05x12 - Sabotage

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Cold Case". Aired: September 2003 to May 2010.*
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05x12 - Sabotage

Post by bunniefuu »

* Last Christmas,
I gave you my heart *

* But the very next dayu gave it away *

* This year,
to save me from tears *

* I'll give it
to someone special *

* Last Christmas,
I gave you my heart *

* But theery next day
you gave it away *

* You gave it away *

* This year,
to save me from tears *

* I'll give it
to someone special *

* Special *

Customers bothering you?

People are so rude.

And what's with the music?
Christmas is over.

I'm surprised you're not
hiding out in the back room

with the rest of them.

I don't smoke.
Makes my hair smell.

Got anything
going back to China?

Going back to what?

The manufacturer.

You've never played
the China game?

What's that?

First one to find something

not made in China wins.


"Made in China. "

"China. "

Uh-huh, "Made in Taiwan. "

Same thing.

No, it's not. Is it?

* I wrapped it up and sent it *

* With a note that say,
"I love you" I meant it *

* Now Inow what a fool
I've been *

I never noticed before.

It's like everything's
made in China.

Kind of sad.

Anything made here anymore?

Well, let's see,
thers me,

there's you, and, uh, depending
on how many kids we have...

Ooh, you're sweet,
but I got a boyfriend.

It's all right.

I got time.

* I'll give it
to someone special *

* Special *

* Last Christmas,
I gave you my heart *

* But the very next day
you gave it away *

* This year to save me
from tears *

* I'll give it
to someone special... *

With one fatality
and a half dozen injured

in the post-Christmas bombing

at a local Big Box
Electronics store,

authorities are still searching

for anyone
who may have information

that could help find
the responsible party.

The expl*si*n occurred at :
this morning.

A pipe b*mb planted in one
of the open gym lockers.

Half a dozen injured,
one criticly.

The guy who opened the locker?

John Wojciechowski.

Found his left hand embedded
in the opposite wall.

Air Foe Academy ring
still on it.


Not anymore.
IED, Rush.

A nasty little bitch
in a box.

What's that, Louie?

"Improsed expl*sive device. "

Um, trip wire-triggered

pipe bb enclosed
in some sort of

wooden box.

Packedith screws
and nails,

pieces of metal shpnel.

Junk b*mb.

But not exactly a cold job.

This one may be related
to at least two, maybe three

prior bombings in the city.

Big Box Electronics store
back in ' ,

engineering firmn '

anCounty Hospital
two years later.

Signature is the same.

There hasn't been
a b*mb fatality in Philadelphia

in over, what, five years?

Which is why we thought
the guy who did this one

was locked up or long gone.

What, k*lled himself?

Or maimed.

Often happens to people
who play with expl*sives.

Or who go to the gym
in the morning.

The feds everlook into it?

Looked, but never found a link.

att*cks were local,
never used

the mail; federal jurisdiction.

Any connectionbetween the targets?

Public places, but otherwisepretty indiscriminate.

So, we have no idea
what this lunatic wants

or where he's gonna hit next.

Just that he's alive and well.

And back with a vengeance.

I wajust looking
for that shirt.

And here I was beginning
to think you were a vampire.

Why's that?

First time you stayed
till sunup.

I'm not sure
how much longer

we're gonna be able to
keep this on the down low.

People are talking.

Really? Who?

How about that?

Never met a DA
afraid of publicity.

Depends what kind.

Lady's got a reputation,
you know.

Oh, just when I thought I'd try

to make an honest
woman out of you.

Get real. You haven't even
bought me breakfast yet.

Well, how about dinner?

I know theperfect place.

I was kinda enjoying
the skulking around stage.


That might involve having
a real conversation.

Well, that's why
they invented wine.

You sure you want to spoil it

just when things were going so well?

We're adults.

I'm sure we'll find something
to talk about.

You mean besides dirtbags
and doers?

I'm gonna have to requisition
that shirt now, lady.

Initial forensics confirm
the b*mb contained parts

consistent with the
three other att*cks.

Two dead
and two critically maimed

over a nine-year period.

