02x20 - I'm There For You, Babe

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Full House". Aired: September 1987 to May 1995.*
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A widower enlists help to raise his three daughters..
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02x20 - I'm There For You, Babe

Post by bunniefuu »

Can I help you?

Stefie play horsey.

Stefie's very busy.

Stefie doesn't
want to play horsey.

Yes, she does.

No, she doesn't.

Yes, she does.

No, she doesn't.

Yes, she does.

Ok, let's play horsey.


I fell for the crying routine,

And I invented it.

♪ Whatever happened
to predictability ♪

♪ The milkman, the
paper boy, evening tv ♪

♪ How did I get delivered here ♪

♪ Somebody tell me, please ♪

♪ This old world's
confusin' me ♪

♪ Clouds as mean
as you've ever seen ♪

♪ There ain't a bird
who knows your tune ♪

♪ Then a little voice
inside you whispers ♪

♪ Kid, don't sell your
dreams so soon ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ There's a heart,
there's a heart ♪

♪ A hand to hold onto ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ There's a face ♪

♪ Of somebody who needs you ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ When you're lost out there ♪

♪ And you're all alone ♪

♪ A light is waitin'
to carry you home ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ Doobie doo bah bah dah ♪♪


[Music playing]


[Humming riff from
beatles' birthday]

♪ They say it's your birthday ♪


♪ We're gonna have a good time ♪

♪ Today is your birthday ♪


♪ Happy birthday to you ♪♪

Make a wish.

Yay! Yay! Yay!

Thank you.

Look at this... A
guitar-shaped waffle.

You didn't have to do this.

My birthday's no big deal.

There are presents,
aren't there?

That's from me.

And me.

And me.

"Happy birthday, jesse,

"The world's greatest uncle."

Aw... Me and
stephanie signed it.

Michelle stepped in
paint and walked on it.

We love you so much.

This is the best present
a guy could ever get.

You're welcome!

Ok, happy birthday, jesse.

What did I get?

An appointment book.


Now you can be
as organized as me.

I started filling out
your "things to do today."

Thing number one...
Pretend you like this gift.

Oh, I love it.

Here you go, partner.

Hey, give me that.

What did I get?

Whoa! An elvis watch!

The right hand indicates hours,

And the left
indicates the minutes.

His hips tick off the seconds.

♪ Tick, baby, tock, baby ♪

♪ Tick, baby, tock, baby ♪♪

Ho! Time to buy a cadillac.

How does it feel to be 26?

It feels great.

This is my year, man.

Got a great family,
perfect girlfriend.

Our advertising
stuff's going well.

This is the year my
band's going to make it.

Seeing the band tonight?

We wouldn't miss it.

Girls, let's get
dressed for school.

We have to go on
jesse's birthday?

I'm sure there will be
an assembly in his honor.

Um, uncle jesse?

Don't forget our soccer game.

Deej, I'm the coach.

Without me, you've got no
strategy, no motivation...

No ride.

Get out.

My birthday.

Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Get back here, you
little gift-grabber.

Give me that loot.

Happy birthday.


Here. Keep the appointment book.

No, thank you.

Jess, listen to this.

Here's some lyrics to
this credit dentist jingle.

♪ If you need a root canal ♪

♪ You don't have
any money, pal ♪

♪ Relax, don't sweat it ♪

♪ Dr. Lennox gives ya credit ♪♪

Dr. Lennox, america's
top credit dentist.

And now, climbing the charts,

The music to this
wonderful jingle.

[Shrill heavy metal riff]

That sounds like
a dentist's drill.

Sorry, I was working on
something for tonight's gig.

But I'm there for you.

Ok, guys, I got some news.

Jesse, you get out your
new appointment book.

Write down 7:30 tonight.

Sam battersby. Smash club.

Sam battersby, the music critic
from the san francisco mirror?

You bet.

He was in the studio.

I talked him into hearing
your band tonight.

