03x20 - No Choice in Duty

Episode transcripts for the TV show "SEAL Team". Aired: September 27, 2017 – present.*
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Series follows Bravo Team an elite unit of Navy SEALs, as they plan and undertake dangerous missions worldwide.
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03x20 - No Choice in Duty

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on SEAL Team...

You'd be an outstanding candidate for STA-21.

Seaman to Admiral?

Pushing me for STA-21. I knew it!

I haven't said yes.

Oh, but you haven't said no, either, have you?

I'm sure you're looking forward to being back with your team.

I'm my own worst enemy when I'm away from my brothers and out of the fight.

You know, Sonny's back soon.

And how do you think he's gonna react to you and Reiss?

'Bout as well as him reacting to you going to STA-21.

What we do here, that's what matters.

I'm not saying it doesn't, J, just saying it's gettin' harder and harder not to have my head back home with the family.

Where you hang your helmet... that's home.

Sidiqi IDed our Key Unknown.

His name is Azfaar Al-Hazred.

Related to Asim Al-Hazred.

Yes. Azfaar is his only son.

Doesn't matter who his dad was.

Just another name on the list.

Okay. We'll need somebody at that meeting.

Eyes and ears inside.

Please. Leave me alone.

Your on-base vendor contracts are up next month.

I'd hate to tell your wife and son that you lost your business.

You're not serious.

You may have burned our informant.

Now you're just being paranoid.

The Army patrol we tasked got back ten minutes ago.

They found him in the market. I'm sorry.









Next step in the Tahara network's long-term plan.

Azfaar Al-Hazred has taken his father's legacy of v*olence to a whole new level.

Boys as young as 12 trained as soldiers and su1c1de bombers.

Junior inherits his dad's bloodlust and forces it onto others.

Some intensive indoctrination.

Charlie Manson would be jealous of that level of brainwashing.

Al-Hazred Jr. has already recruited thousands of young fighters from at least a dozen nations.

Whole new generation of enemies.

Junior is also using the family brand to appeal to the old guard.

Former IS and AQ fighters are pouring into Afghanistan.

So where is he?

Unlike his father, who was a visible figurehead, Azfaar has managed to remain in the shadows while building and leading his network.

Well, we like shadows. It's where the fun happens.

Unfortunately, we still don't have a trail on Junior.

So we're nowhere. That's what you're saying.

Agency's digging hard for leads.

Till we have a place to point the tip of the spear, we're in a holding pattern.

Right. We're in a holding pattern.

Just hurry up and wait while the clock's running out on deployment.

We all hear it loud and clear.

That's all for now.

Going after the son of the biggest t*rror1st we ever took out... that's one hell of a double-tap.

There's nothing biblical about it, Ray.

He's just the next target, that's all.

Don't give me that "next target" chatter.

You taking out Al-Hazred was one of the biggest milestones in the w*r on terror.

I mean, i-it changed history.

You gonna say it didn't change you?

You know what? You're over-thinking it.

No. This is our lives come full circle, brother.

You're just gonna shrug it off like it's some cosmic coincidence?

It's w*r.

I want to fight. Don't want to talk about it.

Maybe not talking about it's the problem.


13 years later, here we are in the same place, fighting the second generation of the same w*r. Wh...

What's that say about our job, Jace?

What's that say about us?

Far as I'm concerned, not a damn thing.

You in?

What in the hell you boys sittin' around for?

Thought we had a w*r to fight.


You survived summer school.

I sure did. And, uh...

I actually brought you boys back some Horny Lizard Hot Sauce.

I figured, you know, we could, uh, fire up the barbeque and...

I'm gonna go get a lift in, fellas.

I'm tired of bleeding money.

I'm out.


Welcome back.

Guess these dudes really dislike hot sauce.

Oh, wait.

Maybe it's you.

You know, I didn't expect to see you here, Thirty.

I figured my teammates would've already fitted you for an iron maiden.

Mm. Mm.

