09x09 - Inviting Evil

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Dead Files". Aired: September 2011 to present.*
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"The Dead Files" features two independent investigations into locations that are reported to be haunted. One investigation is performed by a psychic medium, while a former NYPD homicide detective investigates. Each show concludes with a meeting, where they discuss their findings together with the victims.
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09x09 - Inviting Evil

Post by bunniefuu »

There's blood all over
the walls.

This is a nightmare.

He's crazy.

I don't feel good.

I hate being in my home.

I think that it can cause death.

We did mess around
with the Ouija board.

Somebody is doing Ouija board

and has somehow
summoned these things.

You're busted.
Forget about it.

Never seen such interaction

between a living person
and a shadow person before.

This is not a good situation.

My name is Amy Allan.

There's death here.

Don't wanna go down there.

I see dead people.

They hide in the walls
and they watch.

I speak to dead people...

She's definitely
a serial k*ller.

...and they speak to me.

She's going to t*rture them.

But there's only one way to know
if my findings are real.

They were all m*rder*d.

I rely on my partner.

I'm Steve Di Schiavi.

I'm a retired New York City
homicide detective.

So is this the only time
you've been physically att*cked?

And I know every person,
every house has secrets.

There's no question in my mind
that he was talking about Satan.

It's my job to reveal them.

Who do you think
possessed you?

But Steve and I
never speak...

We never communicate
during an investigation.

...until the very end.

Well, you're not gonna want
to see this.

When we uncover if it's safe
for you to stay...

Hell, no.

Or time to get out.

Everyone is in jeopardy.

I'm in Berthoud, Colorado.

It's a small town
an hour north of Denver.

I got a call from a woman
named Rebecca.

Now, she sounded hysterical,
says whatever's in the house

is k*lling her
from the inside-out,

and there's nothing she can
do about it

because it follows her
wherever she goes.

I really hope we can
help her out.

Before Amy arrives,

I clear the area
of any leading information --

photographs, personal items,

and even religion statues
need to be covered or removed.

When I'm done, the location will
be ready for tonight's walk.

I don't feel good.

I usually open myself
to communicate with the dead

a few hours before I get
to a location,

but tonight, I'm very sick
and vulnerable...

...so I'm opening
inside the house.

I'm, like, seeing blood.

There's blood all over
the walls.

It looks very dreamlike.

This woman's screaming
and crying,

and this is a nightmare.

You know, Rebecca, I talk
to a lot of scared people,

and when we spoke, I can hear
the desperation in your voice.

I hate being in my home.

You look upset already.

- You okay?
- Yeah.


I got to ask a question.

I mean, why don't you
just leave?

I feel like whatever is here
is attached to me.

Whatever it is,
it's going to follow me.

Okay, So now,
do you live here alone?

I live with my mom,
and I have a boyfriend

that frequently
spends the night here.

How long
have you lived here?

I grew up here,
and I've lived here

off and on throughout
my adult life.

Your family
bought this house?

We built it in 1984.

I mean, when did the activity
start getting really bad?

It got bad
about 2 years ago.

What do you think
is causing all of this?

A lot of fracking
started in this area.

Is that close by?

- It's very close...
- Okay.

...like, within a mile.

Now, you guys have been
here over 30 years.

Do you know any history
in the area?

There was a deadly car crash

just across the streets
about 12 years ago.

All right.
So I'll look into that.

Anybody that passed away
in the house, stuff like that?

My dad passed away here
about 6 months ago.

- He was 82.
- Okay.

What did he pass from?

Kidney failure.

Now did he pass away
in the house?

Not in the house. He left
the house in an ambulance

and d*ed about 2 weeks later
in hospice.

This was my dad probably
about 15...years ago?


And this is a picture
of my dad and me.

What can you tell me
about your father?

He suffered for a long time
with depression.

He was affected
by something here.

He used to talk about
people coming to visit.

So you think he was suffering
from, like, paranormal

that was going on here and
didn't know how to deal with it?

I think so.

Have you done anything to combat
what you've been through?

I've had people come to do
cleansings, exorcism.

We had a demonologist
come out.

That's quite a list
right there.

And nothing has helped?

Just for
a short period of time.

I know you have a lot
going on, Rebecca,

but give me a list
of what's happening.

Hearing noises,
seeing weird things.

It's become very violent,

and I think my personality
has changed.

Okay, in what way?

