03x01 - Family

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Cold Case". Aired: September 2003 to May 2010.*
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03x01 - Family

Post by bunniefuu »

Congratulations, Jimmy.

Hey, Mr. Wyatt, thanks.

Even though you tanked my final,
you held onto your B.

Well, I've had a lot
of stuff on my mind.

Math kind of took a backseat.


You haven't signed my yearbook yet.

- I'll do it later.
- I'm saving page for you.

There's a candid of us
in chemistry lab.

We have our goggles on,
but you can definitely tell it's us.

Yeah? Cool.

Hey, Jimmy, what do you say, huh?


You look weird in a suit.

Hey, tell me about it.
I feel like I'm at a funeral.

And I am, in a way,
losing my star runner.

My loss, Villanova's gain, right?

Excuse me, coach.

- Quinn.
- It's time.

Hi. / Hi. You got a lighter?

Can't smoke in here.

- Morning.
- Hey, Lil.

You know Lindsey Dunlay,
child services?

Since tenth grade.

Is she one of yours?

Yeah. Claire Tate. .

Knows everything,
hates everyone. Great kid.

Her dad was k*lled in .

Grad night. Adams high.

- Was he a teacher?
- A student.

His girlfriend was pregnant.

Had the baby that night.

Which, in the wisdom of teenagers,

they left in a trash can.

Claire was that baby?

Jimmy was hit by a car
that same night.

They never found the driver.

We got new direction?

Claire was approached by
a man yesterday,

talking about his m*rder.

Can I smoke on that balcony?

Answer a few questions first.

Can you describe
the guy you met, Claire?

He was old.
He drove a white van.

Old like or old like ?

In between.

And this was
at your school? / Yeah.

He pulls up, wants to talk to me.

Says, "I know who k*lled Jimmy."

Meaning your dad.

But, when I said that,

he says, "Jimmy wasn't
your dad. I was."

Did you get a name, Claire?
A license plate?

One of the teachers came out
and chased him away.

He was probably lying.

We'll find out.

Can I go smoke now?

You shouldn't.

Who you gonna tell? My parents?

Got an edge, huh? / Yeah.

years in foster care will do that.

We'll have uniforms in the area
watch out for a white van.

There was one more thing.

What's that?

Before he drove off,

he said he'd be coming back for me.

Read about George's burial?

No one there
but the grave diggers.

Ask me, potter's field
is too good for his bones.

So did you guys
hear about the parachuter?



You going to elaborate?

A girl, coming to homicide.

Parachuting in from
northeast detectives.

What's her inside drag?

Dad was Tommy Sutton.
Died on the job.

' . Shot in a traffic stop.

Yeah. So who's goinna say no
to a fallen hero's daughter

wanting to come to homicide?

Gil Sherman worked northeast.
Maybe he knows her.

Already asked.
Said she's a looker.

Can't hold that against her.

You can if she throws it around.

Who says she does that?

Word I hear,

some type of scandal
involving her sergeant.

Sexual nature.

That's ill-advised.

I got a sixth sense on this.

This girl's gonna be trouble.

Jimmy Tate, .
Graduated June ,

k*lled outside the school
that night. / Hit and run.

Theory was some drunk kid did it,
never came forward.

Jimmy's girlfriend, Quinn Ellis,
gave birth at the party that night,

then left the baby in a trash bin.

Did two years for
reckless endangerment.

Lost custody, never bounced back.

She's been in and
out of trouble ever since.

Lives in a halfway house
in Fairmont.

Was she a suspect?

No license, no car.

She was picked up
a few hours later

walking along the parkway in a daze.

A partial tire impression
at the scene

was I.D'd as a Firestone,
new tread.

A fairly common brand,
but it's something.

So who's this guy coming around
now telling Claire he's her dad?

Maybe just a crank.
Someone wants to mess with her mind.

As if being thrown away
by her parents didn't do that.

I do needlepoint
because I don't know how to knit.

