A Talking Cat!?! (2013)

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A Talking Cat!?! (2013)

Post by bunniefuu »

I like the woods. Always have.

You don't get me wrong, I like
to be indoors in a nice fluffy

bed as much as anyone... More
than anyone probably.

I've heard them say 'it's the
simple things' we should

appreciate most. And right now,
it's the wind in the trees and

the smells in the air... this
place has magic. And people

now a days, are way too
concerned with their shiny, tiny

beeping machines, than they are
with the simple joys of living.

And sometimes, I'm compelled to
come out to this place and do a

little... 'meditation' they call
it... or 'communing' with

nature... or just letting the
magic guide me. Because

I help people... even if they
don't know they need help.

Because, as I've discovered...

people need all the help they
can get.

That thing is hideous...
what was I thinking...

Vroom... Vroom, beep-beep...

Why do you always do that, Dad?

You used to love that when you
were a kid.

You're home early.

It's over.

What's over?

The company. We sold the
websites, the interface,

the code I worked half my life
on... Sold myself out of

a job. Now they say i have
enough money to retire.

Didn't you already have enough

That's what they say. That's
why it feels so weird.

So, what happens now?

I don't know, guess I'll hang
out here at the house for

awhile. Maybe we can
spruce it up a little bit.

Wait, Didn't you hire a

Won't they
get mad?

Well, it's our house...
I don't know!

Maybe we could go on those
trips we talked about.

What trips?

Maybe we could just
hang out ...

You know, I could
learn how to cook...

Well, I've got a lot of summer
reading to catch up on.

Maybe we'll order pizza later.

Ya... that'd be good.


Hi. Is this Chris Barber? From
Mr. Garvey's class?

Um... no...
I mean, ya, it is

I was in Mr. Garvey's class
last year... but... yeah...

OK... anyway, Um, I needed to
raise English grade and he

suggested you could tutor me?

He did... I mean, Ya, he
mentioned that thing with

me tutor of you... ya.

So... can you?

Can I what?

Tutor me this summer?

In English?

That's the idea.

Oh, Ya, ya. I mean i'm
good at English... So..

Are you sure?

Ya, sure... I'm sure... why did
somebody say something?

I was kidding. Anyway, um,
text me your address. I can

come over tomorrow and we can
work out a schedule.

My parents can't pay much...

That's uh. Come on, No payment
necessary. no shoes,

No shirt,, no service.

What does that mean?

I guess... I,,, will see you
tomorrow., uh.. Ok cool,

thanks bye.

I am so lame..


what in the world am I going to
do... Frannie she is going to

be here... tomorrow.

What was that...? Kitty?

Hey, dad?


Did we get a cat?

No. Why?

What do you do when you like a

Uh, Well uh,

Oh... I did see a cat. That one.

Ya, Me too.

Weird right?

Hey , let's go order
that pizza Huh ?

Yeah. I'd like that.

Has anyone seen my shoes?


Seriously, I've got to start
setting up at the Simms cocktail

party and there not going to
want to see my toes. They're our

best customers, they deserve
toe-free appetizers.

Did you look in the kitchen?

Ya, they're not there.

Hey, mom?

Yes, Tina... and no, you can't
go to business college.

But mom, I didn't even say which

It doesn't matter which one.
Just face it, you are too

brilliant and smart for your own
good. We can't afford it.

I promise we will looking for

scholarships over the summer.

This is so unfair. My website
would make a lot of money.

I'm sure it would, but right now
your mom can't even afford

visible footware, so, I'm sorry.

Quite bugging mom about business

Why don't you shut it.

Why don't you shut it, you're
the annoying one.

No, you're the one who doesn't
even know what he's going to do

with his life. At least I have
direction and purpose.

And if you only had a

you might have a future.

I hate you, Trent.


Can you guys give it a rest and
help me find my shoes

Ok, or I won't feed
you this week.

Aren't they outside
on the porch?

Oh... right. Thanks, Trent.

Suck up.




A little help here.

Ok, There's more in the fridge
and I don't be home to late.

Hi there.

Is it a cat?

Four paws, kinda furry .
Yep, I think so.

Wonder what it wanted?

My stinky shoes apparently. Can
you put that

car for me sweetie heart.



Of to work.

It's a lot of work to do what I
have to do. Not many people

realize that. Yes, we're all
connected, but it takes real

magic to connect the right
people at the right time.

