02x13 - Kidnapped

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dallas". Aired: April 1978 to May 1991.*
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The oil-rich Ewings endure daily troubles in Texas.
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02x13 - Kidnapped

Post by bunniefuu »

What the hell...

Holy... We got the wrong ewing.

What are you gonna do with me?

That's not up to us.
That's up to your folks.

"Have ready by noon tomorrow

"$1,500,000 In
out-of-sequence bills.

"Cliff barnes is to
act as a go-between.

Remember, his life
depends on you."

Let's k*ll him and get out
of texas, go to wyoming.

Don't get panicky on me!


Just put it down!

No! No!

Captioning made
possible by warner bros.

[Horses neighing]

Pam seems to leave
earlier every day.

As long as she doesn't start

Working nights, mama.

What do you think
you're doing, young lady?

I gained a few pounds, grandma.

You eat a proper breakfast.

Keep away from the candy
machine in that school of yours.

I never touch the
candy machines.

It's all those mashed
potatoes teresa makes.

My mother sends her
regards, miss ellie.

You, too, jock.

What's the name of that
godforsaken place she lives in?

It's boca raton.
It's in florida.

It's a long time
since she's seen you.

Well, she's talking about
coming out to visit us.

She's gonna bring
my sister with her.

I guess she wants to be here
when her grandchild's born.

Well, whatever you do,
don't ask her to stay here.

I can only take so
much of your mother.

Well, my mother's
not easily put off, j.r.

Oh, you'll find a way.
I'll see you tonight.

You're coming home?

Well, I'm not getting
anything done

Sitting here, either.

See you all tonight.

See you later, bobby.

Right on time.

All right, for the last
time, the ranch house.

Its owner: jock ewing.

His wife ellie.

You know, I still don't see why

We don't take the old man.

He's too hard to get at.

Now, here's our boy...

J.r. Ewing, president
of ewing oil.

Net worth: 100 million bucks.

He drives a 280 se,
license: "ewing 3."

Now, this is his brother bobby.

His license: "ewing 4."

That's his wife pamela.

Her car.

J.r.'S wife sue ellen.

That's j.r.'S
granddaughter lucy.

She goes to school all day.

I'd like to kidnap
her for myself.

Now, that's ray
krebbs, ranch foreman.

That's the garage underneath
the office building there.

Hey, why don't we
take 'em right there?

Too risky. Too many people
in and out all the time.

That's the office building.

You know, he's not gonna
be a piece of cake anywhere.

He's all over this city
like a jumping bean,

Between his women and
his business, you know?

Would you listen
to the two of you?

You expect him to walk right up

And hand himself over to us?

I guess we could get him

The way we got
gilhooly and rafelson.

Just watch him, and
when the time is right,

Just grab him.

Even j.r. Ewing doesn't
run around as much

As rob gilhooly did.

There ain't gonna
be no more killings.

No, al, not as long as
everybody stays cool

And does what they're told.

J.r. Ewing. Name even
sounds like money, doesn't it?

[Dog barking]

Did you call the
mill about this?

I did. They insist they sent
you what you ordered.

And you checked those
specifications yourself?

Lou and I have been
over it a hundred times.

Look, bobby, maybe you
better get out there

And check the stuff yourself,

See if you can figure
out a way to build with it.

I'd like to know what prize
idiot processed this order.

Ok, I'll see what I can do.

You call lou and do me a
favor and tell him I'm on my way.

I'll just never use that firm
again for anything I'm doing,

I'll tell you that.

All right. All right, louella.

Oh, my 2:30 appointment
is already at the office.

I hardly get to
see you these days.

Well, hell, I'm busy. I've
been working my tail off.

I know. I'm not complaining.

A little time with you is
better than no time at all.

Ha ha ha ha!

Well, I don't suppose willie joe

Would mind waiting
just a few more minutes.


Hi. Hi.

What happened?

What did you forget?

I got a flat tire.
Is j.r. In his office?

He had a meeting
down at the hotel,

But it's running a little late.

He should be back
anytime, though,

Because his 2:30
appointment is already here.

Where does he keep the
spare keys to his car?

That drawer.

Darling, would you call
johnny and ask him to...

Thank you... And ask him to
repair the tire on my car?


Ok, I'll go directly
home from the site,

So tell j.r. He can
take my car home,

But he'll have to
put some gas in it.


That's him. Get going.

Where's he going?

He ain't never come
this way before.

