Crooklyn (1994)

Thriller/Mystery/Fantasy - Random Movies that just don't fit anywhere else yet. Miscellaneous Movie Collection.

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Random Movies that just don't fit anywhere else yet. Miscellaneous Movie Collection.
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Crooklyn (1994)

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Trashmen didn't get my trash today ♪

♪ Oh, why? Because they want more pay ♪

♪ Buses on strike want a raise in fare ♪

♪ So they can help pollute the air♪ On your mark! Get set!


♪ But that's what makes the world go round ♪

♪ The ups and downs, a carousel ♪ I'm beatin' you. I'm beatin' you.

♪ Changing people's heads around ♪

♪ Go underground, young man ♪

♪ People make the world go round ♪

♪ Wall Street losin' dough on every share ♪

♪ They're blaming it ♪

♪ On longer hair ♪

♪ Big men smokin' in their easy chairs ♪

♪ On a fat cigar without a care ♪ Ten and 20, 30, 40, 50, 60...

70, 80, 90. One...

♪ But that's what makes the world go round ♪

♪ The ups and downs, a carousel ♪

♪ Changing people's heads all around ♪

♪ Go underground, young man ♪

♪ People make the world go round ♪

♪ Grandma, Grandma, sick in bed ♪

♪ She called the doctor and the doctor said ♪

♪ Let's get the rhythm of her head ♪

♪ Ding-dong. Let's get the rhythm of the hands ♪

The odd finger is it.

♪ But that's what makes the world go round ♪

♪ The ups and downs, a carousel ♪ Yeah. Whoa.

♪ Changing people's heads all around ♪

♪ Go underground, young man ♪

♪ People make the world ♪

♪ Go round ♪ How many boxes are you gonna take? Nine. No, I mean, eight.

♪ Bo-Bo Ski watten tatten ♪

♪ Ah-ah, ah-ah, boom, boom, boom ♪ Wow, look at that one! Look!

♪ People make the world go round ♪ Red light, green light, one, two, three.


Top of the innin'. Billy Bruton is up. My man, Bruton.

Home run. 1-10, get.

Home run! It's outta there! It's outta there!

Outta the park! Let's go.

I'm not cheatin'. 1-10.

All right, all right, look up in here, right now.

Come on. You're cheating.

You ain't covered the court. Just look at it, though.

But you ain't covered the court.

What, you don't believe me? Okay, forget it.

Hey, number three.

Hey, Mister Number 3.

Listen, I told you. I run a respectable roomin' house over here.

And you, you ain't paid your rent in two months.

What gives, huh? What gives?

I pay, okay? I pay, okay?

I pay. - No más. No más.

Hey, son a bitch. Basta.

Y'all are nasty!

Oh, my God. Stop.

No, no. That's a disgrace!

Shut up.

Come on, Troy the Boy. Hit it, Troy the Boy.

You ain't hit nothing!

Look at that. You hit air.


I told you so. Lucky shot.

I'm not cheatin'. No, you are cheatin'.

I'm not cheatin'. Dinner!

Aw, Daddy. Man!

Dag. Dag! Clinton. Wendell.

Come on. And bring Joseph.

Come on, Dad. I'm in the bottom of the ninth.

Why can't I just... I don't wanna hear it. Let's go.

I could've had you.

I'm tired of that Strat... Matic.

Bring your brother in the house now.

I'm gonna beat you again. I was in the lead.

No, I was in the lead. He just hit a home run.

I'm trying to help. These are heavy.

But this thing hurts.

Go tell Clinton and Wendell to come and eat.

Clinton! Wendell! Time to eat!

I could have done that.

Mmm. That's good. Stop it, Clinton.

Shut up, Wendell. No, I'm sittin' there.

Woody, that's enough sugar.

Come on, everybody. Let's eat. Dag, Clinton, stop touching the black-eyed peas.

Can I have a piece of lemon, Daddy?

Mmm. Okay. Come on. That's enough.

Can't get no better. Here.

There you go, baby. Black-eyed peas are nasty.

Come on, now, and let's bow our heads.

Joseph, take your elbows off the table.

Mommy, Clinton's sitting in my chair.

Clinton, let's go. Come on, let's eat already.

Yeah, the food's getting cold. Be quiet. Move. Move.

I'm not really hungry. Come on, Boogie, don't be like that.

Come on, Boogie. Come on, now. Yeah, the food's getting cold.

Be quiet!

All right, everybody. Let's bow our heads.

Gracious Lord, we thank you for this food. Amen.

Heavenly Father!

We thank thee for the food we're about to receive... for the nourishment of our bodies. For Christ's sake, amen.


Pass the butter. Looks good, Gem.

Pass the salt. Move over.

♪ Aw, shucks, now.

Every time we sit down to eat, there he go.

I just want some white meat, Daddy.

And just a little more potatoes.

Meat and potatoes. That's all he ever eats.

He eating vegetables tonight. Quit biting your nails.

Nate. Daddy, my peas are touching my chicken.

Little baby, just t... Just move it over.

Wendell... That looks so good. Ahhh.

Get out of here, you possums!

Mashed potatoes. Fresh-squeezed lemonade.

And string beans. Oh, look and with that... with that chicken.

Ooh. Uh, what's she doing?

Come on, Troy the Boy! And stay out!

The Possums should go eat their own dinner.

That was rude, little girl.

Wendell, please close your mouth when you chew!

Why can't I eat in peace for once? You're disturbing the peace.

You eat like a pig.

Chew like a cow. Yeah!

Come on, Gem, it's a compliment to your good cooking, now.

Complement, my butt, that boy's just plain greedy.

I'm done. You didn't eat nothing.

Yes I did, I ate three peas. Mom, I'm full too.

See? Your eyes are bigger than your stomach.

May I please be excused? No, you may not.

You're gonna sit there till you eat every black-eyed pea on your plate.

When I come home tonight I want this kitchen clean.

Dag! See what you started, Nate?

sh**t. I hate black-eyed peas.

Here we go. Yeah, that's right.

There is no reason why your father and I should have to... run around here cleaning up after you shiftless Negroes.

Daddy likes to clean up. Don't you, Daddy?

I ain't in this. Leave me out of this.

Your daddy may not mind, but your mama do.

I'm going with your father to his gig tonight.

When I come home the house better be clean.

I'll be goddamned if I should have to do anything... when I come home from work but sleep and relax.


Come on, Daddy. Excuse me.

I'm trying to eat.

Excuse me.

♪ We're gonna have a good time Come on ♪ Oh, brother. There he goes again.

Tony Eyes can't even sing. He don't even try.

Not tonight!

♪ If I ever find that you've changed ♪

♪ At any time ♪

♪ It's not unusual to find that I'm in love with you ♪

♪ It's not unusual ♪

♪ To find that I'm in love with you ♪

♪ In love with you ♪ g*dd*mn son of a bitch. ♪ In love with you ♪ I can't even enjoy my meal without... that Funky McNasty f*gg*t ruining my appetite.

Woodrow. It's true, Gem.

Damn. Not at the table.

Put the salt down, Wendell, before I pull your head off.

Ah, that poor man.

Dag, I think he's gettin'... Oh, he got... he got blowed up!

Do you see his hands?

Why are you laughing for?

He don't even know what's going on, he's laughing.

Hey, they... Oh, man. Oh, they gonna get him.

Oh, they stomped him with the t*nk!

♪ Please release me Let me go ♪

♪ For I don't love you anymore ♪

♪ To waste our lives ♪

♪ Would be a sin ♪ Troy. Troy, what are you doing?

This isn't the bathroom. Get outta here!

That's disgusting. You better clean that mess up too.


Clinton! Have you lost your mind?

Have you lost your mind? What?

Didn't I tell you I wanted the kitchen clean?

Get up! Get up now! Come on!

What time is it? It's 4:00. Get up.

Get your butt in there. Come on. Stop hitting me.

Yeah, well, you get in there and do what I told you to do.

Hey, you. Get up. Get up.

All you little peanuts at attention.

Get up, boy. Now!

Hey, little one. Everybody up. Get your butt out of bed.

Mutley. Everybody. I'm sick of this!

I don't want to get outta my bed.

Hey, Wendell.

Wendell! Don't play with me, boy.

Get up now. Get your...

You get your butt up. Get up, now!

What did I tell you to do?

What did I say at supper? Get...

Get downstairs. Where's my Daddy?

Your Daddy? Your Daddy? You're Daddy ain't here. Get up.

Come on. Can't we do it in the morning?

Get out here, Troy. Everybody, up against the wall.

From now on everybody's gonna start pulling their weight around here.

Do you understand me? Why you acting so crazy?

You make me crazy. Boy, I'll slap the black off you.

You ain't slapping me. This is no hotel.

I will slap... I'll knock them teeth into tomorrow.

You're gonna start cooking too. Get downstairs now!

Go. Get outta my face now. Get outta my face, right now.

Shh. And do not wake your father.

You're the one waking everybody up.


You know why I'm screaming, don't you?

All because... No. I am not crazy.

You are gonna be crazy once I beat your brains out of your head.

My brains?

I'm crazy 'cause I got five of y'all that have run me stark raving mad.

This ain't no plantation. I know it ain't!

I'm not a sl*ve. And I'll tell you one damn thing...

I certainly am not a plaything. You understand me?

What am I supposed to do?

You should've done what I told you.

Mommy, Clinton only washes one plate and one fork and one knife.

Shut up, heifer. Don't be a tattletale.

Don't call her a heifer. Clinton, you are gonna wash every fork, plate, spoon... pot, pan, odd drawers, Mutley for a month.

What about Wendell and Nate. They never do nothing.

Yes, I do! I empty the garbage.

You worry about your own shiftless self. You get busy.

Mommy, I'm hungry.

That's too bad The kitchen is closed.

You should've ate more than three peas.

I ate three peas. Stop teasing me.

Clinton, what kind of example are you setting, being the oldest?

Can you hear me? Yes.

You are so immature.

When you finish mashing peas into the floor, I want you to mop.

