Space Dogs: Adventure to the Moon (2014)

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Space Dogs: Adventure to the Moon (2014)

Post by bunniefuu »

A long time ago in a
country very away far called Russia,

there were two best friends
that went into space together.

Their names
were Belka and Strelka.

When they came back,

Belka married a brave
German Shepherd named Kazbek.

They had a little puppy
called Pushok.

Pushok wanted to be a space dog
like his mom and dad.

But first he was picked to go on
an exciting adventure to America.

Now, Pushok, have you
remembered everything?

Mom, don't worry. This isn't the
first time I've been away from home.

Yes, Belka, Pushok is a big boy.

I know, Kazbek, but I'm gonna
miss my little baby so much.

Mom, I can't breathe.

Time to go, Son. Your mom and
I are both very proud of you.

Thanks, Dad.

And when I get back, I'll start
training to be a space dog, right?

Absolutely not. Being a
space dog is dangerous.

That's why your Aunt Strelka and I
are going back into show business.

We'll talk about it
when you get back.

Have a good time, kiddo.

Bye, Aunt Strelka!
Bye, kid!

Don't take any wooden nickels!
Tell the Americans nothing!

- Bye, Son.
- Be safe, darling. We love you.

I'm gonna miss him so.

He'll be fine.
He's a great kid.

- Takes after his aunt.
- Okay, ladies, time to hit the road.

Fame and fortune await!

We'll see you
in two months, big guy.

Have a good time, my little star.
Break a leg. Well, not really.

You know what I mean.

All right,
let's get this party started.

Hit the tunes, Porky.

♪ Please, baby, say to me ♪

♪ All the things
that set me free ♪

I'm gonna miss them. Yeah, things
will be pretty dull here without them.

Or not.

It looks like that beam
came from the moon.

We'd better get back to base. Come on.

Moonshot One is
on the pad and prepped for go.

All indicators
are ready for launch.

Comrade Kesha.

Are we still receiving that
strange signal sent from the moon?

It's very weak,
but we still are.

And we still don't know
the language?

It's in no language
that we recognize.

Then it's up to Kazbek
to find out what's up there.

Mission Control,
this is Commander Kazbek.

Begin systems check.
Launch control...

is good.

Boosters set to standby. Signal
tracking is online and good to go.

We have your flight path set to
put you close to the green beam.

Roger, Control.
Once I make moon landing,

I will attempt to make
contact with the moon rover.

Tell the brass in Moscow if the Americans
are behind this, I'll find out about it.

Roger, Commander. Commencing
launch sequence now.

Engines are go for burn.

Six, five, four,

three, two, one.

Rockets to full.

We have liftoff.

Control, I have cleared
the launch tower.

Roger, Kazbek.
You are go for the moon.

First-stage separation is good.

Prepare second-stage separation.

Second stage confirmed.
Next stop, the moon.

It's a pretty small house
tonight, don't you think?

Small? Small? Any smaller, and
we'd undergo gravitational collapse.

How I long for the long ago days
when crowds lined up for blocks

to see the famous first dogs in space
perform family friendly entertainment

at a reasonable price.

Wasn't that, like, a month ago?

Show business is
a fickle calling, my friend.

Are the girls ready?
Good to go, boss.

Then, in the famous words
of Vladimir Ulyanov - Hmm?

The show must go on!

Ladies and gentlemen,

pets, animals
and vermin of all kinds,

you are about to experience
in this humble venue

the absolute towering pinnacle
of theatrical stagecraft,

for tonight
I bring you two stars

that have journeyed
through the heavens themselves

and returned to bring you the musical
tale of their heroic adventure.

Ladies and gentlemen,
I bring you Belka and Strelka!

♪ We're lightin' up the sky
just like a firework ♪

♪ We're sparkling so bright,
every head will turn ♪

♪ Tonight, tonight, tonight ♪

♪ We're lightin' up the stage
just like a spotlight ♪

♪ Everybody
Everybody, get in line ♪

♪ Tonight, tonight, tonight ♪

♪ We are stars
We are stars ♪

♪ We are stars
We are stars ♪

♪ We are stars
We are stars ♪

♪ We are stars
We are stars ♪

♪ We are stars
We are stars ♪

♪ We are stars
We are stars ♪

♪ Everyone can see
we're livin' a dream ♪

♪ We are stars
We are stars ♪

♪ We are stars We are
stars We are stars ♪♪

Did you use all the
fireworks, you idiot?

Um, I wasn't supposed to?

Oh, something happened!

"Come into show business
with me," you said.

"Flying rockets through space
was too dangerous," you said.

Yes, I am aware
of the irony in this situation.

Well, that never happened
in rehearsal. Ooh!


I always wondered
why you insisted

we wear parachutes
under our costumes.

I've worked with Lenny before.

Everybody, this is Pushok.

Pushok's parents are
famous Russian space dogs.

Isn't that exciting?

Pushok, do you want to
play Frisbee? I'll get one.

Hi. Um, it's nice to meet you.

Let's get something straight.

I'm the big dog around here. Oui.

- You are? I thought you were a cat.
- I am, you brainless bunny.

I thought I was a rabbit.

Pushok! Where are you?
- It's Caroline. I gotta go.

I'll come back later
and we can play.

Who was that?

is trouble.

Things were fine
before Pushok showed up.

And as far as I'm concerned, four pets
in the White House is one too many, right?

Do you mean me?

Good boy!
Good boy, Pushok!

When my dad gets back,
he'll play with us.

Just look at him out there,
shamelessly frolicking.

That fleabag has no dignity.

It makes me so angry, the
frizz is going out of my do.

I must call my stylist.

Oh, Pushok, I wish you
could stay with us forever.

She'll get tired of us, and we'll
all be sold for medical experiments!

Run for your lives!
He has a point.

Pushok is clearly becoming
Caroline's favorite pet.

We must get rid of him.

Mission Control, this is Kazbek.

I am on final approach
to a lunar landing.

Everything looks good
for landing, Commander.

You are go for Moonfall.

Landing thrusters engaged.

Landing gear deployed.

Ten meters. Eight meters.

Five meters. Three meters.

Two. One. Contact.


Control, I am down in space.