Probably found a poor widow

To take advantage
of... Some farmer's wife...

Whole backyard spouting oil,

And too dumb to know
what to do with it.

[Horn honks]

What the hell...

Holy... We got the wrong ewing.

Get out. Give me your hands.

Look, if this is some
kind of robbery,

I got a couple hundred
bucks. That's all.

Couple hundred? You're kidding.

You got millions.

This is the wrong ewing.

Ha ha ha! Our luck.

We may have the wrong goose,

But he can still
lay the golden egg.

Oh, yeah? Get in.

Give me that stuff.

We gotta cover your eyes.


All right, let's go.

Come on, honey, come on.

Ok, boy, we're home. Get out.

Come on, get out.

There's 2 steps coming up.

Straight ahead.

Straight ahead.

Hey, boy, I said straight ahead.

Come on.

Hey, you hard of
hearing? Get in there.

All right.

Nice and easy
does it. Over here.

Over here.

Hey, you don't have to chain me.

Don't worry about it, boy.

You'll have plenty of
room to move around.

Thank you.

I won't try and go anywhere.

Yeah, but this way
we can make sure.

Get his wallet.
Let's get on with it.

Where's it at? Huh?

What are you gonna do with me?

That's not up to us.
That's up to your folks.

I hope they like you.

Let's hope they like you a lot.

Johnny fixed the flat.

Bobby hasn't shown
up at the site yet.

I wonder what he's up to.

Somebody up to something?

Yeah, bobby was expected
down at the building site

An hour ago. He
hasn't shown up yet.


Uh, he took your
car. He had a flat.

My car? Well, maybe
she broke down.

Doesn't take kindly to
strangers handling her.

Bobby said you were
to drive his home.

It's been fixed.

Wonderful, wonderful.
Louella, get in here.

You're the one they
call al, aren't you?

You gonna k*ll me, al?

Hey, al, will's back.

You do just like you're told
and keep your mouth shut,

You'll do all right.

Want a cr*cker?

Let's get the camera ready

So will can start
planting the notes.

We still using cliff barnes?

That's what we planned.

We always use a go-between.

Barnes is this guy's

And he might get emotional
and do something crazy.

No, barnes has got a cool head.

He'll do as he's told.

Only person who
goes crazy around here

And starts sh**ting
people is you.

I want you to lay off of me

About gilhooly, you understand?

Listen, you two, are
you gonna keep arguing?

Are we gonna use
barnes like we said?

Now, go on in there
and get ewing now.

Come on.

Ok, cowboy, fun time.

You're gonna get
your picture took...

And then maybe
write a little letter

To your wife, huh?
How's that sound?

Come on.



There's some man on the line.

Won't give his name,
but says it's urgent.

Maybe it's a campaign

Barnes speaking.

Barnes, don't talk. Just listen.

We've got bobby ewing.

What? What are
you talking about?

Just listen.

He's well, he's alive,

And he'll stay just like that

If everybody does
just like they're told.

Is this on the level?

You'll get proof.

Now, you're the go-between.
You tell his family.

The first set of instructions

Are buried under
the telephone pole

Across from the
southfork entrance.

Across from the
entrance to the ranch?

Just do like the note
says, and no cops,

No feds, nobody. You understand?

[Hangs up] uh, wh...

Granddaddy, what do you think

About me going to school
in new england, huh?

There's nothing wrong with
the schools here in texas.

I never said anything
was wrong with them.

I just might like to go to
new england for a change.

Has anybody seen bobby?

His car is in the driveway,
but I just can't find him.

I brought it home.
Bobby ran off with mine.

Supposedly he was on his
way to the construction site.

Supposedly? Now, what's
that supposed to mean?

Well, the contractor
called around 4:30,

And bobby hadn't
arrived yet, so...

You don't think he could...

If there'd been an accident,
we would have heard, pam.

[Telephone rings]

Maybe that's him.


[Knock on door]

I'll get the door.

Hello, lou, it's ellie ewing.

Yes, I know. Hasn't
he turned up yet?

Cliff, what are you doing here?

I've got to speak to jock.

What the hell do you want?

I thought you knew better
than to come to this house.

What is it, cliff?
What's the matter?

I got a telephone call.

I don't know who
it was from. A man.

What's it about?

Come here, pam.

That was bobby's
builder on the phone.

He said that some of
his crew found j.r.'S car...


Bobby's been kidnapped.


He's been what?

