04x09 - Veiled Threat

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The King of Queens". Aired September 21, 1998 - May 14, 2007.*
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Series follows head of the household Doug who works for a delivery company like UPS.
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04x09 - Veiled Threat

Post by bunniefuu »

What up, dawg?

I'm finally cleaning this thing out.
You know what?

If we're not gonna actually
eat the frozen vegetables,

let's stop buying them.

I don't know who we're
trying to impress.

Oh, my God!

Look at this!

What do we got, a human head?

No. It's the top of
our wedding cake.

I completely forgot about this.

Wow. Hmm.

That's our wedding
cake from our wedding,

when we got married.

Oh, yeah. We got milk?

You can't eat this.
It's over 6 years old.

It's frozen.

Freezing something
doesn't magically

keep it good forever and ever.

I'm pretty sure you're wrong.

Could you believe we got
married 6 years ago?

I know, gosh, it's
kinda wild, huh?


That was a really great time.

Hon? H-honey? Honey, you ok?

You ok in there? Honey...

Carrie's been in there a
while, honey, is she ok?

Oh, yeah, ma. She's just
preppin' for the party,

you know, a little
rougin', a little waxin'.

It's all good.

May I have your attention?

A toast.

To Doug and Carrie,

may their lives be as
grand as their wedding.

Which, incidentally, I am
sparing no expense for.

That's what Carrie's late mother

wanted more than
anything in the world.

Next to not dying.



Hey, I'd like to, uh,
make a toast, too.

Who the hell are you?

I'm, uh, Danny, Doug's cousin.

All right, but,
I'm watchin' you.

Doug, I, uh, love
you like a brother,

and for months, I've
been lookin' for a gift

that finally tells you how
I feel about you and...

And I found it.

I'm gonna sing at your
wedding ceremony, buddy

Wow, singin', huh?

That's... that's nice.

Or if you wanna go
another way, music-wise,

we are registered for a
cd player at the wiz.

Yeah, but that's so impersonal.

You could engrave it.

Come on, Doug. You can't
engrave the human heart.

Oh, God.

Ok, I'm gettin'
married in 3 days,

and my fiancee
can't stop pukin'.

Ooh, she's still at it, huh?

At this rate, she's gonna open
her mout and say, "I do,"

and rocket a grilled
cheese at my head.

Yeah. Well,

that's the price you pay for
lettin' a little lady corral you.

Yep. No woman's gonna put
a saddle on this bronco.

Thanks for weighin' in, hoss.

Look, man, don't worry about
Carrie throwing up, ok?

She's probably just finally coming
to grips with the fact that she's

actually marrying you.

Shut it.

Hey, hey.

If she does cut and run, don't
send her my way, all right?

I travel solamente.

Carrie, it's your

Can I come in?


How ya feelin', honey?

I've gotta stop
eating Mexican food.

No es bueno.

Come here.

Oh. Thank you.

Oh, that's good. That's good.

Thank you. Thank you.

This isn't from Mexican food.


You know, I went through this exact
same thing right before my wedding.

You did?

Oh, yeah. I was a wreck.

I mean, you're planning on spending the
rest of your life with this person.

You start wondering,
"is he cute enough?

Is he funny enough? Will
he be a good father?"

Who wouldn't be sick
to her stomach?

Well, I totally love Doug.

I mean, I want to marry him.
Everything between us is perfect.

It's just this pesky vomiting.

Honey, I'm gonna tell you the same thing
my mother told me before my wedding,

and it really took
all my fears away.

Oh, good, tell me that thing

because we're meeting
with the priest tomorrow

and I really want to
be in a good place.

Well, at the end of the day,

all the little things that may or may
not be perfect really don't matter,

because when it's
right, you know it.

You just know it.

Hey, you ok?

Oh, sure.

I mean, 'cause you
haven't eaten in 3 days.

You're pukin' in church.

I'm fine! I'm fine.

Hey! Father mcandrew!

Doug, good to see you.

Good to see you. Gosh,
it's been so long... whoa.

What... what are you, liftin'?

Oh, a little.

Uh, they put a universal
in over at the rectory.

Nice g*ns, padre.

Uh, this is my fiancee, Carrie.