I used to be really easygoing,
very happy all the time,

and now I'm filled with anxiety
and overly sensitive,

kind of turned into a...

tension between
me and my mom,

tension between
me and my boyfriend.

And what do you hope
we can do for you?

I'd like to be comfortable
in my home.

I'd like to not
be getting hurt anymore.


The only thing about this area
is the, like, the energy chaos.

This is all, like,
living energy stuff, you know?

A male and a female arguing.

The energy here is very, um,

hectic and chaotic.

It's too much noise.

Okay. So, Rebecca,
what's going on in here?

Coming into the hall,

I felt something push me
on my left shoulder,

so I turned to see

and just so quickly

went backwards over this,

and left me with bruises
and scratches on my back.

I mean, that's -- that's
a pretty high opening.

That had to be
a pretty strong push.

Thank God there's no glass
in between here.

All right,
so what else is going on?

Just last night, I was
walking down the stairs.

Something pushed me
from behind,

and I fell down the stairs,
hurt my shoulder.

I mean, I hate to be an ass,

but, I mean,
are you clumsy at all?

Not clumsy enough to make
stuff like this happen.

And you wonder why your anxiety
is through the roof.

I just feel like
a walking target

all the time.

Just...I felt sexually
assaulted in my bed.

Okay. All right. Has this
happened more than once?

No, just one time.

It's a lot more violent
than we thought.

Okay. I'm really glad
I took this case.

Thank you.

I'm seeing a shadow person
in here.

I think it's
a real shadow person,

and I see it attacking
the person in here.

Usually, shadow people
are just all, like,

suck the life out of you.

This is, like, physically
assaulting this person.

Yeah, I see a female
with brown hair.

She's probably...

I don't know,
in her 30s, average build.

Like, I see a person laying.

The shadow person is, like,
on its hands and feet,

and it's huge.

It becomes huge,
and the person's like...

like, underneath it.

You know, Rebecca,
after everything
you've told me so far,

I'm afraid to even ask.

What else is going on?

I have seen
a black creature, like,

with lots of long tentacles
all over it.

Shiny black,

no face to speak of.

How big of a mass are
we talking about? Like this?

Probably 4 feet.

You on any medication
or anything?

So nothing that's making
you hallucinate?


Okay. Anything else
going on in here?

I've gotten scratches
and bruises in bed.

Okay. What kind of scratches and
bruises are we talking about?

Well, I have some pictures.

Here's a picture
of some scratches.


I see there's blood here.

I mean, I've seen cats
in the house.

Cats come into bed
with you guys?

Cats go in their
own room at night.

All right. Anything else?

One time,
I was laying in bed,

and I felt like
I was punched in the face,

and it was so hard that I had
a tooth knocked out.

Which tooth was it?

Um, this one, right here.

It's insane.
I feel crazy sometimes.

You have a tough go here.

There's a lot of interaction
between this shadow person

and this living person.

This is a pretty much
every night thing,

dragging them off the bed,

being pushed,
pushed down to the floor,

trying to take them
through the walls,

which doesn't work
if you're alive.

Wouldn't be surprised
if there would be bruises

from being grabbed
and moved and dropped.

I've never seen such interaction
between a living person

and a shadow person before.

I'm feeling frustration from
the shadow person,

almost like the shadow person

thinks this person
is another shadow person

and isn't doing what
they're supposed to be doing.

This is very odd behavior
from an actual shadow person.

So would you say
this person is in danger?

Yes. I think that...

maybe the shadow person
will figure out a way

to make this person disappear.

So, Heidi, I know
you're friends with Rebecca.

How long you guys been friends?

Since I can remember.

You told me you didn't want
to do the interview inside.

What was that all about?

I recently lost my husband,

and I'm kind of
in a vulnerable place,

and I just want
to protect myself

from taking something home
with me.

So, obviously, you think
there's something in the house.

- Yeah.
- Have you had any experiences?

- I have.
- Okay. Let's talk about them.

When we were little,
we used to see a guy

walking around in her barn

Okay. So how do you know
it wasn't some guy in the barn?

- We would go in and look.
- Okay.

Could they have been hiding
when he saw you coming?

No. There was really
nowhere to hide.

Okay. So anything else?

There was one other thing
that was sort of

like an impish
little creature.

It was black and white and had
sort of, like, long pointy head.

Describe him to me like it's
a perpetrator from a crime.

- Foot and a half tall, maybe.
- Okay.

Small mouth, sharp teeth...

...big eyes.

