Tom and Jerry: The Lost Dragon (2014)

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Tom and Jerry: The Lost Dragon (2014)

Post by bunniefuu »

By the authority granted to me by
the enchanted order of Elder Elves...

I, Kaldorf the Great...

do hereby banish you...

Drizelda the witch,
for practicing dark magic...

threatening to harm our hamlet...

And using nasty, thieving
animals against our citizens.

EMILY: And she made fun of my hat!

Remember? She said it looked silly.

Oh, uh, right, and the
thing about the hat.

I mean, ahem, and the
thing about the hat.

Oh, Kaldorf,
how bitter you've become.

Have you forgotten all the
wonderful times we spent together?

You teaching me how
to harness my power?

Ugh, I do remember.

I also remember how you
grew mad with that power.

I can no longer let
my poor judgment...

bring ruin to this
town and its people.

I won't let you do this to us.

Not your niece, Drizelda. You've
mistreated Athena for the last time.

The only one being mistreated
around here is me, Kaldork.

Athena, tell this
insufferable old crow...

how well you're being looked after.

I'm sorry, Auntie, but I'm
staying here with Kaldorf.


You silly little girl.
These people aren't your friends.

They're fools.



Anyway, heh, you don't have
the power to banish me.

Try, and I'll use dark magic to
turn you all into wart ogres.



ALL: You tell them, Auntie.






DRIZELDA: (YELLING) You will pay for this!


And now that that's out of the way...

it's festival time, people.

MAN: Festival time!


Yeah! Yeah!


Heh, I'm glad you stayed, Tom.

EMILY: You shouldn't have
kept the girl, Kaldorf.

Who's to say she's not just as evil?

She is a cat person after all.

I love all animals. See?

I saved him from one
of Auntie's spells.


She carries vermin with her!

Oh, no, his name is Jerry.

Don't worry, my dear. People's attitudes
will change over time, I hope.

See, Tom? Heh.

Isn't he cute? I think you and
Jerry could be great friends.

ATHENA: Oh, Jerry.

I'm gonna head into
town to get food...

And hopefully some donations
for the shelter, heh.

Everyone seems to be much more
pleasant during festival season.


Aw. Thank you, Jerry.

Now, while I'm gone, you and
Tom are in charge. Got it?




Whoa, whoa, whoa,
not so fast, buster.

Remember what happened last time?

Energetic warthogs and
construction zones don't mix.


Go on.



So how's the wing coming?


Wish me luck, Max.







ATHENA: Okay, today is a
new day. Just stay positive.

Elves are basically good people.

BOY: Hey, Athena.

Hi, guys.

I hear an apple a day
keeps the witches away.



Thank you for your donation to
Athena's Shelter for Unwanted Animals.

You again? How many times
do I have to tell you?

There will be no handouts.

You will not get a bite from me, hmm.

MAN: Attention, my good,
good friends!

The preparation of this year's Harvest
Festival is underway. (BELLS JINGLING)

We have tents the size
of the town hall...

The most beautiful fireworks display,
as well as plenty of games and prize...

EMILY: Oh, stop daydreaming.
We are already way behind schedule.

Uh, yes, dear, of course.

EMILY: Athena.

Yes, Emily, how can I help?

You can start by going back to
your shack and making sure...

That none of those horrible
creatures run amok like last year.

That warthog of yours made
this place look like a w*r zone.

- ATHENA: And I'm so sorry about that.

MAN: Somebody stop that thing!

- No!
- Excuse me.




Easy, now. You're okay.

- MAN # : Steady.
- MAN # : We got it.

Let's take a look.



Three cheers for Athena!

- Hip, hip!
- ALL: Hooray!

- DAMON: Hip, hip!
- CROWD: Hooray!

Hold everything.


Remember, this is Athena.

Let's not forget who
she's related to.

And if any one of her beasts gets out,
the festival could be totally ruined.

Oh, they won't get out.
I have it all under control.

