03x16 - Li'l Sebastion

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Parks and Recreation". Series aired April 9, 2009 to February 24, 2015.*
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Public officials in an Indiana town pursue a series of projects to make their city a better town.
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03x16 - Li'l Sebastion

Post by bunniefuu »

This is it for certain, okay?
I create a game show.

Two people on stage, right?
They flip a coin.

One of them has to perform
open-heart surgery.

The other one has to receive
open-heart surgery.

We call it
Open-Heart Surgery.

How about this?
You buy a Gulfstream G-IV jet.

Already interested.
Take the wheels off.

Get 'em off of there.
Turn the jet into an apartment building.

People could live inside
their own private jet.

We're currently coming up with
business ideas for Jean-Ralphio

'cause as of today,
his bank account is blowing up.

I made my money
the old-fashioned way.

I got run over
by a Lexus

I still can't believe you won
all that money in the lawsuit.

You barely got hurt at all.

Do you want to get run over?
Because I know a guy.

Super gentle. Minor scrapes and bruises,
major dollars and cents.

I got it.
What are you amazing at?

I know it. We both know it,
let's just say it at the same time.

Creating spectacles.

No, I got it.
You create Pawnee's first and only

high-end, all-media
entertainment conglomerate.

Absolutely. That's absolutely
what I have to do.

What does it mean?

It means audio, video,

movies, 3-D movies, nightclubs... Yeah.

...iPhone apps. If it's entertainment,
you're involved.

Yes, of course I am.

And you call it...

Entertainment 7Twenty.


Why? Why?

You gotta stop screaming.

I will, I just get excited.
Why do we call it Entertainment 7Twenty?

'Cause you're willing to go
around the world twice

for your clients.

That is unbelievable!

But listen to me,
listen to me.

I'm gonna need you on my team
to pull this off, all right?

I can't do this without you.

I don't know, man. I can't.
I'd have to quit my job.

Okay, I'll do it
without you.

I have some
very important news

about our favorite mini-horse,
Li'I Sebastian.

ALL: Yay!
Li'I Sebastian!

He died last night.


But we can take comfort in the
fact that he is in heaven now,

doing the two things
he loves doing the most.

Eating carrots and
urinating freely.

RON: When I walked in this morning
and saw the flag was at half-mast,

I thought, " All right.

"Another bureaucrat ate it."

But then I found out
it was Li'I Sebastian.

Half-mast is too high.

Show some damned respect.

Because of all he's
done for the town,

we are gonna be holding a
small memorial service for him.

But for now,

I think we should bow our
heads in a moment of silence.


I got it, thank you.

It's times like this, when someone,
or some horse, passes,

that you really take
stock of your life.

You look around you,
and you start to realize

what it is
that you truly care about.

For Li'I Sebastian,
I imagine it was

good fresh oats,
a trough of water,

and a willing sexual partner.
Or non-willing.

He was a horse, so I think
they had to do it either way.


Hey, Ann, how's it going?

You don't have to pretend. I know
you're supposed to meet Leslie here.

But I'm also curious
about how it's going.

Mmm-hmm. Leslie's busy,
she's working on

the Li'I Sebastian
memorial service.

But you know what? She did give
me this note to give to you,

and she also wanted me
to kiss you deeply,

which I'm going to have to pass on.

I really like my new
part-time job here.

My office mate
moved down the hall

so I have this
whole room just for me.

And Ben and Leslie,
who secretly meet here...

...forty times a day.


She drew a kiss monster

on the note.


Look, you guys are totally
welcome to use my office,

just don't do
anything on my desk.

Oh, we don't... You know.

We just like to
work in the same place,

and then we talk
and hold hands.

Yuck, that's somehow worse.

Yeah, it sounded
bad when I said it.

From now on, we stop mourning
Li'I Sebastian's death,

and we start
celebrating his life.

That's what he would have wanted.
RON: Amen.

We need to send that glorious
beast into the great beyond

with a display that rivals
the Super Bowl half-time show.

Also, the budget is $600.

So maintenance is
gonna set up the stage.

Ron will be laying
the ceremonial wreath.

Leslie, there's a 13th century
Italian poem by Dante Alighieri

that would be
very appropriate.

Oh, Jerry,
that sounds wonderful.

Okay, Andy, I need you
to write a memorial song.

Something like Candle in the Wind,
but 5,000 times better.

