Scooby-Doo! WrestleMania (2014)

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Scooby-Doo! WrestleMania (2014)

Post by bunniefuu »


Welcome to WWE City.

Take the next exit,
because it's just that good.

MIZ : I'm The Miz, and I'm awesome.

Who's awesome? I'm awesome.

Who's awesome? I am... Oof!


Kane, you're back. I thought we'd never see
you again after you lost that last match.


(WEAKLY) Not that I agreed
with the decision.


Not the face, not the
face, not the face.

Welcome to WWE City.

Take the next exit,
because it's just that good.



Yeah, that's what I'm talking about!
You keep on going, Kane!

You're lucky. You got
off easy this time!


Who's awesome? I'm awesome.

Who's awesome? I'm awesome.
Who's awesome?



Who's in there? That you, Kane?

Come on! Come on out and get some!



That all you got, Yogi?


My... My face!

Welcome to WWE City.

Take the next exit,
because it's just that good.


No. No!

Ugh. Unnecessary roughness.


SHAGGY : Look out! John Cena
is the doctor of thuganomics!


You can't see me.
You can't see me at all.

Like, no one can touch John Cena.

Sin Cara can.


One, two, three. Sin Cara wins it!

Way to go, Scooby-Doo, old buddy.


ANNOUNCER : Congratulations. You just
beat the game on the hardest level ever!

Double-triple beatdown extreme!

But can you complete
the victory dance?

Oh, yeah.

It's all yours, pal. You earned it.


ANNOUNCER : Perfect score!


Hello, there. I'm Vince McMahon,
chairman and CEO of WWE.

Mr. McMahon.

We're not worthy.

Because you beat the game on this
level and ex*cuted a perfect score...

on the victory dance,
you win a special prize.

We did?

McMAHON : You've won an
all-expense-paid trip to WWE City.

Come revel in a place
dedicated to everything WWE.

It will be a week of
fun and excitement...

culminating in ringside seats
at WrestleMania! Don't miss it.

ANNOUNCER : Report to
training camp in WWE City...

as soon as possible with
this game disc as proof...

- of your win to claim your prize.
- Like, WrestleMania!

You gotta be kidding me!
Think of it!

- The fun!
- The fans!

BOTH : The food!

We gotta go, old pal.
Like, we just gotta go!

SHAGGY : We gotta go.
Like, we just gotta go!

It's the ultimate
slam-tastic, life-affirming

experience of a lifetime!
Ha, ha.

It's WrestleMania!

Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah!

I don't know, guys. It's not
something we're really into.

And I have a lot of
reading to catch up on.

Uh, no, thank you.

Like, come on, guys. Scoob and
I never ask for anything.

Like, I can't count how many times
the two of us were bait to catch...

some crazy mask-wearing villain.

- Yeah.
- I got the photos to prove it.

Take a good look, people.
Exhibit A.

Here's the time you guys made
us dress like giant tools...

to catch the Monstrous Mechanic.

Or as ducks to catch
the Horrific Huntsman.

Or when we had to be the cow to catch the
Crazed Cowgirl from Beyond the Grave.

Scooby-Doo almost got milked.

It was so humiliating.

And la piece de resistance, the
time we posed as Señor Pepe Jose...

and the dancing, hairless
Chihuahua, Don Perro...

to catch the Ghastly
Gordito of Guadalajara.

Yeah, the hair didn't even
grow back in some places.

Scooby was naked.
Look at it. Just look at it!

No, no! Okay, we get it!

You win, Shaggy.


Win? Wait, what?

I was actually thinking about
taking a trip anyway...

to try out my new Illudium Q- digital SLR
camera and optical stabilizer zoom lens.

Maybe I can snap some
action-packed pictures.

And this will give me an opportunity
to explore the parallels...

between the modern world of WWE
versus ancient warrior customs.

Besides, it beats another
weekend with Grandpa Dinkley...

and his mysterious odor problem.

Scooby-Doo almost got milked.

SCOOBY-DOO : The hair didn't
even grow back in some places.

Okay. We'll go to WrestleMania.

Woo-hoo! WWE City, here we come!

Oh, boy!


Here comes a flying
"hunacaruna" off the top ropes!

Ha, ha. And it's countered by Scooby's
patented corkscrew counter-crunch.