Sounds like something you should be worried about.

What the hell is that supposed to mean?

Means... whatever napalm you dropped before you left is still simmering.

Hey, how's this stuff on pancakes?

Crept out of my hooch to read intelligence reports this morning?

A lesser man would've been offended.

I can't let the intel go cold.

Just like that coffee I hope you're holding.

Hazelnut's in the left hand.

Five times straight.

I'm gonna need a psyops unit to run some tests on you.

Maybe you're just easy to read.

What's new?

Oh. Actually looking at what's old.

The file on Al-Hazred Sr.

I'm trying to retrace that manhunt.

Son might be following in the father's footsteps.

Anything interesting?

Well, there was a medical angle that the Agency pursued back then.

Al-Hazred's wife had a rare genetic ailment called "aplastic anemia".

Required regular blood transfusions.

So, the idea was to trace those treatments.

We might get pointed to their hideout.

I don't remember this from the books or the movies.

Didn't lead anywhere.

But, you know, a... maybe a hereditary condition...

Could be a thread to follow.

It's a long shot, I know.


Your instincts have been dead-on so far.

I'll have Langley check into it.

Thank you.


How is she?

Not great.

But she knows that no one could have prevented what happened to Samim.

She told you that?

We haven't had a chance to really talk.

... but the senator's microphone was still on.

Everybody in the room heard what he said.

Some people think he was set up by his own party.

I thought the Taliban fought dirty.

So, uh, what's going on there?

Um, other than Sonny coming back from Texas, uh, not much to report.

Sonny's back?

Means it's been six weeks since you left already.

That's, um...

... the way it seems.

Yeah, I know. For me, too.

So, how did he take it when you told him you were going STA-21?

You haven't told him yet.

Sonny was a lit fuse before.

I mean... he'd explode out here in the wild.

Speaking of lit fuses, that letter about Ambassador Marsden has been getting a lot of attention.

Oh, yeah?

Can't get a drink in this town without hearing someone's opinion on who sent the letter to the press.

I mean, whoever it was that sent it, at least they set the record straight, and that's what matters.

This whole thing will all blow over soon.

You sure about that?

You know how politicians love the troops... until they start having opinions.

What's going on here, boss?

Whoa, wait a second, look at that, huh?

Now right there is a knuckle-draggin' sight for sore eyes.

Sonny Quinn! Yeah!

Look at you, you look good.

Figured all those steers and steins you're putting down you'd add a couple more pounds, but you're trimming up, bud.

I did a lot of running to work off those...

Texas-sized meals, you know.

Yeah, but you know what?

Lindell, right, he sends you out there to, to die, and you proved him wrong.

That's all that matters.

Yeah, but what Lindell did...

Backfired... that's what happened.

Backfired, 'cause you came back stronger.

I can tell in your eyes.

Learned my lesson, Jace.

And I'm ready to be whatever next-generation SEAL Lindell and my teammates need me to be.

Stop with that "next-generation SEAL" stuff.

I don't need one of my operators playing nice with the shot-callers... and cake-eaters.

That's not you.

What if that's what it takes to stay on Bravo?

You know, I-I learned something in, in Texas.


Evolution is inevitable.

It don't mean it's a bad thing, either.

That's bar down.

And I'm the one who decides who stays in Bravo, okay?

You and I, we're warriors.

We cannot afford change.

Can't, got it?

Whatever you say, Jace.

Come on, man.

You think I'm pretty now, Metal, you should've seen me back when we took out Al-Hazred.

All this talk about him, got me feeling like I'm 25.

Well, how does it feel to be a virgin again?

Trust me, when it comes to an op like this, you're the virgin.

You have no idea.

Taking out a target like his daddy.

All that attention.

Start to feel like a golden god.

Ain't that right, Ray?

I don't know about all of that, but....

I will admit having your op splashed all over every front page in the world... hard not to feel something.

Yeah, immortal.

