07x09 - Out of the Fire and Into the Boiling Sea

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu". Aired: January 2011 to present.*
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"Lego Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu" revolves around the adventures of six ninja: Kai, Cole, Jay, Zane, Lloyd, and Nya.
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07x09 - Out of the Fire and Into the Boiling Sea

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Ninjago...

Previously on Ninjago...

The apparatus won't activate
unless all four Time Blades are in it.

- Kai, my son.
- Traitor!

They forced us to work for them.

If you want to save your Master,
you will retrieve the fourth Blade.

Destination dead ahead.

Excellent, Supreme Commander Machia.

The final Time Blade will soon be ours.

Unless this is all a Ninja trick
to trap us in the middle of nowhere.

It had best not be, for his sake.

Argh! We can't do this!

We can't let Krux and Acronix force us
into getting the last Time Blade for them.

Its reversal power is the only way to undo

the effects of the Time Punch
on Master Wu.

What other choice do we have?

Time is short and our friend's survival,

your Master's survival, is at stake.

Your father's right.
Focus on the task at hand.

Retrieving the Time Blade
will be more dangerous

than you can possibly imagine.


I don't get it.

Why did you put the Time Blade
way out here?

It was so powerful that Wu knew
it had to be hidden somewhere safe,

so he asked us to seal it
in the ancient library of Hono Mizu.

Hono what now?

Hono Mizu was once a thriving port town
that was consumed by an undersea volcano

that buried the city leagues below
an impossibly harsh environment.

A combination of fire and water.

The Boiling Sea.

Ew. No matter how many times you see it,
watching those suckers hatch is gross.

Jay, less watching, more helping!

You know, guys, I was thinking,
now that we've gotten

Ninjago's workers out of here,
maybe we should join them.

What about Master Wu?

He's gone. It's a strategic retreat.

"Strategic retreat" is just
a fancy way of saying "giving up."

What do you think, Lloyd?

You're the Master-in-training here.

We need to regroup at the temple.

Zane, cover ice.

t*nk squadron, report.

Quick, before they get through!

One moment.

-I'm getting a signal.
- Oh, yeah?

Does it sound anything like this?

Move your butt, Zane!

Cyrus Borg, I must retrieve him.

Wait! You're totally outnumbered.

He's right, there's like
a million more Vermillion out there.

There's no way you could
possibly save him all by yourself.

So I'm coming with you.

What? We're Ninja.

Saving people is, you know, what we do.

Yes, we do.

Take cover!

Where are they?
Vermillion, check the tunnel.

Any sign of escape?

Do you know what this means?

The Ninja have been eliminated!


Or they found another exit.

Either way, they're gone.

There's work to be done.

All Vermillion, stand down.

Return to the dome immediately.

We are so getting a promotion.

Ha. What luck, they left.

Except all the Vermillion forces
in the swamp

are apparently headed to
the same place we are, the dome.

- I didn't say, "What good luck."
- So what do we do?

We're in deep trouble
the moment they spot us.

Then let's make sure they don't.

Uh-huh. Gotta give whoever named it
the Boiling Sea credit for accuracy.

Kai, Nya, I am sorry.

We never expected anyone ever to return,
least of all our children.

But only the Masters of Fire and Water,
working together, can traverse it.

Your journey will be fraught with peril,
traps, enormous obstacles,

and Geotomic Rock Monsters.

And you will need the Dragon Blade.

- Allow me.
- What? What are you doing?

I knew it! This is a Ninja trick.

It is the key to successfully getting you
the Reversal Blade.

It's one w*apon.

We still have three Time Blades.

I suppose escape is impossible.

Although I'd love for them to try.

Machia, release the sword.

Now you must use it
to create the Fusion Dragon.

- The what?
- Only a Fusion Dragon

can plunge the depths of the Boiling Sea,

and only the Dragon Blade can create one.

You will make the impossible possible

and unify the elemental powers
of fire and water.

The Fusion Dragon.

Now, when you reach
the first obstacle, you must--

No time! Wu's wasting away.

We'll just figure it out as we go.

He can be a little hot-headed.