Not a lot of help
from the feds

in any of the cases.

Or willingness
to share information.

Big surprise.


Big Box Electronics
store back in ' .

Curt Fitzpatrick,
floor manager, ,

died on the scene.

Kinetic Core Engineering firm,

Gene Schmidt, -year-old
father of three

blinded by a b*mb
outside the building.


Roderick Poole didn't.

-year-old physician's

k*lled at Coun Hospital
back in .

And now Wojciechowski
at a Sports Club.

Recently engaged
commercial airline pilot.

Targets are scattershot,

no common denominator.

Except wronglace,
wrong time.

But all in public places

with a lot
of foot traffic.

Could be the locations
he's targeting.

Claim as many victims
as possible.

One angry sociopath.

b*mb construction
tell us anything?

Some trigger mechanism.

Not your garden-variety crackpot
mixing fertilizer and ammonia.

Louie and the b*mb squad
are putting together

a full analysis of the parts.

We've got a fresh
crime scene for once.

We line up interviews
with every witness?

Except the night-cleaning crew.

The manager of the Sports Club
is stonewalling.

You don't think
he might

be subcontracting
the work out to illegals?

Told him he doesn't
give us every last name,

we'll bring in ICEand shut him down.

Let's keep this in our house.

We don't need the feds coming in
now to muck things up.

Just called thhospital.

Our pilot's out of surgery.

After he sees his family,
anything he can remember.

It was like a thunderclap.

I didn't know what hit me.

I know this
is hard, John,

but if there's anything you
remember, it might help.

Everything juswent blank.

Came to when I was
on the ground.

Reached down to prop
myself up, but...


Me and Jen

just bought our wedding rings,
too, you know?

You see anyone suspicious
in the area befohand

Looked out of place?

Didn't belong?

No. When I got my hearing back,

there was this awful ringing.

I heard this whistling sound.


All the chaos,

I couldn't tell
where it was coming from.

I know I was going into shock,

but I swear that I heard
somebody whistling.

Who the hell would do that?

You get a look at that guy?

Not a good one.

He... had, like, a cap
pulled down tight.

That song, sound familiar?

Not really.

You think that was the guy
that did this to me?

's possible

the bomber stayed nearby...
to see if it worked.

Well, if you catch him,

you tell the bastard
that I'm still alive.

It's Angel Perez,
Mexican illegal.

Got his na off the
night-cleaning crew list

from the manager
of the Sports Club.

Whe'd you find him?

Sacks Park.

Tried to skate
when we ID'd him.

He's pretty upset
right now.

Doesn't speak
a word of English.

Yeah, we'll see
about that.

Pretty sure I speak
a language he'll understand.


You want to tell me why
you ran from the police?

Me entiende?

Habla pañol?


So, no habla Ingles

and you can't understand
my Spanish, is that the game?


I got a cousin
that works in IC

Here's the deal, amigo.

Either you tell me everything
you saw

in the next ten secondsor wbounce

your sorry ass out
on the next bus to the border.

Oye, Jorgito...


No, it's okay.

Wait. Sorry.

You got something
you want to tell me?

Sí, sí, entiendo, um. i]

I understand.

Hold on a sec, will ya?

It'sot what I see.

It's what I hear.

A music box?

Minute later, b*mb
go off, same locker.

Everything go crazy.

I get scared, I run.

I thought it was my fault.

Sit tight.

We're going to need you

to give an exact description
of that box.

Gracias, Angel.

An old music box?

The b*mb
delivery device.

Kind with the brass
cylinder inside,

turns and plays a song.

Almost all music boxes
were made of wood

at the turn
of the century.

Can't be too many companies
still in business making those.

I found one company
in Vermont

that still supplies parts.

Nice old lady told me
that they sell cylinders

that play mostly
American standards.

And that ather
customer in Philly

ordered multiple cylinders

all playing the same song:
"John Henry. "

"John Henry. "

That could have been the song
playing on the box.

Well, I asked
the DA's office to subpoena

their purchasing records.

John Henry,
steel-driving man.

I remember that
story as a kid.

Railroad guy with
the hammer, right?