Man, I'd rather have a father than a mother any day.

Yeah, any day. What'd you say?

What did you say?

He said, "I'd rather have a father than a mother any day."


Take your father! Take your father!

Let's see how your hungry asses eat. Come on, Mom!

I'm not playing. Come here.

Good morning, ladybug.

How are you today?


How are you?

I'm good.

Are you gonna eat some breakfast. No, thank you.

Troy, I was wonderin'.

How would you like to go down and spend a few weeks with cousin Viola... down in Virginia after school's out?

Aunt Song and Uncle Clem asked if you'd like to come.

No thank you.

What are you gonna do this summer? I don't know.

I'm teaching summer school. You can't be running up and down the street... after your brothers all day long.

Would I miss my birthday?

You would spend it with them.

That would be good. That would be great.

Would you please eat some breakfast?

I have to go to work.

Heavens to Murgatroyd!

Exit for child welfare, stage right.

Don't you know better... than to stand under a loose boulder?

Heavens to vegetables.

I've been squashed.

The question is, how does one babysita western-type baby?

Can I have some Trix? Nope.

Please? I said no, you idiot!

That's a bet. I'm telling Mommy.

To be a western TV star.

Mommy! Troy's eating a whole box of Trix by herself!

And she won't share any with me!

You are a fence mender, cowboy hero...

Mommy's not here, you silly, stupid rabbit.

Stupid. I'm a low-down, mangy, polecat coyote of a wild steer.

Whom you lasso. Get out!

- Do you get the picture? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Exit, stampedin' all the way, stage left.

Oh! Wendell!

Look at your eyes poppin' out of your head.

What are you doing?

Better stop hittin' people.

♪ I'm your mother I'm your daddy ♪

♪ I'm that n*gga in the alley I'm your doctor when in need ♪ Get there, Snuff.

You know we stole this tube together. You better share that, man.

Come on. Here, take this. Take this.

♪ I'm your pusherman ♪

This is it. Ah, yeah.

Ah. My best friend, babe.

Like glue. All right.

To the brothers who ain't here.

Yeah, drain that out, baby.

All right.

All right. Yeah, son.

All right. Take that. Take that.


♪ If I could, I'd like to be ♪

♪ A great big movie star ♪

♪ Overnight sensation ♪

♪ Drive a big expensive car ♪ Come on, man! Stop throwing bottles over there!

You know we always get blamed for it.

Hey, he should clean up his stinkin' house, man.

Hey! Hey!

You stinkin' f*gg*t! Shut up. My mother'll hear you.

Why don't you clean up after your frigging dogs, man?

It ain't funny. Yeah, Chinese-Puerto Rican chink spic.

Hey, you friggin' chocolate black niggamorenito.

Hey! What'd you say that for?

Why do you let him talk about me like that, man?

I never said nothing bad about your moms. Your mama. sh**t.

Play your music. No, forget it.

I'm getting all emotional. I can't even sing now, man.

You can't sing anyway.

Now, wait... wait a minute.

Oh, man.

Hey, Clinton. Ah, my man, Vic.

Hey, Vic. Tommy La La.

How you doing? I'm all right. Like that do.

My main man, Vic.

Your mama know you're out here? Yeah.

Vic. Ouch!

What's up, Vic? How you feelin', kid?

All right. And you? All right, blood.

Yeah. Got your back, brother blood.

Vic, my number one soul brother. All right. All right.

Great God. Later, Vic.

Bye, Vic. That's the Bigs.

It look funny.

It look stupid. So, look at yours.

At last mine don't look all funny like yours.

Well, at least mine isn't standin' on my head... sticking straight out looking all like Topsy.

I don't know who Topsy is,

I can't stand you either.

Why don't you sit down with your black self? I'm black and I'm proud.

She got good hair. She got Peter Rican hair.

Stop touching me, ugly.

Don't you be calling my sister ugly. I'll slap you into next week.

You're not gonna slap nobody into next week. All right, stupid?

Minnie, get off my stoop. You think you so pretty.

I can't stand you either, Minnie. Think you're so cute.

So? Later for you. You think you so cute.

Come on, y'all. Who wants to jump rope?

I wanna play. I do. Wait, wait, wait.

We playing "all." Brenda and Cathy, y'all turning.

Why you always gotta tell us what to do?

'Cause I'm older. Don't give me no lip.

Let's go.

Minnie and Troy, y'all get in the middle 'cause y'all can't jump big.

Yes, we can... Oh, shut up and just get in a row.

♪ We got to live together ♪ Here, kitty, kitty. Here, kitty, kitty, kitty.

Good boy. Come here. Come here, boy.

One, two, three. All, all, all.

Fallin' in together, girls. How do you like the weather, girls?

June, July, August, September...

Rashy Moustachie! Doodlee-Doo!

Doodlee-Doo! Rashy Moustachie!

You better not be throwing that cat over here.

Quit pushing me.

Ah, she looks like... She looks like... Like a gorilla.

Shut up, Greg, with you and your welfare self.

How many times have you been left back? You stupid ass dummy!


So, you're mother's a ho. Let's go!

Who's got some money for Right Hand and my main man, Snuff?

Give it up!

I'm gonna get y'all! I'm gonna get you and you!

Stupid kids.

Oh, snap. What happened to your shoe?

Damn kids broke my shoe, man.

Snuff, man. ♪ I am everyday people ♪ We got to get some bread, n*gga.

I've got all night, Nate. Come on, Mommy.

Why I gotta eat this?

Black-eyed peas have calcium.

All the calcium in the world ain't gonna make up for this nasty taste.

It might have made up for your broke arm. Oh, come on, Mom.

I broke my arm because I just got hurt.

Besides, this is gross. Nasty.

It is not nasty. Everybody else likes it.

You're gonna eat. 'Cause they all crazy.

Yeah, and you sitting here waiting to eat, so...

Desserts, anybody?

I got ice cream and sand cake. All right, Daddy.

Who wants some? I do.

Get some spoons and plates over here. Come on, come on.

Woody, you know I don't want them having that junk.

Come on, Gem. It's just a little sand cake.

Here. Get rid of this.

Oh, no, buddy. You get nothing till you finish the peas.

How come these fools get to have some?

sh**t. You know what, Doctor?

You finish all your food. I'm gonna save you a piece. Okay?


Mmm. Yum-yum.

It look good.

It taste good too.

Scrumptiadilious. Scrumptiadelicious.

Hits the spot. Take a bite, it's so moist.

Sweet. Come on, Red.

Mommy, Clinton called me Red.

Red, Red. He pees the bed.

You so immature. Shut up. Ugly monkey.


He ate my cake! Huh?

Mutley ate my cake! Here, Boogie. Here.

You've got a brand new piece. Okay?

Daddy, that's my piece! All right. Here, here, here.

Half for him and half for you. Half?

Okay? Nate, I am tired of standin' here waitin'.

Pick up the fork and eat the peas.



Eat the peas!

Nate, do like your mother tell you.

Do I have to finish my peas? Eww!

That's okay, Doc. Come on. Let's get you to the bathroom, okay?

That's disgusting.

♪ If you disrespect anybody that you run into ♪

♪ How in the world do you think ♪

♪ Anybody's supposed to respect you? ♪

♪ If you don't give a heck about the man ♪

♪ With the bible in his hand ♪ Okay. All right, little mister, I saw you.

Did you think you were the secret army commando when no one was watchin'?

Well, I'm always watchin'.

And you are gonna stop throwing that garbage in my are away.

Hey, I didn't throw nothing, man. You're imagining things.

Oh, oh, okay smarty-pants. I'm gonna call the police. Good.

Let the cops in the house, see how you live.

Mmm-hmm? You filthy, stinkin' pig.

Who's a pig? You're a pig.

You're a pig. You come from a whole family of pigs.

And don't think I see you and your little friend... throwing that garbage in my are away... into my back yard, also.

Just shut the hell up. That's a lie!

How dare you talk about my family like that. You should be shot.

Wendell. What's wrong?

The stink man's accusing me of things I didn't do.

Oh, you'll see. Look!

Look. Look at him picking up his own garbage.

That's how sick he is.

I caught him throwing this trash on my property.

And he's the little ringleader.

You pick that up. He makes these other kids do the same.

How dare you accuse my son of ill doings. He does no such thing.

Yes! Yes, it's him and this other one over here.

We don't do nothing to you or your stinkin' house.

My kids and their friends can't even sit on our stoop, let alone play in our backyard, without having to smell... that disgusting foul odor of dog shit emanating from your house.

Why don't you clean up that filth?

My house is not filthy. Yours is filthy.

Oh, you don't know nothing about my house. Oh, yeah?

You are a menace and a disgrace to this entire block.

The Board of Health ought to shut you down. You t...

Highwaters. Highwaters. Gonna take you to Bellevue.

I can't hear myself think. Pull down your pants or pull up your ankles!

Listen to this. You're the ones who disturb the peace around here.

I never had trouble with nobody till you people moved in.

Listen, you sorry excuse for a man.

You better be glad we moved in here.

If I ever hear you calling my kids names, or accusing them of anything, you're gonna have to deal with me, do you understand?

I've listened to you call yourself a mother.

Don't point at me. Get your finger out of my face.

You ought to keep them inside where they belong.

I know you k*lled my mother! What?

You k*lled my mother! You know what happened!

Oh, she probably k*lled her damn self trying to get away from you!

She was a good person! She thought that people were good!

What's going on here?

Are you all right? Are you all right?

You know what happened! Tony, wait!

Be quiet! You can't tell me...

Tony. My mother was a good person...

Why don't you take your dog-smelling ass into your doghouse, man?

You can't tell me what to do! I'm tired of listening to your damn mouth.

My glasses! My glasses! Call the police!

I'm gonna sue you! I'm gonna sue you!

I'm gonna sue you.

You can't do this!

You know what happened! Look at this!

I'm gonna tell you what's gonna happen to you! You should press...

