09x20 - Missing

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dallas". Aired: April 1978 to May 1991.*
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The oil-rich Ewings endure daily troubles in Texas.
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09x20 - Missing

Post by bunniefuu »

Pam's gone.

I won't spy on him anymore,
and that's it.

I really hate the word "blackmail,"
but this is very important to me.

If we do have to get rid of J. R...

...we need to have control of Jack
more than ever.

What is that woman hiding?

- I can't let you go.
- I have to go, Clayton.

I have to go see Bobby.

- There's questions I want answered.
- I don't like what you're getting at.

- I don't trust you.
- Know what you can do with that?






I really enjoyed tonight, Jack.

I'm sorry it has to end so early.

I know.

I wish we could've gone somewhere
alone together...

...but Angelica wanted me
to come back with them.

She's not your chaperone, is she?

Hardly. But she is my boss.

Yes, I remember you telling me
she's business 24 hours a day.

Will I see you soon?

- Tomorrow night?
- Yes.

Just the two of us.

Jack. A pleasure to meet you.

I look forward to seeing you again.

I hope so.

- Good night.
Good night.


Oh, I hope the next time
you talk to Dimitri...

...you tell him what an effect
his million-dollar donation had on Dallas.

It was really something.

Yes, I'll do that.

- Night.
- Good night.

Good night.

So now that you've seen him,
what do you think?

His resemblance to Dimitri is amazing.

But does it really matter anymore?

Of course it matters.

...why you donated the money
in his name tonight.

Can you think of a better way
to convince everyone...

...that he's still alive,
regaining his health?

And I'm sure our donation will make news
in international press as well.

So you intend to go ahead
with this masquerade?

It's more important now than ever.

- I don't know.
Well, I do.

As long as you've taken care
of certain details.

Is all the paperwork in order?
All the dates correct?

Yes, of course.

And all predated one week
before the Martinique meeting.

Can we keep Dimitri's death
a secret that long?

Who else knows about it?

Only the doctor.

Then we'll proceed as planned...

...and we cannot allow any interference
from anyone, especially J.R. Ewing.

Say when, Clayton.
Enough, enough.

There you are.
Thank you.

Any idea how much money was raised,
Sue Ellen?

We won't know for a couple of days...

...but, uh, I know that it's far more
than I hoped for.

People do get carried away
when it's for a good cause, like you.

- You said you needed a new coat.
- Yeah.

Well, I, for one, think you should
be very proud about tonight, Sue Ellen.

- So do I. You did a wonderful job.
- Thank you.

Hear, hear.

To the new queen of Dallas fundraising.



I'd like to second that.

I was very impressed with you tonight,
Sue Ellen...

...and not that I have right to be, ahh,
I was proud of you too.

It was a whole different you up there

I was amazed at how at ease
and comfortable you seemed to be...

...with the entire affair.

Thank you, J.R.

Well, I guess the new you has been around
for some time, I just hadn't noticed.

Anyway, congratulations. You deserve it.

Well, my cup of soda runneth over.

Well, I wonder if Cliff Barnes
liked his crystal duck.

Well, it was hard enough
getting him to buy it, ha, ha.

Well, outside of Cliff,
I suppose everybody had a good time.

Yeah, especially you two.

I didn't think you were gonna let go
of Mama long enough to bid on anything.

- Well, I didn't know you were watching.
- Yeah. Yeah, I was watching.

I don't know if I should say this,
but, uh...

Well, I think we're all aware
there's been tension between you two.

- I really don't wanna talk about it.
I know that, Mama.

I wanted you to know how happy I was
to see Clayton there.

And to see that you've solved
whatever problems you had.

Well, your concern is very touching, J.R.

J.R., the truth is there was a problem,
but there is no longer.

You know how happy that makes me?

Ha, ha. No, really,
it was a wonderful evening.

The whole family together
just like the good old days.

Say, Jenna, can I freshen your drink?

You've been real quiet tonight.
Didn't you enjoy the evening?

Enjoy it?

I hated it.

Do you know what it's like being there
all alone?

Well, look at all of you.

Happy, together, married.
You all have someone.

I should have been there with Bobby.
We should've been married and together.

Jenna, don't.

Oh, I don't even belong here.

The only tie I had with the family
was Bobby.

- That's not true.
Yes, it is true.

And now Bobby's dead.

If I had married him
when I was supposed to, he wouldn't be.

Maybe he'd still be alive now.