Yeah, raced against
a steam drill

tunneling through a mountain.

Yeah, and John Henry won.

Then he keeled over and died.

It means something
to this guy.

Man versus machine?

Maybe a disgruntled,
anti-government type.

Could be a
militia nut job.

Doesn't exactly
connect the locations.

Purchaser's nameis Carl Baxter.

Paid with a credit card.

Shipping address is Mantua.

Already got you a search
warrant for the residence.

Anything else you need
on this, let me know.

Call SWAT and
the b*mb squad. Let's go.

Nobody home.

Better pray for no surprises.

Over here

Look familiar?

Fitzpatrick, Schmidt and Poole.

All his
previous victims.

Not so random after all.

Wasn't the locations
he was targeting.

It was individuals.

Wedding announcement:
Luke and Beth Ross.

That's ten years old.

Luke Ross.

That name was on the
Sports Club member list.

This guy belongs
to the gym, too?

No photo.
Nothing on Wojciechowski.

Our bomber hit the wrong guy?

If hat's the case, he's got
some unfinished business.

Yeah, and we just found
his next target.

??? dusted for
prints. Got the whole block staked out.

Nothing from the canvass?

Building management
thinks he's a squatter.

What about the guy in the
wedding photo announcement?

Luke Ross,
portfolio manager.

Lives in Chestnut Hill.

What have we got?

Music box.

Home entertainment system,
circa .

Brass cylinder,

thousand little teeth

turn and slowly
pluck a metal comb,

out comes the music.

b*mb squad said

the cylinder was rigged
to trigger the expl*si*n.

Trip wire.
Triggers an electric fuse

after a full revolution.

After the song ends.

People admire the craftsmanship,

want to touch the box.

Soon as they open it...

Starts the song, arms the b*mb.

Took some serious

electro-mechanical skill to rig
one of these with a pipe bom

What about the song?

John Henry's the underdog,
a David and Golih story.

It's also a protest song.

Against the machine.

Or management.

Production efficiency
at the expense of the worker.

"Say before I let this
steam drill beat me down,

I'll hammer my fool self
to death. "

John Henry died with a hammer
in his hand. He beat the machine,

but k*lled himself doing it.

This g thinks

his cause is noble.

And he's got something to prove.

With his own pretty
little k*lling machine.

Does that have
real b*ll*ts in it?

Mia, why don't
you go watch

The Pink Panther now?

You're a financial
planner, Mr. Ross? Yeah.

But I'veever had so much
as a dispute with a client.

Anyone else you know
might be holding a grudge?

Personal or otherwise? No.

No one at all.

You concur, Mrs. Ross?

There was that one call, Luke.

You remember?

What call? A couple of monthsgo.

The one from the bank,
about our credit card.

It was nothing.

No. It was definitely something.

Can you just tell us
if you have any recurring,

monthlcharges on the card,

Certainly. Newspapers,
DVD rental subscription,

my husband's monthly
gym membership.

Yes. And the name
of that facility?

Philly Sport & Racquet Club.

Right. And were there
any other additional charges

to that business
that you're aware of?

Other than
the monthly membership?

Oh. There may be charges
to the juice bar.

And those charges
would occur...?

In the morning, around : ,
every Tuesday and Thursday.

Thank you, ma'am,
Just a few more questions.

Is your husband still employed
at Mutual Heritage Bank?

Yes. Why?

Well, it must be nice

to make a living
off thbacks of others.

Excuse me?

I hope you and your husband
are enjoying your new purchases.

Love the blue curtains,
by the way.

Who is this?

Police said they couldn't
do anything about a prank call.

That's how the bomber
knew Luke's routine

when he went
to that gym.

I just didn't
go yesterday

'cause I took Mia to school.

I was upset by the call
at the time,

but to think
I could have gotten

my husband k*lled...
You have any idea

what the caller might
have meant by that comment

about how you make a living?

No. We'll chk your phone records,

see if we can trace the call.

I don't understand.

Why is this
happening to us?

For your own safety,

we'll provide your fily
with a police detail.

Bomber called his targets
posing as a credit card rep.

