07x05 - A Line in the Sand

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu". Aired: January 2011 to present.*
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"Lego Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu" revolves around the adventures of six ninja: Kai, Cole, Jay, Zane, Lloyd, and Nya.
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07x05 - A Line in the Sand

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Ninjago...

Previously on Ninjago...

Hello, everyone. What have I missed?

There's a bunch of samurai and snakes

stealing every piece of metal
they can find.

Master Wu still hasn't recovered
from his battle with Acronix.

Snakes are attacking
Monster Amusement Park.

P.I.X.A.L. P.I.X.A.L.?

- What are those things?
- What do they want?

Not the mascots!

Not cool.

So lame.

Not cool.

- Ah! So lame!
- Not cool!

Aah, I just love the smell
of screams in the evening.

Ugh! Mega Monster Amusement Park? Really?

Don't these guys have any sense
of decency?

- Where does it end?
- It ends here and now.

P.l.X.A.L., give me a danger analysis.


P.l.X.A.L., respond.
I need a danger analysis.

Here's one. The roller coaster!

Zane, Cole, get up there, fast!

- Right.
- Got it.

The rest of you, spread out.

Time to make this place a snake-free zone.

We can do this, team.

Wow! Listen to Lloyd taking charge.

I like it. He's starting to get
this Master thing down.

You don't have a ticket,
and you don't have a ticket!

And you! And you!

Which one of you slimeballs
stole my Samurai X suit?

Was it you?

0r you?

'O' You?

We're going to go round
and round and round

until I get some answers.

Ha, ha!



fake ghost. Ha, ha.

I knew that. Ahem!

- So lame.
- Not cool.


Huh? That symbol.



A-squadron, hold off the Ninja.

The rest of you, keep bringing the metal.

We must multitask.

You mind if I borrow these?

- What's your name?
-l'm Johnny.

Nice to meet you, Johnny.

You too, Lloyd.


Ninjas, sound off! ls everyone okay?

So far, barely!

If you mean, "Okay,
there sure are a lot of them,"

then, yeah, I'm okay.

For the record,

this is the least amusing
amusement park I've ever been to.

These snakes are behaving curiously.

You think? Because boosting scrap metal

doesn't seem like, you know,
normal snake behavior.

Neither does reforming
into unstoppable samurai things.

I mean, strategically.

They appear more interested
in keeping us away

from their compatriots
that are stealing metal

than they are in actually defeating us.

Well, they finally have to deal
with us at full strength, and...

Hang on...

Has anyone seen Jay?

No. Now that you mention it,

he wasn't with us when we arrived.

You know, just once, it would be nice
to go into battle with a full team.

Well, don't tell us, tell Jay!

He's the one who took off for wherever

without saying a word to us.

I'm sure he had a good reason.

Well, I'm glad you're sure.

Yes! Keep it coming.

Can't disappoint Commander Machia.

No, not the Hands of Time's pet.

I reserve the right
to refuse service to you!

I don't think they saw your sign
in the front window, honey.

Take your fangs off my parents,
you darn dirty snakes!


Mom, Dad, are you okay?

Oh, well, I am now very late
for my quilting circle.

The Ninja mustn't interfere.

Get over there and take him down.

Whoa! Whoa! Oh, oh!

Oh! Jay!

What's happening?

These fellas came out of nowhere
and started grabbing things.

Yeah, they do that.

Oh, now that's rude!

Don't worry, I won't let
anything happen to you.

I'm going to get you both
out of here on my bike.


Everything is moving along
according to plan, brother.

The metal is coming in
by the snake-load, and our, ahem...

"Laborers" are already hard at work

on their various projects.

- How's it going with Borg?
- Poorly.

He's barely made any progress
on the apparatus.

And I thought you were supposed to be
this era's greatest inventor.

How can I create anything with
these substandard materials?

Chunks of metal, tiny scraps.

And these!
These aren't even gold trophies!

And don't get me started
on these ancient tools!

I'm sorry! I can't do it!

Excuses. In my day,
we built with anything at hand.

Craftsmanship meant something.

I suspect you can build the apparatus,

you just don't want to.

Okay, yes!

And you can't make me.


Don't be so sure.

Ah, commander Machia.

- I see you received my message.
- I did.

What was so important that you
pulled me from the b*ttlefield?

I'm reluctant to leave details

up to those fools, Blunck and Raggmunk.

It appears one of our workers
is reluctant to do his job.

I was hoping you could motivate him.

With pleasure.

No. No, no, no, wait.

I, I'll do whatever you want!

Yes, I know you will.

So... It is so, so tickly.

So... So terribly awful!

I like her.

She's mean.

Sounds like someone has a crush.

I do not!

I mean, she's cute, sure. On the surface.

But deep down,

she's a pile of snakes!

It has arrived, brother.

Did you not hear me?

The next Time Blade has arrived.

Which means we should be out
looking for it.

And yet you play children's games?

lam trying to discern
the Blade's location

on my smartwatch!

However, if you keep distracting me...

Fine, fine.

As usual, you have far too much
faith in technology.

Doesn't seem like
a very smart watch to me.

Uh, actually, the BorgWatch is
the smartest smartwatch ever.

There's a heart-rate monitor, a GPS unit,

and even a temporal anomaly locator.

The Time Blade is at latitude 34 degrees,

longitude 28 degrees.

Very well.

It appears technology has its uses.

Maybe. Sometimes.

Hmm. The eastern Sea of Sand.

Given the Blade's location,
our troops at both the scrapyard

and Mega Monster Amusement Park
can get to it before we can.