Don't you see?

It's my fault.

It's all my fault.

How long has that been going on?

Too long.

She's in real trouble.

I'm gonna talk to her.

That poor dear girl.

We all better keep an eye on her.
A close one.

That lady is headed for a breakdown
if I have ever seen one.

Barnes-Wentworth, good morning.

No, I'm sorry, Mr. Barnes isn't in yet.

Can I have your name, please?

I'll tell him you called.

- Morning.
Here are your messages.

And Miss Winger is waiting for you
in your office.

Wonder what she wants.

- Put a hold on my calls.
Yes, sir.

This is quite a surprise.

You must've seen J.R.
After the auction last night.

No, I didn't.

I figured he told you something so hot
you couldn't wait to get here to tell me.

It's over, Cliff.

You and him? You split up?

No, at least not yet.

It's you and me.

I can't do this anymore.
I won't do it anymore.

And I don't understand you.

We're doing what you wanted to do.
We're getting back at J.R.

No. It's not like I thought it would be.

I thought I'd feel good...

...that I'd get some kind of satisfaction
out of seeing him hurt.

We just haven't put the screws to him yet,
but we will.

And when we do, you'll feel good.

No, I'll only feel worse.

I'm not hurting J.R.

All I'm doing is allowing myself
to be used again.

You've gotten all you're going to
from me.

Aren't you forgetting what he did to you?

He told you he was through
with Sue Ellen.

Now he's living under the same roof
with her again.

And what about Angelica Nero?

You know he's shacking up with her
and who knows how many others.

Whatever J.R. Is doesn't change
the way I feel about myself.

I won't spy on him anymore,
and that's it.

You're still stuck on him, aren't you?
You still want him.

Why should that matter to you?

You know,
I really hate the word "blackmail"...

...but this is very important to me.

And if I were to tell J.R.
That you had been spying on him...

...it would be goodbye, apartment...

...goodbye, all of those nice things
he buys you.

And most importantly,
goodbye, J.R. Ewing.

Let me save you the trouble.
I'm going to tell him myself.

Damn it.

Sly, I told you not to interrupt me while
I'm going over the Marinos drilling reports.

I'm sorry, J.R.
Matt Cantrell is on the phone. It's urgent.

- On the phone from where?
Los Gatos, Colombia.

All right, put him on.

- J.R. Ewing here.
Are you alone?

Yes, I'm alone. What's happening?

We got big troubles.

What's wrong?

We were almost to the mine,
somebody hit the camp.

Pam's gone.

What the hell do you mean?
Is she all right?

I don't know. Look, J.R.,
anybody could be listening on this line.

It'd be better if we talked in person.

All right, give me about six hours
then call Mark Graison...

...tell him what happened.
I'll catch the first plane out.


And meanwhile, organize a search party,

We have got to find her.

The flight leaves when?

That's just under three hours from now.

No, no, that's fine.

And an open return. Yes.

You can confirm the connecting flight
to Los Gatos?

Good. Yes, Mr. Ewing will pick up
his ticket at the airport.

Thank you.

All set. Uh, what about your passport?

I'm gonna pick it up at the ranch
on the way to the airport.

Was there anybody else in the office
when Cantrell called?

No, Phyllis was out.

Pam told her to take some days off
while she was away.

Good. I feel at this time,
nobody should know about it.

I wouldn't want them to worry,
you know.

Of course.

You don't think that there's something?
Well, Pam will be all right, won't she?

Well, of course.

She just probably, uh,
wandered away, got lost.

She'll be back before you know it.

Oh, and by the way,
don't tell anybody where I've gone.

What should I say?

If anybody should ask,
and I mean anybody...

...tell them that I had to take
a quick trip to Europe.

I'm gonna be conferring with
drilling experts on the North Shore.

And I don't know where to reach you.
- That's right.

I shouldn't be too long.

Good luck.

Are you feeling strong enough
to talk some more?

Talk about what?

For one thing, it's very insulting
to tell the Americano...

...that someone is listening in
on your phone.

Insulting maybe, but true.

You're hardly in a position
to be sarcastic.

Why is that?

Because I have many questions
that need answering.

The emeralds that were sent here for you.

Why should a man bring emeralds
into Colombia?

To buy something with them?
Probably not.

Look, if you got something to say to me,
say it. Stop playing games.

Well, let us suppose that you find
a very rich American woman...

...to give you more backing
for your emerald mine.

