10x08 - Elizabeth, Margaret and Larry

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Curb Your Enthusiasm". Aired: October 15,2000 - present.*
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The series follows Larry in his life as a semi-retired television writer and producer.
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10x08 - Elizabeth, Margaret and Larry

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey. Have you ever gotten a mani-pedi?

Uh, I've gotten a manicure.

Really? Uh, but I've never got a pedicure.

The toes rank second on the body only to the testicles in terms of how repulsive they are.

Hey. You know Hobe Turner? He was a writer on Seinfeld.

Yeah. Of course. Yeah. Okay. Doing a movie starring Jon Hamm, and Jon Hamm is playing a Larry David-type writer.

They're going against type, and he wants to, uh, follow you around, spend a day with you.

Yeah, let's do it.

I'm gonna try and make it happen for tomorrow.

That'll be fun. Yeah, it will be fun.

We're back!

All right, listen.

We are not getting along at all.

Susie and I are at odds.

Oh, my God. I, I don't even know...

Saw your car! Hi!

Hi, ladies. Hi. Oh.

Well, well, well. Hi.

Hey, look who's here? Hey.

I'm glad you're here. Are you?

I never thought I'd hear those words come out of your mouth.

Okay. So, Becky, my sister...

Uh-huh. ...is selling that house we bought her.

Really? And what's really interesting is, it's appreciated, because that section of town is, like...

Fantastic! Make a little dough!

Becky's gonna make some money.

What do you mean she'll make some money?

I bought the house.

We bought the house. Okay, yeah, okay.

And we gave it... We bought the house.

...as a gift. Okay.

A gift... It wasn't a gift for her to sell and make money.

It was a gift for her to live in.

You gave it to her. It was a gift. Yeah. You...

I didn't give her the house so she could sell it.

What if she sold it in three days?

Would she be allowed to keep the money?

She's flipping houses now? She's been there for 15 years.

That's not exactly a flip.

So she's gonna sell it and make this tremendous profit?

And get everything? That's, that's crazy talk.

That's insane. Why are you siding with him?

What do you mean, why am I siding with him? No!

That's the right thing!

Listen, I don't wanna be in the middle of this.

I don't really talk to Becky.


We've grown apart through the years.

She calls me Queen Elizabeth.

She calls herself Princess Margaret...

Queen Elizabeth? Yeah.

Oh, yeah. 'Cause you got everything.

That's what she says. And she's jealous.

So if you're comfortable... going to her and asking her for money... Oh, you better believe it.

Oh, you better believe it. I feel comfortable.

All right, well, you do it, because Cheryl doesn't feel comfortable.

Is that a character? Yeah. Kramer.

Oh. Oh, I feel comfortable.

Okay. Oh, you better believe it.

This Hobe Turner movie is, like, one of the... is a big thing for me.

Yeah. And I'm excited to do it. And, you know, the guy is kind of based on you.

So the best way I can figure it is to just hang out.

You know. I ask... It's not gonna be easy, Jon.

I'm a very complex man.

Very complicated. I get it.

But I just wanna say I'd really appreciate it.

You'd appreciate it. Yes, I would.

Really. This... this word "appreciate," it's very, very odd.

People seem to think that if they use the word "appreciate," all of a sudden, the seas part for them.

"Oh, hey, I'm so sorry that I...

"I robbed your house and burned it down.

I'd really appreciate it if you wouldn't tell the cops."

You know?

This is exactly what I'm talking about.

This is perfect. All right. Let's order the main course.

Yes, we should.

There's so many things on this. I can't look at these menus.

There's so much. Oh, you know what?

We should just ask them. They got... They know what they're doing.

Ho-bo-bo. Ho-ho-ho-ho.

Why are you... Why are you doing this?

Excuse me. What, uh... What'd you guys get?

Why do you want to know?

Because we're about to order.

But, uh, you have a menu.

Yeah, but I figured, you know, you're the experts, why not copy you.

Why would you think we're the experts?


Ai-yah! That doesn't make us an expert on food.

Yeah. Yeah, I think it does.

I mean, if there was a table of fat people, and a table of skinny people, I'd ask the fat people what they were getting.

'Cause they're a little more expert at eating than the skinny people.


Return to your meal. Thank you.

What? This is gold.

Schmo-hawk. Yeah, schmo-hawk.

I thought I heard that. Yeah.

But I wasn't sure I heard it right.

S-C-H? S-C-H.

You know, you got the "schmo."

It's a schmo. Yeah.

It's the browsing, right? You can't stand it.

You hate it. No browsing.

No browsing. Yeah. No browsing.