He gets that from his father.

Remember, work together.

I didn't know how much longer
I could hold my breath.

- I can't see a thing.
- The Master of Fire is on it.

Nice, huh?

Sometimes I don't know
what we'd do without me.

Who knew you could be
this high up under the sea?

That little dot down there must be
the lost library of Hono Mizu.

Any idea how to reach it
without breaking our necks?

Well, we could ask our dad.

Oh, no, wait.
You were too impatient for that.

Hang on. I have an idea.

We slide down this.

What? We'd be torn to shreds.

Which is where my power comes in. Whoa!

Sometimes I don't know
what you would do without me.

- Well, that was easy.
- Yeah, too easy. Ow!

Unto the breach!


Stop! He's not a Vermillion.

I know a snake when I see one.


You've come to rescue me!

Ugh, a decision I'm starting to regret.

Now, come on, let's get you
out of here before we're discovered.

Hey, Borg, why exactly
did Krux and Acronix kidnap you anyway?

Duh. Pay attention, Jay. We know why.

They grabbed every builder in Ninjago
to outfit their army.

Uh, no, not me.

I was forced to create something
far more sinister.

Oh. It's... What is that thing?

I've heard them call it the "Iron Doom."

Krux and Acronix's ultimate w*apon.

- And you designed it?
- Uh, no, a blacksmith did.

I'm afraid that I am responsible for that.


A nano-fused,
nee-atomic power source,

which, according to my calculations,

creates an energy displacement
sufficient to allow for--

Uh-oh. Oh, dear. Temporal voyage.

Temporal voyage?

Time travel!

Temporal means time. Duh.
Pay attention, Cole.

It harnesses the power of the Time Blades.

If Krux and Acronix get all four,

they will be able to take
all these Vermillion Warriors

anywhere in time.

As deadly obstacles go,
that was pretty fun.

I'm starting to think
Mom overstated the danger.

You know how moms can get.

No, I never knew one 'cause...

'Cause ours got kidnapped
when you were only three.

Right, sorry.

Uh, my point was,
moms like to worry about everything,

but this is nothing.

All that's left is a climb
over some boulders and...

Hang on, those aren't boulders.

Those are...

What did Mom call them?

Geotomic Rock Monsters!

She understated the danger!

Krux and Acronix are gonna travel
back in time in that thing?

We gotta stop it!

Uh, how do we stop it?

During assembly,

I programmed in
a secret backdoor self-destruct code,

but, uh, they watched me
like a hawk as I built it,

so I never got a chance to enter the code.

Then we'll just have to sneak down
and type in the code ourselves.

Sneak into Vermillion Warrior central?

- Are you nuts, Lloyd?
- You guys have a better plan?

One that doesn't allow Krux and Acronix
to time travel off to who knows when

to do who knows what?

- Uh... We do not.
- We just need the code.

Ah, uh, yes, of course.


- Oh, I don't remember.
- What?

I know it's a long sequence

so I committed it
to the deep recesses of my brain.

Perhaps if I see the panel,

it would jar the numbers
to the front of my brain.

Looks like you're coming with us.

Going somewhere?

He said, "Going somewhere, egghead?"

Oh, I didn't say the egghead part,
but that's a nice touch.

Uh, yes.

I was hoping to inspect
my apparatus on the factory floor.

Why exactly? To sabotage it?

No, on the contrary,
to ensure it's properly installed.

Why, imagine what Krux and Acronix
would do to me,

and you, if it doesn't work.

Uh, good point.
We should let him inspect it.

I asked these gentlemen to escort me down,
but they didn't respond.

Of course not.
You can't control the Hive Mind.

Vermillion, take him to the Iron Doom.

- Aye, aye.
- Did you just speak?


Okay, that time I did.

Vermillion, attack.

Wait, wait, do you mean us Vermillion or--

Seriously, Jay? We're Ninja.

We're supposed to be stealth--

Oh, I'm way past stealthy.


Cornered again?

- You know, this gets old.
- Hang on.

- Do you hear that?
- What?

Sam u rai X?

I said, attack!

Go, go, go!