Me neither.

I'm not too good with skills.

So, Quinn, we're looking back
into Jimmy's hit-and-run.

That night just about sunk me.

Losing Jimmy?

And the baby.

Yeah, but losing her was voluntary.

It was a bad decision.

Tell us about it.

Well, I had her in a stall
in the girl's bathroom.

Tough place to give birth?

You know what though?
It wasn't too bad.

It wasn't easy or anything,
but I handled it.

So why ditch her in the trash?

I was and dumb.

Just couldn't think
of anything else right then.

And Jimmy was?

Gone. Right after she was born.

Quinn, Claire was approached yesterday
by a guy that claimed he's her dad.

That's crazy.

That's mean and crazy.

Anyone you can think of
would say that? / No.

Jimmy was my one and only.

To this day, he was the best thing
that ever happened to me.

So how did it go wrong?

Getting pregnant messed us up.

Sine, opposite over hypotenuse.

Cosine, adjacent over hypotenuse.

Can you meet me tonight?

No. My parents.

Jimmy! Quinn!

My way or the hallway.

Dork, huh?

Hey, what's wrong?

Nothing. / Don't tell me nothing.
You're crying.

I'm scared you'll
hate me. / Quinn.

You know how I haven't
been feeling that good?

Well, it turns out
I'm pregnant.

- Are you sure?
- Yeah.

Did you take one of those...

Home tests?

It was blue.

It was just that one weekend.

We need to fix it.


We'll take care of it.

But we didn't really
take care of it.

Time got away from us
and we had her.

How about leaving her
at a hospital? A church?

That would have been better.

Yeah, I found that baby.
It was a head trip.

So how did you happen to be
looking in the trash that night?

I was drunk,
weaving down the hall,

and there was this cry
from the closet.

I thought I was hearing things.

But, no, it was a real live baby.

See anyone around?

I ran back to the party,
told everyone.

Got around real quick
it was Jimmy and Quinn's.

Did people know Quinn
was pregnant? / No.

Well, most people, anyway.

But you did?

Well, I happened to be in the nurse's
office one day when Jimmy came in.


- That ankle acting up?
- Oh, no. It's better.

So what can I do for you?

Well, um...

I'm in a situation with my girlfriend.


She's, uh...

you know, pregnant.

I borrowed some money, $ .

We want to take care of it.

I just don't know where to go.

I see.

Well, first of all,

it costs more like $ .

And you'd both need parental consent.

We can't.


you know, Quinn would never
be able to have children again. / No. I...

I didn't know that.

I have some photos you should see.

Can you imagine having
your legs and arms broken,

and then suctioned away?

Huh? / You'd probably scream,

just like the babies do.

I thought if...

it was early, it was easy.

m*rder isn't easy.


I guess...

Thanks, nurse Laura.

So this nurse had an agenda.

Nut job.

Jimmy come from money?

His dad left them early.
Mom was a sometimes waitress.

So how do you figure
he got the bucks?

He was on the track team,

had kind of an extra close
relationship with the coach.

You got a name?



You know, I could find it
in my yearbook.

Call you.

It turns out this school nurse
was big into operation choose life in ' .

And built up a sheet doing it.

Laura Graham, three arrests.

' , assaulted a patient
going into a clinic.

Same year, broke windows
at a doctor's office.

Strange extracurriculars
for a school nurse.

And my personal favorite,
, ran a doctor off the road

after his shift at
a woman's health center.

In her caddy Cimarron.

Firestone tires?

Just like the car that k*lled Jimmy.

Lieutenant Stillman?

I'm Josie Sutton.

- Nice to meet you.
- You, too.

I'm really glad to be here.

I knew your dad.
I was at his funeral.

All I remember about the funeral
were the g*nshots.

They scared me, and...

in retrospect,
seem kind of inappropriate.

Sit down.

How'd you like it at northeast?

It was fine.

