02x06 - Hold What You Got

Episode transcripts for the TV show "SEAL Team". Aired: September 27, 2017 – present.*
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Series follows Bravo Team an elite unit of Navy SEALs, as they plan and undertake dangerous missions worldwide.
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02x06 - Hold What You Got

Post by bunniefuu »

- Previously on SEAL Team...
- Graham Kowit,

American DEA agent, missing
a few weeks ago

and I'm guessing you know where to.

You must consider the possibility

that Agent Kowit might be dead.

I can live being afraid for you.

I just need you to take
my fear seriously.

I'm still gonna love Stella,

and that's not gonna change.

All well and good, Clay.

Until you come home in a box.

Clay! Man down!

He took a round
directly to his chest plate.

Mikey and Emma need a dad,

not a team leader.

I'm the one who was supposed to die.

We're wheels up for Mumbai in 20.

Need you on that plane, as Bravo 1.


Standing down. His choice.

Adam was k*lled in action.

Gave his life to save his brothers.

Now, as a proctor of
the Adam Seaver Memorial Open,

- I'm just saying, Blackburn...
- Yeah.

your blood-alcohol level is

way below tournament requirements.

- That's right! Roger that!
- Drink up!

That's a nice shot, ace!

Where's he... where's he going?

So this was Adam's refuge, huh?

Every chance he got.

I wish I, uh, had joined him more.

Playing golf. I just didn't...

Yeah, I rain-checked him a dozen times.

That's the rub, huh?

Always think there's
gonna be another chance.

Blackburn... that is a two-beer penalty

- for k*lling my buzz!
- It's crazy! Yah-haw!

Mind if we play through?

You'd better run, Sonny!


Get up!

You'd better run.

Oh! Oh!

What do you say we
have another one, huh?

Ah, you don't have to ask me twice.

One more.

You know, if things went crazy in here,

then I would always end up out there.

Your happy place.


This is my happy place.

How's it going with the kids?

I'm just trying to stay
flexible, you know?

I just want to pick my battles.

Must be hard alone.

Some days it, uh, kind of works.

What about our next deployment?
Thought about that?

What? About me not being here
for three months,

the kids alone without Alana?

Of course I've thought about it, Ray.

Any conclusions?

I think conclusions is that I don't want

to think about it, okay?

Well, love you, brother.

You just got a lot on your plate.

What do you say we go outside

and talk the carburetor into working?

You think you can do that?

Let's get the carburetor working.

- Well, it's last call.
- Mm-hmm.

Shouldn't you be finding a pair of boots

- to knock up against?
- Mm.


tonight's recon yielded
no actual targets there, Davis.

I see plenty.

Based on your high standard
of living, what do you need?

- Female, breathing, right?
- Ooh.

Wow, look at that.

That was a low blow right there.

I happen to have standards, okay?

And they're real ones.

- Such as?
- Well, uh,

I like 'em to get my motor
running, that's for sure.

That's obvious. What else?

Well, they got to be
able to keep up with me.

Sonny, I could keep up with you.

That right there, Davis,

that's what makes you
a rare woman. Right?

What else?


Gots to have heart.

- Mm-hmm.
- Pride.

And loyalty.

Woop, woop.

You know, I like a little...

a little fight in a woman, too.

- She...
- Are you looking for a woman,

or are you looking for a racehorse?

You see...

I'll have you know I was raised
by a mama and two sisters

that kick the balls off a bull
in Sunday heels.

Okay? And maybe, I don't know,

maybe that spoiled me a little bit.

It might have, because that is
a lot to ask for at last call.

That just depends on what kind
of bar we're in, I suppose.

All right, so let's say that
you find said woman, right?

- Mm-hmm.
- This is it, this is it.

A rare and elusive
specimen, I assure you.

- Elusive. I like that.
- Yes.

Who's to say that you
could even handle her?

No one.

You see, that's the fun of it.

