06x09 - Operation Land Ho!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu". Aired: January 2011 to present.*
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"Lego Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu" revolves around the adventures of six ninja: Kai, Cole, Jay, Zane, Lloyd, and Nya.
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06x09 - Operation Land Ho!

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Ninjago...

Previously on Ninjago...

Get the girl!

That isn't big enough for both of us.

But it is big enough for you.

Oh, Jay, this is the reason you're
the only one I've ever let into my heart.

- What are you doing?
- Speaking up for my future,

and it's never felt better.

What is that racket?

Our son!

Oh, you mean our adopted son, Ed.


Of course I remember, Edna,

but this is the second time
he's landed on our doorstep,

and if you think I'm not gonna help him,

well, you don't know the man you married.

Of course I know.
That's why I married you.

Oh. I hope he's all right.

Oh, now, how does someone
just fall from the sky?

Mom? Dad?

There you two are.

Nadakhan has a mission for you.

Back so soon?

Did you give our respects
to the Tiger Widow?

Ha-ha! Very funny.

Now get outta here!

No. No.

Well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes.

Miss No-Fun.

Most girls would be lucky to marry a man
who can give them whatever they want.

We're not most girls, are we?

Besides, what I want is to not marry him.

But I don't suppose
you'd help me with that.


- Don't she look pretty in white?
- Pretty?

I look hideous.
And what's with these four arms?

It was his mother's.

We'll make alterations.

I hate dresses!

"A blowpipe?

And a dart filled with
Tiger Widow poison.

Real nasty stuff.

I should know.

Careful, one drop of it is deadly.

But to a Djinn, it'd slow him down
long enough to do something stupid.

Please, you can't tell him.

You have a choice.
You don't have to do this.

He'd blame us
for even letting it get this close.

Clancee, get rid of it.

Now hurry up. The ceremony run-through
is in a few minutes.

And then when I tried to save Nya
with the Traveler's Tea,

she said since I had
the most important wish,

I was the one who needed to be saved.

Then she pushed me through the portal.

I had no idea where I was going.

I guess with my parents on my mind,
it sent me where I needed to be.

Oh, hear that? He called us his parents.

Yeah. So that's why
Ninjago is falling apart.

If I could take the wishes back,
I would, but I can't.

It cost me my friends,
the love of my life,

and most importantly,
the two people who care for me the most.

And now it's up to me, and me alone,

to stop the wedding and save the world.

Just one guy
against a Djinn and his entire army.

Now, you stop it.

You stop making excuses.

- Excuse me?
- Every time you're over your head,

you make ajoke
and you try to laugh it off.

Right now is not a time
to be a man of words,

but a man of action!

Ed, don't be so hard on him.

Now, he needs to hear this, darling.

The world is falling apart
and he's eating soup.

- I told you. It's just me.
- Hush, puppy!

You're liked by everyone who meets you.

You're telling me a boy from ajunkyard
can't scrap together a few new friends

to help him out in ajam?

- Good luck infiltrating the wedding, son!
- Thanks, Mom and Dad!

I'll let you know how things go!

And after you save Nya,
bring her over for a bite.

We'd love to see her again.

I still think
you were hard on him, Ed.

And that's why
I married you, sweetheart.

Now look. I know stars when I see them,

and this mutt here
is as talented as they come.

No, Puddles, not here.


You wouldn't know talent
if it smacked you in the face.

Now get outta here!

But I would know a Ninja when I saw him.

A brown Ninja.

Still have the suit?
I'm looking for some help.

I've been waiting for this day.

Who else did you have in mind?

Let me guess.
You're not here for the noodles.

Well, back to your old ways, huh, Ronin?

- Mmm-hmm.
- Okay.

Okay, listen up.

Nya's about to wed someone I despise.

And I'm not going to mince words.

After he does, big surprise,

he'll become all-powerful.

Normally, I'd rely on
the help of the Ninja.

But they're trapped
inside a magical sword.

Go figure. So, I've come to you

to help me get close enough
to wish Nadakhan isn't a Djinn,

so we can stop the ceremony
and save Ninjago.

I know this is a lot to ask
and it's all right to say no.

A chance to fight Nadakhan again?
Count me in.

I'm in, too.

There's no greater mission
than that of love.

Not to mention the whole
saving Ninjago thing.

And saving my hide. Let's do this.

ECHO ZANE". But resources are low.

It is one thing to use the Destiny's
Bounty to mount an as*ault.

But they've already taken that.

Along with nearly
half the land in Ninjago.

And every hour,
another chunk goes missing.

Which is why we're gonna use the next
piece of land stolen as our ride up.

Excuse me? Can you say that again?

Right now the pirates control the skies.

The first sign of us approaching,
it'd be like waking up a hornet's nest.

But if we locate the next portion of land
that will be pulled up into Djinjago,

we'll sneak up onto it as fast as we can

and use it to slip through their defenses.

I call it "Operation Land Ho."

But we don't know where or when
the next piece of land will be stolen.

It could be clear across Ninjago.

That's why I said, "As fast as we can."

Nadakhan's right.
They are planning to attack.

Don't worry, I can read lips.

“Bagel diorama.

“Clown riots.

“Sandy pockets for me?“

Come on. That's not what he's saying.
Give that to me.

I can read lips way better than you.

Hamster pillow. Crying. Love magic.

- Shall I go on?
- Please.

I have yet to pick up the source.

I know they're somewhere out there.

- Bequeath, mamajama...
- "Bequeath, mamajama..."

- Ninja chips.
- "Ninja chips."

Oh, whatever they're saying,
we need to warn the captain.

Target acquired. Two Sky Pirate spies.

