01x03 - Shadow of Malevolence

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Star Wars: The Clone Wars". Aired: October 2008 - May 2020.*
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The Jedi fight to maintain freedom and restore peace to the galaxy.
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01x03 - Shadow of Malevolence

Post by bunniefuu »

A deadly w*apon unleashed.

The Separatist battleship Malevolence
advances unopposed

through Republic space,

tearing apart any ship
that stands in its path.

After a daring rescue and narrow escape,

Anakin Skywalker prepares
a counterattack on the enemy ship

and its diabolical droid commander,
General Grievous.

This strike force
has been commissioned by the Senate

to hunt down the enemy's new battleship.

As the bulk of our fleets are engaged
on the front lines, we'll be on our own.

General Skywalker has prepared
our attack strategy.

Thank you, Admiral.

While our capital ships are vulnerable
to the enemy's attack,

I believe a squad of bombers
can outmaneuver their ion w*apon.

Our target will be the bridge
and General Grievous.

The head clanker.
Skywalker's getting pretty ambitious.

Our bombers will attack at high speed
to evade the enemy's ion w*apon.

We'll concentrate our firepower
on the bridge superstructure, here.

We destroy General Grievous
and the ship will fall with him.

Any questions?

Just tell us where that metal head is, sir.

Yeah, we've been waiting for a chance
to take him out.

All right, men, settle down.
This is an important mission.

We destroy Grievous,
we can bring the w*r to a quicker end.

Pilots, prepare your bombers.

Skywalker, this is an aggressive plan.

Are you sure your squadron
can complete this mission?

Let's ask them. Matchstick!

- You think our boys can pull it off?
- Yes, sir!

There hasn't been a mission
Shadow Squadron couldn't complete.

That's right. Minimal casualties,
maximum effectiveness. That's us.

I admire your confidence, pilot.

Even so, minimal casualties
may be enough

to prevent you
from breaking Grievous' defenses.

Master Plo is right.

With Grievous on that ship's bridge,
it's bound to be well protected.

Don't worry, Ahsoka.

We'll destroy that bridge,
and Grievous along with it.

Master Skywalker seems to inspire
great confidence in his men.

He does lead by example.

So much for the Jedi escort.

The last transport is fleeing, General.
You've got them on the run.

They won't get far.
Charge the plasma rotors!

They're moving to attack position, sir.
Still setting the coordinates.

Are we clear to make
the jump to hyperspace?

Fire ion w*apon!

We've lost all power!

Boy, this is a lot more fun
when they're not sh**ting back.

I still can't seem to hit anything.

Grievous, those battle droids
are expensive.

The Jedi are never that harsh
with their clones.

The care these Jedi show for their troops
is a weakness.

A weakness we shall continue to exploit.

I have the coordinates for a new target.

The Republic's secret
Outer Rim medical station.

It is unprotected
and treating over 60,000 wounded clones.

We will do them a favor
and put them out of their misery.

Once you have destroyed it,

there will be nowhere for the Jedi
to send their wounded,

and they will die.

It will be a pleasure, my lord.

I feel very confident leaving the ship
under your command, General.


Target those escape pods!
I have a reputation to uphold.

Which one's mine?
- You're with me. You'll be my gunner.

Somebody's got to watch my back.

Broadside could do that.
Besides, you have Artoo.

But I so enjoy your company, my Padawan.

- Just admit it. You don't like my flying.
- Well, no, I...

No, it's not that. It's just I...


The enemy warship has att*cked
our convoy of medical transports

near Ryndellia.

Medical transports?

Only General Grievous would go
after clones who can't fight back.

The Ryndellia system.

Near Naboo!
Isn't that where our medical base is?

I'll bet that will be his next target.

There are many star clusters in that area.
With a ship that big,

he will be unable to chart a course
that's less than 10 parsecs.

Looks like we're gonna have
to take a shortcut.

Admiral, warn that station what's coming.

This journey may be treacherous.

If you lose any ships
before you reach the target...

