05x08 - It Takes a Village

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Cold Case". Aired: September 2003 to May 2010.*
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05x08 - It Takes a Village

Post by bunniefuu »

Ma-Two, can I go to Record City?

What for?

To buy some
more of that

hippity-hop mess?

They got this new CD
I want.

Dinner's almost ready.

And you're spending
too much time

listenin' to that nonsense
as it is.

It ain't nonsense.

And I already ate.
On my way home from school.

Good, then you can keep me

- I eat with you every day.
- That's a blessing,

not a curse.

My home cooking
and good company...

Something to be envied.
Yeah, I know.

If you want to go somewhere,

why don't you go down
to the church youth center

and try to make some friends?

Nobody ever says nothin'
to me there.

Take them headphones off
and maybe they will

next time.

You gotta learn how
to speak up, baby.

You really not gonna
let me go?

But we're talkin'
about my future, Ma-Two.

If I start my own label,
I can get you a phat crib.

Give you the kind of life
you deserve.

Go set the table, Shemar.

Storage company called
this morning, Lil.

Management got a complaint
about a foul odor,

strange leak
in one of the units.

Freezer shorted.
Started leaking fluids.

Unis found this inside.

Shemar Reynolds.
years old.

Missing since August.

Last seen on his way home
from school.

Family's probably still hoping
for a safe return.

Don't they always.

ID'd him pretty fast.

Kid's earring helped.

We matched it
to Missing Persons.

Slashing his face

- wasn't enough?
- Took off his finger.

- A souvenir maybe?
- Takes a lot

of rage to do that to a kid.

Doer soundproofed this place.

- Muffled the noise.
- Lieutenant.

Tracking the name on the unit.

Rented to a Theo Gamble.

What is it?

Three other storage units
in North Philly were rented

under that same name.

We got a serial.

He k*lled four kids
that we know of.

Victim number one.

Damont Henderson.

- Age .
- Last seen at Northland Mall.

October ' .

Next, Kendrick Malone.

Nine years old.

Left his house to meet friends.

July .

Never seen again.

Number three:
Marcus Hollister.

- .
- He went missing

from his block,

March , .

And Shemar Reynolds.

The most recent,
years old.

Disappeared three months ago.

And Missing

never raised
an eyebrow.

- Great.
- Cause of death:

he slit their throats.

Slashed their faces.

doing that.

So maybe he knew them.

All different ages,
different parts of North Philly.

Nothing in common.

They all come
from tough neighborhoods.

No way our guy
just waltzed in there.

Had to be familiar.

Took off their left
index fingers.


'Cause not just
any finger would do

for this crackjob.

The victims sustained
shin splints,

abrasions under
their feet.

They were alive.

Their stomachs were empty.

Initial stages
of starvation.

No signs
of sexual as*ault.

Meaning he didn't k*ll them
right away.

So what was he doing

with them?

We got a print

off the lock on the freezer
in Shemar's unit.

Running it now.

All the other units
were wiped clean. Every inch.

The bodies, too.
Not one hair or fiber on 'em.

Takes a lot of discipline, care,
not leave a trace like that.

What about

the name on the units?

- Theo Gamble.
- Ran it through DMV.

Guy doesn't exist.


Families are here.

Lil, you
and Scotty talk

to the storage


The rest of us talk to them?

Before the media catches hold,

plasters it all over the news.


Waiting ain't gonna make it
any easier.

You and Damont were at the mall
when he went missing?

He didn't want to be seen
with his moms anymore.

So he went off
on his own.

Do you know
where exactly?

I waited for him
at the usual spot.

Damont never showed.

I spoke to detectives.

Over the years.

Didn't nobody mention to me

that there were other boys


They had to know

that monster was out there.
Didn't they?

Says here your son
Marcus got caught up

- with a g*ng.
- My son had his troubles,

but he wasn't
no banger.

The night he
went missing

he told you he was
going to the store?

To get what?


Boys and Girls Club was
hosting a science fair.

Marcus needed sticks

for a bridge he was building.

- Could he have stopped somewhere else?
- No.

Marcus knew I'd worry

and he was anxious
to get that bridge done.

I asked this one cop

about putting out one of them,

what'd ya call it?

- Amber Alerts.
- Told me no.

Said Marcus probably ran away.

Runaway, banger.

