06x04 - Misfortune Rising[

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu". Aired: January 2011 to present.*
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"Lego Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu" revolves around the adventures of six ninja: Kai, Cole, Jay, Zane, Lloyd, and Nya.
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06x04 - Misfortune Rising[

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Ninjago...

Previously on Ninjago...

The only way to slow a Djinn
is with the venom of a Tiger Widow.

We could bust outta here tonight,
and take Soto with us.

To Djinjago!

What is happening?

Take the Sword of Souls.

The Ninja will pay.

Find me those Ninja!

They can't just break out of Kryptarium
and completely disappear.

I want witnesses, I want locations!

These fugitives are Ninja, people.

They could be right under our noses
for all we know!

All right,
I'm in their secured network,

but I still need that password.

I'm looking for it now,
but I don't get it.

Why do we have to hack into their system
when we already have a Nindroid?

Because Nindroids don't know everything

and if Soto says the map to the only thing
that can stop Nadakhan is on his ship,

we need to find it,

and find it fast.

Hey, real fast, what's the password again?

The password is, "Password".

- Got that?
- That worked.

Now searching city records for
the last known whereabouts of his ship,


Speaking of which-- Hey Kai,
how's Destiny's Bounty holding up?

I got my eyes on it now, sis.
We sure could use it.

Ow! Careful, Zane. It's electrified.

I believe all of the signs on this
repo yard made that abundantly clear.

Perhaps there's another suitable solution
past this obstacle. Airjitzu?

You don't have to sound so cocky.

Looks like we have some trespassers.

Go get 'em, Sir Chomps-Alot.

Okay, I've located Nadakhan's ship.

It was last recorded
to be seen in Gypsy Cove,

three clicks north of Cannon Beach.

Thanks, Delara-- Oh, I mean, Nya.

Not funny!

Let's see how you like it
when you look like our enemy's sweetheart.

Gypsy Cove isn't far.

We'll let you know what we see
when we get there.

- Would ya hurry up?
- These chains will take me a while.

You could keep interrupting me,
or perhaps start making yourself useful.

Get away, get away, get away!

Trespasser! Don't move!

I told you to hurry up!

Would you be quiet and run?

Well, if you can't get it,
for my sake just get outta there, you two.

Get outta here?
But we just got here.

Not you, Cole.

Did you find Nadakhan's ship?

Not exactly.
But there is evidence of it.

Looks like some repairs were made.

But this is strange, what is electrical
wiring doing on an old pirate ship?

Maybe it's already set off to sea?

I'm getting no readings of it anywhere.

You'd think a big pirate ship
would get someone's attention.

If Nadakhan's ship's not here,
and it's not out there, where is it?

Good question.

What's a good question?

Question is, "What time's lunch?"

All this searching is making me hungry.

You're right.
We can't think on an empty stomach.

We'll resume after lunch.

You always were seasick, Clancee,
but I never pegged you to be airsick!

Trim the sails! Tighten the halyard!

What is it?

Uh, the crew and I
have kept our mouths shut,

but you still haven't told us
about your plan.

You need to trust your captain.

Yourjob is to control the ship,

which you seem to be failing at.

My job is to catch the Ninja
so that the Sword of Souls

is powerful enough to do our bidding.

I'm sorry Cap'n.
I'll have this ship steady in no time.

I said steady the ship!


You never doubted me, Delara.

Any news?

Still no sign of the Ninja, Cap'n.

It's like they've disappeared off the map.

Well then, maybe I'll see what progress

the so-called police
are making in their search.

I really wish
he'd warn us when he did that.

Fly over the mountain, not into it!

What do you mean,
"The rudder can only turn left or right?"

What kind of airship can't go up or down?

Let me take care of that. A gentleman,
I mean, a superior always pays.


- Wrong pants.
- Here.

This should cover the both of us.

It really is you, Delara.

If I had a dime
for every time I was broke...


- What did I say?
- I expect it from others, but not you.

What? Can't I try and buy
lunch for a friend?

But I know
you don't just see me as a friend.

All week you've made it pretty obvious
you're still harboring some feelings.

I've tried to ignore it, but...

It's 'cause I'm from ajunkyard, isn't it?

NYA". Of course not.

We're friends. Good friends.