- On the rooftop.
- Good.

Now let's give them
something to really look at.

Oh, we've been spotted! Run!

We can't let them warn the others!

Right behind you.

Where are you, brown dragon?

You know, before you learn to fly,
you might wanna learn to walk.

Forget walking.

I like to run.


l've lost sight of them.

My sensors tell me they have split up.

One is heading east on Wilstrup.

The other, west on Sparre.

Soto. He's coming your way.

Ha. I spy a SPY-

- Ahh!
- Ah0y!

Your vessel be mine!

Only one to go.

Don't worry! I've got him!

What's happening?

This entire block's about to go up.

Hero team, now's our chance. Get on!

There you go, ma'am. Watch your step.

Where's Jay?

If this is our only ticket up,
he needs to be here.

He has the wish.

Jay, there's no time.

You need to come back. It's now or never.

Argh! But I have to stop him!

What's more important?
Stopping him, or stopping the wedding?


Let's stay on our toes, people.
They know we're coming.

CLANCEE". After the music,
chosen by yours truly,

Nadakhan and his bride-to-be
will make their sacred Djinn vows.

She will obviously object,
but it won't matter,

'cause when the ceremony is complete,
all wishes will be yours, Cap'n.

Good, (fiancee.

Tonight I don't want any interruptions.

- Captain! Captain!
- What is it?

You were right. The last Ninja.
He's coming.

Gather the entire crew.

I want this place locked down
with three to every post.

Tonight, nothing will get in the way
of me becoming king!


SOTO". Good news is, she be on top.

Bad news be,

everybody else and their mothers
be guarding below.

So much for the quiet entrance.

They may know you're coming,
but they haven't caught us yet.

- We'll get you close, you do the rest.
- Don't be noticed.

The minute they see us coming,
it's all over.

Ninja Replacements. Go!

Wait for me over there. I'll get Nya.


- Nya!
- J ay!

You came for me.

Oh, wow. You look beautiful.

I'll get you out!

Oh, man!

I already tried. They won't budge.

- Do you still have the poison?
- They took it.

Oh, Jay, the ceremony is gonna start
at any moment.

- You didn't use your wish yet, did you?
- Not yet.

Maybe if we both...

NADAKHAN". I don't trust anyone else.

I will escort her myself.

It's him. Hide!

It is time.


Boy, if I had another wish,

I sure would use it right about now.

Now that you're in earshot.

I wish Nadakhan wasn't a...

What are you looking at?

Yeah! I wish Nadakhan wasn't a Djinn!
I wish Nadakhan--

If you won't come willingly, Nya,

- I will take you, regardless.
- Wait.

Call me Delara.

Why the sudden change?

I never thought I'd say this,

but you've proven to be the most powerful.

You win.

And I'd be a fool
to turn my back on the man

who could grant me everything
I ever wished for.

Delara and I dreamed
this moment would come,

but we never had the chance
to see it through.

But now you can.

In her honor, we can be powerful together.


I wish Nadakhan wasn't a--

I wish Nadakhan wasn't a Djinn!



I wish... Whoa, whoa, whoa!

I wish Nadakhan wasn't a Djinn!

What is it, my love?

How can I stand beside you
if your sword is always between us?

But it is tradition for a Djinn King
to be married with his blade.

Let me be your power, not your blade.

Or do you do everything
your father tells you?

You are right. I am my own Djinn.

You alone will give me
the power of infinite wishes.

Now come, Delara.

I wish Nadakhan-- Oh, come on! Seriously?

Huh? The sword.

Don't tell me. You didn't get her.

No, but she did help me get this.

Now, if I can only figure out
how to free my friends from it.

There is a way.

Please, go on.
It's not like there's a wedding to stop!

A Djinn can capture you in its Djinn Blade
by tricking you to wish it all away,

or there's a simpler way.

Be struck by it.

You're telling me we have to strike Jay
with the sword?

- Won't that be painful?
- And how do you know that's true?

You still call the Ninja "pajama men."

I may not know much about pajama men,
but I know Djinn.

The hard part isn't getting captured
by the blade, but getting out.

There have been few who have
ever escaped a Djinn entrapment,

so I can't tell you
what you'll find inside,

but once you're there,

you'll only have minutes
until you fall under its enchantment

and are forever trapped yourself.

Okay, thanks for the tip.

I gotta work fast.

So, who wants to strike me down?

Really? Am I that annoying?


- When I say "Go."
- On "Go." Affirmative.

- Wait!
- Wait, wait!

- This isn't easy, you know.
- What if you don't make it out?

What are we supposed to do then?

You're right, so listen carefully.

If I don't return, I want you four to go--

- Wait! No, no, no!

And that's why I should've done it.



Wake up!

They be here! In the shack!
All hands on deck!

Are we tellin' the Cap'n?

We'll tell the Captain
when they're our prisoners!

Now come on and grab every hand
and hook you can muster.

Uh, guys, we have a minor problem
amassing outside.

What kind of problem?

Like the angry pirate army kind.

Protect the sword
until Jay returns with the others.

I recommend grabbing your favorite tool
and start defending this place!

A watering can?

What can I do with this?

I don't know. Get creative.

On my mark... Go!

Wake up!

Wake up!



Where's Wu?

The way home is almost closed!



There's too many of them!

We have to protect the sword.
Keep fighting them off!



We couldn't do it.


- Good job.
- Jay, you did it!

And it appears you found some new friends.

What about Nadakhan?
Don't tell me that guy is still around.

And he's more powerful than ever.

- Do we have everyone?
- Not everyone.

We have one more Ninja to save.

Now, who wants to crash a wedding?
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