Um, exactly how many more
play-by-play Scooby Snack att*cks...

will we have to endure
before WWE City?

Like, we brought everything we had.

Scooby and I need to keep our energy up so
we can cheer like crazy at the main event.

There're so many boxes,
I can't even see the luggage.


You didn't pack the luggage?


Of all the food-induced, insane
things you two have done...

this absolutely takes the cake!

- BOTH : Mm. Cake.
- I mean it!

Like, what's the big deal? We all wear the
same outfits every single day anyway.

You got to admit it,
he does have a point.


Hey, look.

SHAGGY : Like, WWE City, next exit.

Hold the phone.



Looks like we're stuck.

There's a car coming.
Maybe they can help.

Well, now, this ain't a
good place for a breakdown.

Can we help you kids out?

John Cena! Wow.

Okay. Looks like you kids
ran into some trouble.

This ain't safe, champ.
We gotta keep moving.

Calm down, Cookie.

I'm just saying that
it's dangerous out here

at night, what with the
bear trouble and all.

That's why Ruben, my nephew here...

and I have been following the
Superstars on their jogs.


Well, these kids aren't going
anywhere while their van is stuck.

This shouldn't take long.

What's he gonna do,
lift the van out of the ditch?

IMAGINARY CROWD : Scooby! Shaggy!



I didn't know WWE
Superstars were so hot!

Strong! I mean strong.



FRED : Scooby, no! Come back!

DAPHNE : Scooby! Scooby!

Scoob, stop!


Scooby-Doo, where are you?


Zoinks! A monster!

Monster? Where? Where?

Oh, Scoob. Ha, ha. You had
me worried, pal. Ha, ha.

- It's me.
- It's you.

BOTH : Yikes!

What are you two doing in my woods?

Um, leaving.

COOKIE : Cool down a bit, Bayard.

The dog and the long-haired
fellow didn't mean to trespass.

They're just fans,
come for the WWE.

They all come for that.

And the more they come, the
hungrier they make the beast.

The beast?

The beast called WWE City.

Every day it eats up more and more
of our land. But not for long...

because there's a storm a-coming...

and we're gonna watch it
blow you all out of here...

like dead leaves.

Now, get off my property!

Don't let old Bayard spook you.
He's not what you call a people person.

Still, it's not right.

Can I make it up to you by offering you
VIP seats at our live event tonight?

- Would you be interested?
- BOTH : Would we!


Yeah, yeah.

MAN : Ladies and gentlemen,
welcome to WWE!




Like, pinch me.
I think I'm dreaming.

Ow. Ha, ha. I'm not dreaming.

Boy, what an exciting tag-team
match we have here tonight.

The Big Show and Alberto Del Rio are
up against Sin Cara and John Cena.

Cena wastes no time delivering
an elbow to Big Show.


COLE : Big Show with a chop.

And Del Rio blindsides Cena.

That was a dirty move,
and I think the ref agrees.

But look at this, Sin Cara is up.

And he delivers high-flying
justice to Del Rio.


And it looks like the end for Cena.

But somehow Cena reverses.
He's got Big Show up.

Oh, no! Look out!

That was my favorite table.

Del Rio's up. But he walks right
into Cena's sidewalk slam.

And the crowd goes wild.

But wait, Big Shaw's back...
With a picnic table?

Where did he get a picnic table?

Oh, the humanity.

I don't see anything in the rules
about the use of furniture.

It's a show, Velma!

COLE : It's Sin Cara to the
rescue with a tilt-a-whirl...

headscissors takedown
on the Big Show.


- W!
- W!

Best move ever!

COLE : Cena gathers his strength...

Well, I can't say I'm bored.

- COLE : And here it comes.
- CROWD : You can't see me.

COLE : Cena's vintage
Five-Knuckle Shuffle.

Aah! Let's go, Cena!
Let's go, Cena!

Woo, woo-hoo! Yay!

COLE : With incredible strength, Cena
takes Big Show to the top ropes.

An avalanche Attitude
Adjustment, into the cover.

CROWD : One, two, three!

COLE : It's over!

Cena for the win! Cena for the win!

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

- That's showing him!
- Amazing, dude!

ANNOUNCER : Tonight's tag-team winners:

John Cena and Sin Cara!

Oh, Cena! Oh, my gosh,
you're wonderful!


Welcome, fans.