We won't lose anybody.

I will come along and fly fighter escort.

Any help is welcome, Master Plo.

Just try not to fall behind.

I had a feeling you'd be coming along.
Your ship has already been prepped.

Even if we had the transports,

it is not possible to evacuate
all of our wounded in time.

You must try. You won't stand a chance
against that battleship.

Nala Se, I only just received word.

I've contacted the Naboo.
They are sending ships to help you.

- And I am on my way, as well.
- Thank you, Master Jedi.

If they reach us in time,

do you really think
they're going to stop that thing?

It is our only hope.

Launch the fighters.

OBl-WAN: I hope you know
what you're doing, Anakin.

Well, if I don't,

I won't be around to hear
the "I told you so. "

That's reassuring.

Well, take your shortcut,
and I'll take the long way.

- But you better be there before I arrive.
- I'll be there, Obi-Wan.

Shadow Squadron, tighten formation.
Call in.

Shadow 2, standing by.

Shadow 3, standing by.

Shadow 4, standing by.

I know, Artooie.
This is gonna be a tough one.

Cut the chatter, Ahsoka.

Shadow 11, standing by.

Shadow 12, standing by.

Fighter escort ready.

This is Admiral Yularen.
You are cleared for hyperspace jump.

- Good hunting, sir.
- Thanks, Admiral.

All right, boys, let's go.

Broadside, if we make it
through this one, drinks are on me.

I can already taste it.

What's taking so long?

I want to get there before
too many wounded clones escape.

Sorry, sir.

The navicomputer has had to calculate
a complex course

around a large nebula
near the medical station.

They told me this ship was fast!

Okay, if we can just manage
to navigate through my shortcut,

we'll be all right.

A nebula can be very unpredictable.
I advise caution.

Don't worry about us, Master Jedi.

We can hold our own.
Right, Shadow Squadron?

Copy that, Shadow 2.

Does anyone care
what the Padawan thinks?

Of course we care, Snips!

But we're still going through that nebula.

Thanks, Artooie.

The evacuation
is proceeding slowly, madam.

We will have to move the patients
in stable condition first.

The more critically injured
will have to wait.

What about the bacta tanks?
Many of those men can't be moved at all.

I know, Commander.

Guide the patients that can be moved
onto transports as quickly as you can.

At once, madam.

This soup is thick.
Can you see anything?

Just keep your eyes on my thruster,
Shadow 2.

They'll have to. The scanners are useless.

This is old-fashioned flying.

You have to feel your way through
to stay on course.

Skywalker is right, Ahsoka.

Clear your mind, young one,
and you will see the path.

Right now, I can't see anything at all.

I always know
where I'm going.

Yeah? Where's that, Broadside?

I'm going to blow up that battleship.

A clear path if ever there was one.

Sir, the navicomputer indicates
we only have one parsec to go.

Good. We will maximize our casualties
with this attack.

General, there's an incoming
transmission from Count Dooku.

General Grievous, I have received
intelligence from Lord Sidious.

The Republic has launched
a small strike force

to attack the Malevolence.

Let the Republic come!
Our ship is unstoppable!

Skywalker is leading the mission.
Do not underestimate him.

I assure you, Count,
if anything, it is Skywalker

who will underestimate this ship
and its power.

So, Skyguy, how did you know
about this shortcut?

It's an old smuggler's route.

The pilots used to talk about it
on Tatooine.

Smuggler's route?

Ha! That makes me feel better!

They call it the Balmorra Run.

Balmorra Run?

I think I'm picking up a contact.

Skywalker! Listen to me!
We need to turn around!

We can't.
Not if we're gonna catch Grievous.

Another contact! This one's much larger.

Skywalker! Balmorra's the nesting ground
of the giant Nebray mantas!

Another? Another!

Take evasive action!

Those gas-gulpers are huge!

Don't sh**t, or they'll panic!

They'll panic? I'm about to panic!

There are so many of them!

I'm hit! My stabilizer's out!

