03x11 - 8 years

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Cold Case". Aired: September 2003 to May 2010.*
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03x11 - 8 years

Post by bunniefuu »

The following story is fictional and does
not depict any actual person or event

- Are we going to that party tonight?
- Yeah

Man, forget about that party,
just keep driving right out of Philly

What's wrong with Philly?

May's got her big plans

Singing, huh?

She's gonna cut some place of her own
in New York City

Why do you wanna go to New York?
You don't know anyone there

I know everyone here

I bet she makes it

We won't hear from her ever again
except for on the radio

My Daddy says if you plan big
you'll just disappoint yourself

- Yeah, well I got plans that involve you
- You do?

Oh, crap, get a room

Years Later

So this chick went AWAL
after a highway sh**ting in ' ?

Yeah, the guy she was with was k*lled

She got winged, skipped out of the hospital
before the cops could interview her

Now someone dropped a dime?

Old classmate saw her
on the boardwalk last week

Man, what is that?

- Rice cake
- All right

- May Pierson
- Yeah

Philadelphia Homicide

I don't have anything to do with anything

That's a pretty broad claim

I've been up all night,
I can't be doing this

Doing what, May?
You don't even know what it's about

- Or do you?
- Clem Garris

Shot on the expressway in ' ,
you were there

'Till you fled

That was another girl

So you're not May Pierson?

That works at this fine establishment
and drives this vehicle?

I'm sayin' that was a lifetime ago

Yeah, we gotta talk about it

- Forget it, I'm goin' home
- This ain't a debate, May,

we got a warrant
We do this here or do it in Philly

You can't take me there, on what basis?

Obstructing a police investigation ' ,
New York bench warrant '

And irritating two homicide guys,
Get in the car

Philadelphia Police Department
Central Division

Were you in court this morning?

Cat emergency,

Olivia got chomped by a neighbor dog

You get the ???

That's not funny


Hi, John

I almost came by,
I didn't wanna bother you

Lilly Rush, Rita Hart

Formerly Stillman

Oh, hi Um I'll see you later, boss

So, what brings you here?

- House got robbed last night
- No kiddin'?

Yeah, I just reported it

Was Joel with you?

Joel moved out

Few months ago

- The drinking?
- Yeah

- Sorry
- It's better

I'll talk to major crimes,
have them fast track it / OK

- Give you a call
- Thanks

Clem Garris shot and k*lled January ' ,
found on the shoulder of I-

But not alone

No, that's the scandelous part,
he was found with a woman not his wife

May Pierson
Was shot in the arm,

slipped out of the ER
before the cops could get a play by play

But Vera and Valens
picked her up this morning

Got her upstairs

Leaves the scene
and doesn't turn up for years?

- That's a person of interest
- At least

Clem told his wife Sally, he'd be
at a local bar that night with the guys

So why is he out on the highway
with this gal?

Rough way to find out
what your husband's up to

Unless Sally already knew
Decided she'd had enough

Making her a person of
interest number two

Between New York and Jersey,
there's a lot of ink on you May

That's from way back

A DUI, arrest for loitering, solicitation?

I know what I did

Now you know why I ditched
the cops that night

You didn't wanna get jammed up

Never mind helping find
who k*lled your boyfriend Clem

He wasn't my boyfriend

Sayin' you weren't screwin' around?

I hadn't seen him in years

Well then how the heck do you end up
on that highway with him, May?

I ran into Clem at Atlantic City that night

Told his wife he was at a Philly bar

I can't account for that

So, you run into him

We're talking about old times,

we're both headin' back to Philly,
he offers me a ride

- And?
- And we're almost there

Get bumped from behind

He pulls over
Gets out

Gets shot
Just like that

Clem talk about bein' in trouble?
Anything like that?

I don't know what his life was like

We'd said our goodbyes years earlier
when we were just kids

May Pierson shows up

What's one last shift

You're really goin', huh?

Leavin' for New York, am

Not gonna wait for Petie
to come get you?

Petie's a big college football star

He's never comin' back

You gonna marry Sally?

That's the plan

What if you came with me instead?

Come with you?

Remember that day we drove around
playing 'Born To Run' until the tape broke?