Cyrus Borg, I am relieved you are safe.

- I have been looking for you.
- But how did you find me?

I was able to hack into Zane's scanner.

He located you and I came.

Samurai X, you appear to always
show up at just the right time.

You could say
I'm hardwired that way, Nindroid.

Now, let's get you home.

No, we need him to disable the Iron Doom.

Challenge accepted.

Sweet ride.

I'll take care of this.


So, apparently,
Geotomic Rock Monsters are fireproof.

And waterproof.

Put me down!

You heard my sister. Put her down!

Kai, fire and water combined.

The steam is cracking him.

Like the Dragon, we work together.


Amazing. Gotta be Dad's handiwork.

But I don't see a handle.

How do we open something this big?

By working together.



Working together.


No! Ah! We came so far!

We used our fire and water power together.

We did everything right!

Why would Dad build a door
that doesn't open?

The Dragon Blade!

Our parents said
it's the key to our success

and the key to retrieving the Time Blade.

For once, take two seconds
to think a problem through.

- I think it's the literal key.
- Dad's blacksmith stamp.

Both of us.

The Reversal Blade. We did it!

Okay, but be careful.

There may be one final--


You think maybe we were
supposed to do that together?

Like everything else?

We gotta bolt.

Or do you wanna stay
and think the problem through?

The Fusion Dragon.

Stop them! Stop them at all costs!

- There's so many!
- Keep fighting!

We gotta hold them back long enough

for Samurai X to get Cyrus Borg
to the panel.

The control panel is there.

I hope you have no fear of heights.


Air team, intercept.



Uh, let's see. I know the code
is a 1,300-digit sequence, but...

Oh, um...

How's it going up there?

He needs more time!

Where are they?

What if they fail, then what do we do?

The children, they're safe.

But did they get the Time Blade?

Master Wu.

- Are we too late?
- Kai, Nya?

Yes, and we're gonna save you.

- Actually, you're not.
- What?

You promised if we retrieved
the Time Blade we could help him.

Yeah, about that... We lied.

Did you really think
we would allow Wu to remain

after all the trouble
he's caused us over the years?

You monsters!

The Blade is mine, boy.

Yeah? Well, here it comes.



- A fool's art!

- Ah!
- Reversal.

Spinjitzu? A fool's art!

Not this time.

Slow down, kid.

Oh, no!

I'm coming, Master!

Dad? Father!

I'm all right.

He just caught me off-guard.

Get them!

Excellent work, brother.

Four completes the set.

So, now it's time to return to the swamp.

- What about them?
- Let's drop them off here.

Supreme Commander Machia, make it so.

As you command.

It's not too late to save Master Wu,

but we still need the Reversal Blade.

Anytime, guys-

It's a 1,300-digit sequence.

- There's something important--
- Thirteen-hundred?

That's the exact number of digits
in the first line of code for--

Programming a Nindroid.

Seriously, guys?

Three, seven, nine,
two, five, four, six, eight...

Nine, two, one, five, six...


Just a few hundred more digits!

What? Could this get any harder?

Oh, you didn't just ask that,
did you?

You just totally jinxed us.

Come on, that's not how life works.

Not saying another word.

What is that Ninja doing with Borg?

I think they're trying
to shut down the Iron Doom

before it ever becomes operational.

We'll take care of them.

Machia, proceed as planned.

Vermillion, to the Iron Doom.

It's time to commence
Operation Return and Repeat.

Huh? Uh-uh...
Why'd they stop fighting?

What's going on?

And so Operation Return and Repeat begins.

Good name, too.

Eight, four, seven, two, one and--


As in, zero chance of success.

Time is wasting. Come, brother.


Yeah, I talked. Come on.


Just a few more moments, brother.

Soon, Ninjago will be ours.

Nothing can stop us now.


Why did you have to say that?

They're too far!
The Dragon can't get enough speed!

- Good luck, kids.
- Mom, what are you doing?

Giving you both the speed you need.

Okay, our mom? Totally awesome.

I just hope we see her again.

Control time...

Control everything.



Kai? Where did they go?

More like, when did they go?
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