. Copy it."


Rrrr. Grr.





From now on,
no angry Petula.


It actually worked!

You and me
are friends now.

There you are.

You said you'd
practice with me.

You'll never believe...

I waited over an hour.

I'm sorry, Rocky.
I just...

I just don't care why,

Just don't let me down
again next time.

I won't.

Come on.
Let's go to dinner.

Fish vomit soup all week.

[Door closes]

We'll see about that.

[Radio thumping music]

"Help wanted."


[Engine backfiring]

I don't know why
I bother, really.

Nobody likes it,

Smells nice.

Your own recipe?

'Course it's
my own flippin' recipe.

MOLLY: "Copy your subject."

This will help
put them into a trance."

Bloomin' creepy, you are.

It's too flamin' hot.

Here! What you doing?

It is too flamin' hot
in here.

You need a break.

Suppose it won't hurt.

I do need
a bloomin' break.

There we go,

Round, round.

Nice and relaxing.

I'm beginning
to feel a bit soupy.

You are feeling sleepy.

Feel how relaxed you are.

What awfully nice eyes
you've got.

Yours must be feeling
very heavy right now.

Just take
a few nice breaths.

Breaths... breaths.


And out.

, ,




Edna, from now on,

You'll be the friend of me,
Molly Moon,

And you're not going to cook
fish or chicken feet.

You're going to cook
something delicious...

From Italy.

Delicious, from Italy.

[Edna humming
"La Donna è Mobile"]

Buon appetito!

It's really yummy.

[Continues humming]
[children talking]

[Speaking Italian]

I love spaghetti!



e pomodoro.

[resumes humming]

That's really good.

It's got garlic in it.
I love garlic.

[Chatter continues]


Have you gone mad?

No. I happen to have a love
of Italy deep in my soul,

And sometimes it comes out.

It's never
come out before!

First time for everything.
Deep in her soul.


What's "andiamo"?

Gemma, could you
take the little ones
upstairs, please?

And you should
try it, Miss Adderstone.

It's remarkably good.

I don't do spaghetti.

It's great!
Quiet, please!

It's delicious, Edna!

Shouting is
not permitted, Moon!

See me in my study
after dinner!

Oi! Molly's just
complimented me on my food.

You owe her an apology.



I think you need
a little holiday.

Miss Adderstone,


I think she might
be onto something.

This is the first
nutritious meal

That the kids have
had in... in years.

Yeah, it's lovely.
It's delicious.

It's really good.

This is a letter from
a Mr. and Mrs. Alabaster.

They will be coming
to visit us,

And they've asked me
to recommend one
of you older children

And only one of you
for adoption.

Oh, it's not every day

That wealthy, nice people
do this sort of thing,

And you certainly
don't deserve them.

They're coming
on Saturday afternoon.

All you children
will be presented to them,

But who I choose will be
the child they adopt.


Better luck next time.

Well done. Yes.

It's your lucky day.

Make sure
you look presentable.

I don't want
to go without you.

We won't
let that happen.

We'll always
stick together.

Don't worry.
I'll think of a plan.

You promised that
Molly and Rocky would be
adopted together.

Don't tell me my job,

I've raised those two
since the day they arrived,

And I'm not gonna stand by

And see what little happiness
they have ripped away.

Well, it's my decision.

Anyway, they need
to learn to stand
on their own two feet,

Apart from each other
if necessary.

If you go through with it,

I will be forced to talk
to the governing board,

And they won't stand
for you treating the children's
futures like this.

[Gears grinding]

Moon, Moon.

I know
where you live, Moon.

There you are.

Hello, Mum.

So where have you been
all week, huh?

I'm organizing a job,
big one.

I think
you'll be impressed.

No, I doubt that.

You'll never be
a master criminal

Like me, you know.

I'm going
to rob Shorings Bank.

Shorings? You mean
the jewelry people?

Are you mad?
It's like Fort Knox.

Anyway, I heard
that the Cregg g*ng
have got their eyes on it.

Well, what if I told you

That I'm going
to get there
before them?

And what if I told you
that I'm going
to use hypnosis?

What are you talking about?

There's this girl,
and, uh, she has a book,
tells you everything.

Little girl and a book.

What are you talking about?

This book's amazing.

It has the power
to choose who becomes
a master hypnotist,

And it's going
to choose me.

I just have to get
the book off the girl.

Um, her name is Moon,

And she lives
in an orphanage.

Moon, hypnotism,
robbing banks?

Mum, I just need to get...
Are you out of medication?

Stick to the small stuff.

I don't want to sell off

Other people's
stolen things for...

Oh, shut up,

And get on with it.

I'll show her.

Hardwick House.



Second floor.

What do you want?! Speak!

The sign, help wanted.

Oh, you want the job.

Let's start
with the sewage t*nk.

Ohh! Ohh!
I want it finished

Before the children
get back from school.


[Cuckoo warbling]

Showtime, Trinklebury.

MOLLY: "To lull your subject
into a trance",

"Echo their feelings.

See the world as they do."

Adderstone's mad.

