05x31 - Opie and the Carnival

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Andy Griffith Show". Aired: October 1960 to April 1968.*

Moderator: Lindaballou

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Andy Taylor who is a widowed sheriff raises his son in Mayberry, N.C.
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05x31 - Opie and the Carnival

Post by bunniefuu »

Starring Andy Griffith...

With Ronny Howard...

Also starring Don knotts.

Gee, this carnival's
bigger than last year's.

It sure is.
They got more rides, too.

You know, I'd forgotten
what a carnival was like.

Oh, I want
some cotton candy, too.

You're kiddin'?

Maybe if you're a good girl,
I'll get you a balloon.

Hey, ope, you want to go
on the Ferris wheel?

I don't know.
Can't spend all my money.

Gotta buy paw
a birthday present.

Well, you can spend some,
can't you?

Just buy him a cheaper present.

Well, I guess so, but I want to
get him something good.

Why don't we go watch
the bumper cars?


Paw, we're going on up ahead.


Be careful
and be home for supper!

Sometimes I wish
I was a kid again.

Yeah. I had a good time
when I was a young' un.

A genuine Swiss watch...

Win yourself a genuine
bone-handle carving set

from the orient.

Prizes, prizes.

Five, count 'em, five...
Five sh*ts for a quarter.

Win yourself
a genuine Swiss watch.

Win yourself a genuine
bone-handle carving set

from the orient.

Prizes, prizes.

Aren't you gonna
try again, mister?

Well, try 'em, try 'em.
Prizes galore.

What do you say there, Tarzan?

All you have to do
is squeeze the trigger

and win yourself a prize.

I told you we should have
let that rube win.

We've had nothin'
but losers all day.

Ah, he's had a chance.

Are you kidding?

The way you got that sight bent,

he might as well be sh**t'
that g*n upside down.

Now, listen, if we're
gonna get a crowd,

we gotta have a winner.

Get the good g*n.

All right, all right.

What do ya say there, man?
What do ya say?

Why don't you win the beautiful
girl a nice hair dryer?

You got a winner.

Who's gonna be the next shill?

I don't know.

Maybe those kids over there.


A kid gets 'em all the time.

Step right up here, Sonny,

and win yourself a prize...
A fishing pole or a jackknife...

Take your pick.

Are you old enough
to sh**t, Sonny?

I guess so.
Those . s you got?

Yes, sir.
Greatest g*n you ever held.

Why don't you take a chance?

Yeah, ope, why don't ya?

Well, I don't know.
I can't spend too much money.

Tell you what we'll do, son.

Try a free shot on us.

Can I?

Yes, sir, you come over here

and let me see you knock down
that little bird.

Uh-oh, we got trouble.

We got a real winner here,

Let's see
what the little boy can do.

Step right up!
Go on, kid.

Take another shot.

That's great, ope.

Hey, can I take another shot?

Take five more, son.
That'll be cents.

We got a real winner
here, folks.

Boy's gonna sh**t us
out of business.

Yes, sir, a boy
doing a man's work.

You gotta see it to believe it.

Just a minute, mister.
Why don't you stand over here?

If a boy can do it,
you can do it.

Step right up.
How 'bout you?

Five for a quarter.

There you are.

Five sh*ts for a quarter.

Aunt bee! Aunt bee!

Aunt bee! Aunt bee!

Look what I won...
A genuine ceramic pelican.

Well, where did you win that?

sh**t' gallery
over at the carnival.

It's pretty, isn't it?

Well, yes.

Yes, that's very pretty.


I could have taken
a napkin holder

with a picture of a log cabin
on it, but this was nicer.

Well, I think
you made the right choice.

It ought to go real nice
on the mantelpiece

right next to the clock.

Well, that is an idea, Opie,

but the living room's
awfully crowded.

I was thinking,
wouldn't that look nice

in your own room
on your dresser?


Hey, I got an idea...

I could give it to paw
for his birthday

and he could keep it
down at the office.

Well, I suppose he could...

But, Opie, I don't think

that's quite the right present
for a grown-up man.

What are you getting him,
aunt bee?

I got him a shirt.

I wonder what else he needs.

I don't know.

He's a hard man
to buy gifts for.

Maybe if you kept your eyes and
ears open, he'd say something.

What do you mean?

Well, he might drop
a few hints...

Like you did last Christmas
about the tool chest.

Did you really know
I was hinting?

Well, we kind of got the idea

when you left
your English composition

on the dining room table.

That's a hint?

When the title reads,

"what I would do
if I had a tool chest,"

yes, I'd say that was hinting.


It's quiet.


You know,
it usually is at this time.

I guess people have dinner
and they settle back.

It's so nice and peaceful.