But that's all we are.

And that's all we're ever gonna be.

Look, I'm already the girl Ninja.

But my role on the team
shouldn't be defined by who I'm seeing,

but who I am fighting.

I get it.

A real friend
wouldn't put you in that position.

I'm sorry, Nya.

Thank you for understanding.

And you don't have to pay me back.

Can't a friend buy
lunch for a friend? Hug?

How about a fist bump?

Oh. Um...

Look at that. I guess lunch is on me.

Excuse me
while I find a place to clean this off.

So she has another suitor.

You're such a dork, Jay.

You see one glimpse into the future
of you and Nya together,

and expect everything to fall into line.

I wish I never saw my future.

You want the girl. I can make this happen.


Oh, no, we weren't supposed to be alone.

Why, when I can offer your heart's desire?

Because people disappear
when you're around!

Nya's right over there.
I can scream, you know?

Well, I guess she'll never be yours.

Wait. Uh, I thought one of the rules
was that I couldn't wish for love.

True. But there are other ways
to get what you want.

Then again, I guess a poor boy
from ajunkyard wouldn't understand.

Well, I guess one little wish
wouldn't hurt.

But no one else would find out, right?

- This stays between you and me.
- Of course. Cross my heart.

Okay, then I wish...

I wish I wasn't born in ajunkyard.

I wish I wasn't poor anymore
and could give Nya everything she wants.

Your wish is yours to keep.

Oh, there you are. I've been looking
all over Ninjago for you.

Don't worry,
I won't report you to the authorities.

Just delivering the mail.

I'm sorry to inform you
but your father has passed.

You have inherited his estate
and lots and lots and lots of money.

Why the glum face? You're rich!

No! Dad?

Mom? Dad? Mom?

Ooh, what is it, son? What's all the fuss?

Where's Dad? ls he okay?

Oh, I'm sorry, Jay, he's no longer here.

Yeah, I'm back!

Picked up a few diddlybops.

Jay, what a welcome sight!

I thought I lost you!

I got this letter that said my father
passed away and I inherited lots of money.

I would never wish for this, Dad.

I didn't want it to be true!

Well, Jay, there has been something
we've been meaning to tell you...


But gee willikers, there was just
no easy way to say it.

You see, son... You're, uh...

You're adopted.

Uh... Ooh...

Oh, you were left at our doorstep
when you were just a baby,

along with this address and key.

You were just so gosh darn cute.

And we gladly raised you
as our own ever since.

We're sorry, son.
I hope this doesn't change anything.


Is this where my birth father lived?



Fear isn't a word where I come from.

Would you look at that?

My father was a fan
of Fritz Donnegan too. Heh, cool.

Wow. He had so many trophies.

My father wasn't just a fan
of Fritz Donnegan,

he was Fritz Donnegan!

Cliff Gordon's Handbook to Wooing Women?

That must be his real name. Cliff Gordon.

That means my real name is Jay Gordon!

"Chapter One.

"Women love mystery.
When talking to them, less is more..."

Are you ready for your second wish?

- Adorable.
- What did you do?

Did you change the past?

I Wish.

I merely revealed a truth about your life
that you were unaware of.

Then I don't wanna make another wish.

Everyone wants a second wish.

A second chance to make things right...

- No.
- Don't resist me, tell me what you want.

More power? More prestige?

Maybe a ray g*n that works?

No, I don't want anything.

I just wish I wasn't alone with you!

- Dang it! Oh! I did it again.
- Hello? Jay? You here?

Don't forget you have a third wish.

- Hello?
- Nya, you're here.

- How did you get here?
- After you split, I got worried.

I called your dad who said you'd be here.

Speaking of which, why are you here?

Uh... Uh...

Women love mystery.
When talking to them, less is more.


Fear isn't a word where I come from.

Fritz Donnegan? ls this your stuff?

If you have a secret hideout, why can't I?

Wow! I never would have guessed.

Come on. The team needs us.

Don't worry,
this place will be our little secret.

Fear isn't a word where I come from.

Thanks, Dad. I owe you one.

I ain't tryin' to do your job,
I'm just tryin' to help.

Hey, that better be mud!

So, did you snare a Ninja?

Unfortunately, it didn't go as planned.