"Beware. Angry people are
difficult to hypnotize."

"Find something that they
are deeply attached to.

"This thing could be a hobby,
a piece of music,

A favorite belonging."

Your patterns.

Mrs. Trinklebury,

These lightbulbs
need replacing.

Um, give me a hand.
I can't quite reach.

Of course,
Miss Adderstone.

The children need to see
where they're going.

Don't want there to be
a nasty accident, do we?

Yes, that side.


Just a few more...

[Yelling, crashing]

CHILD: What the...

Oh, Mrs. Trinklebury!

Mrs. Trinklebury!

[Overlapping chatter]

Come quickly!

Come on. She's fallen
down the stairs.

Quick, Molly!
Something awful's

Mrs. Trinklebury!

[Chatter continues]

[Siren approaching]


We want to say
goodbye to her.

Let us pass.
I want to see.

Stiff upper lips!

Accidents happen.

Is she dead?

No, of course
she isn't dead!

It was just
a little trip!

[Siren blaring]

Come on. Up to bed,
all of you!

Up! Come on.
Nothing to look at!


[Radio playing music]

Get well soon,

But not too soon.

[Window thumps]

Oh, I say.

You're very forward,
Mr. Nockman.

Gutters. I'm just... You know.

The last handyman...

Just used the stairs.

Come and have a sherry.

Oh! Oh!


First thing tomorrow!

Don't be late!

We're so pleased
you and Mrs. Alabaster

Have decided to adopt
one of our children.

We look forward
to seeing you
on Saturday. Goodbye.

[Telephone hangs up]

Come on.
We'd better go.

You go ahead.
I'll catch you up.


I've got
something to do.

Just make sure
we're on last.

I promise I'll be there.

Just go.

[Knock on door]


If you've come
to try to change my mind

About Rocky,
don't bother.

Stop ogling me, girl!
You look demented.

I've always admired
your fashion sense,
Miss Adderstone.

Your choice of patterns,
really original...

And you make it
work so well.

Yes, I-I've always...

Enjoyed combining

And colors and...




The patterns on your skirt

Work so perfectly

With the shapes
on your shirt.

You're right.

Some people would say
they clash, but I...

I see you've
understood my pants...

My point.

, ...


I'm really nervous,
you know.

But Molly will turn up.

You know that, don't you?

But what if she
doesn't show up?

Gotta get
the money.

Look who it is.

You loser.

[Overlapping chatter]

I wish we had parents.


You remember how it was
when you were a child,

When you were happy?

You'll be nice to everyone.

Yes, only nice.

And you'll need
someone to play with.

Here's your
new best friend.

[Banjo plays]

[Piano plays]

[Pop music plays]


♪ I once was lost

♪ But now I'm found

[Orchestra plays]

Lost your girlfriend?

Scared to go out there
all on your own, see?

No one's going
to want to adopt you,

Loser boy.

[Hip-hop music plays]

♪ Nobody leave
♪ Shut the front door

♪ I'm not saying
pretty please ♪

♪ Shut the front door

♪ Gonna bring you
to your knees ♪

♪ Shut the front door

♪ 'Cause I'm-a
sting you like a bee ♪

♪ Shut the front door

You're going
to tell the Alabasters

To adopt Hazel,
not Rocky? Understand?

I understand.

♪ Nobody leave
♪ Shut the front door

♪ 'Cause I mean business


Come on, Molly.

I'm going on.

You're going
to change
the records

To say that me
and Rocky will be
adopted together.

at birth"?

"Left on doorstep"?

"No contact since"?

You were left
on the front steps

In a Moon's Marshmallow box.


That's how
you got your name.

So they didn't die.

They left me.

[Cuckoo warbling]


And now the final act
of the competition,

A singing duo,

Molly Moon and
Rocky Scarlet.

HAZEL: It's not fair.
We were the best.

We should have won.

How did Rocky do?

He didn't do it.


Feels like we've
gone back in time.


Not long
to wait now.

Yes. We hope you'll accept
this contribution.

Oh, thank you.

Perhaps some laptops
for the children,

IPads maybe.

Teddy says, "Thank you."


He's very welcome.

Jammie Dodger?

Nice car,
isn't it?

[Footsteps pattering]

There you all are!

How nice!
It's so lovely to see you.

Now, Hazel, quick as sticks.

Mr. and Mrs. Alabaster
have arrived from London.

Run upstairs,
and brush your hair.

You're now
my first choice.

She's gone bonkers.


That's my teddy.

Here we are!

Thank you.
That's... That's fine.


Ah, the children!

Now, there's one
that I'd especially
like you to meet.

Hello. I'm Rocky.

How lovely to see you.

I've really
been looking forward
to meeting you.

No, no, no.
Pleasure, Rocky.

Nice to meet you, Rocky.
Someone else.

Oh. Come over here.

Tell me
about yourself.

No, no,
I think there's been

A tiny, little bit
of a mistake.

I like
cross-country running,

Reading history,
and playing the guitar,

Classical mostly.

Me, too.

where have you been?!