Remember when we got stateside, that tear we went on?

Some of the best times of my life.

Yeah, I don't remember those times so fondly.

I already needed a swift kick in the ass.

All that attention didn't help the situation.

You know what I mean? Took meetin' Naima to... bring me back down to earth.

Yeah, pray I don't get cursed with that kind of redemption.

The craziest thing is, is... all the stuff I did to change my life, it's Groundhog Day around here.

New generation of evil replaces the old.

Something inescapable about it.

I'll be right back.


Yeah. Hey!

Hey! What?! What?

You done lapped this damn thing about eight times.

Yeah, just staying primed, okay?

Nothing wrong with that. Nope, you're sharking.

You haven't sat still since we found out about Al-Hazred Jr.

Yeah, well, I'll tell you what, if we weren't overthinking it, maybe we'd have him in our crosshairs by now, all right?

All right, I need two volunteers to escort Agent Ellis into the Bagrami District.

She's delivering a condolence gift to Samim's widow.

Why are you sending Mandy?

I'm not, she insisted.

Pentagon signed off on that?


All right, well, you got your first volunteer right here.

Well, visiting a grieving widow isn't exactly a Tier One op.

I'll take what I can get.

Trent. Let's roll, man!

Kit up, you're with me.

All right.

What are you doing here?

Security detail.

Sending Bravo 1's a little over the top, isn't it?

I'm aware of that. But it is a condolence visit.

People react badly.

$20,000. That's what they get.

For losing a husband, a father.

Not surprising people react badly.

Right. Well, you know what? You don't have to do this.

You know? I can deliver that for you.

I sent Samim into the lion's den.

A man with no training, no protection.

So if you think that this is gonna be dangerous?

Seems only fair.

You know, deliveries like these are like death notifications.

Just make the formal apology. We'll be in and out.

You know, Mandy, just because Samim died doesn't mean what you did was wrong.

Why are you here?

I'm watching your six. That's why I'm here.

Bravo 1 leaving his flock behind?

I can't remember ever seeing this.

You're looking for a distraction.

From what?

I'm just doing my job.

Hey, Lisa.


Ensign Davis.

You know, you are a hard woman to track down.

Been busy.

Look, t-that conversation I had with you before deployment...

You mean, that one about you getting so drunk at the strip club, they had to call me to come get you?

Yes. That one. Hey. Again? That one, okay.

Look, you were right not to answer.

I was a grade-A jackass and I should never have treated you like that.

You had a lot going on. Lindell blindsided you.

I hope being in Texas helped.

It-it did, yeah.

Saw some old friends and I even looked up my dad.

Can you believe it or not... Yeah.

Really? Yeah.

My God, it's been, like, how long since you guys saw each other?

Too long. I should've been back way sooner.

But he... You know us Quinns, we're a couple of stubborn jackasses.

Um, look, Sonny, I'm glad everything went well there, but I got to get to work.


Is everything okay?


Good to see you back.

Who's that you were talking to?

Oh, it's just one of the operators.

We've worked together for a long time.

You got something?

Yeah, Azfaar Al-Hazred's medical history. You were right.

He suffers from the same anemic condition as his mother.

And we've IDed the doctor who's alleged to be treating him.

That is huge.

Yep. I've got contractors on their way to talk to the doctor.

Now, as soon you hear anything, will you just... Lisa.

There's nobody else I'd go to.

Thank you. Mm-hmm.

Oh, my God.

They roll out the welcoming committee?

It's probably just friends and family of Samim, guarding his wife and son.

Just sit tight. Got it?

They don't seem too alarmed we're here.

You and GRS pull security.

I'll take her in.

No chances on this one, you understand?

Anything looks off, we're out of here. Roger that.



Okay. You can't come in with me.

They way they're sporting their AKs like that, you're not going in without me.

Well, she's in mourning.

Muslim law says that the only men allowed inside are family.

You know we can't dishonor that.

Stay close to the door, so I can hear you.


