01x28 - Andy Forecloses

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Andy Griffith Show". Aired: October 1960 to April 1968.*

Moderator: Lindaballou

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Andy Taylor who is a widowed sheriff raises his son in Mayberry, N.C.
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01x28 - Andy Forecloses

Post by bunniefuu »

What you looking for?

Some new citation pads.


Here's one.

Did you fill up
that other book already?


Well, you must
have been giving out

A mess of tickets.

Let me see that thing.


What did you do that for?


You put the citation pad
in your hat.

I know.

Well, it's
just carbons.

Why don't
you file it?

I will later,
when I get the time.

You're not doing
anything right now.

Is there, uh, something on the
pad you don't want me to see?


Well, let me
see it, then.

No-- no, andy,

Don't, please.
Don't touch my hat.

Well, why not?

Well, I just
don't like

People touching
my hat, that's all.

You don't?

I'm like my mother.

She don't like people
touching her hat, either.

[ Laughs ]

What's funny?

Oh, nothing--
I was just picturing

You and your mother
sitting around the house

With your hats pulled down
over your ears.

Now, andy, don't you
start in on my mother.

I'm not starting in
on your mother.

It's a funny picture-- you and
your mother with your hats.

All right,
all right.

All I wanted to do
was see your pad.

All right, you
can see the pad,

But you leave
my mother out of this.

All right, I will.

Let me see this thing.

Everything appears
to be in order.

Well, uh, this...
This here don't look

Like a citation at all.


Let me just file that.

No, wait, wait,
wait, wait.

"Juanita beasley"...

No, I'll file that...

Wait a minute,
wait, wait.

"Juanita beasley,
phone 142-r."

Let me just file it.

Wait now.

Juanita beasley.

Ain't, uh... Ain't
she the new waitress

Over at the junction cafe

Where the truck
drivers stop?

Yeah, th-that's
the one.

Is there something going on
between you and juanita?

Oh, no, no.

It's just that, uh...

Well, she works
in a place

Where a lot of pretty
tough characters stop in

So I told her

If there was ever
any trouble to...

To call me.

Oh, she could call you.

Well, uh...

What are you doing
with her phone number?

Well, uh, I call out
there every now and then

And sort of...


Trouble-check, uh-huh.

Well, uh, when did
you trouble-check last?


You didn't
trouble-check today?


Well, golly!

Let's trouble-check!

You can't tell

What kind of trouble
they got out there.


Uh, get me 142-r

And put this
right through.

This is
a trouble-check.

Hello, uh,
miss beasley?

Uh, this is deputy fife.

[ Clears throat ]

[ Softly ]

[ Louder ]
I'm just,
uh, making

My regular


[ Softly ] no, I can't
talk right now.

I'm on duty, and the
sheriff's right here.

[ Louder ]
uh, is there
any trouble?

Oh, well, that's...
That's good.

[ Chuckles ]

No trouble
out there now.

It's all quiet.


Well, life ain't all
police work, you know, andy.

Oh, I know.

I just didn't think you knew.

Hello, andy, barney.

Oh, howdy, ben.

What can I
do for you?

Well, uh, I got
a little business

I want you
to take care of.

Sure thing, ben, what is it?

I want you to serve
a foreclosure notice

On the scobees.

A foreclosure

That's right.

As the mortgagor,

I'm exercising
my legal rights

Against the mortgagee,
who's in default.

And you want to foreclose
against the scobees?

Ben, I can't hardly
believe it.

I ain't asking you
to believe it.

I'm asking you to do it.

Well, ben, the scobees
are nice folks.

Well, everybody knows you're
a fair-minded, reasonable man.

Why don't you think it over?

I don't want to think it over.
I want to foreclose.

But... But ben...

Now, look here
just a minute.

One of the duties
of this office

Is to serve foreclosure
notices, ain't it?

Well, yeah...

Well, then, foreclose.

Well, ben, it'll... It'll
take me a little while

To get the papers together.

All right.

I'll be back.

Now, there's a man
that's got everything.

He's not only got
all the money in town,

He's got all
the meanness, too.

Andy, what are them
poor scobees going to do?

Well, I've heard
the mortgagor's side of it.

I'll just go out there

And see what the mortgagee's
got to say for himself.

Howdy, lester.

Oh, hi, andy.
Come on in the house.

Hey, fixing
a chair, are you?


Hey, mary.

Hello, sheriff.

Wait a minute--
open that mouth.

Open that mouth.

Lost another tooth,
didn't you?

You keep losing teeth
like that,

Your mama's gonna have to soak
your cornbread in buttermilk.

I guess.