To get their daily routines,

Went after them
in public places.

Make it seem random.

Ross got lucky.

not so much.

That info stays here.
Press doesn't know

he missed his
intended target,

maybe our kier

No sense
endangering Ro.

A dump on the Ross

home phone
traced the harassing call

back to a pay phone at
the th Street train station.

He's on the move.

Worth a canvass.

Check the station'scurity cameras.

Carl Baxter

isn't going anywhere.

I subpoenaed
the credit card app

toet his Social
Security number.

Turns out the real Carl Baxter
is upstate in Frackville.

Been locked up sce '.

Philly's finest.

Is there a reason for the cell
and strip search, feas?

So you don't
spontaneously combust.

What gives?

I don't use and I n't deal.

Ask anyone inside.

Use what?


What y'all
locked me up for.

Says you used

to drive a truck cross-country.

Crank capital.

Wasn't me that brought it in,
it would have been someone else.

Also spent some time

in the military.

Judge gave me a choice
when I was - Army or jail.

Can't say it helped much.

Is that where
you learned about munitis?

Demolition, expl*sives? No.

Talking about pipe bombs, Carl.

Pipe what?

Y'all are smoking
some better stuff

than I ever had.

You graduate high school, Carl?

I'm working on my GED.

Forget it.
This guy's a lummox.

A what?
Don't worry about it.

Someone stole
your identity, pal.

Just can't figure out
why he picked you.

Whoa, whoa, hold up.

Turn around.

Hold your arms out.

John. Henry.

My two boys.

All but grown up now.

He stole that big galoot's
identity for a reason.

The song, the tattoo.

Maybe he did
time with Baxter?

Baxter's been locked
up for years.

Never shared a cell.

No one on Cell Block D
at Frackville even comes close

to the profile.

So why Baxter?

It's like
he leading us,

trying to tell us something.

About John Henry?

Who fought to
prove something,

that he still had value
as a han being.

To protect his job,
his way of life.

This guy's angry.

He's lashing out
at some personal beef,

some wrong.
Something he lost?

Checked with Pennsylvania
Department of Corrections

to see if a third party

could have accessed
Baxter's booking info.

Webmaster on the site

found a number of hits
to Baxter's profile page.

Came back to
a local branch

of the Philadelphia
Public Library.

Yes, Mr. Bteris here quite a bit.

Such a nice man.

Uslly on the computer?
The Internet?

From time to time.

But,ostly, he likes to sit
over there at that table

reading or sring
at the photos on the wall.


Look at the captio

"John Henry Road, ."

Where is that?

Germantown, I think.

The section with the streets

named after the builders
of the Pennsylvania Railroad.

I only know
because Mr. Baxter

told me that he

grew up on that block.

Here ya go.

Home sweet home.

Just like you
remembered it.

John Henry Road, huh?

Check out the sign.

It's what he's been trying
to tell us.

The place where he grew up.



discovered a legal battleover a property

on the street
back in ' .

The home was occupied
by Alessandro Rossilini,

ok over the mortgage after his
father died and refused to sell.

Developers call it a spike.

A spike?

Lone holdout on a residential
street undergoing

commercial development.
Records indicate Rossilini

clung to the property until
he defaulted on the mortgage

and the bank foreclosed.

The use was finally razed?

Back in ' , about the same time
Rossilini went off the grid.

Pixelerator Media

took over the property, but
never wound up breaking ground.

By the time the litigation
ended, the tech market crashed.

Started outsourcing their
computer programmers overseas.

What do we know about Rossilini?

Worked ten years
at Kinetic Core Engineerin

laid off in ' .

Same firm as Eugene Schmidt,
b*mb survivor ' .

Rossilini losehis job,
wants payback.

We know if he has
any family in town?

Divorced in ' .

Had a four-year-old daughter
at the time.

All right, talk to Schmidt,
track down the ex-wife.

See if she knows where
we might find him today.

Hey, boss, you'll be sure to
give us a ads up, right?

What's that?

When they start outsourcing
m*rder cops.

I left Kinetic Core

after the attack.