All code for one thing.

"We don't give a damn."

Mall security found
my son's jacket

near the food court.

It's his favorite.

Damont had that toy

in his pocket.

Someone give
it to him?

I think he bought it.

From one

of the toy stores?

I don't know.

He was sweet on this girl
at school.

His first crush.

It was probably for her.

Sounds like a nice kid.

I told him...

I told him he'd have plenty
of time to worry about girls

when he got older.

Some folks on the block
helped look for Marcus.

Found this in a garbage can.

Marcus had it
with him that day?


Looks like it's been picked

Nothin' much
in it.

Just some magazines,

Kids get these at carnivals
or those kiddie pizza places.

No carnivals
in our neighborhood.

And Marcus
would never go

anywhere like that
without tellin' me.

Shemar disappeared
three months ago!

And now you care.

Now you wanna ask me questions
about my grandson.

- Now that he's dead.
- The more information

- we have...
- I came down to Missing Persons

every single day.

And all I got was
some nonsense

about how kids run off

with their friends
to get high.

"Oh, he'll come home,"
they said.

I'm sure that's what they
believed at the time.

If you people

had given a damn

about just one of those boys
that disappeared,

my grandson
would still be alive.

Now, wouldn't he?


Theo Gamble.

Rented that unit
in my facility

starting back in ' .

Pretty memorable
this guy?

Paid in cash.

One year up front.

That don't happen
every day.

What'd he look like?

He was black.

Mid- s maybe.

Look, I run
the kind of place

where you don't pay too much mind,
you know what I mean?

Was he a big guy?
Average size, what?

Anything'll help.

All I remember is
he was kinda touched.

As in crazy?

He got all bent out of shape
over nothing...

Aw, man.

They always lose.

It's a good thing
I don't gamble, huh?

All right, unit .

It's at the end.

You, you promised me
unit .

They're both the same size.

Who cares about the damn number?

You promised me
that number!


Take it. It's yours.

Most folks want a unit
that's convenient,

at the end of the row
or something.

But he cared
about the number.

You're damn right he did.

Like I said, touched.

Look, we're going to need you
to talk with a sketch artist.

I told you I didn't see nothing

'cept those ratty gloves.


Got a hit on the print
off Shemar's unit.

Whose is it?

Akon Dupree.

Multiple as*ault

w*apon of choice:
a knife.

Get down! Get down!

Get on the ground!
Get on the ground!

What the hell?

What the hell
is this, man?

There a reason
for all the fanfare, dawg?

Four dead kids
reason enough?

I don't know jack
about no dead kids.

Well, we found one in a storage house
not too far from here.

Heard it on the news.

So what? Ain't got
nothin' to do with me.

I been in rehab.
You can ask 'em yourself.

You might want to explain
what your fingerprint's

doing on that lock.

What? Hold up.

I went in there to steal stuff.
That's it, all right?

Tell it to your lawyer.

Oh, ease up, dawg.
Maybe we could work out

a trade or something.

Oh, I don't think so, dawg.

Listen, I got this video camera.

I lifted it
from the storage unit last week.

And trust me,

there's something on it
you're gonna want to see.

Explains the tape
on the floor.

He's making the kid
stand there.

Check out the date stamp.

August , .

Four days
after Shemar disappeared.


Made them stand there
hours on end.

Explains the
shin splints,

the bruising.

Same thing happened
to him as a kid?

You know,
he's reliving it maybe?

Making others
go through the pain.

Sick bastard,
do that to some kid.

Made 'em stand
until they couldn't anymore.


Take it back.

Think the kid said something.

Defector Three.

Defector Three.

What the hell is Defector Three?

Some kind of code?

Kid hasn't eaten
in four days.

Could be rambling.


Or a cry for help.

To who?

Only one who's going to see it
is the doer.

Nah, he's at the end
of his rope.

He's desperate.

- Yeah. So?
- Nothin' to lose.

Hoping someone else

gets this tape
besides the doer.

Could be
he's leaving us a message.

You been up all
night with Nick,

trying to figure out the numbers
on the storage units.

Why he's fixated on 'em.

Tried military code,
Morse Code.

No luck.

It can't be the k*lling

our doer's getting off on.

Yeah? Why's that?

m*rder's not on the tape.

It's not what excites him.

The standing does.