How do you convince her
that the mine is good?

You find emeralds.

If there are no emeralds,
then you bring some with you.

That's ridiculous.


But it does make me think, whatever
happened to the wealthy Mrs. Ewing?

What happened
to everyone in your party?

They're all missing.

Only you made it back to Los Gatos.

And you asked me these same questions
when I got back.

I know. You were swimming in the river...

...you don't know
whatever happened to anyone.

You even have a bruise on your forehead
to prove you were hit.

Whether you like it or not,
that's what happened.

What I need from you now
is help organizing a search party...

...to go back there and find Pam,
not a third degree.

Search parties cost a lot of money.

Do you have money?

I'll have money soon.


You know,
I have half a mind to lock you up...

...until I get some answers from you.

Look, I've told you the truth.
Somebody ambushed us.

You know, I'm just about to call
Mrs. Ewing's fianc? and her brother.

Now, they're both very wealthy men.

I'm sure when they find out
what happened to Pam...

...they're gonna wanna fly down here
and help find her.

I can also assure you
that it'll be better for everyone...

...if I'm free to meet with them
when they arrive.

By all means, call them.

Visitors are always welcome to Los Gatos,
especially wealthy ones.

Why don't you call from the lobby?

So you don't have to tap my phone
to hear what I'm saying?

I knew you wouldn't mind.

Be my guest.

Here it is.

Well, I can't believe
we've raised that much money.

- Look at that.
- Hm.

The million-dollar donation
from Marinos Shipping didn't hurt.

You really pulled it off, Sue Ellen.
You are a born fundraiser.

And you,
despite your protest to the contrary...

...are a born public speaker.

We may even have to put you
on the cream-chicken circuit.

No. No, never again. I think I blacked out
the minute I started talking.

- I don't remember a thing I said.
- You were eloquent.

You were downright touching.

So no more of that false modesty.

Well, maybe I was pretty good.

But the best thing about it
was I got to spend the morning...

...going through catalogs of all the new
medical equipment we can afford.


- Yes?
There's a phone call...

...for Mr. Graison.
- Thank you.

- Line 2, Mark.
- Oh, okay.

Hello, this is Mark Graison.


Can you speak up?


What? How?

Oh, dear God.

I'm gonna call her brother now.
We'll be down on the first flight tomorrow.

Tell me, where exactly are you, Bogot??

Los Gatos?

We'll be there tomorrow.

Mark, did something happen to Pam?

He doesn't know.

She's been kidnapped or she's run away.

Oh, Mark.

I gotta call Cliff.

I have to go with Mark.
You understand that.

Of course I understand.

Maybe by the time I get there,
Pam will have been found.

Yeah, maybe.

I mean, Pam,
she always was the strong one.

I mean, nothing could happen to her...

...because, you know,
Pam can handle anything. Ha, ha.

You know, when we were
being raised by our aunt...

...we were so close together. We just...
We did everything together.

- Like Jack and me.
- Yeah.

And then Digger d*ed,
Mama d*ed a little later.

You know, until I married you,
Pam was the only family I ever had.

You know, I never really told her
how much she means to me.

How much I love her.

Why is it we don't tell people
how much we love them?

Cliff, Pam's gonna be all right.

Oh, yeah, she's gonna be okay.
She'll be fine.

She has to be.

And that's all the information Mark got?

It was so confusing.
They had a terrible connection.

Mark was just stunned.

Is there anything we can do to help,
Sue Ellen?

I don't know.

Mark and Cliff are booked
on the first flight out to Bogot?.

How do we keep in touch with them?

Mark said he'd call
as soon he knew anything.

It's impossible to believe.

I feel as if we were living under a curse.
First Jock, then Bobby and now Pam.

Ellie, we don't know yet
that anything's happened to Pam.

No, we just have to believe
that Pam's gonna be all right.

- Grandma, when are we gonna eat?
- We're all starving.

Especially me. I'm so hungry, Grandma.

We're going to eat right now.

And, Christopher, you can sit next to me.

And maybe later, I'll tuck you in.
Would you like that?


- Who is it?

- Safe to talk in here?
- It will be.

All right.

- Anything new since we last talked?
- I called Mark Graison.

He and Cliff Barnes
should be down here tomorrow.

Oh, wonderful.

All right, fill me in on the details.
What happened?

- I'm not real sure.
- I didn't come all this way to hear that.

All right.

