16x22 - Invaders

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order". Aired: September 1990 to May 2010.*
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Detectives and prosecutors work to solve crimes and convict perpetrators.
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16x22 - Invaders

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system

the people are represented by two
separate yet equally important groups,

the police who investigate crime

and the district attorneys
who prosecute the offenders.

These are their stories.

Your mom knew I was dropping
you off this morning, right?

L think so.

Mommy, then can Katie
sleep over again?

Please, Mom!

Oh, my God, Danielle. I've
been knocking for 10 minutes.

I'm just dealing with some
things between me and Frankie.

Well, nobody said marriage
wasn't work, right?

Katie had a blast. I'm not
sure they got much sleep.

Can you take her for the day?

Please, Mommy? Can I, please?

I'm already running
late for my shift.

And Jenny's going
to the babysitter.

Just this one time.

Next time,
next weekend, I can do it.

I promise.

Bye. Bye.

Look, I know you and Frankie need
to work some stuff out. Yeah.

Next time, I'll take her
for two nights.

All right.


Are you sure you're okay?

Yeah. Everything's fine.

I have to go now.

The four DOAs are a family.
Last name Andreas.

Who called it in? The super.

Found the bodies
a little before 10:00.

I got one of my guys sitting with him
downstairs. He's pretty shaken up.

Hold him. We'll talk to
him when we're done here.

Looks like two
kids, mother, grandmother.

See the condensation?

They were alive
when they got bagged.

Asphyxiation would have kept things quiet.
It's a slow way to go.

Probably three or four minutes
before they lost consciousness.

You got a time of death?

Bodies are still warm, no rigor.

So, less than four hours?

There's no forced entry off the
fire escape or the front door.

Could have been a push-in.

I don't know.
The place isn't tossed.

Doesn't look like
a robbery to me.

There's no obvious signs
of a sex crime either.

Whatever it was, when that duct tape
came out, they didn't stand a chance.

Bind and k*ll four victims,
that had to take some time.

And more than one suspect.

The mail is addressed to
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Andreas.

I suppose he's
the man of the house.

Yeah. I'd like to know where he was
when his family was being slaughtered.

It was about 9:45.

I was mopping the floor of the
basement when Mr. Andreas called.

That's Frank Andreas, right?

Yeah. From 4-B.

His usual call is like
a clogged toilet, you know?

What did he say?

He wasn't making sense.

Saying they got to his family.

He wanted you to check on them?

I wasn't gonna at first.

You know, Frankie and Danielle
is always in some kind of tiff.

Last I heard, she kicked
him out of the house.

Aw, jeez.

What changed your mind
about going up?

Well, when I was coming up the stairs, I
saw two strange guys going out the door.

I got a bad feeling.

What did they look like?

One was white,
the other guy was black.

I didn't see faces.

About how old?

Twenty-five, 30.

Mr. Andreas say where he was?

Nope, but I got
his number on my cell.

You know, the last time
they separated,

he lived out of
the back of his store.

What store is that?

He got a gift shop,
Ninth and 43rd.

Sells souvenirs.

NYPD closed this place down
two weeks ago.

He got raided. I wonder
what he was selling.

Excuse me, sir?

Do you have any idea why
they padlocked this place?

Bogus merchandise.

Cops backed up a truck,
took the entire inventory.

We're looking for a guy
named Frank Andreas.

Took him, too. In handcuffs.

Haven't seen him since.

The Fraud Unit raided Andreas'
store to seize pirated DVDs.

Come to find out he's selling
NYPD equipment out of the back.

And I'm talking uniforms,
raid jackets, scanners...

The real thing?

Yeah, stuff that fell off the
truck en route to supply.

If he's selling it
on the black market,

who knows who he's dealing with.

A lot of these home invasion
crews, they pose as cops.

We're thinking Andreas might
have been supplying them.

Is he out on bail?

He was ROR'd a week
after his arrest.

Any home invasions out there
with a similar MO?