Maybe we should give
her just one more chance.

I second that.

Hmm. Oh, all right,
just this one time.

- WOMAN # : For the animals.
- MAN # : Here you are.

ATHENA: Thank you.
So generous.

WOMAN # : Here.

- MAN # : Aah!
- Uh-oh.



Oh, no!

No, no, no.


This isn't happening. Look out!


Please, no.






Get that freak out of here!


- MAN # : Who's gonna clean up this mess?
- MAN # : Not gonna be me.


ATHENA: Oh, no.

Why do I bother?

They'll never accept me.


I'm sorry, guys.
This isn't fair to you.
Someday I'll make everything better.

Someday I'll find where we belong.

There's a place for everyone

For creatures big and small

I've made a place for everyone

As best I could in all

My life is like one big menagerie

But will I ever find a place for me?


I help those who can't themselves

And make them all feel good

But where's the cure for always being

- So misunderstood?
- (SHOUTS)[/i]

Don't get me wrong
You're all fine company

But still I need to
find a place for me

Sometimes I feel as bad as you

A self-defeated elf

But maybe I can find the truth

Deep within myself

And maybe everyone will then agree

That I found a place

A warm and cozy space

When I have found my place

- Yes, I will find a place

That's meant for me

Huh? Heh.





Hey, I'm getting the feeling
we ain't welcome here.

Yeah. Uh-oh. Yeah, not welcome
at all. Not welcome one bit.

Go on. You should more scared
of disappointing Auntie.

Yeah, disappointing Auntie
very bad. Very bad idea.

Wouldn't want to do that.

Looks sort of scary in there.

Yeah, it's definitely very scary.
Frightening even.

- Go on.
- PAN: All right.

Uh, Tin, we ain't the first
ones who been here.

PAN: Yeah, not the first. Definitely
not the first, second or third.

Probably number . Seventeen, .



Hey, look, Tin,
one size fits all, ha, ha.

Quiet. We're not looking
for just any treasure.

Auntie only wants the
big round pearly thing.

She says it'll be easy
to spot because...

It glows.


Oh, you keep it, heh. Go ahead,
it's yours. I don't really need it.

I got it. Let's go.

- Uh-oh, I don't like the sound of that.

- Yeah, don't like it at all. Not one bit.
- Hush.



TIN: Run for your life!

PAN: Running! Running
for my life!


ALLEY: Stay away from dragons.
Stay away from dragons!



ATHENA: Here you go, Jerry.

Oh, heh. Jerry,
can you get Tom to fill this?



Water. Now.



DRIZELDA: Where is it?
Where is my treasure? Heh.

Come now, show your
old Auntie Drizelda.

Not those trinkets.

You know the treasure I seek.

I do, and I've got it right here.




I thought it felt kind of light, heh.

Where is my dragon's egg?

- Dragon's egg?
- It, um...

- Uh, must have fallen out.
- Fallen out, on the ground, gone.

- You lost it?
- No, not really, no, heh. Of course not.

Dimwits! That dragon's egg
means everything to me.

What it contains could give me more
power than Kaldorf ever dreamed of.

I'd at last have my revenge on
him and that infernal hamlet.

Um, maybe we can find it.

Oh, you're going to
find it, all right, heh.

And this time, your old Auntie
Drizelda is going to help you.


A pinch of potion this

A dab of darkness that

Ah, it's easier to seek and find

When a cat is half a bat


Search high, search low
Search far and wide

Find me that egg
Or I'll have your hide!

Oh, it's an egg.
It won't hurt you, Tom.

You do have to keep
it warm, though. Come on.





There'll be some cream in it for you.

But you cannot move from the egg.

Hmm, I just have to find
out what kind of egg it is.




No, no, no, hmm, no.

Oh, that's it!

It's a dragon's egg.

Tom, you're supposed
to be with the egg.

Oh, my, it's hatching.


Tom, he thinks you're his mother.


