04x16 - Stephanie Gets Framed

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Full House". Aired: September 1987 to May 1995.*
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04x16 - Stephanie Gets Framed

Post by bunniefuu »

Up and down, up and down,

Up and down, up and down,

Daddy, I'm ready.

Thank you very much.

Just doing my job.

Captioning made
possible by warner bros.

♪ Whatever happened
to predictability ♪

♪ The milkman, the paper boy ♪

♪ Evenin' tv? ♪

♪ How did I get
delivered here? ♪

♪ Somebody tell me, please ♪

♪ This old world's ♪

♪ Confusin' me ♪

♪ Clouds as mean
as you've ever seen ♪

♪ Ain't a bird who
knows your tune ♪

♪ Then a little voice
inside you whispers ♪

♪ Kid, don't sell your
dreams so soon ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ There's a heart ♪
♪ there's a heart ♪

♪ A hand to hold onto ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ There's a face of
somebody who needs you ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ When you're lost out there ♪

♪ And you're all alone ♪

♪ A light is waitin' ♪

♪ To carry you home ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ Do be do ba ba da ♪♪

Up you go. I'm waiting.

Hey, michelle. How you doing?

This yo-yo is broken.

I have something better for you.

Since I opened my
own savings account,

I want you to have
my old piggy bank.

Thank you very much.

Hey, where's the money?

You have to earn it yourself.

You can check the
couch cushions,

Or find someone
who's a soft touch,

Look real cute,

And say, "please feed my piggy."

Please feed my piggy.

Boy, you picked
that one up real fast.

Here's a quarter.

Ooh, I like that sound.


Bishop to king's knight 4.


King me.


Hi, steph.

Hey, sweetie, how
was school today?

Uh, just another
day in third grade.

Here's a silly note
from my teacher.

You don't have to
read it. Just sign it.

You don't mind if I
just skim it, do you?

Steph, it says here that
you're having trouble reading,

And you need your eyes examined.

Isn't that silly?

If it's so silly, let's
see you read that note.


"Dear mr. Tanner,

"Lately, stephanie has
been holding her paper

Very close to her face."

See? No problem.

You're getting
your eyes checked.

But what if they tell
me I need glasses?

I'm gonna look like a geek.

Sweetheart, you are not
gonna look like a geek.

But if you don't
take care of this now,

Your eyesight could get worse.

All those years eating carrots.

What a waste.

Please feed my piggy.

Oh, I have some pennies
for your piggy to snack on.

He's very hungry.

You got any quarters?

Go talk to your dad.

I got quarters. Here you go.

Here's a quarter.

Here's 50 cents.

Here's 75 cents.

Ok, jess, this is
the last decision

We have to make for the wedding.

Should the waiters at the
reception wear white gloves?

Who's paying, again?

My parents.

Go for the white gloves.

All right. That's it.
No more decisions.

We've made every
teeny, tiny, minuscule,

Trivial decision
about this wedding.

It's over. Hallelujah!

Well, honey, there
is one teeny, tiny,

Minuscule, trivial decision

You've been putting off

Since we got engaged.

Who's gonna be your
best man... Danny or joey?

I know I've been avoiding this.

When we're all together,

I'll pick the best
man, and that'll be it.


Danny, joey, get in here!

Are you crazy,
embarrassing me like this?

I don't know which
one I'm gonna...

Hi, boys.

Hey, what's going on?

Well, uh, now that
we're all together,

There's something very important

I want to talk about.

We're going with
the white gloves.

We're very happy
for the both of you.

Actually, we've planned
out the whole wedding,

Except for one little detail.

Uh, I have to pick a best man.

I can't do this. I don't want
to hurt anybody's feelings.

Oh, jess, it's no big deal.

Nobody's feelings
are gonna be hurt.

That's right. Whatever you
guys decide is fine with us.

We're mature adults.

All right.

I pick joey.

Yes, I get to be
the best man! Yes!

If that's what you
want, it's cool with me.

Congratulations, joey.

Danny, I'd like you
to be my head usher.

Oh, hey, that's terrific.

Well, if for any
reason, joey is unable

To perform his
duties as best man,

Or he brings disgrace
to his position,

The head usher steps up
and assumes the crown.

Ah, see?

Well, if needed,
I'm ready to serve.

Thanks for taking this so good.

Hey, I could still win
the swimsuit competition.

♪ Hang down your
head, tom dooley ♪

♪ Hang down your head and cry ♪

♪ Hang down your
head, tom dooley ♪

♪ Poor boy, you're bound to ♪

♪ Die ♪

Danny. ♪ Met her
on the mount... ♪♪

This happy little hanging tune

Wouldn't have anything to do

With me picking
joey as my best man?

Jess, not at all.

When you think about
best man or head usher,

There's not really
much of a difference.