We made camp
about a day away from the mine.

I went for a swim, I heard shouting.

I ran back to the camp,
the tents were burning.

Somebody hit me on the head
with a club, a r*fle, something.

I went out cold.
When I came to, Pam was gone.

I don't know if somebody took her
or whether she ran off by herself...

...but I followed the trail
as long as I was able.

And when it gave out,
I headed back here, called you.

- Anybody else know about this?
- Yeah.

Local chief of police, guy named Rueda.

I guess he's a lot smarter
than I used to give him credit for.

Think he'll help us find Pam?

I think for a price, he'd do anything.

Good. That's the kind of
chief of police I like.

I'll drop in on him tomorrow morning.

Now, there's one thing
important for you to remember.

Mark Graison is no dummy.

He was never too happy about Pam
coming down here in the first place.

So you just make sure
he never finds any connection...

...between you and me, you understand?

Damn. All I ever wanted
was to get that woman out of the office...

...so I could run some papers
through Ewing Oil.

And discredit her through
your emerald mine, of course.

Nobody who knows how she and I felt
about each other will believe...

...that I wasn't responsible
for this whole damn thing.

I don't want Mark to find out about
our connection any more than you do.

Well, you do what you have to.

You just remember,
the most important thing is to find Pam.

Anything happens to that woman
because of my plan...

...I'll never be able to look at myself
in the mirror again.

Good morning, Ewing Oil.

Good morning. It's Angelica Nero.

- Uh, yes, Miss Nero.
J.R. Ewing, please.

I'm sorry, Mr. Ewing isn't in.

Oh, when will he return?

Well, he won't be in at all today.

Where is he?
It is important that I speak to him.

He's in Europe.

He's in Europe?

Where? What is he doing there?

He's meeting with some people
who are drilling in the North Sea.

He's meeting with people
who are drilling in the North Sea.

Well, how can I contact him?

I'm sorry, Miss Nero,
I don't have an exact location on him.

When will he return?

Well, he has an open return.

If I should hear from him,
I will tell him you called.

You do just that.

Why is he in Europe?

Is there any chance he may have found out
about Dimitri's death?

No. None, I'm sure of it.

I'm sure he didn't go over there
just to talk to some North Shore drillers.

Why would he do that?

He must have found out something.

Nicholas, call all the airlines
and see if J.R. Took a flight to Europe...

...in the past two days.
If he did, I want to know where.

I'll do it from my room.

Do you really think
J.R.'s heard about Dimitri?

Nicholas thinks not.

Nicholas has been wrong before.

Yes, you're right.

Call Jack and see if he's still here.

And if he is?

Get close to him. Get him in bed.

Get him on our side.

If we do have to get rid of J. R...

...we need to have control of Jack
more than ever.




Have John Ross and Charlie
left for school?


And what are you going to do today?

Would you like me
to take you somewhere?


I'd like to go home.

Don't you like it here, Christopher?


But I miss my mommy.

Do you know what I'm making?

- No.
- A big pot of chicken soup.

Where's the chicken?

That's already in the pot.

Which is exactly where
these carrots are going.

You know,
when your daddy was your age...

...his favorite thing in the whole world
was my soup:

- It was?
- Yes.

What else did he like?

Well, he liked my chili.

And he liked hot dogs and broccoli...

He liked broccoli?

Oh, yes.

But mostly he liked growing up
around here at Southfork...

...with all his family around him.

And, you know, I bet he'd be very happy
that you're here with us now.

He would?

Oh, yes. Yes, he would.

You know, the family was very important
to your daddy and to all of us.

And look how lucky you are.

All the uncles and aunts,
and John Ross and Charlie.

Why, this just might be
the best place in the whole world...

...for a little boy to grow up.

When Mommy comes home,
can we move here?

Well, we can talk about it.

But just in case she's gone
longer than she thought...

...we all want you to be happy here.

And we all love you
very, very, very much.

I'm happy and I love you too, Grandma.


- Senor?

Chief Rueda.

Welcome to Los Gatos, Mr. Ewing.

Oh, thank you, thank you. I wasn't
aware that anybody knew I was here.

When a man of such prestige as yourself
comes to our humble city...

...I, of course, know.


- Who else knows I'm here?
No one.

Oh, except Mr. Cantrell.

You didn't even register at a hotel.

Well, I have a great desire for privacy.



Please sit down, Mr. Ewing.

Well, uh, thank you very much.