Yeah, we ran out of gas

We could spend every day like that

I'm not like you, May

I'm not a big dream kind of person

But you are

I gotta stay

Well She sure is pretty

Bye, Mayflower

Just Married

That's how I like to remember Clem

'Cause when I saw him that night
at Atlantic City,

he'd turned into just another
disappointed working guy

It happens

That's what I know

Now can I get back to Jersey?

So May Pierson gave us new details
about your husband's m*rder

Like? / He was in Atlantic City that night
Not in Philly, like he told you

Look, I know everyone thought

Clem must have been seein' her
behind my back, but he wasn't

How do you know?

Clem wasn't perfect,
but he was more good than bad

And when he was in something,
he was in

When I was ,

I took off with a guy
weeks into knowin' him

The heart wants what it wants

Yeah He was a biker, drinker
But I thought this is it

Roll out the carpet,
we're goin' down the aisle

You didn't go through with it?

We came close
We were road trippin'

Went to a courthouse in Knoxville
and we just sat out there on his bike

Neither one of us could get off

Well Clem and I never had
any doubts / No?

Getting married was
the happiest day of our lives

Anyone unhappy that day?

One person

- Are you sorry?
- No, come on

I didn't want it to be this way

We were gonna have babies anyway

We're doin' the right thing, Sal

I'm gonna make you happy every day

What a frickin' joke

Petie, we didn't think you were coming

You two aren't foolin' anyone

Are you drinkin' this early?

You're just marrying here because she's
knocked up OK, and everyone knows it

- Keep it down
- Pete you're acting really embarassing

Whoa, I'm embarassing?

I know who you really wanna be with

It's my girl May

What the hell happened to you?

What would happen?

I got my ass kicked out
and I'm washed up

and my girl's gone so you get everything
and I get nothing

Hey start up my car

Me and my bride are pullin' outta here

Just Married

Petie had some kind of wall?

Somethin' went real wrong
at Penn State

He dropped out,
came home damaged good

Brought some strong feelings home

If it's true, that Clem was
in Atlantic City that night? / Yeah?

Petie spent a lot of time there

So he could've run into Clem and May,
and reacted badly?

I can't put it past him
He's in jail now

I hear you made a spectacle of yourself
at that wedding, Petie

Yeah, what a jerk

Pretty bitter about things
going so good for Clem?

I was in a real bad way then

I just lost my free ride to Penn State

- I played ball, too
- Yeah?

What went wrong?

First game, I choked

Froze up on the field, did it all year
Got cut

Couldn't've been easy
comin' home after that / It wasn't

- People look at you like you're crap
- Including Clem?

No He was cool

I apologized for the wedding thing

We moved on
Started hangin' out again

Were you surprised to hear that he was
with May the night he died? / Yeah

- Everyone was
- Bother you at all?

- How do you mean?
- She was your girl, right?

I went with her in high school

So maybe you wanted to
get back to that time

When you were a football star,
and had your girl May

Not denying those were better times
but years later I wasn't thinkin' about May

- No?
- I was thinkin' about someone else

♪ Glory Days
by Bruce Springsteen ♪

seconds left and crazy Rick
tosses me that screen pass

Yeah, I remember,

me and Sal were on the field
gettin' ready to do the homecoming thing

Caught that baby,
turned on the jets

- That was something
- Crazy times, crazy times

Never been a prettier
homecoming queen, Sal

You in that white dress

You remember that, huh?

Are you kidding me?
Everybody noticed

Someone got the best catch in school

I sure did

Who's that?

A guy I do favors for,
make some cash

- I'd better get back to the baby
- I'll be home soon

Why is she so down?

Things have been kind of yippy at home

You know truthfully, man,

I don't know if me and Sal were
ready for all this

So young

- It's probably just tough times, right?
- Yeah

No, man

- It's more than that
- You think she's sorry?

I think she wishes
she didn't cry every night

So Clem and Sally were on the outs

Win or lose

I'll lay it out for you

Things between me and Sally kind of grew

So Sally and Petie started up

??? Clem their marriage was so great

That gives her motive
if she wanted out for good

What about these favors
that Petie was doing for money?

Breakin' legs, stealing cars
Thug stuff

Clem ever get in on it?

Petie says he offered
but Clem wouldn't go for it

The guy walked the line

Uh, anyway guys, good night

What's he nervous about?


So they found who did the robberies?