Took me a while before I could
walk back into any office.

b*mb went off outside,
the courtyard?

I lost sight
in my right eye.

But then, it made
me quit smoking.

You remember
a mechanical engineer

named Alessandro Rossilini?


You thinhe did this to me?

You rememberou let him go,

Along with about
other guys

in h division.

I was senior VP project design.

It wasn't personal.

But he didn't take it too well?

He was a good
engineer, but...

most of them never
saw it coming.

I just don't understand.

I thought you were
happy with my work.

It's got nothing to do
with your performance.

We're being forced to
restructure our overhead costs.

But we're profitable every year.

And it's my job
to keep it that way.

Look, you might want to think

you know, another
area of expertise.

I'm a mechanical engineer
with a master's.

I have years experience.

We're opening a new
plant in Bangalore,

training enginrs to do
computer-aided design

at one-fifth the salary.

You just can do this
to people.

Look, you're not hearing me,

Your skills have
been commodified.

We're not the on company
doing it.

I have a wife, a kid.

I have a mortgage.

Take the severance.

Use the time to find
some temp work

until you figure out
something else.

But those jobs
were headed overseas

and they weren't coming back.

Honestly, I haven't talked
to my ex-husband in years.

Pretty much since
the divorce.

What did he doter he was fired?

Alessandro just went
into a spiral,

trying to find a decent job
at even half the salary,

much less benefits.

But you have
a daughter, right?

He didn't petition
for custody, visitation?


We lost our heal insurance

some time before
my daughter got sick.


Bilateral retinoblastoma.

It's a treatable cancer
if it'caught early enough.

How old was your daughter?


We both were
working overtime,

but we couldn't keep up
with our health premium.

What about Medicaid?
We qualified

but... it just bame
increasingly difficult

to find the kind of care
that Sophia needed.

* Caught in your mystery... *

Oh, excuse me.

Excuse me, sir? Sir?

I said excuse me.

Are you a doctor?

A nurse? No, I'm a
physician's assistant.

Oh, hi. I'm-I'm a father
of a four-year-old girl

who's been waiting

in that room for
over two hours now.

I'm sorry, sirWhat's your name

Uh, I already gave thato everybody here,

like, my name and information,
like, five times.

Okay, well, then what you need
to do is just be patient

with us, all right?

Excuse me, but my daughter...

she's been waiting

in that room

for a long time
in pain, okay?

Waiting for a doctor,
a nurse,

a physician's assistant or anyone
to just come and see her. Sir.

I understand.

I'm sorry, our
computers are down.

You're gonna have to be
patient and wait your turn.

See, I don't care
about the computers.

I just want a human being

to give my daughter
something for her pain.

Again, I apologize
for the inconvenience.

You have insurance.

You're welcome to try
another hospital.

Wait, that's your answer?

To go somewhere else?
What kind of care is this?

Sir, let go of my arm. If
the damn insurance company

would've screened
my daughter a year ago,

we would've started
the chemo then.

And then the cancer wouldn't have
spread through her entire body.

I'm sorry, sir, but that
has nothing to do with me.

Oh, no, you're sorry
for what?

That the computers are down.

we're doing
the best we can.

The hell you are!

The hell you are!

This whole damn system,

it just doesn't work!

Your best isn't good enough.

That's victim number two,
physician's assistant at County.

Roderick Poole.


was too far along.

She passed six months later.

When did Alessandro leave?

I left him.

When our daughter died,
our marriage died, too.

Any idea where
he could've gone?

I always assumed he went to go
live with his brother Luciano.

His brother.

You know where
we can contact him?

I'm sorry.

It, uh...

it's just...
it's been a long time.

What's the DA doing here?

He called in the feds.

The FBI's here?

Oh, you st missed
thbig press conference.

DA announced
a joint task force

with the FBI.

"Presently conducting
an investigation

"to locate
the whereabouts

of the person of interest. "

"In cooperation with
the Philadelphia

Police Department. "
Of course.

Forgot the best part.

"The tasforce
has already

"collaborated to thwart
the bomber's attack

on an intended target. "

You're kidding me.