- Yeah.
- Or the trouble of it.


it ain't fun...

if it ain't trouble.

You two done?


We're done.

I got this.

Actually, that's way too much money.

- You get it.
- I'm not getting that.

Ooh, please tell me that's coffee.

I, uh...

I stopped by the frame store.

We're gonna put it up at the bar
on the wall with the, um...

The others?




It's getting better.

- Doesn't look like it's getting better.
- Well, it was

a 7.62 round... I mean, it's...

you know, it leaves
a little bit of a mark.

- It'll heal.
- When? It's been six weeks.

Stella, it'll heal.

Don't move.


I'm not putting that stuff on.

That stuff smells like
an old lady in a tube.

- It's terrible.
- This stuff makes that

go away.

Just let me do it.

- Mm.
- Don't move, please.

Well, you know, it's...

it's not ink, so it's not

- gonna wipe off.
- Shut up.

Is everything okay with you?

Yeah. Fine.


It's already looking better.


You have to go shopping tonight?

Yes, I do. Winter formal is next month.

Okay, listen,
you have tons of dresses there

in your closet. You got a bunch of them.

You've got more dresses than

- I have socks.
- That's true.

Seriously? I live with cavemen!

Aw, ooga-booga.

And I have plans.

- It's Saturday.
- I don't care if it's Saturday.

- You know I cannot...
- I can't bail on Franny and Lulu

- to watch Caveboy.
- Grandma is out of town.

She's not here Saturday.
House to myself. Party.

I'm not taking him to the mall!
That's social su1c1de!

I'm not going!

And stop!

This is all new to us right now.

This new situation's
been presented to us.

We're gonna work through this,
you understand me?

Emma, you're gonna take Mikey
to the movies,

so you're not seen with him.

I'll leave work early to get him,

so you have your night
with your friends.

Okay. All right, Mikey's with me.

Give me a hug.

All right?

Come here.

Hey. It's gonna be all right, buddy.

Okay, we got this.

One shift at a time.
You understand? Okay?

We got more eyes in here than usual.

Good morning, everyone.

Bravo Team is about to prosecute

a highly sensitive target package

that's taken months to put together.

Final approval came
from the White House,

so we need everyone
to be squared away on this one.

There's no margin for error.


Andres Doza.

He's the head of the most
lethal cartel in Mexico,

and one of the most slippery
fugitives alive today.

We've only confirmed
four sightings of him

in the last decade.

His top lieutenants are equally elusive.

Doza was born in 1978 in Huaquechula.

His parents were farmers.

He's exported more dope to the States

than anyone in history,

amassing a fortune unimaginable.

All right, look, we know who
this guy is. What's the mission?

You're gonna hunt him down.

- All right.
- "Hunt him down"?

We're-we're cleared to
operate down in Mexico?

Yes. Partnering with Mexican Marines.

Might take a while to locate him.

Maybe weeks, months.

But you're in Mexico
for as long as it takes.


A little R and R south of the border.

That sounds good to me.

It's not a booty run to Cabo, Sonny.

Doza's cartel has thousands of soldiers,

a $20 billion w*r chest,

and the most sophisticated
weaponry money can buy.

If El Chapo was S*ddam Hussein,
then Doza is !sis.

He's sadistic,

vicious and indifferent
to innocent life.

Well, that's great.
He's been that for a decade.

Why are we engaging now?

He crossed a line.

He ex*cuted an American DEA agent.

From the people of México,


only Andres Doza protects you

from foreign invaders.


The video goes on for 30 minutes.

Wheels up at 0700 tomorrow.

I suggest you spend the rest of the day

getting your affairs in order.

Captain Harrington has the final word.

Nobody does us like that.

You go to Mexico,

you find Doza,

you don't come home
till he's in cuffs or a coffin.

Is that understood?

All right, we're done here.

- Master Chief.
- Yeah.

A word before you shove off.

- Pep talk?
- More like a watch-your-ass talk.