If I can speak freely,

you ain't gettin' them alone
'cause they ain't got nothin' to do

but look out for each other.

I don't follow.

Put us to work, Cap'n.

Then when they're busy
lookin' out for their own tails,

they're all yours for the takin'.

There's a reason
I made you my first mate.

Let's welcome back the rest of my old crew
and get this bird in the sky.

I'm so tired of all this sneaking around!

Easy, Kai, we're all itching
to get back into action.

But so far two of our own
have gone missing,

and none of us
have yet to lay an eye on him.

If only we knew someone who had faced him,
and could tell us what to expect.

- I wish Wu were here to guide us.
- No! Don't say that word!

I mean, why wish when we have
everything we need right here, right?

Ha-ha. Go Ninja go?

Nice goin', you blew our cover.

No, he didn't...

I dunno why this is news anymore,

but Ninjago City's once again
under attack by pirates.

Or dare I say, Sky Pirates?

- We have to help!
- But we're fugitives.

Doesn't matter. We protect the innocent.

And Soto said the map is on that ship.

If we want to stop Nadakhan, we need it.

KAY. Well, what are we waiting for?

I thought we were all itching
to get back into action.

Pull your flying vehicle over now!

It's been too long, Cap'n.

It has, hasn't it, Clancee?

So they finally fixed our offices...

Oh, great, not again!

For our own safety, travel in pairs.

We need to protect the people,
but also get that map.

I forgot, what does the map look like?

It's on a lantern. Look for a lantern.


Protect the people, Commissioner.
We'll take care of the menace.

Why didn't you arrest 'em?

It sounds like they were trying to help.

You might be soft. But I'm not!

Well, who knew
the Commish was so nimble?

That is not cool.

But this is! Ice!

Now it's my turn.

Boy, you're real ugly.

I'm not a boy, I'm a lady!

So he knows Spinjitzu!

Let's see if he knows Airjitzu!

Forget him, we need to get that lantern!

Look out!

- I'm okay.
- l'm going after that lantern.

Wait, we're supposed to stay together!

No! Kai!

Where are we? What did you do?

I thought
a little privacy might be in order.

You were in such a rush. For what?

Let me help you, you can wish for it.

The only thing I wish
is for you to take me back!

Your wish is yours to keep.

This isn't Ninjago City.

This isn't my wish.
I told you to take me back.

Ah, but how far back?

This is Ninjago City.

Dare I say, the humble beginnings of it.

Wait a minute, is that...

NADAKHAN". Your father? Yes.

I believe he is around your age now.

A little more pathetic.

Well, pirate activity is on the rise.

Protect yourself
with a custom-made w*apon that--

A little help?

This isn't what I wished for.

Why won't you help your poor father?

He's right there.
You could spend some quality time.

Please friend, I just need a hand.


I wish you to take me back,
back to when things were good,

back to before all this mess
when people liked us,

and bad guys like you
were never a problem.

Back to the days
when girls were crazy for me...

Your wish is yours to keep.

Where is everyone? I said that...

You said a lot for one wish.

Too much to make any sense.

But the girls are crazy for you.




Bad monkey!

Now, where is the lantern?
It's got to be here somewhere.

I ain't afraid to sh**t ya in the back.


You shot the Realm Crystal!

Well, you made me miss!

I got it. Let's get outta here!

This is not what I wished for!

You have one more wish.

AH' of this can go away
if you just say the words.

Just wish it away...

- Kai!
- And be done with it all.

Okay! Okay! Make them stop!
I wish for it all to go away!

Your wish is yours to keep.

Did you...

Yes, we got what we came for. Let's go.

You heard the Cap'n! Air ho!

We've got the lantern!
Return to the meeting point!

Hi guys, I'm almost there.

Freeze! Don't test me, Lloyd Garmadon!

You know we're only trying to help.

If you don't believe me, pull the trigger.

Oh, darn Ninja!
I hate it when you're right.

All right, now let's fire this lantern up
and check out the map.

Kai, a little light?

- Kai?
- Where's Kai?


Who was supposed to...

- What was that?
- I don't know. But I'm afraid to find out.

REPO MAN". What's wrong, Sir Chomps-Alot?

Someone gettin' at that ship again?

What in tarnation happened to Ninjago?
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