05x05 - Thick As Thieves

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Cold Case". Aired: September 2003 to May 2010.*
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05x05 - Thick As Thieves

Post by bunniefuu »

I'd like an application
for club membership.

to despatch..

requires immediate medical
assistance for a female victim

g*n shot wound to the head

And at the intersection
of college...


Ms. Rush? Lilly?

Is there someone
we should contact?

you under the weather, lil?

I was up late.


why are we here?

The me wants us to take a
look at a jane doe.

They just find the body?

A guest of st. Michael's hospital.

years on the city dime.

Well, how's that make her a homicide?

She died last night.

Back in ' , she got caught
on the wrong side of town,

the wrong end of a g*n.

Me says death's a result of
the b*llet wound to her head.

Meaning jane doe's our jurisdiction.

Original theory is she's a transient,
some kind of altercation.

Anything new?

Just a mysterious admirer.

Leaves a care package every month.

Champagne, caviar, godiva chocolate.

Some care package.

Yeah, not that jane doe noticed.

Been in one of those persistent
vegetative states since the sh**ting.

Trapped inside her own mind.

Damn. What a way to go.

Counselor thomas.They let you
across the street in daylight?

Prepping testimony.

Some of these medical types need coddling.

And they send you?

That's funny.

And with that ringing endorsement...

don't be so sensitive.

I should go.

I'm glad to see you back on the job.




And ithought the cold w*r was over.

What a you talking about?

Only thing you didn't do was pull her pigtails.


I'll meet you inside.


This woman suffered a cerebral
hemorrhage,resulting in a massive stroke.

b*llet fragments dormant in the
brain accelerated the process.

You saying almost years
dying in a hospital bed is accelerated?

I'm saying the b*llet k*lled your victim.

Just took some time doing it.

Yeah, this we knew.

Got something else?

As I was saying before you
decided to honor us with your presence,

I believe I do.

What are we looking at?

Saline breast implants.

Circa .

Uncommon back then?

Well, most of the industry still used silicone.

This was rare.

So, these things expensive?


Must have spent about ten grand on these.

A lot of money to spend on yourself.

Woman was no transient.

Means someone out there should be missing her.

That or they're glad she's finally dead.

jane doe, mid- s,

found in the badlands,shot in the face.

Well, cops back then figured she was homeless.

Thinking now, rich girl gets robbed for her cartier.

Puts up a fight.

Ballistics can't get much on the b*llet fragments.

Probably a nine-millimeter.

Hmm. Well, that narrows it down.

Only witness seems to be the victim herself.

Leaves us with one photo to identify her.

And half her face is gone.

Well, that's where years helps us.

Computer-generated renderings of
what jane doe looked like before she was shot.

We're circulating them to missing
persons bureaus across the country.

Pretty lady.

Got something.

Serial number on the saline

pouches traced back to a dr. Jeremy fincher.

Plastic surgeon out of cherry hill, new jersey.

Oh, bring him in.
Let's see what the doctor remembers.

This is margot chambers.

From the club.

We used to mingle on the th hole.

th hole.

That in cherry hill?

It's anywhere my friends johnny and walker reside.


Margot came to the club,

I don't know,

winter of ' .

Left six months later.

You two close?

I wouldn't call it that.

She came in for breast augmentation.

I thought it was strange.

Why is that?

Margot had a classic beauty most
women would have envied.

She was...

she was exquisite, really. Hmm.

Sounds like you were fond of her.

I didn't see the need for the work,

but margot had a way of convincing people.

Any idea why she was so insistent?

She didn't say.

But a couple weeks after the procedure,

I realized she was competing in a different league.

And country club women play dirty.

You're staring at my breasts, jeremy.

Just admiring the craftsmanship.

Yes, you do good work.

You made it easy, margot.

I feel ashamed to even accept money for it.

That's okay.

I don't intend to pay.


hi, margot.

Don't "hi, margot" me, you little hussy.

Excuse me.

Your husband aware you're a
full-service operation, dear?

Ms. Chambers, I think you've
had too much to drink.

What's she do for you that I don't?

Huh? What's this two-piece
whore got on me?

Listen, I think there's a misunderstanding.