But it can be hard sometimes.
Because people can be

stubborn and silly and sleep
right through the best parts

of life. I try not to let that
happen. I'm Duffy. And I'm a

human whisperer. And I think
I've found the people I'm

supposed to help.

Dad! Dad, what's going on!

It's fine. Just the smoke alarm
in the kitchen.

Nothing to worry about..

Is everything ok?

Ya, Just had a little hiccup

with the waffle maker
this morning.

What happened?

I can't make waffles! And a now
were going to have to get a new

waffle machine and I'm going to
buy one that

comes with directions.

Dad... seriously?

So what's this with your,
uh, shirt?

Frannie's coming over...
any minute.

Oh. Who's Frannie?

The girl in my class I told you

The one who needs
English tutoring.

Oh ya.. Well listen, this place
smells like burnt waffles .

So, Why don't you go out by the
pool. I'll bring you some juice.

Ok, I'll be out there.

Just don't bother with
the juice. or...

Oh ... So you don't want the old

man to mess up your girl time.


Hey, listen you go up stairs,
finish getting ready. I'll go

and take care of the
table outside.

Oh, hey kitty.

So, you decided to
come back huh..

I had to. You need my help...
and not just in the kitchen.

Come here!

What did you burn
in there anyway?

I could smell it out...
ooooh... ahhhhh... yesssss...

"Let's see. What does it say ,

I'm Duffy.. It's Duffy !!

Ya, But there's no address.

Who told you to stop rubbing my


I don't remember my first owner
very much...

Ok well maybe you can get
some sun out here! Huh..

And if you could grab me a bowl
of milk... That would be great.

I should probably follow Phil
inside, but there is seriously

nothing more wonderful then a
cat nap... that's why they call

it that, you know.

Wow... You have a really
nice house.


Does it always
smell like waffles?

Um... No. Um, follow
me and we can go outside.


Wow... this is beautiful.

Oh, Hey, is this your cat?

No. I don't even know what he's
doing here.

I heard that.

Aww, I like cats.

Oooh, cats like you too.

Ya, he's cool I guess. Me and
My dad were actually thinking

about getting a cat.

Nice backpedal, kid.

This is so nice. I mean, you
must be out here all the time.

Uh... yeah... sometimes.

Not true either.

So, you're having trouble in

Yeah. Well, I'm not really into
reading... books.

But, your in Honors

yeah, Well, Uhh, just because I
had, like help and stuff.


So, I need help. From you.

Ya, I can do that. Um, Are these
the ones you want to start with.

Yeah. Well there's a whole
required reading list. It's in

the first book. I kinda need
help with what's going on.

So, you don't read at all?

Why, when there's movies and TV.

Maybe we could make it fun.

How's that?

Uh, you could explain to me
what's going on in the books

while I swim in your pool?

I don't, Ummm...

I mean, it seems a shame to
waste it.

Let's make learning fun.

Ok, well.. How about i take look
at the list and these books and

i just work out a times schedule
and you know? Ok..

Oh... OK?

What the heck, cat?

Don't look at me. I may be here
to help you humans, but

explaining your irrational
behavior is beyond me.

That was horrible...

What was that all about...

I'd say Chris isn't so
experienced expressing his

affection... or talking to a
girls... or dealing with humans

at all really. Take your pick.

Well, I don't know what it was,
but I hope everything works out.

I'll do my best

This is what retirement is
all about.. Huh..

I am bored..

Wow... That sure was random...

Not really, Phil, but I'll give
you another day before I

spring that on you.

Hey, Chris... did you
let the cat in?

I came in myself, by the way.
Not that hard.

So, Duffy? What
should I do?

Feed me? Little warm milk? Maybe
some sandwich meat?

Hey, You look like you might be
hungry. You want me to find you

something to eat.

Wow... I am good. Sure, buddy,
let's eat!

Nom, nom, nom, nom....

Did someone mention my name?
Ah, nevermind...

nom, nom, nom...

Haha.. So you like that, Duffy?

You let the cat in?

Oh, I thought you did.

No. You probably shouldn't feed

Well, Why not?

He doesn't belongs to us. You
think his owner's going to be

happy with you feeding him?

Well, I don't know.

Well, you should probably
see about taking him back.

Well I looked on his collar.
There's no address.

You really don't like him?