There's some open homicides
relating to drug robberies.

But you're thinking they weren't
looking for dr*gs or money.

The dump from the home phone has
a dozen calls to Andreas' cell

from 4:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.

Calls from the wife?

Or the suspects trying
to lure him back home.

They waited at least five hours.
He never showed.

That's a lot of exposure.

They want him bad.

Which means they're
not gonna give up.

We need to find Andreas
before they do.

What about the cell number?

Went straight to voice mail.

Well, the case is still open.

Who's the A.D.A.?

Andreas was selling more than
stolen police equipment.

He was also pushing
counterfeit DEA badges.

I thought after 9111 we were prosecuting
that sort of thing more seriously.

How did he walk?

The ROR was incentive.

Andreas isn't
the biggest fish here.

What did you release him for?

He told me that he sold
the shields to two men.

Couldn't give a positive ID,

but he told me enough
that I linked them to this.

The robbery of a drug house on Dyckman
Street, in Washington Heights.

Three people were m*rder*d.

And they used those
badges to gain entry?

According to an eyewitness.

So, you let him go so you
can find out who did this?

He said he could work his contacts on
the street, come up with their names,

if not the location.

He give you a description?

One black, one white.

So if they heard that Andreas
was out on the street,

they probably guessed
that he was cooperating.

It could be the connection
between your phony shield case

and our home invasion case.

Look, we've been working his phones,
his financials, everything.

The guy's not coming up for air.

I don't know where he is.

He's got another two days
until he checks in.

You think he talks
to his lawyer?

He's paranoid. He won't
even come to my office.

But if you're in
contact with him...

Andreas called me twice,
that's it.

Said he threw his phone in the
Hudson so they couldn't trace it.

You get what I'm dealing with?

He gets in touch with you again,

let him know that he'll
get protective custody.

He's not interested,
I'm telling you.

Hey, we're trying
to save his life.

Then give me something
else to work with.

Better the offer.
Are you listening to me?

They k*lled his family.

They will k*ll him, too.

Hey, I smell leverage.
It's my nature.

If this guy winds up
with a b*llet in him,

I'll make damn sure
everyone knows why.

I'll see what I can do.

Frank Andreas?

My lawyer says you're the two
detectives taking care of my family.

That right?

We're sorry for your loss.

I used to come here every
Sunday with my two kids.

No wife, no work.

Two hours a week where
everything seemed okay.

And now I got them all
k*lled, didn't I?

Why don't we talk about
this down at the station?

L wanted to go to them.

They would've k*lled me, too.

I mean, you understand,
don't you?

Come on. Come on. Let's go.

Your wife's personal effects.

Danielle's engagement ring.

She never took it off.
It's not here.

It means those bastards took it.

We'll look into it. I promise.

Mr. Andreas, let's continue.

Go back to the phone calls
from your wife.

Like I said, Danielle had
been calling me all morning.

We'd been fighting,
so I ignored it.

I finally picked up around 8:00.

She wanted me to come home.

You thought something was wrong?
The sound of her voice.

You're married 16 years, you
know when something's not right.

That's why I called the super.

Who are these men?

All I found out
were their names.

Ricky and Vincent.

Had I known, I never would've
done business with them.

Then why did you?

Because they gave me 5 G's
to make two pieces of tin.

How did you know
what a badge looked like?

Ricky had a photo of one.

A real one. I copied it.

Same with the Federal IDs.

Was there a name or photo
on these credentials?

They were covered up. And those DEA
badges don't have numbers on them.

Who did you ask to get information
on Ricky and Vincent?

I'm not pulling anyone
else into this nightmare.

My client's given you more than
enough valuable information

on these men, Counselor.

The deal is
he gives us everything.

Hey, they k*lled my family.

I'm not dropping dimes
on any more people.

But if what Andreas
said is true,

it means somebody got their
hands on a real DEA badge.

I spoke to the DEA's Group
Supervisor for Manhattan.

