05x14 - Andy in C Minor

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Cold Case". Aired: September 2003 to May 2010.*
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05x14 - Andy in C Minor

Post by bunniefuu »

December ,

what the hell is going on?

It's past curfew on a wednesday night.

Andy,you're in trouble.

the heart broke

everyone came to stay warm

we're trying to stay alive

this is child abuse

we're just sad deaf children

that is very funny.

how'bout a dance?

Andy,please,you guys all have
to go to bed now,seriously.

one more song...

then lights out.

feels like we landed
in a foreign country.

One of philly's few high
schools for the deaf.

Founded in .

Shoved them out in the boondocks.

All that gesturing,seems like
they're fighting all the time.

You think they're talking about us?

Yeah,he's pointing at
the donut on your chin.

This place gives me the creeps.



What's up?

December ,' .

Deaf student andy rierdan
went missing from home.

School was closed for christmas break?

Yeah. Initial theory was a runaway.

So what are we doing here?

Teacher was cleaning things out,found
blood traces on the piano keys.

Lab just confirmed the id.

Matches andy'S.

You saying andy was k*lled here?

Could have had a
nosebleed playing piano.

Deaf kid playing the piano,nick?

Spot of blood ain't conclusive,boss.


Conclusive enough for you?

That ain't a nosebleed.

Looks like our runaway
didn't stray far from home.

k*lled in a place where
no one can hear you scream.

[font color="#ffff "]Cold Case
Season Episode Andy in C Minor[/font]

I still can't believe this.

I mean,you haven't found...

we're searching the
campus for andy's body.

Many students stay on campus
over the christmas break?

Andy wasn't even staying here.

It doesn't make sense.

But there were other students around?

You don't think another student...

We'll need the names of everyone
who was on campus that week.

Of course.

Are the parents here?

Yeah,they're waiting in my office.

I understand they're both,uh...


It's okay to use that word.

I'm happy to interpret
for you if you need me.

Oh,yeah,we'll need you.

Now,how's it work?

Most of these kids' parents deaf,too?

No,andy's are the exception.

They're both deaf and
both deeply caring.

And the other parents?

Most of the hearing parents
of the students at our school

don't even bother to learn
american sign language.

The school's a dump site for them.

You been working here long?


That's a long time.

Every time I want to quit,I think
about the parents who already have.

They're talking about you again.

What's that pointing sign?

I keep seeing it around here.

It means "m*rder."

They're saying that you
two are homicide detectives.

The finger stands for a knife.

I have no idea who would
want to hurt our son.

We never thought andy ran away.

The cops didn't believe us.

They thought that we were deaf and dumb.

Sorry to hear that.

We'll do our best to
find out what happened.

Andy ever get into any trouble?

No,he was a popular
kid who everyone liked.

Andy was a proud...

he wants you to know andy was a
proud member of the deaf community.

He was as good as any hearing child.

How long was andy enrolled here?

He lost his hearing when he was seven after
he became sick with... spinal meningitis.

But he never complained.

He took to our world wonderfully.

"Our world"?

Over the years,the deaf community has
developed their own separate culture.

You'd think they wouldn't
want to be separate.

Well,if you have your own language,you
feel comfortable with your own.

Well,that's just moving hands.

Asl is a beautiful emotive language.

You should try learning it.

About andy,you know how parents are.

Was he really such a saint?

A saint? No.

He was mischievous.

He was kind of wild,but he...

he was a great kid at heart.

He was a straight "a" student.

They can read your lips,by the way.

Sorry, I had to ask.

Any idea what andy was
doing back on campus?

Who had access to that room?

Well,that room hadn't
been used in years.

Someone must have had a key.

I did.

And a month before andy
disappeared,I gave the key to someone.

- did you finish your college essay yet?
- almost

when i get to galudett

me and andy are gonna be roommates

we'll throw great parties

best buds forever

No,I'm at that school.

- I started today,remember?
- You two best buds...

Need to study more and party less.

Yeah,kind of dickens-orphan depressing.

Dickens was a writer,daddy. Gotta go.


emma will be volunteering
here for a month.

Have you been playing long?

I wouldn't call it playing.

I just know some basics
from when I took lessons.

Well,the kids will love it.

This is andy and carlos.

Hi. It's nice to meet you.

This is such a nice place.

how'd you learn asl?

I took a class for two
years for extra credit.

you should take it again

deaf kids love playing piano

I thought some could,you
know,feel the vibration.

sure we can

sounds beautiful


What is wrong?!