Hi. Nice to meet you.

Well, nice to meet you, too.

You know, I remember
Doug when he was just

a chubby little kid
at church camp.

And now he's marrying
this beautiful girl.

It's somethin' else.

All right, sit. Sit.


So, tell me,

have the two of you
thought about your vows?

What do you mean?

Well, uh, some people
like to write their own,

you know, talk about how they
met, somethin' like that.

Um, actually, we...
we met in a bar.

Um, it was

jell-o shot night. They
had, um, foxy boxing.

It's not a great church story.

Although a delightful evening.

That was funny.

Oh, ok, just think
about it, all right?

So, have you brought
the marriage license?

Oh. Oh, yeah. I've
got it right here.

There you go.



Carrie Spooner?

We had a Carrie Spooner
in camp one summer.

What? The same
camp Doug went to?

No. We didn't... we didn't
go to the same camp.

You weren't that girl who
was always startin' fights

and moonin' truckers on route 9?


Camp unity!

I didn't know that that
was a church camp.

I guess that's why they
didn't ask me back.

You know, I actually
remember your last day.

I think you had a
run-in with Doug.

Shut up!

You cheated at kickball, Carrie.

Did not! Did, too!

Shut up! No, you shut up.

Stop! No! You!

Get... Ahhh!


Oh. You're gross.

That was Doug?

You're telling me
I fell on Doug?


This is unbelievable!
Do you remember this?

Not really, but, I got my
armpit hair that summer,

so I was pretty much
wrapped up in me.

Do you know what this means?

We met as kids. We met before
and didn't even know it.

It's like, we were meant
to be or something.

Well, I'm all for that.

So, so, so, so, tell me more
about what happened afterwards.

Did we talk?

Mmm, yes.

Some words were exchanged,

and then Doug started to cry.

Oh, my God!

We actually spoke to each other.
This is so great!

Morning, all!


I trust you like your
juice from concentrate.

Oh. Thank you, Arthur.

I'll just place it here.
Enjoy it when you're ready.

You know, I've been thinkin'
about this wedding.

I don't want to take all
the glory for myself.

You're entitled. You are
the father of the bride.

So her mother claimed.


I'd like to include you
both in the process.

Oh, well, thank you.

We should throw a big party for
Carrie and Doug every year

and switch off paying.

How about you two pay this year?

Uh, Arthur, do you need some
help paying for the wedding?

Well, I must admit, I'm a little
short on liquid assets right now.

How much do you need?

All of it.


Well, you know what?

Joe and I would be happy
to pay for the wedding.

What just happened here?

I'm not sure about this.

Carrie would be very
disappointed in me,

if she knew.

Well, don't worry.
Nobody needs to know.

As far as anyone
else is concerned,

you are still paying
for everything.

I will pay you back
with interest!

Actually, interest seems
a little over the top.

Anyway, it was a pleasure
discussing the Monroe doctrine

with the two of you. Good day.

So how did you meeting
go with father mcandrew?

Oh, it was great.
He's all pumped up.

He's like the catholic hulk.

He was always interested
in physical fitness.

Yeah. Oh, and this
is weird, too:

He said he remembered that me and
Carrie met when we were kids.

No kidding.

It was the summer of '77.

Apparently we went to
church camp together.

Carrie got into a fight with someone
and fell on me, and I choked.

It's a whole sweet story.

Wait, wait, wait. That didn't
happen to you. That happened to me.

What? Yeah.

Some girl fell on
me at camp unity.

I choked, then I cried,
then I got a b*mb pop.

Nah, nah, nah, nah. Father
mcandrew said it was me,

said he remembered
yelling Heffernan.

My name is Heffernan.

Actually, the summer of '77, you
weren't at camp unity, Doug.

That was the year you
went to fat camp.

Football camp.

Hey, coach, when do
we play football?

Just keep runnin'.

Yeah. Carrie fell
on me, not you.


Maybe me and Carrie should
be gettin' married,

and you should be singing
at our wedding, huh?

That was fat camp?

I wanted to tell you.

Hey, amigo.

Hey, man, how's it goin'?

Great! You know, spreadin' my
wings, enjoying my freedom.