How did you do it?

I used my wit, my charm,

And my two giants tickets.

Danny, you're the
greatest brother-in-law.

Jesse, you're hugging me.

I've been living in
this house too long.

Next, you'll be filling
up that appointment book.


What's the matter, michelle?

Where's jack?

Jack's in the box.

Jack, come out.


Let me see that.

All right, jack.

Michelle and I have
got you surrounded.

You come out now,

Or we're coming in
after you, sweetheart.

Jess, it's already 3:20.

Joseph, I've got to
coach d.j.'S soccer game.

We'll finish later.


I realize it looks
like I'm running out,

But I would never
do that to you.

I'll tell you why
when I get back.

Ha! You'll never
get the ball past me.

Look, jeans on sale!


Yes, tanner scores a goal!

Don't make jokes about a sale.

That's so cruel.

Come on, girls. Let's go.

We've got a tough game today.

Uncle jesse! Uncle jesse!

Stephanie! Stephanie!

Tomorrow's my school bake sale.

Will you bake 100 cookies?

Pretty please, with
chocolate chips on top?

With chocolate chips on top?

How could I turn it down?

You can't.

Let's go!

He'll bake your cookies later,

You little chicken wing.

Oh, yeah?

If I'm a chicken wing,

You're a can of
chicken noodle soup.

You have a paramecium's brain.

I have a paramecium's brain,

But you only have the
brain of one mecium.

Ha, ha, ha!

Is there no way to beat her?

No, not really.

Let's go, girls.

Come on, look alive, now!

Mr. Bear, while uncle
jesse's baking cookies,

Let me lick the bowl.

You've put on a
couple of pounds.

♪ Na na na na ♪

♪ Hey, hey, hey ♪

♪ Good bye ♪♪

Yay! Whoo!

We creamed those nerd bombers.

On your mark, get
set, bake cookies!

All right. I'm there
for you, babe.

Hi, everybody!

Hi! Hi!

Happy 26th.

Thank you.


That's more than halfway to 50.

It's all downhill from here.


[Crashing sound]

Have I told you how
much I appreciate you?



I'll give you your
present later,

But first, here's
a little preview.



Girls, if you're going
to the smash club,

You'd best get dressed.

Thanks for inviting me.

Hold it!

Too late.

She's already home
trying on outfits.

I'll go get changed.

You just bake, baby, bake.

When should I pick you up

For the wedding tomorrow?

What wedding?

Don't say you forgot.

Oh. Why would I forget
your cousin's wedding?

Uh, niece's?

Old roommate's?


It's my uncle's first
wife's son-in-law.

That was my next guess.

Don't worry. I'm there for you.

Jess, write the music
to this dentist jingle.

I need your help.

My car sounds
like my uncle fred.

It's going... [Choking engine]

[Wheezing cough]

My car needs a mechanic.

My uncle fred needs a vaporizer.

I'll get to your car.

We'll do the jingle.

I'll cook stephanie's
cookies tomorrow.

But now, elvis'
hands tell me it's 5:55.

I've got to be at the
smash club at 6:15.

See you boys and girls later.

Hi. I'm danny tanner.

We spoke about
bringing my daughters

To see their uncle jesse play

On his birthday. Thanks.

Hey, not so fast.

Aren't you forgetting something?

Oh. Right.

Here's your two giants tickets.

I may never see a game.

Whoa. This place is so rad.

Yeah. Look at all
these cute guys.

At least no one's
wearing my outfit.

Hey, jess. We're over here.

Whoa, jesse. Good look.

Bon jovi have a garage sale?

Not a good time for jokes.

Jesse's band didn't show up.

I double booked us.

They're playing in sacramento.

I thought I cancelled that.

I've got so many
things going on.

I can't keep track
of everything.

Tough break.

Anybody want to see a movie?

Hey, katsopolis.

Yes, sir.

Time's up.

I don't care where
your band is. Play.