How'd you like me to liven
things up a little?


Watch this.


Stop it.
What's got into you?

What's going on, paw?

Oh, nothin'.
Just foolin' around.

Hey, paw, finished my homework.
Can I come out for awhile?

Sure. Come on out.

Andy, I forgot...
Opie's gonna try to find out

what you want for your birthday.

Play along.


How you doin', sport?

Oh, great.

I wish you coulda been there
this afternoon.

Hit five bulls in a row.

Man said it was
the best shot he ever saw.

No kiddin'.

Johnny Paul won a baseball bat
at the ring toss.

Well, boy. Sound like you-all
had a big afternoon.


Bet they have lots of nice gifts
and prizes at the carnival.


They have such a large
selection... lovely things.

We saw a lot of nice things.

Well, what kind of things
did you see, ope?

Well, toasters and jackknifes.


They had an ashtray
and a hunting knife.

They had a hunting knife.

Anything else?

They had some nice bookends,

and a pencil sharpener, too.


Sound like they got
a lot of nice prizes down there.


Uh, paw, supposin' you had
one of those wishin' lamps

where you could wish for
anything in the whole world.

What would you wish for, even if
it wasn't at the carnival?


Mm, gee, let's see...

Well, I guess
I'd wish for a, uh...

For a new guitar.

New guitar, huh?

How much are they, paw?

Oh, a good one, $ - .


Suppose you had to make a wish
on a little lamp.

What would you wish for then?

A little lamp?
Little lamp.

Let's see, uh...

I guess, uh, on a little lamp,
I'd wish for uh, oh...

Um...a couple pairs of socks...
Solid colors...

Couple undershirts.

You mean you'd waste a wish
on undershirts?

You're right.

Should not waste a wish
on undershirts.

Should be something important.

Uh, you know what I'd wish for?

A basketball.

Be good for me... exercise.

You could use it, too.
We got that hoop out back.

That's what you'd wish for, huh,
a basketball?

Yeah. A basketball.

Well, I guess I'll go in.

I'll see you.

I think you did very well, Opie.

You really think so?

Well, he told you
what he wanted.

Yeah, but a basketball.

I don't think
he really wants one.

He just said that
'cause he thinks I want one.

Well, where'd he get that idea?

From me. I asked him
for a basketball last week.


Gee, I sure wish I knew
what to get him.

I gave my father a tie-holder
once that I made in school.

You did?

He liked it so much that
he put it in the storeroom.

He said he didn't want
to wear it out.

I didn't make anything good
this year.

Hey, why don't you get him
a key holder?

You know, with a little
flashlight on it?

Paw's already got one of those.

He got it at the sheriff's
convention with his name on it.

Gee, I don't know.

What do you expect to get
for three dollars?

Gee, I sure wish I had
some more money.

Then I could get him
something nice.

Hey, Johnny Paul, I know where
I could get him something good,

and it wouldn't
hardly cost me anything.

Come on.
I'll show ya.

There he is...
The big winner, Charlie.

Hi, there.
Back to clean us out, eh?

Nope, I just want to win
that razor.

There you go.
It's a beauty, isn't it?

Boy, paw's gonna like this.

Sure is smooth-lookin'.

If you want to win that,

you gotta get five bulls
in the little target.

Make the bell ring five times,
the razor's yours.


Good luck, boy.

Come on.
Take your time, ope.

That's right.
Relax, son.

Come on, ope.
You only got a quarter left.

You can't quit now, son.

I don't know.
I've spent almost $ .

Where are you gonna get a razor
like that for three bucks?

This is
the chance of a lifetime.

Gee, Opie, you won't have
any money left to buy anything.

I can't understand it.
I won the first time.

Make up your mind, son.

Never mind.
I can't win now.

Now, where'd I put that thing?

- Oh, hi, boys.
- Hi, paw.

You better tell him the truth.

I can't.

He's going to know
you're fibbing.

Not unless you tell him.

What are you whispering about?

Oh, nothing, paw.


Boy, when I lose something,
I really lose it.

What'd you lose, paw?

Oh, the envelope with
the insurance papers in it.

I was supposed to mail it

Get me that other waste basket
out of the back room.


Opie, this ain't
a good time to ask him.

I have to ask now.
Tomorrow's his birthday.

You gonna bring me
the waste basket or not?

Yeah, paw.


Paw...i was wondering

if maybe I could have an advance
on my allowance.

What kind of an advance?

Oh, not much.
Eight weeks.

Eight weeks?
Six weeks?

That's a lot of money.
What do you need it for?


I said, what do you need it for?


The brake on my bike
was slipping.

I was gonna get it fixed.

Oh. Well, take it over to
Henry's and tell him to fix it.