Heh, what a cute little puff.
I'm gonna name you Puffy.



Oh, such a sweet baby.

We're just gonna have
to take care of him.

Though this is the first
dragon we've ever had.

I'll talk to Kaldorf tomorrow.
He'll know what to do.





Mama, heh.

Heh, good morning, Tom.
How's our Puffy doing?

Now, keep an eye on him.

Morning, Jerry.
Don't forget to make your bed.

Breakfast. Bread.



Like the cream, Tom? I got it
special for you, just like I said.







PUFFY: Mama.

Tom, you're supposed
to be watching Puffy.

Huh. Where'd he go?



PUFFY: Mama!

Oh, no.


Higher, higher.

A little higher.


EMILY: Higher.



A little higher. Oh, perfect.








That's it! You've used up the
last of my patience, fleabag.



ATHENA: Oh, that was close.

If the Elf Elders knew I
had a dragon in town...

- KALDORF: You would be banished.
- Huh! Kaldorf.

They think only witches consort
with the likes of ogres and dragons.

- Oh, uh, I was going to tell you.
- Well, now I know.

Well, what should I do?

Send him back to the
wild where he belongs.

- But he's a helpless baby.
- You have no choice, Athena.

Your little friend here would be all
the proof they need to cast you out.

I can no longer protect you
from them. I'm getting too old.

- Promise me you'll do as I say.
- Uh, but...


- Well, I mean, uh...
- Athena.

Okay, I promise.

It's for your own good, young lady.

Okay, boys, take Puffy
back to our house.

I didn't say when I'd do it.
I will send Puffy away...

when he's older and
can fend for himself.

Until then, somebody's
gotta take care of him.

I'll find a cage to make sure
he doesn't get away again.

See you back at the house.






Mama! Mama!



Mama. Heh.



TIN: Well, look in here, heh.

If it ain't Tommy boy.
Remember us, Auntie's favorites?

Why, you got what we've
been looking for.

- I don't see no egg.
- Yeah, definitely no egg to be seen.

The lizard, you losers.
The egg's been hatched.

We're bringing Auntie back
something even better.




I gotcha.

Talk about halitosis.



TIN: There he is.


Get him.

Bramble bushes!




- ALLEY: Anyone bring some ointment?
- PAN: Yeah, could use some of that.

Definitely could use
some ointment. Aloe vera.

Hey, guys, I'm back
with Puffy's cage.

Tom! Jerry!

Why can't anyone follow
directions around here?



Kaldorf, you haven't seen
Tom and Jerry, have you?

Uh, no, Athena I haven't.

Come to think of it, I haven't
seen them for some time now.

Oh, okay. Great.

Athena, I assume you've
taken care of the problem?

Guh, uh...

Yes, of course. So taken care of.





Ah, Kaldorf, heh,
how long has it been?

Oh, right, ever since
you banished me.

And I can do it again
if I have to, Drizelda.

No, you won't.

You're too old and I'm too powerful.

Well, I will be.

We're not scared of
you and your niece.

- Huh?
- Athena, you're not like these dolts.

You're like me: smart,
daring, vivacious.

It's not too late to
come back to Auntie.

Just tell me,
where is the baby dragon?

No one's seen a dragon for ages.

I'm not the only one
looking for it, you know.




Athena, you don't
still have the baby.


Oh, please, Kaldorf. She'll hurt him.

Let's speed this up, shall we?







PUFFY: Mama!

- Huh?
- Oh, baby needs a nap.


Auntie, no!

TIN: Let's go.


ATHENA: Please!

We have to save him.
He's in terrible danger.

Well, better him than us.
We've had enough of your animal antics.

- Emily...
- No, Kaldorf.

Tomorrow I'm shutting
her house down for good.

The cat, the vermin and whatever else
is in that rat trap leaves this hamlet.

And she's welcome to join them.


Well, then I have
nothing left to lose.