I'm afraid Blunck and Raggmunk
are in the best position to retrieve it.

The Blade is now our top priority.

Commander Machia, make it so.

Blunck, Raggmunk, hear me...

Message received, Commander Machia.

Vermillion warriors, we're leaving.

Take the builder, now.

"Vermillion warriors", really?

That's what they're called?

Hey, let go of me! Aah!

- Watch it!
- Aah!

Take her!

She may be a builder also.

But wait, wait! I don't like to
go anywhere without my purse!


Put me down! Aah!

- Help!
- Mom!

Hang on, I'm coming!

Got to form my dragon!

Come on, Jay. You can do this.
You can do this.

Oh, I can't do this, I'm too freaked!

There's meatloaf
in the freezer, honey!

ls everyone all right?

Yeah, I think so. What happened?

They had us, and then...

And then it was like
when the Time Blade showed up.

Except instead of time speeding forward,

it slowed down.

Way down.

Another Time Blade must have arrived.

And somehow, the snakes knew it.

Thirty-four. Twenty-eight.

Uh-oh, I think Zane
got knocked offline again.

He's babbling numbers.

No, that's latitude and longitude.

Nya, upgrading my temporal scanner

during my reboot was a good idea.

Well, I saw the new BorgWatch had one.

The Time Blade is in
the eastern Sea of Sand.

That must be where the snakes went.

We can't let them get there first.
Come on!

Ooh, ljust promised nothing was
going to hurt you guys.

And now they've taken Mom.

It's going to be fine.

I'm sure you'll come up
with a way to save the day.

Yeah? How can you be sure?

Well, because you have every other time

the forces of evil
have descended on this place.

But just remember what we say
in the scrap metal business.

Keep your emotions under control

and focus on the problem at hand.

Do you actually say that?

It's a surprisingly harsh business, son.

The important thing is,

we raised you to never give up.

You're right.

I'm going after Mom.

That's the spirit, son.

Where's the nearest bus stop?

Hold on.

I have something here
that might be useful.

Something that doesn't require
a bus pass.

Now, normally, I don't believe
in giving birthday gifts early

but your mother is in danger,

so I'm going to make an exception.

Like it? I built it myself.


I've got some ideas
for a few modifications,

if that's okay.

Only if you let me help.

- Yoo-hoo!
- Ha, ha, ha!

Lovely morning for a ride in the desert.

It's too blasting hot!

Yes, but it's a dry heat!

You see?

This is why I wanted my purse.

I keep a bottle of water in it!

Hydration is important!

I don't see the Time Blade,
but they have Jay's mom!

That must be why
Jay left so suddenly.

But where is he?

We have to worry about that later.

There's still a chance
to get to the Time Blade first.

Split UP!

Come on! Come on! Aah!




We're approaching the Time Blade!


Oh, Nya, so nice to see you, dearie!

Ninja, I have just the thing for you!

Snaky, snake, snake!

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!


The Time Blade! Yes! Come to Raggmunk!

Hey! Why should you get the credit? Mine!

The Time Blade!


Yes! I got it!

It feels better than
I could ever have imagined.

Ooh! Can I hold it? Let me hold it!

What's the rush, little fools? Hyah!

Nice shot.

It's my first time.

Yes! We still have a chance!
Move, move, move!

Let me show you how it's done.


Lucky shot.

Tear them apart!

Oh, no!

We're doomed!

Now, Jay, there's a speed limit...

Mom is in trouble!

And there are times
it's okay to ignore it.

Hit it, son!


Oh, I hope you brought water!

Water won't help him.

What are you doing?

You're also going to slow all of us.


What is that?



Stay here, Dad.

Well, what are you going to do?

It's like you said, "Never give up."

Well, son, that's before I saw
everyone slow to a snail's pace.

Which is why we modified the bike.


Lightning speed!

Way to go, Jay!

Talk about making a comeback!

Sorry I left you before! I can't stop!

Please help my dad and get the Blade!
See you back in the temple!

Ha, ha, ha! Ugh!

Looking for this?


Over here!


- Nope.
- Almost.

Guys, quit messing around!

We got the Blade. Let's get out of here!

Remember how I said,

"I like the way Lloyd is taking charge"?

- Yeah.
- I take it back.

After them!

Go, go, go! Get the Time Blade!

There's that symbol again.

Go, go, go!

We're not going to make it.

We don't have enough time!

Yes, we do!

Everyone! Behind me!

We have all the time we need.


Come on, Mr. Walker,

that time bubble won't last long.

Well, will it last long enough
for us to get these heaps

in the shop for repairs?

Probably not.

The Supersonic Raider jet!

The only damage to the jet
is the port wing,

which I can stabilize.

Everybody else in!

COLE". No, no, no, pull up, pull up!

Pull up, pull up!

- You call this "stabilizing"?
- I'm trying!

COLE". Try harder!


What are we going to tell
the Hands of Time?

The moon was in our eyes?

That's... Not bad.

Actually, yeah, let's go with that.

We did it. We got the Time Blade.

We finally caught a break.

Nice work, Lloyd.

Did you guys see
Jay take off on that bike?

He was like greased lightning.

What? He had grease on his face.

And he's the Lightning Ninja...

Oh, come on.

You would have laughed if Jay said it.

COLE". No, no, we wouldn't have.

ED". I thought it was funny, Nya.

Thank you, Mr. Walker.

MAG-HA". Mm-hmm.

I see. Moon in your eyes.

Makes sense.

Yes, I'll tell them.

Good bye.

They failed. As I suspected they would.

What? We didn't get the Time Blade?

Not yet.
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