07x03 - A Time of Traitors

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu". Aired: January 2011 to present.*
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"Lego Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu" revolves around the adventures of six ninja: Kai, Cole, Jay, Zane, Lloyd, and Nya.
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07x03 - A Time of Traitors

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Ninjago...

Previously on Ninjago...

We shall return Ninjago
to its pre-modern glory.

It must be after Cyrus Borg!

- What do they want with me?
- Who didn't you--

Cyrus Borg 's Borg Watch,

-but no Cyrus Borg!
- No! Zane!

- Sorry, guys. Nothing.
- Darn!

I was sure trying on the helmet
was going to help us figure out

who those samurai snake guys were.

Me, too.

Jay, are you positive
the helmet doesn't do anything?

Besides make me look cool?

What? I know how to accessorize.


Something about this is familiar, though.

I just can't place it.

Perhaps Master Wu knows.

Master Wu. This helmet,
I feel like we've seen it before.

Can you tell us anything?



- Time waits.

"Time waits..."

Time waits for no...

Uh, Master?

Did someone mention lunch?

No, Master. No one mentioned lunch.

Then, why did you wake me?

- He isn't himself.
- Clearly.

Lunch isn't for three more hours.
This is just perfect.

Mysterious snake samurai, uh,
things attack Ninjago.

Cyrus Borg is missing,

and our team is down
one Master and one Ninja.

We've got to get Zane back online.
He was the last one to see Cyrus Borg.

Yeah, except Cyrus Borg is the only one

who has the equipment
to get him back online.

I might be able to reboot
Zane with the computer

in the Samurai X Cave.

Although, I could use some help.

- Well, I'm in.
- You know I am.

I'll stay. One of us should
keep an eye on Master Wu.

I'll go to the museum
and talk to Dr. Saunders.

He's an expert on all things Ninjago.

Maybe he knows what Master Wu
is too weak to tell us.

Good thinking. Go...

And see what you can see.

The Vermillion Warriors
have done well, brother.

Borg is captured and the first step
of our plan is complete.

It's time to begin phase two.

H ow?

Phase two requires
many more Vermillion than we have.

We'll have them shortly,
with even more growing in the swamp.

Soon, there will be a force of thousands.

Okay, but how do the two of us
control a force of thousands?

I've had 40 years
to develop this plan, brother.

Do you not think I took that into account?

May I introduce...

- Commander Raggmunk,

Commander Blunck,

and Commander Machia.

Hand-selected from the most
genetically superior Serpentine.

Their superior intellect allows them
to communicate telepathically

with the Vermillion Warriors

and control them through the Hive Mind.

You've thought of everything.

Indeed. I bred them
to be strategic thinkers.

In fact, they've been working out
the details for phase two.

With your permission, sir,

-I've outlined an attack, so we--
- We've outlined!

- They're fighters.

One must expect
a certain amount of aggression.

The plan!

- Of course. I will explain.
- We will!

Enough! You will tell them the plan,

or I will eat the two of you
for breakfast!

Bones and all.



Okay. He's hooked up to the main computer.
Keep your fingers crossed.

Come on, Zane.

Nope, still out.

Hang on.
There's something on the video feed.

Well, this is a surprise.
I didn't expect to see you.

ZANE". Who didn't you-

Um, did I miss something?
One second Zane is talking, then nothing.

Okay, let's try again.

Only slower.

Oh, there you go.

Zane was nailed by some
mysterious blurry thing.

Oh, so, all we need to do
is round up all the blurs in Ninjago.

This tells us nothing!

Maybe I can slow it down more.

We lost the connection.

And Zane!

Thank you, Misako.

Focus tea might help to clear my head.


- Maybe you should have some as well.
- Uh, what?

You seem distant.


It's just that as a Master-in-training,

it feels like I should be doing something.
But what?

A true Master must always...

Yes, Master, must always what?

And only then will he be a true Master.


Sorry, I didn't quite get that.

I said, a true Master must...

Hello? Dr. Saunders?