I moved over to their-

Commander Kazbek,
we are losing your transmission.

Please come in.

Commander? Commander Kazbek,
can you hear us? Commander!

I think our friend Kazbek has
found the source of the beam.

Mission Control, I do not
know if you are receiving me,

but I am in the rover
and moving out onto the surface.

I am proceeding
to the primary target area.

Mission Control,
no sign of the beam's origin,

but I am detecting some sort
of strange energy readings.

I've never seen
anything like it. I, uh-

Mission Control!
Mission Control!

I see something, and it
looks like a-It looks like a-


Mission Control, this is Kazbek
in Moon Rover One.

I am in an emergency situation!

Control, can you hear me?
Mission Control! Mission Control!

White House, this is Eagle One.

We have the president
and the joint chiefs aboard.

Roger. You are cleared
to land, Eagle One.

All right, General, I want a full
update about this moon ray immediately.

The CIA is prepared to brief you
on the situation in the situation room.

Sir, we think the Russian Space
Agency... Great! The president is back.

Caroline will be so excited
to see her father.

Oh, boy. She said she wanted him
to play with us when he got home,

but maybe he's too tired
after his trip.

Maybe he has
to go to the bathroom.

I sure do.

Ah! That's better.

I'll ask him
if he wants to play.

Pushok! Where are you?

The master has returned.

I better allow him to pamper me
or his day will not be complete.

Make way for the president's
favorite pussycat.


We've only picked up
garbled signals, sir.


But it appears the Russians
are definitely involved.

Did he say Russians?
Oh, no! Russians!

Did you hear that?

We're totally doomed.

They went right
to the situation room?

- Oh, no. Do you think it's a situation?
- Of course.

That's the room
they have situations in.

Okay. Is it bad?

Yes. Of course it is.

In that room right now,
decisions are being made

that will effect the
fate of people, animals,

countries, the entire
course of history!


Why, we could be poised
on the very brink of w*r.

Oh, no! w*r? You know what
happens during wars, don't you?

They bleed rabbits!

They make them into stews,
coats and hats and even socks!

I don't wanna be anybody's socks!
People always lose the left one!

w*r. What is it good for?
Absolutely nothing. Look!

It's a Russian! The Russians are
coming! The Russians are coming!

Forty-seven brothers and
sisters, and I'm first to go!

Hey there.

Save me!
What's up, guys?

Have you guys seen the president
around? I saw him come in.

Caroline wants to
see if he can play with us.

Huh? What?

He's in there.
I'll get him!

- Come back!
- What is going on in there?

Stop him.
It's awful.

What's he doing?

Pushok just peed on the shoes
of the leader of the free world.

Stop him. He's
taking Jackie's vase.

- It's a security breach! Call the army!
- Stop him!

Call a dogcatcher!

I'll need your license, sir.

Can we talk this over,
Officer? You parked on my car.

It wasn't marked
"no parking."

How is your partner anyway?

I'm really very sorry
about this whole ordeal.

What the-
I'll take the ticket!

Well, I don't think we'll be
giving a repeat performance in that club.

I'm beginning to think letting you talk
me into show business was a bad idea.

Me too.

Where'd Lenny go?
He's telling Pig we're broke.

Piggy, my boy, it's time to
face a very unpleasant truth.

Despite all my hard work,
those apples you are eating

represent the total remaining hard
assets of this production company.

But we must not be downhearted.

We are thespians,
and the show must go on.

All we need is one lucky break,
one shiny piece of good fortune,

to turn our luck around
and get us back on our feet.

That's it!

In yonder fountain is the glimmer of
gold we need to rebuild our fortunes.

Or at least buy me a train
ticket out of this dumpy town.

Ugh! This water is cold.

You know, you could help.

I'll split the profits
with you, - .

- Hmm?
- I tell you, Piggy, my lad, stick with me.

Fame and fortune
will soon be ours.

Well, mostly mine, but I am
the brains of the operation.

It's like my grand-rodent
used to say-

"Lenny, you'll never truly be a rat
until you go into show business."

My watch. Where's my watch?

Was anyone watching my watch
to see where it went?

You didn't eat it, did you?

Belka! Strelka!
Call the police!

Alert the National Guard!

Someone has stolen my watch.

It was a gift from my grandpa.

But you stole that.
Only to remember him by.

But that's completely
beside the point.

- What are we going to do?
- Well, we can help you look for it.

A phone. That's it.
I'll call the police.

The police love it
when rats call 'em.

That rat is one weird cat.

Lenny means well.

I've worked with him for years.

That's nice. But I've worked
with him for three months,

and I'm beginning to forget
what food tastes like.


Hello! Can you hear me?
Is this the police?

I wanna report a robbery!
A grand theft!

A crime of the century!
Put out an APB! ASA-

All I hear is squeaking. Is this a joke?


I'll have you know I am a handsome
male rodent with a pleasant baritone.

I should clean
your ears out with a plunger.

Hey, looks like
I hit the jackpot. Ooh-hoo!

Oh, how I missed you, my golden
darling. Oh, no. You can't get away.

Wait here, my shiny lovelies, while
I collect our little lost lamb.

Gotcha. Huh?

My money!

Don't worry, babies!
Daddy's coming!

I gotcha. I gotcha.

But who's got me?

Lenny sure is taking
his time. Hmm?

Hey, didn't there used
to be a phone booth here?

I think
something fishy's going on.

Maybe he made a collect call.



Oh, no!
Where's my bag?

It just disappeared.

Vanished. Gone.
Oh, no, no.

- What was in it?
- Just every bone I ever saved.


Belka, Strelka, where'd you go?

Where am I going?

This is not good.
I'm afraid of heights.

Now I'm higher!

Hello! Hello!
Is anybody there?

- I need help!
- Hello.

I am in the process
of being abducted!

If you'd like to make a call,
check the number and dial again.

I don't think you appreciate
the gravity of my situation.

Come to think of it,
I never appreciated gravity.

I need help!


No Lenny's here.



I can't believe he's gone.

I thought a bad penny like
Lenny would always turn up.

Keep your eyes open.

Our sources say they were
performing somewhere around here.

Remember, Strelka, it's
always darkest before the dawn.

Yeah, that's because
of the lack of sun at night.