What brings you here?

Carrie asked me
to meet her here.

Oh, well, welcome to the
rest of your life, fido.

All right.

Hi, sweetie!

Hey, bridesmaids, huh?

Bride's pit crew.

Go. Ok.

You're just in time. I was
just about to tell them

"how we met at camp" story.

Oh, you know what? Funny
thing about that story...

No, let me tell it, ok?

So, I'm up in the bleachers,
I'm fighting with this skank,

she pushes me, I fall on
this boy, and it turns out

this boy is Doug.

Shut up.

Mmm-hmm. We actually met as kids

and didn't even know it!

Ok, I have chills.

Oh, my God, so do I.

Oh, my God, I don't
'cause it's a dumb story.

Excuse me.

That dumb story got rid of
all my wedding jitters.

It was like I was
totally freaking out,

we go to the church, and the
priest just hands me this,

this sign from God.

Total sign from God.

And you just know.

You just know. Right, sweetie?

You know it.

Apparently, this camp story's

what's keeping Carrie from barfin'
at the thought of marryin' me,

and... and it's not even true.

Right, right. I
see your problem.

Are there any more
bugles in there?

Here. So what do I...
What do I do?

I mean, do I tell her the truth,
or do I just leave it alone?

Leave it alone.

Yeah, but if I leave it alone, that's
the first lie of our marriage.

I mean, I know
there'll be others,

but this just kicks
it off so early.

Leave it alone.

What are you sayin'? That
Carrie's so out of my league

that I could only get her
to marry me on a lie?

Just leave it alone.

I can't believe you.

Oh, come on, man.
It's not a big deal.

I mean, women are
just different.

They need to think there's some magic
fairy dust sprinkled over everything.

See, all a man needs to know

is that he's getting something
"special" on his birthday.

Just leave it alone
and let her believe.

I guess.

Wait a second. After
you're married,

it's not just on your
birthday, is it?

You'll see.

Oh. I gotta roll.

Oh, oh, wait, man. I got your, uh,
best-man gift right here. Hold on.

Here you go.

It's a flask.


You... you don't like it?

No, it's great. I mean, if I ever
develop a serious drinking problem,

I'll, uh... I'll get good
use out of this thing.

But they told me it was the
classic best-man gift.

If you don't like it, take it up
with Manny at the house of pewter.

Look, I love it, ok? Look,
I'll see you tomorrow.

Ok, Mr. Spooner, let's
review your choices.

Now, the reception will
start with a raw-oyster bar

and an assortment of appetizers.

The main course
will be prime rib,

and for dessert we have
individual creme brules

served with a
raspberry-and-plum reduction.


I would also like to
add a traveling cart

with a selection of rare
single-malt scotches.

Ok, but just so you know,
that'll be pretty expensive.

This is my daughter's wedding!
Money is no object!


Hey, how you feelin', eh?

You feelin' ready?
You feelin' good?

I'd feel a lot better
if my future wife

didn't need a fake sign
from God to marry me.

Come on, man. We already
talked about this.

Hey, I know what'll make you smile.
Check this out.



What are you, drunk?

No. See, I'm cheering you up, telling
you how much I like your flask.

Whatever. You're actin' drunk.

Dude, it's snapple.

You know what? I
don't like the gift.

The only reason why I still have it is
because Manny wouldn't take it back.

Hello, Douglas.

I don't mean to alarm you two,

but, apparently, the
doves are a no-show.

Arthur, we canceled the doves.

I don't understand.

Things were getting just a
little expensive for us.

But this wedding
has to be perfect.

Carrie's mother
wanted it that way.

We know.

She's dead, you remember.


Arthur, we are paying
for everything.

Do you understand that?
Do you understand

that perhaps it
was poor judgment

to get the harpist and the doves

and the t-shirt machine?

I knew it! I knew you would
rub this in my face.

How very small.

Your parents are a
real piece of work!

Oh, don't blame us!
You're the one who...

Joe! Zip it!

Everybody! Everybody, please, just
give me a few minutes alone, ok?

Please. Of course, sweetheart.


We'll be waiting for
you in the sanctuary.

Ok, mom. Thanks.

Break a leg. Thanks, dad.