You own this stand? No. I work for the owner.

What do you do if you have to go to the bathroom?

I don't go.

You don't go.

The whole shift, you don't go?

I can't go. I have to watch.

All right. You know what?

Do you have to go to the bathroom now?

Go. I'll watch it. You'll watch it?

I'll watch the stand. Go. Okay. Put this on.

Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Thank you. Thank you so...

Yeah. You're, you're, you're welcome.

I really have to go.

No browsing, okay? No browsing.

You browse, you buy. You browse, you buy.

Thank you. Take your time. Take your time.

Get your papers here. Papers!

Magazines. Newspapers!


Oh. Sir.

Sorry, no browsing. I'm not browsing.

The rule here is, you buy, then browse.

I browse to buy.

I know, but that's... I'm sorry.

That's, that's just not gonna work.

What the f*ck?

Hey! Hey.

Yeah, sorry. Yeah.

I.D. What the... What are you, nuts?

No. Are you having a breakdown?

Hey, Jon. Hey, how are you?

Jon Hamm. Yeah, it's nice to meet you. Big fan.

What is... What the f... What, are you guys...

...escaped from a mental institution? No.

The guy had to go to the bathroom, so I took over.

So get this... What, what are you guys doing?

Jon's starring in a movie.

Well, what else is new? And the character...

The character's based on me.

So he's kind of shadowing me.

What's the name of the movie? The Biggest assh*le...

...That Ever Roamed the Earth? Oh, I like that.

Yeah, that's, that's good.

I'll tell Hobe. That's good.

You're a great actor, but this could be the end.

So what are you doing?

You know Michelle, the CEO...

...I'm dating? Yeah, I know she's a CEO.

Well, I gotta go furniture shopping with her today.

Furniture shopping?

Yeah, but I gotta really get going.

Okay. Why don't we have a meal?

We haven't had dinner in a while.

Yeah, let's do it. Let's have dinner.

Can, uh, Michelle come? No.

Listen, I... I really want her to come. I...

I really would appreciate it.

See? See what I'm saying with the "appreciate"?

I'm finally starting to get it. I see what you're saying. Yes.

Huh? You see it?

What are you talking about?

I don't succumb to "appreciate."

I'm not gonna bring her. For you, okay?

Yeah. To honor our friendship.

But she's gonna give me shit for it. So what?

You're gonna pay down the line for this.

You text me where you want to meet, assh*le.


Thank you. Thank you so much.

Oh, sure. That was quick.

I feel so much better. I'm sure you do.

Get this off me. Okay.

What do I owe you? You owe me nothing.

Nothing. Oh, boy. No. I insist.

Yeah. Thank you. That piss was worth $10, easy.

Well, see ya, man. I mean, look what you did.


A $10 piss.

Mm. Mm. And he offered me $10 to take a piss.

Wow. And I'm thinking... what a great idea for a business.

You relieve people who have jobs where they can't use a bathroom.

Toll booth collectors, shoe shine stands, parking garage attendants.

They contact you on your phone, it's an app, and then you go down and man the store, when they go to the bathroom.

Do you know how many times I've peed in a f*ckin' Gatorade bottle when I couldn't find a f*ckin' bathroom?

Plenty of f*ckin' times.


And know how many times I forgot I peed in that Gatorade bottle and drank that shit? Once.

That's a f*ckin' good idea.

Thanks for sharing that story.

This could be the pee Amazon.

You know? This, this is big. This could be big.

This could be very big. Every f*ckin' where.

Yeah. Very big. We need a name.

Poober. Poober!

Meh. It's too close to Uber. Meh.

I got something.

"Gotta Go."

Like that. That's catchy as hell. You like that?

Oh. Hey! Hey, Becky.

Can I talk to you for a minute?

Yeah. Okay. Come on.


What, did you have a party in here?

Nope. Nope. Just me.

Can I make you something to drink?

Uh, no, thanks.


You know, you're trying to sell a house.

It's... Oh.

It's gonna be hard to sell a house like, like this.

I gotta tidy up a bit, I know.

You know, it's all based on first impressions.

People come over, they're gonna see this...


...and then no one's gonna buy it.

All right. I'll take care of it, Dad.

Oh. Yeah. Hey.

Heard about the whole Cheryl-Ted blowup in Mexico.

Oh. Oh, boy.

Little bit of ash. Sorry. Yeah, that was...

That was wild. Yeah, that made me happy.

Oh, you... Really? Little Miss Perfect. Yeah.

It made me feel better about myself.

Boy, you two used to get along so well.

Yeah, well, not anymore.

You sure I can't get you something to drink?