Bobby Greene

Lived up the street
He used to throw mudballs at our windows

- That little kid?
- He's grown up

- Criminal now
- Oh, God

He hit two other houses on the block
but he got picked up this morning

That's sad

So, why didn't you come to me
about this in the first place?

I knew you'd be busy

A long time to be less busy

You are who you are

I would like to think I've
learned some things

- Anyway I
- Would you

you wanna have dinner?

- Go to Irena's?
- Really?

- Yeah I'm free Friday
- Me, too

- ?
- OK


- All right, I'll see you
- OK

- Yeah

Clem made you happy every day

- Right Sally?
- Right

- Don't wanna revise that statement?
- Why would I?

How about because you were bangin' Petie

- That was wrong
- But it happened

And you not tellin' that,
get's the wheels turnin'

Maybe you felt trapped

Things between you and Clem
died out but he wouldn't give up

'Cause when he was in somethin'
he was in / Look

I never had that kind of love again

So maybe I wanna remember things
a certain way

But we don't live in that land, Sal

We got a real life m*rder to solve

That's true
Things faded

And? / And it's true Clem
wasn't one to give up

But he did

- Oh, man it's
- Valentine's Day

Baby, I'm sorry

- I was gonna get flowers and candy
- It doesn't matter

Let's go to bed, huh?


We ain't makin' it, are we Sal?

- Why can't we fix it?
- I don't know

It's just gone

But it was right

It was fun and easy and right

Yeah, it was

I don't wanna be a divorced person

Yeah, but do you wanna be
this married person?

That's when Petie came into the picture?

It wasn't love

But he wanted to be with me

And Clem wanted to be somewhere else

By the time May came back to town,

he knew he could go see her

May came back?

When her mother died
Clem went to the funeral

I told you I hadn't seen Clem
since high school

Oh, I know what you told me

His wife said he was at the funeral

Look, I didn't k*ll him

Then why lie to my face?

What are you hiding?

Me and Clem did a stupid desperate thing

Tried to get back something
we'd never have again

I need to hear about that

I saw him at the funeral


Everything rushed back

Clem Garris shows up

Hey, Mayflower

I should get to the reception

Let me drive you

How'd New York go?

Not too good

How is that possible?

You're the best singer I've ever heard

Turns out a lot of people can sing

You going to that reception?

Just keep drivin'

You got a guy there? New York?

No Mostly just got debts

How you been gettin' by?

I don't wanna talk about it


I just haven't been livin' right

What if we started over?

You and me

How? / Get out of here
Just drive away

Like we should've done years ago

I loved you so much

Maybe it's still in you someplace

I know it's in me

I owe this guy

There's a job I can do

In Atlantic City, get you money

- And then clear out of here?
- Yeah, you and me Finally

We thought we could pick up
where we left things all those years ago

But you can't go back

Learned that the hard way

So then you met in Atlantic City

He did this job and we went

Then the sh**ting happened

- What kind of job?
- Just said it was a favor for a guy

Looked into the dude Petie
was doing favors for,

he's a lowlife named Henry Mack

Probably who Clem got mixed up with

What's this Mack's line of work?

Had a ring of guys stealing cars,
at airports, casinos,

bringin' then back to
his chop shop in Philly

So maybe Clem's doin'
some runs for him that night

Maybe Petie knows more about
that night than he's lettin' on

- You find this Mack?
- feet under in Trenton

- Tough interview
- But there's a story to that

Guy was m*rder*d,
shot on a casino parkin' lot

That connected to Clem somehow?

I'm guessin' because Mack was k*lled
the very same night Clem was

I know Clem usually walked the line

Didn't get mixed up in
the kind of favors you did

He kept his nose clean

Is that maybe just one time
when he really needed the money?

- For May?
- Maybe

But that one time you two worked for Mack

Clem gets shot
So does Mack / Uh-huh

It's kind of hard to miss
what those murders have in common

- You
- I was a theif not a k*ller

You and Clem were stealin' those cars,
maybe get ambitious?

- Decide to double cross Mack?
- No

But Clem was desperate

Maybe havin' a runnin' buddy
made you bold and Henry Mack

- probably deserved the pop in the head
- I don't know how Mack died

And after you two waste him, you panic

Word Clem's gonna fold 'cause he don't
got a criminal nature, he walks the line

Clem was the one guy who was nice to me
when I came home a mess!