The Alabasters are here!

They've chosen Rocky!

He's leaving!

MOLLY: Rocky.



Rocky, stop!

What are you doing?
No, it should be Hazel.

I just want
to go, Molly.

Go? You can't go!

I changed everything
for the better!

You promised
you'd be there for me,

And you weren't.

You promised.

We have to go now,


Don't worry, Molly.

He'll come back.

You didn't see
the look in his eyes.

Then you've got
to go and find him.

I can't
just leave you all.

Don't worry
about us.

We'll manage.

Just bring him back
as soon as you can.

We need him here
for Christmas.

I'll do it.



Where is it?

I know you.

Give it to me.

You were in the library.

Give me that book.

What book?


No, just...

Give it.

All right, then!






Beastly thing!


No, Petula. Go back.


[Petula growling]



Where are you going?

London, but this is
a charter coach.

You can't come on.

But I really need
to get to London.

Not on this coach,
you won't.

Now get back to your mummy.

I don't have one.

I'm an orphan.

And I need to get
on this coach,

And you really
want to help me.

Well, I... I don't know
if I can...




Stop the bus!


[Ladies laughing]

♪ Believe in myself

♪ Believe in myself

♪ Things that I felt

♪ Like no one else
in the world ♪

We won't see Rocky
today, Petula.

I'll have to find
the address.

We'll need to find
somewhere to stay.

♪ Believe in myself

♪ Believe in myself

♪ Dream for myself

♪ See for myself what can be

♪ 'Cause I need to find
what's out there for me ♪

♪ Maybe this time
I'll be fine ♪

♪ Maybe this time
will be mine ♪

Look after yourself,

I will.

Thank you. Bye!

[Petula barks]

Got some more hypnotizing
to do, Petula.

Do you work here?


[No audible dialogue]

It's the hotel's
finest suite.

There are controls for
temperature, lighting,
and entertainment.

And there's
even a dining room!


Is that Big Ben?

Yes, it is. We cater
to your every need.

A dog walker,
if you require it,

Use of the hotel panoply,

And your own
private balcony.


[Petula whines]

This is amazing.

♪ This time
will be mine ♪

Rocky's going
to love this place.

♪ You know

♪ I finally got out
of that place ♪

♪ It's true

♪ Old friends
are just such a waste ♪

♪ Of space

The coach
was heading to London.

Where would it
have dropped her off?


Where the hell is she?!

[Slams table]

♪ Qube

♪ If you're cool

♪ Qube

♪ If you're cool

I could be like her,

♪ Qube

♪ Everybody loves you
now you're so Qube ♪


♪ Everybody loves you

♪ Now you're so Qube

♪ Everybody loves you...

Good morning, London!

What a beautiful day
for Christmas shopping!

Let's rock!

So for
Mr. Duncan Alabaster,

Montparis Avenue,

London, W SD.

Thank you.

Good day, Madame.

I think I know how you
and your dog got in here.

Don't worry.
I won't tell anyone.

An orphan, aren't you?

Why do you think that?

I can tell.
You have to be tougher

Than the rest,
don't you?

You're an orphan, too?

You're not throwing me out?

Let's just take it
one day at a time,
shall we?

Thank you.

Uh, Miss Moon,

Please don't hypnotize
any more of my staff.

Okay, here we go,

One portion of Angela's
organic, homemade muesli
coming right up.

Good catch. Okay.

We've got... Let's see.

Um, that's soy milk

Or rice milk.

Yogurt? Probiotic.

Morning, Richard.

Hope you had
a good night's sleep.

Now I hope you've got
everything you want.

Svetlana, she can rustle up
anything if you want her to.

No, it's fine,

Thank you,
Mrs. Alabaster.

Ah, call me Angela.

Maybe... Maybe Mummy?

[Doorbell buzzes]


Yes, yes, absolutely.

Richard, I... I think
you've got a visitor.

For me?
Come on.

Don't keep
the little lady waiting.


What are you doing here?

Nice suit.

Nice hair, too.

How did you find me?


What's she doing here?

It's a long story.

I got so much
to tell you.

You'll die when you see
where I was staying.

It's amazing.

I can hypnotize people.

I can do amazing things.

We can do amazing things

we dreamt about.

I'm not going anywhere.

Rocky, I'm sorry
I let you down
at the talent...

It doesn't matter.

They're my family now.
[intercom] Richard?

They're not
your family!

I'm your family!

Richard? Everything okay?

Yes, Dad. Just coming.

Richard? Dad?

Wait, wait, wait!

This is
where I'm staying.

It's brilliant.
You can see the whole
of London from...

Goodbye, Molly.

I'm sorry.

I've got to go.

What are we
going to do, Petula?

I guess it's
just you and me now.

[TV turns on]

♪ It's not over
unless I say so ♪

She's everywhere.

♪ It's not over,
get on with the show ♪

♪ Get on
with the show ♪


Ladies and gentlemen,
Miss Davina Nuttel!

Right here on
the Charlie Cooper
morning show!

[Applause continues]

So, Davina, tell us
about your latest venture.