He just doesn't belong here,
that's all. No uses in getting

attached to something that's
not going to stick around.


...nom, nom, nom...




OK, Duffy, I guess we're going
to have to find out where

you need to go.


The Simms shindig went well?

Ya. They're such nice people.

Why don't you think about asking
them for a internship?

They make toys. Barf.

Wow... when did
you become so jaded.

I'm not jaded. I just know what
I want. Unlike some people.

I heard that.

Of course you did.

What about you, Trent?

What about me?

Why don't I ask the Simms about
an internship for you?

How much does it pay?

I don't know.

... Goofus.

No, you're a goofus, actually.

Besides, toys and stuff is for
people with imaginations

and creative type stuff.

You don't have any.

I'm gonna fix that
loose fence.

Thanks sweet heart, I always
feel like I'm going fall

right threw it.

Suck up.

That's me.

Mhm.. I got start the cheese

You want to help?

...In a minute.

Saved by the bell.

I do not like these silly
machines... but they can

be useful at times.

Hey, you don't really think
you have

nothing to offer, do you?

Not really, no.

Well good because, You are
wonderful Son and you're smart

and you can do what
ever you want.

And I have no idea what that is.

Well, It takes time.

I know. I just don't want to
take an internship or anything

else when I don't know what I
want. There's gotta be tons of

people who'd love to have an
internship at a toy company.

People with magination to offer.

Hey, You have allot to offer.

Thanks, mom.

Ka, you'll figure it out. Don't
let your sister get you down.

I don't...

Good. Because, I love you and
I'm proud of you.

...Well, did he say anything
else? Cause I totally think he

likes you. Guys are like
clueless like that.

You just have to keep at it...

I know... I know... I know...

...well, you know how Derek was,
that's why you broke up with

him... You want
something different...

hey, I gave you the idea...

I know...

I know..

I know..


Um, there's one thing you don't
know... which is I'd really like

you to look at your beeping

...Well, let me know, Just I
think you have to keep at it...


I know...

I know...

I know...

OK, goodbye.

I am such a good friend.

Read your beeping machine.

Who said that? Trent? Are you
messing with me?

It's not Trent. It's me.

You're a cat...?

Read your machine.

And you're talking...?

How...? Who?



Tina, Please
read your machine.

My computer?



I said 'please?'

Yes... but you're a cat?

I'm a cat with good manners. So,
please read your machine.

I can only speak to you
once. It's the rules.

OK. I will. Thanks...



There's a cat in here.

I know there's a cat in here...
it was just talking to me!

Why is there a cat in here?

It just is; did you not hear
what I just said...

it was talking to me!

Here kitty, kitty.. Maybe it's
hungry. Should I get some milk?

No... it talks, like, it doesn't
just meow, it was just talking

to me; like words, sentences,
languages... out loud... to me!

Tina, just calm down, ka,
you're scaring the cat.

I'm scaring the cat?! It was
just talking to me!

Where's your brother?


Ohh kitty, kitty. So cute..

This is why you have no
imagination! A talking cat!

That's just stupid! That's the
best you could come up with?

That doesn't even make sense,
you moronic oaf!

I didn't even do anything...

What is going on?

Where's the cat?

He's gone. He left when you
started yelling and slamming

doors. What is going on, Tina?

Ask my brother.

Whatever, Trent...


How goes the cheese puffs?

In the oven. How's the fence?


Are you ok? You seem a little

I'm fine.

Hey, you wanna watch a
movie marathon with me.

I taped it last night Humphrey
Bogart. You'd love it, lots

of dastardly deeds, danes
and daring-do.

Sounds cool, but maybe
Another time. I'm going for

a walk before it gets too dark.

You ain't no good, see..

You know, I hate to do this
to you but...I might have to

fill of lead, see.. a man's
gotta do what a man's got

to do, Hahaha

You like Humphrey Bogart
movies too? Huh, Duffy..

Sure. Your impression is
terrible, but the movies seem

good. Not enough cats though.

Duffy? What am I going
to do?

Try taking a long walk into the

Yeah, I thought about taking
the trails Over but..

Is somebody in here?

Just us lazy, old movie-watching


You should take a walk in the

What's going on here?

And then have a talk
in the woods.

Why are you... talking?

Well, because I have one
chance to. And I thought

now might be good.

You can talk... but only once?

I don't make the rules, Phil.