Opie, he's losing
teeth, too, you know.

I know-- everybody in school
laughs at us.

Well, you let them laugh,
because when you grow up

You're going to be
the prettiest girl in town

With or without teeth.

[ Laughs ]
mary, honey,

Why don't you
go tell your ma

The sheriff's here?

Yes, pa.

Ask her to bring
some coffee.

Well, sheriff?

Yeah, they...

They're moving in
on you, huh, lester?


I don't know what
the answer is, sheriff.

Old ben's kind of set
in his ways, ain't he?

In all the time
we've had this place

I've never
missed a payment.

This is the first time.

Any chance you might
come up with it?

Well, not right away.

I've been going through
a little bad times.

here's the coffee.

Come on, let's
have some coffee.


I been doing
some odd-jobbing

And helen's been taking
in a little ironing

But I just couldn't seem
to make it this month.

Howdy, helen.

Hi, andy.

Sit down, sit down.


You'd think
mr. Weaver'd have

A little
more patience.

Les has been trying
and this is the first...

honey, I've told
the sheriff.

Daddy, can I
have a cookie?


You better get your mama
to soak them a little bit.

You're going
to bruise your gums.

[ Laughter ]

I'll chew it
in the back.

Let me see.

Yeah, I guess that'll work.

What's the payment, lester?


What do
you owe ben?


Did you try
over at the mill?

Yeah, I tried the mill

And the furniture
factory, too.

They don't have
anything right now.

They'll be putting people on
pretty soon, though.

What are you going
to do, sheriff?

You going to have to serve
the paper on us?

Oh, no, I won't do that
right now.

I'll go have a talk with ben,

See if we can't work
something out.

First, though,
I want to drink me

A little bit
of this good coffee.

Me and you will
gum us another cookie.

You want to?

40, 45, 50, 51, 52...


That's it.

Oh, good,
that's fine.

Now, this is just
'tween me and you.

Mum's the word.

Well, ben, got
good news for you.

You won't have to go

To all the trouble
of foreclosing.

Lester scobee just come up
with the payment,

And right there it is --

No, sir, I can't take it.

Why not, ben?

Have a change of heart?

No, I'm just living up
to the letter of the contract.

According to
this mortgage contract,

If scobee misses a payment,
the entire balance falls due.

Now, the balance
on his house is $780

So that's how much he
owes me-- immediate.

Well, you know lester
ain't got that kind of money.

You wouldn't be
wanting that land

For that warehouse you been
talking about, would you?

Sheriff, I got important
friends in this county.

If you don't serve that paper

I might turn this jail
into a warehouse!

Barney, what
are you doing?

I'm starting a "save
the scobee house" fund.

That ought to start
the ball rolling.

That's a fine idea!

I got more.

Good, good!

That ain't all.

Barney, that's
a great idea--

"Save the scobee
house" fund.

And I ain't going
to stop here neither!

I'm going to go
all around town--

The drugstore, the barber shop,
the hotel, everywhere.

We'll get that $780 somehow.

That's a great idea,

I'll go to the library

And get a book
on real estate law

And see if I can figure
some ways to stall old ben.

I'll see you later.
Go get 'em, tiger.

Hi, barney.

Just leave your money
with andy.

What's he talking about?
What money?

Oh, we got
to raise $780.

Oh, my goodness! $780!


Hey, I got
a outstanding idea.

You remember
the rummage sale
that you had

For the ladies'

You raised enough

To buy a p.a. System
for the school.

Well, let's have
another one.

We got a lot of stuff
in our garage--

That old refrigerator
with the broken handle.

The wilsons bought
a new lawnmower.

We can get the old one
you're always borrowing.

I can get herb crowley's
old porch furniture.

Form a rummage

We'll pick up every toaster,
every lamp,

Every waffle iron,
every vacuum cleaner.

We could make this
the finest rummage sale

Mayberry's ever seen.

And for a worthy cause.

Now you're rolling.
I'll see you later.

I got to go to the library.

What worthy cause?

[ Door opens ]


What do you
think you're
trying to pull?

Well, how's that, ben?

I just come from
the scobees,

And you still ain't
served that notice.

You know what the penalty is
for obstructing the law.

Where's that
foreclosure notice?

Why, it's right here, ben.

Well, why ain't
you served it?

Well, you wouldn't want me
to do anything

To violate the law,
would you?

What are you getting at?

Well, according to the law

Before that notice can
be served proper-like,

A registration fee
of two dollars has
got to be paid

And, ben, you neglected
to pay me that two dollars.

Why didn't you tell me?

Well, you didn't ask me.


Here's your
two dollars.