He referred me
to some other agents,

but I've been getting
the run-around.

Keep pressing them.

The pieces are almost there.

You're gonna make
a hell of a case.

I've got Andreas in
protective custody tonight.

I'll work on him again tomorrow.

He's your witness.

Don't let him
withhold information.

Jack, I didn't think anything like
this would happen to his family.

He came to you looking to deal

and I signed off.

This isn't on you, Alex.

No, I'm on hold.

I've been holding
for 15 minutes.

I'd like to speak with...

My name is Alexandra Borgia.

I'm an Assistant District
Attorney in Manhattan.

I've left three messages.

Well, I'll speak with
any drug enforcement agent

working in Washington Heights.

Yes. Thank you.

Yes, I'll hold.

Borgia missed two
hearings this morning.

They sent an officer over
and he found the door cracked.

The last time anybody saw her
was last night, about 10:00.

Obviously, her bag's still here.

Her cell phone was over here.

Hell of a struggle
from the looks of it.

Yeah, we think they
forced their way in.

Same MO as the Andreas place.

Pretty damn close.

There's blood on the carpet.

We found duct tape
under the bed.


We're still knocking on doors.

There's a neighbor who thinks she
heard something around midnight.

There's not too much foot traffic
around here at that time of night.

They went through the
files in her briefcase.

Maybe trying to find out
where we stashed Andreas.

Then they worked her over
for something she didn't know.

We're gonna move Andreas
to another location anyway.

All right.

Well, she's still alive
until we know otherwise.

I gotta call McCoy.

L told you people
what you needed to know.

It's not up to you, Mr. Andreas.

You tell us everything.

How you met up
with the suspects,

who you approached looking
for them after your release.

I want my lawyer here.

You're our witness.

We own your ass.

I had nothing to do with
what happened to your D.A.

Help us apprehend these men
or all deals are off.

You want to
withhold information,

you can do it
from a cell in Rikers.


And you better believe
they'll get to you in there.

You would risk my life?

If that's what it takes.

You're putting all this
on my shoulders.

You gotta be kidding me.

Who, Mr. Andreas?

How do you know that they
snatched Borgia because of me?

She pushed me to make this deal.

She put me in this position.
Did you think about that?

You went to her with information

after the raid on your shop.

Your deal was contingent
on finding these men.

My family is dead and I have
a bulls-eye on my back.

S he knew better. I want a name.

They wanted me gone and she
helped them get to my family.

You're done wasting
my time, Mr. Andreas.

Dump him in jail.

Dave Morley.

He tends bar at Alberta's
on Avenue A.

He's the guy I asked.

He might know where they are.

What about Borgia, Mr. McCoy?

Do you know for a fact that
she's clean in all of this?

The bartender Andreas
gave up, this guy Morley,

he took his back pay
two days ago and left town.

We're still looking for him.

I don't want any resources pulled
away from the search for Alex.

There was nothing of any forensic
value found in her apartment.

There isn't a single
eyewitness to the abduction.

We reached out to narcotics
up in Washington Heights.

They're working their Cls to
get any information they can

about this Ricky and Vincent.

Mr. McCoy, in my office, please.

I pulled Borgia's
financial records.

For what reason? Andreas was
only casting aspersions...

I know that.

I just thought we could
put this thing to bed.

She's been missing
for 16 hours, Anita.

We don't have time for this.

I found $8,000.

A cash deposit
in her checking account.

So what? Her family has money,

it was probably
a gift from her father.

It was made the day before Andreas
was released from Rikers.

Alex wasn't dirty.

I pushed her to flip him.

No way she took a pay-off.

Well, someone tried to
make it look that way.

You think this is a smokescreen

to throw off the investigation?

That would be my guess.

Then see where the money leads.

Most of the deposits
for Ms. Borgia were direct.

Probably salary checks.

Looks like she banked almost
exclusively here and downtown.

How about the $8,000?

It came through the quick
deposit at this branch.

1:22 p.m. last Monday.