Hey, seriously, man, I...
I love the flask.

Oh, come on. Bring it in.

All right.

Oh, you smell like vodka.

Yeah, there's a little bit in
there, but I-I'm cool. I'm cool.


Isn't this my room?

No. It's my room... my room.

Oh! You're not
supposed to see me.

No, no. Wait, wait,
wait, wait, wait!

Oh, my God, you...

You look beautiful.

I know. I really do, don't I?

Oh, my God, you're so
lucky you're marrying me.

I... I know.

Oh, listen, just to
give you a heads-up,

I changed the vows I wrote.

What? Yeah.

I had all this stuff about how
much I love you, blah, blah, blah.

But I'm thinkin'
I'm gonna go with

the "how we met at camp" story.
I wrote it all out. It's money.

I don't know if I'm, uh, lovin'
that story for our wedding.

What? Why not? It's
a great story.

I don't know. I mean, you're
fallin', I'm chokin'.

You know, it's very violent.
We got kids out there, car.

I'm just sayin', I think
you're better off goin'

with the love-me, blah,
blah, blah stuff.

It'd be very touching.

Nah. I'm gonna stick
with the camp thing.

Ok. You can't.

What? Why? W-what's the matter?

It's just I... I don't think you
should go changing our marriage vows

'cause of a stupid story.

All right, Doug, stop
calling it stupid, ok?

It's fate. It's a sign from God.

♪ For so long

what the hell is that?

♪ Feel for you

♪ is more than strong, girl

♪ take it from me

why is Danny singing?

It's his gift to us.

I just don't understand why you need a...
a sign from God so badly.

Because, Doug,

gettin' married is
scary, you know?

You're supposed to just
know if it's right.

And what better way to know than
to have God actually tell you.

What's he doing out there?
Andy gibb?

I'm just sayin', I... I
don't think we need a sign

to tell us that we're
right for each other.

But we have one anyway, right?

We don't! We don't!


It wasn't me, ok?

I was at another
camp that summer.

I was at f-f-football camp.

You didn't fall on me.
You fell on Danny.

So, look, if you wanna marry me,

you've gotta take
a leap of faith.

You know, no meant-to-be's, no
destinies, no signs, no nothin'.

It's me.

It's just me.

And isn't that

all you need?

And now it's time
for Doug and Carrie

to share the vows that they've
written for each other.

Carrie, we'll begin with you.


You know what? I...
I'll go first.

Ok. We'll begin with Doug.

"Carrie, when I sat down
to write these vows,

"I was trying to think of how to
express exactly what you mean to me."

"And I guess the best
way to say it is"

"you're seconds."

"Allow me to explain."

"It probably won't come
as a surprise to you"

"that I, I like to think of
my life as a big, long meal."

"All the great things that
happened before I met you,

"my family, my friends, Bruce
Springsteen, the mets,

"they were my first course.

"But I was, as usual,

"still hungry.

"And then I met you.

"You are my seconds.

"And I know it's hard to
believe I'd stop at seconds,

"but you're so great and
I love you so much,

I'm finally, totally full."

I guess what I'm
trying to say is,

I love you,

and it's good to be with you,

and good luck to you.

Thank you.

And, now, Carrie has some words
that she'd like to share.

I'm an idiot.

For the past couple days
I convinced myself that

I needed a sign from
God to marry you,

but I don't need that.

My sign is the way
you make me laugh.

My sign is the way you
make me feel safe.

My sign is the way I fit perfectly
into your arm when we're on the couch.

I know you can't be sure
of anything in life,

but looking at you now with your
puppy-dog eyes and your shiny shoes

that I know you can't
wait to get out of,

that we were meant
to be together.

May Doug and Carrie see
long and happy days

and be united forever in
the kingdom of your glory.

I now pronounce you
husband and wife.

You may kiss the bride.

♪ For so long

♪ for so long

♪ is more than strong, girl

♪ take it from me

♪ darlin' mine

I'm so lonely.

♪ I would wait forever

all right, here's the play...

I'm hungry.

Shut up. I want
everyone to go long.

Ready? Break!

22! 22! Hike!

Keep goin'!

All the way to the lake!
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