You should be excited, because I am about
to lay on you something very heavy:

Our very own WWE Championship belt!

CROWD : Ahh.


Yes, it's solid gold, encrusted
with priceless gems and jewels.

But any WWE Superstar will tell
you it's not about the glitter.

The championship belt represents honor,
respect, hard work, dedication...

the very soul of WWE.

As you know, ever since Kane's WWE
Championship match was overturned...

this championship belt
has been held vacant...

and so it shall remain until a true
champion rises and proves himself worthy...

this weekend in the main
event at WrestleMania!


Did you know that a golden
ceremonial prize was customary...

at ancient games for
thousands of years?

No, Velma. Thank you.


Ha, ha. Oh. It's a
text from John Cena

thanking me personally
for all the cheering.

That's a keeper.

When did you give Cena
your phone number?

When I gave him my e-mail,
my home address and my scarf size.

Hey, why don't you crazy kids join
us at the training camp tonight?

It's something to see.

WWE training camp?


How do you like
Sin Cara's convertible?

Like, it's a real muscle machine.

COOKIE : Here we are,
guys, WWE's rock yard...

where the pros train for greatness.



- Look.
- It's Sgt. Slaughter!

- Zowie. There's Jerry "The King" Lawler.
- SCOOBY-DOO : And Jimmy Hart.


Here at camp we even have our own
-hour restaurant. It's like home.

More like paradise. Ha, ha.

Is that the championship belt?

COOKIE : That's right,
carved into the mountain.

A prize set in stone, and the
dream of every Superstar.

Mr. Sin Cara, could
we stop for a second?


TRIPLE H : Sweet.

- Way to go, Rubie. That was a nice job.
- Yeah, nice move, Rubie!

Yeah, funk-tastic, baby!

Like, wow, I didn't know your
nephew dude was a Superstar.

That's what he'd like to think. I'd better
get you all settled in your cabins.

Up ahead on the left, Sin Cara.

I can't believe Shaggy and Scooby
left all our luggage behind.

Now, all I have are
these two scarves.

Which do you think John
would like better?

- Seriously?
- Seriously, be honest.

- The one on the right.
- My thoughts exactly.

RUBEN : I don't understand,
Uncle Cookie. It's just not fair!

You know I'm good.
I know you know I'm good.

Why won't you help me get into WWE?

Somebody's got to put
some sense into you.

Do you think I built this
brace because it looks good?

All it takes is one accident
to put you out of contention.

- Maybe I'll be luckier.
- Maybe not.

You have to be practical. You should
keep going to your computer classes.

That's the ticket, Rubie.

Poor Ruben. I feel sorry for him.

It's understandable.

Ruben represents the heroic male aspiring
to the stature of decorated warrior.

His journey is relatable and therefore
appealing to a wide audience.

Velma, has it ever
occurred to you...

that maybe WWE isn't something
you can scientifically explain?

Don't be silly, Daphne. Science
and logic explain everything.

And, like, the most
awesome thing about WWE?

You get all the food you can eat.

Yeah, all the food.

Big day tomorrow. Cookie said we'd
get to see some Superstars training.

I want to grab some
wicked action sh*ts.

Come on, lights out, you two.

Okey-doke, Fred.
Sweet dreams, Scoob.

You too, Shaggy.

All the food. Food. All the food...








ANNOUNCER : Ladies and gentlemen,
let's get ready to Scooby-Doo!

You wanna take me on? Bring it.




Oh, yeah? Prepare to
become a Scooby snack.

SHAGGY : Scoob. Scooby-Doo.

Like, dude, what are you
doing with that bear?




BOTH : Yikes!


Back off, ugly.

Time to call your mama!



Not funky.



Shaggy, Scooby, are you okay?


- Ghost bear.
- Ghost bear.

- Then, it's true.
- What's true, Cookie?

The legend. The monster has
returned from the grave.

Vicious, the ghost bear,
has come to challenge us all.

Well, g*ng, sounds like we have
another mystery on our hands.


as*ault, battery, property damage,
ghost bear. What the heck is going on?

And what are you kids
doing in WWE City anyway?

We won a contest.

Don't look at me, Richards.
You sent out that memo.

The victory dance contest?

Oh, that's right.
That wasn't my idea.

Boys over in Marketing or
Game Development. One of those.