The best man gets to
stand next to the groom,

Give him the ring,
make the toast,

Basically be the
star of the wedding.

And the head usher,
he gets to say,

"I'm sorry, those seats
are for the family."

Are you trying to
make me feel bad?

'Cause it's working.

I would never do that to you.

♪ Swing low, sweet chariot ♪

I'm sorry. Those seats
are for the family.

♪ Comin' for to carry me home ♪

♪ Swing low... ♪♪

Dad, you've got to help us.

What's going on?

My cousin steve, he's in town

For the big science fair,

And he won't quit bugging us.

Julie and I are trying

To write an article
for the school paper,

But her cousin is kind of, uh...

What's the word I'm looking for?

Pain in the butt?

That'll work.

That's him.

Dad, you never saw us.

And if he asks where we
are, we were never here,

And we're never coming back.

Got it.

How annoying can one kid be?

Honey, I'm home!

Steve urkel, at your service.

Hi, steve.

Listen, steve, d.j. And
julie were never here,

And they're never coming back.


Well, that's ok, I'll wait.

Say, do you have a
spare accordion?

We can jam.

My accordion is in the shop.

How you doing?

I'm danny tanner, d.j.'S dad.

That's jesse katsopolis,
my brother-in-law.

Joey's not here.

He's, uh, jesse's best man.

I'm just the head usher.

Well, gee, danny, you
sound a little bitter.

May I suggest
that you suck it up

And get on with your life?

Kid's got a point.

Boy, am I hungry.
Got any cheese?

You can't go in there,

Because, um, we're
out of cheese.

No problemo. I'll just
pour a glass of milk

And wait for it to curdle.

Uh, steve, steve, steevo.

Steve, I can't help noticing

You walk like the
hanger's in your shirt.

Oh, why, thank you.

You're welcome.

Steve, I'd like to help you,

Because, quite
frankly, you need help.

See, when you're walking,

You got to be loose, man.

You gotta kinda
just let it be cool.

That's it. Loosen up.

Be very fluid.

Fluidity is the key.

That's the move. That's it.

Now, once you get it going,

You shift the weight,
and you go, you see?

And it's a strut, and it's cool.

And it's a strut, and it's cool.

Like that. See?

Very inspiring. All right.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

That's... That's close.

Well, that was a
walk on the wild side.

Well, now let's try it
with your elbows out.

You'll find it's much
better for circulation.

Like this?


All right. I'll try it.

You're doing fine.

You know, I do feel
the blood flowing.


What am I doing?

Here's another
fun way to k*ll time.

Let's share our life stories.

I'll go first.

I was born on a cold
chicago night, 1976,

The year of
america's bicentennial.

My mom was in great pain,
and I was charging through...

I think I hear the
girls coming home.

Right in the kitchen
area. There you go.

Good day, gentlemen. Ok.

Oh, ladies!

D.j., Julie: aah!

Hey! Hey.

Guess who got some new glasses.

Guess who never
wants to wear them.

Come on, honey, I
bet they look great.

I look like a total dweeb.

Come on. Hey, look at this.

I wear reading glasses.

There. Do I look
like a total dweeb?

Not totally.

Honey, put 'em
on. Let us see 'em.


There. You saw 'em.

For a second there, I thought
you actually looked sharp.

Yeah, you look
very sophisticated.

That's what I've been telling
you since we left the eye doctor.

Thanks, but I know
you're just being nice

Because you're my family.

Do I look like a dweeb?

No. No.

You're just being nice
'cause you're my family.

Hi, comet.

You'll be honest.

What do you think
of my new glasses?

I knew it.

I'm the biggest
geek in third grade.

I think we lost him.

Lost who?

Just some pesky kid that
keeps following us around.

Some people just don't know

When they're not wanted.

Hi, d.j.

Hi, julie.

Hi, kid I don't know.

Steve, this is my
sister michelle.

It's a pleasure to
meet you, michelle.

Why do you talk
like mickey mouse?

That's because I'm from chicago.

Want to feed my piggy?

Well, sure.

Here's a bright, shiny penny.

Michelle, did you know that
with prevailing interest rates,

That penny will be
worth almost 3 cents

At the turn of the century?

Yes, I did.

Steve, this is my
other sister stephanie.

Hi, stephanie.

Nice to meet you, steve.

I don't mean to be rude,

But I really don't feel
like company right now.

Is everything ok, steph?

I just feel like being alone.

Come on, girls.

The little lady
wants her privacy.

So let's make like
tom and cruise.

Heh heh!

So tell me, why so
melancholy, baby?

I can't tell you my problems.

I don't even know you.

Oh. Well, I was born in chicago

On a cold winter night in 1976.

My mom was in great pain,
and I was charging through...

Ok. Ok.

I'll talk.

I just got my first
pair of glasses.

Oh, well, welcome to the club.

You know, some people
look far more attractive

With glasses than without.