Over there. Is that them?
Yes. Stop the car.

No, don't stop.
It looks suspicious. Go. Go!

Now, turn around very casually.

Yes. We've got them.

Halt! In the name of the
National Space Agency!


So, I have found you at last.
You were looking for us?

This is official business.

doggies. Good doggies.

Belka, they have crazy eyes.

Are you space dog Belka,
also known as Bella Romanov,

also known
as Bella the Magnificent?

Uh, those are my stage names.
You know that.

And you are her friend Strelka.

Oh, Kesha, it's so good
to see you again.

You can help us find Lenny.

Put them in the car.


Quit pushing!
What's going on?

We have much
to discuss on the way,

my former comrades.


Someone save me!

Um, save us?
Yeah, right. Us. Save us.

Well, mostly me.

Mr. President,
we are flying over New York

and expect to be at the Cape
in three hours.

Thank you, Colonel.

Pushok, look.
It's the Statue of Liberty.

I'm so glad Father said we could
come to the moon rocket launch.

Is it possible
to get seasick in a helicopter?

Why are you so clumsy?

Why are you so fat? Tell me that. Yeah.

Fat? I'm not fat.

I have an unfortunate
glandular condition.

And I expect
that explains the smell?

Can I help it if airline
food disagrees with me?

Just be grateful I didn't
have a third burrito.

Just look at that. Pushok
rides in the lap of luxury

while we're stuck in here.


Why did we even come
on this trip?

Because of him.

Get back here, you good dog.

I'm convinced
the situation with the Russians

will give me the opportunity
to deal with that pesky fleabag.

Really? We talked about this.

With these ears,
why don't you listen?

- Deal with Pushok how?
- I don't know yet.

But I'll think of something.

All personnel, we
are hours from rocket launch.

All visitors are reminded
of security protocols

and asked to stay
in designated areas.

The president
and his staff have arrived

and are ready
for pre-launch briefing.

Thank you.

- I get nauseous. from traveling.
- And gas.

I have an irritable bowel.

- More like horri-bowel. I wanna sit by the window.
- No!

Pushok, we're supposed
to stay with Dad.


Look at all this!
This is great!

Come on! We're going to be late.

I've never seen so many
spaceships in one place before.



Oh, boy!

Hey, not that way.



Let us go, my dear.

Huh? You don't
want to get fleas.


Fleas? What's wrong
with a few-

That's it.
The moon rocket. Cool!

Our plan is basically
to land on the lunar surface,

and then Captain Chip will
locate the Russian secret w*apon

using the new moon buggy.

How confident are we
that Chip can actually find the moon?

There you are!

This is exciting.
Isn't this exciting?

I suppose it would be if one
was not from Paris. I am French.

Couldn't guess.

I'm Pushok.

What brings you
to the coolest place on Earth?

And where are you from,
Mr. Pushok?

From the White House.

I live in a house
with many colors.

I'm originally from Moscow,

but I'm staying
with the president's family.

My mom and dad are space dogs.

They're both real famous.

My mother is a lingerie model for
people who dress up pets inappropriately.

My father is
on the moon right now.

My father is also
a lingerie model.

That's weird.
We're French.

We're out.

I'm gonna take a look
around this place.

Do you wanna come check it
out with me? Oui. Why not?

I now have a plan

to send that dog
one way to the moon.

You're even more diabolical
than I thought. I like that.

Space Center visitors are
welcome to visit the tourist center.

Ha! Ha! Ha-ha!

I've got you now, Pushok.

What's that? Is this how they
train the space dogs, you think?

Let's try it.

Come on. Follow me.
This is fun!

- Do you think it's safe?
- Sure. How hard can it be?

It's all about confidence.

Being a space dog
must take lots of training.

It does.
But I've been practicing.

Come with me.
Just try to keep me away.

I hate puppy love.

What is this thing?

It's a flight simulator.
I've been in one lots of times.


Power up. Engines on.
And away we go!

I always knew
I could be a space dog.

Oh, Pushok, you look so
dashing. You are a natural.

Hmm. What do
we have here?

Well, Stan, here's another
fine mess you've gotten us into.

I told you to hit the
green button. You hit red.

What do I know from buttons?
I'm a monkey.

Well, it's
probably for the best.

Yeah, anyone who gets in a
rocket with that crazy Chip

probably ain't ever coming back.


Hey, can you reach
the call button?

This is the longest I've ever
gone without scratching my butt.

You said "butt."

So, it seems the moon rocket
could use a new backup crew.




Stop, stop, stop,
stop, stop, stop, stop!

Oh, dear.

I could help my dad if I
had the chance. I don't know.

It seems to me
flying a real rocket

would be much harder
and very dangerous.

Of course it is,
but that won't stop him.

Pushok has a date with destiny.

Can you keep a secret?

I happen to know that the
president has just announced

a new backup pilot for
tomorrow's rescue flight,

and it's gonna be
- Hold on a second.

It's Pushok.

Ooh, how wonderful!

Did you hear what this
strange cat said? Mmm.

You have been chosen
for the mission. Shh.

You can go
and help find your father.

I have?
But how did that happen?

I personally explained
to the president

how much you wanted to go save
your father, and he agreed.

Oh? Wow! That's great!

Yes, of course he did,
but keep it to yourself.

It's all very top secret.

Oh. Okay.


Lenny, ol' boy,
you gotta stay calm.

You've been in worse situations
than this before.

Well, sorta.

At least I'm still alive.

Time for action!

Every great rat needs to admit
when he needs some assistance.

This is operator assistance.

Operator, hello. I need to make a
rat-to-dog call to either Strelka or Belka.

Tell them it's Lenny
and I need a lift home.

Would that be
a long-distance call, sir?

Huh? Uh, very long distance.

I need help!
I'm on the moon!

I've been stolen by aliens
or moon men or something.

They even took my watch!
I need help!

I wanna go home! Or anywhere.
Anywhere but here.

That call cannot
be completed at this time.

What? Okay.
Thanks, operator.

I'll try again after I just
faint from sheer terror.

- Thank you for using the phone company.
- You're welcome.

Belka, Strelka,

you've been brought to me to
volunteer for a very dangerous mission.

