07x08 - Pause and Effect

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu". Aired: January 2011 to present.*
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"Lego Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu" revolves around the adventures of six ninja: Kai, Cole, Jay, Zane, Lloyd, and Nya.
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07x08 - Pause and Effect

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Ninjago...

Previously on Ninjago...

Master Wu is rapidly aging.

Our father's mark is on
every Vermillion Warrior helmet we found.

Move it, old man.

Wu's got to be
down there somewhere.

And Cyrus Borg.

Nya, our parents, they're alive.

And if we do this right,
we can find Master Wu,

save Cyrus Borg,
rescue everyone who was kidnapped

and stop Krux and Acronix.

But it'll take stealth, concentration
and precise execution.

- And where does the slug fit in?
- What slug?

Ah, that one!

It's so... It's so gross.

Hey, guys. What'd we miss?

Cole freaking out over a slug.

And Lloyd laying out the plan of attack.

- But mostly Cole freaking out.
- As I was saying,

Zane will use his sensors
to locate Cyrus Borg

while Jay and Cole rescue
the workers from the warehouse.

I'll get Master Wu,
who's probably in the holding cell.

Kai and Nya, you have the toughest job.

Locating Krux and Acronix.

- So you take the map.
- We can do that. Right, Kai?

Barracks, holding cell...


Okay, that's the mess hall
and what's this?

- Kai!
- What? Yeah, yeah, we got it.

- Let's go.
- Remember, stealth is key.

- Everyone know what they're doing?
- On it.

- Yup!
- Affirmative.

Oh, yeah. I know exactly what I'm doing.

Good luck.

Uh, no pressure,
but all of Ninjago is depending on us.

Your numbers are great,
but they won't be enough.

The Time Punch has reversed.

My strength has returned.

I will save Ninjago.


Wu, why did you fail me?

I... I made a mistake.

An error of judgment.

I should've told you I loved you
before you went to...

- Garmadon.
- You let me fall to the darkness, brother.

You failed me, too.

And me.

Morro, I don't understand.

You don't understand how,
instead of your greatest success,

your student became your greatest failure?

You've made many mistakes, Master.

ACRONDK". Many mistakes,
aye, but the latest,

the monastery.

You never should've
come by yourself, old man.

We could've helped, Master.

You didn't have to face them alone.

You didn't have to be alone.

KRUX". Your arrogance has left you...

All alone.

I'm all alone.

Hah! What a joke.

We are commanders.

Guarding this guy is totally beneath us.

How could Acronix and Krux
put Machia in charge?

They ignore our courage,
our dedication, our singular focus.

I'm starving.

What? I missed breakfast.

Machia told us, "Never let
the prisoner out of our sight."

You're just gonna have to go hungry.


P.l.X.A.L., scan for Borg's
biometric signature.

P.l.X.A.L.? Uh, come on, Zane.
She's still offline.

Deal with it. Do your own scanning.

ZANE". Target acquired. Locking in.

I don't think we can go in the front door.

Well, you know, we can,

but I doubt fighting
half the Vermillion Warriors

is good for Lloyd's stealth plan.

Oh, not good, not good,
not good, not good!

Gotta love skylights.
Nobody ever thinks to guard them.


Shh. We're here to rescue--

Ninja! We are rescued!

Whafre you doing here?

Snake warriors kidnapped Karlof.

Can't breathe.

Krux and Acronix are rounding up
the Elemental Masters?

Retired Elemental Master.

Until snakes grabbed Karlof,

cuff him in Vengestone
to control his power.

Eh! Come on!

Then make him forge.

Oh, man. You're strong.

They forced us to build armor,
vehicles, weapons.

Only Ninjago who know
how to build, they take.

Huh, now I'm starting to get why
the Vermillion grabbed all that metal!

And why they took who they took.

Carpenters, construction workers,

Master of metal and--

Revenge will be mine

Dad? But you guys are just called
the Royal Blacksmiths.

You're not, you know, actual blacksmiths.

My baby's coming in

That's right

Shh. The guards.

COLE". We gotta be stealthy.

How do we get 'em outta here?

By leaving the same way we came in.

Oh, sure. Great idea.
Everyone can just fly up there, except,

oh, wait, they can't fly!

No, but we can.

- Airjitzu!
- Airjitzu!

Time grows short and I grow impatient.

Are you finished yet?

Yes, I'm finished.

It will supply all the power you need.


Your effort is appreciated, Cyrus Borg.

Hmm, like I had a choice.


Impressive craftsmanship.

All the more so
when one takes into account

your inferior modern training.

Time for a demonstration.

Argh! It doesn't work.
I withdraw my compliment!

I told you! The apparatus won't activate

unless all four Time Blades are in it.