I'll take care of it.

Take that back.

You just got to tell him
the truth.

I can't.
It'll ruin everything.

You just got to.

Uh, paw?

Oh, there it is!

How about that...
Under the blotter.

Oh, I'm gonna have time
to make the mail.


Hey, goober.
Hey, ope.

You busy?

Had three flats, two lubes,
and three out-of-gasses.

Dog fight, too.

Chow and a collie,
right out there.

Goober, I was wondering

if there was anything I could
do here to earn money...

Washing windows or something.

No, that's my job.

Wally wouldn't pay nobody
to do it.

Hardly pays me to do it.

What you need money for, ope?

Oh, I just need some.

Why don't you ask your paw?

Can't do that... the money's
for his birthday present.

What about your allowance?

I lost my allowance.
Two whole months' worth.

How'd you do that?

sh**ting gallery
over at the carnival,

trying to win paw
an electric razor.

That's a shame.

I don't know
what I'm gonna do now.

I bet I could win that razor.

I don't know.
It's pretty hard.

I can sh**t.
Won the Turkey sh**t

at mount pilot
two years running.

You did?

It's all in the eye.

I was born with a good pupil.
Just lucky.

You really think you
could win that razor?

Ope, two things I know about
is cars and g*ns.

I don't know much else,
but I do know cars and g*ns.

Gee, goob, that'd be great.

Now, you run over and get Harvey

and he can spell me here
for half an hour.

This won't take long.
Okay, goober. Bye.

That razor's in the bag.

Hey, sport.

You fellers still got a razor
here for a prize?

Yes, sir.
All you have to do is win it.

What does it take?

Five bulls
in the small target, cowboy.

Well, you can wrap up
that razor right now.

Watch this.

Well, let's have that razor.

I got news for you, cowboy.

You didn't even hit the target.

I didn't?

I'll be dogged.

How'd I miss?

If you didn't wet the sight,

maybe you'd be able to see

Well, I was just warming up.
I'm a little rusty.

Oh, you're rusty.
Well, what about this g*n?

Just keep your finger
out of your mouth, try again.

Well, couldn't take more
than another quarter.

I don't understand it.
I just don't understand it.

Give me another dollar's worth.

A cake with candles?

Oh, aunt bee's going all out

for your birthday party
tomorrow night.

I wish she wouldn't do that.

Birthday parties
are for women and children.

Oh, now, it's gonna
be fun, Andy.

I saw aunt bee at the market,

and she was buying party favors
and napkins

and a couple boxes of candles.

A couple of boxes?
I'm not that old.

They were on sale.

Hey, goober.
What you got there?

Celluloid kewpie doll.

Hey, Helen.
Hello, goober.

Looks like a nice one.

Ain't worth $ . .

$ . ?
Where'd you get it?

sh**ting gallery
over at the carnival.

I'm a good shot, ain't I?

I'd say so.

Must be my eyes, then.

Helen, is anything wrong
with my eyes? You a teacher.

They look fine to me, goober.

Why don't you ask Floyd
to look at 'em?

He's a barber.

There's nothing wrong
with your eyes, goober.

How you know?
'Cause I'm the sheriff.


I don't know what I'm gonna do.
I promised Opie... oops.

What'd you promise Opie?
Uh, nothing.

Now, what is it?
I can't tell ya.

Come on, you said something
about Opie. What is it?

Sorry, Andy. Sorry.

Just a second.

There's something
you don't want to tell me

that you should tell me,
so tell me.

Maybe he's got a good reason.

It's something
personal and important,

and if you knew what it was,

you'd thank me
for not telling you.

You better tell me.
I don't care what you do to me.

Lock me up... anything.
I ain't talking.

I'll tell ya.

Well, thanks anyway, sheriff.



Well, there's nothing on 'em.

But you do think they're
crooked, don't you?

Well, something's fishy.

I know Opie can sh**t, and I
been hunting with you, goob.

You gonna arrest 'em, Andy?

Well, I don't have any evidence.

Of course, there is one thing
we might be able to do.

You go get Opie and bring him

by the sh**ting gallery
in about an hour,

and I'll see if we can
straighten this thing out.

Poor Opie, he sure was droopin'
when I seen him.

Should I tell him anything?

Don't say anything.

I won't say a word.
Nothing will make me talk.

Lock me up, do anything...
Get going.

Everybody's a winner.
Everybody's a winner.

There. He just knocked down
the little birdie.

One more shot,
and he gets a prize.

There he is.
He's the winner, the big winner.

Mister, you have your choice
of a genuine thermometer

or a genuine siamese cat
direct from the orient.

Well, he won.

Don't appear to be too good
a shot, either, does he?