Are you asking us or telling us?

Your precious Kazbek
went to the moon

on a top secret assignment.

What? What's happened to him?

We think he was captured
by Americans

from their secret base
on the moon,

or perhaps
he's working with them.

Do you consider that
a possibility?

Kazbek? He's as loyal as it comes.

You think so, do you?

Kazbek has h*jacked
the moon rover.

- Why would he do that?
- Don't play dumb.

She's not playing.
She really is dumb.

Let's us try another
approach. Sign here.

Why? I just want your autograph.

Be careful now. This is a
very big b*mb. Okay. Ready.

Go ahead. Whoa!

Uh-oh. You're
swinging it a little bit.


You just can't
get good turtles anymore.

Ladies, let us come
to an arrangement.

Simply consent,
as two good patriots,

to transport
an expl*sive to the moon.

And to show our thanks, we could
put you back in the spotlight.

Once a star, always a star, no?

How about a new European
tour? Perhaps even America.

Can we talk it over
with our agent?

Hello. Did someone up there
order anchovy pizzas?

Is that the pizza I ordered?
I have low blood sugar?

You two ladies should
consider helping us.

If you do not, things may
become difficult for you.

Kesha, I'll go pay for the pizzas.
You look after these two, hmm?

Thanks a lot. "She's not
playing. She's really dumb"?

What do you want?
I was protecting you.

Oh, whatever.

Don't try any business that is funny.
I was told to keep an eye on you.

What lovely eyes they are.
You have movie star eyes.

- Really?
- And screen presence.

Well, I did sit by the back screen door
all the time when I wanted to go outside.

Let me hear you bark. You know how
to bark, don't you? Just let it go.

- From the diaphragm?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

But first you must find your
motivation, like a real actor.

What gets you mad?

Ooh! Being disrespected.

It's hard being small
in a dog-eat-dog world.

I completely understand.

You really like my eyes?

I've gone blind! My
beautiful eyes are useless!

And there's gum in my hair!
I think I'm being disrespected!

Guards! Guards! This is
definitely funny business!

- You were specifically told
not to be... What now?

I don't know. I thought you had a plan.

This would go
faster if I had a shovel.

Just keep digging.




Well done, men.

This tunnel will come
in handy tomorrow.

The moon looks so close.

I can hardly wait for tomorrow.

I'll find my dad and bring
him home. I just know it.

Oh, Pushok, you are very brave.


But isn't it dark
and scary up there?

I heard about
the dark side of the moon.

Someone named Pink Floyd
talks about it a lot.

My mom told me it's
important not to look down,

and one should also take
gravity and some air with them.

And you're weightless,
no matter what you weigh.

From here,
it is so very beautiful.

It's not the only thing.

Oh! I bet you say that
to all the poodles.

No, really, I mean it.

Oh, how sweet.

Aw, look at them.
It's so-

Be quiet.

This is a covert operation.

- What is it with you and romance?
- It's a rabbit thing.

Will you give me a sign
when you are on the moon?

If you wave to me from here.

Almost like you and I were, you know,
kind of like boyfriend and girlfriend.


I think they're looking for us.

Ya think?

Let's go.

Load the
b*mb carefully. Shh.

It's the only one we have.

I keep asking for more bombs,
but, you know, the budget cutbacks.

We must destroy
whatever force is up there.

It is unimaginably powerful.

Whatever it is, we cannot allow
the Americans to possess it.


This b*mb must launch
with the rocket, understand?


No. They can't.

- What's that?
- There is someone behind that vent.

Kesha, go and see who it is, and
kindly be quick about it. Yes, sir!

It's you!

- Well, what is it?
- Found them.

I need to lay down for a-


This way. In here!

Oh, sure.
Now you've got a plan.

I've had all the fun
I can stand for one evening.

Ready to go home?
How does that sound?

I'm personally in love
with the idea.

Strelka, you know we can't go
home yet. We need to help Kazbek.

What? Did I hear you right? Is this on?

You heard them.
He's in danger.

There's plenty of danger to
go around. Look around us.

Everyone is trying to k*ll us.

But Kazbek's in trouble.

I guess I'll handle this myself.

Don't you hate
always being right?

There they are!

Don't just stand there!

- Go get them!
- Here we go again.

Mush! ¡Ándale!

Follow me! I'll get
them! Come back here, you!

The rocket looks
even bigger today.

If only Fifi could see this.

Start preparations
for the Apollo launch.

What are you waiting for?

Nothing. It's just that
I didn't get to say good-bye.

Say it now.
"Good-bye." See? Easy.

Good-bye. Au Revoir.

Remember, your father
is counting on you.

You don't wanna
let him down, do you?

Let's go.

I'm stuck.

Whatever you do,
don't jump on me.

Ow! My irritable bowel!

Oh, what now?

Why do you keep asking me?

They're trapped!
We got 'em, boys!

- Oh, no, you don't.
- I got you, Belka.


- Get off! They're getting away!
- All aboard!

Strelka, what are you
doing? Improvising.

Get them! They're escaping!

That way, stupid!
We've got you surrounded!

- Oh!
- Whoops.

- Aah!
- Ohh!

Look out!

Okay, this is not what I had in mind.

Oh, for-Huh?

Oh! Aah!

Look out, you fools!

Hold on, Belka. I got ya.

Glad you could drop in.


Train's early.

That way! They're
headed for the launchpad!

that's the rocket up ahead.

I can't stop!

Ready to begin
final countdown for rocket launch.

- We've got to get on that rocket.
- Really?

Liftoff in ten, nine-
Kazbek needs help.

Eight, seven-

Here we go again, again.
Six, five, four,


two, one.


Lift off!

Ay, Yi, Yi, Yi!


I did it!

I convinced them
to take the mission!

Why did you
not tell me immediately?

Well, I, uh, wanted to
surprise you. Are you surprised?

Well done, Kesha.

Perhaps I misjudged you.

Of course, this mission
must be kept totally secret.

And you will make sure of that. Sir.

Come on. Pull.

Ow! We made it.

There it is, Pushok, the
entrance to the rocket.

That? But why don't we
just use the capsule's main hatch?

Um, yes. Uh, special
security measures.

This is a top secret mission.