Look, I'm sure
you know the rumors

going around about sergeant
White and you. / Yeah.

Now, I don't need
to know what happened. / No.

I just don't want trouble here.

Me neither.

Fair enough.

Hey, boss.

Scotty Valens.
Detective Sutton.

Hi. Josie.

Uh, from northeast? / Yeah.

Yeah, we heard you
were coming. / Uh...

- congratulations.
- Thanks.

Did you find that track coach?

Wasn't at his last known.
Guess his wife tossed him.

Going to his workplace now.

Why don't you take
Sutton with you?


So two scared kids want to end
their pregnancy,

but you had other plans for them.

I counseled Jimmy.

No, you lied to him.

You showed him gruesome photos.

I thought he should see what
they do at the k*lling mills.

Oh, bite me.

We hear Quinn never
looked pregnant.

So, maybe, by June, you thought
they'd gone against your advice. / No.

Maybe now you wanted
to punish Jimmy?

And we know your cadillac's
your w*apon of choice.

I got through to Jimmy.

Right after the holidays, he asked
for the name of an obstetrician.

So, you see, there was
no need for punishment.

Excuse me.

Claire, don't you
have school right now?

Just American history.
Who cares?

You want your diploma, Claire.

I don't like school.

So why are you here?

He came back.

The guy in the van?

Yeah, asked me to go with him.

You get a good look this time?

Yeah. We talked.

Said we should have dinner,

Claire, he could be dangerous.

- He was nice.
- Well, I need to talk to him.

Did you get a name? / No.

Look, I saw your mom
yesterday. / So?

She asked about you.

Why do I care?

She'd like to see you.

No, thanks.

Bruce Johnson.

Yeah? / We're here
to talk about Jimmy Tate.

Jimmy Tate?
Great kid, personality plus.

We hear you were kind of
a father figure to him.

Yeah. Yeah, I was.

He didn't have a real dad,

and his mom didn't exactly
pick up the slack.

Something wrong with her?

Nice lady. Just couldn't
handle the basics,

you know?
Wounded bird type.

So when Jimmy got
into trouble with Quinn...

Another wounded bird.

You gave him the bucks
for the abortion?

Yeah. I didn't want to see him
throw his life away.

Obviously, he disagreed.

Why do you say that?

Because he returned the money.

Because now they were
gonna keep the baby?

Never mind a future in track,

a free ride to Villanova,

he figured let me get married
at instead.

I'm guessing you tried
to talk him out of it.

Yeah, it fell to me to show him
the light about the girl.

Keep the money.
Don't be crazy.

We're gonna have it.

Jimmy, that's a big mistake.

No. We'll be a family.

Earlier than I ever thought but...

What about the track scholarship?

Maybe in a year or two...

Won't happen.
Your time is now.

I have to think of Quinn.

Look, kid...

I hate to say this but, uh,

are you sure it's yours? / Huh?

I've seen her with other guys,

when you're not around.

Talking, maybe. / No.

Not just talking.

I'm sorry.

But maybe it's not
your mistake at all.

So Quinn had other boyfriends?

I don't know if
I'd call them boyfriends.

She made the rounds.

Was this something you knew
or just your opinion?

She was oversexed, okay?

But how do you know?

Some girls just put it on the glass.

And you think this is relevant somehow
to Jimmy getting k*lled? / Yeah, I do.

Because what if he
wised up, huh?

What if he told Quinn to beat it?

And what if, in a female rage,

with a baby and no man,

she just went out
and mowed Jimmy down?

Jimmy was your one
and only, huh, Quinn?

Like I said.

That ain't what I'm hearing
from his old coach.

Why are you talking to him?

Quinn, I'm busy,

and you're wasting my time!

I don't know what you mean.

I mean if you had
multiple boyfriends,

I got multiple suspects.

I didn't.

No? The coach is making that up?

Hey, Quinn...

your daughter is being stalked
by some freak who says he's her dad.

