01x03 - Boarding Party

Episode transcripts for the TV show "SEAL Team". Aired: September 27, 2017 – present.*
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Series follows Bravo Team an elite unit of Navy SEALs, as they plan and undertake dangerous missions worldwide.
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01x03 - Boarding Party

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on SEAL Team...

It doesn't matter what Nate wanted.

I made the call.

- Where's that blood coming from?
- The fact that you refuse

to talk about Nate's death is telling me

that's exactly what we
should be talking about.

- Nate's death isn't on you.
- I understand

that since the operation
in December last year,

you and your wife have separated.

You know he's sleeping on our fold-out?

I miss seeing you guys.
It sucks that's the way it works.

And if any of us thought
there was even a chance

you two weren't gonna get past this,
we'd all be taking it pretty hard.

- Hey, Daddy.
- Hi.

It'd be great if you could
come by one evening.

Well, I don't live there anymore,
so it really doesn't matter, right?

- I'm Clay.
- Stella.

When can I see you again?

If you are what I think you are,

you shouldn't have too
much trouble finding me.

Until you graduate Green Team,

you're a member of Chalk 2,

Alpha Platoon, SEAL Team 3.

I'm telling you, he's not ready.

List in order the top five

candidates of this Selection
and Training class.

On the other side, list the bottom five.

We'll post the bottom five
on the wall in the team room.

Bottom man in the bottom five
will be immediately dropped

from this Selection and Training class.

Is that clear, Mr. Spenser?

Uh, Dr. Clark?

I told you never to call me here.

And I told you never to push your depth.

You were close to 40 meters.

Which, if you remember,
is where we predicted

we'd find the highest
rate of algae depletion.

Next time just use the drone.

I will, if I want contaminated samples.

You get the bends one time, believe me,

you won't want a second.

You better stop right now, Vince,

or I'm gonna start to think
that you care about me.

Believe me, it's not about you.

It's the band deposit I'm worried about.
That and the cake.

You know, this feels like a good moment

to mention I never liked you.

And yet you're marrying me.

Speaking of which, did you ask my...

Boarding Party


Maybe we have a different understanding

- of the word "ready" here.
- I'm basically ready.

No, you're not basically ready.

Let's go. Chop, chop. All right?

All right?
And they say that your generation

has a different type of work ethic?

It's not our fault...
it's the participation trophies.

Okay, seriously, Emma,
isn't "late for school,"

like, a thing anymore?

My homeroom teacher loves me.

I'll be two seconds.

I'm sure she'll love you even
more if you're on time, right?

Come on. Let's go, go, go.

Hey. I told you you
don't have to drive her.

Come on. I'm her dad, right?

I like driving.

Didn't hear the doorbell just now.

Used my keys.

- That's it. I'm changing the locks.
- Come on, really?

It's not like I don't
breach doors for a living.

I can get in.

What's with the toolbox there?

Did you know?

Did I know what?

I'm sorry, you have to catch me up here.

All right, I started cleaning out

Nate and Molly's garage yesterday...

I told you I was gonna
clean out the garage.

Nate was hiding a burner phone.

Uh, I think he was
keeping it in his toolbox.

Nate was hiding a burner
phone from his wife.

Just to be clear here,

you think because Nate had a phone,
he was cheating

on Molly?

All I'm saying is
there's a lot of reasons

why people use a phone.

Not necessarily wh-what you're saying.

All right, so was he?

I don't know.
Was he what, having an affair?

Well, what do you think?

You were his friend.

Oh, right. I'm sorry, you can't.

'Cause-'cause I'm just Wives' Club,

It's you and the boys.
You wouldn't tell me

- even if you knew.
- I'm not doing this right now.

Emma, come on!

There was a time
you would have told me, you know?

I looked at the history.

All the calls are to
and from one number.

Did you call it?

- Disconnected.
- Okay, look, I'll take care of this.

Easy. I'll take care of this, all right?

Just don't say anything,
'cause I don't want anything

- getting back to Molly, all right?
- Trust me,

I'm not looking to talk about this,
especially with Molly.

