04x07 - A Black Day for Mayberry

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Andy Griffith Show". Aired: October 1960 to April 1968.*

Moderators: Lindaballou, Lindaballou

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Andy Taylor who is a widowed sheriff raises his son in Mayberry, N.C.
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04x07 - A Black Day for Mayberry

Post by bunniefuu »

( whistling sprightly tune )

Starring Andy Griffith...

with Ronny Howard.

Also starring Don Knotts.

Yeah. Okay.

I'll see you tomorrow night, sweetie pie.


♪ Juanita ♪

♪ Juanita ♪

( humming )

♪ Nita ♪

♪ Nita ♪

♪ La-la Nita ♪

♪ Rup-bup-bup-ba... ♪

BARNEY: Yes, sir?

Sheriff around?

No, he's out right now.

Somethin' I can do for ya?

We'll wait.

Well, I'm his deputy, you know.

Any business of the sheriff's

is business of mine.

We'll wait.

Well, he might not be right back,

so, if there's some message you want me to give him,

why, just, uh... We'll wait.

( whistling casually )

You can tell me anything you can tell the sheriff.

Sheriff takes me into his confidence.

I take him into mine.

That's the way we work around here.

Wait, then.

Hi, Barney.

Hi, Ope.

Where's Paw?

He stepped out.

Where'd he go?

He didn't tell me where he was goin'.

Somethin' you want to see him about?

No. I'll wait.

Who are they?

Friends of Paw's?

No, they're just waitin'.

What for?

Don't ask me what for.

I just run the waitin' room, that's all.


Just keep your shirt on.

I'll see if he can see you.

What's up?

Couple fellas here wouldn't state their business.

Could we have a word with you?


All right, the sheriff will see you now.


Oh, in a second, Ope.

Now maybe we can find out what this is all about.

Yes, sir?

Alone, if you don't mind.

Well... You might need me to take notes.

Oh, I don't think that'll be necessary.

Sometimes helps if you have a material witness.

Well, if I need you, I'll call you.


Ope, is this somethin' we can talk about later on?

Well, if you could let me have a dime,

we wouldn't even have to talk about it.

Remind me to ask you later what for.

There. Now, you run along

with... Barney.

Come on, Ope.

We're not appreciated around here.

Call me if you need me.


I'll be right outside.


No, thanks, Leon.

Move along, Leon.

Let's keep this area clear.

Don't loiter around here.

Well, thank you, Sheriff.


You know who those fellas are?

I couldn't care less.

Well, let me tell you who they are.

I don't even want to talk about it.

Barney, listen... Forget it, Andy!

Barney, listen. Take a walk!

Will you simmer down and listen?

Now, I got somethin' to tell you that's important

and it's got to be kept quiet.

Those fellas are from the Treasury Department.



Well, come on, give.

Now, remember, this is top secret.

You're talkin' to tight-lips Barney.

All right, here goes.

There's a shipment of gold comin' through here tomorrow

on its way to Fort Knox.

Gold... you-you...

Gold bricks, a whole armored truckload.

They're shippin' it from the Denver Mint.

( whistles )

You know what one truckload of gold bricks is worth?

Over $ million.

$ million... Oh, Andy, this is big.

This is really big!

It's big all right, it's about the biggest thing

that ever happened to this town

and it's got to be hush-hush.

Oh, you kidding? You can count on me.

All right, 'cause if word ever got out,

we'd have every crook and g*ng in the whole country

headed for Mayberry.

And we're responsible, you and me,

for what happens to that truck

from the minute it crosses the county line

to the minute it leaves.

What about the FBI? The army?

Why don't they give it a convoy?

No, no, they don't want to attract attention.

Now, I know this ain't the shortest route to Fort Knox,

but like the fella explained to me,

when you want to sneak somethin' in the house

you don't drag it in the front door, you go around back.

Oh, Andy, this is big.

This is gonna take planning.

We already done it.

Come here.

( clears throat )

Now, the truck's gonna enter up here

and it's gonna pass through Mayberry

at : tomorrow afternoon.

They'll make a short stop at the fillin' station to refuel

and give the driver and guards a break for supper.

Now, while they're in the diner,

our job is to guard the truck and what's in it.

No confusion, you understand, just casual-like.

Just like it was just ordinary money.

Right, like it was ordinary money.

Now we got to do two things:

First, we got to maintain absolute secrecy.

Next, we have to anticipate every possible threat

and guard against it.

You just leave it to me.

Oh, Andy, this is big, this is really big.

Okay, now, I got to go check the road

between here and the county line.

All right.

While you're doin' that,

I'm gonna give this burg a security check

you know, just to make sure

there's no suspicious characters hangin' around.

I better swear in another deputy.

The first thing I gotta do

is call off my date for tomorrow night.

Sarah, get me the Bluebird Diner.

Now, remember, Barn... shh.

Juanita? Barn.

Listen, about tomorrow night,

I'm afraid you're gonna have to give me

a little rain check on that.