We need a copy of the security
tape and that deposit slip.

No problem. When you make
a deposit like that,

don't you need some
kind of an ATM card?

No, just the person's name
and account number.

Which could've been pulled right
off of one of her checks.

It's possible.

Although this is strange.


Tellers have to log in with their
code to access a customer's account.

Someone from one of our uptown
branches pulled her information.

Is there any record
of a transaction?

No, nothing.

Do you have the teller's name?

I don't remember doing it. You know, I'm
on, like, auto-pilot most of the day.

I deal with
hundreds of accounts.

It was your teller code.

Then I must've
punched the wrong key.

You know what? I've had
enough of this crap!

What are you doing, man?

We're investigating the abduction
of an assistant district attorney

and you're acting like a punk.

I don't know nothing.

Then you're an accomplice
to kidnapping.

Maybe some time at Rikers
will jog your memory.

Wait, wait, wait, wait!

I didn't have a choice.

My brother got busted and it
wasn't even his dr*gs, man.

Get to the point!

Some DEA narc busted him.

So, the guy called me up and
said he'd help my brother out

if I did him a favor.

And he gave you
Alexandra Borgia's name?

I mean, I didn't
ask any questions.

I didn't know nothing about her.

What's his name?

Kevin Almonte.

Look, we've cut dope deals
in this area by 60%.

That's pissed
a lot of people off.

So you're saying Hencken
made this story up?

I'd been using his brother as a
Cl until he boned me on a bust.

I locked the kid up.

Obviously this is payback.

Let me explain this
situation to you, okay?

We have an assistant district
attorney that's been kidnapped.

We're running
out of valuable time

and the trail has led us
right here to you.

And I'm telling you, you're
fishing in the wrong pond.

Now, if you're asking me
to dig up some intel.

Yeah. Why don't you tell us about
two guys named Ricky and Vincent?

Who? A couple of
K*llers who are making

phony badges out of
a real DEA shield.

And what?

You think I loaned them mine?

It's coming back to you, yeah.

Fake badges are
a serious business.

But I haven't heard
anything about it.

And I've not heard of
Ricky or Vincent, either.

Well, then you won't mind showing
us your credentials, will you?

Waste my time
with anything else,

go through my
group supervisor, huh?

I'm busy.

Agent Almonte is an obvious
link between the phony badges

and the Dyckman Street

We're speculating, Jack.
We can't prove it's him.

Someone must've been tipping these
thugs to scores in the area.

His financials don't show
any unusual income.

So he's stuffing the mattress.

Why do you think he dropped
$8,000 into Alex's account?

As an insurance policy.

Any link back to him
on the badges,

he could claim she was dirty.

Gives him reasonable
doubt at trial.

Well, that sounds great, but we can't
prove that he made that deposit.

Exactly. The security camera shows
a man with a hat and a scarf.

Impossible to ID. This guy's
making all the right moves.

He hasn't made a dumb mistake.

We've had no contact with
Alex since her abduction.

No ransom call, nothing.

Now, you and I both know, Detective,
the longer she's out there...

Look, Jack,
we all want to find her.

But if we go get Almonte,
he's not gonna talk to us.

We're not going to be
able to hold him.

It could blow
our only shot at him.

I'll figure out
what to charge him with.

Pick him up.


Impressive. You gotta bring the
rat squad with you as backup?

Get up and put your hands behind your back.
Don't touch me!

What the hell do you
think you're doing?

Back up! We have a warrant.

Kevin Almonte, you're under
arrest for computer trespass.

Trespass? That's what you got?

Well, we're hoping it goes up to
m*rder one, big shot. Come on.

A.D.A. Borgia is still out
there, Agent Almonte.

If you want to put yourself
on the wrong side of this...

Screw you.

We've got you for dropping
the 8 G's in her account.

Call it charity
in the first degree.

Call it accomplice to kidnapping
and attempted m*rder.

You wish.

Give us Ricky and Vincent and we'll
talk about reducing charges.