What are you trying
to pull, barnes?

Come on, j.r., You
don't think I can make up

A lie like that, do you?

Why you? Why did he contact you?

I don't have any idea,

Except he said that
this would be buried

Opposite the entrance
to the ranch. It was.

"We have kidnapped j.r. Ewing."

What? What did you say?

Yes, they obviously
meant to get j.r.,

So they must have planted
the note before the kidnapping.

"He is unharmed.

"He will not be hurt as long
as everyone cooperates.

"Have ready by noon tomorrow

$1,500,000 In
out-of-sequence bills."

"You will receive instructions
about what to do with it.

"Cliff barnes... Is to
act as a go-between.

"Do not call the
police or f.b.i.

"Follow all
instructions exactly...

"And j.r. Ewing
will get home safe.

Remember, his life
depends on you."


What are we gonna do, cliff?

This is a family
matter. We'll handle it.

You know, I don't like this
any better than you do, j.r.

The less I have to do with
your family, the better I'd like it,

But I am not prepared
to risk bobby's dying

So I can stick to my principles.

I said we'd do this ourselves.

And I say you won't.

You'll do just what cliff says.

We're talking about bobby's
life, not some oil deal.

We know how to handle this.

Jock, tell him.

She's right, jock.

All right, we'll do exactly
as they say... For now.

Like it or not, j.r.,
For the moment,

We're stuck with each other.

If we let cliff
barnes run this thing,

We may or may not see
bobby back here alive,

And those kidnappers
would get off scot-free, dad.

I don't like that.

Well, hell, you think I
like standing around here

Twiddling my thumbs
while bobby is in danger?

Let me do it my way.

All right.

All right, this should do it.

I leave you alone for 5 minutes,

And you call in the f.b.i.

Do you think that's smart?

We might have to use you
as an errand boy, barnes,

But that doesn't mean we're
gonna let you run things.

It's a family matter.

My dad and I will
make all the decisions.

He agreed, huh?
Well, that figures.

What about pam?

I said it was a family matter.

We want bobby back home safe.

The f.b.i. Knows how to
handle kidnappings. You don't.


The surest way I know
to get bobby home alive

Is for you not to
get too inventive.

You just do what you're
told. I'll do the thinking.

If we'd had a little time,

We could've marked these bills.

I sure hate turning
them over to you like this.

That's why the kidnappers
keep the timetable short...

To prevent people
from marking the money.

I'd better take this.

No, j.r., Let mahoney carry it.

It'll look more natural.

He's right.

I'm supposed to
be the chauffeur.

Tom, I can't tell
you how I appreciate

Your fast action on
this. I owe you one, bud.

Any time, j.r. If there's
anything else I can do,

You let me know. Ok.

Why haven't they called?

I mean, why are they
making us wait this way

When they said they
were going to call?

They just want you
good and scared, ma'am.

They'll call.


Now, ray, we're gonna have to

Put our differences
aside until bobby is safe.

What do you want me to do?

I want you to get some
of the boys together.

Don't tell them anything.
Just keep them on the alert.

What have you got in mind?

I'll tell you when I'm ready.

Real hard for you
parting with all that money,

Isn't it, j.r.?

I want bobby home,
and I want him home safe.

Now, these men you pick out,

I want them to be cr*ck sh*ts.

You understand that?


Just need to get my briefcase.

We're finished.


Get started.



How you feeling?

Just fine.

I don't think now...

Any news yet, mr. Barnes?

No. No, not yet.

Sue ellen, I know your
manners are impeccable,

But there are some
people there's just no need

To be polite to.

[Telephone rings]

I'll get that.

You ready? Set.


Oh, hello, sarah.

No, miss ellie's busy right now.

She don't forget
meetings. You know that.

No, no, don't call later.

She'll call you just
as soon as she can.

False alarm.

Well, I guess I'd
better see about lunch.

[Telephone rings]


I've got bobby.

Where's bobby?

I wanna talk to bobby.

I wanna talk to barnes.

Please. Oh, please,
let me talk to bobby.

Cliff barnes speaking.

What are you up to, barnes?

I don't know what you mean.

Who was that cowboy
in the bank today?

Who do you think it was?

I know. F.b.i.

Aw, no. Come on, come on now.

Get rid of the feds,

Or you won't see
bobby ewing alive.

How do we know that he is alive?

There's a place on walker street

Called regular jons.

Check the flower boxes.

Your proof'll be in there,

Plus your next
set of instructions.