No. What are you drinking in the daytime for?

Who drinks in the daytime? People who go to brunch.

Well, we're not at brunch.

Okay. So I am not having a mimosa.

All right.

What, what, what do you... What do you want?

What, what's going on? Okay. Well, obviously, I heard you're selling the house.


You know, the thing is, Becky, you know, I did buy you the house, so...

I know. It's kind of my house.

No. No, you... I paid for the house.

And I thought it was only fair and reasonable...


I'm gonna let you keep the profits to, to the house.

But of course, I'll get my investment back.

No, no, no. No.

Hey. Say I gave you $700,000... It's my house.

Please don't do this to me, okay?

Please don't do this. This is my house.

It's all I have left.

Oh, my God. Please don't do this to me.

I, I lost my job.

And my boyfriend broke up with me.

Geez. Don't cry... He was from Poland, and it turns out all he wanted was a visa.

Okay, you...

Forget, forget it. You, you, you can keep the house.

You can keep all the money, keep, keep the profits.

Keep, keep it all.

Is this a joke? No. No. No.

You mean it? Keep it all.

Thank you, Larry. Keep it. You can have it.

Yeah. It's okay.

Really? Yeah.

Wow. I know.

I think I always had a secret little crush on her.

Me too. Yeah.

It was in the daytime.

I love daytime sex.

You're filled with energy.

Yes! I mean, nighttime, you're so close to going to bed.

Filled! Right!

Why are you doing that before you go to bed?

The whole thing should be all flipped around.

I know.

It should never happen at night. The daytime.

Always during the day. Yes.

Ah. It's Jon.

What's going on? Nothing. We're just going out to dinner.

Is that working out okay? Yeah. Yeah.

Where is he?

Did you have sex with my sister Becky?

Who said that?


What did she say?

She said, "Guess who I f*cked?"

Huh... Oh, my God.

He did. Oh, my God!

What, what are you thinking? I was there, and she was, she-she was upset, she was sobbing, and I consoled her, and...

And, you know, it just, it happened.

That's why. Yeah, what about the money?

I told her, uh, she didn't have to, uh, share the money with me.

Oh, my God. That's, that's like prostitution.

It was consensual sex between two adults! Oh, my God.

There's nothing wrong with that, as far as I know!

She was vulnerable.

We were all in the living room over there when you gave a big speech, and you were gonna march over there and get your money back for that house. I did march over there, and then I felt sorry for her.

Oh, my... Yeah, you marched over there, you got a f*ckin' blow job, and then you gave the house away.

There's a million f*ckin' women in the world.

You have to have sex with Cheryl's sister? What?

Oh. Hey, Jonny.

Uh, yeah. The door was ajar.

The f*ck are you doing in my house?

What is Jon Hamm doing in my house?

He's, he's, um... Hold on. Yeah, I should get this down.

He's starring in a movie, and he's kind of, you know, shadowing me.

He's bas... The character's based on me.

So, the character is a disgusting pervert?

That's good.

It's actually not funny, Jon Hamm.

Oh, no, no. I'm not here. Act like I'm not here.

I'm just a fly on the wall. Just, uh... Hey.

New sneaks? Oh, yeah.

Good, right? How comfortable? Love 'em.


Hey, guys? This is not the time, okay?

It's my house, you're in my house.

I'm terribly sorry. You crossed a line...

...this time. You crossed a line!

Oh, my God. I didn't cross a line.

I went over the line that you already crossed.

What? He's a friend.

Oh, oh, oh, I'm sorry. Ted and Larry, it's just like you and your sister. It's the same thing.

It's nowhere close. It is not close.

It is close! She slept with my friend, Ted Danson.

Okay? Okay. That's fine.

But I can't sleep with her sister? It feels like the same thing.

Because Ted is like a sister to Larry. Yeah!

No. It's a relationship with Ted.

It's not, I didn't just go have s... Oh, it's a relationship?

Who's to say that I'm not gonna have a relationship with Becky, what do you mean? Oh, my God.

You know how jealous Becky is of Cheryl.

You know that Becky thinks of herself as Princess Margaret, and that Cheryl is Queen Elizabeth.

Yeah. Right.

Yeah. Oh, and you think you're Prince Philip?

Is that what you're saying?

Yeah. Oh, my God.

Prince Philip would put a f*cking g*n to his head before he had you representing him.

Again, real quick, are we talking about The Crown now?

Yeah. How good is that show?

You know what, Jon Hamm, it was nice meeting you.

But, really, this is between us.

You know what, I've heard enough. Come on, Jonny. Let's go eat.

I'll call you. You've had enough...