Not looking to talk about what?

Grown-up stuff?

Grown-up stuff. Exactly, huh?

Talking about grown-up stuff.
Come on, let's go.

We'll talk about it in the car,
'cause you are late.

I got to get you going.
A lot of grown-up stuff.

Too much grown-up stuff.

Step out, I got it.

- I got this, Clay.
- No, I'm good.

Swap with Jonesy, he needs a break,
let's go. Come on!

Swap with Jonesy
because he needs a break.

You got to be kidding me, right?

Hey, look, man,
you can't deny the kid's talent.

Or his ego.

His ego
'cause he's refusing to check out.

to prevent his teammates from puking.

No, I think he's overcompensating

because he's hit the bottom five.

That's why. You know what?

He keeps pressing the red like that,

you know what he's gonna do?

He's gonna hit a wall, he's gonna slow

his whole team down.

You sure you're not threatened

- 'cause he's faster than you?
- Threatened?

You gotta be kidding me.
Triple my rucksack,

and I'll still beat his
ass up that hill, Ray.

What was that you were
just saying about ego?

- Nothing.
- Jason Hayes,

you said something
about ego a second ago.

Come on, Ray-dawg.

Come on, let's go.
No slack, boys, let's go!

You missed your exfil window

and are now in enemy hands.


you've won the chance to run it again.

You know, Mr. Spenser,
there's such a thing

as being too unselfish.

Team's only as fast as its slowest guy.

The Centaurus, a U.S.-flagged
research vessel

doing oxygen-level surveys
in the South China Sea.

We think it was h*jacked this morning.

Wait a second, you think?

- What do you mean, you don't know?
- Well, whoever took it

hasn't made contact yet.

How do we know anyone took it?

This is Dr. Vincent Barbour,

aboard the research vessel Centaurus.

We're approximately 100 miles
off the coast of Iloilo.

We're being overtaken by what
appears to be a g*ng of...

Oh, God! No, no, no, no!

No, please, no!

What do you want?

What do you want? Who are you?

Dr. Vincent Barbour,
professor of Ocean and Climate Science

at Stanford.

We believe it's his voice
on the sat recording.

Dr. Julia Clark, also from Stanford.

These two are due to
get married next month.

There's more photos on your laptops,

plus full bios for the scientists.

They don't ask crew members to post bios

- on the faculty Web site.
- You know that's right.

- Mm-hmm.
- You two best watch

the "exploitation of the working man"

People might get the
idea you've gone commie.

- Oh, please.
- What the hell'd you just say?

So that's the hostages, and now we come

to the hostage-takers, and for that,

this is my colleague, Sam Roberts.

Sam's the Agency's top analyst
on Southeast Asian piracy.

Wow, you got more than one expert

on Southeast Asia piracy.

- Okay. No offense, bud.
- None taken.

Uh, actually, although

the Horn of Africa still
gets the most attention,

the waters of Southeast Asia have become
the most dangerous in the world.

Now, the good news for us is that,

unlike the Horn,
the region surrounding this area

is relatively stable.

There's just not a lot
of harbors for pirates

to hole up in and negotiate ransom.

Most of the local pros
use the Anambas Islands.

Centaurus's GPS shows her 400 miles east

of Vietnam, headed south-southwest.

Puts her in the Anambas
day after tomorrow.

Okay, that's great.
How long till we're greenlit?

Working on it now.

they're having one of those office

politics situations up at CentCom.

A couple "two stars"
trying to show who's got more juice.

- You're kidding me, right?
- I wish.

- w*r on terror.
- w*r on terror, yeah.

We should be airborne right now.

Well, you know I'm trying.

Ah... all right.


You know what they call
a guy who graduates last

in his med school class?

Why's it got to be a guy?

Is that how you chatted
up Miss Gender Studies?

You "white knight" it?

She's studying literature.

She's here, you know.


They call him "Doctor."

- Him or her.
- Hmm.

- Thank you.
- Mm.

Come on, man, you got to shake this off.