So like a little monster,

Yeah, kind of.
Well, let me ask you
a question.

Do you think your friend
is in danger?

I do.

I'm hoping you guys
can help her.

I see a demon.

Can you describe him?

There's no, like, real body,

but it has legs and arms.

It slithers, mostly...

...and it has a fat trunk
that's really long,

and it slithers like a snake
on that.

Its head is kind of like

It has, like, some kind of
ear things or something,

and it has a weird, like, snout
and big yellow eyes.

I think that we've got
a problem.

You know, Linda,
I was talking to Rebecca.

You gotta be worried
about her.

I'm extremely worried
about her.

I don't know how much more
she can handle.

So, Linda, I understand that
your husband recently passed.

Do you think he's here?

I feel he's here, but I feel
it's not a negative influence.

All right, as far as
experiences, what about you?

Every time that I sit
in the chair behind me,

I feel like someone
is sitting on my chest

and I cannot catch
my breath.

Okay. Listen.

I know it's a lot to ask,
but can you sit in the chair?

I'm just curious
if it would happen

with me being in the room
with you.

Of course.

I don't feel good.

Is it
the same pressure feeling?


It is.

This quick?

- Okay. All right.
- It is.

All right. Come on. Come on.

Sorry about that. I just
wanted to see. You okay?

- Yeah.
- Okay. I'm sorry.

- It's okay.
- You feel better now?

- Yeah. I do.
- Okay.

That's why I don't spend
any time in here.

Anything else?

At night, we hear
very definite scratching

in the outside wall.

You got wildlife
all over the place.

We do.

Pest control people came out
and checked everything.

They even went under
the house.

Now you've lived here
a very long time,

but I understand that
this stuff got pretty intense

over the last couple
of years.

All right, so what
do you think changed?

Rebecca's boyfriend dabbled
in Ouija boards,

and I really wonder
if that opened a door

to some negative
occurrences here.

Well, we're here,
so hopefully,

we'll get some answers
for you guys.

I hope so.

Okay. So this is weird.

The demon is, like,
storming in the house,

and it's, like, making
a lot of noise and ruckus.

I was being told that
a living person here

has collected this thing.

- The demon?
- Yes.

I just assumed it came
from the land, you know?

But, mnh-mnh, no,
somebody here...

I'm getting a male.

What the...are they doing,
making a demon come on up?

Something is gonna happen,

like a m*rder.

So, Mike,
talking to Rebecca,

I mean, she's going
through hell here.

You gotta be worried
about her.

I'm sickened by it.

It just makes you feel

Now Rebecca told me
that no matter where she goes,

this thing follows her.

Now have you seen this
happen at your place?


This one time, she was choked.

She's been thrown
against my closet door.

She's been thrown into
my bathtub.

She's been thrown off
the back of my couch.

Actually, I've got, like,
three journals like this,

just account after account

of things that have
happened to her.

Now when I talked to Linda,
her mom.

She's been here since 1984.

And she said none
of this violent...started

until you came into
the picture.

- Absolutely. Yeah.
- So...

Well, I mean, we did mess around
with a Ouija board,

and we've went on
a couple ghost tours.

So you only did those
two things, and that's it?

Yeah, Ouija board, EVP,
and, yeah, ghost tour.

- So that's three things.
- Three things, yeah.

Now you understand,
if you we sit down with Amy,

she's going to want to know

And if you're not
telling me all of it,

it's not going to help
our case here.

We have contacted
a demonologist,

a Reiki Master,
and then another psychic.

All right, so there were
other things that went on here.

The truth is, it doesn't matter
where Becca goes.

She's a bright light
and she attracts a lot of bugs.

Until she figures out how
to, you know, believe in herself

and how to protect herself,
things aren't gonna change.

I was being told

somebody is doing Ouija board

and has somehow
summoned these things.

The demon has
a direct relationship

with a living male here

who accidentally
brought it back.

Do you know
when this happened?

Recently, maybe going on,
like, 50 years.

Do you know what it wants?

It can make them physically ill

or want to k*ll themselves.

You know, I'm gonna start
my investigation

with Rebecca's lead about
the deadly car accident.

Now, for some reason,
the local cops don't want

to talk to me about it.

So I'm heading back to meet
a local journalist

who says this tragedy could've
definitely been prevented.

Okay, so this accident,
what can you tell me about it?

It happened in 2005, May 25.

There was a carload
of four teenagers.