Everyone else kept away

He stayed my friend

So be a friend to him, Petie

Say what happened that night

He didn't wanna be dirty

But it was his only ticket out

♪ Stolen Car
by Bruce Springsteen ♪

♪ I found me a little girl
and I settled down ♪

♪ in a pretty little house
in a pretty little town ♪

♪ We got married,
and promised never to part ♪

♪ then little by little
we drifted from each other's heart ♪

♪ Now I'm driving a stolen car ♪

♪ down on a pitch black night ♪

♪ And I'm doing my best to make it through ♪

♪ Well I'm just sittin' down here
at a Stanton light ♪

♪ I wanna get caught but I never do ♪

♪ At first I thought
it was just restlessness ♪

♪ that would fade as time went by ♪

♪ and our love grew deep ♪

♪ But in the end it was
something more I guess ♪

♪ that tore us apart and made us weep ♪

♪ And I'm driving a stolen car ♪

♪ waitin' on that little red light ♪

♪ I keep tellin' myself
everything's gonna be alright ♪

♪ But I ride by night and I travel in fear ♪

♪ That in this darkness
I might just disappear ♪

♪ She asked if I remembered
the letters I wrote ♪

♪ When our love was young
and we were bold ♪

♪ She said last night
she read those letters ♪

♪ And they made her feel
one hundred years old ♪

♪ As the river runs by the little town ♪

♪ down into the sea ♪

♪ it was there in the shade
I let my body down♪

I'm out, Petie

No if you wanna get paid,
we gotta go to Philly

I'm takin' the car

- What?
- Forget the money

No, it's no good, Clem
Mack won't go fot that

Mack's not gonna find me

Be good to her

He went off to get May

That's it

The ' Chevy, huh?

It was a beauty

Yeah I've seen it

You're still driving the same car
you and Clem took out of Atlantic City

And the only person who knew
where Clem was going that night?

- Petie
- It wasn't Petie

- Who then?
- A guy Clem called him Mack

There had to be two people, May
Someone drove that second car away

And somehow the Chevy
ended up back with you

You would'nt've given us Mack right off

Unless it was someone
you wanted to protect

Maybe you and Petie need to talk

Hey, Mayflower!

Hi, Petie boy

May IDed Henry Mack
from a photo spread as the sh**t

So we know he was one of our guys
at the scene

But we still got the matter
of who was with him

And who k*lled him later that night

You ever make it with singin'?

I'm just a cocktail waitress

So May says you two made a promise

Back when Clem died


I'll keep it Petie
I'm not scared

It's over for me
But you can still have a good life

What happens?
After Clem takes off in that Chevy?

He finds trouble
All because of me

We both had our part in it

- You think you can steal from me?
- Mack

Take their car
Meet me back there

You gave him up?

He was gonna k*ll me

- Get in the car and drive!
- OK, OK

♪ One Step Up
Bruce Springsteen ♪

♪ Woke up this morning my house was cold ♪

♪ checked the furnace, she wasn't burning ♪

♪ Went out and hopped in my old Ford ♪

♪ hit the engine but she ain't turning ♪

♪ Giving each other some
hard lessons lately ♪

♪ but we ain't learning ♪

♪ The same sad story, that's a fact ♪

♪ one step up and two steps back ♪

♪ Bird on a wire outside my motel room ♪

♪ but he ain't singing ♪

♪ Girl in white outside a church in June ♪

♪ but the church bells, they ain't ringing ♪

♪ I'm sitting here in this bar tonight
but all I'm thinking is ♪

♪ I'm the same old story, same old act ♪

♪ one step up and two steps back ♪

♪ It's the same thing night on night ♪

♪ who's wrong, baby, who's right? ♪

♪ Another fight and I slam the door on ♪

♪ another battle in our dirty little w*r ♪

♪ When I look at myself I don't see
the man I wanted to be ♪

♪ Somewhere along the line
I slipped off track ♪

♪ One step up and two steps back ♪

♪ There's a girl across the bar ♪

♪ I get the message she's sending ♪

♪ Mmm, she ain't looking too married ♪

♪ me,well, honey, I'm pretending ♪

♪ Last night I dreamed
I held you in my arms ♪

♪ the music was never-ending ♪

♪ We danced as the evening
sky faded to black ♪

♪ One step up and two steps back ♪

♪ One step up and two steps back ♪

♪ One step up and two steps back ♪
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