Now, I want
that notice served

And I want them scobees
off my property

In 24 hours,
you hear?!

Oh, and another thing, sheriff,
I know all about the money

You're trying to raise
to save the scobees.

And you'd like to make
a contribution.

How much should
I put you down for, ben?

24 Hours.

You see, what we're
trying to do

Is just stall
long enough

Till we can
raise the money.

Well, that's mighty nice
of you, andy,

But I don't think
it'll do any good.

Well, why not?

All we need's
just a little
more time.

Thanks for being
so helpful, andy.

Well, you might as well

Give us that foreclosure
notice now.

Lester, I don't
want to do that.
Let's wait a while.

Helen, you seen
my glasses around?

Can't read a thing
without my glasses.

What'd you say?

I said I can't read a thing
without my glasses.

maybe they're in
the living room, dear.

I'll take a look.

No, they ain't
in there.

Well, I'm sure
they'll turn up.

But till they do

I expect
helen's going
to be too busy

Ironing and

To stop all that
important work

Just read you
a foreclosure notice.


What are you
talking about, andy?

Let me explain
a fine point
of the law.

See, it ain't enough that
a notice be delivered,

But the party getting it
has got to fully understand

Every paragraph in it.

And if he don't,

That constitutes
a lack of communication.

Legally, that's
just the same

As if the party
never got the notice
in the first place.

I don't get you, andy.

Well, it comes down
to this, lester.

You lost your glasses

And you can't read that notice
without your glasses.

Helen here is too busy
to read it to you

And your young'un
is too little

To be able to
read all that
legal stuff

And I can't

Well, andy, you think
that'll work?

Lester, I believe
we got her

If she don't jump.

[ Laughs ]

I'll see you.

[ Humming ]

Oh, hi, ope.

Hi, pa.
I brought something.

What you got there?

Well, I got some mighty valuable
stuff for the rummage sale.

Well, it's nice of you
to help out.

Well, that's a fine-looking pair
of sunglasses,

But you don't have
the one lens.

They work real good
if you keep this eye shut.

I got to go along
with that.

[ Rattling ]

I got a feeling
that this is a roller skate.

All it needs is wheels
and a strap,

And it'll be
as good as new.

A new frame
wouldn't hurt none, either.

[ Rattling ]

Opie, this is quite
a sacrifice.

It's mighty generous of you,
and I appreciate it.

Like I said, pa, this is
mighty valuable stuff.

Should bring at least
35 cents.

You know, it wouldn't
surprise me a bit

If it brought at least
40 cents.

[ Indistinct talking ]

[ Cash register rings ]

Now, bertha, this toaster's
not exactly new,

But it's in excellent

Now, anytime you want to get
any shade of toast,

You just turn that button,

And when you
want to take it out,

You just push that down.

I know all about
that toaster.

Remember, I was the one
who donated it.

Oh, I'm terribly sorry.

Have you noticed the fine lines
on this garment?

[ Chuckles ]

You know, bill, this coat
ain't local stuff.

No, no, this coat
was imported...

From richmond.

Now, just take a look

At this luxurious

It's the outside of a coat
that counts, you know.

Well, evening.

Oh, evening, andy.

It sure is
a mighty fine thing

You're doing
for the scobees.

we're trying.

How much is this?

Oh, about
three dollars.

What you suppose it is?

If I knew that,
it'd cost you five.

Sounds like a bargain.


Yeah, one of these
is nice to have.

I always wanted one.

[ Cash register ringing ]

We're doing fine,

You figure we got
a chance, andy?

Well, we got
a few runs.

I'd say we're still
in the ballgame.

[ Door opens ]

Uh-oh, looks like the
opposing team just showed up.

Well, howdy, ben.

Come by to help the
cause a little, did you?

Sheriff, I just come
from the scobees.

And you know

Lester scobee lost
his glasses

And can't read a thing.

Aww, poor, old lester.

I thought I'd be neighborly
and help him out,

So, uh...
I read this to him.

Yeah, I read him
every single paragraph.

You might say
that I established

One more trick like that,
mr. Sheriff,

And you not only
won't have a badge

You won't have a shirt
to pin it on.

I'm going to be out
at the scobees at noon tomorrow.

You better be there
to serve this

And get them off
my property.

Good luck with
your rummage sale.

You know something,

When that man's time
comes to go,

He ain't gonna go
like everybody else.

He's just gonna
nasty away.

Are you going to show up
at the scobees tomorrow?

I guess I'll have to.

You know,
I just can't believe

That anybody
could be as mean

As ben weaver's
making out.

He's sure got
me convinced.

Well, maybe he just don't see
how mean he really is.