Listen, I don't need a bunch
of SEALs making bad headlines

in our own backyard, right?

Sir, you have concerns?

Just want to make sure
everyone's focused.

Oh, okay. Everyone.

You mean me when you say "everyone."

Look, given everything
that Bravo's been through

the last months,
some people may think that,

you know, this should have gone
to Alpha or Charlie.

Some? Everything that
Bravo's been through

has only made us stronger.
So the only person

that should be concerned is Andres Doza.

That's who should be concerned, sir.

Music to my ears, Hayes.

Look, I hate to spring this trip on you,

but you know how it goes.

And you don't know
when you're coming back?

No, buddy.

Don't worry, Dad.

Grandma Linda will be great.

What about hockey tryouts?

What about hockey tryouts?

You're ready, huh?

You're prepared.

Where's your first shot go?

Straight in the goalie's face mask.

Right. Why?

'Cause you want to get in his head.

Get in his head. Right?


I'm gonna try and get back
for winter formals.

I know. But it will be easier
to get a date

without you around to interrogate him.

- Really?
- Mm-hmm.

I have drones.

They will be overhead.

Scary thing is I sort of believe you.

You should. If you need
anything, Aunt Naima,

- she's got my credit card.
- Mm-hmm.

All right? Get yourself a dress.

- Thanks, Dad.
- All right. Listen, hey.

Make sure there's a lot
of material to cover things.

I will.


Hey, look at me. You're gonna be okay.

- Okay?
- Okay.

- Okay, you take care of him.
- Yeah. I will.

- All right?
- Like you said,

we're figuring things out, as a family.

Oh, wait. Um, we made you a calendar.

Mm. I marked our schedules
so you know what we're doing

and the good times to Skype.

- You made a calendar for me?
- Mm-hmm.


Dad, just... come home safe.

That's what your mom used to say.

I know.

All right, look, group hug.

Come on. Group hug.

I love you guys.

- Love you.
- Love you, too.

You sure everything's fine?

Please be careful.

Look, I know I...

I know what happened in Mumbai
is really bothering you.

- I get it.
- We don't need to talk about that.

What's going on?

Everything is fine.

Stella, why are you saying
everything is fine?

Look, I-I can't...
I can't be dodging b*ll*ts

if my mind is back here
worrying about you.

If there's a problem, I can fix it.

- I don't...
- Just-just...

just get on the plane.

- Please.
- What?

Stella, it's-it's me.

Just go. Please, just go.

Dude, talk to me here. Come on...

Just that...

You're everything.

All right? You're everything.


I love you more than I thought
that I could love someone,

- and...
- Then what-what is the problem?

- I don't understand.
- Th-This.

All of this. This is the problem.

Is that the more that
I love you, the harder it gets.


When you leave, I don't sleep at night.

I have this constant pit

in my stomach.

And-and I'm afraid.

I'm afraid of every phone call.

I'm afraid of every knock at the door.

The knock is never
gonna come. I'm not...

You got shot six weeks ago, Clay.

- You can't promise me that.
- I'm not gonna...

Look, any-anybody could die at
any time doing-doing anything.

No. Don't bring up Alana's death.

Her death was tragic luck.

But Adam...


That was an eventuality.

And I don't think I can...
I don't think I can live my life

waiting for that to happen to you.

What are you saying?

I think that you deserve someone

that will embrace your life,

not resent it.

Someone that's better than me.

I love you.

I do. I love you so much, but I don't...

I don't think
that I can be with you anymore.

Hey! We're wheels up, Romeo.

Let's go.

Come on.

I'm so... I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

Everybody, this is Rita Alfaro,

my counterpart in Mexican intelligence

and the liaison for our operation here.


On behalf of Mexican CISEN, welcome.

We look forward to working with you

in the spirit of cooperation.

Yeah, well, I'm more interested

in the spirit of air-conditioning.