Well, Charlie,
I'm in a TV special.

So many people love me.

We just wanted to find a way
to share me with everyone.

"So many people love me!

I'm just going to explode!"


Must be so nice
to be popular.

And you're working
with director Barry Rix,

London's star maker.

Oh, he's the best.
We have very big plans.

In fact, so big,
we're looking for extra
singers and dancers,

So if you
want to be a part
of my amazing show,

We're holding
auditions here
at the studios today.

Auditions, to be on TV?

DAVINA: Thank you.
Thank you, everyone.

Petula, I could be a star.


Ladies and gentlemen,

the famous Miss Molly Moon!


[Overlapping chatter]

I want to talk
to Barry right now!

Tell Barry we're coming
to see him.

Too right,
we're coming
to see him!

She can't work
this way!

Tell Barry that
Miss Nuttel says she
can't work this way!

Barry, where are you?!
I'm done with this.

Davina Nuttel.

I'm telling you, Barry...

The moves are all wrong!

I'm constantly being
crashed into or upstaged!

She is the star!

I'll change
the routine! Davina?

Up front and center
the entire time.

I'm sure
we can sort it out.

[Chatter continues]

Find me
another choreographer.

Cancel the auditions.

Get rid of them.

Okay, guys, back
to the holding room.

Come on, guys.
[chatter continues]


Could do this number
with my eyes closed.
Why can't she?


♪ Believe in myself

♪ I believe in myself

♪ I'm like no one else

♪ If they could see
for themselves ♪

♪ I'm a star

The auditions
are canceled. Scram.

Mr. Rix.

or I'll call security.

You're the best director
in the business.

Who are you?

Must be difficult.

People expect
so much from you.

Your singing was amazing.

You could have been...

You should be a star.

You, um...

Really think so?

I like that bit.

♪ If they could see
for themselves ♪

Yeah, I love that bit,
too. It was...

♪ If they could see
for themselves ♪

♪ I'm a star

I'm telling you, Charlie,
she's the real deal,

The whole
gift-wrapped package.

I'm being deadly serious.

I want her
to replace Davina,

And we'll call
the show...


Everyone's gonna love her.

Do you really
think they...
Don't speak!

Look at those eyes.

I tell you...

You are a star.

Of course the boot's
not too small.

You're just not
putting it on right!

I can't believe
he did that to me!
It's not my fault!

Don't worry,

Mummy's going
to sort it
all out.

Ow! For God's sake, careful!



I'm done with this.

[Boot clatters]

♪ It's not over

That's my song.
♪ Unless I say so

♪ It's not over,
get on with... ♪

That's my song!

Not anymore.

♪ Get on with the show

♪ Well, I've been down
below the ground ♪

♪ Couldn't see
the stars were shining ♪

♪ Way up above

♪ With so much love

♪ Didn't know the world
was calling ♪

♪ Whoa oh, whoa oh

♪ Didn't know
the stars were shining ♪

♪ Whoa oh, whoa oh

♪ Didn't know
the world was calling ♪

♪ And I'm shouting out
with the loudest light ♪

♪ A sh**ting star
is here tonight ♪

♪ I can see it all
like a satellite ♪

♪ A sh**ting star...
Come on, darling.

We really must
hit the ground running.

Photo sh**t
this afternoon,

More tomorrow, and
"Charlie Cooper Show" tonight.

Ladies and gentlemen,
Miss Molly Moon!


Hi, everybody.

And who do we have here?

Petula, my best friend.


It may be a mystery
why Davina was sacked,

But I'm sure you'll
all agree her replacement
is mesmerizing.

Thank you.


I really like it here.

I need a new bag
to go with my new shoes,

And I'll need
lots more dresses
for my parties.

Oh, oh!
I need some new jewelry.

Wow! That's me.

♪ With the loudest light...

Look! It's her!

[Children chattering]

♪ A sh**ting star
is here tonight ♪

♪ I can see it all
like a satellite ♪

It's okay!
I can do this!

♪ A sh**ting star
is coming home tonight ♪

♪ And I'm shouting out
with the loudest light ♪

♪ A sh**ting star
is here tonight ♪

♪ I can see it all
like a satellite ♪

♪ A sh**ting star
is coming home tonight ♪

[Music playing]

♪ It's not over

♪ I've still got my wings

♪ It's not over

♪ Unless I say so

♪ It's not over

♪ Get on with the show

It's rubbish.

♪ Get on with the show

Petula, darling?

Petula! Not the time,

Not the place,
not your show!

Hello? Can someone...


Are marvelous.

What has she done
to them?

I thought we'd be weeks
in rehearsal.

London's not going
to know what's hit it.


I don't think
I can do this.


But being famous
is nice.

You can't dance!
You can't sing!

You can't just
steal things
from people!

I worked hard for this!

Give me a second
to explain.

You've paid them off
or something.

Whatever you've done,

I promise you
you're not going
to get away with it.

And these are mine!

And stop staring at me!

The audience will know
you're rubbish!