Now I know you didn't give
a crap about her
when you were ,

because you wanted
your young, fun life,

and a crying baby's
a real buzz k*ll.

- That's mean.
- But you were then.

How about being an adult now,

and owning up?

What do you want to know?

Were there other guys?


How'd you get out of swimming?

I said I had my period.

We wish.

I didn't want this either, Jimmy.

I know, I know. I...
I was just joking.

I thought we were gonna
be happy about it.

We are.

I'm just...

hearing things.

Like what?

Maybe I'm not your only guy.

- Who said that?
- Coach Johnson.

Coach Johnson's a jerk.

He's a teacher.
He wouldn't lie.

I went to the locker room
one time.

And he was in the office.

He said he, he liked me, and...

that I was pretty,
and he started touching me.

I just, I just kind of froze, Jimmy.



It was over really quick.

I don't believe this.

I couldn't either.

I don't believe you!

It's true.


I don't think we
can be together anymore.


If I can't trust you...

But I didn't want to.

It's over.

God, what about the baby?

I'll think of something.

So he broke it off?

We weren't gonna raise
the baby together anymore.

What were you gonna do?

Jimmy came up with another plan.

Found someone to take her.


I don't know.

That night in the bathroom,
he just said "it's all over,"

and went to get them.

You sure you didn't
go looking for Jimmy? / No.

Because Jimmy bailing like that
could be seen as motive.

Jimmy dying ruined my life.

Why would I do that to myself?

There's a lot of people
ruin their lives.

Looked through the records
at Dr. Sterling's office.

The doctor nurse Laura recommended?

Jimmy and Quinn went to see him
March , ' .

That help us?

Keep reading.

An adult had to accompany them,
since they were minors.

Guess whose signature
is on the chart?

Nurse Laura's.

Jered Wyatt, their math teacher.

Worth a conversation. / Lil?

Hey, Lindsey.

Claire's school called.
She disappeared this afternoon.

What do you mean, disappeared?

She was abducted
outside the school.

The guy in the white van.

Guess who ain't answering
his phone all of a sudden?

The track coach.

Plus he owns a white Dodge van.

Guy had an unnatural
interest in Quinn,

maybe now he's got
it for the kid.

- Hey, I'm Jo Sutton.
- Yeah.

Uh, Lilly Rush. / Hi.

I was getting tired of being
the only girl on the line.

Hey, Vera.
We know this dude.


- Where's your windex?
- Oh, yeah. You guys.

You seen that white van
everyone's talking about?

I don't, uh, get involved.

How about some beer?

What brand?

You choose. Live it up.

Well, yeah, I seen it.
Uh, drove alongside this girl walking.

When was that?

I'd just be guessing,
because I don't really keep up with time.

Was this guy driving?

That's the mug of the man. Yeah.

He force the girl in?

Oh, no, chief.
She got in herself.

What, like, willingly?

Yeah, feet up on the dash.

Going for a nice spin. Voluntary.

Jered Wyatt?

Lieutenant Stillman.

I have to teach a night
class in an hour.

We just want to get to the bottom

of your name being on this
doctor's form, Mr. Wyatt.


I helped out Jimmy and Quinn
because they were nice kids.

- That all?
- That's all.

Well, taking an interest is one thing,

but acting as their guardian
during a sonogram?

- Can I be frank?
- Please.

I was...

And? / And I wanted to stay that way.

And, well...

Jimmy had something over me.

Mr. Wyatt, I...

- Whoa.
- Oh, my god.

Nurse Laura?

Hey, Jimmy.

Do something, Jered.

Ho, ho, hold on a second.


Jimmy! Hey, hey.

Take it easy, okay?

I'm not gonna say
anything. / It's...

Jimmy, I have
a fragile home situation.

- Yeah, sure.
- No, no, no.

This is important.

You do me a good turn here,
I'll do you one.

What do you mean?

I know about Quinn.
Your problem.

I want to help, if I can.

