07x11 - Big Fish in a Small Town

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Andy Griffith Show". Aired: October 1960 to April 1968.*

Moderator: Lindaballou

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Andy Taylor who is a widowed sheriff raises his son in Mayberry, N.C.
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07x11 - Big Fish in a Small Town

Post by bunniefuu »

Oh, say,
that's a --

hand me those flies there,
will you, Andy?

Hey, Floyd?
Look here.

Great for rockfish.

Great for

You want some of these
number six hooks, and?

I do, yeah.
What time you plan on

getting out to
the lake tomorrow, Andy?

Well, season starts
at : .

I'm putting my hook
in the water at : .

Me, too.
Ought to be some
good fishing this year.

Fellas that's been out there
say the lake's just loaded

with rainbow and bluegill.

Yeah, old Sam, too.

I done think this might be
the year I catch him.

Oh...you've been saying that
for seven years, Floyd.

Yeah, I had him
hooked last year.

Got away, though.

Oh, a real fighter,
that fish.

Only way you're going to
catch your salmon

is if it comes in here
for a shave and haircut.

There's one thing for sure --
you'll never catch him,

and you know why?
To catch old Sam,

you've got to be
smarter than he is!

You hear me get
back at him, Andy?


Well, I got a secret w*apon,

a special kind of bait
my cousin told about.

The big'uns
go crazy over it.

What is it, goob?

Oh, no, you don't --
I ain't sayin'.

Aw, come on, goob,
what are you going to use?

Hey, paw.

Oh, hey, Opie!

I was just checking
my fishing rod,

and one of the guides
came loose.

Well, let me see.

Are you planning on catching
old Sam tomorrow, ope?

I just might.

I'm using a new bait.

What is it?
I'm not tellin'.

Ain't a piece of banana peel
with red yarn, is it?

A piece of banana peel
with a red yarn!

Oh hoh! A hey!

Well, I just might
catch him.

Let's go fishing,
ope -- I'll see you.

So long.

That Opie is
a fine boy.

Yeah, nice relationship
between Andy and ope.

Yeah, father and son.


That boy can fish, too.

You know, I'd rather
fish with that boy

than a whole lot
of grown-ups I know.

Well, yeah, you get a fella
who don't know how to fish,

he can ruin it
for everybody,

stomping around,
making noise,

frothing up the water.

Like that cousin of yours
you brought along that time.

Not my cousin,
my wife's cousin!

She made me take him.

I don't care,
I don't think I'll ever

forget that day with him
yelling and sloshing around.

I don't think
we caught one fish.

Hi, fellas.

Hi, Howard.

Hey, Howard.

Haircut, Floyd?

Oh, no, not today.

Fishing season
opens tomorrow.

Got a million
things to do.


You're, uh...

You're all going, huh?

Yep. That's one thing
we never miss.

Yeah, I...

I imagine fishing
is a pretty good sport.

I, uh... I, uh...

Often thought
of going myself,

but I never
got around to it.


I suppose I would go
if I had somebody to go with.

How are things

in the county clerk
business, Howard?

Oh, fine, fine.

This fishing, you know...

Keeping you real busy,
are they?

Oh, yeah, yeah.

This fishing...

How's your mama?

Oh, she's fine, fine.

This fishing, um...
I was wondering

if maybe I ought to take
a little time off tomorrow

and maybe join you fellas.

Join us?

Yes. It might be very relaxing.

If you're looking
for relaxing,

you oughtn't
to go fishing.

It's the last thing in
the world for relaxing.

You'll get
your feet wet.

Poison Ivy.

The smell of fish
will drive you crazy.

Besides, all the good
spots is taken.


Well, it was just a thought.

I'll get that haircut
later in the week, Floyd.

Uh, right, Howard.

See you.


We don't want
him out there.


A little
thread on here...

A little varnish...

Good as new.

You think that'll be
strong enough

in case I hook old Sam?

Sure, if you
play him right.

Hi, Andy, Opie.

Hi, Mr. Sprague.


I was just
next door.

Thought I'd stop
in and say hello.


oh, fine, fine.

You, uh...

You're going
fishing, too, huh?

Oh, yeah. Haven't missed
an opening day in years.

Seems like everybody
in town's going.

Yeah. It's
a big event.

I been to four of them.

I was, uh...
Sort of

kind of toying
with the idea

of going out
there myself.

That right?