This is more like it,

Whatever made you wake up
and do something?

I got studying about it
and I realized you was right.

Can't have folks
defying the rules.

We got the piece of paper
that says "git."

That's what they
got to do-- git!

Oh, hi, andy.

All right, lester,
let's get a move on.

I want the place
vacated right now.

Right now?

But we ain't
ready to move.

Let's get to cutting,
right, ben?

Couldn't you
let me borrow
a trailer?


These deadbeats--
give them an inch,
they'll take your arm.

What's got
into you?

I ain't got time
for chitchat.

Let's get some
of this stuff together.

Well, I guess maybe I
should pack some dishes.

Mrs. Scobee,
I'm a patient man,

But if you think
I'm gonna stand around

While you pack them dishes,
you got another think coming.

Sheriff, I just
don't understand.

You're turning out to be
as bad as weaver here.

Thanks a lot, scobee.

That means I'm doing
my job good and proper,

Protecting mr. Weaver's
rights, right, ben?

Well, now,
nothing wrong

With letting mrs. Scobee
pack a few dishes.

You turn her loose in that
kitchen by herself,

She'll be taking the spigots
right out of the wall.

Sheriff, you can't talk
that way about my wife.

Les, please.

They ain't giving
me a chance...

Let's get a few of
our things together.

We could start
with the cupboard.

But, honey...


Hold it,

That cupboard stays
right where it is.


That was my
grandmother's cupboard.

It means a lot to me.

Anything affixed
to real property

Becomes a part
of that property

And is no longer
personal property.

Mr. Weaver can
vouch for that.

Well, that's the law, all right,
but I think we can overlook it.

As long as I'm sheriff,
the law will be observed.

I say the cupboard stays.

Let her take
her cupboard.

Ben, I'm trying to protect your
rights. The cupboard stays.

I don't care-- I say it goes.

Ben, the cupboard stays.

[ Sobbing ] les,
what are we gonna do?

Where are
we gonna go?

You should have thought of that
before you moved into a place

You couldn't

Let's get
some of this
junk together.

Wait a minute,
just a doggone minute.

Andy, you just can't
turn a family out

Into the street.

Ben, ben... Don't let
them get to you.

You can't, but I can.

They'll be all right.

The county will take care
of the young'un.

Lester, he's
a clever fellow.

He'll find
some loose boards

And put him up
a shack somewhere.

Is that what's
going to happen?

If it don't get worse.


The important thing is

We got to get
this property vacated

And your warehouse
put up in here.

Of course, there's a lot of
places closer to your store

But that's
beside the point.

This property is
rightfully yours.

Why don't you get
the young'un's toys

wait, andy.

This place is mine, but I ain't
in that much of a rush.

Too late now, ben.

The foreclosure's been served.
The law must take its course.

Look, I started
this foreclosure

And I got the right
to stop it.

Now, ben...

And I'm stopping it
right now!


If that's the way
you want it, ben.


Thanks a lot, andy.

Careful, ben!

[ Crash ]

Ben, you...

You all right?

A person could get k*lled
in a chair like that.

Where'd you find
that piece of junk?

It says here
"weaver's department store."

I'll send you out
a new one in the morning.

Well, let's get going.

Ben, I was...
I was studying about it.

Why don't we stop over
at lester scobee's

And pick him up?

Well, I'd just as soon
we go without scobee.

I thought you
and les had things
all patched up.

Well, that don't mean I got to
go fishing with him.

Come on, he's a pretty
good fisherman.

That ain't it.

What is it, then?

Well, if you got to know,
I can't spare him.

He's too busy
down at the store.

Now, how about that?

Well, how else is
he going to pay off
that mortgage?

Now, come on.

Let's go.

Uh...i don't believe
I'll go with you.


Well, i-i got
some work to do

And a few calls to make.

Oh, come on.

No, really. You go ahead
without me.

Well, all right.

After you make your calls,

How about taking that money
we collected

And dropping it off at the
school for the library fund?

Yeah. Sure.

See ya.

[ Door closes ]

Hello, sarah?
Get me 142-r, will you?

Hello, juanita?



Yeah. [ Chuckles ]

What do you mean,
why am I talking so soft?

I always talk softly
to you, juanita.

[ Chuckles ]

Oh, you don't want me
to do that now, do you?


[ Chuckles ]

Yeah, I'm all alone.

Well, all right.

[ Clears throat ]

* Nita

* Juanita

* As thy soul --

Oh, you're funny,
aren't you?!

Oh, you're real funny!

You ought to get a cane
and a cigar

And work a carnival!

[ Whistling sprightly tune ]
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