Today Earth will be a
safer place. I salute you.

Hurry. It's nearly
launch time.

That's it. In you go.


All right, I'm in.
What do I do now?

Follow the pipes
into the rocket.

Go to the moon and
help your father. Hurry.


Ah, he's even stupider
than I thought.

Poodle, see that he gets
into the rocket and goes.

I am a presidential pup.

I don't do pipes. You do it.

It's a matter of fitness.

You fit. I don't.

Round peg, square hole. Understand?
But I'm with you in spirit.

Right away, sir.

Air compression at %.

Begin fueling procedure.

Fueling in process.
t*nk is at %.

Proceed to seal the fuel tanks.


Look out!

I must be an idiot
to listen to that cat.

That cat will
pay dearly for this.



I'm getting out of here!
Every poodle for himself!

Right behind ya.

Five minutes to liftoff.

is boarding the rocket.

Good luck to our nation's
finest, Captain Chip Armstrong.

Ah ha ha! American ninja!

I appreciate the appreciation.

Glad to meet my soon-to-be
memento-buying public.

This one's for the ladies.
Mwah! Oh, yeah. Thank you.

Hey! You come to wish
me luck? Out of my way!

You're about to become
a celebrity space hero.

When you get back, it's gonna be
fame, fortune and product endorsifying-

the whole enchilada.

You know, this food isn't bad.

Near-death experiences
give me an appetite.

So the plan is we find Kazbek
and take him back to Earth, right?

Should be simple enough
from here.


Is that another rocket?



Looks like the Americans
wanna start a space race.

They must be after Kazbek too.

Being a national hero
makes you get philosophical-like.

Why are we here? Where do we belong?
What is the purpose of it all?

- Why is there a dog floating around my cockpit?
- I'm Pushok.

Nice for you.
Here's the exit. Please leave.

Huh. I'd hold my breath and
aim for Earth if I was you.

I don't think you understand
what it is I'm doing here.

I'm your backup, your partner,
your number two.

Go outside if you gotta go
number two. Wait. My partner?

I'm a hero a-solo,

Well, not anymore,
because here I am.

Do you know the first thing
about space travel?

You need a rocket. Hoo hoo
hoo! Ha ha ha ha! Hoo hoo hoo!

But that was a easy one. Look, there's only
one decider on this mission, and that's me.

Get it?

Got it.
That's good.

Now, make me lunch.
Captain Chip, look there!

Well, would you look at that.

Someone trying to horn in
on my heroic solo mission. Ha!

Ooh hoo hoo ha!

Well, no one's gonna make a monkey
out of Mrs. Simian's boy Chip.

Gotta lose 'em.

What do I do, Captain?

Just do what I say
and say what I do.

Don't do that. That would get
annoying. Just pressify that pedal.

Got it.


Hey, are those bananas? Ew!

- Hmph.
- Don't they know bananas are dangerous?

- Someone could slip on a peel.
- Stop playing.

We have to find Kazbek
before anyone else does.

You're right.
It's all up to us.

Okay, let's light this candle.

Huh? Hmm?

Yeah. I'm gonna be famous
and rich and-Huh? Aah!

We can't let them get
to the moon first.

Then I guess you better stop
driving like an old lady, partner.

Ooh! Ahh!
Ooh! Ooh! Yee-haw!

Aah! Whoo-hoo!

Oh, man! Whoo! I love my job!

Oh! Should've worn
that seat belt.

Yee-haw! Ha ha! Whoo! Ahh!

Look out!


Oh, no.
Big rock! Big rock!

Don't worry, little space buddy.
I got this doggy roped and tied.

Yee-haw! Remember the Alamo!

That had better not
scratch the paint.


Uh, this is not good.


Belka, you did it. We made it.

Next stop, the moon.

♪ Nobody knows
the trouble I've seen ♪

♪ Nobody knows the sorrow ♪♪

Well, at least
things can't get any worse.

I knew it was a mistake
the moment I said that.

Hey, maybe this is a good thing.

Maybe I can hitch a ride.
Hey! Hey, fellas! Little help?

Going my way?
Do a brother a solid?

Hey, hey, hey, careful up there.

Hello. Your
number cannot be reached as dialed.

Honey, tell me something
I don't know.

Just when you think your day
is as bad as possible, aliens.

Hey, what's that?

Could it be? It is. My watch!

My precious watch!
This is great!

Things are looking up!

I'm coming, baby!



Now, that's what I call-
Ha-a landing.

Grab your gear, little space
doggy. I'm gonna take a look around.

One small step for a monkey.

Hey, check it out.
I'm Moonwalking.

I declare this moon
a planet of the apes!

Monkeys of the Earth unite! You
ain't a monkey, but you can join me.

Yeah, I'm coming.
Just a minute.

I still gotta get my space legs.

Take your time, kid.

Ha ha! These are for the ladies.
Check out the moon, girls!

Hoo hoo hoo!

Hoo! Ha ha ha ha ho!

Look at the view!
Smell that air!

There's no air in space,

Of course I remember, little
space buddy. I was just testin'.

Okay, I want you to stay
here and guard the ship.

- I have hero-ing to do.
- Yes, sir.

What's that?
She's my baby, Gigi.

Not biological, of course.
Gigi, meet my sidekick, Pushok.

Pushok, meet Gigi.

She's very delicate, like
a flower that can sh**t ya.

Okay, we are off.

Uh, okay.

I expect dinner upon my return.

Like what, Captain Chip?

Ah, surprise me.
Maybe something with banana.

Yes, sir.


Whee! Hoo hoo hoo hoo!
Ohh hoo hoo!

We made it.
We're on the moon.

All right, now the
thing to do is take things slow.

Okay, more careful than that.

Belka, look. Aren't these the
tracks from the moon rover?

That means Kazbek
must be this way.

But, Belka, it's not safe.

We don't know what happened
to Kazbek or if he's even-

Uh-Uh, I mean,
we need some sort of plan.

If Kazbek is here, then he
would find a way to survive.

- You know he would.
- Belka, be reasonable.

He could be anywhere
on the whole moon.

We have no idea where to start looking
for him. We can't just wander around.

I know what my heart feels.

Kazbek is this way,
and I'm gonna find him.