Hey, if you want a song from Andy Dwyer,

lead singer of Mouse Rat,
you should know

he doesn't get out of bed
for less than $1,000.

Well, he sleeps on a futon,
so we can give him 50 bucks.


Okay, here is a memo with some
facts about Li'I Sebastian.

I think you'll find yours
particularly interesting.

It's just a list of facts.

Okay, mine says,
"You have a cute butt."

That's weird.
Must be a typo.

Yeah, Jerry,
it's probably a typo,

because it probably should've said,
"You have a cube butt."


'Cause your butt's
shaped like a cube.


The question is, why is my memo
different than everyone else's?

Cube butt, cube butt.

Cube butt, cube butt.

Well, the good news is
this is just tendonitis.

How is that good news?

The other option
was shoulder cancer.


Look, you exercise a lot.
You're in great shape.

Little things like this happen
with men of your age.

Men of my age?

How old do you think I am?


I am 44, and I plan
to live to be 150.


So. What's the cure?

Get a time machine.
Go back to being 20.

Dr. Harris, you are literally the
meanest person I have ever met.

Okay, all the permits cleared
for the horse funeral.

What was that tone?

Oh, nothing.

I'm very sad about this.

Question! Who's a genius?

Answer, Tom Haverford.

Jean-Ralphio just started

an exclusive,
high-end production company,

and he's willing to put on Li'I
Sebastian's memorial service

pro bono,
just for the pub.

Pub is an abbreviation
for publicity.

Jean-Ralphio is a clown.

This is the memorial
for Li'I Sebastian,

not double-coupon night
at a strip club.

First off, double-coupon night
is an incredible value.

Secondly, this guy
just started a business.

He's my friend.
It would really help him out.

Plus, I'm gonna oversee everything
and make sure it goes great.

Okay, Tom, we trust you.

Make us proud.

Make him proud.

Why don't you just
Photoshop that out?

Hi, Ann Perkins.

How are you?
I'm dying.



I don't know if you should
lead with "I'm dying."

You're right,
you're right. So.

What's up with you?

I'm just helping Leslie plan Li'I
Sebastian's memorial service.

Li'I Sebastian died?
That's terrible.

Yeah, well, he was old,
and he had a lot of ailments.

Like tendonitis?

I don't know.

I don't have his
chart in front of me.

Could you get it?

What? No...
There's no chart.

Oh, my God.

Death is inescapable.

Goodbye, Ann Perkins.

Okay, so I'm meeting him in
a few minutes. How do I look?

What are you going for?

Sophisticated with
a hint of slutty.


So nice to see you
so happy about a guy.

Thanks. I don't know.
When I look at my life right now,

it feels almost perfect.

I mean,
we have to sneak around,

but weirdly,
it's kind of fun that nobody knows.

I could see that.

Enough about me.
How's Ann?

I'm pretty happy
right now, generally.

Although I did see Chris today.
He always just throws me off.

I don't want to talk about Chris.
Every time I hear his name,

I think about the fact that he's
gonna find out about me and Ben,

and he's gonna
fire both of us.

And about how
much he hurt you.

Yeah, there you go.

Hello, Leslie.

How long have you
been sleeping with Ben?


How long have you
been sleeping with Ben?

That's disgusting and wrong.

I don't even get...
Why would... I...

I've never had sex
with anyone anywhere.

It's none of your...

You have the nerve,
the audacity...

Ben is my boss,

And he is terrible,

And how...
How do I know, frankly,

that you're not
sleeping with him?

Maybe you are.
Maybe you're trying to throw me off.

Hmm. Check and mate.

This is an outrage!
Who do I call?

Hey, hey.
Hey, hey.

Hey, Ron. Listen, you're
just who I was looking for.

Are you...
Did you forget the...

Did you...
Can I get that thing?

Can we just...

Did you bring it?

This isn't convincing.

How did you find out?

We've worked together
for a while now.

I'd like to think I
know you pretty well.

Plus, Ben butt-dialed me
last night.

LESLIE: Okay, okay. And this is
how Eleanor Roosevelt would kiss.


Eleanor likes the tongue.

Hey, show me Pelosi again.

(LAUGHING) Okay, lay down.

Please tell me you hung up
before Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Unfortunately not.


This is a scandal
waiting to happen.

If you get caught,
which you clearly will,

Chris will fire you.

And I won't be
able to stop him.

Ron, we're being
very careful.