They were coming up the road
this way.


Ben Moden, he was 17 years old.
He was driving.

Now was he from this area,
this kid, Moden? Or...

- Yes.
- He was. Okay.

Who else was in the car
with him?

18-year-old Kurtis Soeby,
17-year-old Brenden McBride,

and then a 15-year-old girl
named Shawntae Taylor.

Okay, so describe the accident
for me. What happened?

Ben and his friends were
coming up the road this way,

going at a good rate of speed

A pickup truck
was coming this way.

Ben blew right through
this stop sign.

He was trying to b*at
the pickup truck.

Okay, so how bad
was this wreck?

It was awful, and debris
was found hundreds of feet

around the crash site.
- Wow.

How many people d*ed
in this accident?

One at the scene,
Shawntae Taylor, the girl.

And then Kurtis Soeby,

he was airlifted
to a hospital in Denver

and d*ed 3 days later
of his injuries.

All right.
So what about this kid Moden?

Did they charge him?

They charged him
with several misdemeanors

'cause he was a minor when
he was arrested at the hospital.

At the sentencing,
he actually said

that he wished it had
been him

instead of his friends
who had d*ed.

Ultimately, he got his wish.

How so?

He was done with house arrest
in July of 2006.


And then just 3 months later,
he was driving with a friend,

21-year-old Joseph Darr,
4:00 in the morning,

blasting down the highway,
loses control,

flips it several times,
both ejected from the car,

neither one wearing
a seat belt, again.

And Joseph walked away
with serious injuries,

but Ben was k*lled
from traumatic head injury.

In his autopsy, they found
cocaine, marijuana, and ecstasy.

Well, maybe if he would've done
some time in the first accident,

he'd be alive today.

I'm seeing an angry male,

and there was something
wrong with him.

Basically, he's just...crazy.

I don't know what made him
crazy, though.

He hurts himself
and would hurt other people.

They locked him up.

His face is all smooshed up.

Do you know
why he's like that?

His face is like that...

'cause he's in pain.

Rebecca says she thinks
fracking in the area

may have stirred things up.

Now I don't know about that,
but she got me thinking.

If her water supply
got contaminated,

could it be making her sick
and causing her to hallucinate?

I'm heading over to meet
an environmental scientist

to see if that's
even possible.

My clients here have
been experiencing

some serious paranormal
activity for about 2 years.

I don't expect you
to get into the whole
paranormal side of things,

but they said it was the time
fracking started in the area.

What exactly is fracking?

It's a process by which
you drill into the Earth,

and you use
high-pressure water

and a cocktail compound
of chemicals

to bring oil out of
solid rock in the ground.

They're fracking pretty close
here, from what I understand.

They are, so about 100 yards
from here is Weld County,

and there are 15,000 fracking
wells in Weld County alone.

Now, have there been any leaks
around here that you know of?

Sure. Within the county, there
was a 28,000-gallon oil spill

associated with fracking
in the past year.

Okay. So if they're drinking
contaminated water

for an extended period
of time,

what's the symptoms
gonna be like?

So you're going to see
headaches, anxiety,

dizziness, delirium,

and for more extended
periods of time

and in higher doses
of chemicals,

you'd see things like cancer
and potentially even death.

So it'd probably be a good idea
for me to test the water?

I would certainly
recommend that.


I'm seeing that demon again.

I saw this thing

in the drainage ditch outside.

It inhales water,
and it comes inside,

and it'll go on the person
and then vomit into their back,

and then the evil
is always in their backs.

This causes the living here

to either get sick

or k*ll themselves.

The person then can spread it
to other living people.

- Just by being around them?
- Yes.

Just how sick can it
make people?

I think that it can cause death.

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So far, I've got a client
under att*ck,

on our property near the site
of a deadly car crash

that k*lled two teenagers,

but I want to see
if there's anything else.

Searching through old records,

I find an article about

a farmhand
who was brutally m*rder*d

right next door
to my client's property.

You know,
I got a local crime writer

to look into this m*rder for me.

Now, she told me the case
took a big twist

when the local judge made
a surprising announcement.

Well, Chris,
thanks for meeting with me.

- I appreciate that.
- Sure.

Before we get to the homicide,
where exactly did it happen?

It happened on
an 800-acre farm

right next door
to your client's property.

The farm was owned by a man
named Louis Clinton Rockwell

who was an attorney
who lived in Denver.

Now, Chris, I know
in the article it said

it involved farmhands.