...you petty piece of shit. Thank you so much, by the way.

Yeah, it's great. It's great.

Go, go be him, assh*le. Thank you.

Aw, man. What are you doing?

You just plopped that into your, into your water?

Yeah, I plopped it in because I like lime with my water.

I know but they, they don't wash these rinds.

You gotta have some trust in people.

You ever see signs in bathrooms, "Wash before leaving"?

It doesn't matter if their hands are clean.

They don't have to... The rind's dirty.

You get a disease. Aah, please.

It's bullshit.

And I'm really irked about something, man.

Did you say "irked"? Yeah, irked.

I never heard you use that word before, but go ahead.

I'm irked because... with all due respect...

Jon is here, and Michelle is... you wouldn't let Michelle come to dinner.

I have to watch my Ps and Qs.

I don't wanna watch Ps and Qs.

Do you wanna watch Ps and Qs?

What are you, Shari Lewis? Where's Lamb Chop?

In your pants?

Look, she's irked. She's irked.

So you're both irked?

She's so angry at me that I had to, you know, make an excuse.

Oh. What did you say?

I said you had a bleeding rectum, and that you were worried and scared, and you needed to talk to me alone, and you'd be embarrassed if she heard it.

Are you out of your f*cking mind? Well...

You couldn't think of a better excuse than that?

You should have called me. I got thousands of 'em.

I can't even face her now. Why not?

Nobody respects a person with a bleeding rectum.

You think Lincoln could have prosecuted a w*r if people knew he had a bleeding rectum?

And by the way, when you come to the dinner party in a few days, I would not mention it.

Who mentions that at a dinner party?

Do I still have it or-or am I over it?

No, I left it open.

Sorry to hear that.

I also... Can I say, we ordered this kind of for the table, and I feel like you've gone way over your appetizer allotment at this point.

My allotment? Well, there's three of us.

We each get a third. Who makes up that f*ckin' rule?

It's an unwritten rule.

Oh, my God.

There's two Larry Davids.

Holy shit.

Pretty good.

Pretty, pretty good.


She threw me out. She threw you out?

Yep. Yep, yep, yep, yep. Why?

Well, she doesn't like the way I defended you being with Becky.

Come on in. Make yourself at home. I will.

I, I gotta go.

Where are you going? I'm going to Becky's.

Oh. If you keep going to Becky's, I can't go home.

Keep going to Becky's.

I'll see you later. Bedroom's upstairs.

Second one. Got it.



You're welcome.

We did it. We did it!

You didn't expect an airport drop-off, did you?

Nope. Nobody expects an airport drop-off anymore.

Ah? Airport drop-off.

All right, well, have fun skiing. I will.

I'll text you when I land.

Eh, not necessary. I didn't really want to.

Yeah. It's like an extra, unnecessary step.

I'll find out if you're dead. Yeah, yeah. You'll know.

Yeah. You got big plans for when I'm gone?

I'm gonna help a friend out with his, uh, with his new business.

Cool. Yeah.

Thank you. Bye.

He told her you had a bleeding rectum?

Yeah. Now I gotta walk around knowing this woman thinks I have a bleeding rectum.

I can't live like that.

'Cause once that starts to spread, she's gonna tell everybody.

And the worst part is, no one's ever gonna know that the bleeding stopped.

People are thinkin', how does he stop the bleedin'?

Is he wearin' a pad?

Is he, is he a little boy, a little Dutch boy with his finger in his ass, with wooden shoes on, with socks to his knee, little shorts on, little vest, little top hat on, with his finger in your damn rectum?

Right. Right.

Hey. There's a parking lot.

Woo, let's go. Yeah, let's do it.

Get to work, baby. "Gotta Go"!

Can I help you guys?

We got, uh, we got a little business proposition for you.

My name's Larry.

Hey, Larry. This is Leon.

I'm Bill. Here. Here you go, Bill.

"Gotta Go"? That's right.

You ever sit in that booth at this time of day and gotta go to the bathroom, what do you do?

I just stay in the booth.

I can't go anywhere, just gotta hold it in.

Until now. For a dollar a minute, five dollar minimum, I will sit in that booth while you go and use the bathroom.

You're serious? Very serious.

Right now, I really have to go. Go!

Go ahead, brother.

I'll be right back. My man.

Thank you. My man, I got you!

My man, you gotta go!


Look at this shit, Larry. Woo! Huh? Told ya.

Did I tell ya? Huh? I told ya! You f*ckin' told me, Larry.

You order a "Gotta Go"? Yes, I gotta go.

Okay. You go. Thank you.

Before I gotta go. Get on out of here. Okay.