You got to shake it off.

You're still here, all right?

Make it through Selection,

get drafted to a Tier One squadron.

It doesn't matter how many times
you got bottom-fived.

Look, most of the guys

in our Selection class just put my name

on a list of guys that they
think don't belong here.

I'm supposed to just get past that

and just go back to
operating next to them?

Means I know you want to
blame that vote on jealousy.

Guys putting you in the bottom five

because your daddy wrote a book,
or 'cause

you're faster than a damn rabbit
through the sh**t house.

- Yeah, damn right I am.
- Yeah, you are, man.

But maybe you might want
to consider the possibility

that nobody is trying to punish you.

That guys only listed you
'cause of the way

you've been acting since
the second we got here.

How have I been acting?

You know, all the years that
we were together at Team 3,

you are the only guy
that I was 100% certain

was gonna be a Tier 1 operator one day.

The only guy.

Not a SEAL alive wouldn't want
to operate next to that guy.

I'd be interested to know
what happened to him.

Hello, sailor.

- Sailor, huh? That's funny.
- Thank you.

Thought of it all by myself.

Got tired of waiting for
you to come over there.

Got tired of waiting for you to call,

I guess you really are
not Dog the Bounty Hunter.

No. No, I tried to tell you.

But you are a SEAL, though, right?

Or is that something you're
not allowed to admit?

No, it's allowed.


So, are you a-a... a color or a number?

I'm sorry?

Just something that I
heard some frog hogs say.

You're familiar with frog hogs?

You're familiar with frog hogs?

Uh, yeah, around here,
you can't avoid them.

So why come here then?

What do you mean?

Uh, I mean, you're from...
you're from Hudson State.

That's up north, right,
near-near Williamsburg?


Well, so, I mean,
there must be bars in Williamsburg.

There's one a few blocks
from my apartment.

Hmm. Never occurred to you

to maybe just do your drinking there?

I mean, you wouldn't even
need a designated driver.

You know, a suspicious mind might think

that you're implying
that I'm a frog hog.

No, I know what you are.

An intelligent and charming individual

who transcends any attempt
at lazy generalization?

No, you're a tourist.

No, you're just looking
for a little adventure

before you settle down
in your ivory-tower life.

You know, some stories to tell
the kids from your seminar.

'em know you were the cool professor.

Wow. Okay, that's, um...

that's a really terrible thing to say.

And to think I came over
here hoping to have some fun.

Well, I'm sorry to disappoint.

Oh, no, no, no,
you did not disappoint me, Clay.

You just stopped surprising me.

Oh, I guess we decided

to go the other way on the
whole white-knight thing.

Warships, I can see, but yachts?

Yeah, who wants to build a
model of a research vessel?

- Bunch of nerds.
- Not me.

Good news is,
you can buy 'em already assembled

if you want to pay a little extra.

Isn't it your patriotic duty

to build it there, Davis, you know,

save Uncle Sam some cash?

Sonny, you do realize it's my job

- to pack your parachutes, right?
- Ooh!

Is she allowed to joke about that?

- Probably not.
- Well, you gonna write her up?

Well, no. She packs my chute too.

Come on, you got to give her props, man.

At least she's got the manners
not to bring up your dive gear.

I'm not evil.

You ever think of how dumb it is

to join the Navy when
you're afraid of the water?

Pretty interesting.
I think someone's afraid to swim.

I'm not afraid to swim, okay?

- It's just not my first choice.
- Okay.

Now, if I was a dirt bag, I'd hide

- the passengers right in here.
- Why?

No windows, good egress point
to move the hostages quickly.

And defendable,
in case they get boarded.

Yeah, but where are the bathrooms?

- Mm-hmm.
- The worst thing about being

a hostage-taker's got
to be the hostages.

I mean, they need food,
water, bathroom breaks.

She got a good point.
I mean, you keep 'em there,

you're gonna be spending all your time

taking them to and back from the head.

So how do you want to board this?

Wait till the boat makes
harbor, dive in.

