01x08 - Bombad Jedi

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Star Wars: The Clone Wars". Aired: October 2008 - May 2020.*
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The Jedi fight to maintain freedom and restore peace to the galaxy.
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01x08 - Bombad Jedi

Post by bunniefuu »

The Clone w*r threatens
the unity of the Republic.

As battles rage across the galaxy,

more worlds succumb
to the seductive lure of the Separatists

and leave the Republic.

On a vital mission of peace,

Senator Padm? Amidala journeys
to the Outer Rim world of Rodia,

desperate to ensure its loyalty remains
to the Republic.

Senator Amidala, I just received word

that you have ventured
through enemy territory

into the Outer Rim.

Senator Farr requested me
personally, Chancellor.

His planet is in crisis.
His people are starving.

He's a very old family friend.
I could not refuse his plea for help.

I understand.

But in these dangerous times,

you should be accompanied
by a clone escort.

This is a mission of peace.
I put my faith in diplomacy.

We can't solve all of our problems
by throwing troops at them.

Yousa no needing to worry, Chancellor.
As resempative of...

Jar Jar, look out!

-What is happening?
-May I recommend

that only those who are qualified
for these delicate peace talks

participate in them?

I will follow your advice, Chancellor.
Thank you.

Looky! Looky! This a swamp planet
just like home!

Mesa hot to get going!

Jar Jar, you would be doing me
a great favor

by staying with the ship.

Mesa knowing mesa be big help
with the negotiations.

I need you to watch over Threepio.

You know how he always gets himself
into trouble.

Trouble? Me? Really?

-I won't be long.
-Mesa understands, my lady.

His Excellency, Ah-Twa.

I've missed you so much.

I was afraid you might not come.
We are such a small and humble system.

Uncle Ono, you are very important to me.

We've been friends since I was a little girl

when you were my father's strongest ally
in the Senate.

Rodia is very important to the Republic,
and of course I'd come to help you.

You speak of friendship
I have not witnessed of late.

Where was the Republic when our
supply ships were destroyed by pirates?

Where was the Republic
as my people starved?

We have been stranded out here
without any help at all.

I know it is not your fault,
but my people starve all the same.

I'm sure the Republic Senate will approve
a relief effort.

The vote was postponed,
but you will get your food.

I am sorry, it is too late, my sweet.

The Separatist leader, Nute Gunray,
has promised to support us

with a very generous relief effort.

He is giving us food, ships and protection.

Nute Gunray cannot be trusted!

He will bring w*r to your system,
just as he did to mine many years ago.

I am afraid I have already done
what I must for my people.

Viceroy. I should have known.

You won't get away this time, Senator.

Your friend made a deal with me,
and you are part of it.

Threepio! Come in, Threepio!

Stop her!

No one can help you now.

I'm so sorry, my sweet. I had no choice.

There's always a choice!
To live in fear is no life at all.

-Take her away.
-Please! Uncle Ono! Don't do this!

You have made a wise decision, Senator.

I will be there within the hour
to bring food for your people

and collect my prize.

How rude!

I'm afraid the local swamp life
doesn't have a very high opinion of us.

-Whaten they speaking?
-I couldn't possibly repeat it.

Thesa swamp-dwellers just like mesa.

I will convince them
of our good fellowship.

Do be careful, Jar Jar.

I don't think they're quite
like your friends on Naboo.

-Mesa made contact!
-Oh, dear.


I don't think that requires translation.

Thisen is a different swamp
altogether. Sorry.

-Oh, my stars! Battle droids!
-Wesa in trouble now!

Stop where you are!

Wait for me!


Jar Jar, you great webfoot,
you're squashing my circuits!

Blast them!

Wait! Where are you going?

-Oh, no, I'll be crushed for sure!
-Hang on, Threeso!

It's Threepio!


That was close.

What are you doing?
Get me down at once!

It's not too late.
Uncle Ono, you can stop this madness.

Keep moving, prisoner.

Look out, Jar Jar!
A crab droid is headed right for you!