Do you believe this?

That info was stricted
to protect Luke Ross.


The boss already sent

Vera and Miller to beef up
the security detail.

Can I talk to you?

You brought
the ds in?

No, my boss did.

And just revealed
to the press

that our bomber
missed his last target.

Thanks for thaScotty, it's pretty clea

you needed help
bringing this guy in.

That's a bunch of bull.

It's a joint task force. It's a joke.

Look, the feds
don't share information,

they just taket.

They're not on the ground,
doing the legwork,

dealing with the victims. You need
to look at the big picture, Scotty.

Last I checked, this guy
is still out there.

Look, where I come from,

we try not
to turn witnesses

into collateral damage.

That's the big picture.

My job is to put
this guy away.

That's not my problem.

You know, if he goes back
to finish Ross now,

his blood's on your hands.

I tracked down the name of the
bomber's brother on Accurint.

Luciano Rossilini legally
changed his name back in ' .

Luke Ross?

- Same guy he tried to k*ll?
- ???


long before I changed it

What about your
last name, Luciano,

that too Italian?

Or you just running
from something?

In my line of work, it w just
easier to shorten it

when I switched jobs.

We think you knew
about it all along.

That the man we've been
searching for is your brother.


What's, it's ridicous.

Oh, come on, the harassing
phone call to your wife.

What he said.

All he'd been through,
how angry

and bitter he'd become.

Look, my brother...

has fallen on
some hard times of late,

t he's not
a violent man.

The b*mb he left for you

just blew off another man's arm.

You got lucky
this time, Luke.

I admit we had
a falling out.

But he's still my brother.

Look, you looked up
to him as a kid.

But your brother
needs help now, Luke.

He was like a hero to me
growing up.

He had that job
and the house,

beautiful family...

But he lost it all.

Got dealt some pretty raw blows.

His whole wod just fell apart.

Do you know where he is now?

Last time I saw him,

he was holed up
in our parents' old house.

Couldn't get him out.

Sandro, we got to talk.

You got to get
out, Sandro.

They're coming to
tear the place down.

You have to let it go.

Do I know you?

I know things have been hard...

what you've gone through.

You think you know
what I've been through.

I'm sorry.

You don't know
anhing about loss

or sacrifice.

But Dad knew.

He was out of work when
he made us this music box

for Sophia for Christmas.

Look at the detail.

I remember.

The craftsmanship.

He found the time

toreate things
of lasting value,

things with integrity.

Dad had a lot of pride
in his work.

Like the tile work at

the th Street station.

The stonework
on this house.

This was... this was
our parents' dream.

It's our legacy.

Things change.

Remember he always
used to tell us

the story of John Henry?

He tried to warn us

to work with our brains
rather than our backs.

And so I did.

We both did.

I got an education...

a good job...

I tried to do good work,

and in the e,
it just doesn't matter.

I'm disposable, like
everything is now.

And now

you want to let them tear down
the street that we grew up on,

so they can build, what?

They can sell
people, what?

Crap that
nobody needs.

The street's gone,

Not everything's meant
to last forever.

So just give up and let them
have the house

that I raised my daughter in?

It's time to move on.


You are perfect for this world,
little brother.

Making money
off the bas

of others.

You're going to have
to pay the mortgage,

'cause I'm not giving
you any moreoney.

You're not my brother.

Get out of my house.

* Who am I? *

He stayed untithe bulldozers
finally came.

I don't know where he went after that.

He mentioned
the train station-

the one your father worked on.

It's the th Street station.

My dad did the tile work there.

The same station the call
came from the pay phone.

There's SWAT and b*mb squad
en route, boss.

Security camera at the station
picked him up on a bench.

He hasn't moved
in over an hour.

I'll have them stop the
train lines, seal the station.

Have Vera and Miller
give Mr. Ross

a ride back home.
I'm comingith you.

My brother's there.

He might talk to me.

Get him a vest.

Keep him behind the shield
in case we need him.

He's got something
on his lap.

I'm going to make
an approach.

Lieutenant Stillman,

Call me John.

