04x12 - Danny in Charge

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Full House". Aired: September 1987 to May 1995.*
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A widower enlists help to raise his three daughters..
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04x12 - Danny in Charge

Post by bunniefuu »

Ok, birthday girl, it
is time to go to sleep.

Not yet. It's still my birthday.

We been celebrating
since you woke us up

Screaming "get
up. It's my birfday!"

Say good night, kid.

I'm not a kid anymore.

I'm 4 years old.

Well, even 4-years-old
girls need their sleep.

Good night.

Good night. Good
night, michelle.

Are you sure there's
no more presents?

The party's over.

Not for me.

♪ Happy birthday to me ♪

♪ Happy birthday to me ♪

♪ Happy birthday, dear
michelle elizabeth tanner ♪

♪ Happy birthday to me ♪

♪ And many more ♪♪

♪ Whatever happened
to predictability ♪

♪ The milkman, the paper boy ♪

♪ Evenin' tv? ♪

♪ How did I get
delivered here? ♪

♪ Somebody tell me, please ♪

♪ This old world's ♪

♪ Confusin' me ♪

♪ Clouds as mean
as you've ever seen ♪

♪ Ain't a bird who
knows your tune ♪

♪ Then a little voice
inside you whispers ♪

♪ Kid, don't sell your
dreams so soon ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ There's a heart ♪
♪ there's a heart ♪

♪ A hand to hold on to ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ There's a face of
somebody who needs you ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ When you're lost out there ♪

♪ And you're all alone ♪

♪ A light is waitin' ♪

♪ To carry you home ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ Do be do ba ba da ♪♪

Michelle, check out my
project for the science fair.

This is what the inside
of your brain looks like.

I got cauliflower in my head?

No, but once you put a
lima bean up your nose.

Buenos dias, las tanneritas.

Ooh. Sad-looking breakfast.

Kimmy, this is what's
inside your head...

Half a brain.

I don't want dad to see
this before the science fair,

So remember, you
guys never saw my brain.

I never saw it used anyway.

Girls, gather around.

It's time for a
little family meeting.

You know, when
joey and uncle jesse

Left this morning to
sh**t their commercial,

It dawned on me,
this is the first time

We'll have a few days
together, the four of us.

You mean the five of us.

Kimmy, I can count.

There's always been
someone here helping me out,

So this is the first time

I get to spend some time
with you girls all by myself.

So hey, nobody make
dinner plans, ok?

I'm there for you, dad.

Dad, don't forget

About the science fair
after school tomorrow.

I can't wait to see that
big surprise project.

I know what it is.


No, I don't.

Bye, dad. Bye-bye.

Oh, deej, I got so wrapped up

In this family togetherness,
I almost forgot.

Kathy santoni's home
with the stomach flu.

All right! All right!

Girls, it's not really nice

To celebrate your
friends' digestive disorders.

But I'm her understudy.

This means I get to be
juliet in the drama festival.

All right!

It's on wednesday afternoon.
You'll be there, right?

I wouldn't miss it for anything.

Ok, michelle. Arms up.

Great. First I'm going to
take you to preschool,

And then I'm going
to go to work,

Do the marketing,
clean the house,

Send kathy santoni
a get-well card,

And still have time

To put a hot
dinner on the table.

Impossible, you say?

For the average father, yes.

But not for me,
because I am super dad.

♪ Super dad, flying
out the door ♪

♪ Super dad, you can
eat right off my floor ♪

♪ Super dad ♪♪

Wait a minute.
Tomorrow is wednesday.

How can dad be at
stephanie's science fair

When it's the same day
as my drama festival?

He can be in two places at once.

He's super dad.

Joseph, we've been out
here for three hours.

The fox is not coming out.

I hate it out here.

Patience, my friend.

Just think how great
our commercial's gonna be.

When that fox
pops out of his hole

And zips across the forest,

As we hear, "fox fax machines.

For a fast fax, fax with a fox."

Forget the fox. I'm
freezing my fanny.

Here. Take my jacket.

I'm sweating like a
heifer in a hot tub.

Give me that.

Hey, mellow out, amigo.

Animals can sense bad vibes.

Oh, yeah?

sh**t some good
vibes right in the hole

So the fox will come
out and play with us.

All right. I will.

All right.


Mr. Fox.

It's me, your next-door
neighbor, mr. Woodchuck.

Would you like to
come out into the forest

And frolic with me?

The trees are made of... Wood.

All right. Cut the voices.

Stick your hand in there
and yank the fox out.

No way. I know my cartoons.

I put my hand in there,

He gives me a stick of dynamite.

Get out of my way.

All right, you
furry-faced rodent,

Get your little fox
buns out here right now!

They don't listen.

That's it, joseph.

We'll get the shot at
the zoo. I'm going home.


No sudden moves.

You scare that
skunk, he sprays us,

We don't go on
a date for a year.

Excuse me one moment.

I'm just gonna be
right over here.

Feel free to use our
roll-on deodorant

If needed.

Joseph, do something.