Okay. Fine.
Have it your way.

I'll follow you to certain doom.

But when we're both dead, I'm
never speaking to you again.

That sounds fair.

If my mom and dad
could only see me now.

Well, before this bit with the
bananas. When we first landed.

In the news tonight, government
officials still have no explanation

for the mysterious green beam that has
stolen many of the world's monuments,

though sources suggest
Russian agents may be to blame.

Now a word from our sponsor.


Who's there?

Perhaps the wind?

But there's no wind in space.

And for my big next trick,

I'll make the moon rover
vanish into thin air.

But it should be
right here. And yet it's not.

This is why people don't go around
following their hearts instead of maps.

Hearts will get you lost
on the moon.

Oh, look. A rock.
We found a rock.

You're not being helpful,

Um, hello? Is someone there?

Captain Chip, is it you?


Hold it right there.
Don't make a move.

Paws up.

But I have to move a
little to raise my paws.

I said don't move!

I've been waiting for a chance to
get the drop on you, alien scum.

Now, where's that robot of yours
and what are you doing on our moon?

Nothing. I'm just looking
for my dad.

Looking for your father
on the moon, huh?

A likely story. Turn around.

- Daddy?
- My son. It-

Is it really you?

Pushok. But how?

I'm a space dog now, Pop.
I came to find you.

My boy! My boy.

Secret w*apon, where are you? I
can't destroy you if I can't find you.

What I need is some sort of
clue, no matter how small.

Whoa! Howdy, ma'am!

She's a big girl. Must be from
Texas. Oh, yeah. Moon selfie.

Ha! Hello!

Oh, this one's
front page for sure. Oh!

What is that?

Whoa! Oh! What is-

Hey, time to skedaddle, Gigi!

Whoo! Hey! Ooh!
Must be the rainy season.

That alien's definitely
around here somewhere.

I've been tracking it
since it grabbed my moon rover.

Real live aliens?

But what do you think they're
doing here? Probably an invasion.

That's the kind of thing
aliens like to do.

Is that an alien up there?

That doesn't look alien. It-

Hey, as a matter of fact, it-

it looks like it's
gonna land right on us!

Don't move.
Don't breathe. Don't be scared.

- How's two out of three?
- Maybe he won't notice us.

I think he noticed us.

Uh, hi.


Did you hear something?

I thought I-
Hey, look at this.

Oh, wow! Over there! Look!

Oh, my.

It's all
the missing objects from Earth.

But why would anybody
just dump them all here?

- I don't
- Hey! It's the moon rover. It is!

That means Kazbek. Ooh, ooh,
ooh! Kazbek may be down there.

Whoa. Wait.
What if it's a trap?

I must find Kazbek.
He needs me.

I'm just saying we should take things
nice and slow, be a little bit careful.

There it is! My case!

Ah! That's the one!
No question about it.

- You're right. Let's go.
- ♪ Oh! Susanna ♪

♪ Don't you cry for me ♪

♪ I'm driving on the moon
with a laser on my knee ♪

What is that?

♪ 'Cause I'm comin' home a hero
and you'll throw a party for me ♪♪

Whoo! Moon's a lot bigger
than I thought, I'll tell ya.

♪♪ Whoo! Hey, I think
I found something to blow up.

Push this little switch here.

That comes out,
and then I spin this.

Oh, yeah! Come on, Gigi! It's
time for pop goes the weasel!

There it is. Time to make
the moon safe for democracy.

Oh, no!
Kazbek might be in there!

- Hey, you, stop that!
- Whoa!

- Drop the w*apon.
- More dogs. What is there, a kennel up here?

Okay, I'm willing to negotiate.

You let my son go, and I'll take it easy

Dad, where are we?

In the alien's lair, Son.

This is where
he, uh, brings everything.

My moon rover's
around here somewhere.

What's it doing
with all this stuff?

Why is there even
a monkey on the moon?

That's-That's just bananas.

You're barking up
the wrong tree, dog.

Besides, space dogs are so .

Watch what you say
about dogs, monkey boy.

Are you two loco en la cabeza?

What have you done with Kazbek?

Let go. What's a Kazbek?
Uh-oh. Look.

What is that?

Whoa! This just
got real, dogs!


My bag!

Okay, don't make me
go all ape on ya.

Hey! You treat Gigi proper now. She's
a lady and not insured. Take that!

Hey, where are we going?
Put me down!

Hey, watch it!

There it is! The hands of
time are just out of my reach.

Okay, that's it.
No more monkey business.

We're gonna settle this
Texas-style, mano a robo.

Hey, take your stinkin' paws
off me, darn dirty alien.

Hey! This is no way
to treat a space hero.

What are you doing?
Cut it out! Hey!

I'm getting dizzy! Whoa!

Excuse me, Mr. Monkey. Did
you say you are a space hero?

What? Uh, hello?

Hi. Pleased to meet ya.

The name's Lenny,
and I need a space hero.


Kazbek, are you in there?
It's Belka!



Hey, you big tin can,
get away from my friend!

I mean it. You do not
wanna make me angry.

I can get sarcastic.

Ha! That's right. There's
more where that came from.

Okay, partner, time
to make tracks.

- You saved me.
- You know I've always got your back.

Look out! Whoa!


I think we know
where the alien went.

Look out! Incoming!

This way! Hurry!

Oh, no.
It's a dead end.

Wish you hadn't said
"dead end."

- This is the end of the show.
- It's not over until the fat doggy howls.

Yee-haw! Leave this
tin can to us, ladies!

Kazbek? Strelka, it's Kazbek.

Let's do this.
Systems to full power.

- Power up. Engines on.
- Target locked.

That's it, Kazbek. Show that big bully
he picked on the wrong Earth pups.

Ready, Son?

I was born ready.

Kazbek, be careful.

All I wanted to do was find my
husband and get back home to Pushok.

Why does everything
have to be so difficult?

Hey, up here.

That's right.
We have not yet begun to fight.

Give us your best shot,
you tin-plated alien menace.

- How do you like that? You want some more?
- Dad!


It's nice we're finally getting to
spend some father-son time together, huh?

We got him
right where we want him.

- We're going down!
- State the obvious much?