Pull it together, Matchstick!

I'm okay. I got it.

These things are gonna make a meal
out of us!

All wings, line up behind me!

Roger that, boss.

Hurry! They will not follow us
beyond the nebula.

- That one looks hungry.
- Nah, it's just smiling at you.

We're coming out of it!

Let's hope your shortcut paid off.

We're not far behind Grievous now.

The medical station reports
50% of patients evacuated.

That's not good enough.

They'll never be finished
before the enemy arrives.

General Skywalker still has a chance
to catch Grievous.

- If he does, we have to be ready.
- Yes, sir.

Shadow 2,
what is the damage to your ship?

Just a scratch, sir.

We must not take
any more unnecessary risks.

If we lose even a single ship,
our mission is that much closer to failure.

Understood, Master Plo.
But we didn't lose any ships, and I didn't...

Sir, another contact!
- I thought those things wouldn't follow us.

Not following, coming out of hyperspace.
It's a ship.

It's the Malevolence.

A squadron of Republic fighters
is approaching.


Launch fighters and bring the ship around.

There are several medical
transports surrounding the station.

Target the transports first!
I want every single ship destroyed!

Roger, roger.

Ha! This is too easy!

We've got fighters coming in!

Hold it steady.
Come on, hold it steady.

Charge the ion cannon and prepare to fire!

But, sir, our fighters
will be caught in the blast.

Fire at my command!

- Get those fighters off of us!
- Your fancy flying is making it difficult!


- Incoming!
- Make towards the edge of the ray! Now!

Give it everything you've got.

Shadow 2, your speed is dropping.
What's wrong?

Nothing, sir.
Just trying to keep it together.

You can make it, Matchstick.

Hang on!

Watch out!

Shadow Squadron, check in.

We lost Matchstick and Tag.

Shadows 6, 7 and 10
were caught in the ray.

It looks as though Skywalker has failed.
He's lost almost half his ships.

We should go, madam.

I will stay.

Stay on course.

This flak is heavy!

All deflectors, double front!

Master! We need a new plan!

We can make it, Ahsoka. Hang in there.

Sir, the enemy fighters are closing.

Let them come! Prepare the ion cannon.

First we will destroy the medical station,
then we will finish off Skywalker.

I have a bad feeling about this.

Watch those towers, boys!

We're too close! Loosen up!

lon cannon ready.

They're targeting the station.
We're running out of time.

Master! You can make it,
but everyone else is getting shot down!


Station has been targeted.

Start the ion cannon acceleration.

If we can do enough damage,

the w*apon may overload
when Grievous tries to fire.

Shadow Squadron, new target.

We're taking out the starboard ion cannon.

lon cannon, 75% charged.


Torpedoes away!


Good work, Shadow Squadron!

Nice job, Ahsoka!

Damage report.

We've lost both primary weapons.

- The hyperdrive has been disabled.

General, we are picking up
three Republic warships

entering the system.

- Anakin, do you copy?
I'm here.

Congratulations. It looks
like your mission was a success.

Partially, but Grievous is still alive.

The battle was pretty rough on my men.
We're heading for the medical station.

We'll take it from here.

But don't worry,
we'll call when we need you.

I'll be waiting, Obi-Wan.

All right, let's finish what Anakin started.
Ahead full.

Full retreat! Make for Separatist space.

Great job, Master Skywalker.

Your leadership skills
are most impressive.

You didn't do so bad yourself.

Uh, excuse me, I believe it was
my suggestion to change the plan.

- That's kind of true, Snips.
From a certain point of view.

Make sure our ships are ready.

We'll only have a short time
before Obi-Wan calls us for support.

Yes, sir.

General Skywalker, I wanted to
thank you for your valiant effort today.

Do not take the lives you saved lightly.

I don't. But I also can't take
the lives I lost lightly.

I see.

If you will excuse me,
I must prepare for the coming battle.

Your master is a very curious Jedi.

He is one of a kind.
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