Why so many?

We don't want anything to happen
to you on the way in.

You'll want your weapons hot.

Let's load up.

Broad daylight. Largest
metropolitan city in the world.

And they are seriously
worried about a hit?

I already got a bad feeling, brother.

Join the club.

So this is what you do, huh?


Cartel hunter.


Any wisdom to share?

They're everywhere, and
you'll never know who to trust.

Well, since you brought it up,

Doza owns plenty of people down here,

Mexican Marines included.

No offense, Lopez.

The state police, they're all bad.

Yeah, the Federales are questionable.

But every Marine on this operation

was handpicked by Colonel Martinez.

I trust him, so I trust them.

Why should we trust you?

You shouldn't.

Well, I can officially say that
nothing about this conversation

has made me feel any better.

Lot of hero worship with Doza.

He builds schools, hospitals,

provides services the government can't.

He buys hearts and minds.

Who's that guy?

The posters mean Doza's cartel
has marked him for death.

- What did he do?
- A couple of Doza's men

kidnapped and r*ped his daughter.

He reported it to the police.

Biblical-level wickedness.

In America, power is
accrued through money.

In México, power
is accrued through v*olence.

Did you know there have been
more deaths here

in the last decade

than in Iraq and Afghanistan combined?

That's madness.

Welcome. Doza has his eyes and ears

on every military base and
police station in the country,

so we've made this old
factory our unit's home.

Lieutenant Commander Eric Blackburn.

Colonel Francisco Martinez.

- Welcome.
- Thank you.

Though in the interest of transparency,

I was not in favor
of your presence here.

It's my job to find Doza.

How's that working out?

We're only here to help, Colonel.

Any way we can.


You can help by following the rules.

No alcohol or women in the barracks.

Lieutenant Lopez will show
your men to their quarters.

We will all meet once they're settled.

This way.

Thank you.

Master Chief Hayes,

you are Bravo Team's direct leader, yes?

- That's right.
- Good.

Here, I am yours.

You understand that, correct?


This place makes our hooches in J-Bad

look like Graceland.

I've slept in nicer prison cells.

No booze. Was he serious?

I hope so.

Without rules, there's
only windows and noses to break.

I'm assuming you brought
the emergency cache?

- You know it.
- Ooh.

Should last a night or two.

Oh, yeah. That stuff's fire, man.



Looky here, Ray.

You ever seen a cuter couple?

Oh, like the couple in the
picture frame when you buy it.

Saying good-bye
never gets any easier, brother.

You just remember
what you got waiting for you

when you get back home.

So, a country of 125 million people,

and no one knows where Doza is?

Nine months ago, he visited
a girlfriend in Jalisco.

But Doza was tipped off to our presence.

He slipped away before we arrived.

The man responsible for Doza's security

was found skinned alive.

Whenever we find a weakness to exploit,

Doza eliminates it.

Okay. Well, is there anything
we can actually go on here?

Graham Kowit's execution video.

This is Carlos Gonzalez.

He's Doza's version of "Jihadi John."

He acts as an executioner
and a propagandist.

I thought we were here to catch Doza,

not chase around his little street rats.

No way he kills a DEA agent
without approval from the top.

If we grab Gonzalez, he could connect us

to Doza's inner circle.

- So where is he?
- Telporo.

It's a cartel-controlled slum.

It's where I was born and raised.

Doza's soldados are interspersed
among the locals there,

so it's impossible to tell
who's bad, who's good.

We set at the edges of the
neighborhood, blend in.

And we wait for Gonzalez to come out.

Until somebody leaks that we're
onto him and then he disappears.

I lost five men
in a raid there last year.

Lopez is right.

We take Gonzalez on our terms,
outside of that powder keg.

Oh, so you want us to sit and wait.

There's no chance. We're
gonna take it to him.

We hope they're gonna want to fight.

And you know what we're gonna do?

We're gonna punish 'em.