-Headed for mesa?
-Yes, yousa!

No, Jar Jar, go to your left! Behind you!

Watch out!

I can't bear to watch.

Jar Jar!

Oh, no! Jar Jar's been k*lled!
I knew something like this would happen.

What a horrible way to die.
And it's all my fault. He was so brave.

Now he's gone forever.

-Mesa okay.
-Jar Jar, you're alive!

Mesa okay, Threeso! Mesa okay!

Well, if you've finished messing around,
I need help!

Jar Jar, kindly don't do that.

But mesa saved you.

Oh, dear.

Well, that's the end of our ship. Typical.

-Are those chains necessary?
-Welcome to the Separatist way, Senator.

Viceroy Gunray's orders.

I hope it's worth it to you.

Thissa one big mess!
Wesa going nowhere!

Perhaps we should try to contact
the clone troopers.

Oh, looky!
Here's a button that's still working.

-What did you break now?
-Mesa doing nothing!

Thatsa looking like a Jedi robe.

Whosa you supposing this belongs to?

I wouldn't know.

But our only hope is to hide in this closet
until Mistress Padm? returns.

If those droids attacking us,
Padm?'s probably in trouble!

My lady gave us very specific instructions
to remain here.

Oh, fiddlesticks!
We musta having try and saving her.

Jar Jar Binks,
have you gone completely mad?

You'll do more harm than good!

Good. I shall meet the Viceroy
when he lands.

What about
Senator Amidala's companions?

If there are no signs of her friends,
they must have fled into the jungle.

Yes, this is perfect.
I want no sign of trouble.

Our people need those supplies.

-Wait! Mesa eyeballs stuck in the sleeve.
-Just look at you.

Something's wrongo here!

The battle droids will surely capture you.
Or worse, me.

Not with thissa on!

-Theysa won't be recognizing me.
-You can't be serious!

Come on, Threeso! We can do it!

I have a very bad feeling about this.

The citizens of Rodia
welcome you, Viceroy.

-Where is Senator Amidala?
-Awaiting your arrival, as promised.

Excellent. I do not wish
to keep her waiting. Shall we go?

We are holding the Senator
in the detention tower.

I hope it is not too painful for her.

She'sa up in that tower?
Wesa gotta rescuing her!

And how, precisely,
do you propose to do that?

Look! A Jedi!
-We're doomed!

-A Jedi?
-Jedi? Where'sa Jedi?

-I do believe they mean you.
-Mesa not a Jedi!

-k*ll the Jedi!
-Don't sh**t! We surrender! We surrender!

Forget surrender! Wesa run!

Jar Jar!

-Is he dead?
-The Jedi got away.

He slipped through this grate
and went underwater.

Sound the alarm! Find that Jedi!

I can see you're busy,
so I'll just be going now.

And take that Republic droid scum
to the dismantling center!

Dismantling center? Wait!
Wait, I'm innocent! I'm innocent, I tell you!

Let's find that Jedi.

-Roger, roger.
-Roger, roger.

Take me to Senator Amidala at once!

There'sa bad boogie-monster down there,
you betcha.

Don't be fearing, Padm?. Mesa coming.

Better watch out.
There's a Jedi on the loose.

You know you will soon be destroyed.

I can't tell you how many times I've seen
battle droids sliced in half by a lone Jedi.

Quiet, you. All right, cut the chatter.

I want you troops to go outside
and secure the perimeter.

You made it! I'm rescued at last!

Hurry, before the battle droids figure out
what's happening!

Quiet in there!

t*nk you!
Let's get out of here, Master Jedi!


There's no Jedi in here.

Wait! There's no prisoner in here!

How did she do that?

Where's the alarm button?

I am a protocol droid,
fluent in over six million forms of...


-Mistress Padm?!

Oh! Thank the Maker you're safe!
Have you...

-Where's Jar Jar?
-Well, I'm afraid he went to rescue you.


-What about the Jedi?
-There is no Jedi.

It appears the battle droids
have mistaken Jar Jar for one.