Ah, he's gotta be here somewhere.

He's always here.
The guy's practically an exhibit himself.

If anyone can shed light on the origin
of this helmet, it'll be him.

Mom, Dad,
I wish I could ask you what this is.

Actually, I wish I could ask you anything.
It's been so long.

Kai, say hello to your sister, Nya.


Your kids miss you, you know?


You may strike when ready.

My sentries say we have a visitor.

It's a museum, we have lots of visitors.

This one's a Ninja.

A Ninja? We need to see what he's up to.

Wait, I bet you never
set up a security camera,

Mr. "I hate all technology
even though it's cool."

I have something better.

ACRONDK". The Fire Ninja.
He must be on to us.

Perhaps he's more dangerous
than I first thought.

I'll neutralize him
before he uncovers our plans.

No. That will draw
too much attention to everything.

I will take care of this.

This changes nothing. Commence phase two.

Upgrade complete.
Say hello to "super slow motion."

Uh... Acronix?

I thought he got, you know,
finished off at the monastery.

- He did.
- Apparently not.

And look, he's still got the Time Blade.


That's why Zane never saw him coming.
Acronix fast-forwarded into a blur!

But wait. Cyrus Borg said he saw
someone approaching before that.

But who?

That's Dr. Saunders.

Hold on. That means he and Acronix--

- Are working together?
- Are working together?

And he's hooked up
with those slithering samurais, too.

Oh, I always knew there was
something sneaky about that guy.

No, there wasn't!
Dr. Saunders is such a kind old man.

Remember all those
school field trips to the museum?

- Exactly! And how boring were those?
- I kind of liked them.

The point is,
he's definitely gone full snake now.

And Kai is headed right
into that snakes' nest.

- Huh! Dr. Saunders!
- In the very flesh-flesh.

You were expecting different doctor?

No. You just startled me.
But actually, I was looking for you.

- Were you now?
- Do you recognize this?


It slightly resembles a
post-Serpentine w*r samurai battle helmet.

But is probablyjust a knock-off.
Cheapy cheap, cheap!

- Perhaps costume from Ninjago-con?
- Uh, I don't think so.

We got it off a snaky
samurai warrior we defeated.

Snake warrior?

Actually, a bunch of snakes,
all, like, twisted into one.

att*cked the Borg store.
It was on the news. Don't you watch TV?

I despise TV.

A vile, bilious contraption.

I mean, interesting!

If you leave it with me,
perhaps I could look into its origin.

- Goodbye.
- Master Wu always says,

"Never put off till tomorrow
what can be done today."

So, I would like to look around now.

Maybe I'll stumble on something useful.
ls that okay?

Of course, we are open to the public
for seven days of the week.

Late on Thursdays.

Hurry, we've got to get to Kai
before that double-crossing Dr. Saunders.

- What about Zane?
- He'll be fine.

I've got him on
a restore-and-reboot protocol.

Zane. Zane. Wake up. Wake up!

Come on, snap out of it. He needs us!


Fresh off the rack! Arise, my army!

Our army!

Let's hope for your sake
phase two is a success,

or they will become my army!

No, they'd still be our--

Yes. Grab the best.

The most skilled.


RAGGMUNK". And the finest craftspeople!

Master Wu taught us
that any problem can be solved.

It just takes thought and time.

lam quite very certain
there is nothing to interest you here.

Hmm. I don't know.

I mean, what if this guy
was related to the snakes we fought?

Oh, not likely, and really,
I doubt you'll find anything.

Our collection
is mostly harmless artifacts.

Hmm. Maybe. But you never know
what might open the door

to some secret information.

Something I'm missing.

Like, you know the expression,

"One can't see the forest for the trees"?

You said you were
taking care of this.

Something that's right in front of me.

lam taking care of this.

No. I am.

Now, really, I must insist you to go home.
It is after closing time.

Yeah, I guess you're right.
It was a long shot, anyway.

Wait a minute.

That's it!

The helmet!

It's just like the one they were wearing.
But wait.