Where's my lawyer I asked
for half an hour ago?

Patrol found a stolen car

dumped in a wooded area
behind Dyckman Marina.

They saw blood on the bumper.

They beat her up real bad, Jack.

I want to see her.

The M.E. thinks that she
aspirated into her gag, choked to death.

How did she die?


on her own vomit,

from the beating she took.

Alexandra's parents are on
their way up from Connecticut.

I'd appreciate it
if you'd talk with them.

Tell them about the kind
of job she was doing.

We're going to need to have some kind
of service for everybody around here.

I should have taken
Andreas from her.

Once it linked to the
Dyckman Street homicides,

she had no business
running that case.

She would have fought you
tooth and nail on that.

I want these guys, Arthur.

Your DEA agent?


Then do what you gotta do.

The car was stolen from a parking
lot in Brooklyn the night before.

They wiped down any prints.

Hair? Fibers?

CSU is still working.

Agent Almonte?

His apartment's clean.

He's knows better than to
keep anything incriminating.

Get a fresh team of detectives
in there and search it again.

We're already in overdrive.

I've cancelled vacations, RDOs.

Every available body
is on the street.

But you're still
coming up empty.

Anything new
on Ricky and Vincent?

There's no nickname or MO
hits in any of the databases.

These two low-lives had to
make a mistake somewhere.

Fontana's running down a
lead on that engagement ring

that was stolen from
the Andreas homicide.

All right, let me know
if something pops.

All right.

DEA brass calls
every 10 minutes.

You can tell them their agent
is linked to a m*rder*d D.A.

ls this computer trespass
charge going to stick?

For now.

But if we can't tie Almonte to the
home invasions, he gets bail.

Jack, I'm so sorry.

We're going to need
a few minutes here.

You here looking
for a scapegoat again?

I'm here because your friends
m*rder*d A.D.A. Borgia yesterday.

Are you serious?

So tell me something I
haven't heard, Mr. Andreas.

Like what?

Anything you've
been holding back.

I have told you everything.

Then tell me about your
relationship with Kevin Almonte.

Never heard of him.
Are you sure?

Look, what is your problem?

Do I have to spell it out
for you, Mr. Andreas?

He has every reason to want to
help you apprehend these men.

Then let me make a suggestion.

Ricky and Vincent were in cahoots
with a corrupt DEA agent,

who tipped them off to the
Dyckman Street drug stash.

Yeah, I can believe that.

Not only do you believe it,
they told you as much.

And they told you that agent
was Kevin Almonte.

But they never said that.

Let's say they did.

What? You want him to sign some
kind of a statement to that effect?

I want him to testify
before a grand jury.

Is this some kind of a set-up, McCoy?
Because if it is...

I need your client's help

to leverage
Mr. Almonte's cooperation.

You're asking him
to perjure himself.

Not exactly.

It's the only way you're going to be
able to stop looking over your shoulder.

He'd be lying under oath.

I'll give you
my personal assurance

there'll be no perjury charges.

The open case against him
will be dismissed.

You and your client
will be totally protected.

How are you gonna do that?

You want permission to stage
a simulated prosecution?

The grand jury will hear
fictional testimony.

If Almonte is indicted,

he'll be arraigned
in a sham legal proceeding.

You're scaring
the hell out of me, Jack.

An assistant district
attorney was m*rder*d.

I appreciate that.

m*rder*d in the line of duty.

It doesn't mean
we throw out the rulebook.

Not to mention the innocent
women and children

tortured and k*lled
by these men.

And what makes you think
this will work?

The only way Almonte will
give up his accomplices

is to aim a howitzer at him.

A fictitious m*rder indictment.

Once Almonte flips,
the curtain will be lifted.

He's been hoodwinked,

but there's no
m*rder case against him.

So he never pays
for his complicity

in the Dyckman Street homicides?

The Andreas and Borgia murders
will still be in play.

Not to mention whatever the
Feds can throw at him.