That's not good.

Hang on, my lady.

This is our chance
to capture Viceroy Gunray,

but I need you to stay calm.

Go back to the ship and call for help.

I regret the transmitters on the ship
are out of order.

-The ship has been destroyed.

-Battle droids?

-Jar Jar?
-Jar Jar.

All right, then find
a communications room

and send out a distress signal.

Hopefully there are some clone ships
within range.

I'll track down Jar Jar.

Viceroy Gunray, when can we expect
the supplies to arrive?

-My people are starving.
-They haven't arrived yet? I'm sorry.

Your request will be taken
into consideration

after Senator Amidala's execution.

Execution? You can't!

She's a prisoner of w*r.
We were promised!

You are under my protection now!
And you will do what I demand of you.

Padm? was right.

I have made a grave mistake
joining with the Separatists.

I know, I know.

We must appease Viceroy Gunray
so he does not destroy us all.

Be on alert for that Jedi.
He is our only hope.

Bring Senator Amidala before me.

Um... She caused a great deal of damage
to our droids,

and she escaped, sir.

-It's the Jedi!

-sh**t him!

Thissa rescuing is hard jobbing.

Jar Jar!

Capture her!

Oh, dear.


The Jedi has been spotted
in the South Hall.

-Let's move!
-Roger, roger.

I think that was rather clever.

Sir! Over there! The Jedi is escaping!

Not likely.

Freeze! Surrender!

Where did she go?

What the...

Jar Jar. No.

Senator Amidala!

So good to see you at last.

Hello? I say, is anyone there?

Why is there never an R2 unit
when you need one?

This is a restricted frequency! Who is this?

-I am C-3PO, human-cyborg...
-No droids!

This code is for military use only!

This is a priority message
from Senator Amidala on Rodia!

-We require immediate assistance...
-Hold it.

Oh, dear.

-You're under arrest!
-So, you didn't find the Jedi, then?

You got him, boss.

Too bad you can't take out
that slug monster.

Yousa okay, bogey? Yousa saved me!
Yousa my new pallo.

Mistress Padm?!
Were you able to find Jar Jar?

I think Jar Jar's dead, Threepio.

Not again! Poor Jar Jar.
He was always such a misfit.

I want to make sure this time.

Don't do this, Viceroy.
I beg you, do not k*ll her.

-There must be another way!

I say, I think there has been
some horrible mistake.

-I am a protocol droid on a diplomatic...


It's the Jedi!

-It's the...

-Release the Senator!
-That Jedi is going to attack.

sh**t him! sh**t them all!


That Jedi has summoned a monster!

We have to get out of here!

I made a very good friend.

Hold it right there, Viceroy.

At last, we can finish this.

Onaconda, it is about time!
Blast that Jedi! And sh**t her!

Uncle Ono, I think it's time to tell
the viceroy about our little secret.

How you never meant
to leave the Republic,

and how you truly care
what's best for your people.

-What is she talking about?
-Sorry, Viceroy, she is right.

I am with the Republic.
And you are under arrest.

You will pay for this treachery!

Viceroy, you are going to spend
the rest of the w*r in a cell.

Your victory will be fleeting, senators.

Those are Republic warships!
The clones have arrived!

We got your message, General.
What are your orders?

-My message got through.
-Take this Separatist scum away.

Master Bombad, on behalf of the people
of Rodia, I thank you.

You are either the bravest
or the most foolish Jedi I have ever met.

I'm just a Gungan.
And I don't think I'm either.

Well, I think you're a little bit of both.

Senator Amidala has brought
your people's needs to my attention,

and I have already sent a convoy
of supply ships to your system.

Thank you, Chancellor.

The capture of Viceroy Gunray
is a major victory for the Republic.

All of you should be commended
for your courage

and, from what I hear,
especially you, Representative Binks.

Oh, it'sa nothing.

Can you ever forgive me, Padm??

It is the Republic that should be asking
your forgiveness, my old friend.

Far too often we forget
that our most important allies

are not always the most powerful.
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