05x02 - Trust, But Verify: Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show "SEAL Team". Aired: September 27, 2017 – present.*
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Series follows Bravo Team an elite unit of Navy SEALs, as they plan and undertake dangerous missions worldwide.
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05x02 - Trust, But Verify: Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on SEAL Team...
Jason's 20 years of combat,

-does that still
have you worried?
-Headaches, memory loss.

I hope there's not something

-going on inside his head.
-Like Swanny?

RAY: You're the only one
that knows

I've been working on my PTS;
maybe it's time I come clean

-to Bravo.
-You've got nothing to hide.

One of my brothers went sideways
outside the wire,

might be looking for you
to sideline them until

-they were squared away.
-Bravo Team will be
conducting an operation

-inside of North Korea.
-This is Jin Yong,

the godfather of the
North Korean weapons program.

-Jin wants to defect.
-Bravo won't be getting him out.

Kwan Jon-Wi,
North Korean smuggler, will.

Focus up-- if this mission
isn't ex*cuted to perfection,

consequences could be

♪ ♪

(distant voices echoing)

(water trickling)


(cigarette extinguishes)

(footsteps overhead)

(chatter in Korean)

(door opens and closes)

♪ ♪

(train rumbling)

Bravo 1, this is 2,
radio check, over.

Been nearly an hour

since they went dark.

The hell happened in there?

♪ ♪

RAY: Bravo 1, this is 2,
radio check, over.

Bravo 1, this is 2, radio check.

We need to let Havoc know.

Still 30 minutes from our
safe comms window.

We break that,
we expose our position.

JASON: Bravo 2, this is 1,
I have you Lima Charlie,

-how me?
-1, this is 2,

I have you same.
What is your position? Over.

We re-routed, we're five klicks
north of rally point A,

heading east.

RAY: Good copy, 1.
Holding here, Bravo 2 out.

That's, uh, that's gonna add
a lot of time to their trip.

Nothing's changed on target.

I mean, there's no alarms.

No vehicles,
no guards scrambling.

They haven't even evacuated
Dr. Jin from his barracks.

Evil regime business-as-usual.

Kwan put her life on the line,

and it's like nothing
happened at all.

♪ ♪

Let's get our toys and leave,

What do we know-- now,
talk to me.

Jin hasn't been moved,
no heightened security.

Tells me the North Koreans
aren't aware

that Kwan was coming for him.

Don't know the whole picture,
they might not know about us.

SONNY: They start turning
the screws on Kwan,

she's gonna paint a picture
real quick.

-Let's move.

-we're not going
anywhere, Sonny.
-What the hell

-do you mean, Jace?
-What do you mean,
what am I talking about?

-We're not going anywhere.
-We-we got a submarine waiting

-off the coast for us.
-We're not going anywhere.

It's a five-hour hike
to get there,

with only two hours
till daybreak.

Okay, getting held up on the
way out of this substation,

taking the long way back,
we burned too much time.

We'll be completely exposed
for half the hike.

You're telling me that
sunshine is more scary

than the wrath of Kim that will
come knocking for us

after they get Kwan
to spill her guts?

She won't.

Someone in her network
must've snitched,

but Kwan was the only one that
knew about us.

You trust her that much after
one conversation?

-She's not gonna break.
-You sure about that, Ray, huh?

You never know when somebody's
gonna break under pressure.

It's almost morning!

Okay? The only choice is

-to stick around
until nightfall.
-Jace, do you have any idea

how bad it has to be

for me, of all people,

to want to rush back to
a submarine?

We're pulling 50-50
security until

we exfil tonight, got it?

♪ ♪

(indistinct chatter)

Davis, how much longer until
their comms window opens up?

Two minutes--
hate being in the dark

while Bravo's walking
through the fire.

Ma'am, there's a North Korean
news report you need to see.

Bring it up on my screen.

State TV says Kwan was captured

trying to infiltrate
a research facility.

-They're calling her a spy.
-Any mention of our operators?


I want all DMZ units mobilized
and on demand, right now.

From here on out,
we're operating as though

the mission's been compromised.

With all due respect, sir.

My team is still
out there operating.