Didn't some cowboy D.A.
try this back in the '70s?

People v. Rao.

The appellate court took the
prosecutor to the woodshed.

But the real indictment, which
spun out of the phony case,

was allowed to stand.

So you're prepared
to go to the woodshed?

One of the court's
biggest concerns

was that the trial judge
was never informed

that he was presiding
over a simulated case.

And if I sign off.

My neck is on the chopping
block right next to yours.

The police are all over this,

but they're not getting results.

L wouldn't be here
if I had any other options.

Here are the ground rules.

If you somehow manage to pull
this off in the grand jury,

I'll handle the arraignment.


I'll notify the supervising
justice to cover my own ass.

And, Jack,

if you don't flip Almonte
in very short order,

I'm going to pull the plug.

What was your relationship with
Ricky and Vincent, Mr. Andreas?

First I sold them some
phony NYPD raid jackets.

Then a few weeks later I made up
some DEA credentials for them

from a picture
that they gave me.

What did that consist of?

A badge and an ID card.

Did Ricky or Vincent
ever tell you

where they got the photograph
that they provided you with?

From a real DEA agent
named Kevin.

And the ID card even had
a DEA number on it.

Was that number 37334,
Mr. Andreas?


Did Ricky or Vincent ever describe
their relationship with Kevin to you?

Ricky said that Kevin would
tip them off to apartments

where they could
rob dr*gs and cash.

Did he say what Kevin's motivation
was in providing these tips?

Because Kevin would get a cut
of the money and the dr*gs.

Thank you, Mr. Andreas.

I have a question.

When and where did this conversation
about Kevin take place?

That question
isn't relevant, ma'am.

But if these two men told him,

shouldn't he have
done something?

I'd like to remind the grand
jury that Mr. Andreas

is not a target
of this investigation.

Any other questions
for this witness?

I just got off the phone
with Judge Bookman.

What are you doing?

Remember "Do what you gotta do"?

That doesn't include
breaking the law.

Show me which law I broke.

If not the letter, the spirit.

I've got case authority,
judicial approval.

And you cherry-picked the only judge
in the borough who'd go for it.

L wanted to insulate you.

Which wouldn't
have been necessary

if everything had been
on the up-and-up.

Can you give me one good reason
why I shouldn't shut down

this little carny show of yours?

Alexandra was m*rder*d.

You're not responsible for that.

Let me do my job, Arthur.

When we exploit our authority,
it corrupts us, too.

Don't wax philosophical on me.

Our colleague spent the last
terrified moments of her life

alone in a trunk beaten
to a pulp by these thugs,

choking on her own...

Listen to yourself.

Your whole plan
is fueled by outrage.

Outrage is all
we have right now.

This is our only chance
to get justice here.

Judge Bookman will blow
the whistle soon enough.

Let's at least give it
a chance to bear fruit.


That's great.

That was Van Buren.

It looks like they're
about to grab these guys.

Go! Go! Go!

Police! Get up!

Get up. Get out of that bed.
Get on your knees. Get down!

What's your name? Alphonse.

You got ID? In my pants.
In my wallet.

Where's Ricky?
Who the hell's Ricky?

Where's Ricky?
I don't know no Ricky.

You pawned an engagement ring he
stole from a quadruple homicide.

You want to be a part
of that, huh, do you?

He left this morning.

Who was he with? Vincent.

Look, Officer,
I didn't want them here.

But they didn't give me
much of a choice, okay?

Where did they go?
How am I supposed to know?

Give us their last names!
Ricky Robinson.

Vincent I never seen before.

All clear, Detectives.

Okay, take care of these two.

We should get CSU over here
to dust for prints.

Maybe we can get
some criminal histories.

If we were here
a couple hours earlier,

we'd be taking prints
instead of looking for them.

We got hits off the prints that we
got from that apartment we raided.

Ricky Robinson, 27 years old,

priors for possession
with intent to sell.