She wants to help!


were you forced to,

or is helping-the-disabled
extra credit


You don't know me.

i've seen your type

you're an

ivy league-bound

And you're the big shot at a school where most
of the kids graduate with a fifth-grade education.


You're not disabled.

You're pathetic.

Sorry. Maybe this isn't gonna work out.

this emma the only one
with a key to the room?

Yes,I gave her the key,yeah.

Some fireworks,but it seems like
emma quit long before andy died.

No,she couldn't quit.

And why's that?

Well,she wasn't here out of
the kindness of her heart.

It was a court-ordered
community service.

What did she do?


Emma was a very complicated girl.

But she stayed,and she
actually became a great teacher.

The kids liked her.

But not andy.


Did you know emma?

No,we never met.

Andy,he only really
liked his own people.

You and andy didn't get along.

The security logs over the christmas break show
you were at the school the day andy disappeared.

You there to see him?

I went to grab my laptop,okay?

I didn't see andy.

Things get worse between you two?


Actually,much as it
hurt,he had me down cold.

Meaning you didn't give a
rat's ass about those kids.

All I cared about was clearing my record
and getting accepted at an ivy league school.

And you succeeded?

On both counts.

I'm sure you checked.

So he was right about you.

And I was wrong about him.

I thought he was just a party boy.

Something change between you two?


Two days after we met,he came to me.

not done criticizing me?


i said stupid stuff to make carlos laugh

It's okay.

You were kind of funny,too.

And I was mean.

You know why I'm really here,right?

i heard

you drove home drunk from a party?

if you say something weird

i'll pretend i didn't hear

I had a huge fight with my dad.

I was all sad and weirded out.

I thought that drinking a half
bottle of vodka would help.

what was the fight about?

I only got a b-plus
on an english paper.

this from the guy who
doesn't know dickens?

my dad's a third
- generation steelworker.

He wants his daughter to do better.

A lot better.

the quiet is so peaceful.

i can find this peace anytime

i live in a beautiful world

hearing people don't understand

help me understand.

you hear with your eyes?

you want to know what
my voice sounds like?

I don't know.

It sounds like... me.

what the hell are you doing?!

looking at the sky

that hearing slut's not one of us

why are you with her?

wait,you got
it all wrong--

see! i'm his girlfriend

not you

i meant you got it wrong about us

you're mine

don't you forget it

this leah was andy's girlfriend?

That's what she thought,anyway.

She ever thr*aten andy again?


But she'd always be...around.

It was kind of weird.

Fatal attraction weird?

Andy told me sometimes he'd see
her standing out in the quad,

just staring up at his room for hours.

What about you and andy?

You two hook up?

For like two seconds,but I broke it off.


We were too... different.

Everything okay,lil?


Why not?


Dean harden finally faxed over the list
of kids on campus during christmas break.

Leah o'rafferty on it?


And take a look at her school records.

Suspended last year for
stalkinger ex-boyfriend.

Threw a rock through his dorm window?

While he was asleep.

Almost took out an eye.

A dangerous girl to break up with.

Yeah. Thanks.

Still no luck finding
andy's body near the campus.

- We got the dogs out?
- The works.

- Got something for you.
- Yeah?

Yeah. You're real popular this
morning-- it's a jarrod jones?

Everything all right?

Couldn't be better.

You don't want to know.

Figure that might help us understand
who we're talking to a little better.

Yeah. Learning any?

Yeah. Um...

what does that mean?

"You're buying lunch."


Well,how do you sign,"you still
owe me bucks from poker"?

Uh... it's,uh...

I always thought that
meant something else.

Leah,I heard you were jealous when
andy started spending time with emma.

I can hear you.

I have a cochlear.

A cochlear?

A cochlear implant.

Show her,leah.

It's an outpatient surgery
that helps restore hearing.

It's a cure?

Not exactly.

Works different for every candidate.

I can hear a twig snap now.

Leah,were you upset when
he broke it off with you?

I wath... I wath...

I was mad at first,but...

I could never stay mad at andy.

Well,that's not what I heard.

Don't lie to me,leah.

I'm not lying.

I wasn't mad. I loved him.

But he tossed you aside.

He used you.

And you followed him...
couldn't let it go.

I wasn't the only one mad at andy.

you gonna ask emma out?

she's just a friend

she wants to turn you
into a hearing person--

into one of them

no,she won't

she'll want you to get a cochlear

don't push me,bitch

you'll be a nobody in the hearing world

go to hell

hey,kid! Get outta the way!