All right. I, uh, I got a plan.

I speak skunk.

Bonjour, monsieur skunk.

Ha ha!

It is moi, pepe le pew.

Look, over there in the forest,

A beautiful lady skunk.

Run to her, you stinky stud.

Ooh-la-la. Ho ho ho ho.

Joey, there's the fox.
Turn on the camera.

No way. I'm not getting skunked.

There goes the skunk.

There goes the fox.

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!
Come back here!

Great. Now what do we do?

Well, let's just sit

And enjoy the beauty
of the forest at night.

Ah, listen.

Will you knock it off?

I hate the woods.

Jess, you just have
to open yourself up

To the natural beauty
that surrounds us.

What beauty?

There's no central heating,

No pizza delivery,

No place to plug
in my blow dryer.

There's no people here.
You want to know why?

Because as soon as
man invented cars,

He drove out of here.

Why do you have to yell?

You yell at me,

You yell at these
poor little creatures.

I don't talk to them
in stupid voices.

Joseph, I hate to burst
the bubble that you live in,

But very few of these
animals have watched cartoons.

You know, you are really
starting to bum me out.

Are you happy?

I was in a great mood,
and you just ruined it.

Actually, I do feel
a little better, yeah.

Hi, daddy.

Hi, michelle.

How would you like to
be daddy's special helper

And finish setting the table?

It would be my pleasure.

Thank you.

The clothes are dry.

Ooh, my famous tuna
noodle casserole.

I can't wait to smell this.

I better get that. It
might be the phone.

Ok. Coming. Like
you can hear me.

Hello. Super dad.

Oh, yeah. Hi, becky.

You know what? I really
don't need your housekeeper.

No, this single parent
stuff's a piece of cake.

Got to go. That's
my vegetable medley.

Uh... I really got to go now,

'Cause my shorts are cooked,
and my noodles are dry, and...

Hello. Hello.

Let me get back to you on that.

♪ Super dad ♪

Michelle, what are you doing?

Being your special helper.

Well, thank you very much,

But would you please
put the condiments

Back in the refrigerator?

Preferably arranged
the way you found them...

In alphabetical order.

Are you talking to me?

Please put everything back, ok?

Hi, dad.

Hi, mr. T.

Juliet, how was rehearsal?

I must have done that kissing
scene with romeo 15 times.

Well, that's all
part of... 15 Times?

I had a lot of
catching up to do.

You're coming like
you promised, right?

Hey, I'm gonna be
right in the front row

With a bucket of cold water.


Why did you clear
everything off of the table?

You said put everything back.

Yeah, well, I meant
the condiments,

Not the plates
and the silverware.

This is not my fault.

Honey, I know it's
not your fault.

It's my fault, ok?

Now please, put the plates

And silverware
back on the table.

Are you sure this time?

Yes, I'm sure this time.

Well, all right.

Let's eat.

I got to put the finishing
touches on my science project.

Great. If you need any help,
super dad is here for you.

Thanks, dad, but you
can't see my project

Until tomorrow
at the science fair.



Deej, isn't that when you're
doing romeo and juliet?

Bingo, super dad.

I am so sorry, girls.

I didn't realize I
promised you both.

But you promised me first.

Tell her you're
coming with me, dad.

No, tell her you're
coming with me, dad.

Wow. This would make a
great game show, mr t...

Who do you love more?

Kimmy, let's see what's
behind door number 1.

Would you look
at that? It's the exit.

Thank you for playing our game.

Dad, you said you wouldn't miss
me playing juliet for anything.

I know I said
that, honey, but i...

You're not coming
to my science fair?

How could you do this to me?

Good choice, dad.

I didn't choose you.

But you promised me.

I know I promised.

Oh, fine, break a promise.

Why don't you just
go with stephanie?


I set the table again.

Honey, we're not
eating right now.

He's driving me bananas.

Girls, let's talk about this.

Stephanie, I'm sick of
you wrecking my life.

I'm sleeping in
uncle jesse's room.




Michelle, what
are you mad about?

I'm not mad. I like this game.


Ok, now we've got two
events and one parent.

That's what I call a dilemma,

And you know my motto...

When life gives you dilemmas,

You make dilemonade.

Dad, you're stalling.

Ok, before I tell
you my decision,

You both understand

That I love all my
girls exactly the same.

You know that, don't you?

Ok, good.

D.j., I'm sorry I cannot
go to your play.


I promised I'd go
to your science fair

Before I knew about d.j.'S play.

Oh, great. So that's it?

You're not coming?

Honey, I promise, next
time you're in a play,

I'll see it twice, ok?

Let's just be together
and have a nice dinner.

I made my fabulous
tuna noodle casserole

And some absolutely
glorious steamed vegetables.




This was my science project.

You made a side dish
for a science project?

It was a brain,
and you boiled it.

Steph, i... I'm so sorry.

I though uncle jesse
left it for us for dinner.

This is a real tragedy.

Speaking of tragedies,

Romeo and juliet
is one of the best.

Well, I guess dad
can go see it now.