We're fine.

Hey, you can talk to me.

We broke up, but...

We still have the baby coming.

Can I help at all?

There is something we need
for this appointment.

I took them to the doctor.

Now we both knew
each other's secrets.


And what'd Laura do for insurance?

I don't know.

But boy, she pitched a fit
after Jimmy walked in on us.

I'm talking warpath.

Oh, you play like you're all
virtue and piety, don't you, Laura?

But the truth is, uh...

not so much.

If you're asking if I was...

compromised with Jered Wyatt,
yes, I was.

And Jimmy was witness to this.

That's also true.

That couldn't have sat well.

You had a reputation to uphold.

And a job to keep. / Look...

I know something that
could probably be helpful.

Talk to Angie Parrington.

- The girl who found the baby?
- She was in my office every day.

I had to watch her
take her medication.

- What kind of meds?
- Antipsychotics.

What's that got to do with Jimmy?

She was obsessed with him,
talked about him nonstop.

So Angie's troubled.
Okay, but...

why would she suddenly snap?

Because she went off her meds
for graduation.

- You didn't come today, Angie.
- No, I didn't.

It's been three days.
I'm not taking that poison anymore,

and I just graduated,
so you can't make me.


Uh, I know, I gotta sign your book.

No, it's not about that.
It's something else,

- and I know you're gonna like it.
- Could I find you later?

No, Jimmy, I have something for you.

Quinn needs me right now.

I don't know why you
still like Quinn. / Angie...

Because she's like nothing.
She's like a background girl.

No she's not.
She's shy, but...

You don't know her.

Yeah, well, I think she's fat.

Jimmy! I'm gonna find you.

So Angie's pretty determined
to get Jimmy alone.

And she was the kind of girl
who got what she wanted.

You think she was
capable of v*olence?

She quit her meds once before,
her sophomore year.

Lit a cheerleader's
hair on fire at a pep rally.

I hear my girl Angie
was kind of nutso?

I'm sorry, man.

Easy come, easy go.

So has this one pulled anything yet?

Uh, no.
Not really.

Give her time.

Claire sent a note
to her foster parents. / Yeah?

She doesn't want to be found.

"Don't worry about me.
I'm with my dad."

Lieutenant, um, I've been going over
new car purchases from June ' .

You have? / New tread
on the tires, new car...

That's needle-in-a-haystack territory.

But I found something.

One of the buyers
was Angie Parrington.

My Angie who found the baby?

And who was pining for Jimmy.

Bought a corvette on June th.

The day before Jimmy was k*lled.

Oh, Angie...
Say it ain't so.

Yeah, I bought a car.

It was Jimmy's graduation present.

That's quite a gift.

I'm generous.

So how does a high school girl
have that kind of dough?

My parents missed graduation.

Out of guilt, they said
I could buy any car I wanted.

So what did he say?

He kept blowing me off
when I tried to tell him about it.

I finally cornered him
in the parking lot.

Show him the new set of wheels.

Yeah. He saw it.

He kept walking.

Sees a corvette
and doesn't slow his pace?

I know. I'm, like...
Jimmy, it's a corvette.

But no interest.

He was just rambling
about finding Mr. Wyatt.

The math teacher?
Why was he looking for him?

I don't know.

And I'll never know why
he was so into Quinn.

But you should have seen
the way he looked at her.

Now, you didn't get so upset

that you turned that corvette
on him, did you, Angie?

I can't even drive stick shift.

Ever have kids, Jered?

No, we never did.

We've done some looking.

Seems you and your wife poured a lot
of time and money into trying for a baby.

- Maybe for a short period.
- Six years.

Well, we adjusted.
We have hobbies, pets.

But that kind of thing
can make a marriage shaky.

There was some strain.

How were you gonna turn things around?

How about a baby?

What are you suggesting?

Oh, why else would Jimmy
come looking for you

same night Quinn had that child?

There's no proof of anything.