Ohh! I'm so over the moon.
Hey, do something!

I am. I'm falling
helplessly to my death.


So cool.

We won?


Dude, how do you glow like that?

No, I won't hurt you. No,
wait! Come back! Come on!

Pushok, stop.
What are you doing?

Don't worry, Dad. I'll get him.

No, it's-it's not safe.

Pushok, wait for me.

You don't know
where that alien's been.

Chip! Chip, snap out of it!
This is no time for sleepwalking!

Huh? What?
Hey, look over there.

Is that the Russian moon rover?

This is what I've
been looking for.

Looks like
it's pretty busted up.

But-But that
was my mission.

I was sent to destroy
this here rover,

but that robot
went and did it for me.

How can I be a famous
space hero with no mission?

I don't know what to do now.

Don't let it get you down.
These things happen.

After all, you're still
the first monkey on the moon.

I can still be rich and
famous? Oh, absolutely.

That is, if you have
the right talent agent.

Hurry up, Strelka. We
have to help Kazbek.

Just a second.

- What? Oh, Belka, I found Lenny's watch.
- Lenny's watch?

How did that get up here?

That must be
why Lenny disappeared.

He must have been grabbed by that
robot thing, just like my suitcase.

But then where is he?
Oh. Oh, no.

He's been gone for hours.

And if he was brought up here
without a space suit, then-


Oh. Poor Lenny.


Please come back, alien.

My dad just needs to talk
to you. Oh, come on! Stop!


Wow, Belka.
Your family sure gets around.

Just stop! I promise
nobody's going to hurt you!

Oh, no.

Don't worry. I'll save you!



I know that was Pushok
I saw. He must be nearby.

What do you think, he ran away
to the moon? That's a bit extreme.

He's here. We
have to find him.

You just don't run
into people on the moon.

Well, speak of the devil.

Kazbek, are you okay?
I was so worried.

- What are you doing here?
- What is Pushok doing here?

Did he come with you?

I was as surprised to see
him as I am to be seeing you.

Hey, Strelka.
Hey, Kazbek.

Anybody else here I should know about
besides you two and the green guy?

Uh, there's a monkey
and a big robot.

And we located Lenny's watch,
so he may be here somewhere.

Can we have this
conversation a little later?

I'm trying to drive here.

- Where is my son?
- I think he's just up ahead.

When we get back, we'll book you on
television interviews, magazine covers.

Did I mention I usually get %?

Aha! I see Lenny.
He's with the monkey.

- Grab them.
- Got 'em!

Hey! Hey, is this a DeSoto?
Nice ride.

I can't believe it.

Belka. Strelka. Kazbek.
All my friends are here.

I've missed you all so much.

Yeah, Belka thought
we'd find you here.

Yes. Strelka found your watch.
I knew you couldn't be too far.

Oh, I could just jump for joy.

Not a lot of headroom.

So, how did you end up here?

♪ I'm reaching out
to the sky above ♪

♪ Making wishes
and dreaming of ♪

♪ The day that I'll be
with you again ♪

♪ The comets and stars
flying by me ♪

♪ I wish that somehow
they'd guide me ♪

♪ I need some help
I really need a friend ♪

♪ So please come take me away ♪

♪ I wanna go home ♪

♪ I've been here too long ♪

♪ Help me find a way
back where I belong ♪

♪ I've been here so long ♪

♪ I'm a little bit scared ♪

♪ A little bit tired and frail ♪

♪ So please come take me away ♪

♪ I wanna go home ♪

♪ I wanna go home ♪

♪ Do, do, do, do ♪

♪ Do, do, do, do ♪♪

And then you stole the moon
rover and all this other stuff?


step away from that creature.

Dad? Mom?
Mom, you're here!

Pushok, you're safe! Mom!

My little boy.
Our brave hero.

Mom, Dad, he isn't dangerous.

He's just a lost alien child
trying to survive.

Just wants to phone
home, huh? A likely story.

But wait. He saved me.

He did?

Ow! Whoa, whoa. Whoa.

Yeah, yeah, hold it
closer, in the Earth light.

This may seem like an
unhealthy obsession to you.

But I don't care. I just
feel so naked without it.

Now we should all
get back to the ships.

We're bringing this lost
alien back with us, right?

That's not protocol.

There's a strict policy against alien species
traveling aboard Russian spaceships.

But it's only a child, and
no child should be left behind.

Maybe we can pass him off
as a lamp or night-light.

Hey, I'll take him
back home with me!

We can do the talk shows.
Wait. That won't work.

He's an illegal alien.
They'd just deport him.

- Hey, everyone, I figured it out!
- Huh?

He was making a signal for
his parents to find him!

It's a giant SOS.

But we need to make this a lot
brighter to attract their attention.

- So we can get him home.
- Contact the aliens

and hope they save the day
rather than destroy the world?

Kinda taking a risk. Not that
I'm not all about risk-taking.

Let's do it! Send 'em a
signal, see what happens.

I've got it! We can use the
solar batteries on the moon rover

to light this place up!

Then what are we waiting for?
Let's get to work.

Hoo! Hoo-hoo-hoo!


Well, that should do it.
Let's give this baby a try.


What's wrong?
Is there not enough power?

The sun is going down.

Without the solar panels,
we don't have enough energy.

We could try again tomorrow.

We can't wait until tomorrow.

We don't have enough
oxygen to stay here till tomorrow.

We gotta leave tonight.

We can't just leave him. Can't we
do anything for the poor little guy?

Yes, we can!

It's now or never.

- Careful, Son.
- What's Pushok doing up there?

He's gone space happy!


Watch it, Son.

Get ready to try again, Dad.

I see what he's doing.

Try it now.

Genius, partner!

We have power. Come on.

Come on.

It's working!

Look at that!

Well done, my boy.

So, has there been
any contact from the moon yet?

Well, as yet, uh, no.

Remember, this mission must
be kept absolutely secret.

Huh? Uh-oh.

Nobody can ever know
we were on the moon.

And nobody ever will.

Why, look.
Up there. It's Pushok.

He has done this.
It's the sign he promised me.

Is this someone
you know, Miss Fifi?

Yes. He is a famous space dog
and my boyfriend.

Long-distance relationships
never work.