♪ I'll never go back to Georgia ♪

♪ I'll never go back ♪

♪ Hey ♪ ♪ No, no, no, no ♪

♪ I'll never go back to Georgia, ah, ah ♪ Yes. ♪ I'll never go back to Georgia ♪

♪ I'll never go back to Georgia ♪

♪ I'll never go back to Georgia ♪

♪ I'll never go back ♪

♪ I'll never go back to Georgia ♪ What you talkin' 'bout?

I ain't no puta.

I'm Connie.

I keeps my pantie clean. Oh, come on, Connie.

No, no, no, Tito. You crazy.

Ten cent.

Hold your horses. Gimme two licorice sticks, 10 Bazookas, some Lemonheads, some Fireballs, and some Boston Baked Beans.

No caliente here.

Is that right?

Well, you ain't nothing but a damn Puerto Rican!

Yeah, but I can give you something good, baby.

Aw, yeah, that's what you say to all of them.

Whoo! Fine thing.

Come on.

No, no.

No, no, no, no, Tito.

No tickee, no tockee, Tito.

♪ Hey, Joe ♪

♪ Where you goin' with that g*n in your hand? ♪

♪ Hey, Joe ♪

♪ I said where you goin' with that g*n in your hand? ♪

♪ All right ♪

♪ I'm goin' down to sh**t my old lady ♪

♪ You know I caught her messin' around ♪

♪ With another man ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ I'm goin' down to sh**t my old lady ♪

♪ You know I caught her messin' around ♪

♪ With another man ♪

♪ Hey, Joe ♪ Hey, baby, don't worry, Papi, I'm gonna get you out tomorrow, okay? All right?

Go home. No, you go home!

Back off. Don't push me!

Go home! Hey, and don't get loud with me, either!

Go home. Go home.

No. Hey, come on. He wasn't doing anything. No!

Vic, don't worry, papi. I'm gonna come visit tomorrow, okay?

Hey, Papi, don't worry, okay?

Shut up, you prost*tute! prost*tute?

I'm not a prost*tute! You can't go unpunished for your activities! You...

I don't even want to think about it.

Hey. What are you all doing in here? Get off my bed.

You missed it! The cops came and took Vic away.

I know. What's in that bag?

Want some candy? Psych your mind, make your booty shine.

Eggies. Thumbs up. I called no eggies first. Thumbs down.

When? When I bought it.

That don't count, 'cause we couldn't hear it.

Eggies. Y'all never give me nothing.

So? Shut up, you evil, flat-chested wench.

Just for that, you're not getting any.

And I'm telling Ma you called me an evil, flat-chested wench.

And I'll tell her you went out to the store. n*gg*r.

Pop-eyed heifer. All right, you greedy pigs!

♪ I turned out the lights... ♪ Give me the bazookas and the lemonheads.

Why you gotta be the only red one?

Can you please chew with your mouth closed?

Yeah! Don't start up with me. sh**t.

I don't need you to fight my battles. Fool.

Quiet, it's the good part. Let's watch the Knicks.

♪ I woke up in love this morning ♪ They even know the words!

Y'all turning so white. They wanna be white.

Oreo. ♪ Went to sleep with you on my mind ♪

♪ Nate woke up in pee this morning ♪

♪ I woke up in love this morning ♪

♪ Went to sleep with you on my mind ♪ - Shut up, Whitey.

♪ Is the TV on?

I said, is the TV on? No!

Be quiet. ♪ Notjust for a night ♪

♪ But for my whole life through ♪ Don't turn it off.

I'm not turning it off, I'm just turning it down.

♪ I woke up in love this morning ♪ Come on, let's watch the Knicks.

Joseph, I gave you Lemonheads, please change your vote.

No, I'm watching The Partridge Family.

Joseph is not changing his vote.

Besides, we outnumber you three to two. All right, all right.

After this show, we'll be watching the Knicks.

Okay. Hey. Done already? Come on, get out.

Out. Out. Let's go. Out.

We didn't want to buy nothing anyway.

Hi Maribel. Hi.

Man, it smells funny in here. Yeah, it does stink, don't it?

Un besito. ¡Déjame!

I'll tell your mother. Tell her.


What are you doing?

Huh? I'm talking to you.


You think you can come into my store and steal?

Do I go into your house and take things? No.

No. Ten cent.

Ten cent. I don't have any money.

What? No money?

Send her to jail.

No money, huh? Okay.

Then get outta here and don't come back... until you've got some money, okay?

What took you so long?

You let him catch you?

What was I supposed to do?

Look, you should have told him, "I don't have to steal nothin' from you.

I just forgot my money." See?

Oh. Next time steal something easier.

Yeah! My main man, Walt "Clyde" Frazier.

We better win tonight.

This is a very important game.

Stupid. Don't pass the ball to him. Jackson ain't nothin'.

Lucky rebound. He can't even dribble.

Pass it. Pass it! Pass it to Frazier if you're gonna pass it to anybody.

Come on. Yeah, stupid.

Yeah, pass it to him.

Now we gonna pass it to Frazier! Come on. No, dag.

Ye... Yes, Frazier. Take it to the moon!

Yeah, jump shot! Yeah! Swish! It's good!

Yes! I knew he would make it in. That's number one, right there.

Frazier with 24 points.

Aw, man!

Only one way to find out.

Ooh, boy. Where's the ball? What you waiting for, stupid?

Damn it, Woody, you bounced another check.

I thought we had it covered. I'll get some money.


When? What do you think I'm doing right here?

Gem, let me just finish this music.

That's what I've always done.

The problem is, your music's not bringing anything into the house but music.

Gem, the money will come.

I'm waitin'.

I'm back teachin' school again and I am waitin', Woody.

You just keep doin' what you're doin', Gem.

Now, you know it wasn't always like this. I made money before, I'll make money again.

I trust you, but you have got to realize... we are on a limited budget.

I am trying to balance everything.

And when you go and write checks and don't tell me about it, It makes it extremely difficult.

As God is my witness, I want the best for you and the children.

But I have got to do it in my own way.

Cool? Cool.

I went out and opened a separate bank account.

That supposed to get some kind of reaction from me?

Just what is that supposed to prove?

I don't know what it proves.

I'm interested in putting food on the table... and keeping a roof over our kids' heads.

Oh, boy. You know, you-you-you-you really k*ll me.

I mean, on the one hand, you come down here... tellin' me about yet another mistake Woody done made.

When I'm sitting at that piano, trying to do my work, trying to concentrate, you won't let me do that, neither.

I mean... You-You've got a beef with that.

I don't know what to do. You can get up off my chair.

I don't want to talk about your mistakes. Now, you keep track of those.

I don't have time. All I ask you to do... is to write down when you spend the money that I am making.

I done told you it was a legitimate mistake. I...

I appreciate that but you have made that mistake five times this month, Woody.

I just want you to change the pattern.

I don't need no lecture from you about how to conduct myself in this house.

I'm not giving you a lecture. I am asking you... to help me conduct the business affairs of this family.

What the hell do you think I am trying to do? You're an adult!

I don't know what you're doing.

I know you don't! But let me tell you, I got to be like a thief in the night in this house, every time I want to get some privacy to do my work.

You selfish child! Don't tell me about privacy.

Selfish nothing! Selfish nothing! Yes! You are selfish.

I can't even take a piss without six people hanging off my tits!

You a big saint around here, and I ain't shit, is that it?

You call yourself what you want to. I just asked you to write down the check.

I'll note the check right now. I'm gonna note this check.

I think you can do two things at once. Make music and write.

Woody... wrote... a bum check.

Here. That's very cute.

You remember to write it down before it bounces next time.

You know, you seem to forget, I'm the one who used to pay for you and the children... to go to Bloomingdale's and Lord and Taylor, to get what you wanted, when you wanted.

You ain't the only one contributed to this family, Gem.

You got to remember that.

That's a foul! I know, right?

Where the referee? Clinton!

Clinton! What?

Don't answer me "what?" Turn the goddamned TV off.

I'm watching the Knicks! I don't care what it is! No TV on a school night!

She can scream all she want, I'm watching this game.

Hey! No TV! Turn it off!

Ma, it's just a game! Who is that?

That was Nate! It wasn't me, Mommy!

If the TV's not off, I'm gettin' everybody!

Troy, I have to go to the bathroom.

Open up, before I pee on myself!

Come on, Troy!

Troy! What are you doing?

Come on! Open the door!

You better chastise your boys.

For what, Carolyn? This has nothing to do with boys.

Clinton, don't let me get up there! Gem, come back here!


In a minute!

Walt Frazier's not payin' my bills.

It ain't about no Walt Frazier, Carolyn!

I'm sick of this shit.

Troy! Troy!

Surprise, boys.

What's wrong with you? I'm watching the Knicks. I ought to knock you out.

Yeah, what's the big deal? The big deal is I said no TV on a school night, damn it!

The Knicks got a job. You need an education, boy!

I will throw this idiot box out the window.

Troy, let Boogie in the bathroom.

Daddy, she won't let me watch the game.

How dare you go to your father and defy me, boy!

Come on, now, Gem. Let him watch his game.

Let's go downstairs. No, Woody. Please don't touch me.

Don't touch me now. Come on, Gem.

Get your hands off of me. Troy won't let me go to the bath...

Shut up. I-I own this mammy jammy house.

I pay Con Ed for the electricity.

Now when you want to start paying some of the bills, then everybody else gets to decide... when you can put the TV on and when not.

I'm watching this game. Boy, I'm gonna knock you out!

Hey. No. Get off! Get off me!

Gem, don't take it out on these boys.

Put me down!

Get away from me! Stop!



What I want... is some respect for my work... in this house, Gem.

You get outta my house.

You call your brother, and you tell him to come and get your shit.

That's just fine.

If that's what you want? That's what you get.

See what you did? See what you started?

It wasn't my fault.

You wanna go to your room?

♪ All right ♪ You want some ice?

♪ I, Oh, I ♪

♪ I know a place, y'all ♪ ♪ I'll take you there ♪

♪ Ain't nobody cryin', oh ♪

♪ Ain't nobody worried ♪ ♪ I'll take you there ♪

♪ No smilin' faces ♪

♪ I'll take you there ♪ Now for the black up side.