Hey, man.

I was literally about to go eat with Cerberus, assuming he'd have me.

I know what you're going through, brother.

Oh, yeah? Leaving your family's always hard, but sometimes coming back ain't no picnic, either.

Hard feelings have a tendency to fester.

Clay, I get. I do. I mean, I practically accused him of ratting me out to Lindell.

Practically, my caramel-colored ass. You did that.

All right, okay, I deserve... Look, I-I screwed up, man.

I did. I screwed up with Clay, with the team and...

I just got to take my-my medicine and prove myself again.

But I'll tell you what, man, this whole Davis giving me a cold shoulder

'cause she got some new man, you know... I-I don't know, I just... I didn't expect that.

Look, man.

It's time to go.

All right.

A mission package has been authorized.

So listen up. We may have a live one here.

This morning, intel discovered a doctor who's been treating Azfaar Al-Hazred for a rare medical condition.

Agency contractors just spoke with that doctor.

We got a location on Al-Hazred?

The doctor doesn't have one, but Al-Hazred's been using this courier to send him his medications.

There happened to be a pickup just minutes before our contractors arrived.

The courier could lead us to Al-Hazred.

Tell me we've got eyes on him.

Also on the two armed guards that are accompanying him.

The target vehicle's currently on its way to the mountain town of Surobi.

We're big game hunting today, boys.

Because following the courier becomes increasingly difficult in that area's terrain, OGA's requested a tac team to roll him up for questioning.

We're short a few g*ns.

Well, apprehending the courier is time-sensitive, so the mission proceeds without Jason and Trent.

Perfect. Statler and Waldorf would just slow us down.

All right. Saddle up your team, Ray.

Let's go. Copy that.

Doesn't feel right going out without Jason.

Yeah, his fault for running out to play bodyguard.

Besides, this one's cake.

Hmm. Maybe not.

The easy ones are Murphy's favorite.

Plus, we got a new, uh, new starting lineup.

Easy there, Pippi Blondestocking.

I am tight and Ray's got this covered.

Yeah, you sure about that?

Ten years ago, I would've followed Prime-Time Perry into Hades for a ham sandwich.

But this kinder, softer Ray Perry I'm seeing today?

Oh! Ho!

All right, everybody dial it in, okay?

No matter where Jason is right now, whatever he's doing, you can guarantee that his head is in it 100%.

That's what I need from you. Are we clear?

We're clear.

My name is Mandy Ellis.

I'm a representative of the United States military.

I wanted to come extend our condolences on the death of your husband.

I'm sorry, that's the extent of my Pashto, but Samim's English was excellent, so I hope you understand me.

Your husband was a very brave man.

Samim was a man of strong beliefs, and the conviction to stand up for what's right.

He understood that change takes action.

He was working with us to make this country a better place for everyone, but especially his family.


Your dad, your dad was a hero.

Unfortunately, Samim lost his life in service of that ideal.

The United States is very grateful for his assistance.

We would like to recognize his service and his courage.

I know there's no amount of money that can make up for your loss, but...

This is why you came here, to pay me for the life of my husband?

How dare you?

Do you think I don't know who you are?

Samim told me about you, how you-you pushed him, threatened him.

You are the reason my husband is dead!

And now you-you come here with your blood money, to pay me off?


To you, Afghan lives are nothing!

All right, let's go. Whoa, whoa, whoa.

That's it. Let's go. Come on.

Let's go. We're going. We're going.

Let's go. Move, move, move. That night, the night your husband was m*rder*d, did you see anything? Do you know anything... Leave!

... about how your husband was k*lled? Did you see anything?

Move. Come on, come on. Okay, okay.

Come on.

In you go.

You all right?

I'm fine. Let's move.

Havoc Base, this is Bravo 1.

I pass Shula. Over.

Copy, Bravo 1. CTR shows what appears to be six fighting-age males inside the target.

Did he say six?

If the courier has two guards, then who are the other three?