Akon's story
checked out.

He was in rehab when two
of the victims disappeared.

Look at his eyes.

He knows.

Knows what?

He's going
to die alone.

Loneliest thing
in the world, that.

Defector Three.

Figured it out.

It's an
arcade game.

Uh, why did Shemar leave
a message about some game?

That's where
he met his k*ller.

Toy's made exclusively for
those FunFare Grabber games.

The game with the big claw thing.

See 'em at carnivals.

And arcades.

Ditto with the tickets.

There's an arcade
on Shemar's

road home
from school.

Also in the Northland Mall
where Damont disappeared.

And two blocks
from Marcus's apartment.

All of them

had one of those
Defector Three games.

Arcade. Perfect place
to troll for kids.

Let's canvas 'em.

Station some unis there, too.

Someone might have seen
our doer.

No suspicious dudes
getting past me.

I got zero tolerance
when it comes to safety.

Take it seriously.

Got to. This is
the only place

where a kid from around here
can be a kid.

You remember seeing
Shemar Reynolds here?

Few months back?


High scorer.

Always had an audience, too.

Any of 'em stand out?

New kid.

, maybe.

Never seen him before.

Watched your boy Shemar
like a hawk.

Right over there.

This kid and Shemar
exchange words?

You could say that.

He eventually got his nerve up
to play homeboy.

Ah, don't try
that roundhouse kick!

- Yeah, boy!
- Ah!

You got lucky.

Somebody had to fall in the pit.

I'm just glad it wasn't me.

Uh, you talk now, but ain't
nobody ever beat me at home.

Nobody, and
I only play

the best.

Chumps, all of 'em.

Oh, well, let's see
how long you can stand.

What's up?

Let's go.

My grams gets all panicked
when I don't show on time.

It's just a few blocks down.

Uh, if you're scared,

just say so.

You crazy?

Five bucks says you're about
to get another whoopin'.

This kid have a name?

But they both made the board.

The board? What's that?

High score screen.

Players' names get put on.

The new kid--
he was # .


Never saw Shemar
and that kid again after that.

Checked out all
the Defector Three games

at the arcades our victims
went missing from.

Name Theseus shows up
on every one of them.

- All our victims played him.
- Yeah.

Kids were pros
at that game.

Nobody topped their scores
for years.

Storage unit was rented
by an adult,

so the kid must be a lure.

Got to admit.

It's smart--
our doer using a kid as bait.

So what's the significance
of this game he plays?

Defector Three?

It was a typical


Players force their opponents
into The Pit.


Uh, role-playing game.

Toni's kid plays 'em.

Nothing special about this one.

Standard fight
to the death stuff.

He's picking that game
for a reason.

If it has a significance,
I'm not seeing it.

The moniker fits, though,
with the lure part, at least.

Well, how so?

Looked up the name

It's from Greek

Theseus is a young man
who's sent by his father

to do to bad guys
what they did to others.

It's a father
and son thing.

Kid's doing his father's bidding?

Well, some might believe
his dad's righting a wrong.

So the son
finds a victim,

he convinces them
to come and play video games.

Dad takes over from there.

The name Theseus
showed up on a game

in an arcade
in Brewerytown.

There's another victim
out there?

Nope. This opponent's

Corey Middleton, .

Well, bring him in for a talk.
Maybe he can give us an ID.

Any luck with
those storage numbers?

Working on it.

You know,
Toni's kid, Andre,

ain't much older
than these kids.

I used to go to the arcade
when I was little.

You played against
someone named Theseus.

You remember anything
about him?

What he looked like?

He had a PlayStation.

Wanted me to come over
and check it out.

And did you, Corey?

Did you go to his house?

You can tell the truth.

You won't get in trouble.

Is Theseus the guy
that hurt those boys

they're talking about on TV?

We don't know.

That's why we need your help.

I just wanted to play the game.

After this, you
come to my spot,

hit up my PlayStation.

Which games you got?

All of 'em,
but the dopest

stick to the basics.

- Old school.
- Word.

Just like
when we were little kids, right?

- Look out! Look out!
- About time for your secret sidearm.

How'd you know
about my move?

Been watching you.
Long time.

Watching me play? For real?

Got to.

I don't play
just anybody.

Only those who know
how to dominate.

Wait till you see me
on the PlayStation.