I'm hungry. Can I have
some brain, please?

Mr. Bird.

Mr. Squirrel, how are you?

Ah, joseph, this is so
beautiful out here.

I saw the most amazing sunrise.

The sun was coming
up over the lake.

I could see the
reflection of the trees,

The mountains, and...

I'm talking to a pair of boots.

Joey. Joseph, wake up. Wake up.

Oh, man, I didn't sleep a wink.

An army of ants turned me

Into an all-night salad bar.

Mellow out, amigo.

Smell the fresh air.

Enjoy the virgin forest.

Heck, hug a tree.

Did you have a close
encounter with a wood fairy?

I was just thinking
about what you said.

You're absolutely right.

I never realized how
beautiful nature really is.

It puts me in such a great mood.

Here, joe, here. Do a voice.

Make mr. Woodchuck do a voice.

Come on, do mr.twig.

Hello. I'm mr. Twig.
How'd he talk?

Twigs do not talk.

And why not?

Because in the words
of mr. Woodchuck,

They're made of... Wood.

Huh? Huh?

I got it down. I was practicing.

Yeah. Well, they do
look pretty appetizing.

Thanks for cheering
me up. I was a crab.

I was crabby, too. I'm
sorry. This is great.

Want to go take a hike?

I'll grab some granola
bars and toilet paper,

And we're out of here.


♪ Until we meet again ♪

♪ Happy trails to you ♪

♪ Keep smiling until then ♪

Take it, joe.

♪ Who cares about the clouds ♪

♪ When we're together? ♪

♪ Just sing a song ♪

♪ And bring the sunny weather ♪

♪ Happy trails to you ♪

♪ Till me meet again ♪

♪ Happy trails to you ♪

♪ Until we meet again ♪

♪ Get the camera, joseph ♪

♪ And film our furry friend ♪

♪ Who cares about the clouds ♪

♪ When we're together? ♪

♪ Just sing a song ♪

♪ And bring the sunny weather ♪

♪ Happy trails to you ♪

♪ Till me meet again ♪♪

Hark, o father. My first
scene begineth at 3:15.

Be thou not late.

I'll be-eth there.

What's that thing doing back?

I thought we ate it.

My brain. It's alive.

And uncooked. I stayed
up all night finishing it.

This means you can
come to my science fair.

This worked out great.

Yeah. It worked
out great for you.

And for you.

I figured the whole thing out.

Steph, if I go to
your science fair

And leave at exactly 4:18,

Deej, I'll be in time to
see your second scene.

Perfect solution, huh, girls?

But in the second
scene, juliet's dead.

Too bad you can't
see me when I'm alive.

Bye, dad.


And you're gonna
miss the judging,

Which is pretty much
the reason for going.

Bye, dad.

Bye, honey.

Let's play horsey.
You be the horse.

Honey, daddy is really tired.

Ok. I'll be the horse.

Ok. Daddy's got a
better idea, miss ed.

Since we've got an hour

Before the science
fair and the play,

Why don't you lie
down and take a nap?

I don't want to take a nap.

Daddy doesn't really care.

Daddy had a hard day at work.

Daddy was up all night

Performing third
grade brain surgery.

Daddy says you're taking a nap.

I'll tell you what...

I'll even rest with you

For a couple of minutes, ok?



♪ Rock-a-bye, daddy,
on the tree top ♪

♪ When the wind blows,
the cradle will rock ♪♪

Good night.

Dad! I'm home with
my prize-winning brain

That you didn't show up to see!


Ok, you little kiss-up,
how did you convince dad

To miss my romeo and juliet?

What are you talking about?
He missed my science fair.

Then where is he?

I don't know. I just got home.

Well, dad wouldn't
just not show up.

Do you think something
happened to him?

Dad! Dad!

Dad! Dad!


Dad! Dad!

Dad! Dad!

Be quiet!

Daddy is sleeping.

Dad, I'm so glad you're ok.

We were so worried about you.

I'm fine.


I slept through everything.

It's ok. We're just glad
nothing happened to you.

Girls, I am so sorry.

I wanted to be there so badly,

And I let you both down.

This single parent stuff
is not as easy as I thought.

We didn't make it
any easier for you.

I'm sorry I was
so selfish today.

I'm sorry, too.

I'm sorry, too.

Michelle, you had
nothing to do with this.

I didn't want to be left out.

Oh, come here, honey.

You girls are the greatest.

I must be the luckiest
dad in the whole world.

You're the greatest
dad in the whole world.

Oh, shucks.

So what did the
greatest dad in the world

Sleep through today?

Well, the play was great,

But romeo got the hiccups,

So we had to cut the
kissing scene short.

Gee, what a shame.

How about you, sweetie?

My brain won a special prize...

Most biodegradable.

All right.

Well, I'm gonna go
get dinner started.

Dad, wait.

You do so much for us.

Let us cook dinner for you.

Great idea. Come on, michelle.

You can be our special helper.

Ok, but I'm not setting
that table, mister.

Come on.
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