'Cause we're gonna send a message.

Five minutes here, and you have
all the answers, huh?

You want to play cat and mouse,
go ahead, play cat and mouse,

but you see, we're an as*ault team.

That's what we do.

We as*ault, so that's
what we're gonna do.

We're gonna go in,
and we're gonna grab Gonzalez.

Small village, locals on
the payroll of a k*ller.

It sounds like Afghanistan to me, right?

So let's rip from our own playbook.

- Offset infil.
- Yep.

Patrol to the target on foot.

- Combat clear.
- Combat clear.

- It's like you two were never apart.
- No.

Neighborhood is gonna recognize
us being outsiders.

We need to go indig.

¿Cómo se dice "Scooby van"?

No. We can't do vans.

Gonna need something heavier than 416s

in case something goes sideways,
you know what I'm saying?

You bet your ass we will.

IT2, set up the ISR link ASAP.

- Roger that, sir.
- Right.

We believe that this is Gonzalez's home.

It's two stories.

If Martinez and Lopez
give us enough sh**t

to split in three groups,

we'll clear the floors simultaneously.

Actually, Lieutenant Lopez
is not going on this raid.

I'm sorry, what's that?

I'm from Telporo.

- I'm known there.
- It's too dangerous for him.

Danger's kind of, uh, part
of the whole soldier thing.

- Lopez is not going.
- Well, then, I don't want him

in this meeting hearing
the details of our raid.

You don't trust me?

No. I don't trust you.

Hard to trust a soldier
who doesn't fight.


Lopez is a good soldier,
but he is a little volatile.

Please, continue.

Okay. Rules of engagement.

Don't fire unless fired upon.

The entire community of
Telporo is on Doza's payroll.

So once we enter,

anywhere along the way,
whoever we see could k*ll us.

In fact, many of them
would love to k*ll one of you.

It would be like a trophy
for them, a prize.

If we are compromised in any way,

Doza's soldados will unleash hell on us,

so I suggest placing our set point

outside of their territory.

Okay, we'll do that. Let's roll.

American hero.

Thinks he knows how to fight our w*r.

You should show Colonel Martinez
a little bit more respect.

You should respect him enough
to fight next to him.

Don't question my loyalty.

I question a lot more than that.

Telporo's my home.

And I grew up with those thugs.

Anybody knows that I'm in the Doza unit,

they k*ll everyone I ever knew.

Nobody's gonna know, 'cause
you're not gonna be there.


Hold up.

Uh-oh. This can't be good.

Thanks. Can't a girl just say hi?

Absolutely, but not this one.

- Mm.
- Let me guess.

You want to talk about my friend?

It took months to convince SOCOM

to greenlight this op, and with
everything that's happened...

You're concerned
about Jason's headspace.

You mean you don't have concerns?

Come on, Mandy.

The guy's got a lot to deal with.

That's precisely why I'm concerned.

We won't catch Doza if
Jason's head is elsewhere.

Tough to doubt a man
that comes out on the right side

as often as Jason does.


I'll keep an eye on him.

Be enough?

I feel like these Mexican uniforms

are like the skinny jeans
of military apparel.

Yeah, well, I'm pretty sure
our hosts don't want us

flashing Old Glory
across the city, right?

It's just they're just
so formfitting, you know?

I-I swear on the Bible,

my testosterone count
is dropping as we speak.

Well, look on the bright side,
Sonny, right?

At least that uni helps
highlight your enormous ass.

Well, I sense some jealousy
there of my gluteus maximus.

See, look at this: the bend and snap.

- Hey, wait, wait.
- Why's Sonny ass

look so big in those pants, huh?

- You hear that?
- All this talk about my backside

is seriously making me reconsider

my commitment to Bravo right now.

Gentlemen, my men here
will drive us to the target.

- Eyes open, weapons ready.
- All right, let's load up.

Oh. It looks like we're not the
only ones working tonight, huh?