Well, something's come up, pretty important.

No, I'd tell you about it, but I can't.

No, no, it's nothin' like that. This is somethin' big.

Well, you-you'd never guess this.

All-all right, go ahead, guess.

No. No, no, this-this has something to do with a truck,

a truck that's comin' through here tomorrow.

All right, I'll give ya one little hint.

It's worth $ million.

A wha...? Wha...? A rocket?

No. No. No, no, you're gold.

Cold! You're cold!

I didn't say "gold." I said "cold."

Ignore what I said about gold, Juanita.

Did you get that? I did not say "gold"!

Hi, Barney.

Afternoon, Asa.

Whatcha doin' out of uniform?

( quietly ): Hold it down!

You didn't get fired?

Lower your voice, will you?

What for?

I don't get it.

Whatcha showin' me that for? I...

I'm in plain clothes, Asa, for heaven's sakes.

Well, I'd a-knowed you anywhere.


have you seen any suspicious characters hangin' around?

No... not that I can think of.

Now, you just go on and do whatever you were doin'.

I can't... you took my paper.

Then, do somethin' else, so's we don't attract attention.

Why? There's nobody else here.

You never know.

By the way, Barney,

what time's that gold shipment

going through tomorrow?

What gold?!

What are you talkin' about?

Why, it-it's all over town.

$ million.


That's a heck of a lot of money.

I'd sure like to get a look at $ million.

Just to see it go by, even.

Maybe wave to it.


Hi, Barney.

When's the gold comin' through?

No comment!

MAN: When's the gold comin' through, Barney?

No comment!

BOY: Let's hear about it, Barney.

There ain't no gold

so don't believe everything you hear.

Now go on, get out of here!

And I don't want you hangin' around

when that truck comes through neither.

Then the truck is comin', ain't it?!

No comment!

Hi, boys.

Hi, Sheriff. Hi, Sheriff.


Hi, Barn.

Took longer than I thought.

How's everything here?

Okay, I guess.

Better load up.

Why don't we take a run over to the fillin' station,

check the layout there and at the diner?

Figure how we're gonna cover things tomorrow.

( drawer slams )

What's the matter... You gettin' jumpy?

You kiddin'?

This is our big moment.

This is what we've been trainin' for.

It's what it's all about.

It's our big chance.

That's right.

I got a feelin' we're gonna blow it.


I just got a feelin', that's all.

I got a feelin' word might... leak out or somethin'.

Well, how could it?

Nobody knows but you and me.


Relax, Barn.

This is our secret.

Let's check the fillin' station.

Hey, Andy. Hey, Gomer.

Hey, Barney. Hey, Gomer.

What time's the gold truck comin' through?


Well, he's a deputy.

He had to know!

I told you not to tell him.

Barney didn't tell me.

I got it from Laura Lee Hobbs

up at the dime store.

Laura Lee Hobbs?

Yeah, it looks like it leaked out, all right.

Well, who can you trust these days?!

Who can you trust!?

You tell me.

Well, not Gomer, that's for sure.

Andy, this ain't good.

This thing's got out of control.

You better call it off!

I can't call it off.

You better phone the men or the president or somebody

and tell 'em to stop that truck!

They can't stop it.

It already left.

Somewhere between here and Denver,

there's $ million headed for Mayberry

and you and me and Gomer and Laura Lee Hobbs,

we're gonna be here to receive it.

Here you are, folks, get your hot dogs

while waiting for the gold truck!

Here you are, get 'em nice and hot

while waiting for the gold truck!

Here you are, here are these nice hot dogs!

GOMER: Stand back. Stand back now.

Come on, kids, stand back there.

Get back on the curb. Get back on the curb.

Everybody get back now.

You folks are gonna have to stand up off the curb

so you won't get your toes run over.

Oh, Aunt Bee.

Aunt Bee, you come right up here in the front.

You folks don't mind moving over a little bit, do you?

Ooh. My, what a day for a gold shipment.

I never saw so many people turn out in the rain.

Isn't it wonderful?

What time they coming through with the gold, Gomer?

The truck ought to be comin' through any minute now.

They giving away any free samples?

Not that I heard of anyway.

Hey, here comes Regis!

Hiya, Regis.

Regis, you're gonna have

to get back on the curb like everybody else.

MAN: Regis, get back to the woods.

Yeah, go on back to the woods, Regis.

Barbarians, worshippers of Hammond.

Regis, why don't you go on home?

You know you just come down here to start an argument.

Hold my sign, Gomer.

Go on back home, Regis!

Hey, here it comes!

( cheering )

What's going on here?

Gomer, what are you doing with that sign?

I'm just mindin' it for Regis.

Would you look at...?

Would you just look at this?

Turned into nothing but a dad-burn parade.

You beat everything, you know that, Barney?

Half the town's turned out.

You want me to disperse 'em?

You try and disperse them, and they'll disperse you.

Here it comes! Here it comes! Here it comes!