If we mobilize,
the North Koreans mobilize,

and that'll put a lot more
stress on Bravo's exfil.

I understand that, Commander.

But the mission failure
contingencies we have in place

have to be enacted.

JASON: Havoc, this is 1,
radio check, over.

Sir, I have them.

Bravo 1, we have you
Lima Charlie, go ahead.

Havoc, I pass Nails.

We're holding here until
the next cycle of darkness.

We're pushed 16 hours,
how copy?

We copy Nails and pushing
the timetable by 16 hours.

Good to hear your voice,
Bravo 1.

We'll adjust accordingly.

Roger that, Bravo 1 out.

Sir, "Nails" means they know
the op's been compromised.

How should we proceed?

Commander, you and your team

work on getting Bravo out

Every minute we have boots
on the ground

is a minute closer
to catastrophic conflict.

Let's get to work.

♪ ♪

(train rumbling)

You telling me there's not
a scrap of breakfast

around here anywhere?


That is poetic, okay?

There's not a bite of food

but yet we are keeping bags
of our own excrement.

Mandate is to leave no trace.


Whoa, whoa, whoa,

whoa, whoa,
where'd you get that?

Well, when you scarfed all of
your food rations last night?

-I didn't.
-Okay, listen to me.

You give me... a bite.

And, uh,

I'll do your laundry
for a month.

Hannah give you a crash course

while you were acting
domesticated there, Curly Joe?

(Sonny laughs)

You shrink your baby's clothes,
and ain't nobody gonna notice.

It's one of the many perks of

Do other perks include being
rough on Ray?

We're rolling with a guy
we can't trust

and your issue is
how I speak to him?

He seems squared away to me.

Until he isn't.

There's too much at stake here

for me to put Ray's feelings

in front of what's best
for Bravo.

Now I'm not sure where
J's head is on this.

I'm up on watch.

Can I...?


♪ ♪


My eyes are going gray.

(sighs) Need a break from
that damn scope.



How's Jason seem this morning?

What do you mean?

Op was a failure.

He won't let that go, we both
know how his mind works.

How he fixates.

Right, he won't forget.


What's that mean?

Does J seem a little
different to you lately?

You've been with him a lot more
than I have the past few months.

Something to clock,
you'd be the one doing it.

So... what is it?

It's nothing worth bringing up

There he is, Dr. Jin.

Getting picked up from work,
same time as usual.

(engine starts)

Nothing's changed
since Kwan got taken out.

♪ ♪

(door creaks)

Anything on overwatch?

Nothing to indicate our
position's been compromised.

Dr. Jin's going to work,
life goes on.

Yeah, for everyone except Kwan.

Well, she knew what
she was up against, right?

Took a lot of courage,
what she tried to do.

Why don't we finish what
she started?

-What are you, uh...
-Got his pattern of life
right here, nothing's changed.

Hey, we gotta wait
till dark anyway.

We can get Jin.

You ain't thinking
straight, Ray.

Thinking straight enough to ask
why six of us can't do

what one person with none of
our training was willing to.

That true about the pattern
of life, nothing's changed?

I just told you that.

Far as we could tell.

I think your lack of breakfast
is a problem.

Good old bowl of Cap'n Crunch,
and none of us

would be considering this mass
su1c1de attempt.

Look, for us to make exfil
with cover of dark,

we gotta leave by,
I think, 2300?

Jin is back at the
residence compound by 2100.

How the hell we supposed to do
a hostage rescue

with no ISR, no vehicle,

no license to sh**t, all while

attempting to remain invisible?

We have till tonight
to figure that out.

JASON: (over radio)
How copy? Over.

All copy. Stand by, 1. Over.

Did I just hear all that

If they have a chance to recover
the operation,

we need to run it up the chain.

Should've known Bravo couldn't
just sit by

-calmly until nightfall.
-Idle minds.

I can coordinate
the exfil platforms

to accommodate the new op plan,
but I'll need prior approval.

Let's run it up then.

Any proposed op plan needs
to be complete and iron-clad.

They don't know who Jason Hayes
or Bravo is,

and they don't care.

Just get an op plan,
we'll see if it sells.

Let's see what we're working
with here, boys.