Combat swim op.
Old school frogman style.

There you go.

I don't suppose I could interest

any of you in an under-way boarding?

I mean, we got the helo pad right here.

We chopper in,
surprise 'em while they're sleeping.

That'd be great if we knew the
location of the hostages.

- I know that. It's just...
- Come on, get excited, brother.

Going swimming in it. Get excited.

It's happening. We're doing it.

Fine. We'll swim in.

All right, guys, look,

assuming the boat's docked bow-in,

our hook-point should be at the stern.

It'll be less likely to
have hostiles back there.

it's got nice shielding from the shore.

This helo pad's gonna provide
great concealment from the bridge.

Keep in mind this thing's
been at sea for a few weeks,

so the deck's gonna be a slip-and-slide.

Gonna have to watch your footing.

Slow is smooth and smooth is fast.

Yeah, it is.

We figure two as*ault teams
with sn*per overwatch?

Alpha Team gets set to
hit the bridge while we

find out where the
hostages are being held.

Then we coordinate over comms,
simultaneous as*ault.

Take out the bad guys on the bridge

before they can call the cavalry.

Take out the guards before they
start smoking the hostages.

- Bam.
- Gonna need...

Draegers, nav boards,
painters' poles, hooks.

She's on it.

Doesn't bother you that
the only reason why

we're sitting here on our asses,

instead of in a C-17 on our
way to the... "La Bambas"

to start setting up our welcome
for Captain Jack Sparrow

and his merry men is because
of a pair of two-star generals

who are having some type of
bureaucratic power struggle?

Pretty sure one of them was an admiral.

Okay, of course, it bothers me, Ray.

You did that whole, uh, new

NSA surveillance thing
last year in D.C., right?

Ugh. Yeah. Those guys are terrifying.

Made me scared to walk past my computer.

Right. They teach you how to track
phones and stuff like that?

Look, man,
I know things are weird between you guys

right now, but stalking your
wife's a rabbit hole, trust me.

No. It's Nate.

Well, Nate...
him, you definitely don't need to track.

From my understanding,
he's gonna stay put a while,

like End of Times.

Oh, Nate was hiding a burner
phone in his toolbox, okay?

Alana found it when she was
cleaning out their garage.

Oh, she thinks it's a ho phone.

What else is it gonna be?

Maybe he was talking to a reporter,
like, Deep-Throat style?

Partying with Lee Harvey Oswald

and the breakdancing kid
from that Pepsi ad, right?

What do you care if Nate
was stepping out anyway?

It's Alana, okay?

You think that if it
turns out they were a lie,

she's that much less likely
to give you two another shot?

Look, man, nobody wants

to see you back with
Alana more than I do,

get your ass back home

instead of lounging around
my living room all day,

but Nate's phone's not
gonna get you there.

Besides, NSA wants to track you,
they go straight to your nav.

The nav in Nate's car?

Yeah, it's like riding
around in a digital snitch.

What you're saying is
that the nav in Nate's car

has got a record of
everywhere he's been?

- No.
- That's not what you're saying?

No, no, I'm saying it's the
Lord's car now, man.

- Molly donated it to their church.
- I know. I'm driving. Come on.

- Jason.
- Let's go. Come on.

Let's make sure

I have this right.
Something of yours was left

in your friend's car at
the time it was donated,

and I can't call the donor
to have her vouch for you?

And I can't go looking
for the item myself

'cause you can't tell me what it is?

Yes, ma'am, exactly.
See, it's a personal...

"Of a personal nature." I heard you.

Son, is there pornography in that car?

No, ma'am,
there's no pornography in the car.

You know what they say about
a man that lets his tongue

drip falsehoods in
the house of the Lord?

"He that worketh deceit
shall not dwell in my house,

nor tarry in my sight."

You know your Psalms.

Yes, ma'am, I do.

- You do.
- I do, yeah.

Listen, Nancy, we give you our word,

there's no pornography in the car.

- There's no pornography.
- No.

Thanks, Nancy.

Don't make me come looking for you.