Who can keep things straight with
all these bear att*cks going on?

There have been others?

Indeed. Several. All of
them inside our buildings.

The creature trashed the kitchen and
totally obliterated our video game studio.

And as quickly as it
appears, it disappears.

I'm telling you, it's the ghost,
an evil from beyond the grave.


Let's try to remain calm here.

We don't want to jump to
any crazy conclusions.

Mr. McMahon!

Like, in the flesh! I can't believe I'm
actually face-to-face with Vinnie Mac!

- The Boss.
- The Higher Power.

- The Mac Attack.
- The Mac Daddy.

Daddy Mac.

Yes, ahem, uh, thanks for
that trip down memory lane.

Let me cut to the chase. I've been
doing a little research on you kids.

You're some kind of mystery solvers.
We could really use your help here.

Gee, Mr. McMahon, we'd be glad to.

My main concern is the
championship belt.

Not only is it worth a fortune...

but WrestleMania wouldn't
be the same without it.

Excuse me, sir, but we don't need these
kids meddling in security matters.

I promise the championship
belt is well-guarded / ...

with a state of the art electronic
laser trip-wire alarm system.

No way the bear could get to it...

without tripping a beam and
setting off an alarm...

that would bring in half my
security within seconds.

I understand, Richards, but it couldn't
hurt to have these kids lend a hand.

It's what we do.

- You mind if I help?
- Um...

Great idea, John.

Awesome, because I think there's
someone you should talk to.

- Sin Cara?
- He knows the legend of the bear.

Better than anyone.

Like, why is he hanging
out on the roof?

Sin Cara has a flair for drama.

BOTH : Ah.

But does he even talk?

He doesn't have to. Luckily
I speak masked luchador.

I'll translate as best I can.

Legend of the ghost bear
begins a hundred years ago...

when a monstrous bear was
part of a traveling show.

They named him Vicious,
and for good reason.

The creature had a mean streak
a mile wide and twice as ugly.

It had never been beaten, ever.

Until it met...

Sin Cara Grande...

Sin Cara's

He challenged the bear
on this very spot...

long before there was
ever a WWE City.

The battle between man
and bear was epic.

The bear was a horrible,
unstoppable beast.

But when the match was over...

it was the man standing victorious.

The bear could not
contain it's anger.

It unleashed it's rage on the town.

Many lives would've
been lost that day...

had it not been for the brave
luchador Sin Cara Grande.

While saving those innocent
town-folk, he was injured.

Sin Cara Grande would
never wrestle again.

And the bear, it escaped into the woods,
disappearing into a cave north of town...

never to be seen again.

Until now.

Sin Cara believes the spirit of the beast
has been stirred by WrestleMania itself...

which is why the monster
has risen from the grave...

to have it's revenge!


But, fear not, it is now Sin
Cara's honor and duty...

to continue his
great-great-great-grandfather's legacy...

and protect WWE City at any cost.

That's amazing, dude.

I have half a mind to
go out in the woods...

find that bear and
rip it's head off.

- I don't know, Triple H, he's awfully tough.
- We should stick together.

What do you think, Miz?

Stick together.


I can't believe you're still
hungry after the meal we had.

This is just a late-night
snack, right, Scoob?

Right, helps us sleep.

Man, if you guys' muscles were as big as
your appetites, you'd both be Superstars.


Like, Fredster, don't you
wanna join the Pizza-Palooza?

No thanks. Thought I'd
patrol with the guards...

maybe get a picture
of the ghost bear.

- I'll lock the door after me.
- Like, to keep the bear out? Hoo-hoo!

To keep Scooby in.

Good idea.

- Don't worry, Freddy, the faster we eat...
- The faster we fall asleep.






Like, is something
wrong, Ms. Richards?

RICHARDS : Indeed, there is.

The WWE Championship
belt has been stolen.

And we know who did it.

Your dog.

Uh, but that's ridiculous. Scooby-Doo's
been in here with me all night.

Isn't that right, old pal?

That's right. Huh?

I saw that.

Nothing to see here.
Just me in bed.

You, sir... Uh, dog... Are a thief.

But, Ms. Richards, Scooby
couldn't have taken the belt.

He's never stolen anything
in his whole life.

Yeah, never.

I have proof right here.

Last night's security
footage. Take a look.

I... I did steal it.