It's good to see you reconsidered.

Doza teach Sunday school there?

The priest would remove that poster,

but he would be k*lled immediately.

Thought this was a
no-go zone for police.

For Federales and military.

They're local, on Doza's payroll.

Havoc Base, this is Bravo 2.

We pass Black Lab. How copy?

Yeah, roger that, Bravo 2.

We copy Black Lab.

We here to rob a bank or
put the hurt on Gonzalez?

Anybody working against Doza
is k*lled by Doza.

What do you say in Spanish
before you go on a mission?

Que la Fuerza te acompañe.

Okay. Que la Fuerza te acompañe.
Let's do this.

Bravo 2, this is Havoc Base.

You're headed to
the two-story pink building

half a klick to your east.

Roger that, Havoc. Bravo out.

Let's hustle, boys. Let's go.

Bravo 6, pick up your pace.

Bravo 1, this is Havoc.
Be advised, we are observing

five military-age males
forming up one klick

north of your pos.

Copy, Havoc.

Passing Golden Retriever.

Copy Golden Retriever.

Blow it.

My eyes!

Reinforced steel.


What do you think
they're hiding in there?

You hear that?

No Gonzalez.

The lookouts might have warned him.

All stations, this is 1.

First deck is clear.

Bravo 3, what do you got up top?

I need two mikes to figure out
what's behind door number two, boss.

I hope for a new car.

Bravo 6, what's your status?

Bravo 1.

Could use a couple extra sh**t.

Prepping for a breach on a door.

Copy that. Coming your way.

I'm moving now.

All stations, this is Bravo 3.

I just saw the HVT squirt out

of the east side of the target building.

Bravo 3, we see one unknown exiting

the east side of the target building,

moving north of your position.

I think that's Gonzalez.

Good copy, Havoc.

Break. Bravo 1, this is Bravo 3.

I suggest we run down Gonzalez.

Havoc can coordinate
mobility platforms via ISR,

- and we cut him off.
- Negative, Bravo 3.

Not without us. Stand by.


Come on.

Holy mother of God.

Holy mother of God.

Bravo 1, this is Havoc.

We still have eyes on the HVT via ISR.

Bravo 1, this is Bravo 3.

If we don't move now,

Gonzalez is gone.

Why isn't Jason pursuing?

There's enough time to catch
Gonzalez if we move now.

Bravo 1, this is Bravo 3.

We can still get Gonzalez if we move.

Am I cleared hot to go after him?

3, hold what you got.

Say again your last, Bravo 1.

Damn it.

Negative, Bravo 3.

Set security and hold what you've got.

We've got civilians down
here who are in bad shape.

We got to get them out.

I copy. Holding my position.

The buildings at the top
of the hill are connected.

Gonzalez will disappear in that maze,

and we'll have nothing
to put us on Doza's trail.

I'm sure he has his
reasons for standing down.

Yeah. They're back in Virginia Beach.

- What about Gonzalez?
- Another place, another time.

Not enough g*ns to divide my force.

I didn't say anything.

All stations, stand by to exfil and SSE.

Collect all phones,
anything you can find.

So the mission's over?

Yeah, but not the battle.

Bravo 1, this is Havoc.

Be advised that we have

what appears to be 20 armed
combatants headed to your pos.

Recommend you exfil immediately.

Copy that, Havoc. We're RTB.

3, we're linking up
with you in five mikes.


Havoc, this is 1. We
need immediate extract.

Bravo 1, I copy request

for extract at target
building. Stand by.

Our trucks are never gonna
get in there. It's too hot.

Well, Bravo 1,

target building looks too hot
for an extract.

Advise that you move
to rally point one on foot.

Trucks will meet you there.

Copy that, Havoc.

All stations, change of plans.

The exfil trucks can't make it
to us. We got to hoof it.

We're not dodging all these b*ll*ts

with all these prisoners, boss.