Not in this heat.

Thank you, Miss Nancy.


Find a date with multiple calls.

May 1... five calls.


What's in Norfolk?

Not much, if memory serves.

Pick another date with multiple calls.

April 24... Four calls.

It's Norfolk again.

It's the same address.

That's it.

What do you mean it disappeared?

I mean, one second,
I'm looking right at it.

- The next, it's just...
- What disappeared?

The Centaurus. We were tracking
it to the Anambas Islands.

Its GPS just turned off.

Oh, my God.

Looks like the pirates
have finally figured out

how to disable the Centaurus's GPS.

Last known position was here.

By now, they could be
anywhere within this circle.

And by the time we get you over there...

I'm sorry. Excuse me.

How big is that area?

About the size of the
continental United States,

give or take Ohio.

We need to figure
out where they're going.

If they were headed to the Anambas,

why weren't they bearing west

before the GPS went offline?

Trying to throw us off maybe?

Typhoon season intensifies the currents,

- Considerably.
- All right.

Well, wouldn't you expect
any halfway competent captain

to avoid heading directly into

a strong current?

Lieutenant Commander Blackburn,
as a Navy man?

If he's trying to save fuel, sure.

Well, pirate captain may
not be interested in that.

Plus, most of them aren't too competent.

Well, this one was competent
enough to switch off his GPS.

These guys likely know the waters.

They're in a hurry to find some shade.

Can we plot what their
trajectory would look like

if they were maximizing
their use of currents?


What I'm thinking.

Ready, ready.



Hold there.

Role-players, out.

Come on, let's go.

Some real Chuck Norris action, Spenser.

Dive on the grenade.

Make a great chapter in your book.

Problem is, unlike your daddy,

you're too dead to write one.

Want to tell us what the
hell you're thinking?

I was thinking I need to save
a hostage and my teammate.

Spenser, this isn't Guadalcanal.

Your mission,
for which the American taxpayer

is sending you across the world,

is to get the hostage to safety,

not go medal jumping.

Grenade goes live, you get low,

out of the blast range,

hope your armor catches
most of the flak.

At least that way you're
giving yourself a chance

instead of dry humping that expl*sive

all the way to the afterlife.

Are we clear?
Are we clear?!



Run it again.

According to my source in Mindanao,

the Centaurus is headed for
the Philippines. Iligan City.

Don't you mean "Iligan's Island"?

Iligan City has been the flash point

for a long-running terror campaign.

My source hears that
they're headed there

to meet a buyer for the hostages.

Your source know who the buyer is?

Yeah. Thurston Howell III.

Eduardo Mercado.

We believe his
organization is responsible

for the ferry bombing last
month k*lled 70 people.

Mercado's been looking for
a way to announce himself

as a player on the world stage.

Figures he'll buy some
American hostages,

cut their heads off on the Internet.

Cheap way to get publicity, huh?

All right, brother Ray.

You want to tell everybody again

how we're gonna get
these people home safe?

We hit the boat as soon as it docks.

Once we secure the hostages,
we call for the fast boats,

exfil before anybody in port knows
we were there.

Petty Officer Davis, you do realize
that we will be swimming

in some of the migratory routes

of some of the world's deadliest sharks.

Yes, indeed. Yes.
These are the very same waters

where the USS Indianapolis sank in 1945.

Hundreds of American
crewmen survived the sinking

only to end up, sadly, eaten by sharks.

Well, you have to assume
that those sharks passed down

their love of sailor flesh to
their shark grandbabies, yeah?

- Gotta assume.
- Gotta assume.

I've been punched, shot and stabbed.

Got frag in my shoulder twice,
an RPG almost geld me.

You think I'm afraid of
some stupid-ass fish?

- Uh, yes.
- Yeah. Yeah, I do.

- Absolutely.
- Uh-huh. We all do.


Did you pack it?

Is this the "it"
that you're referring to?

Oh, yes.

So these teeny, tiny magnets

are supposed to protect you from
a 2,000 pound shark?

The ad says it's a proven deterrent.