By myself?

Come here.

You see that guy?

That's sam battersby.

His reviews could
make you or break you.

Me, I could just break you.



Uh, sir, where am I
going to find a band?

[Playing off-key]

We're there for you, babe.

Remember, it's an easy song.

It's two chords... E... A.

We'll do it. Ready?

And break! And break! And break!


All right!

It's come down to this...

Jesse and the partridge family.

Ladies and gentlemen,

The smash club is proud to...

No. The smash club is
contractually obligated

To present jesse and...

Uh... These other guys.

Jesse and these other guys.

How are you doing,
san francisco?

Ready to rock and roll?

Yeah! Yeah!

All right! Whoo!

I hope we are.

Rock and roll!

♪ There she was ♪

♪ Just a-walkin' down
the street, singin' ♪

[Singing off-key] ♪ doo wah
diddy diddy dum diddy doo ♪

♪ Poppin' her fingers ♪

♪ And shufflin'
her feet, singin' ♪

♪ Doo wah diddy
diddy dum diddy doo ♪

♪ She looked good ♪

♪ She looked good ♪

♪ She looked fine ♪

♪ She looked fine ♪

♪ She looked good ♪

♪ She looked fine
and I nearly... ♪

Drum solo, d.j.!

[Thumps on drums]

Go, dad, go!

[Plays guitar solo
from day tripper]

Take it, joey!

[Plays blues]

♪ I say doo wah diddy ♪

♪ Diddy dum diddy doo ♪

♪ My shrink said I'm crazy ♪

♪ I said give me a
second opinion ♪

♪ He said son,
you're ugly, too ♪

[Drum rimshot]

Ha ha ha ha! Oh, yeah!

Oh, come on! Oh, come on!

This band stinks.

Let's get out of here.

Yeah. Ugh.

♪ Before I knew it ♪

♪ She was walkin'
next to me, singin' ♪

♪ Doo wah diddy
diddy dum diddy do ♪

♪ Holdin' my hand ♪

♪ Just as natural
as can be, singin' ♪

♪ Doo wah diddy diddy ♪
dum diddy doo ♪

♪ We walked on ♪

♪ Walked on ♪

♪ To my door ♪

♪ To my door ♪

♪ We walked on to my door ♪

♪ Then we kissed a little more ♪

♪ Doo wah diddy
diddy dum diddy doo ♪

We're singin'!

♪ Doo wah diddy
diddy dum diddy doo ♪


♪ Doo wah diddy diddy... ♪♪

♪ There was a farmer had a dog ♪

♪ And bingo was his name-o ♪

[Clapping four times]

♪ O ♪

[Clapping four times ♪

♪ O ♪

♪ O ♪

♪ And bingo was his name-o ♪

♪ There was a farmer had a dog ♪

♪ And bingo was his name-o ♪

♪ And bingo was his name-o ♪♪

Thank you, you
beautiful audience.

One more time!

♪ There was a farmer had a dog ♪

♪ And bingo was his name-o ♪

♪ B-i-n-g-o ♪

♪ B-i-n-g-o ♪

♪ B-i-n-g-o ♪

♪ And bingo was his name-o ♪

♪ There was a farmer had a dog ♪

♪ And bingo was his name-o... ♪♪

[Mumbling in sleep]

[Knock on door]

Uncle jesse, wake up.

[Clap clap]

♪ N-g-o ♪

Oh, stef. Thanks
for waking me up.

I was having a
horrible nightmare.

There's an article
about our band.

Oh, no. It wasn't a nightmare.

Listen to this.

"If you missed jesse last night,

You're luckier than I am."


Wait. There's more.

"They were so bad,

"A room full of metalheads

Were forced to
flee the building."

Let me see that.

There's got to be
something good.

Ah. See. Right here.

"The bright spot of the evening

"Was the inspired
keyboard playing

Of the adorable kimmy gibbler."