[Bell tolling]

MOLLY: "To hypnotize
a crowd of people",

"All you need is
a looking glass.

Stare into your own eyes."

"If successful, your face
will appear to change shape,

"And your eyes
will feel glowing.

"This is the intensency...

"Intensity needed
for crowd hypnosis.

You'll be able to hypnotize
a crowd of ."

? Is that all?

I don't know
if I can do this, Petula.




♪ If I'm in heaven

♪ Heaven's in me

♪ I knew I'd get
to heaven eventually ♪

[Distant siren blaring]

Wish you
were here, Molly.

♪ Delicious, delightful...

I'll show you, Mama.
I'll hypnotize my way in.

Need that book! [Growls]

[Telephone line ringing]


Molly Moon.

Molly, it's me, Gerry.


How did you know
where I was?

We heard about you
on the radio.

How is Mrs. Trinklebury?

She's getting better.

She's still in hospital.

Is Miss Adderstone
looking after you,

Now that she's
being nice?

Kind of.
She's still behaving funny.

She lets us look after
ourself now.

What about Edna?
She's left.

She's gone to open
a restaurant in Italy.

Did you find Rocky?


He's happy
where he is.

When are you
coming home, Molly?

[Line beeps]
One second, Gerry.

I have to take
this other call.


Your limousine
is downstairs, Miss Moon.

Thank you.

Gerry, I have
to go now.

I'll talk
to you later. Bye.


Where are you?
She had to go.

[Gasps, sighs]

That's my teddy.

Teddy's mine now.



Molly Moon! Molly Moon!

Molly Moon!
Molly Moon!

Molly Moon! Molly Moon!

The show is
really a sellout?

You better
believe it, babe,

And millions will be
watching on TV,


You ready?

Let's do this.

[Crowd screaming]

To name as many things
that Rick Astley is
"never gonna" do.

♪ I'm in heaven...

Hello, Mecca Pecca.

Molly Moon!
Molly Moon!

Molly Moon! Molly Moon!
Molly Moon!

Wait a second.

Miss Moon, can I
have an autograph?

Of course.

Where have I heard
that name before?

Well, well, well,

The girl
and the book.

DUNCAN: Richard's guitar
is coming on well.

I think we'll go to play
after the meal.


You know,
if this, uh...

This Tokyo bid's

We'll be spending
a lot of time
out there.

Need to think about
a boarding school
for Richard.

Really? Why aren't
we taking him with us?

Oh, goodness, no.

Disrupt his education

And his music studies.

[Computer beeps]

Hello, Mum.
Have you found her yet?

Not yet, no.

You might try looking
for her at Portland Studio.

She is about to become
the biggest TV star
in the world.

Molly Moon?

What do you mean?

She's got that book with her,

And I think she's
been learning from it.

What was the name
of that studio, Mum?

Portland Studios.

How do you
spell that, Mum?

Oh, I don't know why I bother.

[Overlapping chatter]

[Taps glass]

[Speaking German]

Uh, may I
proudly present

The talents of
Richard Alabaster.


I can't really do this.

Show some backbone,

Don't let yourself down.

Come on, Richard.

Don't be
so pathetic.


I am not playing!

And I'm not going
to any boarding school!

Do you think it's
too late to send him back?

Okay, peppermint tea?
Coffee? Wine?


Five minutes
to showtime!

[Petula whimpers]

I've done
what I can, Petula.

It's got to work.

Take your seats,
ladies and gentlemen.

The show is about to begin.

[Audience murmuring]

Oh, Belle, come on!

It's starting!
Molly Moon! Oh, Molly Moon!

I can't wait
to see her!

She's so famous!

ANNOUNCER: Molly Moon!

[Audience cheering]

Please let this work.

Hello, everybody.

It's nice to meet you.

You've all been
wondering about me.


[Soft music playing]

Look into my eyes.

You want to see and hear

The most marvelous,

Fabulous, spectacular...

Thrilling show ever.

And you will.

You are going to love this.

Go, Molly!



[Music playing]

♪ Hey, everybody

♪ Take a look at me

♪ I'm on fire

♪ Brightest star you'll see

♪ I'm one in a million

♪ Hits to make you chill, yeah

♪ You don't want to miss me

♪ I'm making history

♪ Ahh

♪ I'm on top

♪ Right where I want to be

♪ Super...

♪ Star

♪ There's no stopping me

♪ I'm on top

♪ Right where I want to be

♪ To the...

[Crowd yelling]

♪ I'm on top

♪ Right where I wanna be

♪ Superstar



I'm not Richard.
I'm Rocky.

You are
an ungrateful,

childish little boy!


How dare you lock
this door, hmm?

You're ours now,

ANGELA: We only want
what's best for you.

You can fly out
and can visit us
on the holidays.

Richard, I am going
to count to !

, , ...

, ...

I'm warning you!

, , ...


[Music playing]

♪ Ah ah

♪ Ah ah

♪ Ah ah

♪ Ahh

♪ Ahh

[Music playing faintly]

"Molly Moon."

"Doorstep drop."

She's an orphan.