All right.
What do we know about them?

These guys were
Swedish immigrants,

and they lived in a barn
on the property.

They're young, single,
sort of drifters that come in

and work in the summer
and then leave.

Okay, Chris, so do me a favor.
Let's go through the homicide.

What happened?

Well, on the night
of November 11, 1889,

the farmhands were in the barn.
- Okay.

And they were down
in the lounge area, drinking.

And about 8:00,
one of them, Albert Martin,

decided he was going to go
upstairs and go to bed,

and the rest of them stayed down
and continued to get hammered.

Okay, which guys like that
are gonna do 'cause,

you know, there's
nothing else to do there.
Right. Right.

And later on in the evening,
Elmer Robb, one of the men,

who was a really big guy,

decided that he wanted
the others to fist-fight

for his amusement.

He was badgering them
and threatening them,

and finally,
one person did agree,

and so he decided
to go upstairs

and get Martin to come down
and fight the guy.

All right.
So this guy is already in bed.

How did they react to that?

At that point, Martin, feeling
kind of threatened, got up,

grabbed a.32-caliber revolver,
and went downstairs with him.

And he feels that
he's threatened.

Robb's a big guy.

So he pulls out

and sh**t him
three times in the chest.

- And he kills him?
- Yes.

That's funny, though.
You mentioned on the phone,

there was a surprising decision
by the judge.


Well, the sheriff felt that
they had the guy dead to right,

so they wanted to
charge him with m*rder.

- Okay.
- But the judge totally disagreed

and refused to arraign him
and let him go.

All right,
so it sounds like

the judge thought it was

Robb's sort of a jerk.

He probably deserved
what he got, really.

There's, like,
a couple of men out here,

and they're dead,

and they're not good.

I don't even know
what they're doing here.

They're not from here.

So how many are there?

I think there's three,
but there could be more.

Do you know
when this is from?

I'd say
in the last hundred years.

There'll all white men.

They're probably ranging
from age 18 to 40.

There's a skinny one.

There's a built one.

I don't know how they d*ed.

I hear one was ex*cuted.

I know they k*lled somebody.

I think that they would cause
a lot of activity

in that building.

I do think that the living
have seen them.

They feel aggressive.

They feel territorial,
and they don't want to leave,

and they feel safe here.

It's like, "Get out. Get out.
Get out. Get out."

They don't like anybody in here.

No. They don't like it.


I saw several entities
during my walk,

but two of them had me
the most concerned.

First, the demon.

Its body is like a slug
that kind of

has an upside-down
triangle head shape,

and the mouth was more
like a big hole.

Next, I described
the shadow person

I saw attacking
a living woman.

He was on top of her
in a bed,

and he had his arms
on either side of her

and his legs on either
side of her legs,

and he's got her,
like, pegged.

Is this what you saw?


Now that Amy and I have
completed our investigations,

we're ready to reveal
our findings to each other

and our clients
for the first time.

Now, Amy, we've done
over 125 cases together,

and we've met a lot of people
going through hell,

but Rebecca's case is
one of the worst.

This is her mom, Linda.

She lives in this house.

This is her boyfriend, Mike,
who stays here on occasion.

They're all experiencing things,
but they're worried

that whatever is here
is trying to k*ll Rebecca.

Now that Amy knows a little bit
about you guys,

I'll ask her to describe
her walk for us.

The first thing that I need
to discuss really quickly

is that I've been very sick,

and when you're sick and you're
doing this kind of work,

you're extremely vulnerable.

I waited until I got here
to actually open,

but once I did open,
one of the first things I got

was a lot of negative energy
from the living here.

I was hearing a lot
of different people arguing.

There was definitely a male
and a female that was

the top and most consistent

with the arguing.

Now, Rebecca, you guys
have been fighting, right?

- Yeah.
- Tell Amy about that.

Just fight a lot for

seems no really good reason.

Why is that?

I feel like my personality
has changed.

I feel very anxious
all the time.

I'm...probably not a lot of fun
to be around.

- Interesting.
- She gets upset.

She gets depressed,
you know,

just has this
negative self-image.

Now, Mom, is that her?

Didn't used to be her, no,
but that's how she is, now.

Okay. So what else?

There are two separate
entities here

that are really your problem.

The first one is the demon.

When I first encountered it,
it was slithering like a snake.

It does have arms and legs,

but they're extremely

Its face is extremely

Rebecca, do me a favor
and tell her

what you described
to me upstairs.