Oh, yeah?

As you can see, even the
moon cannot keep us apart.

Dad, do you honestly think
this is going to work?

I'm sure it will, Son.
I wish I could be sure.

Being a real space dog is a much
harder job than I thought it was.

You've done fine.
I'm very proud of you, Pushok.


We're getting a little
high up, don't you think?

Everyone, follow me. BELKA:
Everybody watch your step.

Hey, this is fun!

Whoo! Check it out!

- My watch! Did you bring my watch?
- Don't worry. I've still got it.


What's that?
What's that?

My watch! No!


After all I've been through.



They saw our signal.
This is awesome!

Papa! Mama!

Aw. Two family reunions
in one day.

Kinda makes the whole
trip worthwhile. Sure does.

Watch the hands, monkey boy.

Wow. I am honored.

Look. He gave me
a space watch.

A watch!

It's for me to replace
my old one, and I accept.

My precious. I wonder what
it's worth in Earth money.

Stay cool, green guy.

Fantastic effects.



I bet this is Pushok's fault!

Attention, Mr. and Miss
America and all the ships at sea.

Flash. This news just in.

American and Russian authorities have
just announced a peaceful resolution

to the recent lunar crisis

and promise to work together in a new
spirit of international cooperation.

Don't forget to
write, Pushok. I won't, Mom.

I'll come visit you guys real
soon, and I'll bring Fifi.

Wait. Who's Fifi?

Fifi, huh?

My little guy is growing up.

You can all come
visit me in America too.

Just make sure to clear it
with my new agent. Right, Lenny?

Right. If you girls can handle
going back to the States without me.

I'm sure we'll get by.

We always do, partner.

And we always will.

I wonder
what this new watch does.

Hey! Whoa.




Whoa, whoa. Easy now.

Whoa! Whoa!

Whoa! Wow!

This is great! To boldly go
where no vermin has gone before!


♪ We're lightin' up the sky
just like a firework ♪

♪ We're sparkling so bright,
every head will turn ♪

♪ Tonight, tonight, tonight ♪

♪ We're lightin' up the
stage just like a spotlight ♪

♪ Everybody
Everybody, get in line ♪

♪ Tonight, tonight, tonight ♪

♪ We are stars
We are stars ♪

♪ We are stars
We are stars ♪

♪ We are stars
We are stars ♪

♪ We are stars
We are stars ♪

♪ We are stars
We are stars ♪

♪ We are stars
We are stars ♪

♪ Everyone can see
we're livin' a dream ♪

♪ We are stars
We are stars ♪

♪ We are stars We are
stars We are stars ♪

♪ We're lightin' up the room
We're startin' to glow ♪

♪ We're takin' off and sh**t'
like a lightnin' bolt ♪

♪ Tonight, tonight, tonight ♪

♪ Everyone can see
we're livin' a dream ♪

♪ Everyone can see ♪

♪ We're livin' ♪

♪ A dream ♪

♪ We are stars
We are stars ♪

♪ We are stars
We are stars ♪

♪ We are stars
We are stars ♪

♪ We are stars
We are stars ♪

♪ We are stars
We are stars ♪

♪ We are stars
We are stars ♪

♪ Everyone can see
we're livin' a dream ♪

♪ We are stars
We are stars ♪

♪ We are stars
We are stars ♪

♪ We are stars
We are stars ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh,
ooh-ooh-ooh ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh,
ooh-ooh-ooh ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh,
ooh-ooh-ooh ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh,
ooh-ooh-ooh ♪

♪ We are stars
We are stars ♪

♪ We are stars
We are stars ♪

♪ We are stars
We are stars ♪

♪ We're lightin' up the room ♪
♪ We are stars ♪

♪ We are stars
We are stars ♪

♪ We are stars We are
stars We are stars ♪

♪ Everybody now ♪

♪ Everyone can see
we're livin' a dream ♪

♪ We are stars
We are stars ♪

♪ We are stars
We are stars ♪

♪ We are stars
We are stars ♪

♪ We are stars
We are stars ♪

♪ We are stars
We are stars ♪

♪ We are stars
We are stars, yeah ♪

♪ We are stars
We are stars ♪

♪ We are stars
We are stars ♪

♪ We're lightin' up the sky
just like a firework ♪

♪ We're sparkling so bright,
every head will turn ♪

♪ Tonight, tonight, tonight ♪

♪ We're lightin' up the stage
just like a spotlight ♪

♪ Everybody
Everybody, get in line ♪

♪ Tonight, tonight, tonight ♪

♪ We are stars
We are stars ♪

♪ We are stars
We are stars ♪

♪ We are stars
We are stars ♪

♪ We are stars
We are stars ♪

♪ We are stars
We are stars ♪

♪ We are stars ♪♪

♪ I'm reaching out
to the sky above ♪

♪ Making wishes
and dreaming of ♪

♪ The day that I'll
be with you again ♪

♪ The comets and stars
flying by me ♪

♪ I wish that somehow
they'd guide me ♪

♪ I need some help
I really need a friend ♪

♪ So please come take me away ♪

♪ I wanna go home ♪

♪ I've been here too long ♪

♪ Help me find a way
back where I belong ♪

♪ I've been here so long ♪

♪ I'm a little bit scared ♪

♪ A little bit tired and frail ♪

♪ So please come take me away ♪

♪ I wanna go home ♪

♪ I wanna go home ♪

♪ Do, do, do, do ♪

♪ Do, do, do, do ♪

♪ Do, do ♪

♪ Do, do, do, do ♪

♪ Do, do, do, do ♪

♪ It's getting harder
and I'm missing you ♪

♪ I wonder where you are
and what you're doing ♪

♪ And if you
can hear me calling ♪

♪ So I close my eyes
till I fall asleep ♪

♪ When I wake,
maybe you'll be here ♪

♪ And I'll never
be alone again ♪

♪ So please come take me away ♪

♪ I wanna go home ♪

♪ Oh, I wanna go home ♪

♪ Do, do, do, do, do, do ♪

♪ I wanna go ♪

♪ Do, do, do, do ♪

♪ Do, do, do, do ♪

♪ I wanna go home ♪♪

Hmm. Hmm-hmm.











Ah! Ah!





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