"How to hypnotize a crowd."

So that's how you do it.


Who are you?
Who am I?

Do you live under a rock?

Get out,
or I'll call security.

Give me the book,

You must be joking.

Horrible little man.

Just, you know...

It's all right.

Give me the book.
Come on.

Give me the book.
Give it...

Do you mean this?



[Voices over radio]

MAN: Yeah, yeah.
I'm checking it out.

[Fingers crack]

[Stifled gasping]

All clear.

[Cellphone ringing]



Have you got
the book yet,

Or are you just
twiddling your thumbs?

Having rather
a difficult day
actually, Mother.

Now listen up to what
I'm gonna tell you.

I have it
on very good authority

That Cregg and his boys
are gonna rob Shorings Bank

Tomorrow morning
first thing,

So after they've done
all the heavy work,

You are gonna rob them,

And you are gonna use
some of all that, um,

Hypnotism stuff that you've
been blathering on about.

Haven't quite got
the book from the girl
yet, mother.

You don't need the book.

You just need the girl.

She's already learned it.

You mean kidnap her?

♪ Ah ah, ah ah ah, ah

♪ Whoa oh,
oh oh oh, oh ♪

♪ Ah ah, ah ah ah, ah

♪ Whoa oh,
oh oh oh, oh ♪

[Continues vocalizing]


[Sustaining note]


She's no Davina.

He needs
his head examined.

♪ Now we are always one

♪ See a whole new start

♪ Stronger together

♪ Now we are always one

♪ See a whole new start

♪ Stronger together

♪ Now


Molly Moon.

I don't believe it.

Seriously? Got better kids
in the infant class.


[Bell tolls]

Molly Moon, you are a star.

Welcome to showbiz.

Molly, Molly,

How does it feel
to be toast of the town?

I feel right at home.

MAN: Do you think
fame will change you?

Of course it won't.

Your family
must be so proud.

Are they here


Couldn't make it.

You've become a star

Everything a girl
could ask for.

So tell me, if there was
one person in the whole world

You could share all this
with, who would it be?

[No audible dialogue]

All those people,

I fooled them.

I cheated, Petula.

I feel so bad about it.

They don't really love me,

Not like my real friends.

I miss Rocky, Petula.


Oh, there you are, Molly.

You need to get dressed
for the after-show party.

I'll take Petula.





I know what you're up to,

And I know your secret.

You just hypnotize people
to get what you want.

Six years of ballet lessons,

Tap lessons,
singing lessons,

And you just bat
your eyelashes and waltz in.

You're right, Davina.

This is yours.

I just wanted
what you had.

You're the star.

I thought I could make
everything great,

But I didn't at all.

I don't want this

This is yours.

Thank you.

I was a bit
of a monster.

We've both made mistakes,

It's time I went home.

But aren't you
an orphan?

Yes, I am.

Then you
haven't got a family.

But that doesn't mean
I don't have people
who love me,

And I miss them.

I'm giving
all this up.

Molly! Sweetie,
what are you

There's a Charlie
Cooper interview
in half an hour.

We've got the, uh,
after-show party.

There's this agent
I really...

I'm leaving the show, Barry.

In fact, I'm leaving
show business.


Uh, Molly,
Molly, Molly!

No, no, no, no.
Don't, uh...

Don't try

Just focus
on singing and
dancing right now.

You said to be a star,
I must really want it.

Well, I realized I don't.

My friends
are more important,

And I miss them,

So I quit.

You ungrateful
little brat!

I'm sorry, Barry.

Ahem. [Clears throat]

You're nobody, Moon!

You know that?

And to think I got rid
of a real star for you.

Why don't you
go and get her back?

She's over there
in the dressing room.

Ask Davina back?
She'll never agree.

she's a monster.

She's pretty brilliant,

Much better than me,

And she deserves
another chance.

Imagine the publicity.

Barry Rix masterminds
the comeback of Davina
"Darling" Nuttel.

Brain wave.
Davina in a new show,
massive extravaganza.

Do you feel it?
Music extravaganza,

dancing girls,
the whole lot.

It's fantastic. Yes.
Do you like it?

When can we
start rehearsal?

Anytime you like.
I'm a genius!

You are.


you look fabulous!

So much to discuss.



Molly! I missed you!

I've missed you,
too, Rocky.

This young man
came to the hotel
looking for you.

I knew you were here,
so I brought him along.

Thank you.

We have to look after
our friends.

You understand that?

Now travel home safely.

The Alabasters could
never be my family.

They were horrible.

But what about you?

You're a star now.

Well, it's not for me.

I thought I could
make everything better.

What are you
talking about?

I found this book.

This book taught you
how to hypnotize people?

Yes. It was fun at first,

Edna with the spaghetti
and Adderstone.

And then it sort of
started going wrong.

Come on. We best get
back to the orphanage.

I hypnotized
the director
to pick me

And all
the audience.

All of the audience?

But that's amazing, Molly!

You were on television
all over the world.

Miss Moon,
this letter has
just arrived for you.

Thank you.