No, man! Come on.
Get up. Get up. Get up!


I thought you were a winner, man.

I usually am.

Not today you ain't.
You lost.

You wasted my time.

He got real mad.

Are you sure the kid

you were playing
was wearing ripped gloves?


Like those ones
you use at baseball practice.

Same gloves the guy at
the storage facility described.

The ones the doer was wearing.

He was pretending, though.

- That guy.
- What do you mean?


He had gray hair on his face
like you.

Gray hair?

Our doer isn't using a kid
as a lure.

Got unis stationed at arcades,
malls, rec centers.

Any place
with video games.

Community knows
we're looking for a guy

that passes himself off
as a kid.

Meaning size ain't
one of his strong points.

That's why he has to lure them
with the video games.

Talk to the families again.

- Ask them if a kid was hanging around the victims.
- Hey, boss.

These families
want answers.

- We keep coming back with more questions.
- Well, we know Theseus

played video games
as a kid.

Yeah, 'cause of that
"when we were little kids" slip

he made with Corey.

Maybe Defector Three
was one of them.

That game didn't
come out till ' .

Got to be a reason
he chooses kids

- who play that game.
- Not just any kids either.

- Winners.
- It's all about

domination with this guy.

Maybe he's putting them
in their place.

Could be what those
storage units are about.

He's creating his own Pit.

I figured it out.

The numbers on the units.

The numbers he rented,
insisted on...

I'm thinking they had to be
some complicated code.

It isn't.

It's simple arithmetic.

They all add up to .

"Stick to the basics."

Like he told Corey.

He's latching onto these names,
numbers and places

- like he's trying to make sense of something.
- What though?

And what's the significance
of ?

Theseus is all about
righting the wrongs.

's probably a place
from his past.

Where things
went bad.

Building, room number,
street address.

Like I said...

nothing but questions.

You're full of them now.

Shame you wasn't around
when it might've helped.

Ms. Johnson,

did Shemar make any new friends

before he disappeared?

Come to his funeral
and you'll find out.

We need your help to stop

this guy before
he hurts someone else's son.

Shemar was shy.

Kept to himself.

Been like that
since his mama left.

No friends at all?

Certainly none
that came around here.

What about at the arcade?

Yeah, Shemar met a boy there

a couple of weeks
before he disappeared.

A Theseus, maybe, or Theo?

Yeah, a strange sort of name.

He put all kinds of notions
in my grandson's head.

Forgetting something?

Ma-Two, can I ask yo
a question?

Of course, baby.

What would happen to me
if you died?

You listening to one
of those hippity-dippity

sh**t-'em-up songs again?

I told you all that v*olence
and m*rder ain't good.

This song ain't like that.

Yeah, sure, it ain't.

It's about the stuff
you talk about.

Like hope,


You'd like it.

Thinking about your mom?


You miss her, don't ya?

I was only three when she left.

The only one I remember
being there is you.

So why the long face?

This kid I met at the arcade

said that boys with no family like him

get sent to this hard place
that they never get out of ever.

??? It's called "The Pit."

And if you die,
then I'm going to go there, too.

Shemar, baby...

I ain't going nowhere.

But what if you did?

Your mama left,
don't mean I will.

I will always be here
to protect you.

I promise.

Let's say our prayers.

Theseus didn't have a family?

Shemar said
he didn't have nobody.

I didn't keep my promise
to him, now, did I?

You went to the police every day,
asking about Shemar.

You tried.

Shemar started calling me "mama"

after my daughter Belinda left.

You were all he had.

They say, "It takes a village."

But Belinda was always
gonna be Shemar's mama.

I never wanted
to take that from her.

I was just second in line.

That's why he calls you

Thank you for your time,
Ms. Johnson.

Find him.

The man that did this
to those babies.

Make him pay, you hear?

Theseus warned Shemar
about losing family

'cause he didn't have one.

Could've come
from an orphanage,

foster home,
juvenile facility.

A lot of foster care facilities

were breeding grounds
for delinquents.

But there was one in
North Philly, notoriously bad.

It was called Prichard House,
but the residents

had a different
name for it.

The Pit.

That's why Defector Three.

He was stuck in "The Pit" once.
Now, he's k*lling kids

who were able
to put him there again.

Gets better.