Hey, Miss Coomish Mimmish. Hi, Uncle Brown.

Here's the other bag, man.

You ready to go? Yep.

All right, here. Get down. Come on.

There you go. Where's Clinton and Nate?

Nate's upstairs with Mommy... and Clinton's in his room.

Okay, Boogie. I'm gonna see you soon.

I'm gonna wait for you. Don't go yet.

Come on, come on, now. No. We talked about this.

You gotta be a big man, I'll put you in a big chair.

You like that?

Bye-bye, Daddy. Bye-bye.

All right, Miss Coomish Mimmish.

Don't go, Daddy.

You're too grown to give me a hug, huh?

Come on.


I'll be over at Uncle Brown's, Now, you have his number. You call me if you need me, okay?

Okay. Wendell?

Come on, Wendell. Don't be like that, now.


Okay, Troy? Yes, Daddy.

All right.

Bye, Dad.

Good morning, Mommy. How are you today?

I'm fine. Thank you, ladybug.

I made you some breakfast.

I see.


All you all mad at me? Nah.

I'll get it.

Hi, Daddy. Hey. Where's Mommy?

In her room. Mmm. Come here, I want to talk to you.

Guess what. I cleaned the kitchen and I made Mommy breakfast.

That's great.

I think she's feeling better now.

That's good.

Troy, your father's sorry about last night.

It's not your fault, Daddy.

You know, Daddy doesn't wanna fight or yell or scream or holler.

All Daddy wants to do is play his music.

That's all.

Well, maybe if you played other people's music, Mommy wouldn't scream and yell at you.

I can't do that anymore, Troy.

I got to work on my music now.

Well, maybe you should just go for taking her out on a date.

You think so, huh? I do.

Hey, listen.

This is for you and your brothers.

What? You don't like candy no more?

No, I do.

I want you to take and give this to your mother from me.

Okay? Sure.

Everybody else doing all right? Yeah.

I think.

All right, Miss Coomish Mimmish, Come here.


Your father loves you, Troy.

I love you too, Daddy.

These are from Daddy.

You can at least open this.

He told me to tell you that he wants to take you out on a date.

Candy from Dad.

Can I have a quarter?

♪ Oh, yeah ♪

♪ Whoo ♪

♪ Mr. Big Stuff ♪

♪ Who do you think you are? ♪

♪ Mr. Big Stuff ♪

♪ You're never gonna get my love ♪

♪ Now because you wear All those fancy clothes ♪

♪ Oh, yeah ♪ ♪ And have a big fine car Oh, yes, you do now ♪

♪ Do you think I can afford to give you my love? ♪

♪ Oh, yeah ♪ ♪ You think you're higher than every star above ♪

♪ Mr. Big Stuff ♪

♪ Who do you think you are, Mr. Big Stuff? ♪ Thank you. You're welcome.

♪ You're never gonna get my love ♪ I still say y'all are rich. No, we aren't.

Yes, you are. I can tell by all these fancy antiques... and that foreign car you got out there.

It's not fancy, it's just rare.

Ow! Oh, my God. Ugh.

I've gotta go home, Troy. Thanks for the ice cream.


Happy you drove my company away?


Stupid! I hate you.

You idiot.

Hey, Wendell! You seen my tickets?

No, it wasn't me. sh**t. Heck, man, you can't find the tickets?

I know, man. sh**t. I can't find 'em.

Well, keep lookin'.


Troy, I know you can hear me calling you!

Troy! You seen my Knicks tickets?

Nobody cares about you and your stupid Knicks. You seen my tickets?

I haven't seen your... If you touched my tickets, I'm gonna break your neck!

Break it, then. Ow, get off of me!

Shut up! Gimme my tickets.

Why should I? You started the whole fight between Mommy and Daddy!

Shut up. Give me my tickets!

You're hurting me! I don't care.

Give me my tickets and I'll let you go. Get off! You're hurting...

All right, all right n*gg*r. I hate your guts.

I hate your guts.

Who told you you could go in my room in the first place?

Better stay out, 'cause next time...

I'm gonna punch you in your face, heifer.

I spent them funny lookin' nickels of yours also.


H-E-L-L-N- and you are not it.

♪ There's a German in the grass with a bottle up his ass ♪

♪ Stick it in, stick it out Do you want to be a scout? ♪ No.

N- spells no and you are not it.

Hot peas and butter!

Come and get your supper!

Come on, you can run faster than that.

I know you could find it. Look at you. You can't even get it.

Come on, come on.

Miss Carmichael, I see you!

Oh, be quiet. I heard that.

You better keep tryin'. Oh, you cold, Minnie.

Oh, you hot.

Oh, you boiling hot!

Hot. Boilin'!

I beg your pardon. I beg your pardon.

Bye, Troy. Bye, Minnie. See you tomorrow.

Where you goin', Troy?

And you stop following me, Greg.

I ain't following you, Troy the Boy.



I need to ask you something.

Clinton claims you stole his prize collection of buffalo nickels.

They are very valuable and they mean a lot to him.

Did you take 'em? No.

Did you take 'em? No.

You look cute, Mrs. Carmichael.

Thank you, Greg. How's your mother?

She's okay. What's wrong?

Troy. She's always pickin' on me.

She teases me. She-She teases me about school.

She calls my mother names.

She just treats me mean. She makes fun of me in front of her friends.

It's not fair. I mean, I want to be her friend, but she doesn't like me.

Don't worry about it. I'll take care of it.

Thank you.

Troy! Mommy, somebody left the toilet seat up... and I almost fell in again.

Never mind about that, now.

I do not believe what I just heard.

Why are you calling people's mothers names? Mommy, I didn't.

Don't lie to me, Troy. Why is that child standing outside... with crocodile tears in his eyes?

You go back outside right now and apologize.

But I didn't do anything.


I'm sorry, Greg. You sorry, why?

I'm sorry I called your mother a ho.

And you sorry about teasing me... about being left back three times, and about bein' on welfare, and about me and my brothers having three different fathers?

All right, already. I said I was sorry.

You better be.

Thank you, Mrs. Carmichael. That's okay, baby.

Stupid. Hey, hey!

Hey. Come here.

I want you to go to the supermarket and get some things for dinner.

Mommy, I hate food stamps.

Besides, we ain't even on welfare.

Stop sayin' "ain't." You better be glad we got some food stamps.

Go on. Mommy, everyone's gonna laugh at me.

Ain't nobody gonna laugh at you that ain't on welfare their self. Scat.

How come I have to go?

Do you wanna have dinner tonight, Troy? Go.

♪ Pass the peas, the cheese ♪

♪ Pass the peas like we used to say it ♪

♪ Pass the peas like we used to say it ♪ Right over here.

♪ Come on, now ♪

Where you going? Come back here.

I didn't take anything from your store.

I've been watchin' you. What do you mean you didn't take it?

If you don't put it down, I'll call your mother.

I'll have your place shut down, old man.

You can call my mother. I don't have a phone.

Let me see. Aha! What is this?

Come here. These is your hips? So what?

This your other hip? Get your hands off me, coconut West Indian monkey!

Now listen, you little pygmy American. Meat patty eater!

Please get out of my store, and don't come back no more! What you lookin' at?

Oh, God. These American children, eh?

They don't know how to act. They have no manners.

Miss, I'm sorry for the disturbance. Look, please, go on.

I'm very sorry.

I'm gonna get you, you ugly bitch.

I saw you! I never did nothing to you!

I saw you in the store. Get off of me!

Hey, hey, hey. No fighting in front of the store!

Move out of here! Get out of here, you little pygmy.

Move on! You shut up!

Have some respect. Mind your own business!

Bitch! That's why I got your food stamps.

Have your things? Don't pay her no mind Go on. Move on.

You all right? I got your food stamps.

You just watch. I'm gonna punch you in your face.

You know where you live? Okay, go ahead.

Back to work.

Here! I told you not to send me!

Get up. What on earth happened to you?

She took the darn change too. Who?

Peanut. What were you doing?

Standing there gettin' beat up!

Some boy beat you up? Peanut's a girl.

How big is she? 6'2", 200 pounds.

Troy. You round here wrestling and punching your brothers all the time.

And you let some girl named Peanut... take my groceries and my food stamps?

I oughta whip your butt my damn self.

You go upstairs and get your brother and go get my things.

That's all right. I hate liver, anyway.

I'm glad Troy got her butt kicked. Shoulda kicked it by my own damn self.

I'd a been right behind you. She thinks she's so cute.

Uh-huh. Shut up, you ugly black baboon.

Why you gotta be teasing people?

I know you ain't talking to me. Me either.

You blacker than me. Worry about your own Rashy Moustachie self.

Why you always talkin' about my cousin like that?

'Cause I feel like it! And ain't nobody gonna do nothin' about it.

And stay off my stoop!

♪ Now the time has come ♪

♪ Time ♪ ♪ No place to run ♪

♪ Time ♪ ♪ I might get burned up by the sun, ha ♪

♪ Time ♪ ♪ But I had my fun ♪

♪ Time ♪ Troy!

You glue sniffers!

Leave me alone! Where's our money at?

I ain't got no money.

I only got food stamps.

You know damn well we take those too.

Leave me alone! Shut up!

Yeah, you like that, don't you?

Breathe in. One more time. One more time.

Breathe out. Get it, girl. Get it, girl.

Bye, Troy!

♪ Time ♪ ♪ Has come today ♪

♪ Time ♪ ♪ Has come today ♪

♪ Time ♪ ♪ Time has come today ♪

♪ Time ♪

♪ Time ♪

♪ Time ♪

Hey, Miss Coomish Mimmish.

♪ Time ♪

I'm flying.

And Snuffy and Right Hand Man are chasing me.

No, Snuffy and Right-Right Hand Man are not here.

But Poppa's here.

Daddy, I'm glad you came back home.

Did you take Mom out yet?