Take me, for example.

As good as I look now...

See how studlier I become.

Truly amazing,

But if I wear these to school...

All the kids are gonna tease me.

Oh, sure. In a class of 30,

You may have 15 or
20 misguided souls

That may say "hey, 4 eyes"

Or "yo, coke bottles"

Or "¿que pasa, window face?"

But that won't
bother you, will it?

Window face?

Thr trick is to make
'em laugh with you

Before they laugh at you.

Always remember,
hold your head up high.

Otherwise, those suckers
will slide right off your nose.

Heh heh heh.

Hi, buddy.

Hey, what do you say

You and I spend a little more
quality time together, huh?

Let's go out

And clean some grout, shall we?

I know you're just
being nice to me

Because you didn't
make me your best man.

You're right.

I don't even know what grout is.

Listen, this thing's been
bugging me all night.

I think I made the wrong choice.


Wait a minute. Jess,
what are you doing?

I'll take care of this now.

Hey, what's up, jess?

Joey, I'm sorry, but I
may have made a mistake

When I picked you for best man.

If I did anything

To disgrace my
position, I'm sorry.

Just please don't
make me head usher.

Let me finish, let me finish.

What I mean to say is,

I don't think I should
have picked just you.

I mean, I have two best friends,

So I pick both of you.

You can't have 2 best mans.

Yeah, you're breaking tradition,

And it's bad grammar.

Since when do I
care about tradition?

You're looking at a guy

Who didn't wear that
cardboard hat at his graduation

Because I was afraid
it would ruin my coif.

Look, the 2 best men
thing is ok with me

If it's ok with danny.

Anything's better
than being head usher.

Aw, thank you, my
boys, my boys, all right.

Ok, class, take out
your library books

For silent reading time.


Yes, mrs. Claire?

Your dad called me this morning.

He told me you got your
new reading glasses.

Yeah, I have them right here.

Since we're reading, maybe it
would be a good time to try 'em on.

Maybe it would.

Steph, you got
glasses? Let's see.

The trick is to make
'em laugh with you

Before they laugh at you.

Let's see your new glasses.

Here they are.

My glasses fit great,

But my eyeballs are loose.


I'm just kidding.

Those weren't my real glasses.

These are!

Oh, no. My head shrunk.


Stephanie, could I
please see you at my desk?

Ooh. Ooh.

Now you kids behave yourselves.

I've got eyes in the
back of my head.


All right, a nickel!

All right, a cheeto!

Ice cream man! Ice
cream man! Ice cream man!

Wait for me! I got money!

Give me back my money, you pig!

Michelle, what's wrong?

I need ice cream.
Rip his head off!

Michelle, get a grip.

The whole point of a piggy bank

Is to save your money for
something very important.

Ice cream is very important.

Sorry, michelle. The
ice cream man is gone.

He's really gone?

Put the lip away.

It just so happens that
there are a box of fudgesicles

Hidden in the back
of the freezer.

But it's not the same.

Did I just hear
the ice cream man?

You just missed
him, but follow me.

There are fudgesicles
in the freezer.

But it's not the same.

Steph, what are you working on?

Oh, just some homework.


"I will not disrupt the class.

I will not disrupt the class."

Did you by any chance
disrupt the class today?

Yeah. I snuck into your joke bag

And borrowed all
your funny glasses.

The teacher took
'em in her desk,

But you can have them back

At the end of the year.

Steph, that's not like
you to act up in class.

I know, but I had to
make them laugh with me

Before they could laugh at me.

Oh, I get it. Class
clown routine.

I did that once, except
I was the chubby kid.

They used to call me
walrus, so I would go...


Arr! Arr! Arr!

Yeah, kids can be
pretty cruel sometimes.

What did they say to you?

Well, this one kid said,

"You got glasses? Let me see."

That was it?

Well, he said it pretty loud.

So then none of the
kids actually teased you.

No, but they would've.

Steph, anybody who
would tease you is a jerk,

Because with or
without your glasses,

You are the most beautiful
third grader I know.

I want you to take a
good look at yourself

With those glasses on,

And you'll see
you look just fine.

I already have.

Trust me, it was
not a pretty sight.

That's because you saw
what you were afraid of

Rather than what
was really there.

Now get over to that mirror,

And tell me what you really see.


Come on.

Now, what do you see?

Hey... It's me.

No, it's the new improved you,

Because now you can read.

Thanks, joey. I feel better.

You know, I think you
look pretty mature.

Really? Mm-hmm.

You think I could pass
for a fourth grader?

Well, why don't you put the stem
of your glasses in your mouth

And think "upper
elementary school"?

Ooh, that right there,

That's fifth grade. Yeah.

Oh, hot... Oh, look at
that. High-fashion model.

You're driving.

What kind of car?

Let's go all the way. Porsche.


All right! There you go, kiddo.
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