No... No, I don't suppose
you do...

But, hold on a sec...

OK... but just remember
what I told you.

Right, walk, talk in
the woods... But you stay

there.. .. Right there..








What happened? Did you burn
something in the kitchen again?

No, Come here quick.
You got to come...

Don't get all angry!
What's going on?

Don't worry about it?
Just come here...

Why's the cat on your bed?

Well, he kind of came back in,
So Duffy and I were watching

Some old movies together...
weren't we, Duffy?

Go ahead, Duffy, tell Chris what
you told me.

are you OK, dad?

Ya, i'm fine... Go
ahead tell chris!


Well he was just talking to me..


He said,


Now wait a minute.. I can't go
stir-crazy after just one day?


Short answer: yes. Long answer:
yes. Now i'm going back

to my room.

What's your deal, cat?

A new day...

A new day to start over..
Phil two-point-oh. Ya, wonderful

day to start again.. And I'm
going to stop talking to stray

cats, because that makes no
sense at all...

But, then a little walk in the
woods wouldn't hurt. In fact it

But, then a little walk in the
woods wouldn't hurt. In fact it

would be good to clear my head.

And I just thought about that
idea right at this very

moment.. Right!

This is really nice out here...

Who would have thought.
Right across the street...

Hey, loser. Don't try to prank
me today.

You don't have it in you.

I'll pretend like I know what
you're talking about.

Yeah, right... you stay dumb,
I'm off to the library to

work on my proposal.
Cause I'm smart. And you're not.

Yeah, I know, I got it...
blah blah blah you're boring.

Is Tina head off to the library?


Are you OK?

Yeah... just going for a walk.

Hey, You know I'm always here if
you need to talk.

I know. Thanks mom.

What's up with you, cat?

I'm a talking cat, but I can
only talk to a person once.

And there's a collar my original
owner gave me, buried under

a grove of magical trees
due north of here.

It's near a big fallen tree and
just through a thick hedge that

looks like a fuzzy green wall.
That collar is what lets

me help people.

That's... crazy?

What's so crazy about it?

You're a cat.

You're a human. And one with
quite an imagination, despite

what your sister says.

How do you know that? I don't
even know what I'm

going to do with my life.

That's the problem with you
humans, you're all so concerned

with knowing the destination,
you forget to enjoy the trip.

What does that mean?

Not sure. I heard on a TV once.
But that thing doesn't really

interest me.

My sister knows what she wants.
And we're twins.

So you have to take
the same path?

No... but, I don't know what I
want to do.

She's right, I have no

You know how I know that's
not true at all?


You're having a thoughtful
conversation with me.

I'm a talking cat, remember.

That just makes me crazy.

You just need to stop selling
yourself short. If you keep

living and learning and reaching
out, the life you think you're

missing is going to land
right in your lap.


Maybe you're right...

Forget, I have plenty of


I need to get out more..
I haven't done this much walking

in for ever ... I should have
brought some water.


Oh, hi... I'm sorry, I just
talking a walking in the woods

and guess, I got a little bit...



I'm sorry, I'm not much for
hiking... Not yet anyway.

Would you like some water?

I hate to bother, but
that would be great.

But, You're not a crazy
person right ? No offense.

My son says I am. I don't think

So, I guess the jury
is still out.

my name is Phil..

Susan...nice to meet you.

Um, come on in..

Well, Thank you.

So, do you live nearby?

Ya, Up the canyon,
817 Ocean View.

Wow, that's a swanky
neighborhood up there.

They say it is.. My son doesn't
think so.

Oh you have a son,
How old?

Chris well he is 17.
Going on 67.

I have twins, that age. A boy
and a girl. They are a little

bit of a
handful. But there good kids.

I see you and your husband
has done a fine job.

Oh I'm not married.
Never have been.

Oh, I'm sorry... I didn't mean,
well, Chris' mother she

left him with me... it's kind of


Your place is
really nice. It's very homey.

Well, If by 'homey' you mean
small And Needs work then

thank you.

Oh, no... Not at all. It's
really nice.

Thank you. I Did it all myself.

Really I'm not much for
decorating, I had someone else

do my place. So now I live in
a place that Had someone else's

taste... and I got to tell you
there taste is pretty awful.

Haha, Why don't you make
it your own?

Well I don't have much taste,
I mean, Look at me,

I look like something
the cat dragged in...