Vincent Mulkowsky. 31 years old.

Burglary, armed robbery, as*ault.
This one has spent half his life

locked up in some kind of jail.

Mulkowsky's the one
with the sadistic streak.

Any leads at their
last known addresses?

Former associates?

No, no. Nothing so far.
What's going on with Almonte?

We've charged him with m*rder.

Wow, how'd you do that?

I'll handle the legal end,

Just find these men.

"Docket number 64131."

”People v, Kevin Almonte, Three
counts oi m*rder 'm the first degree.

What's this about m*rder?

Quiet, Mr. Almonte.

How does he plead, Ms. Milford?

Not guilty.

A home invasion
on Dyckman Street,

three people tied up
and ex*cuted.

Let's not waste anybody's
time with a bail argument.

Can we back up, Judge?

My client is
a decorated federal agent.

After being arrested on what was
a quite dubious minor charge,

these horrific accusations
come out of nowhere.

What's Ms. Milford's point?

That the defendant was
surprised he got caught?

He was in his office with a dozen federal
employees when these crimes occurred.

Mr. Almonte is charged
as an accomplice

to the men who did
his handiwork for him.

On what evidence?

Statements made by his fellow
perpetrators to an informant.

Who are these people?
Who did they talk to?

I'll go you one better,
Ms. Milford.

I'm turning over grand jury
minutes to the defense.

The witness name
has been redacted.

As the transcript
clearly indicates,

Mr. Almonte facilitated
the acquisition

of counterfeit DEA credentials
for his accomplices,

tipped them to the
presence of dr*gs and cash

at the Dyckman Street apartment,

and shared in the proceeds.


I'm ordering
administrative segregation

so Agent Almonte will survive
until his next court appearance.

I doubt you've handled an
arraignment in 20 years, Mr. McCoy.

I used to have an assistant
who did that.

And we both know that's what these
trumped-up charges are about.

Yes and no, Ms. Milford.

Your client's friends
k*lled Alexandra Borgia.

But I can connect him
to the Dyckman Street case

as sure I'm standing here.

So let's cut the BS.

Who do you want more?

Do I really need to answer that?

So you got this witness.

What else?

He's all I need.

Mr. Name Redacted?

He knew your DEA number,
Mr. Almonte.

You'll be looking
over your shoulder

for a shank in the back
for the next 50 years.


Is there a deal on the table?

I want Ricky and Vincent.

Name your price.

We don't make the first offer.

If you can convince me you didn't
know your rip-off partners

were bind-and-t*rture K*llers,

I might come down to rob one.

No homicide, huh?

If you'd rather go
upstate with a body,

I can accommodate you.

See, the way I read it,

means you ain't holding squat.

That would be a big mistake, Mr.

You have something
I want very dearly.

And I'm willing to pay
top dollar for it.

Top dollar is a walk,

on everything.

Yeah. I'm waiting.

Robbery in the first degree.

There's some flexibility
on the sentence.

And the facility.

Bring on your witness.


That was just
the first dance, Arthur.

What's next, Jack? Are you gonna
phony up some physical evidence?

Fake a suppression hearing?

Why don't we get some actors in here
and just do the whole damn trial?

I need a few more days.

What's going to change?

Almonte's not going to tell you
how to find Ricky and Vincent.

He might if he thinks
we're not listening.

Judge Bookman give you a wiretap
on the jailhouse phone?

Almonte's too smart to use it.

But we've been working with the
Department of Corrections.

Let's see what happens when he
gets his hands on a cell phone

he thinks is safe.

They got me
jammed up on your business, Ricky.

So what you wanna do about that?

Fix the leak.

The leak ain't easy
to find, Cat.

They like to use that motel out
by LaGuardia, the Raddick.

I don't know, man.

You better know.

Ricky? Yeah.

Take care of this situation
or we're all gonna suffer.

Were you able to trace the call?

To a disposable cell phone.

So you got skunked, Mr. McCoy.