Got an overview of Jin's
compound, all right?

He's housed here.

Here's our notes from glassing
the compound the last two days.

Recon Kwan left behind;
surveillance photos,

notes on Dr. Jin's routine--
she was good.

Yeah, she still got caught

Not to mention how the hell

we gonna convince Jin
to gain our trust?

The message she was going
to pass to him from his wife.

Okay, may I remind all of us

that we're working without
no vehicles,

ISR, ATAKs, b*ll*ts, calories.

♪ ♪


Kwan's plan hinged on
intercepting Jin

when he was out for his
evening walk.

A walk he only takes every
other night.

Not tonight.

How the hell we gonna get close
to this guy?

SONNY: A boom box
and Peter Gabriel tape's

gonna be real hard to come by
down here.

Van carrying Jin from the
worksite goes up this road here.

Unless someone HAHO'd
in a spike-strip,

I don't see how we stop it.

No, vehicle interdiction,
that's a no-go.


Two, straight up here.


(indistinct chatter, muttering)


Full frontal as*ault?


All right, fine.

Two are on watch.

-All right.

(muttering continues)

-(indistinct chatter)

♪ ♪

Wait a minute.

At which time,

they'll move to their original
exfil point with Dr. Jin.

-Any questions?
-Thank you, Commander,

for that thorough brief.

I believe the risks dramatically
outweigh the reward.

We understand, sir,
the risk is high.

But from a special operations

this op plan is solid.

As you well know, no plan
survives first contact.

And in this case, Korea--
both North and South--

might not survive your team's
first contact either.

Sir, I was Bravo Team's OIC
for years.

They would never suggest this op

if they didn't have a reasonable
expectation of success.

I have full faith in their

-I'll take it under advisement.
-Sir, we only have

two minutes left in
Bravo's comms window.

Any decision needs
to happen now.

Hey, Ray.

What you doing, Ray?


(pebble clatters)

I'm talking to you.

None of your business, Sonny.

Yeah, it's as if you're over
there dreaming up some way

to get us out over our skis

You don't think we can
handle the op?


I know you're torn-up over Kwan.

But martyrdom is supposed to be
in the enemies' playbook,

-not yours.
-CLAY: Hey!


Don't need you stepping in,

-Let me do my thing.
-I just want to make sure

everyone's "thing"

is keeping Bravo's neck
in one piece.

You already made your case
against the follow-on, Sonny.

Bravo 1 disagreed.

The blind spot Jace has
for you...

It's gonna get us T-boned.

This about the mission,
or something else?

'Cause Jason wouldn't be pushing
the op plan

-if he had any doubts.
-Everything good?

Yeah, everybody's good.

-What'd Havoc say?
-There a problem?

Op is green-lit, roll out in 30.

Clay, you're with me. Trent,
Sonny, you know what to do.

-Ray, overwatch with Brock.

Yeah, overwatch.

-What's up?
-You regret having me here?

Excuse me?

Feel like you're second-guessing
some of my involvement.

Your involvement
is the whole reason

why we're even attempting
this op, Ray.

Yeah, an op that I'll be
watching from the sidelines

-on overwatch, again.

Without ISR, you will be
our only eyes.

That more than puts you
in the game.

You're in, do good.

Didn't answer my question,

Jock up, Ray.

Jock up. Ready?


♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Got 1 and 6, they're in.

Holding by building two.

I see them.

Stand by, Bravo 1.

Stand by.


♪ ♪

Bravo 1, you have two mikes

the patrol passes your way

(lock clicking)

(vehicle approaching)

Bravo 1, vehicle carrying Samson

is approaching your position,
one mike out.


There's no pictures of his wife
or daughter here.

They got out.

As far as the State's concerned,
they don't exist.


RAY: (over radio)
Bravo 1, this is 2.

Vehicle is parked.

Samson is approaching your

If he puts up a fight,
we're screwed here.

♪ ♪

-(Clay whispers indistinctly)
-(Jason gasps, clears throat)



-Hey, Dr. Jin,
do not make a sound.
-Hey, hey.

-We're here to help you.
-We're not here to hurt you,

do you understand?
We're not here to hurt you.