Damn straight there is, sweetheart.

You're messing with private property.

I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about.

Come closer.

I'll be clearer.

Listen, margot, you need to stop.

You're making a fool of yourself.

How can you do this?

We have something,spencer.

It's over, and you...

let go of me this instant,or I'll...


What, you'll get me fired?

you've got far more than a job to lose.

You push me, margot,

I'll push back.

needless to say,

the pool boy was gone after that incident.

But margot disappeared, too.

I-I always assumed she went to aspen, the hamptons.

What about spencer's hot squeeze, melissa?

She still around?

Mel? Mel's a fixture.

Her husband practically owns the club.

Did her mouth last year.

Frown lines.

This won't take long, will it?

Tee time's in .

It's about spencer mason.

Young guy worked here about years ago,

cabana boy

Can't pin him down.

Yeah, might be involved in the sh**ting of margot chambers.

You knew her.

Yes, but I have no memory of him.

Well, that's kind of funny 'cause we did a little background on you.

Pulled credit card records from .

There's a lot of charges:

Marriot, ritz,hilton...

those are hotels, right?

Spencer and I were involved.

A tryst with the pool boy.

More than a tryst.

He was my ticket away from this place.

Talk about margot and spencer.

He said that dragon lady had him by the throat.

She was blackmailing him to continue seeing her.

How'd she manage that?

Said if he didn't keep her happy,

she'd accuse him of r*pe.

Turn him in to the cops.

Well, hell hath no fury.

Spencer needed to get away.

He was in trouble.

I was going to save him.




Were you followed?


Margot's been watching my every move.

Are you sure you weren't followed?

I was careful.

Did you bring the money?

the dream's almost ours.

You and me,white, jamaican sands...

we're gonna be so happy.

she's here. I thought you said you were careful.

I was. I...

what do we do?

I'll take the car, lose her on the expressway,

come back for you.

What'll I do without you?

Baby, there's no telling what she might do if she sees you.

Hide here.

I'll come back for you.

hold onto this.

and be careful.

That's my heart.

I hid in that place for hours.

He took my car, $ , cash.

Played me like the fool I was.

Ever report it?

Told my husband I had a gambling problem.

Went into therapy for a few months.

Moved on with my life.

Now, if there isn't anything else...

no. You can go.

This guy's a pro.

Plays the two rich broads off against each other,

comes out clean.

Not so clean,

if margot caught up with him a few weeks later.

They mix it up.

And he took more than her money.

You turned me in to iad, didn't you?

Your charm never ceases to amaze.

Not even denying it?


I got asked a question.

Answered honestly.

Try it sometime.

Where I come from, we got an issue with someone,

we tell 'em.

Where I come from,

we don't tolerate screwups.

What's your problem?

I could ask you the same thing.

You're pissed I never made a move?

Come on, scotty.

Figured you were smarter than that.

Oh, yeah, you got me all figured out, huh?

You are nothing if not predictable.

See that coming?

Go ahead.

Destroy everything.

It's what you're good at.

You got no idea what I'm capable of.

Is that right?

Got a hit off the photo

we're circulating on margot chambers, boss.

Someone step forward?

Well, you could say that.

Margot chambers is also

margot chandler,

margot keller...

margot kentworth?

Each name comes with its own social security number,

birth certificate and criminal record.

She has outstanding warrants in four states:

Fraud, check-kiting, grand theft...

margot's no rich victim.

She's a con artist.

Just like spencer.

In fact...

they were a team.

Well, margot and spencer had quite a partnership.

They spent years crisscrossing the country

running their various scams.

The flop, the flat joint,

the sawbuck switch.

You got some kind of secret past we don't know about, nick?

Just his old uncle vernon.

He knew some things.

Yeah, unfortunately,all the wrong things.

Well, by the time margot and spencer ended up back east,

they had their country club scam going strong.

Spencer roped in the lonely rich girls,

margot scared them.

And they walked away with a pile of cash.

So what got between them?

Maybe spencer got tired of doing all the heavy lifting.

Must've been exhausting,

pulling the knock-and-tickle on all those trophy wives.

Or she was jealous. Older woman, younger man.

Afraid she couldn't keep his interest.