No you don't, you look nice.

Well thank you, You're too,
too kind. I know I spent a

lifetime in windowless office
buildings drinking coffee. I'm

Humphrey Bogart.

Oh my god.. I love Humphrey
Bogart. I taped the marathon

that was on last night.

You saw that too. It was great.

What's your favorite
Bogart movie?

Wow, There's so many..
I have them categorized Um.

By genre and some by co-star.

And they call me OCD.

Well you have to there's so
many... There's the w*r-related

the detective stories.

What about the love stories?

Well, I like those too.

They kind of creep up on you.

They do. That's true..

I am too good sometimes..

Wow, dad, you look terrible.

Well, I just took a
little walk.

To where? Mordor?

No... just down the hill...
and threw the woods...

Maybe I did get there.

Well, Frannie's going to be here

How's the tutoring going?

It's OK... she gets this stuff
more than she lets on, I think.

Girls are weird.

Ya, they are... but they're
pretty cool too..


Kind of hard to figure
out though.


So I think I'm going to take
another walk again tomorrow.


Yeah, you're right, I'm going to

take another walk again

I didn't say anything.

Hey, I'm going to take shower
and Maybe we can go get some

Chinese later on.


So, Hamlet is a story
about what?

A guy. Named Hamlet. Who...
likes ham?

Two out of three is not bad
but there's a little more

to it than that. You
seemed to know more

yesterday though..

I know, but it's just
so hot. Do you think

we could go swimming...

I don't think... we should go
swimming.. I mean,

you can go. It's fine.

Don't you want to swim with me?

I'd like to... love to, but I
just don't think we should break

client / tutor privilege.. by
which course I mean

not have any privileges...

OK. It's ok, I understand. I
don't want you to freak out. I

like you take things seriously.
But you don't have to all

the time with me.


Hamlet is a Story about a guy
who can't take action

even though the obvious is
staring him right in the face.

Um... yeah... good... yeah...

It's OK to ask for help.

Did you just...?

If it means anything, I don't
like the water at all... except

if I stick my paw into faucet...
feels so weird... and I

drink from the toilet
sometimes. Don't tell anyone.

Oh, I... can't swim.

I know.

I don't know what to
tell my dad...

If you can talk to a cat,
you can talk your dad.

Ya, but we don't have
anything in common...

Ya, We both talked to a cat,
didn't you?

And the cat talked back.
Didn't it..

That's... weird.

True. True But so is life. It
will never stop being weird.

Chris, don't let one setback
stop you from taking advantage

of an opportunity. If you need
help, ask for it.

Duffy, do you think
Frannie likes me?

Duffy? Duffy?

Well I guess me and my
dad are crazy.

Together. That's kinda cool.

Hey, that sounds great, it
really does. No, Short notice

is fine, especially with an
opportunity like this.

Thank you and thank Tom..
Ya, good luck tomorrow.

Yep, I'll ee you then, thank's.
You guy's that was Winnie Simms.

She's got a big client coming in
tomorrow. She want's to pull out

all the stops. And If help her
land this client, She's going to

put us under contract.

Wow, What's that mean?

That, means a regular job,
Regular paychecks and maybe

moving to a bigger house.

Can I help?

I'm going to have to loading
up everything in the car.

Could give it a clean out?



Yeah, good luck, mom.

Look at me. I'm doing
breakfast and lunch,

so I'll need you to juggle a
few things with the ovens

the morning. Maybe even prep
the cheese puffs; they were

a special request.

Sure, No problem.

So if anyone needs me, I'll be

in the kitchen most of
the night.

Don't mess this up for mom like
you messed up your face.

Funny, Slacker McNoLife.

You can't make me
feel bad anymore.

Whatever. Weirdo.


Duffy! Trent gonna make
you talk again today?

Cause that didn't make any
sense... and I'm not sure how

that story on the coding guy
came up on my computer...

Tina.. Are you talking to me..

No mom... Duffy's back.

Oh, The cat.. I don't
think he should spend

the night. He's not ours.

OK. I'll let him out.

This'll be our little secret.

I do need to speak with your
mother... she's the last

person I need to speak with...

But it has been a long day
And these long walks...

my paws are soooo tired...

Ok so.. Mr. Financial Advisor,
where we start?

Ok, hold on..