****Get outta the way!

He was so interested
in the hearing world

I couldn't compete,so.I gave up.

It hurt...

was carlos still mad
at andy before he died?

I think so.

They weren't hanging out much.

Do you think carlos might have hurt him?

He does have a bad temper.

And he's acted so strange.

He won't go near andy's old room.



I'm detective vera.

This is detective

We want to talk with you.

"Your signing sucks. I read lips good."

So you understand me?

You have two as*ault charges
on your juvie record,carlos.

And we know you and
andy got into a fight.

You were on campus the night he died.

i never saw him


Did leah say I got into a fight?

It doesn't matter who said it,carlos.

"Leah's a freak with an implant."

Admit it,carlos,

you can't stand the fact that your
best friend wanted the hearing chick.

"Wrong about emma."

i was walking by a classroom, i saw andy

why didn't you tell me you could play?

i used to play as a kid

That was amazing.

i performed a little before i was deaf


Small concert halls?

So you were a prodigy?

Do you still...


Well... beethoven
composed when he was deaf.

he was a kiss-ass who
only wrote for the rich

What are you playing?


his chords are very "visual"

What do you mean by "visual"?

it's what i hear in my
head when i see snow...


this is stupid.

No,it's beautiful.

What chord do you hear
when you see me,andy?

i told you, i don't play. no point

Isn't there a way for you to hear again?

Have you thought about
getting a cochlear,andy?

you keep calling me "candy"

spell it like this

What the hell is going on?


Get... get away from her!

You're hurting me,daddy!

Stay away from my daughter!

You people need to stay with your own!

And I ever see you
near my daughter again,

I'll break every finger you got.

Let's get out of here.

Her dad sounds like a real nice guy.

What was he doing there?

"Emma lost license. He
drove her to school."

Did emma keep seeing andy?

Thank you for your time,car... los.

"Your signing still sucks."


It's beautiful how you're
bonding with the students.

Deaf or not,that kid's still a punk.

Same thing emma's dad
thought about andy.

Yeah. The question is,was
he willing to k*ll over it?

didn't like your daughter
dating a freak,did you,al?

But andy wasn't the kind
of guy who would back off.

You saw it yourself.

So I k*lled a teenage
boy to keep him away?

Come on.

You did thr*aten him.

Look,I'm sorry this little
crippled boy got k*lled,

but he had no business with my kid.

Because he was deaf.


Emma has a bright future.

If she stayed with that boy,she'd
have been a nurse for life.

But she saw him again,al.

Question is,did you?

I was inspecting a site halfway
across the state that weekend.

- Got records to back that up?
- Sure do.


Anyway,I went to the dean to tell her
to keep that boy away from my daughter.

I'll bet you did.

Yeah,but she took his side.

Told me emma wasn't
welcome in the school.

Are you saying vivian fired emma?

Bawled her out,more like.

Said emma had no right being with andy.

Ask me,that dean,she
had a thing for him.

When was this?

Two days before the christmas break.

So emma didn't just
leave-- you fired her.

Well,that that type of behavior
was completely inappropriate.

Andy was a
good-looking,charming young man.

Any of the teachers have a crush on him?

Anything... inappropriate?

Of course not.

He was a
-year-old boy.

What about you?

That's absurd.

I don't like being lied to,vivian.

I'm not.

The warrant on your computer
turned up an interesting e-mail.

"Andy,we have to meet. I
think your parents know. V."

Andy must have deleted
his back in the day.

You saved yours.

Now,what were you saying about
not having a crush on andy?

I swear...

you and andy had a little tryst.

Something go wrong?

This wasn't about me and andy.


It was about emma and andy.

He was making a big mistake.

He was trying to be a part of her world.

Now,I went to his
parents to discuss it...

we all just want to
understand what's going on.

i met a girl i like

i want to know her better

it will never last


it never works when our worlds combine

i've seen it

what if we were from
the same stupid world?

what are you saying?

i want to get a cochlear

i want to hear emma's voice


if i hear i'll have a better future

i supervise ten hearing people in my job

but you can't move up

you're limited


you'll be neither deaf nor hearing

you'll be nowhere

they'll call you a freak

the doctor says i'm a perfect candidate

the doctor?

you've been going behind our backs?

doing this says my parents aren't normal

do you want to betray your mother?

what about the girl?

i'll end it

Andy realized that trying to fit
into her world would be a mistake.

He knew he belonged with his own.

From your boy jones again.

This whole "you're out sick"
thing is getting kind of old.

Say I died,then.