Your wife, So-yi,

and your daughter.

They want to see you again
at the waterfalls.

At Seoraksan.

(muffled whimpering)


-Let him go.

The work they make me do
for them, it is all in there.


They don't know I keep it
for myself.

Well played.
Let's get ready to roll.

RAY: (over radio)
Bravo 1, be advised.

You have two enemy moving
to your location.

Hold fast.

(knocking on door)

(guard yelling in Korean)

He said he heard
a noise in here.

Stand by, working the proble.

Bravo 4, this is 2,
time to shine.

Send it.

-Come on.
-Bravo 4, do you copy?

Send it.

2, this is 4.
Roger, we stand by.

Remote's not working. Cover me.

(knocking on door)

(guard speaking Korean)


Talk to them, all right?

Keep them outside.

All right?

Can I phone-a-friend on
Doctor H-b*mb they got in there?

Bravo 3, it is now or never.

(both speaking Korean)

(flame ignites)

(glass shatters)

(speaks Korean)

♪ ♪

RAY: Bravo 1,
your path is clear. Break.

Bravo 3, you have two tangos
coming in hot.

Hold in the tree line.

Negative, negative, hold!

Appreciate it, Ray.


♪ ♪

♪ ♪

(fence rattling)

(indistinct chatter)

(indistinct radio chatter)

What is it?

SIGINT shows North Korea has
raised their mobilization level.

All border defenses and bases
are on alert.

Nation's one big warship,

and it just went to
its battle stations.

Could have nothing to do

with Bravo's presence.

Pyongyang's made that same move
a dozen times this year.

Saber rattling.

Yeah, well, either way,
it puts North Korean Navy ships

into a defensive posture.

Brass is pulling all U.S. assets

out into international waters.

Within hours, enemy ships will
be scouring the shores.

Call's been made.

Bravo makes it to the sub
by 0600, or it's gone.

♪ ♪

-(heavy breathing)
-Let's go.

Come on.


Havoc, this is 1,

I pass Million Dollar.

-CLAY: Hey.

Jin had this stashed away,

says it's a copy of all
the weapons work he's done.

I'll make sure it's secure.

All right.

Nearly toasted my buns lighting
that firecracker.

Back of my pants still got
full coverage?

-Straining like usual.


-Hey, Doc, want some water?
-(Jin groans)

Take a breath. You're safe.

All right, hey, look, we've got
a drop-dead exfil at 0600.

They're not gonna wait for us.
We gotta move.

We got a 20-klick hike
ahead of us.

Look, making that exfil window

should be no problem for us,

but what about our friend?

The guy's pretty gassed from
that one-klick move up here.

♪ ♪

Hey, Doc,
what size shoe you wear?

Yeah, let's get you some
new ones for the walk.

-We'll swap with you.
-JASON: Yeah.
-(breathless) I'm...

I'm not...


I got you.

Eat that, drink some water.
You're all right, okay?

-JASON: Burning time here, Ray.
-Just need another minute.

-(Jason sighs)
-CLAY: What's wrong?

Vitals are fine.
He's overwhelmed.

Probably having a panic attack.

We're pressing our luck here,
Jace. We just landed

on a frail old man Whammy.

-Might be another angle here.
-JASON: What's that?

RAY: What are you doing? I
already packed that thing away.

Ray. Not now.

Jin isn't fit to make the hike.

Okay, his condition puts us
all in danger.

Right, this hard drive lets us
get out with some intel.

So you want to take that
and just leave him?

Or we drag him with us,
miss our exfil,

and we all end up here stranded.

So we help him along.
Carry him if we have to.

If we weren't up against
the clock. Okay, but he's gonna

slow us down,
waste time that we can't afford.

We're talking about
a man's life here.

Which is why we need to consider
trading so this op

doesn't become catastrophic.


Time to move. Now.

♪ ♪

(indistinct chatter)

No point watching the clock.

0600 will come either way.

Just wish I had another
comms window to know when Bravo

started their patrol.

You know,
what pace they're making.

-Thank you.
-What's that?

The least I can do.

General Parham, if I may, sir?