I saw kind of a shiny black
kind of a hovering blob,

but it had tentacles
coming off of it.

Now when I spoke
to your girlfriend Heidi,

she talked about
a black-and-white figure

with strange long ears

that would follow her around
when she was kid.

Interesting. Okay.

Do you think what
Heidi and Rebecca saw as kids

was this demon thing?

I actually did have
a sketch done of it.

This is interesting.

This reminds me of what
your girlfriend was telling me.


It looks like what Heidi would
describe, with the long ears.

This thing is in your house
now, apparently.

I almost don't have words
for something like that.

It's just...

it's almost impossible
to comprehend.

So I saw this thing in
a drainage ditch outside.

It was sucking up mud and all
this crap from the ditch

through its nose
and go inside,

and it would vomit out
this black stuff

that it had inhaled
into the person's back.

What I got for living people
is that it can make them

very, very ill,

or it can make them
have suicidal thoughts,

and the thing that
I thought maybe

that it had possibly
k*lled somebody already.

You mentioned something
about potential su1c1de?

I came across something
in my research

that might be important.

In 2005, there was
a deadly car accident

right up on the corner here,
just a few hundred feet away.

Four teenagers were
driving in a sedan.

They felt as if the driver
was being suicidal

from the way he drove.

The driver, Ben Moden, was
reckless and blew right through

that stop sign
at the end of the road here.

They were T-boned
by an oncoming pickup truck.

Now, this was a huge crash,
and debris went everywhere.

None of the kids
were wearing seatbelts.

One of the boys
was ejected from the car.

He d*ed 3 days later
at a hospital.

A 15-year-old girl
named Shawntae Taylor

was k*lled at the scene,

and the driver, Ben Moden,

he wound up getting sentenced
to one year's house arrest

because he was a minor
at the time.

He had no dr*gs or alcohol
in his system,

so no one knows
why he ran the stop sign.

Unfortunately, we can't ask him.

That's because he's dead.

A year later, Ben Moden was
in another accident.

He and a friend were driving
fast down the highway

at 4:00 in the morning.

Again, this kid Ben Moden
was driving.

They weren't wearing seat belts.

Ben lost control of the car
and flipped several times.

Both guys were ejected
from the car.

Ben was k*lled.

I could be wrong,
but it seemed like

he had a death wish, this kid.

Just a sad situation.

So I don't know if this
is connected or not,

but you mentioned this demon
thing likes to drink water

from the drainage ditch.

- Is that right?
- Yes.

Rebecca, you told me you
thought activity picked up

after they started fracking here
a couple of years ago.

Sometimes, fracking
can contaminate

peoples' the drinking water.

Now, I talked to
an environmental expert

who says that exposure
to these chemicals

could cause some of
the experiences you're having.

But when I had your water
tested, it came back normal.


Now you said this thing
makes people sick.

Linda's husband, and Rebecca's
father, d*ed about 6 months ago.

- Yes.
- Okay.
- I'm sorry.

I have a couple of photos
of him here, one with Rebecca.

You said it could cause
suicidal thoughts,

and my dad was hospitalized at
one time for attempted su1c1de.


He struggled with depression.

He would just say to me,
"I had some visitors today,

"and they came to see me,

but I know they weren't
really here."

Could this thing have caused him
to want to commit su1c1de?


So this demon, it was
accidentally picked up

by a male who lived here.

And I got that this was recent,
like in the last 50 years.

Well, there's some other stuff
you should know.

Mike and Rebecca have done

a ton of paranormal things
in the past.

You name it, they've tried it.

I want you to explain to her
what's going on,

what you guys did,

and how the stuff spiked
after you two met.

Well, it was ill-advised,
but we, you know,

decided to have a couple
sessions with a Ouija board.

List the other things
you've done.

We've reached out
to an exorcist,

a demonologist.

We've worked with a, like,
a Reiki Master,

and we did a ghost tour
on my birthday.

Now, Linda,
I know you don't like

all the...they're doing, right?
- No. I don't.

I don't feel that doors
should be opened

when you have a choice not to.

So did Mike and Rebecca
bring this demon here?


This could be possibly
your husband

because it wasn't something
he was looking for.

- It was accidentally picked up.
- Okay.

So it sounds like it wasn't
Mike and Rebecca

fooling around with the stuff.

Not for that.

Okay. For what?

For something else.

So you're not off the hook.