So how do we find a guy

who changes his name more often than his underwear?

Figure he's the one who slipped in and out of margot's hospital.

Left gifts every month for years.

That's some guilty conscience.

Like maybe he'd want to pay his last respects at her grave.

So we plant an obit.

"Margot chambers,"

blah, blah, blah...

"being buried at oak pines cemetery."

Stake it out.

No, not me. Got court.


Whenever the stakeout is.

"Plant an obit,"

she says, "stake it out."


Day and a half of my life I'm not getting back.

'Cause I'm so stimulated sitting next to you?

What in the hell is the sawbuck switch?

Uh, you got a $ bill?

You want to see the trick or not?

so I go into a busy tavern

and I order a beer waving this .

You pour my suds,

and give me change for the

instead of the ten I actually gave you.

Got a car coming.

Spencer mason?

He's rabbiting.

It's tough.

Losing someone close.

I'm certain wherever she is,

she's glad you came.

Don't be too sure.

My husband.

Sometimes I feel responsible.

You know?

You like older men, detective?

'Cause your husband died in .

Nice trick with the decoy.

Well, if I knew they'd send a cop looks like you,

I wouldn't have bothered.

Gonna make this hard on us, spencer?

Wouldn't dream of it.

You've been lucky a long time, spencer.

years, not one arrest.

It's not luck that's kept me out of trouble.

I'm out of the game.

Just like any working man.

Fake social.

Half a dozen aliases.

Which name's real?

You gonna turn me in to the feds?

We're not interested in your scams, spencer.

We're m*rder police.

You think I shot margot.

I've been in and out of that hospital a thousand times.

If I wanted margot dead, I could've done it easy.

Fbi's just a phone call away,spencer.

They'd be real excited to meet you.

All right, wait.

After we took the redhead in cherry hill,

I wanted out.

I was sick of the game.

But then we got to philly and...

it started again.

Got a dream.

Little white shack in jamaica.

Right on the beach.

It's not much,

but I'd k*ll or die to have you there.

You're overselling.

Too specific in the beginning,

too grand at the end.

You want to entice the girl.

What the hell are you looking at?

You know why you like her?

She looks like me.

Trailer park version, anyway.

I'm sick of this.

The same bit, the same girl,

the same crappy motel.

I'm tired.

You tired of this, too?

Margie, I know you're there!

Who is it, the cops?

Just get in the bathroom now.

open the damn door now!

Where is he?

It's been a while, lenny.

What brings you to the big city?

I know that little turd's here somewhere.

Don't take another step.

You gonna do me like you did hank?

I didn't put that g*n in your brother's mouth.

Might as well have, margie.

It's "margot" now.

You took every penny hank had.

You took his pride.

He had fun while it lasted.

He was my baby brother, margie.

I told you

it's "margot."

Now get the hell out of my room.

You made a mistake.

You should've k*lled me when you had the chance.

'Cause I sure as hell am going to make you pay.

it was the first time I saw what we did to people.

After their lives fell apart.

I got out after that.

I took my split from cherry hill,

went to florida the next day.

And margot?

Well, when I left, she was running scared.

Was planning a quick exit.

Not quick enough.

You buyin' this line?

Story holds.

Henry delpy out of blossburg, pa

reported a margie kentworth

taking everything he owned

back in the mid-' s.

Guy ended up eating his g*n.

The brother lenny goes after her

thinking eye for an eye?

check him out.

Well, what about prince charming?

I'll cut him loose.

But put a plainclothes unit on him,see what he does.

margie finally got in over her head.

You mean, margot.

She could've called herself the queen of sheba.

It wasn't going to change who she was:

Trailer-park trash,like all of us.

Are you saying she came from here?

Oh, yeah. Two rows back,as a matter of fact.

Though, by the age of ten,you could see,

she meant to get out.



Mom beat the crap out of her daily...

yeah, margie would watch the old movies to escape.

What was the one?

Audrey hepburn and humphrey bogart.

Uh.. sabrina, yeah.

Poor girl makes good.

Like margot.

Yeah, margie watched it over and over.

Started believing she deserved more than a welfare husband

or a canned chili dinner.

Sad story.

Oh, no. She got what she deserved.