Well, I wanna talk to him.

Look, no feds, or
bobby ewing's dead.


Any chance of a trace?

Not enough time.

We're being watched.

They want you out of it,
and I think you should go.

All right.

I'll keep in touch.

What do we do now, cliff?

I'm gonna follow instructions.

It's a treasure hunt.

They just wanna keep
us on a razor's edge.

But make sure, please,
that the f.b.i. Isn't on my tail.

We'll take care of that.

Don't let anything happen
to either one of you.

Oh. No.

[Knock on door]

What happened?


Last message was a dead end.

I got there, nothing there
except the picture and wallet.

Pam: what about bobby?

I don't know. I don't
know what happened.

Here's a note, though.

What is it, pam?

It's from bobby.

What does it say?

That he's all right.

All right, that is enough
of doing things your way.

From now on, I give the
orders around here.

Fine. It's fine by me.

I didn't want to be
involved in the first place.

I'm glad to be off the hook.

Cliff? Cliff, wait.

None of this is cliff's fault.

Well, bobby's not here.
It's somebody's fault.

If you hadn't called the f.b.i.,

He would be here now.

Miss ellie: stop it.

There's no point in
trying to blame anybody.

If anything's happened to bobby,

You can blame yourself.

J.r. Wants bobby home
as much as any of us do.

Well, he's not acting like it.

You don't understand
the ewings yet.

Do you think any one of us'd

Let harm come to the other
without trying to stop it?

If you really mean that,
then cliff has got to stay.

Jock, he's the only
chance bobby has now.


I guess we've got no choice.


But why?

He had the money with him.

And for all I know, a
whole pack of f.b.i. Agents.

I couldn't be certain he was
makin' the drop by himself.

We could've had the money
and been outta here by now.

sh**t' gilhooly
used up all your guts.

Al: we're going to
call back tomorrow.

We'll arrange another drop time,

And I know they're
so scared right now,

They're gonna do
exactly like we tell 'em.

What if you were followed?

This place could
be crawlin' with f.b.i.

But I wasn't followed,
honey, I wasn't.

Let's k*ll him and
get out of texas.

We can go to wyoming.
No one knows us there.

Look, don't panic. Just
don't get panicky on me.

I told you I didn't
wanna come to texas

In the first place.

They don't fool
around down here.

Ain't anybody gonna get us.

How many states we been in,
we gotten away with it, huh?


Let's dump him and clear out.

Ain't gonna be no more killings.

Can't just let him walk away.

Nobody'll ever believe us again.

Look how fast they pay now
that you got gilhooly, huh?


What the hell?

Just put it down.

No! No!

No k*lling.

All right, now, you
give me that chair.

Go on, easy.

Ok, chain him up.
I'll get the window.

Seems like we're divided
whether to k*ll you or not.

You try that again,
the vote's unanimous.



According to the f.b.i.,

This is the same g*ng
that's been responsible

For kidnappings all
over the country:

One in vermont, then another
in montana; new mexico;


They released almost all
their prisoners unharmed

As promised.


Yes. One man was
k*lled. Robert gilhooly.

He was chairman of the
board of a large textile firm.

How did that happen?

Lawyer delivered a
phony bag of money,

And gilhooly ran for it.

He thought it was the end.

And it was.

Well, the money we got's real.

Nothing's gonna happen to bobby.

We'll make sure of that.

When the kidnappers call,

We'll ask for proof
that bobby's still alive

And demand a quick
exchange out in the open.

Everything else, we do
their way... Exactly their way.

Where's will and al?

Out planting the
new instructions.

How long are you gonna wait?

Until your folks
are good and scared.

Well, I think they were
that at the beginning.

You shouldn't have tried to run.

Well, I thought you
were gonna k*ll me.

We don't k*ll anybody
unless we have to.

What do you think we are?

You k*lled gilhooly.

Have you ever been poor?

Have you ever
scrubbed up people's dirt

To make a living?

I bet your wife's hands
don't look like these.

Ha! I'd do anything for money.

Then if you let me out of here,

I'll get you all the
money you want.

Ha ha ha! You've
gotta be kidding.

I swear.

All the money you'll ever need.

Sure, run out on al and will.

What kind of a
person you think I am?

You're giving me
a damn good idea.

Don't you talk to
me like that, you...


Hey, honey. We're back.

Coming. I'm coming.

[Door slams]

[Telephone rings]


Cliff barnes?