We didn't get the location of Almonte's
accomplices I was hoping for.

But they're plotting
to k*ll Andreas.

Even if I grant you that, what
are you going to do about it?

Besides relocating Mr. Andreas,

I'll indict Almonte
for conspiracy.

L think it plays, Elizabeth.

The two of you have him
indicted on a fictional case.

He plots to k*ll a man

who's pretending to be
a witness in that case.

It's textbook entrapment.

And I'm putting an end to this sham
prosecution before somebody gets hurt.

You're closing out the only two
means of leverage we have, Judge.

The criminal justice system is
not your personal plaything.

We both know this
isn't business as usual.

Ms. Borgia's m*rder is a
stain on this institution.

Let me take
another shot at Almonte.

I want these animals
as much as you do.

But now I supervise this court
and you've gone too far.

You'll release
Almonte immediately.

There's still the original
computer trespass charge.

Make an application
to remand Almonte.

It will at least
buy you some time.

Well, I can't see how
there's any harm in that.

It won't be necessary.

If I can't press the m*rder charges,
I might as well let him go.

Here we go.

Subject is getting into a taxi
heading north on Lawlor's Street.

All right, stay close
but don't spook him.

We're set at Almonte's building.

Okay, we've got a visual
on the suspect's vehicle.

Switch the monitor.

The subject has just
entered his building.

All units proceed to East
Houston and stand by.

We're in position, Loo.

We sit on this guy long enough,

he should lead us
right to Ricky and Vincent.

Subject exiting building.

You see that? He's strapped.

All units. Subject is now armed.

All cars, subject
is heading to Houston.

If he jumps on the subway,
we're screwed.

Subject down.
Repeat. Subject down!

We're in pursuit of
a brown Ford.

Go! Go! Go! Go!

Twenty-three William. Move in!

He's coming your way!

Get down! Get down!

Down! Down! Hands! Hands!

Get over here
and cuff these guys.

We got two under, Loo.
How's Almonte?

He's DOA. Ls everybody okay?

Everybody that matters.

So, how do we deconstruct this
for the mayor and the media?

We apprehended two home invaders

who slaughtered eight people,

including Assistant District
Attorney Alexandra Borgia.

And Kevin Almonte?

A corrupt DEA agent

whom we utilized
in a legal sting.

Their ninth and final victim.

What about the fact that he's dead
because he was being used as bait?

That's an overly cynical
rendering of events.

Is it?

It worked.

I'm not complaining
about the result.

We didn't have a choice.

No, we did.

We let it get personal.

Nature of the beast.

I'm not going to
apologize for any of it.

So, what now?

We pat each other on the back
and break out the Blue Label?

Alexandra always hated that.

I just assumed
she didn't like scotch.

The whole old-boy ritual,

it was a little much for her.

I've got an arraignment
first thing tomorrow.

"Docket numbers 66118 and 119."

"People v. Ricky Robinson
and Vincent Mulkowsky."

"Numerous counts
of burglary and robbery."

"Nine counts of m*rder
in the first degree."

Pleas, Mr. Bacon?

Both my clients plead
not guilty.

These are the men who are alleged
to have m*rder*d A.D.A. Borgia?

And eight other people.

I believe the charges
speak for themselves.

Excuse me, Your Honor.

Who are you?

Brandon Gregory, Assistant
State's Attorney General.

And why are you interrupting
this proceeding, Mr. Gregory?

The conduct of the District
Attorney's Office in this matter,

specifically Mr. McCoy's methods
in obtaining these indictments,

are under scrutiny.

Mr. McCoy's ability to fairly
prosecute these defendants

has been called into question.

I have an order signed
by the governor

appointing me Special
Prosecutor of these cases.

Mr. Gregory will represent the People
in this matter until its resolution.

You are relieved of your
duties here, Mr. McCoy.

Don't screw this up.

Mr. Gregory, are you prepared
to move forward for the People?

Yes, Your Honor, I'm asking that
both defendants be remanded.
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