Officer's Training School?

- What the hell's this about?
- Oh, nothing.

My friend, Gina,
from Admin was asking, so I thought

I'd do a little investigation for her.

Oh, you ain't a good friend if you're
helping her become a cake-eater.

Officers are a bunch of
do-nothing politicians

whose only purpose is dreaming
up new ways to get us k*lled.

And that is precisely what I told her.

Good. And by the way,
this bracelet is not bogus.

Aquaman's trident has
nothing on this thing.

I got to say something, brother.

What's that?

It doesn't seem right poking
around Nate's life like this.

Man's got a right to be
buried with his secrets.

All right? Just forget we ever found
that address inside the truck.

Tell Alana that the
phone was a dead-end.

You can see it as lying,

or you can see it as...

easing her burden.

What good's telling her gonna do?

I count four pirates on deck.

- Any sign of the buyers?
- Nothing.

Any luck,
we'll get on board before they arrive.

How long till we're there?

Based on the current, we calculated

a 45 to 50 minute swim
from the launch point

to the Centaurus and they've
been under 40 minutes almost.

All right. I'm gonna update command.

Hey, um,
I just want to tell you that was smart.

You know,
figuring out an alternate destination

for the boat,
contacting your people on the ground,

that was resourceful.

All this time around you
must be rubbing off on me.

I see three vehicles pulling up.

Got to be our buyer.

Eyes on four men, all armed.

Well, four on deck,
that makes eight hostiles.

No, no, no. Oh, my God.

Who the hell are those guys?

Brave 1, this is TOC.

- Abort infil. Repeat, abort infil.
- They're under.

Their comms aren't gonna
work until they resurface.

At which time they'll be facing an army.

All right, looks like the party
got a lot bigger than expected, huh?

That's what happens
when people don't RSVP.

How long until we reestablish comms?

- At least a few minutes.
- Our situation has changed.

Can't get to the hostages unseen.

Gonna have to do this quick and dirty.

"quick" and "dirty."

On you, Ray.

Bravo 1, this is TOC.

Be advised, multiple hostiles
have boarded the Centaurus.

Yeah, we got that.

Moved infil to starboard side.

Bravo 1, we got 12 hostiles on deck.

Any visual on the hostages?

None topside,

but four hostiles just went inside.

They're rounding them up for transport.

Bravo Team, this is Alpha.

We're in position on the stern.

Alpha, hold.

None of these mopes have suppressers.

It's gonna get real loud
if they start firing.

TOC, this is Bravo 1. You
better get our exfil up

and going 'cause this whole island
is about to know we're here.

Copy that.

want you to beeline for the bridge.

We're going below decks. Stand by.

Roger that.


Bravo Team making entry.
Bravo Team making entry.

Alpha Team is going to the bridge.


Alpha Team is approaching the bridge.



- Clear.
- All clear.

Bravo 1, this is Alpha 1.

Go for Bravo 1.

Bridge is secure, over.

Copy, Alpha 1.

Bad guys know we're here.

Hostages don't have much time.

Bravo 1, this is TOC.

Go for Bravo 1.

Your exfil boats are four mikes out.

Hold what you got.
We haven't located the hostages yet.


- Vince! Vince! Vince!
- One on me.

U.S. military.
Stay calm and get prepared to move.

TOC, this is Bravo 4.

11 hostages secured.

Bravo 1 and 2 pursuing the last.

Roger, Bravo 4.

Your boats are one mike out.

We'll get him back. Don't worry.

Help! Help me!

Help! Help! Help!

We breach, the hostage dies.

Can't leave him here.
Maybe we can talk him out.

TOC to Bravo 1.

I have multiple hostiles inbound.

Two minutes from the port.

You need to exfil those
hostages immediately.

So much for talking him out.

sn*per overwatch, anyone got a shot?

Bravo has the only breach point.

Oh, no. It's that look again.

It's not the only way in.

Well, that's a pretty tight shot,

Well, you know what...

I've made tighter.

Sure you have, Romeo.