Well, not the attitude I'd be going for if I was trying to look innocent.

I-I wasn't out to k*ll her.

I was going to turn her in to the cops.


This old hick from the boonies had a few tricks up his own sleeve.

Planted a bug in her room.


you're a man after my own heart.

what's that?

You've never had pop rocks before?


Pour some in your mouth.

funny, right?

Now drink some soda.

where'd you come from?


Born on the run, lived that way ever since.

states in years.

How about you?

Five miles down the interstate.

Where I was born,raised...

probably where I'll die.

Sounds like paradise.

um... sorry.

Um, I'll just go.

Leave the towels.

No time to be doing the maid.

I mean, honestly, what's the angle?

The angle, margot,

is none of your business.

Everything's my business right now.

We're in trouble.

And while you were servicing the help,

I was working our exit strategy.

Life insurance?

Three million dollars' worth.

All I got to do is sign over the beneficiary card to you.

I die.

We're rich.

You kind of really need a body to make this work.

Insurance companies won't take your word on it.

That maid of yours, kylie--

she really does a crap job.

No way.

She's off-limits.

She looks like me.

With a little work,the right clothes,

we could pass as twins.

I've never asked you for anything,

not once, but I'm asking now.

We don't have the time.

And she already trusts you.

It's perfect.

I won't do it.

You don't have a choice.

Your other option is run,

for the rest of your life.

Because lenny's just the first.

There's more out there, guaranteed.

We reached the end of the line, baby.

But with this,

not only do we disappear,

we do it rich.

Then you can buy any kind of normal you want.

So by the time I got the tape to anyone who'd listen,

margie and the kid had disappeared,

and I mean vanished off the face of this earth.

So margot was going to fake her own death

using the boyfriend's new girl?


Is that what you guys think?

Spencer wasn't margie's boyfriend.

He was her son.


But this is messed up.

Must've had the kid when she was .

Put him to work before he could talk.

Conspiracy, fraud, m*rder.

Hallmarks of any mother-son relationship.

Got it.

I found the insurance policy.

"Three million dollars,

taken out on margot mckinney.

Payable to...

linus larrabee."

Expired three years ago.

Woman takes a b*llet to the skull,

manages to hold on three years after her insurance expires.

What I call resolve.

Now, who's linus larrabee?

Figure spencer can shed some light.

'Cause he's been so forthright up to now?

Doesn't matter.

Spencer ducked his tail an hour ago.

Lost in a crowd of tourists by independence park.

That slick son of a bitch.

On the other hand, we've got a lead on kylie kramer,

the motel maid.

Not dead?

Very much alive.

She's got a history, too.

Juvenile record.

So it's sealed.

Not anymore.

Kylie's father went down

for r*pe when she was nine.

Put her in bad with men from the start.

This girl's no joke.

Stalking charges, battery.

Agg as*ault?

Knifed a guy who was two-timing her.

Maybe kylie gets wind of margot's plan to do her in...

does margot first.

Spencer was good. You know?

Better than them other slugs out there.

Kind of guy you want to hang on to, huh?

Believe me, girl, I tried,with everything I got.

Mother issues, right?

Same story, different book.

If it's not a wife,it's a mom.

Margot was a bitch on wheels.

Bitch that deserved to die?

That's not me saying it.

I heard you were handy with a blade,

push comes to shove.

Troubled youth is what they call it.

But that's the past.

Like to believe you, kylie.

The only problem is

margot was looking to take you out of the picture.

You still being here,

and her being dead...

brings up questions.

Well, maybe I have some answers.

I told you, margot. I don't want it.

Of course you do. It's godiva.

It's got sauce inside.

Not sauce, cherry cordial.

It's not a thousand-dollar napkin.

Margot,she's an adult.

Well, all evidence to the contrary.

Now, let's see if we've made any improvement.

What the hell is this?

I think you look great.

I look like you.

But that's what spencer likes,dear.

No. I liked her the way she was.

Oh, don't frown, kylie.

Show off those pearly whites we fixed for you.

The bill's paid.

By whom?

A red-headed woman.

She left this,said it belongs to him.

How'd she find us?

We've got to complete this tonight.