Are we gonna harpoon the white whale right here?

Guess Captain America didn't get cast for the sequel.

Havoc Base, this is Bravo 1.

Is there any indication our HVT is in there?

Negative, Bravo 1.

Ronin had a visual on all six occupants.

HVT's not on target.

That's a good copy. Bravo out.

All right.

So, let's go get the guy that's gonna give us the guy.

Hey, Ray? Something you got to see.

Copy that.

On the move.

What do we got?

Looks like HVT squirted off target.

If we're gonna catch him, we got to go now.

Just one deployment, I'd like to skip the "Big Tour of Afghan Tunnels".

Havoc Base, this is Bravo 1. Target house is secure.

Courier and three tangos are unaccounted for.

We have a tunnel on target, but we don't know how far it goes.

We'll likely lose comms. Permission to enter.

Go ahead and clear it, Bravo 1.

You've got a 60-minute window off comms.

Then I am launching a QRF.

Copy that. Bravo out.

Brock, you're the lucky one.

Okay. Go get it.

You did the right thing.

She was wrong, accusing you like that.

No, everything she said was true.

And it's fine.

Mandy, come on.

He died fighting for the greater good.

So stop beating yourself up.

I know.

Sending Samim in was the best way to get a lead on Tahara, and if I had it to do all over again, I'd do exactly the same thing.

And that's what scares me.

When I first started this job, losing a CI would have decimated me.

And now, losing Dr. Craig and Samim?

It's really hard, but...

... I can pick up the pieces and do my job.

That's good.

Is it? Yeah, that's good.

Somewhere along the line, I changed.

Or maybe the job changed me.

I don't know when it happened, but I'm not the person I was.

I understand that, but, you know, we keep marching into this hell.

It's gonna have an impact on our life.

That's the price we pay.

And we've both convinced ourselves it's worth it.

No choice in duty.

Is that what you think?

Yeah. That's what I think.

The hardest part now is...

... knowing that I...

I chose to become this person.


Looks like we got the five-star tour.

The hell?

Lot of tunnels have full-on command centers in them.

Some built by the Soviets, some financed by the CIA.

Yeah, our tax-paying dollars are going to build Jihad Johnny a Batcave.

No computers. Looks more like a way station than a command center.

What do we got?


You know what?

If we're gonna get ambushed, this is the place to do it.


Pull the dog. Roger.


You're the lucky one.

Work for me.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold up there, Frodo.

Our little outing is about to come to a premature conclusion.

Spenser, what do you got?


Trip wire's running where I can't see both ends.

We need an EOD tech in here, man, otherwise... Boom.

Well, can we get around it? We don't have time for this.

No. These walls are too tight. We got to turn back.

All right, let's head topside, let Havoc know we're heading back.

What, we're turning tail?

We have no idea how far these tunnels go, Sonny.

That HVT could pop out three hours or three days from now, and I'm not risking it with that stay-behind. We're going.

Okay, that little firecracker back there ain't no reason for us to about-face.

All right? When I was in Texas, I took a six-week, court-ordered demo course.

You're telling me you learned how to defuse a stay-behind like that back at Laughlin? Yeah.

Six weeks of demolition classes doesn't make you an EOD tech.

Okay, well, the longer we sit around here jawing, the further away that UPS guy's gonna get.

I say we let Sonny go ahead and play Hurt Locker.

All we got to lose is him.

Yeah, unless this device blows and caves in the whole place.

Well, I appreciate the confidence there, Clay-mation.

Don't make this your funeral.

Roger that.

All right. MSD is around the corner at the other tunnel.

Let's move.

If y'all don't hear from me in two minutes, wait longer.

What in hell did you get yourself into, Sonny Quinn?

All right.

Uh, yeah...


That right there is just the anchor point.

All right.

Clear thoughts.

No pin.

Oh, a Mousetrap, okay.

All right.

We're good.

Hello, pretty.

You're gonna help me out today.