Lopez, you're from here, right?
Can you get us to those trucks

without getting our asses shot off?

Go out the back entrance.

Do it.


Move, move, move!

Move, move!

Go, go, go, go, go.



Know what? Whatever it is
you want to say,

just wait till morning.

Your op just lit up
every government line

- from JSOC to the Pentagon.
- Is that right?

Hopefully praising us
for saving six civilians

from being tortured to death.

Well, the target was Gonzalez.

Dividing my force was not an option.

Are you questioning me right now, Mandy?

You know what, Jason?

Given everything that's
gone on in your life,

I absolutely understand your hesitancy

- to drive deeper into danger.
- Hesitancy?

The only thing that went
into my thought process

was the safety of my men.

Alpha and Charlie leaders

would've made the same call.

We don't stand a chance of getting Doza

if your head is back home.

I didn't come here to lose.

Neither did I.


Give me the phones.

Here you go. That's from Doza.

Turn defeat into victory.

You know what? May have come up short,

but, you know, it was good
having the team back.

- Got that right.
- Yeah.

We're gonna get Gonzalez.

That's not gonna happen.

Why's that?

Gonzalez knows he's targeted.

Guy's gonna stay underground
as long as he has to.

- Missed our chance.
- Oh, fun police.

Gentlemen, if you insist
on breaking my rules,

at least don't insult our nation

by drinking that donkey water, okay?

- All right.
- There he goes.

Today we saw our enemy
for the first time.

You earned a drink.

Thank you, Colonel.

Que la Fuerza te acompañe, huh?

Isn't that right, Lopez?

You know that means "May
the Force be with you," right?

So you're a funny guy, is that it?

Okay, I see you.

It's a two-way street, man.

Two ways.

Colonel, you and your men
are great soldiers.


Now, let's just make a deal, okay?

You lead your men, and I lead mine.

Just needed to know what
kind of partner force

we were dealing with there.

- Mm-hmm.
- Including your boy Lopez there.

Just upset that we didn't
accomplish the op, that's all.

Well, let's not forget...

you brought back farmers
from the dead today, okay?

And because of you,
there are six families

who are celebrating, not mourning.

That's a victory in my book.

Yeah. You know,
when you put it that way,

- it sounds much better.
- Good.

- Family is everything.
- Salud.

Which reminds me, I got
an appointment to keep.


You're awful quiet over here, Spenser.

- Except when you're challenging Jason.
- Mm.

I saw your face when he stood us down.

You were just as confused
by the call as I was.

Uh... look, man,

I am still sitting here
under God's stars

because Jason makes the
right call more often than not.

No need to start us questioning him now.

Look, I know this is a tricky one.

Right? Whole team back together
kind of puts you

into the "new guy" mode again

when you've more than proven yourself.

That what eating at you?

That's it.

Thanks. Oh.

- Howdy.
- Howdy.

You know, this is my first drink
since the other night.

- I'm still recovering.
- Yep.

We drank enough Maker's
to k*ll a small horse.

- Yeah. Yeah.
- Ugh.

And the end of the night, you know...

- That's a little blurry.
- Yeah, little bit.

My memory's wiped cleaner than
the Clintons' hard drives.

We should probably, though, uh...

avoid any...

- repeat performances.
- Definitely.


First of all, your top finger,

it's got to be wrapped around it.

Hold on. All right, try it again.

Let's see it.

Let 'er rip.

That's not too bad.

Just got to turn your wrist over
a little faster next time.

Mikey's getting good, Dad.

Soon my shot's gonna
be better than yours.

No. As we know, if it's a
shot, it's got to be a goal,

and if it's a goal, it's
got to be Bardownski.

According to the, uh,
calendar you guys made me,

same time tomorrow?

I think I can make that work, Dad.

Wow, I've been gone a day,

and you're already
in some kind of demand.

What was that?


Marked for death.

Gonzalez identified me.

My family.

Hell of a first day.
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