I used to come heremetimes with my father

and I'd just sit here.

It always calmed me.

You father did
beautiful work.

That's when people

took pride in it,
when they built things to last.

He always said it was
better to be the guy

who designed it, but...

they don't even
do that anymore.

He sounds like a man
of integrity.

Who knew it'd all
come down to this?

You did,

But you can stop it right now.

It never stops, never stops,
never, never.

At first I thought

I'd gone mad.

But then I realized
it wasn't me.

It's the world
that's gone mad.

Everything that's happened,
all you lost...

you n't bring that back.

You become numb,

disconnected, conditioned
to accept every...

every indignity.


Is that really what this
is all about

It's never
anyone's fault.


"I'm jusdoinmy job.

's no personal.
It's just business. "

But is is personal,
isn't it?

When it's your family?

People have to answer
for what they do.

I gave them all a chance

again and again.

Put the box down, Alessandro.

But you can only
get pushed down

so far before you have
to stand up

and tell them you have value.

* Last Christmas,
I gave you my heart *


* But the very next day
you gave it away *

* This year,
to save me from tears *

What's the problem now, sir?

The prlem is that
this thing doesn't work.

What is it?

It's a shower radio.

You have a receipt?

What's wrong with it?

As soon it got wet,
the radio broke.

Piece of crap, huh?

What did you say?

I'm sorry,
but it's after days.

So what?

So we can't accept
any returns after days,

unless you purchased
an in-store extended warranty.

You must be joking.
I wish I was.

You can send it back
to the manufacturer.

It's still under their warranty.
To where, Taiwan?

I mean, it would cost me more

to ship it there
than what it's worth.

I'm sorry, sir.

Uh, next in line.

No, no, just a minute,
just a minute.

No, see,
if you were truly sorry,

you would stand by the product
and just give me my money back.

I don't make the rules, sir.

So that's it?

Just send it back
to the manufacturer?

You're sure that this is the way
you want to handle this?

Look, man,

you're right,
it's going to cost you less

just to toss it
and buy a new one.

What the hell kind
of product is that?


I'm sorry you feel that way.

I'm sorry, sir,
I can't help you.

Then I can't help you.

* But iyou kissed me now *

Next in line.

* Last Chstmas,
I gave you my heart *

* The very next day... *

Sometimes you have
to wake people up.

Make them realize how
we've all been diminished.

Even the innocent?
No one's innocent.

No one. We're all...
we're all complicit in this...

in this mess.

People need to be made

to understand...

About loss.

You used to bring
your daughter here.

Isn't that really
what this is about?

All the blame...

clinging to everything
in the past?

People expect you toove on.

Yeah, but you can't.

It's not natural to outlive
your own child.

But you can't destroy
this place.

All your father built.

No, I would ner do that.

's not there.

The b*mb's not there.

But nothing lasts forever.

Mom, Mom, I've got
to show you something.


Oh, hi, Mom.

No, we're fine.

Mom, I got the coolest thing
at school day in my cubby. Look.

Where's your wife now?

Picking up Mia from school.

She should be home by now.

What's going on?

It's okay, Mom.
We have police watching us

wherever we go.

Vera, answer damn it.


Get them out of the house.

How could you?

How could you do this?!

How could
you do this?!

How could you do this?!

* I'm holding on your rope *

* Got me ten feet
off the ground *

* And I'm hearing what you say *

* But I just can't make
a sound *

* You tell me that you need me *

* Then you go and cut me down *

* But wait *

* You tell me
that you're sorry *

* Didn't think I'd turn around *

* And say that *

* It's too late to apologize *

* It's too late *

* I said it's too late
to apologize *

* It's too late *

* It's too late *

* Ooh *

* I'd take another chance *

* Take a fall,
take a shot foyou *

* Oh *

* And I need you like
a heart needs a beat *

* But it's nothing new *

* Yeah, yeah *

* I loved you
with the fire red *

* Now it's turning blue *

* And you say *

* Sorry like an angel
heaven let me think was you *

* But I'm afraid *

* It's too late to apologize *

*t's too late *

* I said it's too late
to apologize *
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