- Huh! What?
- Athena, where are you going?

It takes a full night's ride
to get to Drizelda's place,

but I'll get there in
half the time, hyah.



In you go.




Is our little pet collared and comfy?


Well, the sooner you help me,
the sooner this is over.

All I need from you is a little heat.

(SINGING) You see,
right here is a stone that I hold

More valuable than any riches or gold

With a power inside
that can never be beat

And to set it all free

I just need some heat

Just give me some heat

A little heat


Not just any kind of hot will do

Not a torch, nor the sun
No, it's all up to you

So, what do you say?

Help your old Auntie out
You know what I'm talking about

I'm talking 'bout heat

Just give me some heat

A little heat


So fire it up, hot stuff
What do you say?

Shall we take it easy
Or do this the hard way?

Yes, yes.


Fine, we'll do this the hard way.

Bring me the grinder!

Grind him, boys.





DRIZELDA: (SINGING) Sorry 'bout that
It's the price you must pay

When my magic takes hold
And takes your breath away

So you better get ready
And hold onto your seat

The time is now for
my plan to complete

I just need some heat

Just give me some heat

A last bit of heat

'Cause I am feeling the heat


Say hello to Auntie.

(IN UNISON) Hello, Auntie.

- Hey.
- And goodbye, Auntie.

Coming through. Jobless.
Definitely jobless. Looking for work.

Hyah, hyah!




I hope that's the wind.








Uh... Um...

You're looking for your baby, right?

We are too. We're your friends.

We've been taking care of your baby.

(AS PUFFY) Mama.

Kaldorf, I forbid you
to bring back that girl.

Dear, I don't think you
can forbid a wizard.

Well, you'd think he'd
have better sense.

Sense seems to be at a premium here.

If everyone had just opened
their eyes and seen Athena...

As the kind-hearted soul she is, maybe this
whole calamity could have been avoided.

- Oh, I fear it's just beginning.


Hello again, Kaldorf.
This time I come bearing gifts.

Don't think of it as a statue...

But as a marker to mark the spot...

Where a hamlet filled
with fools once stood.

Be on your way, Drizelda.

You're going to stop me?


Step aside, you silly old wizard.

You will stay back!


By the authority granted to me by
the enchanted order of Elder Elves...

I, Kaldorf the Great... Oh!

Wish you hadn't done that.

Or that.

Or that.

You know, I used to think
you were powerful, Kaldorf.

But now I look upon
you more as, uh, lunch.




- Are you okay?
- Well...

That's right, Mama. Your baby
just went rock-a-bye-bye.





I was waiting for that.

It's the stone, Athena.


You must destroy the jewel
around Drizelda's neck.


Come on!


Now to turn your happy
hamlet into a tasty omelet.

No, you don't, Auntie.

Foolish child.

I hope you don't think I'm going
to be lenient with family members.


You will stay back! I proclaim it.

And just what do you think
you're going to do with that?

Uh... Ugh!


I'll get you!


Oh, no, you don't.

Get off!









Look out!


That stone is mine.











Good bye, Puffy. Good bye.

EMILY: Athena.

Uh, yes, Emily?

I've been such a fool.
Can you ever forgive me?

Oh, heh, of course.

Three cheers for Athena,
savior of the hamlet!

- Hip, hip!
- CROWD: Hooray!

- EMILY: Hip, hip! Hip, hip!
- CROWD: Hooray!




(ALL GASPING)[/font&

Have I mentioned lately how
much I love these animals?

Hey, what do you know?
She loves animals.

Come here, you.
You're so sweet and huggable.



I can't believe this
is finally happening.

My dear, with a heart like yours,
it was always only just a matter of time.

There's place for everyone

For creatures big and small

I've made a place for everyone

As best I could in all

My life is like one big menagerie

And now I've finally found a place

A place where I'm embraced

I finally found a place

That's meant for me

DRIZELDA:[/i] Don't even think about it.
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