Not yet, but I will.

Take her out now, Daddy. Take her out now.

Young lady, I want you to get some rest.

You hear?

It's for later.

They're spirited, but I don't know why our kids are ostracized by your family.

Welcome back, Daddy. Thanks, man.

Clinton, you go to the game? ♪ I can see clearly now ♪ Yeah, Knicks won. ♪ The rain is gone... ♪ Daddy, you burnt the toast. That ain't burnt. It's just a little dark. Give it here.

Kids in the Delta would love to have that to eat, and a father nice enough to burn it.

Okay? You are gonna give us heart att*cks, Woody.

Daddy, these eggs are runny.

Eat those eggs! The food was prepared by your Pops... with tender loving care, so you will eat it, am I right?

Celeste has had Joan, Sam and Viola out to St. Louis, and she's never asked our kids.

I ain't studying about Celeste. The woman is mean and evil.

That's your sister.

Yeah. I don't want to visit Aunt Celeste.

We don't need to visit nobody.

We got the car. We can go for a drive.

Can we leave Brooklyn? Take you anywhere...

Can we please leave Brooklyn? Yes, we can.

Hey, Miss Coomish Mimmish. Come here.

How's my big girl? Good.

Feelin' better? You want some breakfast? Mm-hmm.


So, we gettin' ready to go for a drive after breakfast?

After we clean up. Clean up! - What we gotta clean up for?

I got an ailment here. Hey, hey, hey! After y'all clean up.

Can Mutley come, Daddy? Yeah, Mutley can come, Boogie.

We gettin' ready to get in the car, and gettin' ready to... roll on, roll on. Uh-oh, here we go.

Jinx... you owe me a Coke! ♪ Roll on in the Citroen Roll on ♪ Come on, Daddy, you're ruinin' my ear.

Daddy. You get up front with me.

I'm sittin' in the back. You can sit with me.

This is 7 Arlington Place, right? Yeah.

I have an order to shut off your electricity.

What? What? You gotta pay your bill. You gotta pay your bill.

The bill is paid. No, the bill is unpaid.

"7 Arlington Place. Unpaid bill. Service to be shut off."

Did you pay it? Yes, I paid it.

This is the second time they done made this mistake.

Children, go on in the house. Oh, Daddy!

You can call if you'd like. No, I'm not makin' a call. I'm gonna talk to these people.

Just doin' my job. The bill is paid, Gem. Okay, do what you gotta do.

All right.

Come on.

Oh, my God.¿Qué pasó aqui?

What the damn candles in here for?

Looks like a church. Turn the lights on.

It's not working. What do you mean?

Oh, hey, hey. How y'all doin'?

Hi, Mr. Carmichael. Hey, Mr. C. Y'all blow a fuse or somethin'?

What happened to the lights? Where y'all been? I've been waiting on y'all.

What's with the candles? There's enough candles in here, I know that.

Yeah, we, uh... We havin' some financial problems right now.

I see. We understand. I was hopin' that the food stamps would help.

Um, anyway... Oh. Like I was sayin'...

Here you go, Vic. We, uh...

We didn't blow no fuse. Uh, the damn electricity been cut off.

What? Yeah. Drag, man.

Come again? We ain't got no electricity, and neither do you.

You know I need my lights. Can't sleep, can't think, can't read without my lights.

It won't be for long. How I'm supposed to cook without no lights?

Probably just a couple of days till we can get it straight.

A couple of days? Ain't that a bitch.

Payin' you good money for rent, and I ain't got no damn lights?

Well, now, that's what I'm sayin'. I give y'all some candles.

Forget candles. You don't understand what you're dealin' with.

M-My disability requires that I have my light.

Well, I know it's an inconvenience, Vic.

It's an inconvenience to everybody.

But I'm gonna go down there tomorrow, and I'm gonna straighten it out, okay?

Mr. Carmichael, I hope you don't expect us to pay rent.

Because Si no hay Luz, no hay renta. No lights, no rent.

Well, now, Miss Jessica, I don't know 'bout no "us," 'cause you don't even live here, but I do expect you to pay, Vic. Now I don't live here?

No. Did you hear that? You gonna let him say that to me?

I don't live here now?

I think I done paid enough, Mr. C.

I got enough shrapnel in my back, I'm afraid to get wet.

I think I done paid enough. I think I done paid far too damn much.

Well, now... Hold up. Now hold up now, Vic.

You know I don't want no hollerin' and screamin'. I don't mean no disrespect... to you or your kids, Mr. C. Okay, then.

But I think my rent has put just as much food on your baby's table as you do.

Well, now, okay... I did not have to give your wife those food stamps.

Vic, let's go. Just forget about it, okay? I can't live like this no more.

Now, at least y'all still got gas and hot water.

Okay, Vic?

It's good, baby.

I like eatin' by candlelight. Kind of romantic.

Are you wooin' me? It wouldn't do me much good right about now, would it?

This is fun. Does this mean we can't watch TV?

That's right. No cartoons.

No Brady Bunch or Partridge Family...

You do so watch that show. Liar.

n*gga. Stop calling each other n*gga. - And you can't watch the Knicks.

Come on. Let's just eat in peace.

Daddy's got some good news. I'm giving a solo concert.

Great. Wow! Daddy!

This is the one, Gem. This one's gonna be real special.

Clinton, Wendell and Nate?

I need y'all to get out, put up some posters for Daddy.

Can you do that? All right. - That's fine with me.

Don't you worry. I'm gonna take care of the house. Everything's gonna be all right.

Thank you, Tommy. And call those numbers if you need us.

Hey, Tommy. Yes, sir.

You see anybody actin' suspiciously around the house, you stand on that top step, and you sing, okay?

I'll see you when you come back. You'll scare off the whole neighborhood.

Drive safe, all right? Take care. Bye. Okay.

No one's gonna step on this stoop, I'll tell ya. All right, bye-bye.

Have a safe trip. Bye-bye!

Y'all didn't say bye to Tony.

Tommy La La can't sing a lick. Why'd you tell him that?

♪ Roll on, Citroen ♪

♪ Roll on Roll on down the road ♪ What'd you hit me for?

Y'all, cut that out.

Hey, hey, hey. It's not funny.

♪ Roll on down the road ♪ I'll tell Mommy.

♪ Now Troy's gonna be with Cousin Viola ♪

♪ And Nate's gonna be with Cousin Sam ♪ Can't wait. Finally have some peace and quiet in the house.

♪ Roll on, Citroen Roll on ♪

♪ Roll on, Citroen Roll on ♪

♪ Roll on down the road ♪ How many times you gonna sing that same old song?

Y'all don't like my song? No!

You know, I'm glad the kids are comin' South. I'm tired.

I don't know what's wrong, but I'm tired.

Woody, we need to make some changes.

The money I'm bringin' in is not makin' ends meet.

I need your help.

You want me to, uh, pick up a guitar and play some rock and roll?


If it'll help pay Con Ed, yes.

This concert's gonna change a lot of things for us, Gem.

Plus it's gonna bring in a nice piece of change.

Who's gonna come but us, Uncle Brown, Aunt Maxine and our friends?

People are gonna come to this concert. People still want to hear good music.

I don't give a damn how many records this rock and roll shit sells.

People still know the difference between that and good, pure music.

I need you to support me in this, Carolyn.

Oh... Looka here.

Who gets up at the crack of dawn...

Monday through Friday, cookin' breakfast, go to school, teach school, come home, cook dinner, grade papers, make lesson plans, try to keep our rowdy kids from killin' each other... and destroying our house, just so you can be a "pure" musician playin' "pure" music?

If that ain't support, I don't know what the hell... what is.

Thank you.

You woke up Troy. You satisfied?

What's the matter? Can't you sleep? No.

You want to come up here with us? Yeah.

Oh, whoa. You have long legs.

Whoo, Miss Coomish Mimmish.

Troy, aren't you the lucky one.

Aunt Song and Uncle Clem said Viola's beside herself that you're comin' down here.

When am I coming home?

In a few weeks. Will the lights be back on?

Oh, yeah, baby. All the lights will be back on.

I don't wanna go. Troy, come on, come on.

You're gonna have a wonderful time. Please? Just this once?

Lord, have mercy, will y'all look at this.


I'm sure y'all are tired. Lord, have mercy.

Y'all done brought your dogs too. Oh, Viola, why don't you put Queenie in the family room?

Family room? Man! You sure got a clean house.

Oh, isn't that cute. Clem, you hear what Clinton said?

Huh? Oh, yeah, yeah. I'm Wendell. - I'm Clinton.

Well, shut my mouth wide open.

Oh, Carolyn, I just love yours and Troy's hair. Will you look at that?

All those little tiny braids and things. What y'all call that?


Oh, no, sugar. We don't let the dogs in here.

This carpet's too nice.

Boy, take that dog outside. Put him in the car. What?

Nate. Come on, Mutley.

Viola, ain't you gonna say hello to your cousin Troy?

Troy, you didn't say hi?

Hi. Hi.

She's just a little shy.

Get off the couch. Woody! I could use some coffee.

Oh, sh**t, I don't mind. We are all family. Who's hungry?

I got some fried chicken and potato salad in the kitchen right out there.

Oh, man! Hey!

You ain't changed. You have not changed.

Go on. Come on, Troy.

Aunt Song, you sure can cook. Why, thank you, sugar.

Lord, Troy, you don't know how happy we are to have you here with us.

Troy, we're gonna have us some fun. Carolyn, Troy can stay as long as she wants. Oh, Song, that's so nice.

Troy, isn't that nice? Yeah.

Thank you. You're welcome.

Woody, we need to get on the road.

We still have to drop Nate off at Trudy and Boo's.

All right, come on y'all. Finish your plates. We got about two hours to go.

How soon you gettin' back to New York?

This food's good. Day after tomorrow.

Will you please try and cooperate with everybody... and get along with everybody? I don't want to stay here.

Troy, you're gonna have a great time.

Oh, sweetie. I wish I was stayin'.

Just don't leave me here. I hardly know these people.