Prichard got written up
for everything

from professional misconduct
to health hazards.

But in ' ,
six kids were treated

repeatedly for posterior tibial

also known as shin splints.

Same injuries as our victims.

Patients were treated
by a Dr. Ben Breslyn.

Is he still practicing?

At a clinic in Chestnut Hill.

The Pit, yes.

I treated the kids there

and at seven other facilities
around the city.

Back in ' , six kids came in
with these foot injuries:

bruising, shin splints.

Detective, that was
over years ago.

You don't really expect me
to remember it, do you?

Six kids? visits in two weeks
with the same injuries?

Yeah, I do.

Look, I was fresh
out of medical school

and hell-bent on
making a difference.

Then it would seem like
the kind of thing you'd notice.

You're trained not to.

Just get them in and out
as quickly as possible.

- And I'd been warned.
- About what?

They told us these kids
would do anything for attention.

So you thought
they were faking it?

No one wanted them
and they knew it.

They didn't have anything
to lose by telling

a few tall tales.

Still you didn't think it was ???

I might have if I had more
than five minutes with them.

So you were too busy.

There was one kid.

Couldn't have been more
than nine or ten,

but that look in his eye.

It always stuck with me.

How'd this happen, Malik?

A lot of you boys coming in
with these same injuries.

You guys goofin' around
jumping off the stairs?

Don't want to tell me?


Give this to your counselor.

It'll help the pain.

He made us stand
in the square.

- Like that.
- Who?

Mr. Grimes.

Grimes, the counselor?

Must've been standing there
an awfully long time.

A few days.


He says when one of us
does something bad,

we all got to pay the price.

Send the next kid in, all right?

Don't forget to give that prescription
to your counselor.

So Grimes was the counselor

to all the boys
with those injuries?

Yes, night counselor.

Former resident, too.

A lot of them came
back to work there.

- Any idea where he is now?
- He left in ' .

Bounced around to a few other
facilities till about ' .

That's the last I heard of him.

' , that's when
the k*lling started.

I'm sorry I didn't do more.

Thanks for your time.

Yeah, boss, what is it?

My brother was standing
right here

- the whole time and now he's gone.
- ???

I'll call your sergeant.

Tyrell Hobbs,
years old.

Sister went around
the corner to use the ATM.

When she came back,
Tyrell was gone.

How'd the hell this happen?

We got all the arcades,
everything covered.

Why is he snatching kids
from a pizza joint?

Because we missed
one, Scotty.

He knows we're onto him.

Must've seen the unis when
he was trolling the arcades.

So he finds the one game
we weren't watching.

- Luck of the devil.
- He knows time's running out.

Probably got a
mission to complete.

- And he's succeeding.
- Maybe not, boss.

We got a hit
on a storage unit

near the pizzeria
where Tyrell went missing.

Unit numbers adds up to .

Guy with ripped gloves

paid cash upfront
a few days ago.

Didn't go by Theo Gamble.

Fits the description
of our doer.

We got to get down there pronto.

Shemar held on for days.

Tyrell may not
have that long.

We got the counselor.

He's in Interview.

No way you're
pinning the murders

of those North Philly
boys on me.

You had a nice long run.

Eight years.

Doesn't take a genius
to beat a m*rder rap,

if cops aren't looking.

Oh, you think it's funny?

Little boys with their faces
sliced open.

You cops act all concerned now
that you got some bad press.

Need to lock
somebody up quick.

And any old brother will do.

- The jig is up, Grimes.
- You got nothing

connecting me to those murders
and you know it.

We found your storage unit.

We need to open up unit now.

I don't know nothing
about no storage unit.

What about The Pit?

You should know
a lot about that.

The foster care home?

That place
shut down in ' .

That's where you first tried out
your techniques.

Making kids stand
for hours on end

till they couldn't anymore.

Maybe I used some tactics
that weren't popular.


That's an understatement,

There were
of those Billy Badasses

and only one of me.

I did what I had
to keep them in line.

You hated those boys,
didn't you?

Taught them all
a lesson.

I didn't hate them.

I disciplined them.

Your brand of discipline
was t*rture.

We talked
to Dr. Breslyn.

He didn't leave me a choice.



I was at my wit's end with him.

He was your first.

I made him stand in the square.

The others, too.

But the runt
just wouldn't learn.