I've had my techs tracking

all the North Korean Navy vessel
movements since they upped

their mobilization level.

You'll see that the increase
in activity tapers dramatically

north of Chongjin.

Just as it did the last
two times North Korea

ratcheted their
defensive posture.

You've committed resources
to this extracurricular project

to what end?

Well, sir, considering that our
exfil location is 200 miles

north of Chongjin,
I'd suggest that our submarine

can safely loiter past 0600
if necessary.

You're trying to buy them time.


do you know what's on
the other side of that wall?

I'm not speaking figuratively.

The room next to us
is effectively

a World w*r III command center.

If a U.S. submarine
is discovered

by a North Korean vessel--

perhaps one you missed in your
unsolicited assessment--

we will all be in that room,
working a much bigger problem.

-Yes, sir, I understand.
-If Bravo's unable

to rendezvous with the SDV team
by 0600 they'll go on E&E.

(slams file on desk)

(indistinct radio chatter)

Hey, you took your shot.

That matters.

(groaning) Come on,
you are k*lling me, Doc.

Okay, it is Rio Bravo.

The Searchers.

High Plains Drifter.
Fistful of Dollars.

-End of discussion, huh?
-No, no, no, I tell you what.

Okay, whatever bootleg DVDs
you got, they were warped,

because there is no way in hell
that Clint was badder

than the Duke.

Hey, Brock, you're up.



How them slippers there,

Feet lost feeling an hour ago.

(Sonny laughs)

(insects trilling)

Ocean air couldn't taste any
sweeter if you honey-basted it.

Dinner bell hasn't rung yet,

Trip wire.


It's for the soldiers
who patrol here--

warns them not to step into
the minefield.

JASON: That minefield we're
gonna have to cross.


SONNY: You guys remember
that game, Operation?

Red nose lights up when you make
one wrong move.

JASON: All right, boys,
you know the drill.

Just stay directly in line
with me.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

You guys cut it close
to takeoff.

Always a hassle getting through
the security line.

CLAY: I need to punch a hole
in Jin's fin straps.

Where's that, uh, where's that
EOD probe you were using?

I must've left it back
in the minefield.

You forgot it?

SONNY: Hey, look, man,
I'll get you a brand-new one.

Gold-plated and everything,
all right?

Let's just get this swim part
over with.

North Koreans find it,
they'll know that we crossed

-that minefield.
-JASON: Yeah, that undoes our
whole invisible act.

Got two soldiers on patrol.

Might find it too
before we get out of here.

I'll have to beat them to it.


Cover us.

♪ ♪



♪ ♪

Bravo 1, this is 3.

We got sharks about 100 meters
from your pos.

And they are getting closer.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪


♪ ♪


Bravo 1, we've got sharks about

50 meters from your pos.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

(indistinct chatter)

JASON: (over radio)
Havoc, this is 1.

I pass Kids Say.

We are in exfil platform
and RTB. Over.

Copy, Bravo 1.

(cheers and applause)

♪ ♪


(indistinct radio chatter)

Now a better time
to talk about it?

Are you still wondering why
I put you on overwatch?


I'm still wondering if you're
doubting me outside the wire.

Moment we touched down
on North Korean turf,

I felt like Bravo's baggage,

All right, Ray, maybe I was
trying to take a little weight

off your shoulders just so you
can get your footing, you know?

How do I prove I've found it?

By doing everything your
team leader tells you to do,

which you did,
so I got no concerns.

I'm good with you, Ray.

What about them?

They might have questions.

(chuckles softly)

You said it yourself...

the more I open up about my PTS,

Command may catch wind,
scrutinize me.

So what am I supposed to do?

It's your career.

Maybe I play it safe.

Keep quiet.

Hopefully I'll regain
the boys' trust over time.

Yeah. Yeah.

(Clay exhaling)


That... op was one to tell
the grandkids about.

If one word of it didn't
land us in Gitmo.

Well, it would've been
a lot worse, you know,

if you didn't help me retrieve
that EOD probe.

-(bottles clink)

Figures, you know.

Jason Hayes has the slightest
mental glitch

and it nearly causes Armageddon.

Man does nothing halfway.