Say it ain't true, Scooby-Doo.


Hold on a second. Is there
something strange about Scooby?

You really want us to answer that?

Yep, this is the championship
belt, all right.

I'd know it anywhere.

Take it.

And we'll be taking the
thief with us as well.

No, don't let them
take me, Shaggy. No!

I won't, pal! Hang on.

Don't let them take me, Shaggy.

- I'm innocent!
- Jinkies! That's it!

Come on, we've got to work fast
if we're going to save Scooby.

MCMAHON : All right, kids...

what's going on here?

Thanks for coming, Mr. McMahon.

We've asked you all here to show
you that our Scooby isn't a thief.

He's just a pawn. Allow me.

Here's the security video of
Scooby as he was taking the belt.

And here's the video file of Scooby
doing his winning victory dance...

from the memory card of
Shaggy's video game.

Yeah, that's a Funkadactyl move.

Is there a point to any of this?

Watch as we slow down
the victory dance.


It's the same movement.

Scooby was programmed with
a post-hypnotic suggestion...

to steal the championship belt.

Like, that's why he's been
sleepwalking since he got here.

Oh, yeah.

And just how did the dog get
this post-hypnotic programming?

My guess is from the video
game itself. May I?

I'm connecting Shaggy's WWE video
game file to the tron screen.

See? Someone highlighted every
move with light flashes.

Flashes which could have planted a
post-hypnotic suggestion in Scooby's brain.

Yeah, there's a plant in my brain.

Nice hacks, Ruben.

That's my nephew.
He's a computer genius.

Listen, kids, as compelling
as this theory might be...

- I'm still a guy who likes to look at facts.
- And the fact is he stole it.

And he's going to jail for it.


And it was your video game,
so you're going with him...

as his accomplice.

Accomplice? I'm no accomplice.

I'm not even sure
I know what that means.

Ms. Richards, isn't there something
we can do to prevent that?

- No.
- Actually, yes, there is.

- Whatever it is...
- We'll do it.

WWE City law states that
anyone accused of a crime...

can compete in the ring for a
chance to win their freedom.

I have the power to
give you that chance.

But I have only one competitor
left who's looking for a match.


BOTH : Kane!

I want another shot at the title.

Looks like I'll have to go
through you two to get it.

I accept the challenge.

Like, you know, Scoob, I hear
prison food isn't that bad.

No! You want a chance to prove
your innocence in the ring.

They accept the
challenge, Mr. McMahon.


Ms. Richards, release these
two so they can prepare.

Unless they can prove
their innocence...

their match with Kane will kick
off WrestleMania tomorrow night.


Like, Velma, are you crazy?

Yeah. We can't fight Kane.

Look, guys, pull
yourselves together.

I need you to buy us some time if
we're gonna solve this mystery...

and clear Scooby's name.

I don't know, Velma,
we have until tomorrow...

before Shaggy and
Scooby get slaughtered.

Hello? Thanks, Fred.

They're gonna need a lot
longer than a day...

to learn how to
compete in the ring.

- Could you help them, Cookie?
- Please?

- Yeah. Please, please, please, Cookie?
- Yeah. Please, please, please.

Uh, well, maybe I can train them
enough so they might survive.

For a few minutes.

- AJ, you wanna help me here?
- AJ : Sure, Cookie.

Hi, boys.

I heard you could use
practice sessions.

Wouldn't want those itty-bitty
whiskers to get bent.

Like, Scooby-Doo, you know,
this may not be so bad after all.


Never underestimate a Diva.


You okay, Ruben?

No, I'm not okay. I don't
understand why my uncle...

is willing to train Shaggy
and Scooby and not me.

Just because he never won a
championship doesn't mean I can't.

Sorry. See, it's just
because all my life...

I've dreamed of being
a WWE Superstar.

I've even come up with my
own name: The Bone Bender.

I got an outfit I made out
of spandex and bones.

Real bones I ordered
off the Internet.

- Wanna see?
- Uh, maybe later.

SCOOBY-DOO : Daphne.

You gotta hide us.

AJ's like Kane with lipstick.

- Hey, g*ng, we got maps of the whole area.
- And I found the perfect place...

to look for clues
about the ghost bear.

Scooby, Shaggy,
where are you boys hiding?

Like, what are we waiting for?

Let's go, let's go, let's go.