You gotta be real tired
of standing here, huh, Malik?

If you learned to sit still,

you wouldn't be breaking
things all the time.

I told you what I'd do
if it happened again,

didn't I?

Now all the boys
in your ward

have to suffer.

Because when one person
does something wrong,

we all got to pay!

Not you.

Was I talking to you?

Was I talking to you?

Now, if you boys want this
to be your last night

of standing here like this ...

you need to make sure
Malik learns his lesson.


Malik learned.

He didn't get
in trouble again.

What did they do
to him?

What did they do to Malik?

They cut off his finger.

The boys in
that bathroom

were different ages,
just like our victims.

How many boys were in there
with Malik?


Tyrell's the fifth victim.

It's endgame.

What was the room number
on that bathroom?

How you know it had a number?

What was the number?


Don't come near me.


Drop the g*ns...


Only if you let Tyrell go.

I know why you're here, Malik.

What happened,
in this room, to you.

I know.

You got no idea about this room.

About me.


You're just
some psycho

on a power trip.

You ain't better than that.

Oh, you think you know?

A loser...

who takes it out
on little kids,

big man like you.

I am not.


Now you call the sh*ts.

You searched
for those five boys,

all winners,

who demeaned you for months,


Before, you were powerless
to stop them, but...

not now.

Not ever again.

Everybody stood in the square

because I... said so.

Because you're Theseus.

Righting the wrongs

of things done
to you in here.

I was the smallest,

the weakest,
but they didn't care.

They took everything from you.

And now...

I take everything

from them.

Now if you boys want this

to be the last night
of standing here like this...

you need to make sure
Malik learns his lesson.


They were laughing.

Yet Theseus knew
his day would come.

That fed him.

It was his source of strength.

It gave purpose
to his miserable life.

Made him invincible.



He found them, one by one.

And he did exactly
what they had done to him.

Those boys wronged you.

They have to pay.

'Cause you k*ll
the strong,

the ones that
tormented you

in this room.

Don't come near me!

You're the strong one,
not him.


Look, Malik.

Tyrell's just a boy.

Like you were.

You hear that?

It's over.

Put the knife down, Malik.

Do you know what happened
to Theseus in the end?

Malik... don't!

He rose out of the pit...

a hero.

He did what no else could,
and they cheered him on.

Welcomed him...


Put it down.

It's not over.

KJ : If you're hurtin',

you're strugglin',
feel like you can't make it,

this song's for you, you, you.

Yes, you're gonna make it

Don't you worry about a thing
that's happened in your life

You're gonna make it

Yes, you're gonna make it

Don't you worry about a thing,
it's gonna be all right

Hey, yo, you may feel like
you're just starting over

Mistakes from your past
that just want to hold ya

Down to the ground,
it's all on your shoulder

You'll never make it now,
that's what they told ya

You start to figure out
who really cares for ya

When no one's around,
no one is there for ya

When I was down and out,
and life was getting colder

See I found out
that's when God showed up

You try to make it right,
they make it hard for ya

But God will take a life
even if it's broke up

And give you strength to fight
whatever's coming towards ya

And don't forget that I'm
always praying for ya and

You're gonna make it

Yes, you're gonna make it

Don't you worry about a thing
that's happened in your life

You're gonna make it

Yes, you're gonna make it

Don't you worry about a thing,
it's gonna be all right

Hey, yo, it's not fair all the
things that just had to happen

Some days you wake up, feel
like you've been abandoned

Life didn't shape up
in the way that you planned it

The life you live is not
the one that you imagined

I know they laugh
and pick on you

I know you've had a lot
of junk that you gone through

But I know who would never,
ever wrong you

Never quit on you
and help you get on through

When you fell,
he's the one who caught you

With every single tear, man,
see, he saw you

He was right there
every time he called you

And I'll be praying for you
gonna get on through

You're gonna make it

Yes, you're gonna make it

Don't you worry about a thing
that's happened in your life

You're gonna make it

Yes, you're gonna make it

Don't you worry about a thing,
it's gonna be all right

You try to pray,
but you feel too ashamed to

'Cause those around you,
they just wanna blame you

But don't listen now
just to what they say, dude

God loves you,
he never hates you

It's gonna be all right
Yeah, yeah, yeah

Don't you worry,
you're gonna make it...
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