That's right.

Nice and steady, Sonny.

Nice and steady.

But wait, there's more.


Goonies never say die.



Nice and steady. Nice and steady.

Oh, yeah.

Nice work, Sonny. Okay.

Other than my underwear, we're all clear.

Copy that.

That stay-behind cost us some time.

We got to cut their lead, so we can slow them down.

One way to do it for sure.

Yeah. We got the NODs, they don't.

Damn right.

We k*ll the lights, may as well just announce that we're here.

Yeah, we ain't never gonna surprise them if we can't catch them.

Metal, make it happen.

On it.

Contact front! Contact front!

What's this I hear, you sending Bravo out without me?

That's correct, Master Chief.

I told you I'd be back in two hours. Did you not hear that?

Yeah, well, time was of the essence.

We needed a tac team on the target immediately.

What's the target?

A courier picked up medication for, um, Al... for Al-Hazred Jr. this afternoon.

Agency contractors tracked him to a house near Surobi.

Okay, so they rolled in to get him. They should be back by now.

Target house had a tunnel. Had a tunnel?

You sent them in? They could be walking right into an ambush.

Yeah, it's exactly what you would have done, Jason.

Relax. You know your team, they've got this.

Push forward! Moving!

Eyes on the HVT! Moving!

RPG, Sonny!

Everybody good?

Yeah. We're good.

Sonny? Yeah, I'm good.

All right, that's all of us.

By the time we're back topside, that courier's gonna be long gone.

Havoc Base, this is Bravo 1.

Radio check, over.

Havoc Base, this is Bravo 1. Radio check, over.

How many comms windows have they missed?

I gave them 60 minutes.

Unless we see a reason to cut that short, they get all 60.

You have any idea how many times I've had to trust you to find a way?

Havoc Base, radio check, over.

There goes our only lead on Al-Hazred.

Yeah, way to bring down the house, Bravo None. You know what?

Shut up! You just fumbled the ball.

I've had as much as I can take from you. Shut up! Hey! Hey!

I got an idea.

I'm gonna need a boost.

Thirty, make yourself useful.

Three, two, one.

Havoc, this is Bravo 6. Do you copy?

Havoc, this is Bravo 6. You copy?

50 minutes of radio silence. Do you know what?

Call the QRF. Tell them I'm coming with them.

It's been 50 minutes. They've got ten more.

Ten minutes, that means nothing, you know that.

Havoc, this is Bravo 6. You copy?

That's good copy, Bravo 6. Give me a sitrep?

Havoc, I'm gonna send you a signal here.

Copy, Bravo 6. ISR is searching for your signal.


I've got your position at three and a half klicks north of the target building.

Track vehicles 270 degrees from this position.

We're tracking 270 degrees.

Negative. Nothing but mountains.

We let another one get away. That's it, right?

Stand by.

This mountain's got an overhang. It's shielding the road. Look.

Bravo 6, this is Havoc Base.

We just picked up two vehicles traveling north from your pos.

Hey. They got eyes on the courier.


The boys pulled it off. Got the courier.

Damn straight they pulled it off.

I was expecting a Challenger-level disaster.

Still can't believe Quinn pulled it off.

Yeah, with a mirror and a damn toothpick nonetheless.


That must've been one hell of a demo course, Sonny.

Hey, I wasn't the one dangling 80 feet in the air without a net.

Mr. Cirque du Soleil over here, he saved the op, didn't he?

Damn straight he did.

Top cheddar.

All right, man. Good work, boys.

Sorry I missed all the fun.

I mean, it wasn't exactly mission success.

Goal was to roll him up, right?

Don't worry about it, you know? ISR's tracking him.

He'll lead us right to where Al-Hazred is hiding.

Let's hope it pays off with a target soon.


I will drink to that.



You handled your business today.

Kept us locked in.

Nothing to say about my more kinder, gentler side?

Well, Prime-Time Perry would have been so jacked up for action, that tunnel would have become our tomb.