You know,it's none of my business,

but maybe you should let this
guy meet his own daughter.

You're right.

It's none of your business.

I've been spending a lot
of time with toni's son.

Kid's taking to me.

Good for you.

It's never going to be the same
as having his real father,though.

Not even close.

So you're a parent for five minutes,now
you're schooling me how to do it?

That's not what I'm doing.

You don't get it.

I start telling her about him,

I got to tell her about me,

who I was back then.

So who were you back then?

Someone I'm not now.

Someone who would spend one...

reckless night with a jarrod jones.

She finds out who I really was...

it'll breaker h heart.

No way that's going to happen.

You were willing to defy
your dad,but andy obeyed his.

Come on,emma,you really just let it go?

I left school,put the piano back
in storage,and didn't hear from him.

Then you were home sick
with mono for a month.

I was heartbroken because andy was gone.

Or... you were feeling bad 'cause you
k*lled the guy who broke your heart.

I would never hurt him.

Andy dumped you for the deaf world.

You admitted you... you
drink when you get sad.

Lot of booze.

You went back after having a few
and things got out of control,right?

did you?

but it wasn't what you think.

Why don't you enlighten me,then?

I didn't want to tell you
before because,even now,

if his parents knew the truth,it
would break their hearts.

hey,you didn't text me back.

busy with finals

Yeah. Last day of school.

How'd your tests go?

there's no point in us staying friends

That's stupid and you know it.

never said i was smart

You're not going to get the implant?

i'm deaf

i don't need to change

You used to hear.

doesn't matter

i was doing it to make you happy

It's not about anyone
but you,and you know it.

i gotta go

You're scared.

- You're scared to hear yourself play,aren't you?
- that's stupid--

'Cause what if you're not good anymore?

leave me alone. please

Don't you want to hear the snow again?


Don't you?

Don't you want to hear me?

You gave him the storage room key.

Thinking he got the implant?

I don't know if he ever
found the courage to.

If he did,sure would
have pissed off dad.

we just found the body.

Anything off the body?


Csu found this near the skull.

Cochlear implant?

You got it.

Looks like our boy
andy found his courage.

Decided not to let his parents
keep him down any longer.

Andy turns his back on his own people.

It's the ultimate act of betrayal.

trace the serial number Of the cochlear to a clinic in min manhattan.

There's dad's signatures
on the release form.

Well,it's got to be a forgery.

Had the outpatient surgery
for the implant december .

Day he went missing.

Goes back to school to
hide from his parents.

Unless they found out.

Maybe dad was waiting for him.

You must have been upset when
you found andy got an implant.

He betrayed you.

Did you track him down at school?

We think this is a forgery.

"It has to be."

When did you find out,ed?

he never did

Come on,ed.

I know this is hard.

I signed it.

it was time to let andy live

where are you going?

you can't stop me

i know

where'd you find that?

up in the attic

i remember you playing that chopin piece

if a cochlear bring back
that expression on your face


what expression?


i was afraid if you
became a hearing person

you'd think of us differently

you'd be ashamed


no matter what you do

i want you to know...

don't get all mushy on me dad

always the wise-ass

So you let him go.

i had to let my child go

even if it meant losing him

So you knew he had an implant all along.

You thought he'd wait till
after christmas break to get it?

Thanks for your time.

Are you talking about
carlos,andy's best friend?

What about carlos?

"Carlos talked him into it"?

Are you saying carlos wanted
andy to get the implant?

That doesn't make sense.

carlos went with him

So leah was a freak
for getting an implant?

The same for andy,right?

I told him he shouldn't do it.


That's not what i heard.

You went with him.

Yeah,I did some digging,carlos.

You got tested,too,didn't you?

Wait,there must be a mistake.

Carlos is a well-adjusted
deaf young man.

When will you people learn?

People like carlos don't need
to do anything to fit in...

shut up

you want to say something,carlos?

"She doesn't know what it's like to
live in a world where you're a freak."

Carlos,no one thinks that.

So you wanted an implant,too.

But you weren't a good candidate,

because you were...born deaf.

It must have hurt to know andy was gonna
leave you behind for the hearing world.

Did you see him at the school?

- What's he saying?
- Please don't do this to him. Please.

No,come on,carlos.

Andy was all you had.

You were afraid of-of being
alone-- no more best buds.

Hey. look at me.

Look at me.

I know you can read my lips,carlos.

you found him,didn't you?

You saw him playing piano. Right?

Saw him hearing.

How'd that make you feel?

Where'd that leave you,carlos?

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