Gino! Go handle your business. Bye.

Hey. Excuse me.

You just spat on my shoe. It's a f*ckin' spit shine.

It's a... Stop!

Stop! Stop spitting on my shoe.

I'm not, I'm not paying for this.

Okay? Your tips are appreciated.

Give me a f*ckin' break. I'm not giving you a cent.

f*ck it, then. I don't give a f*ck. I don't work here.


Ha-ha! Woo!

Thank you.

Thank you for having me. Thank you.

Yes, indeed. My pleasure to have you.

And by the way, your home is lovely. You're welcome.

I should be complimenting you, too, because...

Well, I did pick out, I would say, a majority of the stuff.

Well, I can tell. Great taste.

He's sitting down, Richard.

Richard, he's sitting down. I can't...

He's gotta sit somewhere.

I can't... I don't want... You know what?

You can't sit on the arm. It's too thin.

No, I like a thick, cushy arm. I agree with you.

Excuse me, everyone, but dinner is ready.

Please follow me into the dining room. Okay.

This way.

We have assigned seating, so everyone find your name.

Here we are. Welcome. Here we are.

Richard, darling, this way.

Thank you, babe. Next to me.

Thank you. Michelle.

Wh-what's with the, uh, wooden chair here?

Oh, you know, I'm so sorry.

I-I... This set only comes with seven chairs.

Seven chairs. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

How unusual. I was with her.

I never heard of that before. Yeah. You know what? It was odd.

It was weird, but I, I loved them, so, I went with it.

Ah. Hey, we're having a dinner.

Come on. Let's enjoy ourselves. Okay, sure. You're right.

Let's all enjoy. Let's enjoy. Yes!

Let's enjoy. Let's enjoy.

That's the spirit. That's the spirit. There we go.

Yes, let's enjoy. Bless the new table.

About time. Can I, uh, talk to you in the kitchen...

...for a second? Who, me?

Yeah. What now?

You got me sitting in that wooden chair?

It's embarrassing. It's new furniture.

She's afraid if you sit on it, you're gonna ruin it.

I don't have a bleeding rectum. Okay?

And even if I did, it's not gonna bleed onto the chair.

How stupid! You could have said a million different things.

A rectum came to my mind first.

You could have at least said I was better, that I was over it.

I forgot. All right.

The chair's in the house.

You tell the CEO that I want that chair.

You can't get one.

If I don't get a normal chair, I'm gonna blow this bullshit bleeding rectum story sky high. Okay?

So get me a normal chair.

I'd really appreciate it.

All right, you'll get the chair.

Okay? That's great.

Let's get the salads, and... egg rolls out. We'll wait about 15 minutes for dinner?

Hey, Michelle. Hi, honey.

Hi. What's going on? Listen, I spoke to Larry, and he's really embarrassed, and, uh... you gotta get him the chair.

Oh, no. Absolutely not. You have to get him a regular chair.

No, he's not... he's not sitting in the chair.

No. He said he'd really appreciate it.

Really? He said that? He said he would appreciate it?

Yeah, I wouldn't lie to you.

Okay. Okay, fine. Fine, fine.

Let him, let him sit in the chair, but... if he bleeds in my new chair, you're in big f*ckin' trouble.

Ooh. Mm.

Okay. So, Jon.

You're playing a Larry-type character... Yes.

...in this movie. So, uh, what does the character even do?

He's a sitcom writer. Of course.

Uh, but the whole... Very successful. The whole thing is, it turns out that the thing he's most known for, his big sitcom that he created, he stole it from an Australian sitcom.

What? The guy's a total fraud.

He stole the idea.

He stole... What?

What do you mean? Stole it?

I didn't steal anything.

No, in the movie, not you.

It sort of implies that... Yeah!

...their show is stolen. Yes!

The character's name is Lawrence Dean.

Lawrence Dean? What? It isn't the same as Larry David.

Hey, hey, hey. Guess what I found? I found a chair!


Yes! Hey!

What a miracle. It was in the garage.

How come you didn't tell me?

Richard: I didn't know it was a chair.

It was all wrapped up. Ooh.

It was wrapped up in plastic.

I thought it was, uh, my dead grandmother's ghost.

I didn't know what the f*ck it was. How could you not tell me?

What a lucky thing. Yeah.

Because they didn't know, and they just found it in the garage. It all worked out. Look at that!

They're very comfortable, very pretty. Yeah.

It's very bouncy. It's, it's kind of bouncy.

Yeah. I love this chair.

Now we can eat.

Want more of these? Ah. Love Chinese.

Thank you.

You guys, do you pick up the rice bowl and eat it like this?

