03x10 - Opie's Rival

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Andy Griffith Show". Aired: October 1960 to April 1968.*

Moderator: Lindaballou

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Andy Taylor who is a widowed sheriff raises his son in Mayberry, N.C.
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03x10 - Opie's Rival

Post by bunniefuu »

Starring Andy Griffith...

With Ronny Howard...

Also starring Don knotts.

I got a bite, pa.

Good, good, good.
Reel him in.

Reel him in easy.

Bring him right on in.

Bring him right on in.

Ooh, you got him hooked good.

Bring him right on in.

Whew! Wow.

Look at the size of that fish.

He's a good one, ain't he, pa?

Good? I believe
never in the history

has anybody your size and weight

landed a fish this big.

You mean it, pa?

You know,
if I didn't know better

I would swear that you was
kin to Isaac walton.

Who's he?

Oh, when it comes to fishing,

he's the man
that wrote the book.

I bet he wasn't better than you.

Nobody is better than you.

I don't know.

You remember Jonah?

He caught hisself a whale.

I thought
the whale swallowed him.

Well, that's what I mean.

When somebody catches a fish
from the inside, that's fishing.

Aw, you're just fooling, pa.

I bet you're the best fisherman
in the whole world.

I'll bet you something else.

I bet you're the best fishing
partner in the whole world.

What's say we go to shore
and have us

the best fish fry
in the whole world?

That's a great idea.

I'm hungry, too.
Let's go.

That fish sure was
good to eat, huh, pa?

Yeah, boy.




We sure do have a lot
of fun together, don't we?

We do that.

It's always gonna be like this,
ain't it?

Mm-hmm. If I have anything
to do with it, it will.

Pa, let's make a pact.

A what?

A pact.
Then we'll be blood brothers

and we'll never be separated.

Oh, well, now. That sounds
like a real good idea.

Yes, sir. How you go about that?

Well, the first step is,
we cut our wrists with a knife.

Whoa. Uh-uh. No, no.

No... maybe we better
start with the second step.

But that's the way

the Indians did it
on television.

Well, I'll tell
you what, Tonto...

We'll just figure
us out another way.

Here, here.
This ought to do.

Think that'll work as good, pa?

Better. These
here's the ashes

that fried that famous
fish you caught.

Let me have your wrist.

Now, make a big,
old "x" right there.

Make a big, old "x" right there.

Now we got to rub 'em together.

Oh, rub 'em together.

All right.

There's supposed to be a speech.

You know, to seal the pact.

Oh, speech, speech.


In the name of boojum
snark, spirit of the fire

and brillin trant,
spirit of the water

and grovely barch,
spirit of the air

I hereby declare
us blood brothers

never to be separated
forever and ever.

How's that?


From now on, pa,

if you get into trouble,
I'll help you.

I'll expect you to.

You'll help me, too, won't you?

Of course I will.

And don't forget to call me
when you need help.


Well, now,

I've seen sharp-looking
nurses, but I believe

you're the sharpest looking
that I've ever seen walking

around on the street here
first thing in the morning.

Good morning, Andy.
Hi, Opie.

You should've seen
the fish I caught.


about like that,
but real big for a boy my size and weight.

Probably set a new record
for eight- year-old boys.

Then we fried him on a campfire
that pa made!

Golly, it was good!

That's wonderful, Opie.

I just love things like that.

I didn't know you liked to fish.

You never asked me.

I'm asking you now. Opie
and me's going again tomorrow.

How about you going with us?

I'd love it,
if it wouldn't be intruding.

Well, there's no way
for you to intrude.

You'll give us something
pretty to look at.

We'll come by and pick you up
7:00 tomorrow morning.

All right, I'll be ready.



Bye. 7:00 now.




You think
she really wants to go?

Oh, sure.
Sure, she does.

Maybe 7:00's a little early
for her to be getting up.

Oh, I don't think so.

No, what I mean is, maybe
she won't have too much fun.

Sure, she will.
She'll have a good time.

We'll have
a whole lot more fun, too,

having a pretty girl
like miss Peggy along,

won't we, buddy, huh?

Well, here we are.

Oh, Andy, it's beautiful here...

Just beautiful.

Oh, yeah. This here's
a very special place.

Now, let me explain
something to you about the boat

that you might not know.

See, as long as you're
setting right where you are,

you're doing just fine.

But if you stand up,
here's what'll happen.

See, the boat will just shake.

Andy! Andy!

Stop! Andy! Andy!

Now we understand
about the boat, right?


Let's get to some serious
fishing. Here's your pole.

And let's bait up.


What's the matter?
Don't you like worms?


Well, let me find you

a nice, big worm.