Speaking of which, the third is arriving
any minute now, brother.

And my ship awaits.

Ah, I've waited decades.

I suppose I can wait a little longer.

- Ah!
- Attempting sabotage?

Uh, no. No, no, no. Of course not.

Wise decision.

But just to be safe,
you're coming with us.

Take the apparatus to the Iron Doom.

Krux and Acronix want it ready to connect
when the time comes.

I've... I've lost the signal.

No Cyrus Borg. No P.l.X.A.L.

No good.

Empty? Where is Master Wu?

He was out to lunch. Kind of still is.

Had to watch him, but wanted to eat.

Thanks to me, we did both.

- If you've hurt him--
- Him? I'd be worried about you.


You and your Ninja buddies are gonna pay

for getting us stuck on this
lame babysitting detail.

Now you're really in trouble!

Didn't your mother teach you not
to fight with your mouth full?

Stop him! I'll watch the geezer.

Hey! How come you get to--

Okay, you first, Karlof.


Why does Dirt Ninja smile?

Oh, just getting déjé vu,
saving you for a second time.

Go, Jay.

You, uh... You got extra, ah, metal
in your pockets or something?

Karlof almost forget.

Car keys.

Oh, no. This isn't gonna work.

And unless the new Samurai X
does his thing

and shows up out of the blue again,

we gotta come up
with something else, fast.

Hmm. Wait, we have builders
and we have scrap metal.

- So...
- Right!

Anyone here know how to design,
construct and independently power

a 200-foot industrial green cargo elevator
in three minutes?

- No?
- I was thinking ladder.

Right. Ladder. Good call.

Um. anyone?

- Good thinking, boys.
- Thanks, Dad.

Hey, I've got a question.

All the armor and stuff you forged,
where did all the designs come from?

Well, I overheard one of the generals say
they came from a Master Blacksmith.

"Master Blacksmith"?

Kai, I don't see anything.

Give me the map.


What even makes you think
Acronix and Krux are around here?

I honestly don't care if they are.

Let's see, we came across from the east.

Which means we're here in this clearing.

Down this path is a--

The blacksmith shop.

Our parents!

Wait! Kai!

I knew it!

Huh? Who are you?

What do you want?

I want justice!

You're red like a Vermillion Warrior,

-but you're no snake.
- No, but you are.


You've messed with
the wrong blacksmith, my friend.

-I'm not your friend!
- Fire power.

No, you're certainly not a guard.

You're my son.

Kai, you've inherited my elemental power.

That's the only thing
I will ever inherit from you!

- Kai, no!
- He's a traitor!

- Traitor?
- He's still our father.


Son, whatever it is you think,
I can explain.

Yeah, I bet you can.

Kai, let him speak!
There's no harm in hearing him out.

I'm coming, Master!

Nice. And those Vermillion
never knew what we were doing.

Look at this bad boy. Solid.

No! Wait! Ladder is not done!

- Oops.
- Oh, so much for stealth.

Look, maybe they didn't hear it.

No, they did.


You said Borg's temporal scanner
would pinpoint the exact time and location

of the Blade's arrival.

Oh, it should be here in a moment.

There we go.
The BorgWatch worked perfectly.

Well, of course it did.

Everything I make works perfectly.

Sometimes it's a curse.

You see? Easiest one to obtain yet.

Now will you admit
that not all modern technology is bad?

Not until we find the final Blade.

A task for which that little trinket
has been utterly useless.

Our mother always said he was stubborn.

Did you feel that a moment ago?

That was weird.

Yeah, it was like time stood still.

Well, they're not standing still.

Now they're still.

Uh-oh, tunnels, everyone, now!

Safe. You're finally--



Oh, come on!

It ends here, now!

you don't know what you're doing.

I do, Nya. I absolutely--

- I'm not your sister, son.
- Huh?


I don 't believe it.

That makes two of us.

NY?!» my baby girl.

How you've grown.


I missed you.

Why? She's just as guilty as he is.

They've been helping Acronix
and Krux for years.

- They're the enemy!
-ls that what you think?

- We are not the enemy.
- Then how do you explain this?

Dad's blacksmith stamp
on every piece of Vermillion armor.

They forced us to work for them.

Part of their revenge.

- For what?
- For creating the Time Blades.

RAY". It goes back to when Acronix and Krux
were Elemental Masters.

I have an idea
and it requires your skills.

Masters of Fire and Water, come.

We forged four Time Blades
from Chrono-steel

to absorb the powers
of the Hands of Time.

Chrono-steel is incredibly strong.

We were physically and mentally drained.

Thank you. My brother and I
will deal with Krux and Acronix.