Or do you start on the table, and then pick it up, pick the rice up?

You pick up the bowl first.

Oh, you pick it right... eat it right out of the bowl.

Yeah, eat right out of the bowl.

It's just like eating it over the garbage can.

Huh? Yeah, yeah. In a way.

Oh, Michelle.

The walnut shrimp is scrumptious. Mm.


You think so? It's really good.

What are we waiting for? I mean, come on. Come on.

Hey, hey, hey, hey. What are you doing?

What are you doing? I want the walnut shrimp?

What are you doing?

I'm turning the Lazy Susan the way it should be turned.

In order. No, no, no, no, no.

A Lazy Susan is like a roundabout, okay?

I'm sorry, I don't think you're right.

Okay, can I...

I don't think you know how a roundabout works.

It's first come, first serve. That's a roundabout.

I do know how a roundabout works. I don't think you do.

It works like a Lazy Susan. No!

The cars... That's now how a lazy Susan works.

Can I ask you a favor, please? It's how a lazy Susan...

Can I ask you both a favor?

Can you please not use that term "Lazy Susan"?

It's got r*cist and sexist connotations, and I'd really prefer you just not call it that. Whoa.

Lazy Susan? Yes.

Who's that r*cist towards? Susans?

That's crazy. Where'd you get that? Okay.

I would just like you to not use the term.

You're right. You know what? It should be...

We should definitely start using the Ambitious Susan.

Yes, yes. Please spin the Indefatigable Susan.

Oh, can we have the Multifaceted Susan my way, please?

Yeah, spin the Industrious Susan.

Ooh, can you spin Ambidextrous Susan, please.

Oh, the Ambidextrous Susan. Yes, both ways.

Both ways. So funny. You want it?

You want it? You want your stuff? Whoa!


Oh, man.

Oh, boy. What did you do?

What? I, I didn't... What did you do?

She spun the thing around like that. The thing, it was too fast.

You wouldn't shut up!

I don't give a shit! I want you out!

You're kicking me out? Yeah. And you, Larry David Junior, you can go, too.

You're kicking me out. Yes, Jon Hamm.

Hey, you're getting kicked out. Look at that, beautiful.

What's up, huh? Hey.


All right. All right.

Okay. We should, uh...

Eh. Eh.


Larry. Oh, thank God you answered.

I just got in a huge accident on Mount...


It was a ski school of children.

They just flew right in front of me. Ow!

Oh, my God. I'm so sorry.

They're taking me to a hospital, and I don't... I just don't know where it is or...

I don't know this town. Okay, don't worry about a thing.

I'll be on the next flight to Denver.

You would do that for me? Of course.

Oh, my God, Larry. You really are a prince.

Don't worry. I'm calling my travel agent right now.

Thank you so, so much. Ow!

Westside Travel and Tour.

Eliza speaking.

Oh, hi. It's Larry David. I have an emergency.

I need to get on the next flight to Denver, please.

I've got one leaving in an hour and 40 minutes.

Perfect. Fantastic. Book it.

Oh, you're lucky. There's only one seat left.



It's a coach seat. Oh, it's a middle seat.

Shall I book it?

Any other flights going to Denver?

We've got a two, a four, and a six.

Anything in rows... one through four?

The only thing left is coach.


Give me the next first-class flight to Denver.

It's not until 9:00 p.m.

9:00 p.m. Perfect. I'll take it. Book it.

Very well.


Hey, Larry.

I got a "Gotta Go" emergency.

I'm at the shoe shine shop, right?

And the guy must have food poisoning.

He's stuck on the f*ckin' toilet right now.

So? What do you want me to do?

I need you to cover for me at the news stand.

The guy relies on me for his six o'clock piss.

I'll call you back. Okay. Okay.

Hey. Yeah.

I need you to do me a favor. Actually, do Leon a favor.

He needs somebody to fill in for him at the news stand.

For the "Gotta Go" app? Yeah.

I can't do it.

No, no. You gotta do it. I can't do it, because I have to fly to Denver.

I already got my sweats on. So what?

Yeah, well, once I got my sweats on, there's no going back. I got my sweats on.

What is it, an immutable law of physics?

Once you're in sweats, you can't get out?

Newton's Law of Sweats?

It's Jeff Greene's Law of Day Over.

Listen, I'd really appreciate it.

I'm in my sweats!

Hello? Larry, what the f*ck you doin', man?

g*dd*mn! All right, okay!

Shut the f*ck up! I'll come!

Thank you. Thank you, by the way.

Wow. God bless you.


Hey. I'm from "Gotta Go." Larry?