Oh, look at that.

Isn't he a beaut?

You like it?

I like him.

He likes you.

I really like him!

Well, say hello.

He says hello, too.

Here, I'll bait it for you.

Now, just put the
worm on like that

put him right in the water.

Now catch a fish.

I got a bite, pa!

Good, Ope. Reel him in.

You got one, too.


well, first sit down.

All right.

Now turn your pole over.

It's a big one, pa!

Good, Ope. Reel him on in.
Come on. Easy.

Even bigger
than the one yesterday.

Would you look
at the size of that.

Wow. Would you
look at the size

of that monster.

Lookit there, Ope.

And it's Peggy's
first time out, too.

Don't tell me

oh, it is.
That's beginner's luck.

Better not tell the folks uptown

you catch bigger fish
than Opie and me.

They'll laugh at us.
He's a beaut.

5 or 10 people
could eat off of him.

I'll call back a little later

to see if there's
anything you need.

Bye, now.

Opie, finish your supper.

You've hardly touched it.

Aunt bee, will you fix my tie?

Me fooling with it, my collar's
gonna be blacker than tar.

Had a good time today, did you?

I did.

Peggy's fun.

I'll tell you one thing...
She don't like worms.

You didn't put a worm on her?

No, I was just picking at her.

Remember the worm, Ope?

Hey, Ope?!

Ope, you in the living room?

Yeah, pa.

I don't feel so good.

What's the matter with him?

Oh, I reckon he stuffed
himself this afternoon.

I'll take care of him.

I better have
a look at him anyhow.

Well, I'm sure there's
nothing wrong with him.

Where's it hurt, son?

All over.

How about here?



There, too.

Let's see your tongue.

Oh, there isn't
a thing in the world

wrong with him; Maybe
a little upset stomach.

Uh, aunt bee...

You don't reckon
it could be his appendix?

I've heard how sometimes...

Oh, Andy, you're getting
skittish as an old woman.

After all these years,

don't you think
I'd know when he isn't well?

If it isn't excitement,
it's something he ate.

Go along and enjoy yourself
and leave him to me.



I'll be right there, Ope.

I'll feel better if I stay here.

I'll just call Peggy and
tell her I can't make it.

Oh, Andy.

Miss Sarah, ring me Peggy
mcmillan's house, will you?

Andy, this is unnecessary,
absolutely unnecessary.

Well, maybe so,
but I'll feel better if I stay here.

Peggy, listen,
I'm sorry to have to call you

at the last minute like this,

but Opie's not feeling good

and I just don't believe
I want to leave him.

No, no. That's
not necessary.

It's nothing serious.

It's just that I-I just
don't feel like leaving.

I tell you what...

Sheriff's office.

This is the sheriff's son,
Opie Taylor, speakin'.

No, sir,
he's not here right now.

He said he'd be back
in about an hour.

You're welcome.

Okay. Bye.


I thought you were sick.

Me? I'm not sick.

Well, you were sick
last night, weren't you?


I wonder why your...

Where is your father now, Opie?

Out on a case.
He'll be back later.

Well, would you
tell him that, uh...

No, I better write it out.


I have some things
to do later...

And I'd like him to meet me
in front of the drugstore

instead of picking
me up at home.

Would you be sure
that he gets this note?

See ya later, Opie.




Oh, Peggy.

No, I haven't seen Andy
since noon

when I brought him his lunch.

Oh, I thought he was
going to pick you up

when he was through
at the office.

Oh, dear.

I haven't any idea
where he might be.

Of course, if he calls,
I'll tell him where you are.

But, Peggy, you just wait there.

I'm sure he'll be by
in a minute or two.

Bye now.


Sarah, get me Katherine Palmer,
would you, please?

Hello, Katherine.
How do you feel?

No, no, now, don't be silly.

I've saved you a little supper

and I'll bring it right over.

Bye now.

Opie, would you be all right
for a little while

while I go over
to Mrs. Palmer's?

Sure, aunt bee.

Opie, if your father calls,
don't forget to tell him

that Peggy is waiting for him
in front of the drugstore.

You won't forget, will you?

No, ma'am.

Sarah, get me my house.


Hello. Opie?

Oh, hi, pa.

Hey, Ope, did miss Peggy
call the house tonight?

I didn't talk to her, pa.

Well, let me talk to aunt bee.

She's not here right now.
She had to go out for a while.

Well, I guess you'd know
if she talked to Peggy.

I'll see you in a little bit.

Okay. Bye, pa.




Didn't you meet Peggy?

I did not.

I've been waitin' in
front of her house...

Well, she's waiting for you
in front of the drugstore.