( cheering )

OPIE: Here it comes!

Gomer, Gomer, form a cordon there.

Well, how do I do that?

I don't know, but keep those people back.

Y'all stay back.

Get rid of that sign, Gomer.

I can't find Regis.

Well, go look for him.


BARNEY: Get back! Stay back!

ANDY: Everybody get back away from the truck.

Get them young'uns off the truck.

Everybody stand back from the truck.

Stand back.

Everybody stand back.

I'm sorry.

Word leaked out.

I know it's the farthest thing

from what you wanted.

Is it too late for you to change your route?

Let's just keep moving.

All right, everybody.

( cheering )

All right, hold it.

Folks, hold it down!

Quiet, everybody.

Let's listen to the sheriff.

You tell 'em, Sheriff.

Talk it up, Sheriff.

Hold it down now.

Now, listen, you've seen the truck

and that's all there is to see.

All that's gonna happen now...

the truck's going to the fillin' station and get some gas

and the FBI men are gonna go get a little supper.

( cheering )

Hold it. Hold it. Hold it.

Now, this is government business.

And if you stay,

you're interferin' with government property.

So you better just go on home.

All right...

everybody go on home.

Let the truck through.

Let the truck through.

Leave it. Come on.


Have y'all seen Regis?

Hey, Regis, where you at?

You stand right there and keep your eyes open.

( gasps )

Easy. Easy, Barney.

I talked to the driver.

Now here's the plan.

While him and the guards go get a little supper,

Gomer fills 'er up with gas, I guard out here

and you change places with the guard inside.

In the truck?

That's right.

With the gold?

Gonna lock you up together.

Do you think that's wise, Andy?

That's the way it's always done.

Can't leave the gold alone for a minute.

Only thing is, when we make the switch, it's got to be fast.

It's that split second when the door is open

that something might happen.

So get on your mark.

When I give you the signal...

All set, Sheriff?

All set.

Let's go.

Keep it nonchalant.

This is it, Barney.


Out. Quick.


We'll be back in a few minutes.


I wonder where the gas t*nk on these buggies is.


Hey, Gomer!

Gomer, cut that out!

Not there, Gomer.

That's a g*n port.

Wanna flood the whole truck?

It's in the back.

I got to get rid of some more sightseers.

Fill 'er up and keep an eye on the truck.

I'll be back in a minute.

Well, how about that?

Now, look, I told you folks to go on home.

Now, we've got business to attend to here,

so you just go on home.

I'm sorry. We can't let you see the truck.

Just go on home now.

They're just gonna gas the truck up and then it'll be on its way.




Help! Somebody let me out of here!


Hey, fellers.

Everything's fine.

( phone rings )

Excuse me while I answer my phone.

We've been h*jacked!


Let me out of here!

Help! Help! Let me out of here!

The gold's gone.

This ain't gold. This is sand.

Let me out of here, I knew you guys weren't on the level.

Stop that. Help!

Help! Let me out of here!

We'll drop him off at the next town.

Help! Andy!

Andy, let me out of here!


That truck's leaving awful sudden-like, ain't it?

Yeah, and I thought I heard somebody hollerin'.


Just now, like somebody yelling "help!"

Where's Barney?

Reckon that was him hollerin'?

Come on, Gomer!

( siren wailing )

You got my deputy locked in there.

Let him out. Move.

Gomer, go get Barney.

Now, suppose you tell me what this is all about.

You open that door.

Gomer, where's Andy?

They jumped me.

The gold's gone.

We've been h*jacked.





Andy! Andy!

Andy, you're letting them get away.

What are you doin'?

Barney, listen...

But there's sand in that truck!

They're crooks! They're going to get away!

Barney, listen, listen, listen.

They're not crooks.


They just told me the reason they grabbed you,

you was about to give away their plan.

But the truck...

The truck was nothing but a decoy.

A decoy.


That's all it was.

You mean there was never any gold in that truck?


A decoy. Shazam!

They said that was their plan...

To let folks think

that was the truck with the gold in it

while the real truck went by a different route.

A decoy.


Boy, that frosts me.

It really frosts me.

Now, Barney, there's no need for you to carry on like that.

That's the plan the Treasury men had,

and they wanted us to follow it.

Well, you know what really frosts me?

The fact that they didn't tell us it was a decoy.

Well, that's the plan they had.

I don't care, it frosts me.

They didn't trust us.

Oh, they trust us.

In fact, they told me the real gold shipment

is going by way of Raleigh.

Now that's top secret.

Oh, thanks a lot.

Want some coffee?


( phone rings )

Hello, Sheriff's Office.

Oh, hi, Juanita.

How you doing?

Listen, I'm going to be over tonight.

Yeah, yeah. Operation Gold Truck is all over.

You want to hear the real clincher?

That truck that came through here was a decoy.

Yeah, the real truck is going through Raleigh.


I didn't say Raleigh. I said "really."

I'll be over tonight, Raleigh, really.
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