Ya, Ok, So Where should I
invest? Uh-huh... No..

nah.... nah... uh-huh... wait,
wait, ya toy company?

Ya, I read that book to Chris
when he was little...

Yes, Yes let's invest...No I
don't care,

I've got a lucky cat...

That's right that much...
I don't care...

Right take care of it..
Thank you, sounds good,

I'll talk to you later..
It's time for me to take a walk

in the woods.. I got
a neighbor to meet...

Ya... I don't know.. Going to
see a neighbor..

Take it easy.. Bye, bye....




How'd breakfast go?

Ok... On my end I guess.
Not sure about these investors.

I hope they come through,
We can really use this..

Ya, Well, the lunch is either
packed or finishing up.

Great, Cheese puffs?

They're cooling. They smell

They should. Every thing is top
notch.. I'm losing money on

those Cheese puffs..
You have to spend money

to make money...

To maybe make money
in this case.

Same thing these days,
Where's your brother?

Weirdo went to the mall to
look for a part-time

job or something?

Oh, Really? That's cool
Well, I guess I have a

few minutes to relax.

Am I relieved, I want to feed...


No. I have work to do on my

Cooking is just a hobby for me..

Well, stick around through
lunch, in case they

have a special requests.

You worry too much, mom.
I know business, and

believe me, if those
investors aren't interested,

cheese puffs aren't
going to make a difference.

Well, I don't care, we
need this... I need this...

You're weird, mom.

Ya, I know..


Are you OK?

I think so...

That guy drives way too fast
down our road...

Ya, So, you're a chef?

Caterer. Own my own business.
Susan's Pantry, Country


Do you cook?

A little bit mostly minimalist,
My son dons't complain though.

I'm sorry i got to get going..
it's a big

day for my company today.

Oh, I'm sorry. Of course I,, I
was in the area... and I..

How about another glass
of water. I Wouldn't want

you to get dehydrated.

I would love some..

Thank you so much.
It hit the spot..

You know I wanted to tell you
that I really appreciated are

conversation yesterday..

I liked It too.. I more
then liked it..

Susan, I don't want
you think I'm weird or

anything.. But.. I... was

Oh... that's my cheese puffs.

Oh, Let me help you
with them then..

Oh, no that's ok...

It's the least i can do..

Oh, No they are hot.You know
what I hate to do this, but I

got to get back to this gig.

of course you do.. But maybe..
We can..

I can come back another time.

Ya. I'd like that.

Tina! I got to go..

Who's this guy?

This is Phil, are neighbor...


Come on, Phil, don't freak out,


My cheese puffs!

Oh I'm sorry.. I.....
Don't be mad... I..

And Phil freaks out.

Oh... maybe I can buy you some

I make them from scratch..
and the Simms

asked for them specifically..

I'm sure it's not that big of a
deal, mom.

It is!

Wait, what about Duffy?

How do you know Duffy?

Um, Well Duffy. Kind like my

I'm my own cat, thank you very

Your cat?

Ya, I mean... he comes and goes
as he pleases..

But he's kind of my cat..

Hey, wait a minute. Is your name

Yes. It is..

Ya, I told you that when
you came in!

Wait,, Phil Barber... you do
computer coding and stuff.

Yes I do... um, mean I did.

That is perfect... I can't
Believe you're in my

house right now.. we've got a
lot to talk about.

I need you to make another
batch of cheese puffs for me..


Tina, please. I'm going to need
the other tray and

I don't have time.

Well I can only make one batch.
The kitchen's big

enough to do two batch.

Ok, I know that. But
you got to do it.

Oh, Wait a minute. I know, you
could come to my place

use my oven. I think I
have two ovens...

Perfect. I'll hang out with Phil
and make another batch.

No, You're not going to a
strangers house by yourself...

No offense.

Well, No offense taken.
But there's got to be

something I can do.

You know what, you
can go, really we'll be fine..

Please. Just go.

I'm really, really sorry...

Mom, he's nice. I need to
talk to him.

Well, That may be, but if you're
not Making cheese puffs,

you're grounded.

How can you do that!
I'm almost an adult!

Well, until you start acting
like it then you do what I say.

Oh... this didn't go well.

This is just great Phil.. You
ruin the lady's cheese

puffs and her business
all in one day.

Phil... Hi... I really did want
to talk to you.

What about your mom?

Oh, She'll be fine... this
is business. Just keep

walking and I'll tell
you all about it.