Nice work, brother.

All right, let's bring it together.

Come on, let's go. Ready?

Yep! All right. Here's to g*ns that sh**t straight...

... chutes that inflate, and ops that go great!



I just wanted to to come by and let you know that you're the reason we got a line on our target.

Maybe. Courier's still traveling.

Either way, it was a team effort.

Yeah, that might all be true.

But, uh, we couldn't have done it without you.

Yeah, it seems like you've really found your footing here.

Oh, sorry, I didn't...

I didn't realize that you were still working.


No, it's fine.

Sonny Quinn.

Hey. Reiss Julian.

Oh. I was just telling Ensign Davis here thank you for, uh, saving our bacon.

Yeah, yeah. Lisa has, uh, told me that you guys worked together for a long time.

Yeah. Yeah. That is true.

And, uh, I really appreciate her, and... well, the whole team does.

So do I.

Uh, we were just about to get something to eat, if you care to join us.

Um... Yeah, I, uh, I really appreciate that. I-I do.

But, uh, I have... uh, I got things I should do.



Shall we? We shall.

After you.

So you, uh... you learned how to disassemble that stay-behind when you were back in Texas, huh?

Are you saying I didn't?

I'm saying I've been your wing man long enough to know when you're full of it.

Okay, well, I could have learned how to do it in Armory school.

How 'bout that? Mm-hm.

You took a risk for the team. Yeah.

A big one. That's what Team guys do, ain't it?

Help each other out.

I thought you said Bravo wasn't worth standing up for anymore. Well... one thing I learned in Texas was family might disagree, but in the end, it is everything.

We good?


You know, this is, um... is gonna be my last deployment with Bravo.

I'm going STA-21. Oh.


I'm gonna miss the hell out of you. I am.

I ain't gonna cry, but I'm gonna miss the hell out of you.

And I tell you what. You and I... we gonna get drunk before you leave.


I honestly didn't think you were gonna take it this well.

You know... seeing my dad again, it made me realize that... people get called to different things in life.

And for me, Sonny Quinn...

I'm a knuckle-dragging door-kicker.

That is my destiny. Amen.

But if you're being called to something else, got to be true to who you are.

I mean, brother, if there was any way we could have held off until you got back, we would have.

Yeah? Well, I'll tell you, part of it was my fault for going AWOL with Mandy.

You know, team was in good hands.

You brought 'em home safe. That's what matters.

With Jameelah's "do not die" order ringing in my damn ear, there was no other way it was gonna happen.

You know, Ray, you know, I never told you, but you know, I really admire the way you balance your operating life with your family life.

Thanks, brother. Yeah.

I mean, it's not easy. No.

And being around Thirty... you know, remembering the Al-Hazred raid, and taking me back to that time when I didn't have that balance... it... just all reminds me how hard I got to work to maintain it.

Yeah, well, you know what?

That's what makes you a rare breed.

I should be telling your ass I don't know how you do it.

Hmm. Oh.

J, I had to make a call today with Sonny that, if it had went wrong, it... it would have haunted me for the rest of my life.

And if I had to make a call like that tomorrow, and then another one like that the next day, I'm pretty sure I'd lose sight of what was really important.

What are you saying?

I lied to my daughter, J.

That was the first time I've taken a shortcut with my family.

And I swear it'll be my last.

Man, I thought I was protecting her, but... if I hide who I am and what I do from my family, what kind of father does that make me?

I just...

I'm starting to realize that one of the reasons I've chose warrant officer instead of running my own team is because I've seen the high cost of being Bravo 1.

I've seen the sacrifices you've made for this team.

Brother, it's taken a lot of years, but I realized I'm just not capable of being all-in with the team the way you are.

I mean, I love the team.

It's... it's a big part of me, but so is my family, and I will not lose that balance.

Tomorrow, I'm gonna be happy as hell when you come back and take over Bravo 1.

You okay?

I'm good.

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