They're your relatives. Come on.

I'm the one you ought to feel sorry for. I have to go up there with all those boys.

Thank you! Good-bye!

Bye, Troy! Troy, I love you, baby.

Bye! See you. Take care of yourself.

Bye, Little Joe.

Let's go inside, Troy. Please don't leave me.

Mommy, don't leave me. Come on, Troy. Let's go inside, baby.

When you're getting dressed for bed, I have often heard it said... before you go to sleep, you have to put away your clothes, because if you're going to do things, do things right. Queenie, is Mama's baby gonna be nice to Troy?

Troy, honey, where are your pajamas?

May I be excused?

And they'll say... "Yes!" to you.

Lord, have mercy, honey. You can't wear these.

Viola, give Troy one of your nighties. I'm gonna throw these things in the garbage.

Yes, Mama. Get up. Wake up.

Get there on time for school. Don't you be late.

Find your place. Win the race.

Here, Troy. Go change in the bathroom, sugar.

Sugar, you ain't got a thing to hide with your skinny self.

Thinner than a blade of grass.

Viola, you got your bra on? Yes.

Come on.

All right, you rascals, let's say our prayers.

Viola, put Queenie on the floor.

Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep.

If I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take. Amen.

All right, now, I want you two right to sleep.

All right. Sleep tight. Don't let the bedbugs bite.

So glad you're here, Troy. We gonna have lots of fun.

Good night, hon. Good night, Daddy.

Good night, Troy. Good night, Uncle Clem.


I ain't no puta. I keep my pajamas clean.

I keeps my pajamas clean.

Viola, what's that noise in there?

Shh! Nothin', Mama! You better stop jumpin' on the bed... before she comes in. I don't care. I hate this place anyway.

Besides, my dog could k*ll your little rat dog anyway.

I don't care either, and it ain't my dog. It's Mama's dog.

You like livin' in Brooklyn? A lot better than here. You should come visit me.

Good. I like Aunt Carolyn.

It's okay if you don't like Aunt Song.

She's not my real mother. I was adopted.

You were?

What's that funny noise outside?

You ain't never heard crickets before? Good night.

Lord, have mercy, child. You sure got one thick head of hair.

You need a hot comb on these naps.

You ain't got good hair like my baby.


Now don't tell me you got the nerve to be tender-headed with these naps.

What's those things you and your mother had? Beads and braids.

Beads and braids. Lord, have mercy. Mmm-mmm-mmm.

Troy's havin' a birthday party.

Pizza, pizza, daddy-.

♪ You went to school to learn, girl ♪

♪ What you never, never knew before ♪ I hit it!

Bucky and Becky bought a gift. Bucky and Bucky and daddy-.

You want me to go over the bump? No!

Okay, then hold on. I am!

I'm gonna go faster.

Bump coming.

Hey! Hi!

Shout it, shout it, daddy-.

♪ Do-re-mi, A-B-C One, two, three ♪

♪ Baby, you and me ♪ Eeny-meeny sissaleeny.

Ooh-ah combaleeny. Achie-kachie, Liberace, I love you.

Take a peach. Take a plum. Take a stick of bubble gum.

No peach, no plum. Just a stick of bubble gum.

I like coffee. I like tea. I like the colored boy and he likes me.

So step back, white boy. You don't shine.

I'll get the colored boy to kick your behind.

All, all, all in together now. How you like the weather now?

January, February March, April.

May, June, July, August.

Queenie! Before Jesus grew up to be Our Savior, - he was a kid just like you. Hey, stay there. Stay there.

Sing this song nice and loud so He can hear you up in heaven.

- Here we go. Voom.

♪ One, two, three The devil's after me ♪ Oh, Troy, I like this song. ♪ Four, five, six ♪

♪ He's always throwin' sticks ♪

♪ Seven, eight, nine He misses every time ♪

♪ Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, amen ♪

♪ One, two, three The devil's after me ♪

♪ Four, five, six ♪ Come on and sing. It's real easy. ♪ He misses every time ♪

♪ Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, amen ♪

♪ Amen ♪

♪ Amen ♪ Ooh! Praise the Lord.

Did y'all wash your hands when you came in from playin' outside?

Viola? Girl, I am speakin' to you.

I don't have to listen to you. All right, Missy.

Don't go showin' off in front of your company.

I am gonna speak to your father about this.

Don't let me have to go get my switch. Jesus, help me. Clem!

Clem! She ain't my real mother.

But we know a secret, don't we?

Did you wash your hands? Yes.

Don't tell me a fib. You know it is sinful to lie.

Yes, Aunt Song. I washed them. Good.

You can run back to bed. Uncle Clem and I have a surprise for you!

Come on, Clem.

Happy Birthday, Troy. Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday!

Say "Happy Birthday, Troy."

Thank you. Oh, isn't this nice?

I am going to make you a great big birthday cake. What kind of cake shall it be?

Chocolate! Oh, no, sugar.

I can't do chocolate. The last time I did, Viola broke out in hives.

No, I didn't. You did.

Viola, don't argue with your mother.

You see how she does, Clem? I say it's white, she say it's black.

If the girl says she didn't get no hives, she didn't get no hives.

See? I told you. There you go, always takin' her side.

For Christ's sake, let Troy open up her presents, please, honey. g*dd*mn!

Ooh. It's a dress.

Yes, it's from me and your Uncle Clem. Ain't that pretty?

You are going to wear that today.

Oh. Thank you. Happy Birthday, Troy.

Thank you.

It's a training bra.

You not gonna need that for quite a while.

Oh, uh, this came in the mornin' mail. It's for you.

It's from my mommy. Oh, yeah!

What'd she say? I hope she don't mind about me takin' out those braids, beads and things.

I didn't know what else to do. Let's let her read her letter in peace.

Come on, everybody. Let's make breakfast, hmm?

Viola? Let's go.

Jade. Dear ladybug:

Happy Birthday. The mailman just tapped on the window and I got your letter.

Hooray! I'm glad to hear you're havin' such a wonderful time down there.

Could this be true?

Although you've been gone only a month, it feels like an eternity.

When will Troy be back from down South?

"Yep. All the boys are still on the stoop playin" Strat... Matic baseball.

Ooh! What a waste of time. And Tommy still can't sing.

♪ Yes to you ♪

♪ Listen to me ♪

♪ La-la-la-la la-la-la-la-la means ♪

♪ I love you ♪ Last night we had yet another run-in with Tony.

Vic Powell didn't slap him this time. Your father was there, thank God.

Wendell had been telling me that every morning Tony throws trash from his sidewalk... onto our stoop.

Well, we finally caught him red-handed.

What the hell you think you're doin'?

I'm throwing this trash back. Who told you to throw it here in the first place?

How do you know it was us? You do that to your own stink house, man.

I know exactly what happened. You're the one who's always throwin' garbage.

You know how it is on our block.

A little shouting starts. Before you know it, you got a big crowd wantin' a big show.

Wendell, what's goin' on?

We caught him throwin' trash over there.

I expect more from a grown man. What do you think you're doin'?

Your children are constantly over here throwin' their trash on my property.

True. And furthermore, they go on the roof... and throw rocks down on my dogs.

Untrue. Machine g*n, machine g*n, machine g*n!

Are you doing this? Are you gonna believe this man?

Yeah, you gonna believe this stinky over us?

My children are doing no such thing. You ought to be ashamed of yourself.

You should start actin' like an adult and cut this foolishness out.

Tony, I hate to tell you this, but your house stinks.

That's the truth. That's just the reality.

Why you house stink, man?

Hey, you up there.

Hey, Mister Number 4. Mira, Mira. Where's my rent?

When you gonna pay the rent?

Now Tony, you want me to, I'll come over.

I'll help try to straighten up, but this situation got to stop.

I smell your animals all in my house. You understand me?



Aren't you glad to be away from these crazy people in Crooklyn, New York?

And now, about your father.

It started with Clinton.

You're the eldest. I expect more from you, but I'm gonna let you make your own decision.

Man, why did Daddy have to have his concert tonight, the night of the NBA championships?

Dang! Which is more important?

All right! Nice!

Was that some new stuff tonight, brother? Yeah, man.

You ought to record it, Woody.

I plan to. I also started working on my folk opera.

Folk opera? About what, Woody?

What you laughin' at? Jessica was laughing. She's from the city.

My folk opera is about me growin' up in Alabama.

All right. You got the material for it.

You know that's right.

Doin' it right!

We were all trying very hard to lift your father's spirits.

And it was working, until:

The Knicks are world champs.

We got some ice cream and cake right here.

Clinton. I'm not hungry.

And the Knicks won. How 'bout that?

I've enclosed some gifts for you and Viola.

Ladybug, we all miss you dreadfully.

I miss you.

Love, Mommy.

We got the lights turned back on, thanks to Uncle Brown, who is also buying your plane ticket home.

Please write and thank him... "Please write to him and thank him immediately."


I don't know where she's run off to.

Well, here she is, the birthday girl. These are for you.

Thank you. Did your mother send you those?

Mm-hmm. They're jade. Oh.

Aren't they pretty! What are they? Little elephants?

Look, Mama. Aunt Carolyn sent me some also.

Oh, well, Viola, you don't have pierced ears.

You know how I feel about that. But Troy has pierced ears.

Well, Troy was also wearin' them funny... braids and beads and shells and things.

You don't ever let me do what I want to do. I want to go home.

Beg pardon? I'm going home.

Now, Troy, no need to get upset.

Everybody has a little argument now and then.

Uh, your Aunt Song didn't mean nothin' about your hair and your earrings.

Did you, honey? I don't care!

See what you did? Lord, have mercy. Troy!

How would it look if you left now?

Aunt Song has a big mouth sometimes.

You want your folks to think we done scared you back up North?

If she goes, I go.

Troy, Aunt Song loves you and your family.

Clem, do something!

Now, look, folks. Troy wants to go home, Troy's goin' home.

That's all there is to it. Troy?

At least stay for the birthday party I've prepared.

Song. Fix us some breakfast. All right.