Bravo 1, this is TOC.

You've got trucks
rolling up at your dock.

They are not friendly.
they are not friendly.

Buy us some time, Ray.

Copy that.

Bravo 2 to Bravo 1.

Not gonna be able to hold them all off.

Boss, you need to take that shot.

Let's go. Get him out of there. Now.

Time to go!

Bravo team, this is Alpha.
We'll cover your exfil.

With me, with me!

Cover the rear!

Go, go, go, go, go!

Move, move, move!

Move! Let's go!


Come on. Let's move!

Go, go, go!


Let's go.

Alpha boat, coming in hot.

It's okay.

Everybody okay?

Thank you.

Couple of hostages are dinged up,

but overall, we're good.

Just like we drew it up, huh?

Man, you were just trying to help

and I was kind of being a d*ck
the other night, I'm sorry.

"Kind of"?

I'm sorry, too.
I was being real preachy.

Well, I, um... I should've listened.

You know, I just, uh...

man, I kept digging myself
in deeper and deeper

these last few days.

You know, there's just...

I don't know. There's something
about the Selection process

that just makes me...

Need to prove that you're
better than the rest of us?


No, it's not that, it's...

It's just-it's just making
DEVGRU is the only thing

I've ever dreamed of
doing my entire life,

and now, suddenly, I'm wondering
what my life might look like

if I don't make it.

That's an awful lot of
weight to put on your back

every time you got to go
out and run the O course.

Yeah, you're right.

I just need to worry about the mission,

guys to my left, guys to my right.

Yeah, man.

Do that,

there's not a SEAL alive who
wouldn't want to roll with you.

While we're on the subject of apologies,

probably owe Stella one.

Yeah, that was some,

some serious only-child sulking
the other night, wasn't it?

- Yeah. Yeah.
- Oh, man.

She'd be good for you, though.

Good for all of us, really.

How's that?

She might be the only person on Earth

that can keep your ego in check.

Get out of here, man.

- Night, brother.
- All right.


You know, I'm gonna grab a drink
with Sonny a little bit later,

if you want to join.

Oh, thanks. I-I, uh,

think I'm gonna head home.

Okay, cool.

I don't know if I'd want to
hang out with Sonny myself,

if I didn't know him.

It's not because I don't want to
hang out with you. Believe me.

My role here makes it complicated.

Yeah, I get it.

You know,
it's better to stay on the outside.

It used to drive me crazy.

Do all the work getting
a bead on a target,

just to have to hand off to the boys

once it was time to
actually take it down.

My control issues?

I located the hostages,
and it was nearly a disaster.

They could've all been k*lled.

- Yeah, well, they weren't.
- They could've.

And some have been.

I mean, it's a lot to bear.

I keep my distance because I need to.

Not because I want to.

you never send me into the line of fire,

so... offer stands.

- Next time.
- Okay.

I was projecting my
fear of failure at work

onto a fear of failure with you.

You're really
gonna feed me psychobabble?


It depends. Is it working?

I don't know.

All right.
Well, you said that you're sorry.

Now what?

What's this?

Villette by Charlotte Bronte.

Nice. Actually wrote my...

Your thesis on it.

You're a hell of a writer.

Is this a first edition?



You know, now-now's actually,
probably a good time for me

to tell you how little I make.

Well, as far as apologies go,
this is, um,

this is pretty good.

Probably a B-plus.


Tough grader.

How can I possibly give you an "A"

when flowers are the
universal way of saying

"Sorry for being such a jackass"?

I'd have given you flowers,
but then, you would've accused me

of equating my apology to
your reproductive organs.

Or violating your safe space.

Would you please leave my
reproductive organs out of this?

I, uh... I should hit the road.

No, no. I mean...

I mean, you just drove all the way here.

You might as well just come in for,
like, a minute.

You know,
SEALs prepare for all scenarios.


Shames me to admit this, but, um,

I find it kind of hot that you, uh,

used your ninja skills to break in here.

Would it ruin the moment if I told you

that I left the flowers
with your roommate?

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