Actually, I'm very pleased
that you know who I am.

It'll make business
between us much easier.

- Perhaps.
- Ahh.

So you came all this way
to help find Mrs. Ewing.

Well, I think the people
who know the country...

...would have a better chance
of finding her than I do.

Very wise, Mr. Ewing.

And, of course, I understand
how expensive it is...

...to mount a proper search party.

To get the good people, yes.

Yes, yes.

And I know how very valuable
your time is...

...so this is for your time and effort
and cooperation.

This could buy a lot of time and effort.

Well, this is for your cooperation.

I always like dealing with a man who, uh,
can't be bought too cheap or too fast.

What is it exactly you want?

I want Pamela Ewing found.
Make no mistake about that.

But I'm not absolutely convinced that this
Matt Cantrell is the man to do it.

As a matter of fact, I don't know
how far I can trust him at all.

So I want you to find her
and keep your eye on him.

If my name ever comes up
in his conversation, I wanna hear about it.

And believe me,
you're gonna be paid very well for this.

If she's still alive, we'll find her.

I don't wanna hear any more talk
about her not being alive.

I just want her found.

Now, you probably know that her fianc?
and her brother are on the way down here...

...and they'll wanna go with you.
I don't mind that. It's fine.

But I don't want them
to ever learn that I've been here.

I understand.

Good, good.
I never forget people who do me favors.

And people who don't.

Goodbye, Mister...

I seem to have forgotten
your name already.

I think we're gonna work well together.

This is a very good start. Ha-ha-ha.

Good morning, Sly.

- Good morning, Miss Winger.
- Is J.R. Busy?

He's not here. He's out of the country.


Well, when do you expect him back?

I'm not sure.

I see.

Well, when you hear from him,
would you please tell him that I came by...

...and that it's very important
that I talk to him?

Of course.

Everyone's in a state of shock.
They're just so worried about Pam.

Yeah, I'm worried about her too.

But I'm also afraid for Cliff.

Yeah, I know.

No, I don't think that you do know.

I don't think that anyone realizes
how much Cliff cares about Pam.

I mean, I know about all his faults
and how he takes advantage...

...but the way that he feels about Pam
goes right to his core.

Jamie, I don't know
what would happen to any of us.

I don't know what the world would even
be like without Pam being around.

We can't think about that.

We've got to keep thinking they're gonna
find her and that she's gonna be all right.

Yeah, I know.

Especially you.
You've gotta take care of yourself.

Remember, we almost lost you.

Well, my brother saved my life.

Maybe Cliff can do the same for Pam.

Senor Graison?

- Senor Barnes?
- Yeah, I'm Graison.

Chief Rueda, Los Gatos Police.
Allow me to express my sympathy to you.

What happened?
You have news about Pam?

Regrettably, no.

But we are preparing a search party.
We have been waiting for you.

- Where's Cantrell?
He waits for you at the hotel.

I came to pick you up
so we will have a chance to talk.

Perhaps you can answer some questions
for me on the way there.

No, whatever we can do.

Shall we go? I have the suitcases
brought to the hotel for you.

Can you tell us any more
about what happened?

- Haven't you talked to Cantrell?
- Only briefly on the phone.

Then I tell you what I know.

Do you have rooms
for Senores Graison and Barnes?

Of course, senores.


I wondered where you were.

I can't tell you how sorry I am.
I feel pretty damn guilty.

Well, you should. You knew it was
so dangerous, how could you take Pam?

I didn't know it was so dangerous.
I never expected any trouble.

- Well, you're a lot dumber than you look.
- I know how upset you are.

I feel bad enough already without
the two of you ganging up on me.

- There's questions I want answered.
Ask them.

Why were you the only one
to make it back here? What happened?

How come you just happened to be
down by the river?

- I don't like what you're getting at.
- Well, that's too bad...

...because I don't like you.
I don't trust you.

I haven't trusted you
from the moment you showed up.

- You know what you can do with that trust?
- Yeah.

All right, enough.
Before you destroy the entire hotel.


Well, now that you've got that
out of your systems...

...perhaps we could sit down, have a drink,
and plan our next move.

Provided that you'd rather
find Mrs. Ewing...

...than k*ll one another.

After we find Pam, we'll finish this.

I'll remind you of that.

I thought my stay here
would be nothing but business.

You know what they say
about all work, no play.

I never thought
we would end up like this.

Yeah, it kind of surprised me too.