The Time Blades stripped Krux
and Acronix of their powers,

then Wu and Garmadon
created a temporal vortex

to lose the Blades forever.

When Krux and Acronix
foolishly went after the Blades,

it appeared they, too,
would be lost to time.

Later, we learned that just
before Acronix disappeared,

there was a sign that foretold
the exact time of his return.

Forty years in the future.

Wu saw it.

KN". So that must be how Master Wu knew

when Acronix was gonna return
to the monastery.

- He saw the blimp.
- And so did Krux.

What Wu did not know

was that not only did Krux see the blimp,

but he wasn't sent forward
with his brother.

Now he knew he had decades to plan.

He assumed a false identity

and decided to use eggs
from the Great Devourer

to create a great legion of warriors.

His warriors would need armor,
weapons, vehicles.

And he knew just who could design them.

Pretending to be the kindly
Dr. Sander Saunders,

Krux took his time and earned our trust.

- We thought he was our friend.
- Until Saunders betrayed us.

Told us how he had a plan
for his brother's eventual return.

He forced us to work for him or else...

Or else what?

MAYA". Or else he would go after you two.

It was his ultimate revenge.

Okay, but that still
doesn't explain the stamp.

It was a message.

I stamped all my work,

hoping one day someone
would figure out where we were,

so that, together, we could
stop Krux and Acronix's plan.

What is their plan?

To control all of time.


I've got a read on Borg again.

Huh. Safe.

Thanks for leaving me
to fight the kid all by myself.

Someone had to look after
Sleeping Beauty here.

Think of how much trouble we'd be in
if Krux and Acronix knew you lost him.

Me? You're the one who--

- Fools!
- Supreme Commander!

Hey, uh, uh, how's it going?
Um, we've been here the whole time.

I know you disobeyed me.

I know you lost the prisoner.
I know all of it.

- Even the sliders.
- What?

How could you possibly know of--

Right. Stupid Hive Mind.

Clearly, I cannot trust you nitwits
to do even the simplest things.

- Lloyd?
- Zane?

- Have you seen Wu?
- No.

I was tracking Borg,
but I lost the signal.

Then it reappeared.

Argh! I had Wu, but lost him again.

I sense Jay and Cole are nearby.

- Yeah? You sure?
- Bring it on, you Vermillion dupes!

Yup. Pretty sure.

Oh. Hey, guys. Look, I know
it looks like we're totally outnumbered,

but that's only because we are.

Our friends need our help.

But what about Cyrus Borg and Master Wu?

I'm afraid they have to wait.

As Master Wu says,
"Never put off until tomorrow

"what must be done today."

True, let's just hope
we're not putting off the wrong thing.

I'm sorry. I didn't know.

You said Krux and Acronix
want to control all of time.

- How?
- They made me design Iron Doom,

a transport to carry
the Vermillion throughout time.

With all those troops,
they would be unstoppable.

- You built a time machine?
- Just the shell.

Time machines are
a little outside my skill set.

But Cyrus Borg was forced
to design a power source

to power the Iron Doom.

It draws temporal energy
from the Time Blades.

Oh, no. ljust realized.

That pause we felt earlier,

it must have been the third Time Blade.

KN". If Krux and Acronix found it,
then there'd only be one left.

And if they get that, their time-traveling
mega armor will be fully operational.

Sorry, fully operational is good news?

They'll never get it.

Master Wu found it shortly
after Acronix disappeared.

Turns out, it has the power
to reverse time.

Wu knew it was too dangerous to keep.

Under his orders, we hid it,

buried deep in a location
that only the combined elemental powers

of fire and water can reach.

And since you inherited our powers...

- You must leave, now.
- Huh?

She's right. If the Hands of Time
knew all of this,

-they could--
- Could force you to retrieve it for us?

- Excellent suggestion.
- No way!

- We will never do your bidding.
- You tell him, brother.

You will or your parents will face
the very fate

from which they tried protect you.

Never! We're done serving you, Krux.

- Bring your worst.
- With pleasure.


Look who I found.

- Master!
- Wu!

Uh, technically, she didn't find him.
We had him the whole time.

Yeah. We didn't lose him

because we took a lunch break
or anything.

You know, it occurs to me
that the Reversal Blade is the only way

to undo the effects of the Time Punch.

I'm... I'm afraid that's true.

If you want to save your Master,
you will retrieve the fourth Blade.

And I'll take that.

Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!

That's what I'm talking about.
Vermillion, done!

- Workers safe! Ninja in the swamp.
- Yes!

Now we can return
to search for Borg and Wu.

I'm afraid I found them.

Okay, so let's Airjitzu after them.

- Ah!
- Uh, huh.


No, Ninja, you will stay.

I'm afraid we've reached

the end.
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