LESLIE: Oh, President Reagan,
my blazer popped open.

BEN: Well, Maggie Thatcher,
let me help you with that.

It's gonna be a bumpy ride
to this summit meeting.

Our countries have had a very... Okay.

... special relationship...

Oh, no!

You've proven your point.

In my heart,
I'm sad you had to die.

Li'I horse, spread your
wings and learn to fly.

Horses don't fly.

That's why
I'm telling him,

"learn to fly."

Come on, help me.
There's a lot riding on this.

This is what Li'I Sebastian's
gonna listen to in horsey heaven.

Okay, let me hear
your favorite one so far.

You're a champion
little horse

And you're dead

the champion of death

the champion of death

Maybe try to do one

without the word
"dead" so much.

Or "death"
or "you're dead."

You're helping me already.

So the only people that know
are my mom, Ann, and Ron.

And they're not
gonna say anything.

Right. Just no more
fooling around at work.


Okay, yeah. We can't.

Well, I mean, you know,
a situation could arise

where you do something good,

and I congratulate you.

Like, with
a professional hug.

You know,
kind of like this,

"Oh, congratulations."

That feels appropriate.

Yeah, I mean, I think we can
get away with that

as long as we don't
do stuff like this.

Hey, lovebirds.

What do I do with this?

You can just leave it there.

So my mom,
Ron, Ann, and that guy.


For the memorial ribbons?

No doubt.
Which one floats your penis?

They're all black.


Maybe to the layman,

Obsidian, onyx, midnight,
lost soul, rolling blackout,

sleeping panther,
and void by Armani.

Hey, Jerry, does this
look black to you, too?



So glad I found you.

Can I talk to
you for a minute?

Um, okay.


I need to ask you
a question,

and if you're uncomfortable
answering it right now,

you can take some time and think
about it. That would be okay.


Is tendonitis symptomatic
of something larger?

Really, that's the question
you wanted to ask me?

I'm just very worried.

I'm not sure that this
doctor's been properly trained.

You know what, Chris? I'm sorry,
but I'm not your nurse,

and I'm not your
girlfriend and...

I thought I was twice,
and I was wrong,

which was embarrassing.

I'm just not ready
to be your friend.

Of course. I'm sorry.

I do hope we can be
friends before I die.

Hi, friend.


What you saw was not
what you think it is.

I was just congratulating her
because she got some good news.

Oh, right.

We were both kind of up for this thing,
this really...

I won
the MacArthur Genius Grant.


Yeah, so that's what
the hug was all about.

Sure. Congratulations.

Thank you.
Hey, you know what?

We'll cover
your duties here.

You should just take
the rest of the day off.

Oh, that's a good idea.
You should do that

and you should
get a massage.

I have a gift certificate, actually.
My mom gave it to me for you.

Oh, my God.

That's so nice.

Okay. Well, thanks.

Thank you.
And thank you for your discretion.

You got it.

It was great to see you, George. Yes.

LESLIE: Welcome, everyone.

Sebastian may have
been li'I,

but his impact on this town
and the Parks Department

was anything but li'I.

I would like to introduce his owners,
Michael and Elizabeth Stone

and two of his
closest friends.

Cue music and lights, and...

Go Ladybug, go Coconut.


Coconut and Ladybug
both in position.

Not only was
Coconut a friend,

but she was also a lover.

Our deepest
sympathy is with you.

Coconut just took a dump on the stage.
We gotta clean that up.

Code red. Coconut
just took a dump onstage.

Hey, Leslie.

The maintenance guy bailed on us.
No one knows where he is.

He had the fuel for
the eternal flame.

No way. That guy left?
What a...

Okay. Start
the video presentation.

I'll deal with it.
All right.

Jerry, I need you to
go get some propane.

No, what about my poem?

No one wants you to read
a poem, okay, Jerry?

What everyone wants,

what Li'I Sebastian wants,

is for you to get propane.

Fine. I'll do it
for Li'I Sebastian.


Now we have
a special presentation,

courtesy of the folks
at Entertainment 7Twenty.

Hope you brought
a change of clothes.

'Cause your eyes are
about to piss tears.

You nasty.

TOM: Who are we?

Where are we going in life?

What is the meaning
of all of this?

These are questions Li'I
Sebastian never had to answer

because he was a horse.

Instead, he just brought us
joy and happiness.

And isn't that the point?