Queenie! Queenie, where are you?

Oh, Lord, have mercy. Come on back in here.

Where is my baby? Queenie! Where are you?

Jesus, Master, where is my child? Queenie!

Queenie, where are you?

Queenie? Where are you, baby?

Stop that! Please!

Did you find her, Mama? I just don't understand where my baby is.

It's not like Queenie just to up and disappear. Why, Lord, why?

She'll be back, Aunt Song.

Don't worry, Mama. Queenie will show up.

It's gettin' late, y'all. Everybody have enough ice cream and cake?

Yes. Everybody brush their teeth and wash their hands?

Yes. All right, help me pull this bed out then.

Come on. Move! Move!

Hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry. Pick up the pillow.

Viola, help her with the pillows.

Get out of here, Judy, Jody... Whatever your names are.

Oh, God! Oh, dear God!

Oh, God, take me right now.

I don't want to live anymore without my baby.


Oh, God! Queenie!

Looks like it's gonna rain.

That means that my baby is in heaven.

Troy, I'll go get your bags.

Bye, Aunt Song.

I'm sorry about Queenie.

Maybe you could come stay with me sometime.

I'd like that.

Bye, Queenie.

Sorry you got squashed to death in the sofa, even though I hated your guts.

Let her go, Viola.

All right, let's go.

♪ Every time I think I've had enough ♪

♪ And start heading for the door ♪

♪ There's a very strange vibration piercing me right through the core ♪

♪ It says Turn around, you fool ♪ Bye, Viola. Bye, Troy.

♪ Tell me why ♪

♪ Is it so? ♪ Yeah, goin' back to bad old Brooklyn.

♪ Don't wanna let you go I never can say good-bye, girl ♪

♪ Ooh-hoo, baby ♪

♪ I never can say good-bye ♪

♪ No-no-no, no-no-no Whoo ♪

♪ Oh, I never can say good-bye, girl ♪ Hi, little ladybug. Welcome home. Hi, Uncle Brown.

Hi. Hi.

How do, Miss Coomish Mimmish? How was your flight?

Good. Where's Daddy? He had to go to rehearsal.

Your mother asked us to pick you up. Here's a little gift.

She didn't want to ride? Naw, she was busy.

What happened to your hair? Aunt Song didn't like my braids, and she took 'em out.

Oh, goodness gracious. Carolyn Carmichael's gonna have a fit when she sees this, huh?

Well, you ready to go? Mm-hmm.

Has Woody been there all day? Since this mornin'.

So you were ready to come on home, Troy, huh? You had enough of the South.

I don't blame you one bit. Mm-hmm. It's too slow.

Y'all don't know what y'all missin' growin' up in the South.

I'm glad I missed it. Troy, when was your birthday?

Yesterday. Oh. So how old are you now? Eight?

Ten. No! How's my brother Clem, Aunt Song and Viola doin'?

Good. Thanks for the ticket. I didn't get a chance to write.

You're very welcome. That's what family's for. Gotta stick together, right?

Right. Sure you're right.

Troy, dear, we're going to make a quick stop before we take you home.

Who's sick? It's nothing serious, dear.

It's Mommy, isn't it?

Well, it's just she hadn't been feelin' too well lately. What's wrong with her?

We don't know yet, Troy. The doctors are running tests.

How come she didn't tell me? How come nobody told me?

Because no one wanted you to worry yourself silly, and your mother didn't think there was any cause for alarm.

Where's Daddy?

He's in there with your mother.

Hey! Miss Coomish Mimmish! Hi, Daddy!

Hey, baby. Troy's back.

Hmm? Oh! Oh, ladybug. Hi!



Hi, Mommy. Hi.

How you feeling?

Who did that to your hair? Aunt Song.

Aunt So... Oh, shit, I knew she would.

Come on. Give me a big hug. I missed you.

So much! I missed you too. Even my brothers.

Gee, you must have been lonesome if you missed them.

Mommy, you work too hard. I can start helpin' you.

I can cook and clean. I don't even care if nobody else helps me.

Got to get your rest. That's very kind of you.

Come here.

You know, I need you... to watch out for Joseph, your little brother.

He's the youngest.

You promise me? Come here.

I promise.

Woody, go get the car. I'm ready to go home.

Okay. You're comin' home now?

Mm-hmm. Really?


Let's go, Troy.

Get the car. Okay.

Your car.

Aunt Song kinda weird, huh?

Yeah. They talk funny down there.

What do you mean they talk funny down there?

Oh, yeah, and pool.

Hey. Where'd those trees come from?

Your mother. She got the block association to put some life on this street.

Hey! Clinton! Wendell!

Looka here. Don't she look good? Hey, look, it's Troy.

Yeah! Look at that hair.

Hey, Tommy, turn that junk off now. Oh, come on.

I'm tired of you playin' that garbage on my stoop. Let's go.

It's a hit. Come on. It's the Chi-Lites. Yeah, I know. Chi nothin'.

You want some help? Quit it.

Didn't expect to see you here for at least another two weeks. Get off!

Leave her alone. Stop it.

Hey, Clinton, grab this bag.

Can't you see I'm busy? Boy, you better come get these bags.

She should carry her own bags.

♪ They say, Let the woman take care of you ♪

♪ So I try to be hip ♪

♪ And think like the crowd ♪

♪ But even the crowd can't help me now ♪

♪ Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh ♪

♪ Oh, girl ♪

♪ Tell me what am I gonna do? ♪ Come on, Mut. ♪ I know I've got a guilty face ♪

♪ Girl, I feel so out of place ♪

♪ Oh, yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Don't know where to go, who to see, yeah ♪ So great was the beauty of this magnificent black woman, it has become legendary.

And now, out of the mist of 3,000 years, emerges today's beautiful black queen.

Naturally beautiful. Radiant. She is Black Essence.

And her beautiful, natural hair is her crowning glory.

Afro Sheen. Beautiful products for a beautiful people.

♪ Beautiful people use Afro Sheen ♪ Soul train!

Change the channel. Don't think you can come back here givin' orders.

Yeah, crabby. Mommy ain't home. What do you care?

Be quiet. You be quiet.

The both of you can go back down South. Soul Train line!

Oh, snap. My favorite part of the show.

♪ Rock steady, baby That's what I feel now ♪

♪ Let's call this song exactly what it is ♪ Look at that move. Somebody could get hurt.

Be quiet. You can't dance. Y'all got no soul.

Look! He fell on his butt.

♪ And while you're movin', rock steady ♪

♪ Rock steady, baby ♪

♪ What it is What it is What it is ♪ Game on. Twirl and bust them butts. Come on, come on. Wide open.

♪ What it is I might be doin' ♪

♪ This funky dance all night Oh! ♪ Clinton, turn the TV off.

Aw, come on, Dad. We watchin' the...

♪ Soul Train ♪ I got some news about your mother.

♪ Rock steady, baby Rock steady ♪♪ Everybody listen to me real good.

The doctors told me your mother's sicker than we thought.

What? They found...

They found cancer. What's cancer?

It means that your mother's gonna be in the hospital for a while.

Now, there ain't no need to be afraid.

Your mother's gonna be fine. But she gonna have to stay in there for a while.

It's not fair. I know it ain't fair, but it's gonna be all right.

Listen to me now. All y'all, listen to me now.

Come on. Shh-shh! Y'all ain't listenin'. Come on. Now listen.

Shh-shh, shh-shh! What they got to do is run some tests on your mother.

Come on.

It's gonna be fine. Come on. Don't be like that, baby.

It wasn't my fault. I know it wasn't your fault, baby.

I know it wasn't your fault. Ain't nobody's fault. She gonna be out soon.

She just got to stay in there, and they gonna run some tests.

♪ One, two, three The devil's after me ♪

♪ Four, five, six He's always throwing sticks ♪

♪ Seven, eight, nine He misses every time ♪

♪ Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, amen ♪

♪ Hallelujah, hallelujah ♪

♪ Hallelujah, amen ♪

I hope we don't have to dress up for Mommy's funeral.

It won't be so bad. - Hey, Sam, how come you're not playin'?

'Cause I'm a girl, Daddy. Aw, come on.


Look. Here are your new clothes.

Aren't they pretty? Picked 'em out myself.


Wait till you see these shoes.

Aren't they just adorable?

Troy, why don't you at least try it on, okay?

Please, ladybug.

Don't be difficult, okay?

I know this is hard for you. It's hard for everybody.

But you have to wear something nice.

Don't you want to look all pretty like Aunt Maxine?

Carolyn would be so proud of you.

Listen, my mother hates polyester.

She would never let me wear anything like that.

Right, Troy.

- ♪ Get yourself go ♪ Get Cheerios!

Troy? What?

Let's go. I'm not goin'.


Troy, baby, what are you doin'? I'm sick.

Troy, you got everybody waitin' on you. So?

Miss Coomish Mimmish, please don't make this any more difficult than it has to be.

I hate funerals. I'm not going.

Troy, you're not the only one who's in pain.

We're all hurtin'.

But we gotta think about Mommy, what would make Mommy happy.

You wanna make Mommy happy, don't you?

Ain't no use in tryin' right now.

Oh, yes, there is. Your mother would want... everybody to be at the church... together.

Will you do that for me? Yeah.

I want you to get yourself together. I'm gonna wait for you downstairs, okay?

All right.

I hate funerals too.

I'll be downstairs.


♪ Ooh-ooh, child Things are gonna get easier ♪

♪ Ooh-ooh, child Things will get brighter ♪

♪ Ooh-ooh, child ♪

♪ Things are gonna get easier ♪ I'm proud of you, Troy.

♪ Ooh-ooh, child Things will get brighter ♪

♪ Someday, yeah ♪

♪ We'll put it together and we'll get it undone ♪

♪ Someday when your head is much lighter ♪

♪ Someday, yeah ♪

♪ We'll walk in the rays of a beautiful sun ♪

♪ Someday when the world is much brighter ♪

♪ Ooh-ooh, child ♪

♪ Things are gonna be easier ♪

♪ Ooh-ooh, child Things will be brighter ♪

♪ Ooh-ooh, child ♪

♪ Things are gonna be easier ♪

♪ Ooh-ooh, child Things will be brighter ♪ All right, Clinton.