"Mental glitch."
Is that what you're calling it?

Just, uh... not like you to
forget something.

Other than at Ray's party
the other day.

What the hell's that got to do
with anything?

I'm just making sure
you're all good.

Chaos in the exfil.

Game moves a lot faster
when you're leading the team.

-Right. Thousand things at once.
-JASON: Yeah.

It's hard to keep your eye
on it all.


That's the thing:

it's hard to keep your eye on it
all during every op,

but you always do.

Until this one.


SONNY: Come on, man, I can't
believe not one of y'all want to

roll with me to the Bulkhead.

You know, I've been away
so long that my-my boots

don't make that sticky beer
noise anymore.

(Trent laughing)

Unleashed after keeping yourself
family-friendly down in Texas

the last few months.

It's gonna be ugly.

Yeah, it's scary to think
what it looks like

without Leanne at home
to answer to.


Man, I don't know where the hell
I'd be without them

tiny little judging eyes
staring down at me.

Yeah, we'll check the
police reports and ditches.

Hey, uh, Jace, look, um...

I ran my mouth, um...
more than usual on this op.

You know, it was wrong for me

to, uh...
challenge your judgment.

Look, man, you know what,
you're just...

you're just looking out
for Bravo.

Being more than just
the sh**t.

It's good to see you, uh...

pulling more than your weight,

I appreciate it.

Hey, fellas, uh...

hold up.


Had something I wanted to say
to y'all.


I know the last deployment
left you with some questions

about me.

It left me with some, too.

One answer I've found is that...

I have PTS.

The, um...

the trauma I went through
when I was held c*ptive,

it had its hooks in me
harder than I wanted to admit.

That's what made me freeze up
in Nigeria.

Thank God Sonny was there

to take the shot
when I couldn't.

Just like every one of you

saved me at some point.

Which is why I owe you
the truth.

Whatever consequences
it might bring.

Uh, I, uh...

I'm doing the work to make sure
I'm solid.

(takes deep breath)

But here's what I need from you.

You have any doubts

about me,
my fitness to operate,

you speak up.

Here or to Command.

Rather you wound my pride,
my pay grade,

than have you think

I'm putting anyone at risk
out there.

Any questions?

Yeah, I got one.

What's the point of Bravo

if we can't fall on our ass

and have our brothers
scrape us up?

I know I got a ways to earn
your trust back.

Well, uh...

saving Sonny's ass over there
was a good first step.

(Ray chuckles)

Yeah. Glad to hear
you're fighting through it.

Thanks, man.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

(Clay chuckles)

How'd the training op go?

(drops bag)

Uh, it got a little realer
than expected.

Everything okay?

Yeah, wheels stayed on, mostly.


What happened?

I don't know.
Might've been nothing.

Once again.
Or it might've been...

What are you doing? You're doing
that thing with your fingers.


Is there something
you want to tell me?

Okay, um...

Come on, spill.

How, uh...

how bummed would you be if our
absurdly overdue honeymoon

were to swap destinations?

Somewhere closer.

What happened to your dreams
of Africa?

Bit of a wake-up call.

♪ ♪

Are you serious?


(chuckles softly)
We weren't even...

Oh, technically, we were a lot.

But yeah, it's-it's a lot

sooner than we had
talked about, I know.

Are you okay? 'Cause you seem
very much not okay.

Yeah, I know, it's just, um...


Something, like...

upends your life, I guess...

This is a pretty good something.


(Stella laughs)

♪ ♪

(Stella sighs)


Hey, Em, it's Dad. Listen...

I'm, uh... I'm back home.

Everything's good.

Just wanted to see how your
first day of classes went.

Give me a call when you can,
all right?

I love you.


(sniffles, grunts)

(bottle cap clinks)

(crickets chirping)

♪ ♪






Beer, mustard, mayo...

♪ ♪

Beer, milk,

mustard, mayo, O.J., eggs...








Beer, mustard, mayo...

Beer, mustard, mayo.


♪ ♪

(quietly) Beer, mustard, mayo.
Beer, mustard, mayo.

-(punching wall softly)
-Beer, mustard, mayo...


-(Cerberus whines)
-(muttering continues)
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