Like, wouldn't it be better to
clear our names than to go...

you know, bear hunting?

That's just it, Shaggy, I can't help
thinking that whoever framed Scooby...

is somehow connected
to the ghost bear.

Keep it down, we don't
want to attract Bayard.

You mean the hillbilly
with the thieving raccoon?

Yeah, Bear Cave is
right on his property.


Can't say I didn't warn them.




Not again!



Like, that was amazing!


How'd you know where we were?

- Daphne texted me.
- Mm.


- What's going on?
- Hillbilly hospitality.

We should keep moving.

Come on, I'll explain on the way.

This is it, guys.

Bear Cave.

FRED : Come on, follow me.

BAYARD : Now, that's rich.

Those dummies just walked into a trap
that's better than any I could make.



Bet you that was the original bear.

VELMA : He doesn't look so vicious now.

DAPHNE : How long do you
think he's been there?

Who cares as long
as he stays there.



Like, man, what is
this crazy place?

My guess? The lair
of the ghost bear.

Like, he has a lot
of junk for a ghost.

Or a bear.

Not junk, clues.

- What are those?
- Books on hypnotism.

Hypnotic Techniques and
Subliminal Hypnosis.


I think we just found our
first piece of evidence...

to get you guys off
the hook with Kane.

Evidence! Woo-hoo!

We love evidence.

CENA : Hey, g*ng.

Check this out.

Schematics for an EMP.

What's a EM P?

What's a schematic?

An EMP is an
electro-magnetic pulse.

It's a device that can destroy
electronics within it's range.


Look what I found.

This calendar has the date for
WrestleMania circled in red.

"R.I.P WWE."

- Fred!
- Evidence photos, Velma.

Can't have an investigation
without evidence photos.

So someone thinks they're going to
knock the lights out on WrestleMania?

Not on my watch.


- John!
- Ghost bear!



SHAGGY : Yipes!

ALL : Huh?


SHAGGY : Yikes!


We're right back where we started!

Jinkies! And so is the ghost bear!


Where are the boys?

We ought to get the evidence!

Don't worry, Shaggy,
I still have the photos.



- Yikes!
- Yikes!

Guys, hold on to something.




- Epic!
- Ugh! Enough already!

- Hey, over there.
- Huh?


SHAGGY : Hey, what do you know.

The caves are connected directly to
the storm drains under WWE City.

Giving that ghost bear
full access at any time.

CENA : So you see, Richards...

that's how the ghost bear gets in and
out of so many places so quickly.

And we have reason to believe that
whoever's behind these bear att*cks...

has planted an EMP device
right here in the stadium.

He could shut down the whole place
right in the middle of WrestleMania.

We shouldn't take any risks.

We'll have to cancel the show.

We can't cancel WrestleMania,
that's like canceling Christmas.

Not to mention my career.

Besides, what could anyone gain
by shutting off the lights?

Not only the lights,
but the TV cameras too.

There'd be no show.

People would panic in the
pitch black, they'd get hurt.

You're right, Sin Cara.

It would tarnish the
entire legacy of WWE.

Listen, I'll have my men guard
the stadium's generators / .

They'll check every inch of the
building right before the show.

No one's gonna get away
with anything on my watch.

One way or another,
WrestleMania goes on.

If the object of the EMP
is to create chaos...

you can bet that ghost bear is not
gonna be far away when it happens.

I think we all know
what we need to do.

Run away?

Nope. We gotta turn
WrestleMania into a trap.

A big bear trap.

Whatever you plan,
Fred, count me in.

Come on, then,
we don't have much time.

ANNOUNCER : Ladies and gentlemen...

announcing a new match
for tonight's event...

Kane versus Skinny
Man and Dead Meat!


Like, you think maybe the
g*ng's solved the mystery yet?

Because there's no mystery
as to where we're going.

Yeah, to the hospital.

No, the morgue.

Come on, guys, you
gotta have confidence.

You have to get out there
and give it your all.

If you don't hold back, if you
battle with your heart and soul...

give everything you've got...

then you'll not only survive
this, you could win!


Nice knowing you.

Hey, uh, break a leg, you two.

If we're lucky.

- Let the games begin!
- Bring on the pain train!

This is gonna be great.

- Yeah! So awesome!
- Yeah.

Everybody in position?



CENA OVER RADIO : Sin Cara's ready.