Yeah. Yeah. Oh.

I really gotta go. Okay. Okay. Hurry up.

Okay. I'll be quick. Okay.

Okay. Thank you. Yeah. Hurry up.



Oh, my God.


The news stand guy left 15 minutes ago.

Hasn't come back.

I gotta catch a plane to Denver.

Hey, no browsing.

Hey, do you carry Vegan Living?

Who gives a shit? Get the hell out of here.

You gotta come and relieve me.

I can't, Larry. I'm at the shoe shine stand.

This guy's taking a $40 shit.

Aw! All right, I'll get somebody else.

Thanks very much. Hey.


I got your back. Oh, my God.

You are a lifesaver. No worries, no worries.

Thank you so much. Not at all.


Really appreciate this.

Hey, no prob...

Ah? Ah?

I get it.

Oh, my God.

Excuse me, I'm so sorry.

I got seven minutes to catch the plane.

It sounds like a lie, but it's not.

I'm not a cutter by nature.

Um, my, my girlfriend got in a skiing accident.

You know, she's my ex-wife's sister.

We don't have to get into that, but, nevertheless, thank you so much.

I really appreciate it. Next.

Are you together?



Why would you think we were together?

No reason.

No, no reason at all? No reason?

I just assumed you were a couple...

You assumed? You assumed...

Oh, really? You assumed we're a couple. We...

I mean, I've never... I mean, nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you, too. Yeah, see, look, we just met.

Honest mistake.

But why did you make the mistake?

That's what I'm wondering.

Any two people standing together could be a couple.

Two men, two women.

If I saw a man wearing a yarmulke, standing next to a woman wearing a kerchief and carrying a mahjong set, I would think they were a couple.

What? It's just a natural assumption.

Anyway, I'd love to continue our discussion.

It's been very interesting. I have to catch a flight to Denver.

Eh, there's a lot of black people in Denver.

Yeah. Tell 'em we said hi.

Hello, sir. Boarding pass?

You've been randomly selected for a security search, sir.

What? What? Secure... What are you talking about?

Can someone get my spot? Thank you. Oh, please.

Are you kidding me? Oh, they couldn't be a couple.

Oh, it's crazy.

It has nothing to do with that, sir.

Oh, it has nothing to do with that? No.

Come on, I'm gonna miss my flight to Denver.

Enjoy that search. Yeah. Enjoy it.

Honestly, if you're looking...

I wouldn't look in the food and wine section.

I would look... Los Angeles magazine.

Right down there.

You don't find what you need, look online. Everything's online. Thanks.

Excuse me, ma'am. No browsing.

No, I'm just looking for an article that Jay Inslee...


Oh, hi. Cheryl.

Jon. That's me.

Hamm. Hi. Yes.

What are you doing here?

I'm just watching the news stand for Larry.

He had to... He had to jump out and run to the airport.

I'm sorry. Does Larry own a news stand now?

Great question.

I don't have an answer. Okay.

So you are Larry's ex-wife. Wow. Yeah. I know.

I find that fascinating. Do you?

Oh, my gosh. Spending the last few days with him?

I gotta know everything. It's a lot.

Well, do you wanna just go get some coffee?

Sit down and talk?

Now? Well, yeah. Why not?

Okay. Uh... Let's go.

I mean, do you really wanna hear...

Are you kidding me? I wanna hear everything.

You might be bored. Ah, 17 years...


Do you recognize that signature?

He k*lled the m*therf*cker 'cause the waffles had expired and shit.

Gonna sit in that room and get interrogated...

Hey. Okay? You happy? You happy?

I hope you're happy. What the f*ck, man?

I missed my flight to Denver. Sorry.

Oh, because you wouldn't get out of your sweat pants.

Suppose there was an emergency? Then what?

You take the sweat pants off?

Well, what kind of an emergency?

Suppose, uh, your friend was in a car accident.

Which friend? Me. I got hit by a car.

How did you get hit by a car?

I, I got a piece of pizza, and, and I was crossing the street, and the, the cheese fell off, and I bent down to pick up the cheese, and I got hit by a car.

Who the hell picks up cheese in the middle of the street?

I don't want to litter so I picked up the cheese and I put it in the garbage can.

No. You were gonna pick up the cheese, and put it on your pizza and eat it.

Bullshit. I was not. I was gonna throw it in the garbage.

You don't know. I know.

What do you know? No, you don't! I know.

And you, fuckstick, don't ever ask me to man any post for you again, 'cause I'm not doin' it!

Just consider me in sweatpants all the time.

f*ck that job. I quit that shit already.