You gotta join the company.
I'm the bank. You're the money.

I know, J,
but it'd be a big leap.

And I will take
that leap with you.

I'm Thelma,
you're Louise.

You can't die
full of regret.

Why don't you live your life
like that cow from the video?

He was a horse.

Because he followed
his dreams.

TOM: There was no
obstacle too large.

No mountain too high.

No valley too low.

Li'I Sebastian had a long life,
filled with wonder.

Good night, Li'I Sebastian.



LESLIE: We'd like to encourage
everyone to buy our merchandise.

All the proceeds will go towards
Li'I Sebastian's favorite charity,

the Afghan
Institute of Learning.

Next, we have
a special musical tribute

by Mr. Andy Dwyer.

What's 5,000 times better
than a candle in the wind?

This song is called
5,000 Candles in the Wind.

Up in horsey heaven

Here's the thing

You trade your legs
for angel's wings

And once we've
all said goodbye

You take a running leap
and you learn to fly

Bye-bye, Li'I Sebastian

I miss you in
the saddest fashion

Bye-bye, Li'I Sebastian

You're 5,000
candles in the wind



why is Perd Hapley unveiling
the memorial stone?

Because Joe from sewage
had to hand out the armbands,

and Perd had to
fill in for Mortenson,

and Mortenson had to
fill in for Howser.

Okay, well,
why couldn't Donna do it?

Because Donna's reading
Jerry's Italian poem.


This is sort of a mess.

No, it's okay, we're...

What the hell, Leslie?

I thought I was supposed to
lay the ceremonial wreath.

Why is Councilman
Howser doing it?

Because you are doing

something better.

You are lighting
the memorial flame,

which is
the greatest honor of all.

Oh, my God.
Ron, congratulations.

I saved it for you, Ron.

Who caught you guys?

A very nosy
maintenance worker,

and we talked to him,
and now we're all friends,

and he's not gonna tell on us.
It's totally fine.

I think if you would know
one thing about me,

it would be that I prefer laying
wreaths to lighting torches.

I have cried twice
in my life.

Once when I was seven,

and I was hit
by a school bus.

And then again when I heard
that Li'I Sebastian had passed.

His memory will live on,

as today we light a fire

that will burn
on for eternity.

Okay, deep breath.
I think we got through it.

Thank God.

Hey, Jerry, you put propane
in the eternal flame, right?

JERRY: No, they were out.

So I just got a big thing of lighter
fluid. It's kind of the same thing.


Huh? Oh!

We planned that!
Wow, wow!

We planned that.


JERRY: Please, Ron,
I am very sorry.

I guess I put too
much fuel in the torch.

Oh, I don't know, Jerry.
I think you're being hard on yourself.

Ron, are you mad at me? 'Cause
without eyebrows, I can't really tell.

LESLIE: Ron Swanson loves
his facial hair.

And we burned it off.

This thing that we're doing,
it's unsustainable.

What, you want
to break up?

What? No. I like you.

Well, then...

You want to tell Chris.

What? No. I like my job.

Well, then, what do we do?

Okay, operation shutdown.

No more secret hand-holding.

No more smooching
in Ann's office.

In fact, when we're at work, we just
shouldn't talk to each other at all.

Okay, well, that's gonna be really hard,
and we could still get fired.

I know. But it's worth the
risk if I can be with you.

All right.

Well, then, I'm in.

What are you doing?
Are you kidding me?

I'm sorry.
No, it's force of habit.

So what do I do, Ron?

Do I stay here or roll the
dice with Jean-Ralphio?

I can't tell you what to do.
Go with your gut.

My gut's really small. It's easily
irritated. I need someone to guide me.

You have no interest
in government work,

and you slow everything down
with your selfish attitude.

I'd love for you to
stick around, Tommy.

It'll be damn hard
to replace you.

But I'll support
you either way.

Two of my lovers in one place.
What a coincidence.


Hello, Ron.

Ooh, what happened here?

And more importantly,
does the carpet match the face?

If you're looking for trouble,
take it somewhere else.

An hour ago, a giant fireball
consumed my entire face.

And it was far preferable to
spending another second with you.

Tell that
to your pants-tent.

It's just
the way I'm standing.

Go back to the library,
where you belong.

Hey, Glenn.

Wanna dance?

No, I'm okay.

Just one dance?

With mommy?

You know, tendonitis
is usually caused by overuse.