You get rid of the f.b.i.?

I did.

All right, this time you
do exactly like we say.

I want to talk to ewing.


I wanna know that he's alive.

He's alive.

Come on, man, be reasonable.

You want $1.5
million. I want proof.

I don't gotta be reasonable.

I got bobby ewing.

What's your plan?

Start up where you
left off yesterday.


What you... Who you
tellin' no to, man?

I want to meet you,

I want to see that
bobby's all right,

And when I do, I'll
give you the money.

You think I'm crazy? Ha ha!

You think I'm gonna
tell you the spot

So you can have
the f.b.i. Waiting?

It's the only way.

I trust you, you trust me.

Look, you know we
kept our word last time,

'Cause I was there alone.

Now, we want bobby back alive,

And we won't put
his life in jeopardy.

You know the power substation

On the way to denton?


Take the gravel
road just south of it.

Turn in there and wait.

We'll meet you there at dawn.

Ok, he agreed.

The power station outside
of denton at sunrise.

Where you goin', j.r.?

I'm just fryin' meat here.

I'm going somewhere where
I can make myself useful.


Hiya, al. Everything set?

You bet. He all right?

It's gonna be an even exchange,

Him for the money. What?

I'm gonna meet him at
the power substation

On the road to denton at dawn.

You gone crazy or what?

It's gonna be in an open field.

There ain't gonna be nobody
surprisin' us, all right?

Get him in here.

I don't like it, al.

Look, honey, they
weren't gonna buy

Runnin' across town anymore.

So you decide it's smart
to walk us into a trap?


Hey, sonny boy.

You been listening to
our conversation here?

I want to know what you think.

Your folks want to make an
even exchange in an open field.

Now, if you ask me,

I think they're up
to something funny.

My family wouldn't do anything

To jeopardize my life.

You'll be fine if I'm with you.

He's right.

And you'd lie right
through your teeth,

Wouldn't you, boy?

Look, if two of you
cover... Fay and will...

While you go for the
money, you'll be safe.

You'll be all right.
You use me as a shield.

Look, I promise that
we won't go to the cops

Until you get away...
Till you really get away.

Any funny
business... Anything...

And you're the first to die.

Look, nobody's gonna
do anything funny.

It'll go off just
like you want it to.

You'll be ok. I promise.

I want your men there
at midnight... Spread out,

Concealed, and quiet.

J.r. And ray here
will be with you.

It's a long time till dawn.

I don't want anybody to move

Till I give the word.
You understand?

Yes, boss.

I want bobby back
safe, I want that money,

And I want to nail
those kidnappers,

And that's it.

Ray, don't take any chances.

I want my boy back alive.

Yes, sir.

J.r., I don't like
pussyfooting around

Any better than you do,

But don't take any
unnecessary risks.

Do you understand?

Yes, sir. Don't worry.

I better get back to the house

Before they wonder
where the hell we are.


Cliff, didn't you sleep?

No. Did you?

I'm so scared, cliff.

You like him now, don't you,
since you got to know him?

Yeah, I do. I like him.

Time to go, cliff.

You bring my son home safe,

I'll be grateful to you forever.

We all will.



I want to see that bobby's ok.

He's ok, aren't you, boy?

Where's the money?

Come on, get out.

I never thought I'd
be glad to see you.

You look pretty good yourself.

Save the reunion, gentlemen.

I want to see that money
before you go back home.

Unzip the bag.

Uh... It's all there.

Ok, close it up.

Now, you start walking.
Go on. Start walking.

Not you. You stay.

I want to see if we're
targets, just in case.

Hold it.

Ok, bobby's clear.

Ok, start walking.

Look out, bobby!

Are you all right, will?

Bobby, you ok? Yeah.

You damn fool, you
almost got us both k*lled.

Hey, wait a minute. Back off.

Those men are cr*ck sh*ts.

There's not a chance
of you getting hurt.

You almost k*lled
your own brother.

Oh, no, no.

It was me you wanted, right?

Just one less
barnes... Out of the way!

There's no chance of that.

You were both in the
clear, both of you!

Come on. Just take me home.

Take me back to
the ranch. Come on.

I don't think I've ever
been so frightened

In my whole life, bobby.

I was a little worried myself.

You'll be lucky
if I ever let you

Out of my sight again.

Damn, bobby.


Sounds to me like cliff was
almost k*lled this morning.


What, with me there?

He was never safer in his life.
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