You're the head of the family now. Look after your brothers and your sister, okay?

You hear me? Yeah.

♪ Someday things will be brighter ♪ Wait in the car.

I'm gonna talk to Aunt Song. Woody.

Woody, God bless you. ♪ Someday ♪

♪ We'll walk in the rays of a beautiful sun ♪

♪ Someday when the world is much brighter ♪

♪ Someday, someday, someday ♪

Hey, little bit.

You want brother Vic to get you anything, little sister?

No, thanks.

All right. Okay.

♪ Ooh-ooh, child ♪

♪ Things are gonna get easier ♪

♪ Ooh-ooh, child Things will get brighter ♪

♪ Ooh-ooh, child Things are gonna get easier ♪

♪ Ooh-ooh, child ♪ Who are these people, anyway? Comin' out of the woodwork.

Mommy sure had a lot of friends. I guess she did.

Troy! They keep laughing and pointing at me, saying, "His mama's dead, his mama's dead."

And they took my money. Who?

The Possums! Right Hand and Snuffy!

Come on, Joseph.

There they are, the Possums! Who said it? Who took your money?

Over there! Snuffy and Right Hand Man!


Snuffy, that's what you get.

Troy, what you do that for?

We're tired of being terrorized by you and Right Hand.

Go sniff on your own block. Yeah.

♪ Ain't no sunshine when she's gone ♪ I'm not comin' down there!

♪ It's not warm when she's away ♪ Mother! Mother, stop it!

Mommy, I don't like it when you fight!

♪ Ain't no sunshine when she's gone ♪ Daddy, you stop!

♪ And she's always gone too long ♪ - Mommy!

♪ Anytime she goes away ♪ Daddy! Mommy!

g*dd*mn rat! No! No! Daddy, stop!

Get out! Huh? Mommy?

Mom... No.

Troy, Mommy's gone.

Mommy is gone, Troy. ♪ Ain't no sunshine when she's gone ♪

♪ And this house just ain't no home ♪ Troy, you can cry.

♪ Anytime she goes away ♪ It's all right to cry.

Mommy's gone. Baby, you sick?

♪ I know, I know I know, I know ♪ You sick, baby?

♪ I know, I know I know, I know ♪

♪ I know, I know, I know... ♪ Stand up, baby.

♪ Yeah, I oughta leave the thing alone ♪

♪ But ain't no sunshine when she's gone ♪ Come here.

Let me wipe that thing. Come here.

♪ Ain't no sunshine when she's gone ♪ Yeah. Mmm.

♪ Only darkness every day ♪ Okay.

♪ Ain't no sunshine when she's gone ♪ Damn, Troy.

♪ And this house just ain't no home ♪ Everybody was wonderin' when you was gonna break. ♪ Anytime she goes away ♪ Even Clinton cried.

♪ Anytime she goes away ♪ Daddy, please don't make me move away.

I know Aunt Maxine wants me to go and live with her.

Nobody's goin' anywhere. ♪ Anytime she goes away ♪

Mommy was in a lot of pain, wasn't she?

Yes, she was.

Then it's good she died, so she wouldn't have to suffer.

That's a nice way of puttin' it, baby.

Yeah, that's real nice.

♪...a rich man weep And knock him off his feet ♪

♪ To have a mighty love ♪

♪ Mighty, mighty, mighty, mighty, mighty, mighty love Jones ♪

♪ Comin' down on me Baby, yeah ♪

♪ Hey, hey ♪ Ow! You're hurting me!

Be quiet. Doesn't hurt.

If you combed it a little more often, it wouldn't be lookin' all like a sheep's behind.

But it never hurt when Mommy combed it.

I'm sorry, Joseph, but I'm not Mommy. Ow.

How are you?

I miss you so very much.

I can't believe you just turned 10!

All of you kids are growing up so rapidly.

Ladybug, you turned out pretty good considering you were raised in a house... full of ashy, rusty-butt boys. Ow!

Can Joseph come out and play?

Yeah, yeah, Troy, can he come out? All right.

Don't go too far 'cause dinner's almost ready.

I don't want to embarrass you, but let's face it...

Come on! Let's play!

Wait for me! Wait for me!

Joseph, don't go too far!

That oughta hold you for a little while.

We thank you forjoining us. We thank our guest stars:

Curtis Mayfield, The Honeydrippers, The Persuaders... and, of course, the Soul Train g*ng.

We're gonna ask for you to be right where you are next week when we return, and you can bet your last money it's all gonna be a stone gas, honey.

I'm Don Cornelius, and as always in parting, we wish you love, peace and soul!

Here comes the pitch. And it comes in wide.

And the count now is 1 and into Jackie Robinson. Billy Martin...

♪ Straight from Crooklyn, better known as Brooklyn ♪

♪ Never takin' shorts 'cause Brooklyn's the borough ♪

♪ Honey, as another manic depressive ♪

♪ Adolescent stares at death Now what's left ♪

♪ When there ain't no God and a whole lot of pride? ♪

♪ It might be a homicide so let the drama slide ♪

♪ We don't want no problems, get your name in the obituary column, sheikh ♪

♪ 'Cause life is too short and it just gets shorter ♪

♪ I wish I had a quarter for all my people they slaughtered ♪

♪ Last year alone in the dead zone ♪

♪ Walk straight but don't walk late ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm comin' with a hate only made from what it made me ♪

♪ 'Cause nobody ever played men Now it's only gettin' worse ♪

♪ Buckshot and Ace in the land of the waste ♪

♪ Kicking you in your face ♪ ♪ We be doin' it up Crooklyn style ♪

♪ What does it taken to get you wild? ♪

♪ My mentality is gettin' iller, k*ller ♪

♪ Instinct is tryin' to infiltrate, but wait ♪

♪ I know you want to enter but I can't let you in ♪

♪ My mind stays the maddest I'm gone with the wind ♪

♪ Because it is survival of the fittest ♪

♪ When the shit hits the fan I got my shank in my hand ♪

♪ Black Mann with the permanent tan ♪

♪ I come from the 'villen and never ran, damn ♪

♪ I'm fillin' another part of reality ♪

♪ Hit me when I represent the FAP ♪

♪ I mean literally when I say I make a k*lling ♪

♪ From a cipher, seen I'm finnin' to bust a piper ♪

♪ Original heads represent the Brooklyn all-nighter ♪

♪ Do or die, I'm sayin' it's you and I ♪

♪ Bring your clique so we can get stoned like Family Sly ♪

♪ Peace to CI and the Bush Mighty Matoo, Ruck and The Rock, givin' the push ♪

♪ Straight from Crooklyn, better know as Brooklyn ♪

♪ Never takin' shorts, 'cause Brooklyn's the borough ♪

♪ We did it like that and now we do it like this ♪

♪ Go inside your mind and find time that you miss ♪

♪ And just think about the steel in your fist ♪

♪ It's just an extension of your arm, it's theN ghetto type of charm ♪

♪ That makes all the homeboys swarm ♪

♪ Can I drop the b*mb? Oh, yes, I can ♪

♪ Move with the grooves Move like Geechee Dan ♪

♪ Who is the man? That kid there ♪

♪ Who is the chick with the pick in her hair? ♪

♪ Angela, ah, Davis, and we roll like Avis ♪

♪ Rent-a-car, kid, there you are ♪

♪ You know where to find men whenever you need me ♪

♪ If you know the ave, follow the path ♪

♪ To the land of the aftermath ♪

'Cause they always throwin' a body on my lawn ♪

♪ I'm gettin' a Rottweiler without a collar ♪

♪ Get off my block or you give me a dollar ♪

♪ For the trouble of gettin' blown up like a bubble ♪

♪ Let's take a sec to think back to the year of the 7-0 ♪

♪ When Brooklyn was the place to go, flow on a journey up to Crown Heights ♪

♪ Ebbets Field, feel the reel to reel on your life ♪

♪ Trife individuals liven in the PJ's ♪

♪ Dee Evil, check my DJ ♪

♪ Hey, play what I wanna play in the day ♪

♪ But in the night I feel the right took the left ♪

♪ Bucktown Brooklyn, break it down ♪

♪ Heads from state to Staten travel less or unravel the rate ♪

♪ Howard, Tapscott and Sutter ♪

♪ I remember way back in the days playin' hot peas and butter ♪

♪ Brother, if you want another lesson ♪

♪ Brooklyn session Take it back black Smith & Wesson ♪

♪ Press your luck, you get stuck by Buck for your bucks ♪

♪ Master Ace has the taste for ducks ♪

♪ And duck sauce, so tell Lord Digga ♪

♪ Dig a grave for the bones, sticks and stones ♪

♪ While I kick some ancient poems through your domes ♪

♪ Ack went back to attack your homes ♪

♪ So Tip, can I flip? ♪ ♪ Yes, you can ♪

♪ I'm in the world warn with Muhammad, my man ♪

♪ Feels so good to Ben a Crooklyn Dodger ♪

♪ Uh-huh ♪ ♪ What's happenin' to Rerun and Roger? ♪

♪ I think I seen 'em wearin' Timberlands and runnin' down the block ♪

♪ From Dwayne, and Dwayne had a Glock ♪

♪ 'Cause he be sellin' rock for the Partridge Family ♪

♪ And Reuben Kinkaid drives a 300-E ♪

♪ And he be pimpin' Chrissy from Three's Company ♪

♪ Plus he stuck Mr. Tn for all his jewelry ♪

♪ This is a '70s thing from the days when kids didn't act so crazed in Crooklyn ♪

♪ Straight from Crooklyn, better known as Brooklyn ♪

♪ Never takin' shorts 'cause Brooklyn's the borough ♪

Here comes the pitch. It's a line drive to left field.

Brooklyn wins! Brooklyn wins!

Brooklyn wins!
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