Have you been working
out more than usual?

I did do 10,000
push-ups last week.

Oh, really.
That might have something to do with it.

You need to relax.
You're in great shape.

For a 44-year-old.

Yeah. That's how old
you are, man.

You're right.
I've been overreacting.

I don't like
thinking about death.

Death is the opposite of...

Being alive?


Look at us.

Talking like friends.


What the hell. Friends.

Ann Perkins.

Chris Traeger.

CHRIS: What's the point in doing 10,000
push-ups if you're gonna do them alone?

I'd much rather do 5,000
push-ups with a wonderful woman.

Sitting on my back to
increase my resistance.

Copy of our new hit single,
5,000 Candles in the Wind,

and the new full-length CD,
The Awesome Album.

Eighteen bucks each,
$40 for the set.

That doesn't add up.

You don't add up.


ANDY: Honey,
you are awesome at this.

APRIL: Thanks.

April, I need
to ask you something,

and it's the biggest thing I've ever
asked anybody in my entire life.

we're already married.

No, this is way more
important than that.

April Ludgate,

would you be my manager?


Okay. Yeah.

Excuse me.

Are you Leslie Knope?

My name is William Barnes.

Do you have a minute
to talk?


We really enjoyed
the service.

That fireball
was truly amazing.

I'm glad.
'Cause it was planned.

And you were also responsible for
the Harvest Festival, correct?

Well, a lot of people
contributed to that.

You don't have to be modest.
We know it was you.

You did an amazing job.

Thank you.

We are part of a group
that tries to identify

potential candidates for
political office here in town.

And we think that
you might fit the bill.



Which office in particular?

Well, there are a couple city council
seats we think are vulnerable.

And the mayor's term
is up next year.


All we need to
know right now is

are you theoretically interested
in running for office?

Absotootly, I am.

Very sorry that I
just used that word.

But yes. I just...

I've dreamed about this moment
for a long time.

Guess I'll be
heading home.

Catching the number 12 bus
to Satan's butthole?

Actually, I prefer
the number 69 train

to Humpsville station.

DONNA: Red alert, Swanson.

Your ex-wife is back.

No kidding, Donna.

Not her.
The other ex-wife.

Tammy One.

She's in your office.


Would I have to
quit my job?

Well, that's
a long way off.

Of course.
But listen.

When you run,
even in a local election,

your life
becomes an open book.

So if you so much as
stiff a waiter on his tip

or use a government stamp for
personal mail, it will come out.

So before
we go any further,

I need you to tell me,

is there
a scandal out there?

Is there anything at all you
need to tell us about your life?


All right.

Well, we'll be in touch.

Yeah, I think we can
do that for a million.

Okay, we'll talk soon.

There was no one on the
other end of that phone call,

but soon there will be.

Welcome to the Dreamatorium,

A.K.A. the headquarters
of Entertainment 7Twenty.

It's only two blocks
away from City Hall,

but it's a whole
new world over here.

We got a pool table,
a ping-pong table, a lounge area,

a couch with a ceiling on it,

in-house DJ. DJ Blunt.

And best of all,

former NBA superstar Detlef
Schrempf is on retainer.

What's up, Detlef?

Hey, Jean-Ralphio,
who's sitting in my clear purple desk?


Who's this person?

Are you talking about this
little sweetie right here?

That is our new assistant, Tessa.

I saw her sweating real sexy
on the StairMaster at Bally's.

I need petty cash. My iPhone cover's
gross and I need to get a new one.

Get it to match
your personality.

Petty cash, money bowl.
Go diving.


Why do we keep our petty cash
in a clear plastic toilet bowl?

I don't know,
maybe 'cause we're...

Flush with cash

So, Tom, what does
this business do, again?

It's a multimedia entertainment
production conglomerate.

I don't know, man.
You have a lot of overhead here.

Ever thought about
scaling back a bit

and focusing on
building your client base?

(LAUGHING) Thanks a lot,
Forbes magazine.

But we didn't hire you
to give us business advice.

We hired you to look pretty
and sh**t baskets.

So why don't you head over
there and do your thing?

We want people to see you
when they come in, Detlef.

We may not have any clients yet,
but we're about to blow up.

First you set up the pond,
then you reel in the fish.

Big D, hit me!

Uh-oh, uh-oh,
uh-oh, uh-oh.

Come on.

We're living the dream.
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