No, you're not.

The biggest thr*at
in the house

to you, specifically,
is the shadow man.

So what I saw was a male
with a Ouija board,

and that is what caused
the shadow person

to come into this realm.

And I saw it fixated on a female
in the room upstairs,

to the left.

That's Rebecca's room.

Some of the specific things
that I saw it doing to you

was dragging you off the bed,

that there would be bruises that
you would maybe wake up with

because it's trying to pick you
up and drag you through walls,

and that it's happening
pretty much every night.

You remember when I said

Rebecca was going through hell
here, right?

You pretty much hit on why.

I get scratches and bruises.

Look at this.
Look at these bruises.


Feel like I've been
held down in my bed.

I had my tooth knocked out.

I was laying in bed
and I went to sit up,

and as I was sitting up, I felt,
like, a punch in my face.

All right. Now this
is the weird part, though.

This stuff doesn't
just happen here.

When you go to Mike's house,
it's happened.

And she just got, basically,
thrown off her feet

and into my closet door.

There might be some
jealousy stuff here

because you're dealing
with a shadow person

who believes that
she's a shadow person.

That's why it's so mean
and so aggressive with you.

It wants you
to go home with it.

I know you weren't intending
to do something like that.

I mean, are you feeling
guilty about it?

Yeah. I kind of am, and it
really wasn't even my idea

to do the Ouija board.

So you're blaming Rebecca
for this?

She started seeing
this black shadow

before the Ouija board.

- You buying that?
- All I know is what I see,

and what I saw was a man
with a Ouija board,

and then this thing
was there.

You're busted, cuz.
Forget about it.

Another thing I saw
this shadow person

doing to you
was really horrifying,

and I actually did have
a sketch done of it.

Gee whiz.

That's why I don't sleep
at night.

I didn't want to bring it up,
but there was some other issues

you had in the bedroom
with this thing.

I felt like one
night, I was sexually assaulted,

but there was nothing there.

I just can't imagine
what she's going through.

We just have to fix it.

What the hell does this thing
want with Rebecca?

Well, it wants
to take her home.

So if, god forbid, this was to
happen, where would she wind up?

She would be missing.

He could accidentally
k*ll you

trying to get you
to his reality.

Now, Rebecca, when we spoke
the other day,

I knew this was going to be
a rough night for you,

but I had no idea it was
going to be this bad.

Now, I don't know what Amy
is going to say,

but I hope she has
a solution for you,

because nobody deserves
to go through the abuse

you're going through.

With that, I'll turn it over
to Amy and see what she's got.

It's a very unique situation

because real shadow people
are negative

and nearly impossible
to get rid of.

So you are, unfortunately,
in an abusive relationship

that you can't get out of.

So you are going to have
to implement

different protection measures
to try to survive.

Something will work for a month,
and then it'll stop,

and then you're going to have to
employ a different measure.

What are we looking for?

Because I want
to help with this.

I can give you a bag of stuff
that you can use.

You know, putting black salt
around your bed at night.

Maybe it'll work
for a few nights,

and then you go to, say,

putting brimstone or sulfur
at your door,

but it's always going to be
something that's temporary.

What you can hope is that
one day,

he's gonna figure it out
and he's going to figure out

how to get himself back
to his realm.

I can't get rid of him.

I don't want to live the rest
of my life with him.

I tell you,
this is a heartbreaking case.

I really don't have words
for it.

I was just so hoping
that we could deal

with the shadow person.

Unfortunately, it's like you're
going to be experimenting.

That's all you can do
with shadow people.

What about this guy?

Now that guy, you can do
something about.

Find a local tribe and a local
person from that tribe

who is either a practicing
medicine person or a shaman.

That person can come here

and can protect
your entire property line.

Are you going to do that?


That's probably fairly easy
for us to...

...get a hold of them.

I think it would be
a huge first step

because I think it might
allow her to be healthier.

And building
her confidence level.

I mean, how do you feel about
knowing everything now?

It's pretty hard
to put into words.

I was so hopeful that
we really...

would get something
more positive

to resolve it,
but we'll resolve it.

It'll just take work.

You know what you're dealing
with now, I think.

I know what to do now.

I really hope Rebecca
contacts a shaman

to banish the demon that's
been terrorizing her family.

Once he's gone, she can focus
on protecting herself

from the shadow person
tormenting her.

And hopefully, one day,
it will leave on its own,

giving Rebecca some peace.
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