But, uh... Floyd and goober
were just telling me

all the good spots are gone.

Uh... well, uh...
That's... it's possible.

'Course, I imagine I could
always go with somebody.


What would you say to me
tagging along with you, Andy?


I imagine could pick up

the knack of it
in pretty short order.

Oh, yeah. It's...
It's not... hard.

Well, what do you say, Andy?

Well... sure, Howard.

You can come with us.

Aw, gee, thanks.

Uh... what time?

We leave early. : .

Oh, that's fine.

That'll be just great.

I'll pick up some gear
and see you at : .

See you in
the morning, goober.

Is h going?


He could ruin the fishing
for everybody.

What am
I supposed to do?

The man stands
right in front of me

and asks me
if I'm going fishing.

What do you want
me to do, lie?

Well, what's
wrong with that?


Here's your coffee, paw.

Oh, thanks.

Ah! Mm-hmm.

Got the sandwiches
all made.

Know what time
I got up this morning?

: .

We don't
want to be late.

I wonder where
Mr. Sprague is.

I don't know.

It's : .

That's probably him.

Hi, Opie.

Hi, Mr. Sprague.

Hi, Andy.

Hi, Howard.

I'm sorry I'm late.

Took longer to get dressed
than I figured.

You going to the moon?

What's all that stuff
you got?

Oh, well, when I try
something new, like fishing,

I always like to reduce
chances of failure to a minimum.

Well, you can see that.

And like everything else,

a workman is only
as good as his tools.

What's all that
stuff on your belt?

Oh, well, this is my umbrella
and my portable radio

and my, uh... flashlight,

and this is a thermometer.

I read that % of lake fish
are always caught

when the water temperature
is between ° and .

We may have to warm
up the lake a little.

Oh. Oh, yeah.

'Course, I know you're joking,

but, well, I like to approach
fishing like everything else--

from a scientific standpoint.

Got one of these
babies, Andy?

What is that?

It's a depth finder.

It runs on batteries.

Tells you instantly
how deep the water is

where you're fishing.

Well, I could
tell you that.

Deepest place in the whole
lake is only ten feet.

Yes, well, it's best
to be accurate, Opie.

Oh. Well, better go.

Grab the sandwiches.

You did bring
something to eat?

Oh, yes. Two
roast chickens,

a quart of
potato salad,

and a lemon pie.

Very good.



Oh. Well, now...

Think I ought
to check my bait, paw?

Wait a little bit.

Sure hope
we catch a lot today.

Well, we should.

Nobody been
fishing here

since last season.

You think anybody
will catch old Sam this year?

It's possible.

Sure been after him a long time.

Well, anything as rare
as old Sam is,

people just work themselves
to death to get that.

Is he really supposed to be

the only silver carp
in the whole lake?


Matter of fact,

he's one of the few
in this part of the state.

See that rock out there?


That's one of old Sam's
favorite spots.

That's where I nearly
hooked him that time.


This is nice.

Yeah, huh?




He's caught
in a tree again.

Oh... hold it. Oh...

He... he's
in the tree again.

I knew he'd mess it up.

I just knew he would.

Cyrus and Bert
getting anything?

No. I checked with
them awhile ago.

Putting a thermometer
in the water.

And a depth finder.

And don't think

the fish don't
notice those things.

If you just...

If you just wouldn't
try casting, Howard.

Why don't
you bottom fish

like Opie and me?

Well, according
to the book I read...

All right,
all right.

Do it your way.

Do it your way.

Thanks, Andy.

Can't you tell him
not to yell, paw?

I'm trying, ope.

I'm trying.





Kind of got
away from me, Andy.

Yeah. Now, Howard,
you're going to find

that nearly
all of the fish

are in the lake there,

so if you'd just
kind of work

in that direction,
you know?

Thanks, Andy.

You know, I've forgotten
what a fish looks like.

Well, what
do you expect?

Look at him down there,

whipping that water
into a froth.

Quit beating
the water, Howard!

Would you come out of there,
or drown, or something?!



Caught another rock.

No, paw. Look,
it's pulling!

He's got a fish!

Andy! Ohh!
I got something!

Hold... hold...
Hold on, Howard.

Reel him in!

You got a fish, Howard.

A big one.

Reel him in!

Play it, Howard!

Play it!

Play it, Howard.

Don't jerk him.

Just reel him in.

Keep pulling
him to you.

Keep pulling him to you.