Wow. That was fast. f*ck, yeah. I'm in and out.

All right, I gotta go text Becky now and tell her I missed my flight 'cause of you two assholes, and tell her I'll be on the first flight out to Denver tomorrow morning. Actually, second flight.

Why second flight?

First class.


Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

Oh, my God. What?

Oh, my... Larry!



Oh, look.

Latte Larry's.

Yeah. Yeah. Spite store.

I heard about this. Yeah.

This must be, uh... Mocha Joe's.

There we go.

Okay, don't tell Larry we did this.

You got it.

I've never been in this shop. I just...

It's kind of a wobbly table, you know?

It's like my least favorite thing.

It's all right. Here we go.

Two cups of coffee. Hey. Thank you very much.

Thank you so much for coming in, Mr. Hamm. How's that scone?

Uh, not so much a scone.

No, it's a scone. Nah, this is like a muffin.

I mean, I'm just saying, like, there's kind of a specific quality that a scone has that's sort of dry and crumbly.

This is sweet. It's a little more like a muffin than a scone.

What you are describing is a stale scone.

That's a, that's fresh one. I'm not sure you know what a... definition of a scone is.

It looks good. I think, um...

I'm just saying, I'm saying it's a muffin.

Let's not worry about it. You want me to take it away?

No, I'm gonna keep the muffin.

Thank you very much. You enjoy the scone.

Yeah, I'll enjoy the muffin. I'm good.

Thank you, that's great. Thank you. Okay. Awesome.

It doesn't matter.

Yeah. I'm just having a good time. Hmm? Doesn't it?


Oh! So when I first met Mocha Joe...

Ugh. Oh, hold on.

No. No. No. What's wrong?

Mocha Joe!

Mocha Joe! Yeah.

This coffee's... it's not hot.

It's plenty hot. No, it's, it's plenty not.

It's, it's, it is, it is at best luke. It's hot.

Oh, God. I don't know what to tell you.

This is not, this is not a hot cup of coffee.

It's a hot cup of coffee. Coffee should be served hot.

This is not hot. It's hot.

I beg to differ. This is not hot.

And I tell you what. Here's how I'll prove it to you.

No, no, no, I don't know... Would I be able to do this?

Would I be able to do this if this was a hot cup of coffee?

Oh. Oh. Okay.

Doesn't even hurt. Doesn't even hurt. I can't do this.

This coffee's not hot. Jon Hamm...

...you have turned into Larry. What...

I'm done. I can't do this. Cheryl...


Cheryl! No.

Come on. Nope.

See, now look. The table. Look at this. All over the place.

All right, you know what, Jon Hamm? All over the place.

Unbelievable. Get out.

Happy to.

And you're banned, Jon Hamm!

I don't care!


I'm here!

Look. Look! Flowers, balloons.

Larry David. What could be better?

Take a smell of that. Yeah? Pretty good. Yep. Smells like flowers.

Right? Where do you want 'em? Here? Yeah.

Ugh. I came as soon as I could.

Did you?

Yes, I did.

'Cause it's, uh, been a little over 24 hours since I called you and you were gonna hop on the next flight. So I just, I've been a little confused.

Big issue with the TSA last night.

Ugh. I'm not even gonna bore you with it. Why would book a night flight?

I called you at 10:00 o'clock yesterday morning.

Um, you know, the... I couldn't get a seat. There were no seats.

There were no seats on any of the planes?

There were... no seats... for me?

Are you talking about first class seats?


Yeah. Yeah. Yeah?

I broke my leg!

I called you scared. Yeah.

And hurt. Yeah. I know.

I'm not worth two hours in a coach seat?

You know. All right, I'm gonna be... What?

I'll just be straight with you, okay? Yeah. That'd be great.

I've been honest with you up until now. Yes.

So I'm gonna be honest with you again. Go for it.

I have a bleeding rectum.

They're okay with you bleeding out of your rectum in first class?

It's a more comfortable place to bleed.

I think it's probably best that you go.

What? Yeah. Leave the flowers, but take the ugly balloon, and just go.


Hey. You gonna eat that Jell-O? I'm not gonna eat the Jell-O.


Ah! Mr. Takahashi! How you hitting 'em, Mr. T?

Not your concern. Ah.

The color of a car doesn't really matter to me, because I don't really see it when I'm inside the car.

It's like being inside your face.

I don't know what my face looks like.

Who forgets their face? I'm in a capsule.

Everything's coming from inside the capsule.

I haven't seen you take one piece of red licorice yet.

Only black for you?

Something wrong with a person supporting black and shit?

Black licorice, black jellybeans...

You feel me? No, I feel you.
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