I mean, until recently, I, uh...

Well, you and I never spoke.

I know.

But now I regret all the time we wasted.

Well, we're both still young.

But Martinique will be here soon.

And after that,
who knows what's gonna happen?

You have your life, I work for Marinos.

That still leaves us a lot of time.

I would like to spend
as much time together as possible.


Perhaps my work
isn't so important anymore.

I'd like that too.

You're a very unusual woman.

But, um, before I allow myself
to get too much involved...

...there's something I have to ask you.

What? Go ahead.

At the auction, the woman you talked to?

Jenna Wade?

I saw something in your face.

You care for her.

I did.

Maybe I still do.

At one point,
I thought I was falling in love with her.

And what happened?

She's too much involved with a dead man
to care about the living.

And I can't fight that anymore.

I care only about the living.

I should've doubled.

- But you didn't.
- And I won't.

- Want some more coffee?
- Hm.

Jenna. Are you feeling better?

Yes, I'm fine. Why?

Well, we missed you at dinner.
Charlie said you weren't feeling very well.

I don't know why she said that.
I just wasn't hungry.

You going out?
- Yes.

Where are you going?
Look like you're dressed for riding.

Well, I'm going to see Bobby.

Well, not see him, of course, I'm...
I'm just gonna visit his grave.

Well, isn't it kind of late?

Can't it wait until, uh, tomorrow?

No. No, it can't.

Jenna, why don't you come in
and have some coffee?

- We can talk about it.
There's nothing to talk about.

I need to be with him. To talk to him.

To explain everything to him.
No, no, it's the only place that I feel good.

He understands me.
I can tell him everything, Clayton.

- Jenna, I can't let you go...
- I have to go, Clayton.

- I have to go. Clayton, let me go.
- Jenna.

Clayton, you don't understand me.
He understands me.

Miss Ellie, Miss Ellie, tell him.
You don't understand, Clayton.

Please, you don't understand.
Let me go, please.

What's wrong?

She was trying to go out
to Bobby's grave.

Oh, Lord.

Jenna. Jenna. Oh, it's all right.

- Donna, I have to go see Bobby.
- No, we'll go tomorrow.

Ray? It's okay.

- Help me get her upstairs.
- I have to go.

Come on. You don't have to go.
It's okay.

I have to see him now.
Tomorrow. Come on.

Miss Ellie, we've got to do something.

I'm gonna call Dr. Danvers.
Get something to quiet her.

And tomorrow we'll have to see
about getting her some real help.

I know, Clayton. I know.

- Morning, Sly.
Good morning.

When did you get back?

Couple hours ago.
I stopped by the ranch to change.

How was the trip?

- Fine. Anything happen while I was gone?
- Not that I know of.

There weren't that many calls.
Miss Winger stopped by.

She said it was very important
that she talk to you.


- Harv Smithfield indicate what he wanted?
- He said it wasn't vital.

Well, well. So you're back.

- Ahh, thank you, Sly. That will be all.
- Yes, sir.

Just good timing or do you have
somebody watching Southfork?

Where were you, J. R?

Oh, didn't Sly tell you?

I had to make a fast trip to Europe.
I might want to invest in a North Sea deal.

That's not true.

I had all the flights to Europe checked
and you were not a passenger on them.

Well, I often take a private jet, darling.

Why are you so interested in where I went
and what I was doing?

I'm not interested in what you do, J.R.
I just don't like the unexpected.

We're close to completing this arrangement
and I just don't want anything to go wrong.

I know you don't. Neither do I.

But I still wonder
why my trip was so important to you.

I'm sorry. I suppose I overreacted.

After all, you do have the right to go
wherever you wanna go.

Well, I guess we both overreacted.

I guarantee you, next time I take a trip,
you're gonna be the first to know.

Because I don't wanna upset my partner.

Well, no, not with everything
that's at stake.

Can you come by tonight?
I'd love to see you.

Oh, I'm sorry. I asked my wife
to have dinner with me tonight.


Soon, then. Bye.

What is that woman hiding?

There is a company from which
we can charter a helicopter.

Good. Helicopter can cover thousand times
more area than we can on foot.

Couldn't we get a couple or three
and cover more territory?

- We can try.
- Senor Cantrell?



That's the brooch you gave Pam.

That mean she's alive?

What's it say?

"We have the lady
who owns the brooch.

Do not look for us.
We will send you more instructions. "

Oh, God.
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