She's been kidnapped!

I've got to go
to the meeting
point alone!

I have to be there
by dawn.

Let's call the police!

We can't tell
the police.

They'll find out
what I've been doing.

You can't just go alone!

We need a plan, okay?

He doesn't know about me.

That's our advantage.

He said come alone.

When did we start doing
what grownups say?

Come on, then.

[Distant siren blares]


Now you listen.


You. It's you!

Why are you
wearing those...

I know what you learned
in that book,

And you won't do it to me.

I have
a little job for you.


Do what you're told,

And you and the dog
go free. Come on.

MOLLY: Rob a bank?

I can't rob a bank.

I'm not a criminal.

Don't fool yourself.

You conned your way into fame
and fortune, didn't you?

How would that look
on a billboard?

I was just trying...

You're a natural,
all right?

And we're
not robbing a bank.

We are robbing the people
who are robbing a bank.



We'll wait
for Cregg's men

To come out of the bank

In the security truck.

It will be stuffed
with jewels.

Then you do
as you're told.

Where did she come from?

Where'd she go?

That's my girl.


Come on!

I've done
what you wanted!

You said
you'd let me go!

[Petula barking]

Hurry up.
Get in there!

We had a deal.

Well, that's
show business. Heh.

Okay, Mum...

This is where your son
hits the big time!

[Petula barking]

Ah! The dog
stays in the box.

NOCKMAN: Sit there.


What is this?

What is this?

Iris recognition.

Access denied.

Step away
from the vehicle.

[Distant siren blaring]

[Electricity crackles]

Step away from the vehicle.

Step away from the vehicle.

It's not fair!

Get him!



Hello, sonny.
Going somewhere?


You're in this together?

But he's
your biggest rival!

Tony and I
joined forces

Just before we
joined forces.

Didn't we, Tony?

Oh, you're so cute.

You're old enough
to be his...

Think about the end
of that sentence.

[Petula barks]
MOLLY: Petula.


Well, it's a pleasure

To finally meet you.


You are a clever girl.

Stay where you are, pal!

You think we don't know

What we're
dealing with here?

You were fantastic
hypnotizing half the world,

Let alone my two guys
at the bank,

But now we have something
that you're gonna
have to do for us,

Something that
we knew about,

But my stupid son didn't.

Iris recognition.

Come on.
Access denied.

I know
you can do it.

I can't do it!
It's a machine!

Step away from the vehicle.

Otherwise, that dog
of yours is dog meat.

Go on!
Iris recognition.

Unable to identify.
I know you can do it!

Stop fooling around!

Unable to identify.

Unable to...

To I-iden... ident...


Iris identification.

Access granted.

Ha ha!

Yes! Get down.

Come here.




Put them both
in the lockup,

And let's get
this stuff in the car.

Okay, babe.
Mum? What about me?


Get in there.

What about you, son?

[Cregg chuckles]

All the work
I put into this.

by my own mother.

And now your Mum's
dumped you,

And it's all gone wrong.

Don't expect me to feel sorry
for you, Nockman.

You stole something
that wasn't yours,

And you cheated.

You're one to talk.

Guess we've both
got ourselves into a mess.

You're right.

I cheated, too.

I was wrong.

And I've lost
my best friend again.

Perhaps not, hmm?


He wants you
to lock it again
with your eyes...

Using the mirrors

When they're both

In the back of the truck.

Come on, Tony!
Don't just stand there!

Come on. Help me!

We've got one more load,

And we're done!

Take this.

[Mouths words]

Put it in! Put it in!

Over here!

We need to go.

I can't do it.

It's too far away.

I saw what you did
in the studio

With the big
magnifying glass.

Iris identification.

Apply lock.

[Electricity crackles]


It worked!

That little monster.

Molly, you did it!

that was brilliant!

Let's get you out of there.

get away with this!

What about him?
[Cregg yelling]

I don't think he's
a problem anymore.

CREGG: You have to open
this door now.

But we do have
to deal with them.

Hey, talk to your boy!

You know, they took
their glasses off.

CREGG: Look, man,
listen to your mother!

Aw, they look happy now.

We've got to get
those jewels back,
don't we, Nockman?


surrounds the discovery

Of two notorious criminals

Found in Trafalgar Square
this morning.

Police believe they masterminded

Shorings Bank robbery.

The jewels from the heist
were recovered

Along with garden gnomes.

Now there's a Christmas puzzle
to solve.

So tell them
you're going
to Briersville, hmm,

And they'll tell you
where to change trains.

So what are you going
to do now, Nockman,

Find another bank to rob?

No. I don't want to
end up like my Mum.

In prison.

She's all I had.

You must have friends.

We can be your friends.

You know where we are.

Come and visit us.

Thank you.

I will.

Okay, now come on.

You'll be late.

Merry Christmas.

Did we spend
all of the reward money
on Christmas presents?

Yes, we did.

It looks deserted.

Oh, I hope
everything's all right.

We weren't away
for that long.

When Gerry called,
now I think about it,

He sounded so worried.