There he is.


What's he got?

What's he got?
What's he got?

That's old Sam.

It's old
Sam, paw!

He's got old Sam!

Yeah. Look at that.

Please, folks,

everybody pull back
just a minute.

Let me get
through here, please.

I need to get another
picture of Mr. Sprague.

Hold it there,
Mr. Sprague.

Just a minute.

Let me get
loaded up here.

All right.

This is gonna be in
the paper, you say, huh?

Front page.

Uh, we was with him,

in case you want
our pictures.

Happy to oblige.

just Mr. Sprague's.


I suppose you realize,
Mr. Sprague,

that catching what is
almost a legendary fish

is quite a story.

Oh, yes, yes.

I consider it
a triumph of science

over animal cunning.

What kind of bait did you use,
Mr. Sprague?

Well, now,
that's an interesting point.

I had been using
a variety of complicated lures,

but after lunch,
I had some potato salad left,

and that's what got him.

Well, it must've given you quite
a thrill when you hooked him.

Oh, yes, yes.

Ah, by the way,

I wish you'd express my thanks
to sheriff Taylor

for some valuable assistance.

Well, I think that just
about covers it. Thanks.

Oh, and, uh...

Hey, see, there...

See that Mark on his jaw?

That's where
I hooked him last year.

See right there?

Yeah. Proves
I hooked him.

How do you know
that's your hook?

A lot of guys
claim they hooked him.

I hooked him!

Look at the way
he's looking at me.

Oh, he knows me.

Yeah. Oh, he's mean.

He knows I'm the one.

Thanks again.

Well, Howard...

Oh, hi, Andy.

Say, Andy, would you mind

keeping your eye
on old Sam for me?

I want to run home
and change clothes, too.

Oh, sure,
Howard. Sure.

Thanks, Andy.



A lot of
excitement, huh?


Old Sam finally
got caught.


Yeah. By a feller that fishes
with "po-tater" salad.

Yeah. However
he caught him

he caught him
fair and square.

Got to give
him credit.

What do you think he's
gonna do with him, paw?


Yeah, Andy.
Did he say?

No. He didn't say
anything to me.

I imagine after everybody gets
through looking at him,

why, he'll just,
um... you know.

He wouldn't dare!

Not old Sam.

A fish is a fish, Floyd.

No, he isn't.

Not once he's given
a name.

Yeah. It's altogether
different then.

Oh, come on.

Well, we know him.

If I'd caught him, i'd
have throwed him back.

Yeah. Me, too, just for the fun
of catching him.

Gee, paw,
could you find out

what Mr. Sprague's
gonna do with him?

Well, gee, ope.

Ask him, Andy.
Would you?

We sure would
like to know.

Well... okay.

When he gets back to his office,
I'll ask him.

I'll see ya.

We'll find out.

Hi, Howard.
Hi, Andy.
I'm talking to

the fish and game department
up in Raleigh.

They say that silver carp
are mighty rare

in this part
of the state.

They're real
interested in him.

No kidding.

Yes, sir. Yes, sir.

Yes, he's alive.

I've got him in a t*nk.

You would?

Oh, well, that's
very flattering.

Yes. Uh-huh.




Oh, yes.
That'll be fine.

Yes, sir.

Yes, sir. That's fine.

Yes, sir. Thank you.

You know what, Andy?

They want
to put old Sam

in the Raleigh

Well, how about that?

And they're gonna have
a plaque with my name on it

right by the t*nk
as the man who caught him.

You know, for a fella
that never did fish before,

you're causing quite a stir.

Oh, well, I...

Aquarium, huh?




That's right.

Sending a big truck down
for him this afternoon.

Well, if that ain't
the most heartless thing

I ever heard of.

Well, that's what
an aquarium's for, goober --

put unusual fish in it,
let folks look at 'em.

Yeah, but he doesn't
belong there.

Old Sam was born and bred right
in Tucker's lake,

and that's where
he ought to be.


What do they put him in at
the aquarium, paw?

Big t*nk, I guess.

It's like the end
of something, ain't it?

Seems like old Sam has always
been out in that lake.

Saw him once in awhile,

but nobody had
ever caught him.


And now...

He's not there anymore.

Yeah. I guess that's right.

He's been in there
a long time.

I remember taking
Opie down there

when he was four.


You had to bait
my hook then.

Yeah. It was
worth it, though, huh?