Acronix is gone and Master Wu said
Krux was lost in time forever.

So, that means
Krux must still be around somewhere!

Don't be ridiculous.
I have told you, they are--


What is--

Dr. Saunders? You!

You're Krux!

Which means Master Wu was wrong.
You weren't lost in time!

No! No, no, no, n0, "O-

That is positively... Correct!

I've been hiding here
right under his nose for decades.

I knew I'd seen that helmet before!

Well, aren't you clever?

Such a smart little Ninja.

Uh, guys? Look who's back.

Oh, now what are they up to?

They are either kidnapping more people
or organizing a parade.

Oh, I love a parade.
Nya, keep going to the museum.

We'll deal with these guys.



I almost forgot
that Wu taught you Spinjitzu.

Yeah. But I came up
with this one all on my own.

I knew I should've dealt with him
when I had a chance.

Cyrus Borg! So, you kidnapped him.

I prefer the term "acquired."

That means you took out Zane, too.

Nothing is getting by you.
Today is your day.

Too bad it's your last.

You and I are nearly an equal match.

But let's see how you do you against
both Hands of Time. Brother!


Come on!

Looks like somebody wants to play.

Wish we had the rest of the team
here to help.

Well, say hello to our newest members.
Lefty and Righty.


Oops. Well...

If I'm not more careful,
I could take all of us out.

Eh, Lefty, Righty, nice to meet you.

- Also, do better!
- Okay. Okay.


Cole! Seriously?

Watch where you're throwing those things!

It's out of my hands! Whoa!

It is your hands!

I'm still trying to get used to them.

Okay. How about getting used
to them in their direction?


Fools, did you forget your mission?
We need the people.

Forget fighting the Ninja.

But, Commander Machia, they are warriors.

- Fighting is what they do.
- Which is why we need the people.

There is much to follow phase two.

Into the sewers.

Hurry, Jay! Get outta there.

Just don't hurt me.

But... Uh, hey...

What? Where'd they go?

Snakes. Why am I not surprised?


Okay. That surprised me.

Stay! No more surprises.

ls that all you've got?

Your parents would be very disappointed!

Don't you ever mention my parents.

Wu may have been a good teacher,
but he's not here to help you now.

Don't you mention Wu, either.

Oh, Ninja.

Such misplaced loyalty.


My parents helped Wu and Garmadon
defeat you once.

And I will do it again!

ls that what you think?

That's what I know. Master Wu told me!

But you were not there, young Ninja.
I was, your parents were.

And Wu! He told you a lie.

Your parents were not
who you think they are.

They didn't fight against us,
they fought with us!

What? It can't be. They were heroes.

True, they were heroes.
But heroes for our side.


I don't believe you!
Master Wu would never lie!

Surely you can see why he didn't
want you to know the truth.

Your parents were traitors!


Oh, Kai, you've let your emotions
get the best of you.

The truth hurts, doesn't it?

Not as much as this will!

- Sorry I'm late.
- Acronix.

Ah, yes. You've met my twin brother.

You know, for twins,
one of you looks much older.

He was born three minutes earlier.

Time waits for no one, young Ninja.

But it's time-out!

Oh, gee, what a mess!

And to think,
we just cleaned up the museum.


- Good to see you, sis.
- Back at you, bro.

Now let's teach these two
a lesson in sibling rivalry.

They are good.

- Switch?
- He's all yours.

But we are better, brother.

I could really use a hand, brother.

I'm here for you, sister.

Looks like
we have the upper hand.

- The Time Blade. Don't let him--
- Until next time.

No, we can't let him use it!


Too late! They're gone.

And so is Borg.

Vanished before our eyes.

So, it looks like Acronix and Krux
are working with those samurai snakes.

Yeah, but why are they kidnapping
all of Ninjago's builders?

There's still way too much
we don't know here.

Like, was Krux lying,
or are my parents really...


You seem lost in another place. Or time.

What is it?

What if everything you believed in
turned out to be a lie?


- Hey, he's rebooting!

Four, seven, two, one.


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