In front of the drugstore?


What happened to you?

Very funny, Andy.

I'll bet you just died laughing,

thinking of me standing
on the street corner for hours.

I'm sorry.
It was a mistake.

It certainly was a mistake

for me to allow you

to break another date with me.

Was Opie sick again tonight?


At least you're
not lying this time.

What's that mean?

You know exactly
what this means.

If you don't want to see
me, just say so

instead of making up
ridiculous excuses.

I don't know
what you're talking about.

You certainly do!

Now, twice in a row
is simply too much.

Would you do me
a favor, sheriff,

and never call me again, ever?!



Oh, hi, Ope.

I thought you was in bed.

It's all my fault, pa.

What's your fault?


Peggy's mad at you
because of me.

'Cause of you?

Because I told her

that I really wasn't sick
last night and I wasn't.

I was just puttin' on.

Then today she gave me a message

and I threw it away.

That's why
you couldn't find her.

And I didn't tell you
that she called tonight.


You got yourself
a peck of trouble, boy,

unless you got some mighty
good reasons figured out.

I'm scared.

Scared of what?


It used to be just you and me.

Then Peggy came

and you always
want her along now

and I'm left out.

And someday
maybe you won't want me anymore.

Come here a minute.

I'm gonna tell you
somethin', Ope,

and I want you
to listen real careful

'cause this is important.

You're my young'un

and I love you
more than anything or anybody

in the whole world

and nothing or nobody
can ever change that.

You know, it's hard
for me to tell you

just how much youmean to me

'cause you're a part of me.

Then why do you want
Peggy around so much?

Well, because she's...
She's fun to be with

and she's nice
to have for a friend.

But you got a good friend.

You got Barney.

Well, that's...
That's a little different.

You may not understand
this right now,

but sometime you will.

You see, Ope, a man
needs the companionship

of a fine, young woman...

Somebody he can be with
and talk to...

Talk about pretty things,
you know, take places...

To a picture show
and to a dance and...

Now, can you see me
takin' Barney to a dance?

I can't take Barney to a dance.

He's too short.

You know, sometime I...
I might get married again.

It might not be Peggy,
but it'll be somebody.

It'll be somebody
I like a lot...

Somebody I love.

But nothing or nobody
will ever change things

between me and you

because you're my son.

And we're buddies.





Can we go fishin' tomorrow?

I don't know why not.

Thanks, pa.

Get on off to bed.

Oh, Ope?

Yeah, pa?

This time, maybe you better
take off your clothes.


All right, Sarah.
Thank you.

Still no answer, hmm?

I reckon she really
don't wanna talk to me.

Tried all last night
and again today.

Where's Opie?

He's gone.

We was supposed to go fishin'.

Well, that's funny.

He didn't say anything to me.

Just gobbled his food and ran.


Maybe I better go
on over to Peggy's house.

Come on, pa, let's go fishin'.

It's gettin' late.

I've been invited.

As long as she's gonna spend
so much time with us,

I figure we better teach her
how to handle worms

without going "ick."

You don't mind?


Blood brother.

Oh. Blood brother.

Well, we better get
on out to that lake

before the fish leave
the pond, hadn't we?

♪ Well, get on home,
Cindy, Cindy ♪

♪ get on home

♪ yes, get on home,
Cindy, Cindy ♪

♪ I'll marry you sometime

♪ well, get on home,
Cindy, Cindy ♪

♪ get on home

♪ get on home, Cindy, Cindy ♪

♪ I'll marry you sometime


Wonderful, Andy.
Sing another one.

No, in a minute.

Let's get a little mouthful
to eat here. Mmm!

Ain't this fun, miss Peggy?

Oh, it sure is, Opie.

You like pa?
Sure, I do.

Do you love him?

Well... uh, Ope...

You see, pa
needs the companionship

of a fine, young woman...

Someone he can take to a dance.

He can't take Barney to a dance.

No, Barney's too short.

Oh, I see.

You see, miss Peggy,

someday pa
might get married again.

And it'll be somebody
that he likes a lot...

Somebody he loves.

And it might be you.

Of course, it might be you
and it might not, but...

Yep, what we need's
a little bit of music.

A little music is
exactly what we need.

♪ Yes, get on home,
Cindy, Cindy ♪

♪ get on home

♪ yes, get on home,
Cindy, Cindy ♪

♪ and, Opie, hush your mouth ♪

♪ get on home, Cindy, Cindy ♪

♪ get on home, get on home ♪

♪ get on home, Opie, Opie ♪

♪ how 'bout you
shut your mouth? ♪

♪ Get on home, Opie, Opie ♪

♪ get on home
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