Going after something
as special as old Sam.


Well, it's
all gone now.

Well, I've got to go.

Don't be late
for supper.

I won't.

The aquarium.

It just doesn't
seem right.

Not for old Sam.

I wonder if a fish
really knows where he is.

I don't know.

You think they have
any brains?

Like a dog?

I don't think so.

Maybe he'll think
he's in a small lake

or something.

Hi, Andy, Opie.

Oh, hi, Howard.

Well, they just took him away
on the truck.

Oh, everything
go okay?

Oh, yeah,
fine, fine.

Oh, good, good, good.

they're gonna put him

in a very prominent place.

Fix up the t*nk real nice.

Beautiful bronze plaque

with my name
and all the information.


Say, Andy, I was thinking

of taking a drive up
to Raleigh tomorrow

and having a little

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Think you might
like to go along?

Well, gee, Howard,
I'd love to, but, uh...

Oh... yeah.

Well, how about you, ope?

If your dad'll let you.


Buy you a malted.


Go ahead, ope.

See how old Sam's doing.

Well, okay.

Hey, that's great.

We'll have just
a fine time.


See ya in
the morning.

Okay. I'll
see ya, Howard.

Well, there he is.

Boy, doesn't he
look great in there, ope?


And look here.

"Silver carp.

"Caught in Mayberry,
north Carolina.

Donated by Howard sprague."

Boy, that sure
is nice, isn't it?


It sure is nice.

Say, ope, you're maybe not
a little sore at me

for catching old Sam,
are you?


No. I'm not sore at you.

I thought you were.

I mean, uh...
I thought maybe it was

because everybody's been after
old Sam for so long

and I come along,
just a beginner, you know...


But something's wrong.


He's your fish.

You can do
what you want to with him.

Don't you like
the aquarium, ope?


The reason I did it, ope,

I thought
it would be kind of nice

for a lot of other people
to see old Sam.

It's kind of unusual,

but it's what
an aquarium is for.

I think the aquarium is good.

I don't know.

He's been in Tucker's lake
so long,

and everybody talked
about him so much,

tried to catch him all the time.

But he's your fish.

You can do
what you want to with him.


Well, how about
that malted I promised you?


The wind's coming up,
you know that?

Yeah. We might get
a little storm.

Yeah. It'll...

It'll be a couple of hours
before we get wet.


What is it, Floyd?

Did you see that?


Oh, it was a big one went by.

Ooh, he was about that long.

He went right past my line.

Come on, Floyd.

Oh, I mean it.

Oh, he was
as big as old Sam.

Every bit as big.

You're imagining
things, Floyd.


Hi, paw, goober.

I saw a fish.

Oh, he was a big one.

He was going along
offshore there,

just a few feet...

You didn't see him,
did you?

Yeah, we saw him.

You did?


As a matter of fact,

what you saw might
have been old Sam himself.


Well, what,
what, Howard?

What are you
talking about?

A couple of minutes ago,

Opie and I let old Sam go
about yards down there.

You put him back?

That was old Sam, then.

I knew it, I knew it.

How come you decided to
put him back?

Opie and I went up
to the aquarium in Raleigh,

and... well, we were
standing by the t*nk...

Old Sam came right over
to the glass of the t*nk

right where we were standing
and started moving his mouth.

Moving his mouth?

Yeah. Well, we stood there
and watched him for awhile,

and we finally figured out
what he was trying to say.

He was trying
to talk?


He was trying to tell us,

"gosh, would I like
to see goober and Floyd

and Andy and everybody again."

So... well, after that,
I just had to put him back.

That's the greatest
thing I ever heard.

Oh, is that a fact?

You want to go fishing with me
Saturday, Howard?

I'll take you up
to warrior river Saturday.

I know a good spot
across the lake.

Hey, he's
going with me.

No, he's going
with me.

I asked
him first.

You're still going
with me, aren't you?

Hey, paw!

You want to go fishing?

Oh, I can't, ope,
I'm busy.

But everybody says
they're biting good!

Well, I'm sorry, ope.

Couldn't you just go
for a couple hours?

Opie, you don't
seem to understand.

I'm the sheriff here.

I've got responsibilities.

I can't just run down
to the lake

every time
they're biting.

Gee whiz.
Well, I'm sorry.

Some of the fellas
were telling me

that old Sam was hanging around
the rocks over on

the north side
of the lake.

Get in the car.
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