We can't.
We don't got a choice,spencer.

Complete what?

should've seen the looks on their faces.

Like they just got goosed or something.

What happened after that?

I go to spencer's room that night and he is gone.

I mean, not a trace.

Margot, too...

along with my last chance at something real.

Take it from me, girl...

you dodged a b*llet.


Your boss made a mistake.

Should've put you on my tail.

Where are you,spencer?

Haven't guessed my real name yet?

I'm not playing games.

Go to the beginning,

figure it out.

When you do,I'll be waiting.

You lied to us,melissa.

You weren't over spencer,far from it.

You were following him.

Looking to settle the score.

That's not true.

A witness places you at a philadelphia hair salon

with margot same day she took a b*llet.

Got a registered nine-millimeter beretta,

belongs to your husband.

They took from you,melissa.

Played you like a cheap piano.

He nearly destroyed my marriage.

I don't doubt it.

Trying to explain away all that cash.

It wasn't the money.

It was the humiliation.

They were laughing at me.

You couldn't let that stand.

I tracked him down.

Took weeks.

Calling every damn country club

in new jersey,new york,pennsylvania.

And that's when you decided to k*ll them.

I watched them at the motel.

Waited for dark.

For my moment...

I saw a woman going into spencer's room.

At first,I thought it was margot,

but it wasn't.



oh,my god,oh,my god,oh,my god.

I don't know what the hell happened and I don't want to know.

I left.

Tried to forget I was ever there.

So kylie and spencer double-crossed margot.

They fake her m*rder,make it look real.


They needed her to sign the beficiary card on the insurance.

That means margot the master grifter got beat at her own game.

I did what you said.

I went to the beginning.


Not much consensus on margot,

except everyone remembers she loved those old movies...

especially sabrina.

Yeah,must have seen it a thousand times.

It's a good one.

What was humphrey bogart's name in it again?




linus larrabee.

The same name's on the hotel registry.

Also,the beneficiary on margot's insurance policy.

Your birth name,right?

Yeah,margot thought it sounded fancy.

It didn't do me any favors on the playground.

I know what it's like.

Having a difficult mother.

Took you out on the road early,huh?

Put me to work at six.

Well,that kind of life,

anyone could understand your anger.

Playing the sympathy card.

Is that your game,lilly?

You wanted me to find you here.


I'd never hurt margot.

I took care of her all those years.

Because she was your mother.

She was the only one who knew me.

No one will ever love me the way she did.

Then why'd you k*ll her?

You're a con man.

Probably lie with your last breath.

But I need you to be honest.

Not for me.

For margot.

For your mother.

I just wanted to be normal.

Stand up,baby.You're going to get blood everywhere.

Come on. Move.

got to go now,baby.

Everything's going to be okay.

I'll make sure of it.

You have to sign the beneficiary card over to me.

You earned it tonight,kid.

Guess I did.

We'll dump the body,

get rid of the car.

I got the bus tickets,too.


I didn't think you had it in you.

Honestly,I didn't see it coming at all.

Work of art,darling.

And who knew you had a brain?

Spencer,do it already.

Put the gunwn,dolinus.

She's not worth it.

Shut up,margot.

I did it all for you because I love you.

You're the only one who matters.

Don't listen to her,spencer.

The day you were born,

I swore you'd have a better life.

You're my only reason to live,linus.

You're my son.

I can't.

And I'm your mother.

You're a monster.



Say something.


I'm sorry,mama.

I'm so sorry.

I wanted so bad to have my own life,

to be free of her.

Now after all these years,

you are.

And I'm so...

lost without her.

It was his idea...

the whole thing.

Take her down and get the money.

But I never had a chance with that woman in his life.

He was what she made him.

She was his mother.

We were supposed to be free after.

but spencer just sat there,staring at her.

So you did everything.

Cleaned the room,

dumped the body,the car.

All he had to do was come and get me.

He never showed.

Three days I waited...

and then I heard the news on the radio.

That bitch was still alive.

I've been waiting.

Where were you?


It's time to go before somebody sees us here.

I did this for you,you know?

For our dreams.


We're free now.

We can go anywhere we want.

Please don't make me go alone.

I can't leave her.

She's my mother.
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