And so am I.

Triple H?

Ready out here.


Welcome to WrestleMania.

Allow me to show you
why we're all here.

Bring it out.

The WWE Championship belt.



The Superstar who wins tonight's main
event will be the new WWE Champion.

Jinkies, that's it.

Fred, I know where the
electromagnetic pulse device is.

Tonight's first match
is a big one, folks.

We have the newcomers,
Skinny Man and Dead Meat.



They'll be facing the meanest
competitor in and out of the ring.

Back for revenge...

determined to destroy anyone
between him and the title.

I give you the Big Red Monster...




This is a Last Man Standing match.

The Superstar who's unable to answer a
-count after being knocked down...

is declared the loser.

Come on, Scoob. Like, we gotta...

We gotta keep it together.


After Kane is finished with
Skinny Man and Dead Meat...

we'll be scraping them off
the mat with a spatula.


And there's the bell. Kane
explodes across the ring.

There goes any chance
for a fair match.

Skinny Man and Dead Meat
are on the ropes...

and they slam into
the Big Red Monster.

Certainly that blow can
only increase Kane's fury.

Ms. Richards, you have to open the
safe and check the championship belt.

Are you crazy? Look.

I've checked the entire stadium
for your electro-whatchamacallit.

- It's not here.
- It's right there.

- Impossible.
- If only I had a magnet to prove it.

Wow, where did you get that?

Luchadores, always
ready for anything.

Okay. Ms. Richards,
this magnet will prove...

that your championship
belt isn't gold.

Because if it sticks...

then it's made of
iron and it's a fake.

COLE : Caught in the clutches of Kane,
the newcomers look done for.

A bounce out of the ring...

offers Skinny Man and Dead
Meat a chance for escape.

But look at this: Kane has taken
the match under the ring.

It's bedlam down below.




Not again.

Somebody get me another
desk out here, please?



Jinkies. The EMP is
about to go off.

We'll never get it far enough away.

The arena power generator
is right below us.

I've got to warn everyone!

I have an idea.

Hold this and let go when I say.

Like... Okay!




That wasn't supposed to happen.


MAN : Huh? What's going on?

- What happened?
- What happened to the TV?


Oh, man, this is awful.

Who turned out the lights?


Okay, guys, it's here!


The fans are starting to panic.

Plan B, here we go.


- Woo-hoo! Lights are on.
- We can see.

Let there be light.


- WOMAN : Part of the show?
- MAN : It's part of the show.

- MAN : I was worried!
- MAN : I'm fine now.

SHAGGY : Scooby. You can do it.

You know all the right moves!

- I do?
- Yeah, from the video game.

Like, trust the massive power of
your Superstar-tastic dance moves.

Just pretend you're
playing the video game.

I can do this. I can do this.


Attaboy, Scoob!

ALL : Huh?

Ghost bear sighted.

Good. He's here.

Just like we thought he'd be.

- The lights are starting to go.
- Don't worry, Fred's on it.

Triple H.

Okay, guys, hit the generators.



COLE ON TV : After a mysterious
blackout, we're somehow back on the air.

Hey! Dead Meat's not dead yet.

- Look at that dog move.
- ALL : Go, Dead Meat!

Freddy, go.

Plan C.

RUBEN : Hey, Smokey!

Where's the fire?

Prepare to face the wrath
of the Bone Bender!


Is that a bear?

- Like, zoinks!
- Is that Ruben?

Ruben, no!

COLE : I don't believe it, folks.
Kane has been flattened.

And a new competitor
has entered the ring.

But wait. Someone has
activated the cage.

Sin Cara and John Cena are
leaping into the ring.

It's a Cage Match.

Like, we're all doomed.

Don't worry, Shaggy.
I'll protect you.

COLE : The mysterious new competitor
att*cks the bear from behind...

creating a distraction for
Cena to make a move.

But this powerful creature
turns the tables on them both.

Now Sin Cara stands alone.

The fearless luchador att*cks. He
glides around the bear like lightning.

The bear can't even touch Sin Cara.

Ladies and gentlemen, I haven't seen
moves like this in a ring before.

Sin Cara delivers a stunning
blow to the bear...

while John Cena
recovers on the mat.

He's going after the bear.

Cena is lifting the
bear over his head.

And the bear is down.

- Yeah!
- Yay!