Hi, mom.
You want a sandwich?

Where's your sister?

Not here.

She didn't make
cheese puffs did she?


And she left her cell phone

Is she in trouble?



No. Not sweet. The investor
meeting is not going well

and I don't got cheese puffs.

I'm sure the Simms
will understand.

it's not the point, I wanted
everything to be perfect

and it isn't and I don't
know where she is

I'll find Tina. You go
make one batch of

Cheese puffs. You can
do that before they're

finished, I'm sure.

Ok, Ill do that just get
your sister back here.

Sure. She's in trouble.
This will be awesome.

You know where she is?

I have a pretty good idea.

Wow, those cheese puffs smell

It's my mom's recipe. You
didn't have the cheese she

usually uses, but it should
be OK. She won't

be as mad... hopefully.

You did tell her you were coming
here. Right?

Oh... yeah sure.... And I
have my phone so...

what do you think about my

Well, I got a buddy that has
a similar engine... change

up the algorithms...Get a
list of variables get some

get some recognition software...
Uh, change....

It's a thumb drive. I've
been working on the

math for a long time.
I think I have the right

list of variables and
the basics for an algorithm,

but I need help...

You are just a teenage girl
right? You're not like any

teenage girl I've ever new..

We can be nerds now too.

Yes, you can.

So, will you take a look at it?

If I can snag a some of those
cheese puffs before they

get out of here.

It's a deal.

I can't do this... I am going to
sink and I'm going to drowned..

I'm going to get eaten by a
shark. A pool shark and I do not

like pool sharks...

Hi. This pool is awesome.


Who are you?

Oh, sorry, I'm Trent. Tina's

Who's Tina?

Um, I think she's here.. Cooking
something by the smell of it.

I didn't think that was my dad.
Didn't smell anything burning.

Hey, do you think I could
take a swim? I walked up the

hill and it looks like the
best thing

I've seen in a long time.

Sure. I was just
getting out.

There's some extra towels and
gym shorts in the cabana...

...or you could just jump in.

You must be out here every
chance you get.

Ya, Sure..

I would k*ll to have a pool. I
love to swim. I taught swimming

and was a lifeguard couple
years at a kids pool,

just so I could swim.

Do you think you could teach..
Non-kids how to swim?

Sure. No problem. But I may have
to come over a lot this summer

make sure the pool
is up to snuff.

Sure, whatever you need. As long
as I can swim without sinking.

Um... sure. That's
the easy part.

Get in.

Cheese puffs wafting across the
pool deck, two families enjoying

each others gifts... yes, things
are working out much better.

These cheese
puffs are the best..

Thanks. What about my data

Now, This is all
really impressive,

Tina I want to see what
I can do with this.


Ya, I think you've got a great

I have no future...

I'm doing it...

That's it..

I'm doing it...

Keep loose, don't fight
against the water...

relax... nice job.....


Oh... I'm so sunk...

Susan! I forgot Susan!

Susan, Hi.

You forgot this. When you
left home without my permission?

Mom, I can explain...

Well, I thought you said
everything was OK?

Phil here is a business
guy and he told me he

could help me with my
project and career, so...

So, what? I needed you
to help me with the business

that provides food and

and roof over your head
and forgive me if I still

get to be your mother.

Well how did the meeting go?

Not so good. The investor

Well that happens...
It's not your fault, mom.


Yes' what?

Yes... I'm... sorry?

And where have you been?

Swimming, Your
in trouble by the way..

And so are you by the way.

I was just doing what
you told me too..

Ya, swimming with
your friends?

Well maybe I can explain...

OK, go ahead. Explain.

Come on, Phil, pull this one out
don't let

my hard work down...

I'm... sorry?

No, Phil, that's not acceptable.
I expect more from my kids

and you know what,
but I barely know you.

Well, then, maybe... we should
hang out sometime...

Your ask me out? Now?

Well of course not what,
I... I mean not that I

wouldn't ask you out..
I mean your very pretty

Dad, please stop rambling.

That's not fair, Mom. I was
just ---

This was going so well...

This is all Tina's/ Trent's
fault anyway...

Enough! Tina, Trent, get in
The car. We'll talk about

this when we get home.

Phil, you may very well be a
nice person, but in the future

take your walk along a
different trail.

I know I can fix this. I just
need to talk to Susan.