Oh, dear,
where is everybody?

Molly! Rocky!


Molly! Rocky!
You're home!

[Overlapping chatter,

We missed you.

Yay! Molly!

What are you
doing back here?

I thought
you were adopted.

I'd rather be here.

We thought
you left us, Molly.


London was amazing,

But there was
something missing.


No, not spaghetti, Ruby.

I missed all of you.


Even you, Hazel.

Thanks, Molly.

Do we all get presents?

Of course.

There's something
for everyone.


We all
get presents!

ROCKY: Where's Adderstone?

She's in her room.

She hardly ever
comes out anymore.

So who's
looking after you?

I am.

Oh, Mrs. Trinklebury!

Come here.


I came back this morning

When I heard
what had been going on.

Had to make sure
all you sprouts
were all right.

was horrible to you.

I think she's forgotten
about that.

She's not been
quite herself.

Well, anyway,
she's leaving today.

Miss Adderstone.

Molly Moon.

Are you
still hypnotized?

I'm just waiting for a taxi.

I think I've been making
a bit of a fool of myself,

And I know I haven't
been very nice to you.


There's something
I should have given to you

That I never have.


When you were found
on the doorstep...

This was in the box
with you.

Your mother
wanted to keep you,
but she couldn't.

She did love you,

That's for certain.

Now... Now go back,
and join the others.

"My darling daughter."

[Door opens, closes]

Haven't seen you
for some time.

I have something of yours.

Thank you, Molly.

I hope it helped.

How did you know?

It has.

I mean it really has.

It's funny how it has
a way of getting into
the right hands.

You left it there for me
to find, didn't you?

Well, sometimes it needs
a little help finding
the right person.

Who are you?

I'm just the librarian.

Now hadn't you
better be getting back?

It's Christmas Eve.

I probably should.

Thank you.

You're very welcome.

Oh, and Molly?

It wasn't the hypnotism
that made you special.

It was you.

MOLLY: There was
one more thing to sort out.


Mrs. Trinklebury.

We need
to ask you something.

We love you,

And we
need you here.

Please would you
stay and look after us?

I'd love to.


♪ Sometimes you must go

♪ To a place far away

♪ See things
you don't know ♪

♪ The games
you must play ♪

♪ To find your way home


♪ I dropped in a nest

♪ Got into a mess

♪ Was put to the test

♪ You guys are the best

♪ I found my way home

[Laughter, chatter]

[New song plays]

♪ Well, I've been down
below the ground ♪

♪ Couldn't see
the stars were shining ♪

♪ Way up above

♪ With so much love

♪ Didn't know the world
was calling ♪

♪ Whoa oh, whoa oh

♪ Didn't know
the stars were shining ♪

♪ Whoa oh, whoa oh

♪ Didn't know
the world was calling ♪

♪ And I'm shouting out
with the loudest light ♪

♪ A sh**ting star
is here tonight ♪

♪ I can see it all
like a satellite ♪

♪ A sh**ting star
is coming home tonight ♪

♪ She said, "Believe"

♪ It's all in me

♪ Didn't know
that words have meaning ♪

♪ A fantasy

♪ Can make it be

♪ Couldn't see
the world was pining ♪

♪ Whoa oh, whoa oh

♪ Didn't know
the stars were shining ♪

♪ Whoa oh, whoa oh

♪ Didn't know
the world was calling ♪

♪ And I'm shouting out
with the loudest light ♪

♪ A sh**ting star
is here tonight ♪

♪ I can see it all
like a satellite ♪

♪ A sh**ting star
is coming home tonight ♪

♪ My satellite

♪ Is burning bright

♪ My satellite

♪ My satellite

♪ Is burning bright

♪ My satellite

♪ And I'm shouting out

♪ With the loudest light

♪ A sh**ting star
is here tonight ♪

♪ I can see it all
like a satellite ♪

♪ A sh**ting star
is coming home tonight ♪

♪ And I'm shouting out
with the loudest light ♪

♪ A sh**ting star
is here tonight ♪

♪ I can see it all
like a satellite ♪

♪ A sh**ting star
is coming home tonight ♪

♪ And I'm shouting out
with the loudest light ♪

♪ A sh**ting star
is here tonight ♪

♪ I can see it all
like a satellite ♪

♪ A sh**ting star
is coming home tonight ♪

[New song plays]

♪ Believe in myself

♪ I believe in myself

♪ I'm like no one else

♪ If they could see
for themselves ♪

♪ I'm a star

♪ I'm a star
that shines so brightly ♪

♪ That's me

♪ There are places
that I long to see ♪

♪ I've only pictured them
and make believe ♪

♪ All those people
that will let me be ♪

♪ The one and only me

♪ Taking one step at a time

♪ To claim
what was always mine ♪

♪ If I listen to the stars,
they say ♪

♪ It's my night

♪ It's my day

♪ Believe in myself

♪ I believe in myself

♪ I'm like no one else

♪ If they could see
for themselves ♪

♪ I'm a star

♪ I'm a star
that shines so brightly ♪

♪ That's me
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