What's that, bear? What's that?

CENA & CROWD : You can't see me.


COLE : Ladies and gentlemen, here it is.
Gene's vintage Five-Knuckle Shuffle.

It's lights out for
this big, bad bear.

This match is over.


Cena and Sin Cara going
for a tandem pin.

- Impossible.
- Huh?


Scooby-Doo, where are you?

COLE : This looks bad for Skinny Man.

But wait, what is Dead Meat up to?

Dead Meat has revived Kane.

The Big Red Monster has risen.


Never before have we
seen a standoff like this.

It's monster versus monster
inside the cage at WrestleMania.

Who will survive this
supernatural match-up?

Who will be victorious in
this paranormal pandemonium?

Kane drives the bear back
with a stunning blow.

The bear hits the mat.
Kane pins down it's leg.

The new competitor,
John Cena, and Sin Cara...

pile onto the powerful creature,
but they can barely hold it down.

Scooby-Doo! It's up to you.

COLE : Only Dead Meat can
tip the balance now.

Can he do it? Can Dead
Meat save the day?


COLE : Dead Meat just delivered
a gut-wrenching belly b*mb...

that flattened the ring
and exploded the cage!

The dust is clearing now.

The bear's out cold.

Dead Meat wins it!

- Woo-hoo!
- Dead Meat!

That bear is toast!


You okay, Velm?

This is awesome!



Now, let's see who this
ghost bear really is.


- Cookie?
- Cookie?

ALL : Cookie?

Uncle Cookie, why?

WWE is your life.

WWE was his life.

But sadly, your Uncle
Cookie never got the glory.

And his injury put him
out of the spotlight.

- Permanently.
- He started to truly resent WWE...

because he knew he could never be the
champion he always dreamed of being.

That resentment grew into
hatred over the years...

as he trained others to
be what he could not.

That's when he developed
his plan for revenge.

But that wouldn't be enough.

He needed a pawn to steal
the championship belt.

VELMA : He devised the idea of
hacking into a video game...

placing post-hypnotic
suggestions into it.

DAPHNE : That game would
become part of a contest...

which Cookie set up with fake
e-mails he sent throughout WWE.

VELMA : That's why the he used the bear
to attack your video game studio.

To cover his tracks.

FRED : The contest assured that
only the most skilled pawn...

would arrive at WWE City
to aid in the theft.

Cookie then used flashing
lights to activate.

Scooby's post-hypnotic

DAPHNE : When Cookie identified the belt in
Scooby's bed as the championship belt...

he was lying. He'd
already switched them.

With Scooby taking the blame...

Cookie was free to carry
out his ultimate plan.

FRED : Which was to turn out the lights,
and with the help of the bear...

create so much panic and injury...

that WrestleMania would
be completely ruined...

and WWE would never recover.

But thanks to Fred here, we got
the lights back on pretty quick.

- Good work!
- Ugh. Ha, ha,


And the real championship belt?

- Where is it now?
- Elementary, my dear Mr. McMahon.

Cookie's wearing it.

Sorry, Cookie. The championship
belt isn't for cheaters.

It's for champions.

Good call hiring these kids, sir.
I thought they might come in handy.

- Just get Cookie out of here.
- Yes, sir, will do, sir, you bet.

The championship belt was the
icing on the cake, Mr. McMahon.

Cookie could live off it's gold and
jewels for the rest of his life.

And I would have gotten
away with it too...


if it weren't for you meddling
kids and your game-crazy dog.

I guess after what my uncle's done, you
won't be wanting me around anymore.

- Not so, Rubie.
- You're one of us now.

You got the funk, son.

That's right, Ruben.

You've shown a Superstar's spirit
in the ring and at the computer.

You've earned a place with us
in whatever you want to do.

The choice is yours.

Thanks, Mr. McMahon.

Now that we have the real
championship belt...

it needs to be awarded
to true champions...

and after what I've seen
tonight, they're right here:

Skinny Man and Dead Meat!



- BOTH : Huh?
- Well done.

ALL CHANTING : Scooby-Doo! Scooby-Doo!

Scooby-Doo! Scooby-Doo!

Scooby-Doo! Scooby-Doo! Scooby-Doo!

Scooby-Doo! Scooby-Doo!

Scooby-Dooby-Doo! Ha, ha.
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