Are you sure it doesn't
say, "a doorbell"?

That's it. My career is over.

At least you have plenty of time

To make my cookies
for the bake sale.

I'm there for you, babe.

No jack.

Oh, michelle, I'm sorry.

I promised to fix it.

Fix it now.

Uncle jesse!

I'm coming, d.j.

I'll be right back, michelle.

Aw, nuts.

Why aren't you dressed?

Our game starts soon.

He can't be your coach.
He's baking cookies.

Just grab a bunch of oreos

And scrape the name off.

All right, girls, don't worry.

Everything is under control, ok?

Make the cookies, play soccer...

Ok, it's dental music time.

How's that jingle?

Let me get my keyboard.

Hey! Hey!

What about my soccer?

My cookies?

What about jack?

I'm sorry, michelle.

Jesse, I ruined my shirt,

But I think I found
my car problem.

Know why this
carburetor won't work?

Yeah. It's in your hand

And not under your hood.

Jess, you promised
you'd help me.

My jingle.

My cookies.

My soccer.

And jack.

We've got everything
under control.

We'll tow the car
to to soccer field.

While I'm fixing the carburetor,

I'll angle the mirror
so I can see the field

And coach the game.

During timeouts, I'll rush
into the school cafeteria

Bake, swing by a metal shop

And cut that jack
out of the box.

As for the jingle,

I'll whistle while I work.

This is your uncle
j. I'll handle this.

I can make this happen.

You can't wear a
bathrobe to the wedding.

How can I go?

There's soccer balls to bake.

I'm tuning up the jingle

And making the carburetor
pop from the box.

Just because I'm 26

Doesn't mean I can
do 26 things at once!

I'm sorry, I can't!

You read our review?


Don't worry. Be happy.

Your breakfast is served.

Hey, jesse.

Hi, jess.

Hi, uncle jesse.

What are you doing?

This is day one

Of your well-deserved
one-day vacation.

Your reading material.

I recommend curious george.

It's the best monkey
book ever written.

For your viewing pleasure,

The complete works
of the three stooges.

They'll mature from the silly,

"Whoo whoo whoo whoo nyah,"

To the sophisticated,
"nyuk nyuk nyuk. Soitenly."

It's real nice of you guys,

But I don't deserve this.

You're counting on
me. I let you down.

Give yourself a break.

It's great that you
want to help everyone,

But you can't do
everything at once.

What about all the
stuff I promised to do?

I got us extra time
to finish our jingle.

I'll go with cousin
sharon to the wedding.

Joey's coaching soccer.

And daddy's baking my cookies.

And mr. Goodwrench
is fixing my car.

But I don't want
to miss this stuff.

I love being there for you.

I feel like I'm needed.

I'm supposed to be the
world's greatest uncle.

You are.

But you still have to learn

To balance your priorities.

It's great to bake
cookies for stephanie,

But not if it costs your job.

Unless you want to be a baker.

Thank you, stephanie.

You're welcome.

He was being sarcastic.

So was i.

It's ok to ask for help.

We're not shy about asking you.

We're a team here.

Well, thank you.

I love being part of this team.

Ok, everybody. Dog
pile on uncle jesse!

Yay! Yippee! Whee!

We don't do that nearly enough.

Ok, uncle jesse's on vacation,

And we've got stuff to do.


Thanks very much.

As soon as the wedding's over,

I'm coming back here

And see if I can't get
you totally relaxed.

Let me just say... Have mercy.

I like the way you say that.



Wake up jack.

I'm sorry.

Uncle j. Is on vacation.

I love you.

Aw... And I love you, too.


Come here. Let's see

If we can get that
old box working.

All right, are you ready?

Here we go.

[Jack-in-the-box music plays]


Ha! See!

I told you I'm
there for you, babe.

For you, babe.

[Talking baby talk]
no, for you, babe.

No, for you, babe.

For you, babe.

No, for you, babe.


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