Who's next?
Who's next?

Who's going to be
our next winner?

See him put that g*n
under the counter?

Well, he has others.

Yeah, but I'll bet there's
only one good g*n.


Come on.


Gonna show the little lady
what a hot shot you are?

Well, I don't know about that.

Uh, . s, huh?
I sh**t a lot of shotgun.

Nothing like a . ...
Light, fast, easy to handle.

That right?

Think I ought to chance it?

Sure. Try.

You say it's, uh...

That's right. Everything costs
a little more these days.

Well, there.
I guess.

I believe I'll try to sh**t
one of those ducks there.

I sh**t ducks sometimes.

Then you ain't got no problem.


I could have sworn
I was right on them ducks.

Well, try again.

Is there something wrong
with this g*n?

It seems to be pointing
a little towards the left.

Only thing wrong with that g*n,
lady, is his aim.

Too bad.
Try another quarter's worth.

You'll get
the hang of it, mister.

Well, gee, I don't know.

Quarter like that.

Come on.

The sights are bent.

Uh, we's, uh...

We's talking about it,

and, uh, maybe I will try
another quarter's worth.

Aim a little bit to the right.

Well, suit yourself.

Here's one all loaded
and ready to go.

I'll just keep this 'un,
if it's all right.

I'm getting used to it,
you know?

Well, anything you say, but...

Oh, well, this won't take
but a minute.

Have to bend that sight more.

I'd like to bend the barrel
right over his head.

I haven't been able to
switch g*ns on him once.

We gotta get rid of him.

Well, what do you want
this time, Helen?

I think the percolator.

You want to load 'em up again?

Might as well stay here all day.

All right, all right.
Show's over. Sorry.

Come back tomorrow.

Pick up your stuff, pal.
We're closing up.

No, you're not.

I said,
"we're closing up."

I said,
"no, you're not."

Hey, what is this?
Wait a minute, sheriff.

We ain't done nothing wrong.

Oh, no.
Way you bent those sights,

I'm surprised you didn't have
people sh**ting one another.

Sheriff, we didn't know
the sights were bent.

Somebody must have snuck
in and done 'em. Sure.

Then switching g*ns
just when you're getting

used to the one
you're sh**ting...

You could keep a guy missing
all day, you know that?

I was just trying to give you
a loaded g*n.

I wasn't switching on you.

Yeah, yeah.

It's guys like you that give
carnivals a bad name.

Now, you got one good g*n
under here,

and your next customer's
gonna use it.

There's a little boy coming by,

and he's gonna be sh**ting
for that electric razor.

Hey, I get it.
Don't worry, sheriff.

He's gonna win.
Yeah, he'll win for sure.

No fixin'.

One way or the other, win
or lose, he'll do it himself.

Now, I want you to know

I'm putting you on notice,

and I'm putting your names
on the bunco list

and sending them to every
sheriff's office in the state,

so if I were you,
I'd straighten those sights.


We'll be right outside.

Well, look who's here.
Glad to see ya.

Go ahead, ope.

I don't know.

Go on.
We got cents.

Come to do some more sh**ting,
son, huh?

Fair and square.


Not that one, stupid.

Here you are, son.
Use this one.

Go ahead, ope.
Fire away.

Now, remember...
Hit the little target.

Make the bell ring five times.

Well, here goes.

All I need's one more.

Take your time.

Yeah. Whatever you do, son,
please... take your time.

Oh, come on, Opie.

I won it!
You did it, ope!

You're a good shot, you are.

Boy, is paw gonna be surprised
when he sees that.


I hope you like it.
I looked all over town.

Oh, look-a there.
A shirt.

Well, that's beautiful.

And it's monogrammed
and everything.

Well, thank you.

You're welcome.

Now I'll have to get me a suit
to go with that.

Open mine, paw.

Take it easy.
I will.

I wonder what that could be.

Pretty paper.

Looky there.

A razor... an electric razor.

Happy birthday, paw.

Why, thank you.

Boy, what a surprise.

Why don't you go up
and shave with it?

Well, I just shaved,
but if you can stand it

till in the morning,
I'll shave with it then.

You really like it, paw?

Well, how could I not like it?

Opie, that must have cost you
a lot of money.

Yeah, how'd you save up for it?

Well, to tell you the truth,
I didn't.

I won it
at the sh**ting gallery.

You won it
at a sh**ting gallery?

Yeah, and you know something?

The first time I went
over there,

I did pretty good.

But the second time
I went over there,

I couldn't hit anything at all.

Then when I went back
with goober,

I didn't have any trouble.

But I thought about it,

and I know what my trouble was
the second time.

I figured it out.

Oh, you did?

Yeah, I was nervous.

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