Well, throw in that you
were at the sonogram,

seems like you were
a prospective parent.



It's no crime, wanting a baby.

That's all Helen and I ever wanted.


Our marriage was dying...

every day we couldn't conceive.

And these two kids pop out a baby

when they don't even want one.

One weekend and they're pregnant.

They had a problem,
we had a problem.

I really thought this baby could...

could save us.

So what went wrong?

I got the car seat,

diapers, formula.

I thought of everything.

- So boy or girl?
- Uh, girl.

- So is Quinn bringing her?
- Uh, no.

Mr. Wyatt, I can't do it.

No, no, no...
We're all set.

I'm sorry.

What? / Look, I know I'm going back
on our plan, and I'm sorry about it,

but after seeing what I saw...

well, I realized,
those two girls are all I want.

I'm trying to save my marriage here.

I'm trying to save something, too.

This is my last hope.
Helen is waiting!

Sorry, Mr. Wyatt.

Maybe you can adopt or something.

We have already tried that!


listen to me now.


This is my life I'm talking about!


Questioned documents got an imprint
from Claire's note, a phone number.

We trace it?

Viking motel, Spring garden.

There she is.

Hi, Claire.

How'd you find me?

That doesn't matter.

Claire, what's going on?

You want to stop there?

The hell with that.


You're under arrest.

Endangering the welfare of a child.

His family left him.
I'm all he has.

But you're not his.

Look at me.

We brought your mommy.


She was real worried about you.

My god.

I can see Jimmy all over your face.

Not that you care.

I do.
I do, baby.

Don't call me that!

I messed up. Bad.

I was just so sad that
Jimmy didn't want me anymore.

He did want you.

We know who hit him that night.

It was Jered Wyatt. / Yeah...

And you know the reason, Claire?


- What do you mean?
- He wanted you for himself.

But Jimmy said no,
because the second he laid eyes on you,

no way he was parting with his girl.

Jimmy said that?

He was on his way back to you.

"It's all over."

That's what Jimmy said to you.

Now I know what he meant.

Oh, my god.

You did it!

- No.
- You did.

I've never done anything, Jimmy.

You just did.

You did the most amazing thing.

It's a girl.


She's real small, Quinn.

No, I can't.

Sure you can.

- I'll drop her.
- No.

Look how you're holding her.

A baby girl.

It's all over now.

I know.

I have to find him.

I just want to hold
her a little more.

I'll be right back.



Oh, Claire...

No matter what happens, baby,

your mom and dad loved you.

♪ Peter GabrielÀÇ 'In Your Eyes' ♪

♪ Love ♪

♪ I get so lost, sometimes ♪

♪ Days pass ♪

♪ and this emptiness fills my heart ♪

♪ When I want to run away ♪

♪ I drive off in my car ♪

♪ But whichever way I go ♪

♪ I come back to the place you are ♪

♪ And all my instincts, ♪

♪ they return ♪

♪ And the grand facade, ♪

♪ so soon will burn ♪

♪ Without a noise, ♪

♪ without my pride ♪

♪ I reach out from the inside ♪

♪ In your eyes ♪

♪ The light the heat
(In your eyes) ♪

♪ I am complete
(In your eyes)♪

♪ I see the doorway
(In your eyes)♪

♪ to a thousand churches
(In your eyes)♪

♪ The resolution
(In your eyes)♪

♪ of all the fruitless searches
(In your eyes)♪

♪ I see the light and the heat
(In your eyes)♪

♪ Oh, I want to be that complete
(In your eyes)♪

♪ I want to touch the light
The heat I seen your eyes ♪

♪ The light the heat
(In your eyes)♪

♪ I am complete
(In your eyes)♪

♪ I see the doorway ♪

♪ to a thousand churches
(In your eyes)♪

♪ The resolution
(In your eyes)♪

♪ of all the fruitless searches ♪

♪ I see the light and the heat
(In your eyes)♪
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