Paws don't fail me now.


So do you like that woman?

Ya I did..

You shouldn't let one
little set back stop you

from taking advantage
Of an opportunity..

Alright then well I'll try not

But I'm going to need
your help


Come here!

Susan's daughter, Tina,
she's invented an application

that catalogs your wardrobe
into a database, then

offers you suggestions
on outfits. It also suggests

things you can buy in
specific price ranges to

augment those outfits...
it's all pretty impressive.

But we're dudes... and pretty
sloppy dudes to..

Ya, We just a change a
few of the

parameters. Ready to
give it a try?

Frannie's coming by later.

I guess we should get started.

Come here!


That's it..

Let's get this..

Do you need me to...

Ya right there..

Scanned in..


Scanned in..


Scanned in..


Scanned in..


Scanned in..



So what choices do we have..

What about a purple and
pink tie with balloon pants..

Ya I'm not sure about that,
Frannie,the purple and pink..

That's a little much dad.

Just about done..

Great ..

You know we look good.

We do. You should develop
that girls program.

You know. Tina doesn't know
it yet, but she's going to

one very wealthy young lady.


That's Frannie.

I'll get out of your way.

Hi, Frannie.

Hi, Chris... you seem...

Oh... didn't notice.

Anyway, I was wondering...
since it's little hot outside

if you might wanted to swim
first and study second.

I'd like that.

Man, that's a long trip, but I
can fix this. I know I can.

MacBeth and his Lady would
be a lot less ambitious if they

had a pool to lounge in.

I think you're right.

I don't want to bug you, But
thought you

might want some lemonade.

Thank's dad..

Is this yours..


Hey... really? Oh, no... that's

I'll get my mom to give
me a ride over right away..

Is everything OK?

My friend was looking
after a stray cat,

the one you had here the
other day Duffy.

Well she got hit by
a car by their place.

It doesn't look good.

What's going on?

I think we are going to give
your friend a visit.. Right now.

Susan, were sorry to come by
like this, but

we where told about Duffy.

We were in side... And we
heard a car slam on a

brake's. We found them..
The vet has made him

comfortable but..

We put him in my room...

Do you mind?




He's a good cat...

Ya, He is..


I don't know what it is
about that cat. It's like

he spoke to all of us...

Why are you all looking at each
other like that?

Duffy, He... Spoke to all of us?

I don't understand.
What do you mean..

He did that... maybe there's
some magic left in the collar...

What are you talking about?

Did Duffy tell you something?

Yes, he was making a point... he
said he had a collar hidden near

a grove of trees.

We all know Duffy's special,
right.. So maybe it all makes

sense that collar might
be able to save him...

Anything! We have to
do something. Let's go.

Are you all crazy?

Yes we are.

So where do start?

North of here.

If this works I'll never be mean
to you again.

Sure you will.

What is going on here?

Duffy... he's special.

You are too.

Duffy the cat ...
Spoke out loud to all of you?

Ya you are probably going to
think that we are crazy and all

of us should be put away. But
if there's one chance in a

million this crazy goose chase
that we're on .. is going to

save that cat.. It's worth it..

OK... I think the hedge
Trent talked about is up

OK... I think the hedge
Trent talked about is up

here behind that fallen tree.

Over here, I think this is it.

Are you ready see what's
on the other side..

Got it!

What happened?

We did... something.

I'm Duffy i'm a talking cat..

Now, I know you have a lot of
questions. But there are

some things even a cat -
sure, even one as smart

as I am, can tell you.

Susan got her contract
with Simms Toys after all.

Seems some new investor
person appeared out of nowhere.

It was months before
Phil and Susan realized

they had even more things
in common... and by then,

they'd grown quite fond
of each other.

Tina's fashion advice thingee
become a big deal for Phil's

new development company.
I still don't get the

fascination with the beeping
machines, but it makes

them both happy.

Cannon balls.

The others... well, they're
Still figuring out who they

are and what they want...
but they've taken to the

cat way of doing things,
which involves lots of

curiosity, playing and
napping... OK, maybe it's just

me that likes to nap, but
I find it helpful.

Maybe my collar gave
me one of those nine

lives I'm supposed to
have. I don't know. But

my new family -- the family
I feel I'm going to stay

with -- believed enough in
me to come together on

my behalf... and that's
almost enough to make

a cat get emotional. Almost.
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